A brief history
In 1860, The Faculty of Orthodox Theology was one of the four founding
faculties of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, along with the Faculty of Law,
the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Sciences.
The first professors of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology are the bishops Filaret
Scriban and Vladimir Suhopan. Filaret Scriban, Vice-Rector of the University and Dean
of The Faculty of Orthodox Theology, taught courses in Biblical Archeology and
Introduction to the Old Testament, while the subject of Vladimir Suhopan's academic
lectures was Church History and Doctrine.
Unfavorable historical circumstances led to the closing of the Faculty in 1864.
Documents attest that, in 1926, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology within the University
of Iaşi re-opened in Chişinău. As Bessarabia was annexed to the Soviet Union and the
faculty forced into closure by Communist authorities, most of the professors moved to
Bucharest after 1941. We mention some of the distinguished academics of the Faculty in
that period: Vasile Radu (The Old Testament), Toma Bulat (History of the Romanian
Orthodox Church), Cicerone Iordăchescu (Patristics), Valeriu Iordăchescu (Moral
Theology), Ion Savin (Fundamental Theology), Archimandrite Iuliu Scriban (Homiletics),
Popescu Prahova (Canon Law).
In 1990 the Faculty of Orthodox Theology was re-opened as Theological Institute
of University Degree due to the efforts of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of The
Romanian Orthodox Church, at the time Archbishop of Iaşi and Metropolitan of
Moldavia and Bukovina. In 1991, at the request of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Senate, it was reintegrated into the University of Iaşi.
In a climate of democracy and freedom, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology
adapted to the new requirements in academic education, keeping pace, at the same time,
with the challenges of a modern society in transition.
The Faculty offers a range of Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degree programmes.
In the academic year 2005-2006, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology aligned its
system to the Bologna Process, in compliance with legislative resolutions in force. The
Department of Orthodox Theology offers the following specialization options for
Bachelor's Degree Studies (first cycle of studies):
− Pastoral Orthodox Theology - length of studies: 4 years;
− Didactic Orthodox Theology - length of studies: 3 years;
− Social Orthodox Theology - length of studies: 3 years;
− Sacred Art - length of studies: 4 years.
Degree conferred upon completion: Bachelor of Theology.
The Bachelor's Degree programme Pastoral Orthodox Theology within the
Faculty of Orthodox Theology is dedicated to the comprehensive study of theological
issues and of topics of scientific reflection. The programme is designed to provide high
quality professional training. Students who wish to further specialize in this field may opt
to enroll in the Master's Degree programme (2nd Bologna cycle).
Pastoral Orthodox Theology, the main specialization within the Faculty of
Orthodox Theology, is designed to offer training to students who decide to pursue a
Church vocation and to future specialists in the theological and ecclesiastical field. The
formative educational process is carried out by excellent professors, whose merits are
appreciated at a local, national and international level.
The duration of this full-time study programme is 8 semesters. The Faculty of
Orthodox Theology decides every year upon the number of fee-free places and fee-
payable places for students, in accordance with the number of places approved by the
Senate of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and the Ministry of Education, Research and
Innovation. The curriculum plans are structured on 14-week semesters of didactic activity
and include 20-22 hours/week (see Curriculum Plan).
The total number of credits (ECTS) is 240 for 4 years, corresponding to 60 credits
per year. In the first two years of theological study, special importance is ascribed to
vocational disciplines (Spiritual Formation), biblical disciplines (Study of the Old
Testament, Study of the New Testament), historical disciplines (History of the Romanian
Orthodox Church, Universal Church History, Patristics and Elements of Byzantinology),
as well as to acquiring communication skills in a modern foreign language and
information technology skills.
In final years, the theological disciplines focus on the development of critical
reflection and of synthetic and discerning abilities (Dogmatic Theology, Moral Theology,
Orthodox Spirituality, History and Philosophy of Religions, Fundamental Theology and
Missiology). The curriculum also comprises fundamental specialized subjects for the
complete clerical formation, such as Homiletics and Catechetics, Church Law and
Church Administration, Pastoral Theology, etc.
The specialization Pastoral Orthodox Theology has at its disposal 15 rooms for
lectures and seminars, among which a fully-equipped teleconference room (850 seats), a
computer room with 20 functional PCs and Intranet access, a chapel and a library with a
reading room (177 seats), a total area of 1216,90 m².
We attach great importance to students attending religious services performed in
the chapel of the Faculty and in the Metropolitan Cathedral. We also believe in the
importance of student-tutor relationships. Consequently, each of our groups of students is
at present under the guidance of an advisor (tutor) who helps them identify the best
academic pathway.
Students also have at their disposal a library with a rich collection of more than
100,000 titles. Most of the books are fundamental works, in several foreign languages,
and many of them are also available in electronic format.
Students with excellent results have the opportunity to participate in numerous
scientific sessions organized by the Faculty. Their scientific contributions may be
published in the Faculty journal “Scientific Annals of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of
Iaşi. Orthodox Theology Series”, annual publication until 2008 and biannual from 2009.
Among various opportunities, students can benefit, through competition, from a
mobility grant at our numerous partner and collaborator universities (Strasbourg –
France, Utrecht – Holland, Udine – Italy, Freiburg and Lausanne – Switzerland,
Tessaloniki – Greece, Vienna – Austria, Ljubljana – Slovenia, “Albert Ludwigs”
University, Freiburg im Breisgau, “St. John of Damascus” Institute of Theology within
the University of Balamand, Lebanon, Turkey, Bulgaria).
Graduates specialized in Pastoral Orthodox Theology may become church
clerical members and be ordained as deacons, priests and bishops, in accordance with
“The Statutes for the Organization and Functioning of the Romanian Orthodox Church”.
Graduates who do not opt for a clerical career may choose another field of activity in
Church administration or civil society.
Lectures and seminars are delivered by academics: university professors,
associate professors, readers, assistant professors, instructors from the Faculty of
Theology, as well as from other faculties of the University of Iaşi.
The period of study for the B.A. programme Social Assistance is 6 semesters.
Curriculum plans are structured on semesters of 14 weeks of didactic activity and include
20-22 hours/week.
The total number of credits (ECTS) is 180 for 3 years of studies, corresponding to
60 credits per year.
Due to numerous partnerships of the faculty with universities abroad, many
students enrolled in this specialization have benefited from Socrates-Erasmus academic
mobility grants that enabled them to study at prestigious universities in Europe: Karl
Franzens Universität, Graz; Vienna Universität; Université Catholique de Louvain;
Diakonhojskolen, Aarhus; Université de Lausanne; Université de Fribourg; Université de
Strasbourg, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt; Humboldt – Universität zu Berlin;
Aristotle Universitz, Thessaloniki; Universita di Udine; Sor-Trondelag University,
Trondheim; Universiteit Utrecht; University of Ljubljana.
In the second semester of the first year of studies, students enrolled in the Social
Assistance programme begin training in specialized institutions with which the Faculty
has previous agreements.
Upon graduation, students holding a Bachelor's Degree in Social Assistance may
get employed in state or church institutions in the field of social services.
In the future, the Management of the Faculty intends to introduce Master's
programmes for this specialization, in which renowned Romanian and international
scholars have announced their intention to collaborate.
Romania has a rich, largely ecclesiastic, cultural heritage. As most of the heritage
is in an advanced state of deterioration, His Beatitude Daniel made efforts to put an end
to this process and reinstate heritage values. For this purpose, in the academic year 1993-
1994, His Beatitude founded a new department within the Faculty of Orthodox Theology,
Orthodox Theology – Cultural Heritage.
At the time, it was the first specialization of this kind in the country which
subsequently obtained definitive accreditation.
The first courses on the conservation and restoration of icons and old books began
in the autumn of 1993. In 1999, a new specialization programme was established -
Ecclesiastical Painting.
In 2002, the specialization Sacred Art received definitive accreditation.
The Sacred Art specialization, in which may enroll both B.A. and M.A. students,
is designed to train specialists in the conservation of heritage goods, restoration of books
- written documents and of icons – polychromatic painted wood (painting on wood
panel), as well as to train ecclesiastical painters (mural and icon painting).
Graduates may choose to work in other cultural sectors (publishing houses,
museums, libraries, culture houses, etc.). Students who opt for the Teacher Training
Module (optional) qualify as teachers of Visual Arts in pre-university education, etc.
Tens of generations have made the preservation of icons and religious books –
evidence of the lasting existence of Romanian Christian religion- a moral obligation. By
passing them on in a good condition from generation to generation we ensure the
preservation of the iconographic tradition of ecclesiastical painting.
Our goal is to continue our predecessors' efforts with the new generations and, at
the same time, to bring scientific knowledge in cultural heritage conservation into line
with European field-related standards.
Church art signifies the socialization of the image, its transposition into
transcendence. Through its various means of expression it bonds Christians, in a society
in which visual art is increasingly desecrated. Sacred art supports the idea of communion
through the recognition of authentic values, specific in all their diversity.
From an Orthodox perspective, the introduction of elements of sacred art to
students in the pre-university educational system - theological seminaries, high schools
and secondary schools - may confer a necessary catechetical character to Visual Arts
classes. It is a means of ensuring that the young generation is educated in the spirit of
appreciation, preservation and creation of Christian values.
Developing directions:
- Ecclesiastical painting;
- Conservation restoration icon - polychromatic painted wood;
- Conservation restoration - book-written document.
All B.A. graduates having undertaken the Teacher Training Module (level 1),
corresponding to 30 credits, qualify as teachers in the primary and lower-secondary
Our students will be able to obtain credits at the other 13 faculties of the
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. Our faculty offers the possibility to students registered
in other faculties to choose the specializations Didactic Orthodox Theology and Orthodox
Theology Social Assistance at the following complementary disciplines: Introduction to
the Study of the New Testament; Romanian Orthodox Church History; Dogmatic
Theology; Christian Moral; Orthodox Spirituality; History and Philosophy of Religions.
The six disciplines above are complementary, each of them being taught over 2
Since 1998 the Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Stăniloaie” organizes
Advanced Studies, and since 2002-2003 Master's Degree Studies and Doctoral Studies
in Theology.
Upon graduating the first cycle of studies, students may opt to enroll in a Masters
course (four semesters), in the following research directions: 1. Hermeneutics and
Biblical Theology; 2. Systematic Theology in Contemporary Context; 3. Life of the
Church: Past and Present; 4. Liturgical, Pastoral and Missionary Theology.
Master's Degree Studies (2nd cycle of studies) – 2 years in duration, comprise
the following study programmes:
- Hermeneutics and Biblical Theology;
- Systematic Theology in Contemporary Context;
- Life of the Church: Past and Present;
- Liturgical, Pastoral and Missionary Theology.
- Theology – Cultural Heritage.
M.A. graduates having undertaken the Teacher Training Modules (level 1 and 2),
corresponding to 60 credits, qualify as teachers in upper secondary education.
The Doctoral School develops an advanced form of research. At present, the
following professors are doctoral advisors in Theology: 1. Priest professor Ph.D. Viorel
SAVA – Liturgical Theology, 2. Priest professor Ph.D. Petre Semen – Study of the Old
Testament; 3. Priest professor Ph.D. Nicolae Achimescu – History and Philosophy of
Religions; 4. Priest professor Ph.D. Gheorghe Petraru – Missiology and Ecumenism; 5.
Academician professor Ph.D. Emilian Popescu – Byzantinology; 6. Priest professor Ph.D.
Constantin Rus – Church Law and Church Administration.
Students holding a Master's Degree may enroll in the Doctoral School (3rd cycle
of studies), which is 3 years in duration. The title conferred upon completion is Ph.D. in
Theology, which gives access to employment in the higher education system and in
scientific research.
Scientific Activity
The Faculty of Orthodox Theology publishes the annual journal “Scientific
Annals of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi. Orthodox Theology Series”, which
comprises specialized studies and articles. The Faculty professors constantly publish
studies in prestigious Romanian and international journals, such as: Theologia,
Oekumenische Rundschau, Nicolas, Theology, Studii Teologice, Teologie şi Viaţă,
Revista Teologică , Altarul Banatului, Dialog Teologic, etc.
Throughout the academic year 2008 - 2009, apart from the didactic activity of
theological and spiritual training of our students, our goal was to enhance scientific
research and strengthen relations with other Faculties of Theology. Scientific research
materialized in the publication of 26 books, 2 translations, 154 studies, 24 of them in ISI
journals. We also note the participation in 119 national and international conferences,
symposiums and scientific seminars, as well as to 15 research contracts, 97 radio and
television programmes. Our Faculty organized 7 exhibitions and took part in 18 similar
cultural activities in Romania and abroad.
An important accomplishment is the consolidation of the Doctoral School, with 7
(seven) doctoral advisers, some of them being unique in Romania in the specialization
fields they coordinate. This proves we are among the best Doctoral Schools of Orthodox
Theology in the country.
We have shown great interest in the teaching and learning process, in students'
spiritual formation and in enhancing communication with students.
The Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Stăniloaie” has numerous relations
of cooperation with universities world-wide : Athens, Tessaloniki (Greece); Lausanne,
Neuchâtel (Switzerland); Paris, Strasbourg (France); Mainz, Augsburg (Germany);
Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium); Freiburg, Erlangen, Heidelberg, Tubingen (Germany);
Trondheim (Norway); Oxford and Leeds (England), Vienna (Austria), Ljubljana
(Slovenia), Udine (Italy), Utrecht (Holland), Aarhus (Danemark), Joensuun (Finland),
Chania (Crete), as an illustration of our preoccupation with promoting theological,
ecumenical and cultural dialogue. Academic agreements include teacher and student
exchanges, periodic consultations, participation in research programmes, in a shared
concern to harmonize the European educational systems and enhance performance in the
educational process.
There is one department within the Faculty of Orthodox Theology: the Department of
Orthodox Theology
Head of Department:
Priest professor Ph.D. Ioan-Cristinel Teşu – Head of Department Office
Faculty Management:
Priest professor Ph.D. Viorel SAVA – Dean's Offices + Office Practice
Tel. & Fax: 0040 232 258430, sava63@teo.uaic.ro
Senior Secretary
Adrian-Marian CUCU
Tel.: 0040 232 201328, Fax: 0040 232 258430, 0332 816723 adriancucu@teo.uaic.ro
Web: http://www.uaic.ro/facultati/teologie
Administrative Director:
Engineer Otilia CUCU
Tel.: 0040 232 201329, Fax: 0040 232 258430, otilia@teo.uaic.ro
Opening hours:
Monday – Wednesday: 10.30 – 12.30
Thursday: 13.00 – 16.00
Faculty premises
The Faculty has at its disposal a total of 47 rooms for lectures and seminars, laboratories,
practice workshops for Sacred Art students, an indoor chapel, a library, a computer room,
and individual offices for consultations with professor advisors.
Student Associations
The Association of Christian Orthodox Students in Romania, founded in 1990, carries out
its activities within the Faculty premises. Its aim is cultivating Christian faith and culture
in the academic environment.
Please find the curricula in the annex.
Curricula in agreement with the Bologna Process (Romanian/English), series
2009-2011 and series 2009-2012 for the Pastoral Orthodox Theology specialization.
Remarks about complementary courses (60 credits) for students registered in other
Twelve subjects (60 credits) are compulsory for students who opt for Didactic Orthodox
Theology and Social Assistance Orthodox Theology, as complementary fields.
Faculty of Orthodox Theology Valid for the bachelor degree
Department: Orthodox Theology 2009-2013
Field: Theology
Specialization: Pastoral Orthodox Theology*
Full-time degree
4 years of study
Note: Besides the courses listed in the curriculum, every week all the students must attend a Vespers service and a Holy Liturgy (on
Wednesday and Friday) in the Faculty chapel, outside the course timetable. The students who will collect three [3] absences per semester
will not be able to take part in the exams.
* Pastoral Orthodox Theology does not offer complementary courses to students registered in other faculties.
** The minimum grade required to pass a course unit is 5 [five].
*** Orthodox Spirituality in the 3rd year of study; Christian Morality in the 4th year of study
Graduation exam 5
Note: Besides the courses listed in the curriculum, every week all the students must attend a Vespers service and a Holy Liturgy (on
Wednesday and Friday) in the Faculty chapel, outside the course timetable. The students who will collect three [3] absences per
semester will not be able to take part in the exams.
* Pastoral Orthodox Theology does not offer complementary courses to students registered in other faculties.
** The minimum grade required to pass a course unit is 5 [five].
*** Orthodox Spirituality in the 3rd year of study; Christian Morality in the 4th year of study
Legend: C=course, S=seminar, Laboratory=, P=practicals
Faculty of Orthodox Theology Valid for the bachelor degree
Department: Orthodox Theology 2009-2012
Field: Theology
Specialization: Didactic Orthodox Theology
Full-time degree
3 years of study
Note: Besides the courses listed in the curriculum, every week all the students must attend a Vespers service and a Holy Liturgy (on
Wednesday and Friday) in the Faculty chapel, outside the course timetable. The students who will collect three [3] absences per semester will
not be able to take part in the exams.
* Pastoral Orthodox Theology does not offer complementary courses to students registered in other faculties.
** The minimum grade required to pass a course unit is 5 [five].
*** Orthodox Spirituality in the 3rd year of study; Christian Morality in the 4th year of study
Complementary courses can be taken by students registered in other faculties.
1. Psychosociology of school groups; 2. Educational communication; 3. Integrative theories and practices.
Legend: C=course, S=seminar, L=laboratory, P=practicals.
Note: Besides the courses listed in the curriculum, every week all the students must attend a Vespers service and a Holy Liturgy (on Wednesday
and Friday) in the Faculty chapel, outside the course timetable. The students who will collect three [3] absences per semester will not be able to
take part in the exams.
* Pastoral Orthodox Theology does not offer complementary courses to students registered in other faculties.
** The minimum grade required to pass a course unit is 5 [five].
*** Orthodox Spirituality in the 3rd year of study; Christian Morality in the 4th year of study
Complementary courses can be taken by students registered in other faculties.
1. Psychosociology of school groups; 2. Educational communication; 3. Integrative theories and practices.
Legend: C=course, S=seminar, L=laboratory, P=practicals.
Note: Besides the courses listed in the curriculum, every week all the students must attend a Vespers service and a Holy Liturgy (on
Wednesday and Friday) in the Faculty chapel, outside the course timetable. The students who will collect three [3] absences per semester
will not be able to take part in the exams.
* Pastoral Orthodox Theology does not offer complementary courses to students registered in other faculties.
** The minimum grade required to pass a course unit is 5 [five].
*** Orthodox Spirituality in the 3rd year of study; Christian Morality in the 4th year of study
Complementary courses can be taken by students registered in other faculties.
1. Psychosociology of school groups; 2. Educational communication; 3. Integrative theories and practices.
Legend: C=course, S=seminar, L=laboratory, P=practicals.
have acquired skills in the exegetical biblical study in agreement with the Orthodox
biblical hermeneutics.
Course contents: The prophetic books. Exegesis of texts of great relevance to the doctrine
of the Orthodox Church. Various biblical themes corresponding to the missionary activities
of the Church.
Recommended reading: Semen, Petre, Introducere în studiul biblic, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2008;
Semen, Petre, Introducere în teologia profeţilor biblici, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2008; Schulz,
Samuel, Călătorie prin Vechiul Testament, Oradea, 2001; Halley, Henry, Manual Biblic,
Door of Hope, 1983; Neaga, Nicolae, Hristos în Vechiul Testament, Cluj, 2004.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, debates
Assessment methods: portfolio assessment and final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Name of the lecturer: Petre Semen
Course objective: Identify the messianic texts in the psalms and the specificity of
Hebrew poetry.
Course contents: Hebrew poetry, parable in the Bible and biblical symbolism. The
specificity of Hebrew poetry. Biblical typology.
Recommended reading: Semen, Petre, Introducere în studiul biblic, Trinitas, Iaşi,
2008; Semen, Petre, Introducere în teologia profeţilor biblici, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2008;
Semen, Petre, Experienţa umanului cu divinul – Teologie Biblică, Performantica, Iaşi,
2008; Schulz, Samuel, Călătorie prin Vechiul Testament, Oradea, 2001; Halley, Henry,
Manual Biblic, Door of Hope, 1983; Nicolae, Neaga, Hristos în Vechiul Teastament,
Cluj, 2004; Phillips, John, Comentariu asupra Psalmilor, vol I-IV, transl. Monica Dan,
Stephanus, Bucuresti, 2001.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, debates, portfolio
Assessment methods: 30% active participation in seminar acivities, 70% final exam
Language of instruction: Romanian
33-37), on the study of Jesus Christ's sermons and miracles in the first two canonical
writings and on the two apostles' narrative of the passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Recommended reading: Gheorghiu, Vasile, Sf. Evanghelie de la Matei cu comentar, vol
I-III, Cernăuţi, 1933; Marcu, Grigorie, Fruma, Ioan, Procesul Mântuitorului – studiu
juridic şi teologic, Sibiu, 1945; Moisescu, Iustin, Originalitatea parabolelor
Mântuitorului, R. Vâlcea, 1945; Sf. Ioan Gură de Aur, Omilii la Matei (Scrieri partea a
III-a), PSB 23, Bucureşti, 1994; Brown, R.E., An Introduction to the New Testament,
New-York, 1997; Karavidopoulos, I., Comentariu la Evanghelia după Marcu, Ed.
Bizantină, Bucureşti, 2007; Stamatoiu, D., Cele patru Sfinte Evanghelii, Craiova, 2000;
Mihoc, V., Mihoc, D., Mihoc, I., Introducere în Studiul Noului Testament, Sibiu, 2001;
Tofană, St., Evangheliile după Matei şi Marcu. Documentul Quelle, Cluj-Napoca, 2002;
Tofană, St., Studiul Noului Testament, Cluj-Napoca, 2005.
Teaching methods: academic lecture, debate (interactive course)
Assessment methods: Mixed type – 30% periodic written tests, 30% oral exam, 30%
written exam.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Jesus prays for all believers (John 17); the passion of Christ; the resurrection and
Messiah's apparitions; the apparition in Galilee and Peter's reinstatement (John 21).
Elements of sacramental theology in the Gospel of John. The work of the Holy Spirit in
the development of the Church.
Recommended reading: Biblia, Ediţii ale Sfântului Sinod al B.O.R; Studiul Noului
Testament - manual, Bucureşti, 1977; Stamatoiu, D., Cele patru sfinte Evanghelii,
Universitaria, Craiova, 2000; Melniciuc-Puică, Ilie, Evanghelia după Luca repere
isagogice şi comentariu (cap. 1-2), Euristica, Iaşi, 2004; Sf. Chiril al Alexandriei,
Comentar la Evanghelia după Ioan, Bucureşti, 2000; Sf. Ioan Gură de Aur, Comentar la
Evanghelia de la Ioan, Pelerinul Român, Oradea, 2005; Sofron, Vlad, Prologul
Evangheliei a patra, Cluj, 1937; Brown, R.E., Fitzmyer, J.A., Murphy, R.E., Carm, O.,
Introducere şi comentariu la Sfânta Scriptură. Vol. IX. – literatura ioaneică, Galaxia
Gutenberg, Tg. Lăpuş, 2007; Vasilescu, Em., Evangheliile sinoptice - probleme
dogmatice şi idei sociale, în rev. M.M.S., nr 1-2, 1966; Nicolaescu, N., Actualitatea
parabolelor istorisite în Evanghelia după Sfântul Luca, S. T., nr. 5-6, 1952; Marcu, Grig.,
Părţi proprii Sf. Luca în textul introductiv al Evangheliei a treia, MA 3 - 3, 1967;
Nicolaescu, N., Cele 4 evanghelii, dovada pentru folosirea pâinii dospite la Sf.
Euharistie, S.T., nr 9 - 10, 1951; Marcu, Grig., Părţi proprii Sf. Luca în finalul
istorisirilor evanghelice, MA, 1-2, 1956; Bovon, F., L’Évangile selon S. Luc, vol. 1, 1,1-
9,51, Labor et Fides, Genève, 1991; Idem, vol. 2, 9,51-14,35, Labor et Fides, Genève,
1996; Tofană, S., Introducere în Studiul Noului Testament. (vol. III). Evangheliile după
Luca şi Ioan. Problema sinoptică, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj Napoca, 2002;
Melniciuc, I., Utilizarea Vechiului Testament în scrierile lucanice, Iaşi, 2005; Preda, C.,
Propovăduirea apostolică, Ed. IBMBOR, Bucureşti, 2005.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, debates (interactive course)
Assessment methods: Mixed type – 30% periodic writen tests, 30% oral exam, 30%
written exam
Language of instruction: Romanian
Caesarea in Palestine and Rome. General introduction to Pauline epistles (number,
language and distribution of epistles). Romans (interpretation of chapters 1-11, 12-16); 1
Corinthians (introductory notions, author, place, purpose, plan, interpretation of chapters
1-16); 2 Corinthians (introductory notions, author, place, purpose, plan, interpretation of
chapters 1-13); Galatians (introductory mentions, author, place, purpose, plan); Ephesians
(introductory mentions, author, authenticity, place and purpose, interpretation);
Philippians (introductory notions, author, authenticity, place and purpose, interpretation);
Colossians (introductory notions, author, authenticity, place and purpose of writing,
interpretation). Other topics to be tackled: Hebrew Law and Law of Love; personality and
life of the apostles; role of Scripture and of tradition in Church life; the woman in the
New Testament writings and in Church; biblical readings in Hebrew religion and in
Christian denominations; biblical eschatology and the Orthodox iconographic specificity;
literary and narrative structure of the New Testament text.
Recommended reading: Sf. Ioan Hrisostom, Comentarii la cele 14 Epistole ale Sf.
Apostol Pavel, trad. Teodosie Atanasiu, 1902-1914; Stamatoiu, D., La plinirea vremii,
Craiova, 2002; Verzan, S., Sfântul Apostol Pavel, EIBMBOR, Bucureşti, 1996;
Moisescu, I., Activitatea Sf. Apostol Pavel în Atena, Craiova, 1946 sau Bucureşti, 2002;
Brown, R.E., Fitzmyer, J. A., Murphy, R.E., Carm, O., Introducere şi comentariu la
Sfânta Scriptură. Vol. VII – Literatura paulină, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2008; Gheorghiu, V.,
Epistola către Romani, Cernăuţi, 1938; Bude, I., Jertfa duhovnicească în Rom 12, Alma
Mater, Cluj-Napoca, 2006; Viezuianu, D., Hristologia Epistolei către Romani, R. Vâlcea,
1999; Melniciuc, I., Răbdarea şi mângâierea care vin din Scripturi. Argumentaţia
veterotestamentară în Epistola către Romani, Performantica, Iaşi, 2009; Marcu, Grig.,
Antropologia paulină, Sibiu, 1941; Nicolaescu, N., Actualitatea epistolei I Corinteni, ST
1-2 şi 3-4 1951; Bălana, Gh., Sf. Ap. Pavel şi creştinii din Corint, S.T. 7-8, 1957;
Moisescu, I., Sf. Ap. Pavel şi viaţa celor mai de seamă comunităţi creştine în epoca
apostolică, S.T. 7-8,1951; Mihoc, V., Epistola către Galateni, S.T. 3-4 şi 5-6, 1983;
Mihoc, V., Eclesiologia Noului Testament, ST, nr. 3-4, 1977; Rovenţa, H., Epistola către
Efeseni a Sf. Ap. Pavel, introd. şi comentar, Bucureşti, 1929.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, debates (interactive course)
Assessment methods: 20% mid-term evaluation, 30% seminar paper, 40% final test.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course contents: This course will cover the follwing topics: Christology in the New
Testament epistles; grace and holiness in the life of Christians in Asia Minor
communities; advice related to community life in the New Testament epistles; attitude
towards women, children and the suffering in the Pauline and Petrine epistles;
sacramental hierarchy and universal priesthood; the connection between the priesthood in
the New and Old Testament; eschatology in the New Testament epistles; ecclesiology in
the New Testament epistles and in the Book of Revelation; Hebrew Law and Law of
Love; personality and life of the apostles; role of Scripture and of Tradition in Church
life; the woman in the New Testament writings and in Church; Hebraisms,
Septuagintisms, Grecisms and Latinisms in the writings of the Saint Apostles.
Recommended reading: Mihoc, V., Eshatologia paulină, in RT, nr. 4, 1993; Verzan, S.,
Epistola I către Timotei a Sf. Apostol Pavel. Introducere, traducere şi comentariu,
Bucureşti 1988; Sîrbu, Gh., Ep. II către Timotei, ST, 1988; Verzan, S., Epistola către Tit,
EIBMBOR, 1991; Tofană, Stelian, Iisus Hristos, Arhiereu veşnic, după Epistola către
Evrei, Cluj-Napoca, 2000; Johnson, L.T., Hebrews. A commentary, Westmister J. Knox
Press, London, 2006; Mircea, I., Epistola I a Sf. Ap. Petru, G. B. 9-10,1973; Bălana, Gh.,
Epistola I a Sf. Ap. şi Ev. Ioan, M.O. 9-10 şi 11-12,1973; M.O. 1-2, 7-8,1974; M.O. 1-2,
3-4,1975; Stamatoiu, D., Ep. II către Tesaloniceni, Trinitas, Iaşi, 1996; Morgen, M., Les
épitres de Jean, Les Editions du Cerf, Paris, 2005 ; Crângaşu, N., Epistola a II-a
sobornicească a Sf. Ap. Petru, Alma Mater, Cluj Napoca, 2006; Gheorghiu, V.,
Împărăţia de mii de ani şi lupta cea mai de pe urmă, 1928; Mircea, I., Apocalipsa.
Introducere, note şi comentariu, Bucureşti, 1995; Agouridis, S., Comentariu la
Apocalipsa, Ed. Bizantină, Bucureşti, 1997; Mihoc, D., Epistolele Apocalipsei, Sibiu,
2002; Prigent, P., L’Apocalypse de St. Jean, Labor et Fides, 2000; Onişor, R., Cartea lui
Enoh şi apocaliptica intertestamentară, Ed. Arhiepiscopiei, Alba Iulia, 2000; Drăgulin,
P., Apocalipsa, Bucureşti, 2005; Răduleanu, B., Sfânta Liturghie şi Apocalipsa tâlcuite
prin cuvintele de pe cruce, Bonifaciu, Bucureşti, 2007.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, conversation (interactive course)
Assessment methods: 20% mid-term evaluation, 30% seminar paper, 40% final written
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course contents: Introductory remarks about the discipline: significance, objectives,
research methodology, sources, literature, etc. The topics to be tackled are : early
Christian life on the territory of our country (sermon of Saint Apostles Andrew and
Philip, ways through which Christianity was introduced, linguistic and archaeological
proof, martyrs); Christian life in Dobrudja and Walachia (The Diocese of Tomis,
theologians from Scythia Minor, martyrs, monuments of church art); the Goths on the
territory of our country, Ulfila, persecutions of Christian Goths, Saint Sava “the Goth”
(and the correspondence generated by sending his relics); Church life of Romanians in
Transylvania and Banat (9th to 13th century); Church life of Romanians in extra-
Carpathian territories in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Recommended reading: Păcurariu, Mircea, IBOR, vol. 1, Iaşi, 2004; Vicovan, Ion,
IBOR, curs, vol.1, Iaşi, 2002; Popescu, Emilian, Creştinismul timpuriu pe teritoriul
României, în vol. omagial „Priveghind şi lucrând pentru Mântuire”, Iaşi, 2000; Verzan,
Sabin, Sf. Ap.Andrei, Constanţa, 1998; Coman, Ioan G., Scriitori bisericeşti din epoca
străromân, EIMBOR, Bucureşti, 1979.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, debates
Assessment methods: final written exam
Language of instruction: Romanian
cuget şi simţire românească, Bucureşti, 1981; Plămădeală, Antonie, De la Cazania lui
Varlaam la Ion Creangă, Sibiu, 1997.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, debates
Assessment methods: final written examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Name of the lecturer: Ion Vicovan
Course objective: By the end of the course students should be able to demonstrate that
they have significantly advanced their knowledge of important events and notable
personalities in the history of the Romanian Orthodox Church, which are systematically
presented from a historical and theological perspective.
Course contents: The following topics will be tackled: the Metropolitanate of Moldavia
in the first half of the 19th century, Metropolitan Veniamin Costachi; the Church in
Transylvania in the 19th century, Bishop Vasile Moga and Metropolitan Andrei Şaguna;
Saint Calinic of Cernica, Bishop of Râmnic, and Dionisie Romano, Bishop of Buzău;
Bishop Melchisedec Ştefănescu of Roman; Metropolitan Iosif Naniescu of Moldavia;
important events in the life of the Country and of the Church: the 1859 Union,
recognition of self-government, the 1918 Union, the Romanian Orthodox Church
Patriarchate; the Romanian Orthodox Church under patriarchs Miron Cristea and
Nicodim Munteanu; the Romanian Orthodox Church under patriarchs Justinian Marina,
Justin Moisescu and Teoctist Arăpaş; the Romanian Orthodox Church after 1989;
philanthropic activity of the Romanian Orthodox Church; reforms of Alexandru Ioan
Cuza and their consequences for the Church; metropolitans and patriarchs of the
Romanian Orthodox Church; Metropolitans Irineu Mihălcescu and Nicolae Bălan; the
Romanian Orthodox Church in communist times.
Recommended reading: Păcurariu, Mircea, IBOR, vol. 3, EIBMBOR, Bucureşti, 1994;
Moisescu, Gh. et al, IBR, vol.2, Bucureşti, 1958; Vicovan, Ion, IBOR, curs, vol. 2, Iaşi,
2002; Vicovan, Ion, Ioan Irineu Mihălcescu, 2 vol., Iaşi, 2004; Gheroghiţă, Ilie, Un veac
de la moartea mitropolitului Veniamin Costachi, Iaşi, 1946; Hitchins, Keith, Ortodoxie şi
naţionalitate – Andrei Şaguna şi românii din Transilvania 1846-1873, Bucureşti, 1995.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, debates
Assessment methods: final written examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
of the apostles and their disciples; The Judaizing heresies, the Judaeo-Gnosticism,
Gnostic heresies, the Antitrinitarianism, controversies and schisms; The religious policy
of the emperor Constantine the Great and his descendants; The Christianization of
Recommended reading: Ramureanu, Ioan, Şesan, Milan, Bodogae, Teodor, IBU, vol 1. ,
ediţia a III-a, Bucuresti, 1987; Chifăr, Nicolae, Istoria Creştinismului, vol. 1, Iaşi, 2001;
Idem, Teologie şi spiritualitate patristică, Iaşi, 2002; Rămureanu, Ioan, Actele martirice,
Bucureşti, 1982; Barnea, Ioan, Iliescu, Octavian, Constantin cel Mare, Bucureşti, 1982;
Daniel Benga, Metodologia studiuluui şi cercetării ştiinţifice în teologie, ediţia a II-a,
Bucureşti, 2003; Teodor M. Popescu, Îndrumări metodice de lucru pentru studenţii în
teologie, în ,,Studii Teologice”, seria a II-a, an. VIII(1956), nr. 7-8, p 498-530.
Teaching methods: lectures, dialogue.
Assessment methods: 50% seminar participation, 50% written exam.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Daniel Niţă-Danielescu
Course objective: To systematically present information on the personalities, events and
processes belonging to the historical period that is studied. This will enable students to
strengthen their knowledge by means of individual learning. To learn to handle the
content from an interdisciplinary perspective, historical and theological.
Course contents: The condition of the Eastern and Western church after the Schism of
1054. The crusades. Attempts at Church union. Controversies, heresies and schisms in
East and West between the 11th and 14th centuries. Monasticism in East and West
between the 11th and 14th centuries.The fall of Constantinople to the Turks and the
Orthodox Church under the sultan Mohamed II the Conqueror.
Recommended reading: Chifăr, Nicolae, Istoria creştinismului, vol. III, Iaşi, 2002;
Rămureanu, Ioan, Şesan, Milan, Bodogae, Teodor, IBU, vol. 2 , ediţia a II-a, Bucuresti,
1993; Popescu, Teodor M,. Biserica mărturisitoare, Bucureşti, 1995; F. Căzan,
Cruciadele, Bucureşti, 1991; Platon, Alexandru-Florin, Rădvan, Laurenţiu (editors), De
la cetatea lui Dumnezeu la Edictul de la Nantes; izvoare de istorie medievală (sec. V-
XVI), Iaşi, 2005; Jacques la Goff, Civilizaţia Occidentului medievel, transl. by Maria
Holban, Bucureşti, 1970; Jacques la Goff, Jean Claude Schmitt, Dictionar tematic al
Evului Mediu occidental, Iaşi, 2002; Runciman, Steven, Constantinopolului-1453, transl.
by Al. Elian, Bucureşti, 1991.
Teaching methods: lectures, dialogue.
Assessment methods: written exam.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Vatican Councils; the development of Protestantism; the Christian world in the 19th and
20th centuries.
Recommended reading: Chifăr, Nicolae, Istoria creştinismului, vol. IV, Iaşi, 2005;
Rămureanu, Ioan, Şesan, Milan, Bodogae, Teodor, IBU, vol. 2, ediţia a II-a, Bucureşti,
1993; Meyendorff, Jean, Biserica Ortodoxă ieri şi azi, trans. by Cătălin Lazurca,
Bucureşti, 1995; Drâmba,Ovidiu, Istoria culturii şi civilizaţiei, vol. IV, Bucureşti, 1995;
Rămureanu, Ioan, Specificul Ortodoxiei în comparaţie cu Biserica romano-catolică
şi protestantism, în „Mitropolia Moldovei şi Sucevei”, an. XXXII(1956), nr. 10, p. 577-
600; Sinodul de la Iaşi şi Sfântul Petru Movilă 1642-2002, Iaşi, 2002; Popescu, Teodor
M. Biserica mărturisitoare, Bucureşti, 1995.
Teaching methods: lectures, dialogue
Assessment methods: written exam
Language of instruction: Romanian
Teologia morală, Ed. Trinitas, Iaşi, 2002; Irénée Hausherer, Paternitatea şi
îndrumarea duhovnicească în Răsăritul creştin, Ed. Deisis, Sibiu, 1999; Nicoale
Cabasila, Despre viaţa în Hristos, EIBMBOR, Bucureşti, 1997; Andrei, Arhiepiscopul
Alba Iuliei, Spiritualitate creştină pe înţelesul tuturor, Editura Reîntregirea, Alba Iulia,
2002, Filocalia şi diverse volume „PSB”.
Teaching methods: lectures, dialogue, heuristic conversation.
Assessment methods: 50% written exam+ 25% attendance to the liturgical program
+25% seminar participation
Language of instruction: Romanian.
Assessment methods: 50% written exam+ 25% attendance to the liturgical program
+25% seminar participation
Language of instruction: Romanian.
Course code: TO 23
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 3
Name of the lecturer: Adrian-Lucian Dinu
Course objective: The courses and seminars are designed to ensure the acquiring of
necessary spiritual practices that will enable students from ‘Pastoral Theology' to become
themselves spiritual fathers and thus offer guidance to their parishioners (general
principles based on the patristic and liturgical tradition).
Course contents: The Divine Liturgy – the mystagogical dimension- a better
understanding on serving God and a more ennobling way to achieve this; The Holy
Sacraments - means of acquiring the healing, sanctifying, fulfilling divine grace; The
priest in the confession chair: The "baptism of tears"; Prayer - "the most ennobling
activity of one’s mind”; The beauty of the priestly service - an aesthetic approach to the
pastoral mission; The place and role of priestly services and of the spiritual training in
the current Romanian society; The multifarious nature of the relations between Church
and society. Interferences in the formational process; European formational policies and
Spiritual Formation; The administrative organization of the church and spiritual
formation of Christians; Spiritual Formation in the context of particular spiritual needs:
hospital, army, prison etc.; Spiritual Formation and the Romanian Diaspora; The process
of human becoming according to other Christian denominations; The process of human
becoming according to other religions.
Recommended reading: Metallinos, protoprezbiter profesor dr. Gheorghios D.,
Parohia-Hristos în mijlocul nostru, translation by pr. Prof. Ioan I. Ică, Deisis, Sibiu,
2004; Nicodim Aghioritul, Deprinderi duhovniceşti, Editura Episcopiei Ortodoxe,
Alba Iulia, 1995; Părintele Galeriu, Jertfă şi răscumpărare, Editura Harisma, Bucureşti,
1991; Sava, Pr.Viorel, „În Biserica slavei Tale” –studii de teologie şi spiritualitate
liturgică (II), Editura Golia, Iaşi, 2004; Sfântul Grigorie de Tours, Vita Patrum–Viaţa
Părinţilor, with an introductive study by Ieromonah Serafim Rose, translated from
English by Petrişor Ilina, Editura Sofia, Editura „Cartea Ortodoxă”, Bucureşti, 2004;
Vlahos, Mitropolitul Hierotheos, Cugetul Biserici Ortodoxe, in Romanian by Constantin
Făgeţan, Editura Sofia, Bucureşti, 2000; Dinu, Pr. Adrian Lucian, Maica Domnului în
teologia Sfinţilor Părinţi, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2004.
Teaching methods: lectures, dialogue, heuristic conversation.
Assessment methods: 50% written exam+ 25% attendance to the liturgical program
+25% seminar participation
Language of instruction: Romanian
This course has two parts: Spiritual formation and Liturgical Practice and Church Music and Ritual.
Together they are allocated 5 ECTS credits.
Course title: Practical Theology5: Church Music and Ritual
Course code: TO04
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 1st
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Alexandrel Barnea
Course objective: Acquiring theoretical notions of linear music and their practical
application: solfeggi in the first phase and deciphering monodical and polyphonical
musical scores.
Course contents: The qualities of sound; the musical notation; Intervals in music theory;
Theoretical elements regarding tonal music as language (Tonality and other notions
deriving from the principle of tonality). Solfeggi in C major and A minor tonalities, in
binary and ternary measures, with 2-3 accidentals.
Recommended reading: Giuleanu, Victor, Principii fundamentale in teoria muzicii,
Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, 1975; Iuşceanu, Victor, Solfegii, Editura Muzicală,
Bucuresti; Arnoud, Jules, Solfegii
Teaching methods: lectures, practical examples, dialogue.
Assessment methods: 75% seminar participation+ 25% practical activities
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Practical Theology: Church Music and Ritual
Course code: TO17
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Alexandrel Barnea
Course objective: To learn the Neumatic Notation ("Psaltic"). To use this notation for
interpreting the songs used in divine worship.
Course contents: A brief history of Church Music; Its beginning and evolution on the
territory of our country. The hrisantic notation in Church Music: the vocal, temporal,
ornamental signs, testimonies, accidentals, degrees of movement, dynamics, vocal choirs.
To deepen, explain and implement the theoretical knowledge on Neumatic Notation.
Solfeggi in the Neumatic Notation and interpretation.
Recommended reading: Costea, Croitoru, Lungu, Grigore, Ion, Nicolae, Gramatica
muzicii Psaltice, IBMBOR, Bucuresti, 1951; Grigore, Panţiru, Notaţia şi ehurile
muzicii bizantine, Editura Muzicală a Uniunii Compozitorilor, Bucureşti, 1971; Useful
books regarding the divine worship.
Teaching methods: lectures, practical examples, dialogue.
Assessment methods: 75% seminar participation+ 25% practical activities
Language of instruction: Romanian
Assessment methods: 75% seminar participation+ 25% practical activities
Language of instruction: Romanian
Recommended reading: Costea, Croitoru, Lungu, Grigore, Ion, Nicolae, Gramatica
muzicii Psaltice, IBMBOR, Bucuresti, 1951; Grigore, Panţiru, Notaţia şi ehurile
muzicii bizantine, Editura Muzicală a Uniunii Compozitorilor, Bucureşti, 1971; Useful
books regarding the divine worship.
Teaching methods: lectures, practical examples, dialogue.
Assessment methods: 75% seminar participation+ 25% practical activities
Language of instruction: Romanian
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 4th
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Alexandrel Barnea
Course objective: The liturgical recitative. A continuation of the issues brought up
during the 1st semester.
Course contents: Theories concerning the liturgical recitative; Innovations and wrong
practices within the liturgical recitative. Means of fighting them. The implementation of
theoretical elements regarding the liturgical recitative.
Recommended reading: Dragoş, Alexandrescu, Dialogul muzical în liturghia ortodoxă,
in ,,Acta musicae byzantinae” -Revista Centrului de Studii Bizantine din Iasi, vol.
IV/2002, p. 83-90; Idem, Probleme privind interpretarea muzicii religioase ortodoxe, în
"Byzantion Romanicon"- Revista Academiei de Arte "G. Enescu "din Iasi, vol. III/1997,
p. 96-101. Drăgoi, Dan, Eugen, Recitarea liturgică între tradiţie şi Inovaţie, Bucureşti,
Editura Episcopiei Dunării de Jos, Galaţi, 2001; Lungu, Nicolae, Cobaterea inovaţiilor în
recitativul liturgic, în ST 7-8/1957, p. 562-573; Idem, Tehnica recitativului Liturgic.
Organizarea corului bisericesc, în ST 3-4/1949, p. 238-251; Panţiru, Grigore,
Lecţionarul evanghelic de la Iaşi (Ms. 160/IV-139), Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, 1982;
Paris Nektarios, The Ekphoniseis in the Divine Orthodox Liturgy, în ,,Acta musicae
byzantinae” – revista Centrului de Studii Bizantine din Iaşi, vol. IV/2002, p. 46-51.
Petrescu, Ioan D., Spiritul profan în cântarea corală bisericească, în “Acta musicae
byzantinae” – revista Centrului de Studii Bizantine din Iaşi, vol. I/1999, p. 12-14.
Teaching methods: lectures, practical examples, dialogue.
Assessment methods: 75% seminar participation+ 25% practical activities
Language of instruction: Romanian
Teaching methods: lectures.
Assessment methods: final (written and oral) exam.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Assessment methods: final (written and oral) exam.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Guillaumont, Antoine, Etudes sur la spiritualite de l’Orient chretien, collection
“Spiritualiteorientale”, no. 66, Abaye de Bellenfontaine, 1996; Guillaumont, Antoine, La
spiritualite medievale, Aubier, Paris, 1983; Crainic, Nichifor, Sfinţenia - împlinirea
umanului (Curs de teologie mistică) (1935-1936), ediţie
îngrijită de Ierod. Teodosie Paraschiv, Editura Mitropoliei Moldovei şi Bucovinei, Iaşi,
1993; Stăniloae, Preot Profesor Dr. Dumitru, Spiritualitatea ortodoxă. Ascetică şi
mistică, EIBMBOR, Bucureşti, 1992; Mladin, Nicolae, Prelegeri de mistică ortodoxă,
Editura Veritas, Târgu-Mureş, 1996; Savin, Ioan Gh., Mistică şi ascetică ortodoxă, Sibiu,
1996; Lossky, Vladimir, Teologia mistică a Bisericii de Răsărit, traducere, studiu
introductiv şi note Pr.Vasile Raduca, Editura Anastasia; Spidlik, Tomas, Spiritualitatea
Răsăritului creştin. I. Manual sistematic, traducere şi prezentare:
diac. Ioan I. Ica jr., Cuvânt înainte: P. Marko I. Rupnik S.J., Editura Deisis, Sibiu, 1997.
Teaching methods: presentation, conversation, dialogue.
Assessment methods: seminar attendance 75%; presentation of seminar paper;
Language of instruction: Romanian
Teaching methods: presentation, conversation, dialogue
Assessment methods: seminar attendance 75%; presentation of seminar paper; written
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: History and Philosophy of Religions
Course code: TO39
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 4th
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Nicolae Achimescu
Course objective: Introducing the students to the great contemporary religions, in order
for them to fully understand our own Christian values.
Course contents: Hinduism; the further study of the notions taught during the course;
elaboration and presentation of the seminar papers.
Reccommended reading: Achimescu, Nicolae, India. Religie şi filosofie, Iaşi, 2001;
Eliade, Mircea, Istoria credinţelor şi ideilor religioase, Bucureşti, 1981; Vasilescu, EM,
Istoria Religiilor, Bucuresti, 1975; Delumeau, J., Religiile lumii, Bucuresti, 2000;
Teaching methods: exposition
Assessment methods: active participation during seminar classes (75%); examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Year of study: 3rd
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Dheorghe Petraru
Course objective: Introducing the students to the theological terminology and
philosophy concerning God; The God of Revelation and the God of Reason; Jesus Christ
the Messiah; The man of faith from the point of view of revelation, and biblical-
theological anthropology; the unique character of the Church and man’s redemption
during history.
Course contents: Introductive notions of fundamental or apologetic Christian theology;
The revelation of God during history; Rational arguments for the existence of God; Jesus
christ resurrected – humanity’s only Messiah; The man of faith, and arguments for his
eternal condition; The Church, the communion of redemption; Further study of the
notions taught in the course; religious philosophy, psychology and sociology;
Reccommended reading: Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru, Staniloae, Teologia Dogmatică
Ortodoxă, vol.I-III, Bucureşti, 1978; Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru, Staniloae, Iisus Hristos sau
restaurarea omului, Craiova, 1993; Pr.Conf.dr.Petraru, Gh., Misiologie Ortodoxă, Iaşi,
2002; Pr.Conf.dr.Petraru, Gh., Teologie fundamentală şi misionară. Ecumenism, Editura
Performantica, Iaşi, 2006; Mihalcescu, Irineu, Teologia luptătoare, Roman, 1994; Prof.
Savin, I.G., Apologetica, vol. I-II, Bucureşti, 2002-2003; Dr. Rezuş, Petru, Curs de
Teologie fundamentală, Caransebeş, 1942; Teofil Tia, Reîncreştinarea Europei, Alba
Iulia, 2002; Geisler, Norman, Apologetica, Wheton, 1991; Kreeft, Peter, Tacelli, Ronald
K., Handbook of Christian Apologetics, IPV Academic, Downers Grove, 1994.
Teaching methods: exposition, conversation, dialogue, interactive lecture
Assessment methods: seminars – attendance 75%; colloquium; final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
thoroughness of the meaning of the Revelation, “The word of the Lord came to me”. The
God of philososphers; Religious psychology and sociology;
Reccommended reading: Pr.Conf.dr. Petraru, Gh., Misiologie Ortodoxă, Iaşi, 2002;
Idem, Teologie Fundamentalăşi misionară. Ecumenism, Iaşi, 2006; Ioja, Cristinel, Homo
adorans,Arad, 2008; Zizioulas, Fiinţa eclesială, Bucureşti, 1996; Chr. Felmy, Dogmatica
experienţei eclesiale, Deisis, 2000; Mânzat,Ion, Psihologia creştină a adâncurilor,
Bucureşti, 1999; Bădescu, Ilie, Noologia, Târgovişte, 2000; Sproul, R.C. Linsday, Arthur,
John, Gerstener, Classical Apologetics, Grand Raids, 1984; Dictionnaire de Theologie
Fondamentale, Cerf / Bellarmin, Paris, Montreal, 1992; Renzo Lavatori, Dumnezeu şi
omul, Editura Galaxia Gutenberg, Târgu-Lăpuş, 2009; Mihai Neamţu, Gramatica
Ortodoxiei, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2007; Moreschini, Claudio, Istoria filosofiei patristice,
Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2009
Teaching methods: exposition; conversation; dialogue; interactive lecture
Assessment methods: seminars – participation 75%; written examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Practical Theology; Liturgical Theology
Course code: TO35
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 3rd
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Viorel Sava
Course objective: Enriching the student’s basic knowledge related to the Orthodox
divine cult in order for them to become good liturgy officiators, and to become very
familiar with the orderliness and the theological-symbolical meanings of the cult.
Course contents: The Liturgical time (the Church year and its composition).
Reccommended reading: Branişte, Pr.Prof.Dr. Ene, Liturgica generală, ediţia a II-a,
Bucureşti, 1993; Cabasila Nicolae, Tâlcuirea Dumnezeieştii Liturghii şi Despre viaţa în
Hristos, trad. de Pr.Prof. Ene Branişte şi Pr. Teodor Bodogae, Bucureşti, 1989;
Liturghierul, Bucureşti, 2000; Molitfelnic, Bucureşti, 1998; Necula, Pr.Prof.Dr. Nicolae,
Tradiţie şi înnoire în slujirea liturgică, vol. I, II, III, Galaţi, 1996, 2001, Bucureşti 2005;
Sava, Pr.Conf.Dr. Viorel, Taina Mărturisirii în riturile liturgice actuale, Editura Trinitas,
Iaşi,1999; Idem, În Biserica Slavei Tale (1) şi (II), Iaşi, 2003, 2004; Vintilescu, Pr. Petre,
Liturghierul explicat, ediţia a II-a, Bucureşti, 1998; Idem, Spovedania şi duhovnicia,
ediţia a II-a, Alba Iulia, 1995
Teaching methods: exposition; conversation (interactive lecture)
Assessment methods: course attendance (75%); presentation of seminar papers,
composed according to the present academic rules; oral and written examination; (50%
written exam, 50% oral exam)
Language of instruction: Romanian
Reccommended reading: Branişte, Pr.Prof.Dr. Ene, Liturgica generală, ediţia a II-a,
Bucureşti, 1993; Cabasila Nicolae, Tâlcuirea Dumnezeieştii Liturghii şi Despre viaţa în
Hristos, trad. de Pr.Prof. Ene Branişte şi Pr. Teodor Bodogae, Bucureşti, 1989;
Liturghierul, Bucureşti, 2000; Molitfelnic, Bucureşti, 1998; Necula, Pr.Prof.Dr. Nicolae,
Tradiţie şi înnoire în slujirea liturgică, vol. I, II, III, Galaţi, 1996, 2001, Bucureşti 2005;
Sava, Pr.Conf.Dr. Viorel, Taina Mărturisirii în riturile liturgice actuale, Editura Trinitas,
Iaşi,1999; Idem, În Biserica Slavei Tale (1) şi (II), Iaşi, 2003, 2004; Vintilescu, Pr. Petre,
Liturghierul explicat, ediţia a II-a, Bucureşti, 1998; Idem, Spovedania şi duhovnicia,
ediţia a II-a, Alba Iulia, 1995;
Teaching methods: exposition; conversation (interactive lecture)
Assessment methods: course attendance (75%); presentation of seminar papers,
composed according to the present academic rules; oral and written examination; (80%
written or oral exam, 20% elaboration of seminar papers)
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Practical Theology; Catehetics and Homiletics
Course code: TO29
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 3rd
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Costachi Grigoraş
Course objective: The systematic and scientific exposition of the main sources of
ecclesiastic education: the Holy Scripture, The Holy Tradition (Predania); The founded
research (ausden Grunde) of these sources will enable the teaching and preaching from
the level of godlike wisdom and power, to the profundity of the human condition;
Course contents: 1) Catehetics and Homiletics – disciplines of practical theology, two
auxiliary disciplines; 2) The problem of the man in pedagogics. Christian anthropology;
3) Jesus Christ the Messiah – the teacher; 4) The missionary sermon and the Catechise
during the first centuries of Christianity (the catechistic schools) The further study of
what was taught in the course, as well as the dicussion of certain complementary matters,
that are absolutely necessary for a true and profound knowledge of Catehetics and
Reccommended reading: Pr.lect. Constantin Grigoraş, Omiletica şi Catehetica, Editura
Universităţii “Al.I.Cuza”, Iaşi,1993, partea I-a; M. Bulacu, Conştiinţa creştină. Studiu
catehetic după Catehezele Sfântului Chiril al Ierusalimului, Bucureşti, 1941;
Idem, Pedagogia creştină ortodoxă, Bucureşti, 1995; Pr.prof. D. Călugăr, Cateheza,
Editura Institutului Biblic al B.O.R., Bucureşti, 1976; Prof.dr. N. Balcă, Istoria filosofiei
antice, Editura Institutului Biblic al B.O.R., Bucureşti, 1982.
Teaching methods: exposition; conversation (interactive lecture)
Assessment methods: course attendance (50%) and seminar attendance (75%);
presentation of seminar papers composed according to the present academic rules; oral
examination (40% written exam, 40% oral exam, 20% elaboration of seminar papers)
Language of instruction: Romanian
with one of the practical functions of the Church, namely the function of educating and
Course contents: The Catechistic schools; The Religious Psychology, Education, and
Literacy. Fundamental coordinates for the development of a Christian person. The further
study of what was taught in the course, as well as the dicussion of certain complementary
matters, that are absolutely necessary for a true and profound knowledge of Catehetics
and Homiletics.
Reccommended reading: Pr.lect. Constantin Grigoraş, Omiletica şi Catehetica, Editura
Universităţii “Al.I.Cuza”, Iaşi,1993, partea a II-a; Dr. N. Velescu, Omiletica, Bucureşti,
1977; Prof.dr. P. Popovici, Introducere în Omiletică, 1946
Teaching methods: exposition; conversation (interactive lecture)
Assessment methods: course attendance (50%) and seminar attendance (75%);
presentation of seminar papers composed according to the present academic rules; oral
examination (40% written exam, 40% oral exam, 20% elaboration of seminar papers)
Language of instruction: Romanian
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 4th
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Costachi Grigoraş
Course objective: The educational activity of the Church is carried out through
Catehetics, a discipline that studies the catehetic theory and practice; the exposition of the
principles and methods of creating and holding a sermon is made through Homiletics,
which is also a discipline of practical theology. Therefore, Catehetics and Homiletics deal
with one of the practical functions of the Church, namely the function of educating and
Course contents: Special Catehetics: the subject of catechisation; the criterias of choice
and the structure of organisation; teaching methods and forms; teaching methods and
forms applied in Catehetics; the structure of Catehetics; the personality of the catechetic
person; The further study of what was taught in the course, as well as the dicussion of
certain complementary matters, that are absolutely necessary for a true and profound
knowledge of Catehetics and Homiletics.
Reccommended reading: Pr.lect. Constantin Grigoraş, Omiletica şi Catehetica, Editura
Universităţii “Al.I.Cuza”, Iaşi,1993, partea a II-a; Dr. N. Velescu, Omiletica, Bucureşti,
1977; Prof.dr. P. Popovici, Introducere în Omiletică, 1946
Teaching methods: exposition; conversation (interactive lecture)
Assessment methods: course attendance (50%) and seminar attendance (75%);
presentation of seminar papers composed according to the present academic rules; oral
examination (40% written exam, 40% oral exam, 20% elaboration of seminar papers)
Language of instruction: Romanian
Reccommended reading: Arhid. Prof. dr. Ioan N. Floca, Drept canonic ortodox,
legislaţie şi administraţie bisericească, vol.I, EIBMBOR, Bucureşti, 1990; Milaş, Dr.,
Nicodim, Dreptul bisericesc al Bisericii Orientale, trad. De D. Cornilescu şi V. Radu,
Bucureşti, 1915; Pocitan, V., Compendiu de Drept bisericesc al Bisericii Ortodoxe,
Bucureşti, 1898; Şesan Valerian, Curs de Drept bisericesc oriental, Cernăuţi, 1942; Jean
Gaudemet, Le Droit canonique, Les Editions du Cerf, Paris, 1989; Idem, Les Sources du
Droit canonique, VIII-e – XX-e siecle, Les Editions du Cerf, Paris, 1993.
Teaching methods: exposition; conversation (interactive lecture)
Assessment methods: course attendance (50%) and seminar attendance (50%); seminar
activity; written examination (80% written exam, 20% seminar activity)
Language of instruction: Romanian
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 4th
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Constantin Rus
Course objective: To introduce the students to the institutions and the form of
organisation of the Romanian Orthodox Church; to introduce the students to the
administrative principles of the Chruch’s assets; to familiarise the students to the
canonical rules of administering the educational power; to introduce the students to the
rules of administering the power of sanctification; to introduce the students to the
administrative rules of the jurisdictional power; to introduce the students to the canonical
problems and implications that occurr in the relationship between the Orthodox
Course contents: Manage the educational power; manage the power of sanctification;
the canons of the Trulan Synod
Reccommended reading: Pr. Prof. dr. Nicolae Dură, Norme canonice referitoare la
îndatorirea învăţătorească şi omiletică a preotului, în „Mitropolia Banatului”, nr. 3-4,
1983; Arhid. Prof. dr. Ioan N. Floca, Drept canonic ortodox, legislaţie şi administraţie
bisericească, vol.II, Bucureşti, 1990; Prof. dr. Iorgu D. Ivan, Căsătoria, sfântă Taină a
Bisericii şi instituţie juridică a Statului, în „Biserica Ortodoxă Română”, nr. 11-12, 1983;
Pr. prof. dr. Liviu Stan, Despre autocefalie, în „Ortodoxia”, nr.3, 1956; Emilian-Iustinian
Roman, Statutul pentru organizarea şi funcţionarea B.O.R. de la 1948 până la 2008 –
Prezentare comparativă, Ed. Performantica, Iaşi, 2009
Teaching methods: exposition; conversation (interactive lecture)
Assessment methods: course attendance (50%) and seminar attendance (50%); seminar
activity; written examination (80% written exam, 20% seminar activity)
Language of instruction: Romanian
Reccommended reading: Pr. Prof. dr. Nicolae Dură, Norme canonice referitoare la
îndatorirea învăţătorească şi omiletică a preotului, în „Mitropolia Banatului”, nr. 3-4,
1983; Arhid. Prof. dr. Ioan N. Floca, Drept canonic ortodox, legislaţie şi administraţie
bisericească, vol.II, Bucureşti, 1990; Prof. dr. Iorgu D. Ivan, Căsătoria, sfântă Taină a
Bisericii şi instituţie juridică a Statului, în„Biserica Ortodoxă Română”, nr. 11-12, 1983;
Pr. prof. dr. Liviu Stan, Despre autocefalie, în „Ortodoxia”, nr.3, 1956; Emilian-Iustinian
Roman, Statutul pentru organizarea şi funcţionarea B.O.R. de la 1948 până la 2008 –
Prezentare comparativă, Ed. Performantica, Iaşi, 2009
Teaching methods: exposition; conversation (interactive lecture)
Assessment methods: course attendance (50%) and seminar attendance (50%); seminar
activity; written examination; (80% written exam, 20% seminar activity)
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course code: TO44
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 4th
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Gheorghe Popa
Course objective: The Christian social ethics: methods of promoting its principles in the
context of contemporary mentality.
Course contents: The moral life of the Christian in his relationship to God, to himself
and to people; The Christian moral and the medical bioethics; the status of the human
embryo and the genetic manipulations; abortion and eugenics; organ transplants;
clonation; euthanasia; biotechnologies and genetic manipulations of the vegetable,
animal, and human kingdom.
Reccommended reading: Teologia morală ortodoxă, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de
Misiune al B.O.R., Bucureşti, 1979, vol II; Pr.prof.dr. Dumitru Stăniloae, Spiritualitate şi
comuniune în liturghia ortodoxă, Editura Mitropoliei Olteniei, Craiova, 1986; Pr.
Gheorghe Popa, Comuniune şi înnoire spirituală în contextul secularizării lumii
moderne, Ed. Trinitas, Iaşi, 2000; Elia Sgreccia, Victor Tambone, Manual de Bioetică,
Arhiepiscopia Romano-Catolică de Bucureşti, 2001; Preot Prof.Dr. John Breck, Darul
sacru al vieţii, Ed. Patmos, Cluj-Napoca, 2001
Teaching methods: exposition; conversation (interactive lecture)
Assessment methods: course attendance (50%) and seminar attendance (75%);
presentation of seminar papers composed according to the present academic rules; oral
and written examination (50% written exam, 30% oral exam, 20% elaboration of seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
Recommended reading: Prof. Petre Semen, Introducere în teologia biblică a Vechiului
Testament, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2008; Neaga Nicolae, Hristos în Vechiul Testament, Renaşterea,
Cluj-Napoca, 2007; Samuel Schultz, Călătorie prin Vechiul Testament, Oradea, 2001;
John Breack, Sfânta Scriptură în Tradiţia Bisericii, Patmos, Cluj, 2003; Henry Halley,
Manual Biblic, Ed. Door of Hope, 1983; At. Negoiţă, Teologia Biblică a Vechiului
Testament, Sofia, 2004; Alfred Kuen, 66 în una. O mică enciclopedie biblică, Casa
Literaturii Creştine, 1997; Dicţionar Biblic, Cartea Creştină, Oradea, 1995
Teaching methods: lectures, debates, portfolio
Assessment methods: at least 75% seminar active participation, reading through the
recommended books, final (written) test
Language of instruction: Romanian
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Ilie Melniciuc-Puică
Course objective: learning the history of the New Testament's text, achieving deep
knowledge, based on the Biblical text, of the teachings and preachings of Jesus Christ the
Saviour, presented by the four evangelical saints, to highlight the relation the synoptic
Gospels and the Gospel of John. Presentation of the Church's life according the model
presented in the book "The Deeds of the Apostles"
Course contents: the text of the New Testament: the originals, important codices;
translations of the Bible; the Biblical exegesis – from the Judeans to the catechism
schools; general facts about historical writings of the New Testament; Jesus' miracles and
teachings; the passion and the resurrection of Jesus as presented by the synoptic scholars
and in the Fourth Gospel; the Work of the Holy Spirit in the Church's development.
Seminar contents: the usage of the Old Testament in Jesus Christ's and the St.
Evangelists' words (text analysis); the relation between the canonical Gospels and the
apocryphical writings; the biblical readings in the mosaic cult and the Christian
confessions; the biblical Eschatology and the Orthodox iconographic reflex; the literary
and narrative structure of the biblical text of the New Testament.
Recommended reading: Prof. Vasile Gheorghiu, Sf. Evanghelie de la Matei cu
comentar, vol I-III, Cernăuţi, 1933; Grigorie Marcu, Dr. Ioan Fruma, Procesul
Mântuitorului – studiu juridic şi teologic, Sibiu, 1945; Prof. Dr. Iustin Moisescu,
Originalitatea parabolelor Mântuitorului, R. Vâlcea, 1945; Sf. Ioan Gură de Aur, Omilii
la Matei (Scrieri partea a III-a), PSB 23, Bucureşti, 1994; R.E. Brown, An Introduction to
the New Testament, New-York, 1997. D. Stamatoiu, Cele patru Sfinte Evanghelii,
Craiova, 2000; V. Mihoc, D. Mihoc, I. Mihoc, Introducere în Studiul Noului Testament,
Sibiu, 2001; St. Tofană, Evangheliile după Matei şi Marcu. Documentul Quelle, Cluj-
Napoca, 2002; St. Tofană, Studiul Noului Testament, Cluj-Napoca, 2005. I. Melniciuc,
Utilizarea Vechiului Testament în scrierile lucanice, Iaşi, 2005
Teaching methods: lecture, conversations (interactive course)
Assessment methods: 50% course participation and 75% seminar participation;
presentation of a seminar paper for the semester, in keeping with the academic rules in
the field; written and oral test; final grade make-up: final written test - 33%, mid-term test
- 33%, seminar paper - 33%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course contents: the Pauline Christology in the dogmatic epistles; grace and holiness in
the life of the Christians in the Asia Minor communities; advice concerning the
community life in the New Testament's epistles; attitude towards women, children and
sick people, according to the Pauline and the Petrine epistles; theological and community
meanings of faith, hope and love in the New Testament's epistles.; the sacramental
hierarchy and the universal priesthood; the relation between the Old Testament's and the
New Testament's priesthood; the role of the Mosaic law in the Jewish and the Christian
believer's life; The ecclesiology of the epistles of the New Testaments and of the book the
Apocalypse. Seminar contents: the Mosaic law and the law of love; the Saint Apostles'
personality and life; the role of Scripture and Tradition in Church's life; the woman in the
writings of the New Testament and in the Church; Hebraisms, Septuagintisms, Graecisms
and Latinisms in the writings of the Saint Apostles.
Recommended reading: Diac. Prof. Grigorie Marcu, Antropologia paulină, Sibiu, 1941;
Gh. Bălana, Sf. Ap. Pavel şi creştinii din Corint, S.T. 7-8,1957, p. 479-495; Dr. I.
Moisescu, Sf. Ap. Pavel şi viaţa celor mai de seamă comunităţi creştine în epoca
apostolică, S.T. 7-8, 1951, p. 398-416, Gh. Bălana, Epistola I a Sf. Ap. şi Ev. Ioan, M.O.
9-10 şi 11-12, 1973, p. 757-760 şi 943-952; 1-2 şi 7-8,1974, p. 36-40 şi 600-608; 1-2 şi 3-
4,1975, p. 59-79 şi 202-212; Pr. Ioan Mircea, Epistola I a Sf. Ap. Petru (teza de doctorat),
G. B. 9-10,1973; R.E. Brown, An Introduction to the New Testament, New-York, 1997;
D. Stamatoiu, La plinirea vremii, Craiova, 2002; D. Mihoc, Epistolele Apocalipsei, Sibiu,
2002; D. Viezuianu, Hristologia Epistolei către Romani, R. Vâlcea, 1999; V. Mihoc,
Epistola către Galateni, S.T. 3-4 şi 5-6, 1983; St. Tofană, Iisus Hristos Arhiereu veşnic,
Cluj-Napoca, 2002.
Teaching methods: lecture, conversations (interactive course)
Assessment methods: 50% course participation and 75% seminar participation;
presentation of a seminar paper for the semester, in keeping with the academic rules in
the field; written and oral test; final grade make-up: final written test - 33%, mid-term test
- 33%, seminar paper - 33%
Language of instruction: Romanian
teaching and defending the Orthodoxy; Romanian Orthodox church during the
Phanariots' age; the Romanian orthodox church in the 19th - 20th centuries. Seminar
contents: the episcopacy of Tomis: its beginnings, hierarchs, theologians from Scythia
Minor, archaeological evidence, martyrs; evidence of religious life on the territory of our
country until the foundation of mitropolies; the beginnings of the Romanian monasticism
and its reorganization by St. Nicodim; Romanian confessors in the 17th century; the
Metropolitans Varlaam, Petru Movilă, Simeon Ştefan, Dosoftei and Antim Ivireanul; the
confession of Petru Movilă (and the Synod of Iaşi), Varlaam's homily, the New
Testament of Belgrade, the Bible of Bucharest and Dosoftei's Psalm Book in rhymes; the
canonization of saints in the Romanian Orthodox Church.
Recommended reading: Pr. Prof. Dr. Mircea Păcurariu, IBOR, vol. 1, Iaşi , 2004; vol. 2,
3, EIBMBOR, Bucureşti, 1992, 1994; Pr. Ion Vicovan, IBOR, curs, vol. 1, Iaşi, 2002;
Prof. Dr. Emilian Popescu, Creştinismul timpuriu pe teritoriul României, în vol. omagial
„Priveghind şi lucrând pentru Mântuire”, Iaşi, 2000; Pr. Dr. Sabin Verzan, Sf. Ap. Andrei,
Constanţa, 1998; Ioan G. Coman, Scriitori bisericeşti din epoca străromân, EIMBOR,
Bucureşti, 1979; Florian Dudaş, Cazania lui Varlaam în Transilvania, Cluj, 1983;
+Nestor Vornicescu, Petru Movilă, Bucureşti, 1996; +Antonie Plămădeală, Dascăli de
cuget şi simţire românească, Bucureşti, 1981; Idem, De la Cazania lui Varlaam la Ion
Creangă, Sibiu, 1997
Teaching methods: presentation, dialogue
Assessment methods: prerequisites: 70% participation at the seminars; criteria: reading
the recommended books; type: oral test; final grade make-up: total sum by subjects
Language of instruction: Romanian
during the reign of the Phanariots. Al. I. Cuza's reforms and their consequences for the
Church; the primate metropolitans and the patriarchs of the Romanian Orthodox Church;
the Metropolitans Irineu Mihălcescu and Nicolae Bălan; the Romanian Orthodox Church
during the communism.
Recommended reading: Pr. Prof. Dr. Mircea Păcurariu, IBOR, vol. 2, 3, EIBMBOR,
Bucureşti, 1992, 1994; Florian Dudaş, Cazania lui Varlaam în Transilvania, Cluj, 1983;
+Nestor Vornicescu, Petru Movilă, Bucureşti, 1996; +Antonie Plămădeală, Dascăli de
cuget şi simţire românească, Bucureşti, 1981; Idem, De la Cazania lui Varlaam la Ion
Creangă, Sibiu, 1997
Teaching methods: presentation, dialogue
Assessment methods: prerequisites: 70% participation at the seminars; criteria: reading
the recommended books; type: written test; final grade make-up: total sum by subjects
Language of instruction: Romanian
Bucureşti, 1982; Ion Barnea, Octavian Iliescu, Constantin cel Mare, Bucureşti, 1982;
Daniel Benga, Metodologia studiului şi cercetării ştiinţifice în teologie, ediţia a II-a,
Bucureşti, 2003; Teodor M. Popescu, Îndrumări metodice de lucru pentru studenţii în
teologie, în „Studii Teologice”, seria a II-a, an. VIII (1956), nr. 7-8, pp. 498-530
Teaching methods: presentation, dialogue
Assessment methods: prerequisites: 50% participation at the seminars; criteria: reading
the recommended books; type: written examination; final grade make-up: total sum by
Language of instruction: Romanian
Assessment methods: prerequisites: 50% participation at the seminars; criteria: reading
the recommended books; type: oral examination; final grade make-up: total sum by
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Spiritual Formation and Liturgical Practice
Course code: TO05
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 1st
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Adrian Lucian-Dinu
Course objective: spiritual formation of the student in theology in the present day
context of Church's life (theoretical and practical perspective)
Course contents: the spiritual formation: preliminaries, conditions, objectives; the
Confessor: worker of Grace. Personality, formation, aspects of the spiritual work; the
apprentice or the spiritual on: introductory notions, his qualities and duties; spiritual
paternity: history and present-day; the theologian: Christian-Orthodox definition and lay
perception; the relation between the laymen and holiness – historical philosophical
perspective; the laymen's role in the Orthodox Church and in other confessions; the man
invited to philocalical experience of God. The teandric model in man's life; the spiritual
formation and the educational anthropology; the spiritual formation and the sociology of
the special needs; the spiritual formation and the cultural formation; the multilateral
character of the relations between Church and society. Forming interferences; the
collaboration between the Church and the educational institutions: the collaboration
between the Church and the social assistance institutions and the collaboration with the
cultural institutions; holding someone accountable, holding oneself accountable and
spiritualization in present days. Seminar contents: spiritual formation, liturgical practice.
Recommended reading: ***, Credinţa Ortodoxă, Editura Trinitas, Iaşi, 1996; ***,
Liturghier, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al B.O.R., Bucureşti, 2000; ***, Din
învăţătura Sfinţilor Părinţi, Editura Bizantină, Bucureşti, f.a.; ***, Florilegiu filocalic,
alcătuire de Ignatie Monahul; repere biografice de pr. Tudor Ciocan şi I.M., Editura
Herald, Bucureşti, 2003; Arhim. Cleopa Ilie şi Bălan, Arhim. Ioanichie, Lumina şi faptele
credinţei, Iaşi, 1994 ; Audicio Gabriel, Religion et identité, 1998; Bălan, Protosinghel
Ioanichie, Pateric românesc, Editura Episcopiei Tomisului şi Dunării de Jos, Galaţi,
1990; Beaufils, Dominique, Ta foi t’a sauvé, approche orthodoxe de la maladie et de la
mort, preface d’Olivier Clément, Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, 1996, 270, traducere în
limba română, Editura Trinitas, Iaşi, 2009.
Teaching methods: presentation, dialogue, heuristic conversation
Assessment methods: prerequisites: 75% seminar and liturgical programme
participation; criteria: presentation of several seminar works drafted according to the
academic norms, reading the recommended books, oral and written communication skills,
engagement in the practical activities within the department; type: colloquy; final grade
make-up: 50% written test, 25% presence at the liturgical program, 25% drafting the
seminar works.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Dogmatic and Symbolic Theology
Course code: TO13
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Dan Sandu
Course objective: presentation and study of the Orthodox doctrine about God and His
work in creation; applying the study about faith in the specific field of activity;
deciphering the meaning of the relation God-man from a historical and dogmatic
perspective; resolving the course beneficiaries for confessing their faith in the spirit of
truth, by showing loyalty towards the Gospel and the Church's Tradition.
Course contents: introductory notions; understanding God in Orthodoxy; God's
characteristics; the holy revelation; The Trinity – introductory notions, biblical evidence
and patristic developments; Anti-Trinity heresies; more recent concerning the Trinity
(Filioque, Unitarianism, Jehovism); the spirit and works of God; God the Creator; the
creation of the visible and of the invisible world; Christian anthropology; theology and
ecology: man's role in creation. Seminar contents: thematic and exact approaches related
to the general group of themes: the history of dogmas, the evolution of dogmas, theology
and history, wrong advice concerning the role of theology, thematic debates accompanied
by biblical argumentation.
Recommended reading: Stăniloae, Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru, Teologia Dogmatică
Ortodoxă, and vol. I, 1997 (ed. a II-a), Bucureşti, 1997; Lossky, Vladimir, Teologia
mistică a Bisericii Răsăritului, trad. de Pr. Vasile Răducă, Bucureşti, 1992; Damaschin
Ioan, Sf., Dogmatica, traducere de Pr. D. Fecioru, ed. a 3-a, Scripta, 1993; Popescu, Pr.
Prof. Dr. Dumitru, Iisus Hristos Pantocrator, Bucureşti, EIBMBOR, 2005.
Teaching methods: presentation, bibliographic and visual material, thematic
Assessment methods: prerequisites: 50% participation at the course and 75%
participation at the seminar; criteria: presentation of seminar works and interventions
during the seminars; type: written test; final grade make-up: 80% written test, 20%
seminar work.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course objective: presentation and study of the Orthodox doctrine about God and His
work in creation; applying the study about faith in the specific field of activity;
deciphering the meaning of the relation God-man from a historical and dogmatic
perspective; resolving the course beneficiaries for confessing their faith in the spirit of
truth, by showing loyalty towards the Gospel and the Church's Tradition.
Course contents: Christology: the Son of God embodied; the threesome dimension of
the Son's work in the world; the aspects of Satisfaction and the kenosis of God the Son;
the objective and subjective salvation; the Spirit's work in the man and man's freedom
towards the Spirit; Ecclesiology – inter-confessional approach; Pnevmatology; the Holy
Mysteries, gates of the Kingdom in the Sky; honouring Mary Mother of Jesus, the Saints
and the Holy Relics; honouring the Holy Icons; Eschatology; the Christian teaching about
death and the hereafter. Seminar contents: thematic and exact approaches related to the
general group of themes: the history of dogmas, the evolution of dogmas, theology and
history, wrong advice concerning the role of theology, thematic debates accompanied by
biblical argumentation.
Recommended reading: Stăniloae, Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru, Teologia Dogmatică
Ortodoxă, vol. I, 1997 (ed. a II-a), Bucureşti, 1997; Evdokimov, Paul, Cunoaşterea lui
Dumnezeu în tradiţia răsăriteană: învăţătura patristică, liturgică şi iconografică, trad.
prefaţă şi note Pr. Lect. univ. Dr. Vasile Răduca, Bucureşti, Christiana, 1995, 170 p.;
Kalmiris, Alexandros, Sfinţii Părinţi despre originile şi destinul omului şi cosmosului:
Sfatul cel Veşnic, Râul de foc, Slava materiei, traducere şi postfaţă Pr. Prof. Ioan Ica,
Sibiu, Deisis, 1998, 144 p.; Yannaras, Christos, Persoană şi eros, trad. de Zenaida Luca,
Bucureşti, Anastasia, 2000, 424 p.; Nellas, Panayotis, Omul - animal îndumnezeit:
perspective pentru o antropologie ortodoxă, studiu introd. şi trad., diac. Ioan I. Ica, jr.,
Ed. a 2-a, Sibiu, Deisis, 1999, 286 p.; Popescu, Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru, Introducere în
dogmatica ortodoxă; teme ale credinţei creştine din perspectivă comparată, Bucureşti,
Libra, 1997, 198 p..
Teaching methods: presentation, bibliographic and visual material, thematic
Assessment methods: prerequisites: 50% participation at the course and 75%
participation at the seminar; criteria: presentation of seminar works and interventions
during the seminars; type: written test; final grade make-up: 80% written test, 20%
seminar work.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course contents: general principles concepts: moral law; moral conscience; moral
freedom and accountability; virtue and sin. Seminar contents: Christian moral and other
moral systems: moral systems in ancient Greece: a) Socratic moral; b) Platonic moral; c)
Aristotelian moral; moral systems in modern and contemporary age: a) Kantian moral; b)
positivistic and neopositivistic moral; c) Utilitarianism and pragmatism; d) spiritualistic
moral; e) existentialist moral.
Recommended reading: Teologia morală ortodoxă, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de
Misiune al B.O.R., Bucureşti, 1979, vol I.; Pr. Gheorghe Popa, Lege şi iubire.
Coordonate biblice şi hermeneutice pentru Teologia morală, Editura Trinitas, Iaşi, 2002;
Diac. prof. dr. Nicolae Balca, Istoria filosofiei antice, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de
Misiune al B.O.R., Bucureşti, 1982; Ernest Stere, Din istoria doctrinelor morale, vol. I-
III, Editura Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1979; Henri Bergson, Cele două surse
ale moralei şi religiei, trad. Diana Morăraşu, Institutul European, Iaşi, 1992.
Teaching methods: presentation, conversation (interactive course).
Assessment methods: prerequisites: 50% course participation and 75% seminar
participation; criteria: presentation of seminar papers drafted according to the academic
norms; type: written and oral test; final grade make-up: 50% written test, 30% oral test,
20% drafting the seminar papers.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Assessment methods: prerequisites: 50% course participation and 75% seminar
participation; criteria: presentation of seminar papers drafted according to the academic
norms; type: written and oral test; final grade make-up: 50% written test, 30% oral test,
20% drafting the seminar papers.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Orthodox Spirituality
Course code: TO21
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Ioan C. Tesu
Course objective: learning about the main ages, stages and currents of Orthodox the
spirituality, the great Christian centres, the fundamental religious personalities and the
characteristics of their teachings.
Course contents: the positive asceticism: acquiring the Christian virtues; general
elements of Orthodox mysticism. Seminar contents: developing themes presented during
the courses, in conformity with the bibliography; further study of the work of the great
"Fathers" of the Orthodox spirituality.
Recommended reading: Spidlik, Tomas, Spiritualitatea Răsăritului creştin. II.
Rugăciunea, traducere: diac. Ioan I. Ica jr., Editura Deisis, Sibiu, 1998; Idem,
Spiritualitatea Răsăritului creştin. III. Monahismul, traducere: diac. Ioan I. Ica jr.,
Editura Deisis, Sibiu, 2000; Idem, Izvoarele luminii. Tratat de spiritualitate, traducere de
Ileana Mureşanu, ediţia a II-a revăzută şi adăugită, Editura Ars Longa, Iaşi, 2001;
Meyendorff, John, Sfântul Grigorie Palama şi mistica ortodoxă. Traducere de Angela
Pagu, Editura Enciclopedica, Bucureşti, 1995; Arseniev, Nicolae, Mistica şi Biserica
ortodoxă. Traducere: Remus Rus, Editura Iri, Bucureşti, 1994; Evdochimov, Paul,
Vârstele vieţii spirituale. Cuvânt înainte şi traducere Pr. Prof. Ion Buga, Christiana,
Bucureşti, 1993; Filocalia sau culegere din scrierile Sfinţilor Părinţi care ne arată cum
se poate omul curăţi, lumina şi desăvârşi. Vol. I-XII. Traducere de Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru
Stăniloae, Sibiu-Bucureşti, 1946-1992.
Teaching methods: presentation, conversation, dialogue.
Assessment methods: prerequisites: 75% seminar participation; criteria: presentation of
the seminar work and reading the recommended books; type: written test; final grade
make-up: average of the test grades.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Recommended reading: Nicolae Achimescu, India. Religie şi filosofie, Iaşi, 2001;
Mircea Eliade, Istoria credinţelor şi ideilor religioase, Bucureşti, 1981; E.M. Vasilescu,
Istoria Religiilor, Bucureşti, 1975; J. Delumeau, Religiile lumii, Bucureşti, 2000.
Teaching methods: presentation, conversation, dialogue.
Assessment methods: prerequisites: min. 75% active participation at the seminar;
criteria: reading through the recommended books; type: examination; final grade make-
up: examination grade.
Language of instruction: Romanian
the history of the Christian missions; the philanthropy of the Church; the ecumenical
movement and the contribution of the Orthodox church to the ecumenical theology; the
proselytism of the neo-Protestant sects. Seminar contents: developing the themes
presented during the courses; the apology of the faith of the true believers; ecumenism;
Recommended reading: Gheorghe Petraru, Teologie Fundamentală şi Misionară.
Ecumenism, Ed. Performantica, Iasi, 2006; Îndrumări misionare, Bucureşti, 1986; Pr.
Conf. dr. Gh. Petraru, Misiologie Ortodoxă, Iaşi, 2002; Idem, Ortodoxie şi prozelitism,
Iaşi, 2000; Diac. Prof. P. I. David, Călăuza creştină, Arad, 1987; Antonie, Biserica
slujitoare, Sibiu, 1986; Prof. I. G. Savin, Apologetica, vol. I-II, Bucureşti, 2002-2003.
Teaching methods: presentation, conversation, dialogue, interactive course.
Assessment methods: 75% seminar participation; criteria: reading the recommended
books; type: colloquies; final grade make-up: final tests
Language of instruction: Romanian
Assessment methods: prerequisites: 75% seminar participation; criteria: reading the
recommended books; type: written test; final grade make-up: final tests.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Prerequisites: The Biblical Study of the Old and New Testament; Patrology, Church
Course objective: To introduce students to basic knowledge with regard to the orthodox
divine religion and to make the students appropriate this knowledge so as to become good
liturgists and connoisseurs of the customs and theologico-symbolical meanings of the
Course contents: The liturgical time periods (the church year and its structure); seminar
contents: The thorough study of the relationship between the Church’s prayer and the
teaching of faith
Recommended reading: Branişte, Pr.Prof.Dr. Ene, Liturgica generală, ediţia a II-a,
Bucureşti, 1993; Cabasila Nicolae, Tâlcuirea Dumnezeieştii Liturghii şi Despre viaţa în
Hristos, trad. de Pr.Prof. Ene Branişte şi Pr. Teodor Bodogae, Bucureşti, 1989;
Liturghierul, Bucureşti, 2000; Molitfelnic, Bucureşti, 1998; Necula, Pr.Prof.Dr. Nicolae,
Tradiţie şi înnoire în slujirea liturgică, vol. I, II, III, Galaţi, 1996, 2001, Bucureşti 2005;
Sava, Pr.Conf.Dr. Viorel, Taina Mărturisirii în riturile liturgice actuale, Editura Trinitas,
Iaşi, 1999; Idem, În Biserica Slavei Tale (1) şi (II), Iaşi, 2003, 2004; Vintilescu, Pr. Petre,
Liturghierul explicat, ediţia a II-a, Bucureşti, 1998; Idem, Spovedania şi duhovnicia,
ediţia a II-a, Alba Iulia, 1995
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation (interactive lectures)
Assessment methods: conditions - course attendance (75%) and seminar attendance
(100%); criteria - presentation of a series of seminar projects elaborated in accordance
with the academic standards in force; forms - written and oral examination, final grade
formula - 80% written or oral examination, 20% the elaboration of the seminar projects
Language of instruction: Romanian
Assessment methods: conditions - seminar attendance in a proportion of 75%; forms –
FEPS; the final grade formula - the grade represents the completion of the practical
activity corresponding to the seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
in the canonical and non-canonical writings; seminar contents - thorough study of the
lecture thematic
Recommended reading: Antonescu, G. G., Educaţie morală şi religioasă în şcoala
românească, Bucureşti, 1937; Barbotin, E., Catéchèse et pédagogie, problèmes actuels,
Paris, 1981; Bulacu, Pr., Mihail, Pedagogie creştină ortodoxă, Bucureşti, 1935; Hersch,
Jeanne, Mirarea filosofică: istoria filosofiei europene, traducere de Drăgan Vasile,
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation (interactive lecture)
Assessment methods: conditions - course attendance 50% and seminar attendance 75%;
criteria - presentation of the seminar papers drafted in accordance with the academic
criteria in force; compulsory bibliography; forms - written and oral examination; the final
grade formula - 60% written, 20% oral, 20% specialized readings
Language of instruction: Romanian
travail de A.-G. Hamman, coll. «Les Pères dans la foi», Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, 1978;
Pivoteau, D., Comment ouvrir les jeunes à la foi, Paris, 1977; Vlăduţescu, Gheorghe,
Filosofia primelor secole creştine, Bucureşti, 1995.
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation (interactive lecture)
Assessment methods: course attendance – 50% and seminar attendance – 75%; criteria -
presentation of the seminar projects drafted in accordance with the academic criteria in
force; compulsory bibliography; forms - written and oral examination; the final grade
formula - 60% written, 20% oral, 20% specialized readings
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: History of the Romanian Religious Literature
Course code: TO36
Type of course: compulsory
Year of study: 3rd
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Carmen-Maria Bolocan
Prerequisites: The History of the Old Romanian Literature; The History of the
Contemporary Romanian Literature
Course objective: To identify the religious issues in the literary work of the great
Romanian writers
Course contents: 1. Mihai Eminescu – religious poet; 2. George Coşbuc – Christian
perspective on life and death; 3. Octavian Goga – messianic poet; 4. Tudor Arghezi or the
poet of the psalms; 5. Lucian Blaga – religious poetry; 6. Vasile Voiculescu – the poet of
the sonnets; 7. The poetry of the prison: Radu Gyr, Valeriu Gafencu, Sandu Tudor,
Bartolomeu (Valeriu) Anania, Arsenie Boca etc; 8. Nicolae Steinhart or the Diary of
Happiness; 9. Ioan Alexandru – the poet of the Hymns; seminar contents - thorough study
of the issues presented during the lectures.
Recommended reading: 1. M. Eminescu, Poezii, I-II, Editura Minerva, Bucureşti, 1982
şi alte ediţii; 2. Zoe Dumitrescu-Buşulenga, Eminescu – cultură şi creaţie, Editura
Minerva, Bucureşti, 1976; 3. Ioana Em. Petrescu, Eminescu, modele cosmologice şi
viziunea poetică, Editura Minerva, Bucureşti, 1978; 4. Maria-Daniela Pănăzan, Poezia
religioasă românească. Eseu monografic, Editura Reîntregirea, Alba Iulia, 2006; 5. ***,
Poezia creştină românească, ediţie îngrijită de Magda şi Petru Ursache, Editura
Institutului European, Iaşi, 1996; 6. Valeriu Anania, Din spumele mării, Editura Dacia,
Cluj-Napoca, 1995; 7. G. Călinescu, Istoria literaturii române de la origini până în
prezent, ediţia a II-a revăzută şi adăugită, Editura Minerva, Bucureşti, 1988; 8. Eugen
Lovinescu, Istoria literaturii române contemporane, Editura Minerva, Bucureşti, 1989; 9.
***, Dicţionarul Literaturii Române de la origini până la 1900, Editura Academiei
Republicii Socialiste România, Bucureşti, 1979
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation (interactive lectures)
Assessment methods: conditions - course attendance – 50% and seminar attendance –
75%; criteria - presentation of the seminar projects elaborated in accordance with the
academic standards in force; forms - written and oral examination; the final grade
formula -60% written examination , 20% oral examination, 20% specialized readings
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course objective: The systematic, scientific and interdisciplinary presentation of the
fundamental issues regarding the Didactics of Religion
Course contents: 1. Religious education – dimension of integral education; 2. Chore of
religious education: aims and objectives of teaching Religion; 3. Didactic principles
applied to the teaching-learning process of Religion; 4. Didactic methods applied to the
teaching-learning process of Religion; 5. Learning methods applied to the teaching-
learning of Religion; 6. Assessment as part of the class of Religion; 7. Organizational
forms of religious education; seminar contents - thorough study of the lecture thematic.
Recommended reading: 1. Antonescu, G.G., Educaţia morală şi religioasă în şcoala
românească, Editura Cultura Românească S.A.R., Bucureşti, 1937; 2. Bârsănescu, Prof.,
Şt., Pedagogia şi didactica, Craiova, 1944; 3. Bolocan, Carmen-Maria, Le statut du récit
biblique et sa symbolique dans l`enseignement religieux à l`école, à partir du modèle,
proposé par Claude et Jacqueline Lagarde, Easy Documents, Yverdon, Suisse, 2004.
Bontaş, Ioan, Pedagogie, Editura All, Bucureşti, 1996; 4. Cerghit, Ioan, Metode de
învăţământ, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1997; 5. Cucoş, C., Educaţia
religioasă: conţinut şi forme de realizare, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti,
1996; 6. Cucoş, Constantin, Educaţia religioasă, repere teologice şi metodice, Editura
Polirom, Iaşi, 1999; 7. Ionescu, Miron, Lecţia între proiect şi realizare, Editura Dacia,
Cluj-Napoca, 1982; 8. Şebu, Sebastian, Metodica predării religiei, Editura Reîntregirea,
Alba-Iulia, 2000; 9. Timiş, V., Evaluarea, factor de reglare şi optimizare a educaţiei
religioase, Editura Renaşterea,
Cluj-Napoca, 2003; 10. Timiş, V., Misiunea Bisericii şi educaţia, Cluj-Napoca, 2004.
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation (interactive lectures)
Assessment methods: conditions - course attendance 50% and seminar attendance 75%);
criteria - presentation of the seminar projects elaborated in accordance with the academic
standards in force; forms - written and oral examination; the final grade formula - 60%
written examination, 40% oral examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Biblical Theology13 Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament,
Course code: TO05
Type of course: compulsory
Year of study: 1st
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Cezar-Paul Hârnoleanu
Course objective: To acquire the basic elements of the biblical exegesis and retain the
texts specific to the Orthodox Church.
This module comprises of two course units: Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament and
Introduction to the Study of the New Testament. Together, they value 5 credits.
Course contents: Introduction to the history of the biblical canon and of the books from
the Old Testament; seminar contents – thorough study of the course, notions of biblical
archaeology, knowledge of the biblical text, bringing the message of the Holy Scripture
Recommended reading: Prof. Petre Semen, Introducere în teologia biblică a Vechiului
Testament, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2008; Neaga Nicolae, Hristos în Vechiul Testament, Renaşterea,
Cluj-Napoca, 2007; Samuel Schultz, Călătorie prin Vechiul Testament, Oradea, 2001.
John Breack, Sfânta Scriptură în Tradiţia Bisericii, Patmos, Cluj, 2003; Henry Halley,
Manual Biblic, Ed. Door of Hope, 1983; At. Negoiţă, Teologia Biblică a Vechiului
Testament, Sofia, 2004; Alfred Kuen, 66 în una. O mică enciclopedie biblică, Casa
Literaturii Creştine, 1997; Dicţionar Biblic, Cartea Creştină, Oradea, 1995
Teaching methods: lectures, debates, portfolio
Assessment methods: conditions - active participation at the seminars, minimum 75%;
criteria - consultation of the entire bibliography; forms – examination; the final grade
formula – the average of the examination subjects 70%, seminars 30%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Biblical Theology14 Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament
Course code: TO09
Type of course: compulsory
Year of study: 1st
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Cezar-Paul Hârlăoanu
Course objective: To get accustomed with prophetic texts and form a biblical exegesis in
accordance with the Orthodox biblical hermeneutics
Course contents: Introduction to the prophetic books and to the exegesis of some texts
extremely relevant for the doctrine of the Orthodox Church; seminar contents – thorough
study of the course, notions of biblical archaeology, knowledge of the biblical text,
bringing the message of the Holy Scripture up-to-date
Recommended reading: Prof. Petre Semen, Introducere în teologia profeţilor scriitori,
Trinitas, Iaşi, 2008; Samuel Schultz, Călătorie prin Vechiul Testament, Oradea, 2001;
Henry Halley, Manual Biblic, Ed. Door of Hope, 1983; Neaga Nicolae, Hristos în
Vechiul Testament, Renaşterea, Cluj-Napoca, 2007; At. Negoiţă, Teologia Biblică a
Vechiului Testament, Sofia, 2004; Alfred Kuen, 66 în una. O mică enciclopedie biblică,
Casa Literaturii Creştine, 1997;Dicţionar Biblic, Cartea Creştină, Oradea, 1995.
Teaching methods: lectures, debates, portfolio
Assessment methods: conditions - complete consultation of the Holy Bible; criteria -
testing the ability of a minimal exegesis; forms – examination; the final grade formula -
average between the examination subjects and the portfolio
Language of instruction: Romanian
This module comprises of two course units: Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament and
Introduction to the Study of the New Testament. Together, they value 5 credits.
Course title: Biblical Theology15 Introduction to the Study of the New Testament
Course code: TO05
Type of course: compulsory
Year of study: 1st
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Ilie Melniciuc-Puică
Prerequisites: the Study of the Old Testament
Course objective: Knowledge of the New Testament’s text history; thorough study,
based on the biblical text, of the Saviour Jesus Christ’s wonders, parables, addresses, as
revealed by the four saint evangelists; highlight of the relationship between the synoptic
gospels and the gospel after John; presentation of the Church life in accordance with the
pattern set forward in the book on the Acts of the Apostles.
Course contents: The New Testament’s text: originals, important codices; biblical
translation; biblical exegesis – from Jews to the catechetic schools; generalities with
regard to the New Testament’s historical writings; the Saviour’s addresses and wonders;
Jesus’ passions and resurrection as revealed by the synoptics and the fourth Gospel; the
Holy Spirit’s working for the development of the Church; seminar contents – the use of
the Old Testament in Jesus’ and the Holy Apostles statements; the relationship between
the canonical gospels and the apocryphal writings; the biblical readings in the mosaic
religion and Christian religions; the biblical eschatology and the orthodox iconographic
reflex; the literary and narrative structure of the New Testament’s biblical text.
Recommended reading: Prof. Vasile Gheorghiu, Sf. Evanghelie de la Matei cu
comentar, vol I-III, Cernăuţi, 1933; Grigorie Marcu, Dr. Ioan Fruma, Procesul
Mântuitorului – studiu juridic şi teologic, Sibiu, 1945; Prof. Dr. Iustin Moisescu,
Originalitatea parabolelor Mântuitorului, R. Vâlcea, 1945; Sf. Ioan Gură de Aur, Omilii
la Matei (Scrieri partea a III-a), PSB 23, Bucureşti, 1994; R.E. Brown, An Introduction to
the New Testament, New-York, 1997; D. Stamatoiu, Cele patru Sfinte Evanghelii,
Craiova, 2000; V. Mihoc, D. Mihoc, I. Mihoc, Introducere în Studiul Noului Testament,
Sibiu, 2001; St. Tofană, Evangheliile după Matei şi Marcu. Documentul Quelle, Cluj-
Napoca, 2002; St. Tofană, Studiul Noului Testament, Cluj-Napoca, 2005 ; I. Melniciuc,
Utilizarea Vechiului Testament în scrierile lucanice, Iaşi, 2005.
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation (interactive lectures)
Assessment methods: conditions - lecture attendance (50%), seminar attendance (75%);
criteria - presentation of a term seminar project, in accordance with the academic
standards from the domain; forms - written and oral examination; final grade formula -
33% written examination , 33% preliminary examination, 33% elaboration of the seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Biblical Theology16 Introduction to the Study of the New Testament
This module comprises of two course units: Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament and
Introduction to the Study of the New Testament. Together, they value 5 credits.
This module comprises of two course units: Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament and
Introduction to the Study of the New Testament. Together, they value 5 credits.
Course code: TO09
Type of course: compulsory
Year of study: 1st
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Ilie Melniciuc-Puică
Prerequisites: the Study of the Old Testament
Course objective: To study the writings by the Saint Apostles Paul, Peter, John and
Jacob, highlighting their unifying role for the Judaeo-Christian and Pagan-Christian
ecclesial community.
Course contents: The Pauline Christology of the epistles with a dogmatic character;
grace and holiness in the Christians’ live from the Asia Minor communities; advices
regarding the community life in the New Testament’s epistles; the attitude with regard to
women, children and ailing, in accordance with the Pauline and Petrine epistles;
Theological and community valences of faith, hope and love in the New Testament’s
epistles; The sacramental hierarchy and the universal priesthood; The hierarchy between
the priesthood of the Old and of the New Testament; The role of the Mosaic Law in the
life of the Jewish and Christian believer; The ecclesiology of the New Testament and of
the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation); seminar contents – the Mosaic Law and the law of
love; the Saint Apostles’ life and personality; the role of the Holy Scripture and of that of
Tradition in the Church life; women in the writings of the New Testament and in Church;
Hebraisms, Septuagintisms, Graecisms and Latinisms in the Saint Apostles’ writings.
Recommended reading: Diac. Prof. Grigorie Marcu, Antropologia paulină, Sibiu, 1941;
Gh. Bălana, Sf. Ap. Pavel şi creştinii din Corint, S.T. 7-8,1957, p. 479-495; Dr. I.
Moisescu, Sf. Ap. Pavel şi viaţa celor mai de seamă comunităţi creştine în epoca
apostolică, S.T. 7-8,1951,
p. 398-416; Gh. Bălana, Epistola I a Sf. Ap. şi Ev. Ioan, M.O. 9-10 şi 11-12,1973, p. 757-
760 şi 943-952; 1-2 şi 7-8,1974, p. 36-40 şi 600-608; 1-2 şi 3-4,1975, p. 59-79 şi 202-
212; Pr. Ioan Mircea, Epistola I a Sf. Ap. Petru (teza de doctorat), G. B. 9-10,1973; R.E.
Brown, An Introduction to the New Testament, New-York, 1997; D. Stamatoiu, La
plinirea vremii, Craiova, 2002; D. Mihoc, Epistolele Apocalipsei, Sibiu, 2002; D.
Viezuianu, Hristologia Epistolei către Romani, R. Vâlcea, 1999; V. Mihoc, Epistola
către Galateni, S.T. 3-4 şi 5-6, 1983; St. Tofană, Iisus Hristos Arhiereu veşnic, Cluj-
Napoca, 2002.
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation (interactive lectures)
Assessment methods: conditions - lecture attendance (50%), seminar attendance 75%;
criteria - presentation of a seminar project, in accordance with the academic standards of
the domain; forms - written and oral examination, the final grade formula - 33% written
examination, 33% preliminary examination, 33% elaboration of the seminar project
Language of instruction: Romanian
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Dan Sandu
Prerequisites: The Study of the Old Testament, the Study of the New Testament,
Spiritual Formation, the Universal Church History
Course objective: To present and acquire the orthodox learning about God and His
working in the field of creation; To apply the learning on faith in the specific field of
activity; To understand the sense of the relationship between God and man from a
historical and dogmatic viewpoint; To enlighten the course beneficiaries for the
confession of the belief in the Spirit of Truth, by faithfulness to the Gospel and Church
Course contents: Introductory notions; The knowledge of God in the Orthodox religion;
God’s attributes; The divine revelation; The Saint Trinity – introductory notions, biblical
confessions, and patristic developments; Antitrinitary heresies; Newer knowledge with
regard to the Holy Trinity (Filoque, Jahwism, Unitarianism); The spirit and workings of
God; God the Creator; The creation of the seen and unseen world; Christian
Anthropology; Theology and Ecology; Man’s role in the act of creation; seminar contents
– Thematic and punctual approaches regarding the general themes: the history of the
dogmas, the evolution of the dogmas, theology and history, wrong teachings with regard
to role of theology, thematic debates relying on biblical argumentation.
Recommended reading: Stăniloae, Pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru, Teologia Dogmatică
Ortodoxă, vol. I, 1997 (ed a II-a), Bucureşti, 1997; Lossky, Vladimir, Teologia mistică a
Bisericii Răsăritului, trad. De Pr. Vasile Răducă, Bucureşti 1992; Damaschin Ioan, Sf.,
Dogmatica, traducere de Pr.D.Fecioru, ed.3-a, Scripta, 1993; Popescu, Pr. Prof. Dr.
Dumitru, Iisus Hristos Pantocrator, Bucureşti, EIBMBOR, 2005.
Teaching methods: lectures, bibliographic and visual materials, thematic interpellations
Assessment methods: conditions - course attendance 50%, seminar attendance 75%;
criteria - presentation of seminar projects and active participation at the seminars; forms -
written examinations; the final grade formula - the result of the examination grade 80%,
the presentation of the seminar project 20%
Language of instruction: Romanian
confession of the belief in the Spirit of Truth, by faithfulness to the Gospel and Church
Course contents: Christology: the Son of God Incarnated; The threefold dimension of
the Son’s working in the world; The aspects of the redemption and the kenosis of the Son
of God; The objective and subjective Salvation; The workings of grace in the human
being and his freedom in relationship with grace; Ecclesiology – interconfessional
approach; Pnevmatology; The Holy Mysteries, gates to the Kingdom of Heaven; The
honouring of the Mother of God; of the Saints and of the Holy Relics; The honouring of
the Holy Icons; Eschatology; The Christian knowledge on death and on life after death;
seminar contents – Thematic and punctual approaches regarding the general themes: the
history of the dogmas, the evolution of the dogmas, theology and history, wrong
teachings with regard to role of theology, thematic debates relying on biblical
Recommended reading: stăniloae, pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru, Teologia Dogmatică
Ortodoxă, vol. I, 1997 (ed a II-a), Buc., 1997; Evdokimov, Paul, Cunoasterea lui
Dumnezeu in traditia rasariteana : invatatura patristica, liturgica si iconografica, trad.
prefata si note Pr.Lect.univ. Dr. Vasile Raduca, Buc., Christiana, 1995, 170 p.; Kalmiris,
Alexandros, Sfintii Parinti despre originile si destinul omului si cosmosului: Sfatul cel
Veşnic, Râul de foc, Slava materiei, traducere si postfata Pr.Prof.Ioan Ica, Sibiu, Deisis,
1998, 144 p.; YANNARAS, Christos, Persoana si eros, trad. de Zenaida Luca, Buc.,
Anastasia, 2000, 424 p.; Nellas, Panayotis, Omul - animal îndumnezeit : perspective
pentru o antropologie ortodoxa, studiu introd. si trad., diac. Ioan I.Ica, jr., Ed.2-a, Sibiu,
Deisis, 1999, 286p.; popescu, pr. Prof. Dr. Dumitru, Introducere în dogmatica ortodoxa;
teme ale credintei crestine din perspectiva comparata, Buc., Libra, 1997, 198 p
Teaching methods: lectures, bibliographic and visual materials, thematic interpellations
Assessment methods: conditions - course attendance 50%, seminar attendance 75%;
criteria - presentation of a series of seminar projects and active participation at the
seminar classes; forms - written examinations; the final grade formula - the result of the
examination grade 80%, the presentation the seminar project 20%
Language of instruction: Romanian
ages: a) Kant’s system of morality; b) Positivist and neo-positivist systems of morality; c)
Utilitarianism and Pragmatism; d) Spiritualistic morality; e) Existentialist morality.
Recommended reading: Teologia morală ortodoxă, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de
Misiune al B.O.R., Bucureşti, 1979, vol I; Pr. Gheorghe Popa, Lege şi iubire. Coordonate
biblice şi hermeneutice pentru Teologia morală, Editura Trinitas, Iaşi, 2002; Diac.prof.dr.
Nicolae Balca, Istoria filosofiei antice, Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al B.O.R.,
Bucureşti, 1982; Ernest Stere, Din istoria doctrinelor morale, vol. I-III, Editura Ştiinţifică
şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1979; Henri Bergson, Cele două surse ale moralei şi religiei,
trad. Diana Morăraşu, Institutul European, Iaşi, 1992.
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation (interactive lectures)
Assessment methods: conditions - course attendance (50%), seminar attendance 75%;
criteria - presentation of a series of seminar projects elaborated in accordance with the
academic standards in force; forms - written and oral examinations; the final grade
formula - 50% written examination , 30% oral examination, 20% the elaboration of the
seminar projects
Language of instruction: Romanian
grade formula - 50% written examination, 30% oral examination, 20% the elaboration of
the seminar projects
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Orthodox Spirituality
Course code: TO21
Type of course: compulsory
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Ioan C. Tesu
Prerequisites: The Study of the Old and New Testament; The Universal Church History;
The Orthodox Dogmatics
Course objective: The knowledge of the main periods, stages and trends of orthodox
spirituality, the knowledge of the great Christian centres, of the fundamental religious
personalities and the specificity of their teachings
Course contents: the positive ascesis: the gain of the christian virtues; seminar contents
– The thorough study of some themes presented during the lecture, in accordance with
the current bibliography; The thorough study of the work of the great Holy “Parents” of
the Orthodox spirituality
Recommended reading: Spidlik, Tomas, Spiritulitatea Rasaritului crestin. II.
Rugaciunea, traducere: diac. Ioan I. Ica jr., Editura Deisis, Sibiu, 1998; Idem,
Spiritulitatea Rasaritului crestin. III. Monahismul, traducere: diac. Ioan I. Ica jr.,
Editura Deisis, Sibiu, 2000; Idem, Izvoarele luminii. Tratat de spiritualitate, traducere
de Ileana Muresanu, editia a II-a revazuta si adaugita, Editura Ars Longa, Iasi, 2001;
Meyendorff, John, Sfantul Grigorie Palama si mistica ortodoxa. Traducere de Angela
Pagu, Editura Enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1995; Arseniev, Nicolae, Mistica si Biserica
ortodoxa. Traducere: Remus Rus, Editura Iri, Bucursti, 1994; Evdochimov, Paul,
Varstele vie]ii spirituale. Cuvant inainte si traducere Pr. Prof. Ion Buga, Christiana,
Bucuresti, 1993; Filocalia sau culegere din scrierile Sfintilor Parinti care ne arata
cum se poate omul curati, lumina si desavarsi. Vol. I-XII. Traducere de Pr. Prof. Dr.
Dumitru Staniloae, Sibiu-Bucuresti, 1946-1992
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation, dialogues
Assessment methods: conditions - seminar attendance in proportion of 75%; criteria -
presentation of the seminar project, consultation of the corresponding bibliography
elaborated in accordance with the academic standards in force; forms - written
examination; the final grade formula – the average of the examination subjects
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course contents: The Hinduism; seminar contents – The thorough study of the course
thematic, the elaboration and presentation of the seminar projects
Recommended reading: Nicolae Achimescu, India. Religie şi filosofie, Iaşi, 2001;
Mircea Eliade, Istoria credinţelor şi ideilor religioase, Bucureşti, 1981; EM Vasilescu,
Istoria Religiilor, Bucuresti, 1975; J. Delumeau, Religiile lumii, Bucuresti, 2000.
Teaching methods: lectures
Assessment methods: conditions - seminar attendance in proportion of 75%; criteria -
complete consultation of the recommended bibliography; forms - written examination;
the final grade formula – the examination grade
Language of instruction: Romania
Introduction to social work; history of social work; the social worker’s ethic code; the
social worker’s role; the model of the social work intervention system in social work;
general notions on the concept of family, forming a family; dysfunctions of family life.
Part II
Family planning; sexual dysfunctions in the couple; sexually transmitted diseases;
presentation of the projects for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (AIDS,
diseases transmitted by viruses, fungi); counselling methods – play-roll (abortion)
Recommended reading: B, Constantin, Elemente de geriatrie practică, Editura
Medicală, Bucureşti, 1992; B, Constantin, În prag de pensionare, Editura Medicală,
Bucureşti, 1979; D, Dolphi, Speranţă pentru vârsta a III-a, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti,
1991; P, Fodor, Biologie şi vârstă, Dacia, Cluj Napoca, 1994; M, Marshall, Asistenţa
socială pentru bătrâni, Alternative, Bucureşti, 1993; V, Şchiopu, E., Verza, Psihologia
vârstelor. Ciclurile Vieţii, Editura didactică şi pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1968; H, Puwak,
Încetinirea Ireversibilităţii. Eseu cercetare, Expert, 1995; O,V, Paşcanu , Vârsta a III-a
sau ultimul examen. Moldova, Iaşi, 1984; Mircea, Dumitru, Bătrâneţea activă. Ed.
Medicală, Bucureşti, 1984; Ioan, Radu, Psihologie Socială, Exes srl, Cluj Napoca, 1980
Teaching methods: expository methods (story telling, explanations, lectures, debates),
interrogative methods, heuristic conversation
Assessment methods: oral exam, summative
Language of instruction: Romanian
Ed.Medicală, Bucureşti, 1984; Ioan, Radu, Psihologie Socială, Exes srl, Cluj Napoca,
Teaching methods: expository, interrogative
Assessment methods: oral exam, summative
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course contents: Phenomenology and proselytism; Neoprotestant structures (Baptists,
Evangelists, Adventists, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons) and new religious
movements; Local church-horizon of evangelization and of the Christian confession in
the perspective of the relationship with the political and civil structures; Sacred time and
space; the church – the liturgical centre of creation; Church holidays; Missionary
spirituality and Church Mysteries; Saint Virgin Mary; the saints; the icons and
neoprotestant objections; Particular eschatology – reincarnation; Universal Eschatology
– millenarism; The biblical, revelation fundamentals of the mission of the Church; The
Christian mission throughout history; Neoprotestant sects and new religious movements;
Ecumenism; Dogma, cult-related aspects rejected by sects and Orthodox fundamentals
Recommended reading: Gheorghe, Petraru, Îndrumări misionare, Bucureşti, 1986;
Gheorghe, Petraru, Misiologie ortodoxă, Iaşi, 2002; Gheorghe, Petraru, Secte
neoprotestante şi noi mişcări religioase în România, Performantica, Iaşi, 2006;
Gheorghe, Petraru, Ortodoxie şi prozelitism, Iaşi, 2000; P.I., David, Călăuza creştină,
Arad, 1987; Nicolae, Achimescu, Noile mişcări religioase, Iaşi, 2002, Chr., Felmy,
Dogmatica experienţei eclesiale, Deisis, 2000
Teaching methods: exposition, conversation, dialogue, interactive course
Assessment methods: final exam
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course code: TO33
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 3rd
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Carmen Gabriela Lăzăreanu
Course objective: Informative- knowledge acquisition; Formative - oriented towards
skills development, towards becoming familiar with the terminology of the subject field;
factual data, definitions, principles, theories, etc.
Course contents: Children with disabilities; Causes and the effects of the disability on
the individual and the family; Intervention methods for persons with disabilities and their
families; Children with AIDS and methods of intervention; Homeless children; Seminars
in the Maternus centre; Setting up a support group for the customers of the Centre
Recommended reading: C, Angelescu, Modul: Dezvoltarea copilului: nevoi şi cerinţe;
N, Dumitrana, Copilul insituţionalizat; V, Radulian: Cartea albă a copilului din
România; M, Roth, Modul: Diagnostic programul de formare a resurselor umane
Teaching methods: Expository (story telling, explanations, lectures), interrogative,
Assessment methods: summative, written exam
Language of instruction: Romanian
Language of instruction: Romanian
Recommended reading: Petre, Semen, Introducere în teologia biblică a Vechiului
Testament, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2008; Nicolae, Neaga, Hristos în Vechiul Testament,
Renaşterea, Cluj-Napoca, 2007; Samuel, Schultz, Călătorie prin Vechiul Testament,
Oradea, 2001; John, Breack, Sfânta Scriptură în Tradiţia Bisericii, Patmos, Cluj, 2003;
Henry, Halley, Manual Biblic, Door of Hope, 1983; At., Negoiţă, Teologia Biblică a
Vechiului Testament, Sofia, 2004; Alfred, Kuen, 66 în una. O mică enciclopedie biblică,
Casa Literaturii Creştine, 1997; Dicţionar Biblic, Cartea Creştină, Oradea, 1995.
Teaching methods: lecture, debate, portfolio
Assessment methods: exam
Language of instruction: Romanian
Assessment methods: 33% written exam, 33% midterm exam, 33% seminary work
Language of instruction: Romanian
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 1st
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Emilian (Vlad) Nica
Course objective: The systematic presentation of the illustrious events and personalities
in the History of our Church from a historical and theological perspective.
Course contents: The spread of Christianity on the territory of our country; The sermon
of St. Andrew and Philip, the Apostles; Archaeological evidence, martyrs; The diocese of
Tomis: hierarchs, theologists; The beginnings of the metropolitan church in Walachia,
Moldavia and Transylvania; The orthodox church in Transylvania during the catholic and
Calvinist propaganda; Romanian hierarchs, language creators and authors of books that
taught and defended orthodoxy; The Romanian orthodox church during the age of the
Phanariots; The Romanian orthodox church in the 19th and 20th centuries; The diocese of
Tomis: its beginnings, hierarchs, theologists in Scitia Minor, archaeological evidence,
martyrs; Evidence of the clergy life on the territory of our country, up to the setting up of
the metropolitan churches; The beginnings of the Romanian order of monks and its
reorganization by St. Nicodim; The confessing Romanian saints of the 17th century; The
Metropolitans, Varlaam, Petru Movilă, Simeon Ştefan, Dosoftei and Antim Ivireanul;
The confession of Petru Movilă (and the Iaşi synod), Varlaam’s Book, The New
Testament in Belgrad, The Bible from Bucharest and Dosoftei’s Book of Psalms in
Lyrics; The canonizations of saints in the Romanian Orthodox Church
Recommended reading: Mircea, Păcurariu, IBOR,vol.1, Iaşi, 2004; vol. 2, 3, EIMBOR,
Bucureşti, 1992, 1994; Ion, Vicovan, IBOR, curs, vol.1, Iaşi, 2002; Emilian, Popescu,
Creştinismul timpuriu pe teritoriul României, in volume “Priveghind şi lucrând pentru
Mântuire”, Iaşi, 2000; Sabin, Verzan, Sf. Ap.Andrei, Constanta, 1998; Ioan, G., Coman,
Scriitori bisericeşti din epoca străromân, EIMBOR, Bucureşti, 1979; Florian, Dudas,
Cazania lui Varlaam în Transilvania, Cluj, 1983; Nestor, Vornicescu, Petru Movilă,
Bucureşti, 1996; Antonie, Plămădeală, Dascăli de cuget şi simţire românească,
Bucureşti,1981; Idem, De la cazania lui Varlaam la Ion Creangă, Sibiu, 1997
Teaching methods: presentation, dialogue
Assessment methods: oral examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
more knowledge by means of individual study. The content is dealt with from an
interdisciplinary, historical and theological perspective.
Course contents: Introduction to the IBU study; The foundation of the Church and the
spread of Christianity; the organization of the Church; persecutions; heresy; The Emperor
Constantin the Great and Christianity; the spread of Christianity after the Edict of Milan
(313); ecumenical synods; the order of the monks in the first millennium; the
Christianization of the Slav people, the Hungarians and the Russians; the Schism of 1054;
The mission of the ecumenical synods, reunions, participants, decisions, significance; the
organization of the monks; types of monks and their activity; the Christianization of the
Bulgarians, Serbs, Moravians, Hungarians, Russians and of other people; Causes of the
great schism, stages of evolution, consequences; methodical work guidance for students;
the Church of Jerusalem; the spread of Christianity via its apostles and apprentices;
heresy in Judaism, Judeo-Gnosticism, Gnostic heresies, antitrinitarianism, controversies
and schisms; the religious policy of the Emperor Constantin the Great and his successors;
Christianization of peoples
Recommended reading: Ioan, Rămureanu, Milan, Şesan, Teodor Bodogae, IBU, vol. 1,
3rd edition, Bucureşti, 1987; Nicolae, Chifăr, Istoria creştinismului, vol. I, Iaşi, 2001;
Idem, Teologie şi spiritualitate patristică, Iaşi,2002; Ioan, Rămureanu, Actele martirice,
Bucureşti, 1982; Ion, Barnea, Octavian, Iliescu, Constantin cel Mare, Bucureşti, 1982;
Daniel, Benga, Metodologia studiului şi cercetării ştiinţifice în teologie, 2nd edition,
Bucureşti, 2003; Teodor, M., Popescu, Îndrumări metodice de lucru pentru studenţii în
teologie, in “Studii Teologice”, 2nd series, year VIII (1956), no.7-8, pp.498-530
Teaching methods: presentation, dialogue
Assessment methods: written examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
society relation; Formative interferences; Collaboration between the Church-educational
institutions: collaboration between Church-social work institutions and church-cultural
institutions; Raising awareness and self-awareness and confession in the current age;
Spiritual formation; Liturgical practice
Recommended reading: ***, Credinţa Ortodoxă, Trinitas, Iaşi,1996; ***, Liturghier,
Editura Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al B.O.R., Bucureşti, 2000; ***, Din învăţătura
Sfinţilor Părinti, Bizantină, Bucureşti, f.a.;***, Florilegiu filocalic, structured by Ignatie
Monahul, biographical references by Tudor, Ciocan, and I.M., Herald, Bucureşti, 2003;
Arhim. Cleopa Ilie şi Bălan, Arhim. Ioanichie, Lumina şi faptele credinţei, Iasi,1994;
Gabriel, Audicio, Religion et identite,1998; Protosinghel Ioanichie, Bălan, Pateric
românesc, Editura Episcopiei Tomisului şi Dunării de Jos, Galaţi, 1990; Dominique,
Beaufils, Ta foi t’a sauve, approche orthodoxe de la maladie et de la mort, preface
d’Olivier Clement, Desclee de Brouwer, Paris, 1996, 270, translation into Romanian,
Trinitas, Iaşi,2009.
Teaching methods: presentation, dialogue, heuristic conversation
Assessment methods: colloquium, 50% written exam, 25% participation to the liturgical
program, 25% the seminary work
Language of instruction: Romanian
”Mari pictori”, Dicţionar de artă, vol. I, II, Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1995, 1998; N.,
Knobler, Dialogul vizual, vol. I-II, Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1983; I., Stendl, Desenul,
Semne, Bucureşti, 2004; I., Şuşală, O., Bărbulescu,O, Dicţionar de artă, termeni de
atelier, Sigma, Bucureşti, 1993.
Teaching methods: frontal didactical (collective) and individual: explanations, directed
dialogue (conversations), demonstrations, exercises. Synectics. Polarized activities
(within the faculty, outdoors, cultural heritage)
Assessment methods: 50% midterm exam and 50% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Assessment methods: colloquium, 75% mid-term exam and 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
and esthetical image; The practical works involve the learning of the plan representation
and interpretation modes of the bi and three-dimensional forms and procedures.
Course contents: Information on the historical evolution of the geometric, projective and
perspective drawing, up to the modern age, according to the approach and suggestions of
the constructive and special vision; The works will include plan and volumetric visual
representations, specific to technical and geometric drawing, to axonometric
representations and to space depth through a conic perspective; The artistic correlations
emphasize the ongoing concern of man for unifying the technical-scientific and the
spiritual, sensitive, humanistic aspects in the sense of a symbolic esthetical process; The
practical works will focus on the rigorously constructive representation mode of forms
and figures with the help of the procedures of the projective, geometric drawing and
those that render the depth of the space (Standardized basic elements – patterns, folding,
indicator. Lines used in technical drawing. Quotation; Graphical constructions;
Standardized and artistic writing; Plane geometric figures; Intersections and sections; The
axonometric perspective; Types of common axonometries; The elements and stages of
the system of the conic and air perspective; Shadows and reflections; Anamorphoses;
Reverse perspective; Hierarchical perspective; Use of geometric, projective and
perspective aspects in art).
Recommended reading: V.R. and V.V. Iacobescu, Tehnica scrierii artistice, Ed.
Tehnică, 1989; Adrian, Ghiorghiu, Proporţii şi trasee geometrice în arhitectură, Ed.
Tehnică, 1991; Matila, Ghyka, Estetica şi teoria artei, Ed. Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică,
Bucureşti, 1981; Rene, Huyghe, Dialog cu vizibilul, Meridiane, 1981: Phil, Mityger,
Perspective without plan Benedikt Tasken, 1991; H.R., Radian, Cartea Proporţiilor,
Meridiane, 1981; Vasile, Sârbu, Desen Geometric şi Proiectiv, Bucureşti, 1992; Horia,
Teodoru, Perspectiva, Meridiane, 1968; Adrian, Ghiorghiu, Tehnica desenului
perspective în arhitectură şi artă, Ed. Tehnică, 1963; Zamfir, Dumitrescu, Structuri
geometrice – structuri plastice, Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1988; Mircea, Enache, Iulius,
Ionescu, Geometrie descriptivă şi perspectivă, Ed. Did. şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1980;
Arnold, Benhard, Geometrie proiectivă, Ed. Tehnică, 1993
Teaching methods: frontal and individual didactic methods: explanations, dialogue,
demonstrations, exercises: synectics
Assessment methods: 50% midterm examination and 50% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
beneficiaries of the lecture in order to confess their faith in the spirit of the truth, via
loyalty towards the Gospel and the Tradition of the Church
Course contents: Introductory notions; Getting to know God in Orthodoxy; God’s
attributes; The revelation of God; The Holy Trinity – introductory notions, biblical
testimonies and patristic developments; Anti-trinity heresies; New teachings about the
Holy Trinity (Filoque, Unitarianism, Jehovah’s Witnesses); The being and the works of
God; God the creator; Creation of the seen and of the unseen world; Christian
anthropology; Theology and ecology: the role of man in creation; Thematic and punctual
approaches in relation to the general topic: history and evolution of dogmas, theology and
history, false teachings related to the role of theology, thematic debates based on biblical
Recommended reading: Dumitru, Stăniloae, Teologia Dogmatică Ortodoxă, Vol. I,
1997 (2nd edition), Bucureşti, 1997; Vladimir, Lossky, Teologia mistică a Bisericii
Răsăritului, translated by Vasile Răducă, Bucureşti, 1992; Sf. Ioan, Damaschin,
Dogmatica, translated by D. Fecioru, 3rd edition, Scripta,1993; Dumitru, Popescu, Iisus
Hristos Pantocrator, Bucureşti, EIBMBOR, 2005.
Teaching methods: presentation, bibliographic and visual documents, thematic
Assessment methods: written exam
Language of instruction: Romanian
răsărăteană: învăţătura patristică, liturgică şi iconografică, translation preface and notes
by Vasile Raduca, Bucureşti, Christiana, 1995, p. 170; Alexandros, Kalmiris, Sfinţii
Părinţi despre originile şi destinul omului şi cosmosului: Sfatul cel Veşnic, Râul de foc,
Slava materiei, translation and notes by Ioan, Ica, Sibiu, Deisis, 1998, p. 144 ; Christos,
Yannaras, Persoana si eros, translated by Zenaida Luca, Bucureşti, Anastasia, 2000, p.
424.; Panayotis, Nellas, Omul- animal îndumnezeit: perspective pentru o antropologie
ortodoxă, introductory study and translation by Ioan I. Ica, jr., 2nd edition, Sibiu, Deisis,
1999, p. 286; Dumitru, Popescu, Introducere în dogmatica ortodoxă; teme ale credinţei
creştine din perspectiva comparata, Bucureşti, Libra, 1997, p. 198.
Teaching methods: presentation, bibliographic and visual documents, thematic
Assessment methods: written exam, 80% final examination and 20% the presentation of
the seminary work
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Study of Artistic Techniques and Specialized Course Practice / Study of
Artistic Techniques
Course code: TO16
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 3rd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Stelian Onica
Course objective: To introduce students to basic theoretical and applied knowledge, to
different methods and traditional and present-day materials, to understand and practise
the artistic creations, for developing the student’s ability to lay down with technical
accuracy different visual representations (according to some old and new technologies).
Course contents: The following themes will be approached: generalities about different
artistic technologies, traditional and up-to-date (graphical, pictorial and sculptural);
Methodological methods in religious art; Methods of working with different materials, on
different suppopts (paper, wood, mortar, etc). Graphical, painting and sculptural
methodological works, in relation to traditional techniques.
Recommended reading: I. Sandu, I.G. Sandu, Aspecte moderne privind conservarea
bunurilor culturale, vol.I , II, Editura Performantica, Iaşi, 2005; I. Sandu, Nomenclatura
conservării patrimoniului cultural, Editura Performantica, Iaşi, 2004; I. Sandu, Irina
Crina Anca Sandu, Antonia van Saanen, Expertiza ştinnţifică a operelor de artă, vol.I,
Autentificarea, stabilirea paternităţii şi evaluarea patrimonială, Editura TRINITAS,
IAşi, 1998; I. Sandu, Irina Crina Anca Sandu, I.G. Sandu, Colorimetria în artă, Editura
Corson, Iaşi, 2002; Irina Crina Anca Sandu, Principii fundamentale de teoria conservării,
Editura Corson, Iaşi, 2001; Irina Crina Anca Sandu, I. Sandu, Paula Popoiu, Antonia
Donze van Saanen, Aspecte metodologice privind conservarea ştiinţifică a patrimoniului
cultural, Editura Corson, Iaşi, 2001; I. Sandu, A. Dima, I.G. Sandu, Restaurarea şi
conservarea obiectelor metalice, Editura Corson, Iaşi, 2002; I. Sandu, Irina Crina Anca
Sandu, Chimia conservării şi restaurării, vol.I, II, Editura Corson, Iaşi, 2002;
Teaching methods: Differentiated applicative methods. Didactic, expositive, individual
and collective active methods. Universal methods + demonstration and conversion.
Particular methods, documentations in churches, museums, libraries, albums, photo-video
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 75%,final examination 25%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Methodology of Icon Restoration and of Polychromatic Painted Wood.
Documentation of Restoration. Sacred Art
Course code: TO18
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Mina Moşneagu
Course objective: To introduce students to theoretic notions regarding the norms,
principles and the necessary methodology for the restoration of cultural heritage assets, as
well as to aspects concerning the history of preservation and restoration of art works. The
necessary information for the intervention on the old wood paintings will be presented.
The casuistic theory presented within the laboratories will provide the possibility to
acquire the logics of optimal technological flow of the preservation-restoration
Course contents: The following themes will be approached: The history of preservation-
restoration; Norms and principles in scientific preservation and restoration of mobile
paintings; Main techniques used for painting icons on wooden support; Estimating the
conservation condition; Investigations. Diagnose. Restoration Documentation; The flow
of preservation-restoration process of wooden supports; Identifying the degradation level
of icons and polychromatic painted wood – case studies; Degradation identification
cards; Restoration record; Filling in the registration and preservation cards; Sampling for
Recommended reading: Legea nr. 182/2000 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural
naţional mobil; Baroni S., 1992, Restauro e conservatione dei dipinti, Fabri Editori;
Moldoveanu A., Conservarea preventivă a bunurilor culturale, Bucureşti, 1999;
Moşneagu M., Gavril I., 2002, Iconostasul bisericii „Sf. Împ. Constantin şi Elena” Iaşi –
aspecte privind starea de conservare, în Analele Univ. „Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, serie nouă,
Teologie, tom VII, p.229-240.
Teaching methods: Differentiated methods – didactic methods (expositive, active,
individual and collective). Universal methods (demonstration, conversation). Particular
methods (specific to Exact Sciences: laboratory analyses, tests, works on experimental
research). The practical study will be focused on the progressive understanding of the
scientific restoration and conservation stages.
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 75%, final examination 25%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Mina Moşneagu
Course objective: To introduce students to the theoretical and practical notions
regarding the deterioration and change mechanisms of the painting. The covered case
studies will provide the possibility of acquiring the optimal technological flow of the
conservation-restoration procedures. To acquire the professional ethics considering the
preservation of the national heritage assets.
Course contents: The wooden support for paintings. Old assembling techniques.
Supports deterioration. Preservation and restoration methods for the degraded wooden
supports: consolidation, tessellation, recovering the damaged supports, mending the bent
supports. Applying different restoring treatments for some damaged supports: gluing,
joggles, manufacturing cross-bars, adding up the missing material, impregnating the
damaged wood with consolidating materials, removing the dirt and the coats covering the
wood. Insecticide intervention.
Recommended reading: Liotta G., Gli insetti e I Danni del legno. Problemi di restauro,
Nardini Editore, Firenze, 1991; Nicolaus K., 2001, Il restauro dei dipinti, Ed. Konemann;
Vilari P.L., Il restauro dei suporti lignei, Editore Ulrico Hoepli, Milano, 2004.
Teaching methods: Differentiated methods – didactic methods (expositive, active,
individual and collective). Universal methods (demonstration, conversation). Particular
methods (specific to Exact Sciences: laboratory analyses, tests, works on experimental
research). The practical study will be focused on the progressive understanding of the
scientific restoration and conservation stages.
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 75%, final examination 25%
Language of instruction: Romanian
the carvings polychromatic layer. Practical work of filling in with putty the pictorial layer
gaps. Performing leaching micro-tests on the degraded glaze and on the adherent
deposits. Cleaning the painting and the degraded glaze.
Recommended reading: Cesare Brandi, Teoria restaurării, Editura Meridiane,
Bucureşti, 1994; Perusini G., Il restauro dei dipinti e delle sculture lignee, Ed. Del
Bianco, Udine, 1995; Uyielli L., Casayya O., Conservazione dei dipinti su tavola,
Nardini Editore, 1994.
Teaching methods: Differentiated methods – didactic methods (expositive, active,
individual and collective). Universal methods (demonstration, conversation). Particular
methods (specific to Exact Sciences: laboratory analyses, tests, works on experimental
research). The practical study will be focused on the progressive understanding of the
scientific restoration and conservation stages.
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 75%, final examination 25%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Methodology of Icon Restoration and of Polychromatic Painted Wood.
Documentation of Restoration
Course code: TO19
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Elena Ardelean
Course objective: To acquire basic, theoretical and practical formation necessary in
practising the conservator-restorator job in the field of conserving and restoring books
and documents on paper support.
Course contents: Norms and principles in preservation and restoration of books and
documents on paper support. Main types of supports for writing, printing, drawing:
history, characteristics, deteriorations. Main types of materials for writing, printing,
drawing: history, characteristics, deteriorations. Evaluation of the state of preservation of
books and documents on paper support. Register card of analysis. Register card of
preservation. Identification of different types of supports, writing materials and printing
techniques. Evidencing the elements of the morphological structure of an old book.
Identification of different types of degradation in books and graphic documents.
Recommended reading: Probleme de patologia cărţii, vol 1- 31, Laboratorul de
patologie şi restaurare a cărţii, Biblioteca Naţională a României, Bucureşti; A.
Moldoveanu Conservarea preventivă a bunurilor culturale, vol.II, Ministerul Culturii,
Bucureşti, 1999; C Brandi Teoria restaurării, Ed.Meridiane, Bucureşti,1996; Restaurator
: International journal for the preservation of library and archival material – Munksgard
; Copenhagen
Teaching methods: methods (expositive, active, individual and collective), universal
methods (conversation, demonstration), particular methods (laboratory analyses, tests)
Assessment methods: written examination 60%, ongoing evaluation 40%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course contents: Establishment of diagnostic and treatment proposal. Traditional
techniques of conserving and restoring documents on paper support. Establishment of
diagnostic and treatment proposal-case studies. Methods and techniques of documents
Recommended reading: Probleme de patologia cărţii, vol 1- 31, Laboratorul de
patologie şi restaurare a cărţii, Biblioteca Naţională a României, Bucureşti A.
Moldoveanu Conservarea preventivă a bunurilor culturale, vol.II, Ministerul Culturii,
Bucureşti, 1999; Restaurator : International journal for the preservation of library and
archival material – Munksgard; Copenhagen; http://www.bl.uk/ situl The British Library;
http://www.archives.ca./ica/ International Council of Archives (ICA) http://www.ifla.org/
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA);
http://www.unesco.org/webworld/mdm/index.html Programme "Mémoire du Monde" de
Teaching methods: didactic methods (expositive, active, individual and collective),
universal methods (conversation, demonstration), particular methods (laboratory
analyses, tests)
Assessment methods: written examination 60%, ongoing evaluation 40%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Teaching methods: didactic methods (expositive, active, individual and collective),
universal methods (conversation, demonstration), particular methods (laboratory
analyses, tests)
Assessment methods: written examination 60%, ongoing evaluation 40%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course objective: To acquire theoretic and practical knowledge regarding the structuring
of the human body form in parallel with developing students’ skills of observing and
visual analytical representing it.
Course contents: Theoretic and visual, descriptive and analytic study of osteology,
arthrology, myology and of the human body morphology and expressivity both static and
in motion. Artistic anthropology basic informative knowledge (great cultural epochs and
human body representations in plastic arts). Visual representations of the human body
osteology, arthrology, myology, morphology and expressivity both static and in motion.
Proportions and canons of beauty in the history of art. Typologies and ages. Compared
morphology and static and dynamic human expressivity (artistic rapports).
Recommended reading: Gh.Ghiţescu, Anatomie artistică, (3 vol.), Ed. Meridiane, Buc.,
1962; Gh.Ghiţescu, Antropologie artistică,vol.I, Ed. Did. şi Ped., Buc., 1979;
Gh.Ghiţescu, Antropologie artistică, vol.II, Ed. Did. şi Ped., Buc., 1981; C.Baraschi,
Tratat de sculptură, (2 vol.), Ed. Meridiane, Buc., 1962
Teaching methods: expositive and applicative didactic methods, whole group and
individual, based on: lectures, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual
documentations of some cultural landmarks (places of worship, museums, exhibitions,
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 75%, final examination 25%
Language of instruction: Romanian
spre absolut, Ed. Enciclopedică, 1999; M. Quenot, Nevoia de icoană, Ed. Sophia, 2006;
L. Uspensky, V. Lossky, Călăuziri în lumea icoanei, Ed. Sophia, Buc., 2003
Teaching methods: expositive and applicative didactic methods, whole group and
individual, based on: lectures, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual
documentations of some cultural landmarks (places of worship, museums, exhibitions,
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 75%, final examination 25%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 3rd
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Stelian Onica
Course objective: To develop skills necessary for the student to express directly the
plastic message, using specific laic and canonical-religious methods. This initiation aims
at understanding the relationship between image and ambiental and ecclesial context,
through an adequate relation to the given spaces of the plastic creation.
Course contents: Drawing for representing the human body in different specific
hypostases in Byzantine miniature, icon and mural painting. Drawing as a decorative
element of vestments. Byzantine drapery painting and costume. Drawing within the
framework of different aesthetic concepts in Byzantine art history. Creating thematics
with comparative illustrations. The Saviour, the Mother of God and other New
Testamentary important representations- free and canonical representations. The role of
the Byzantine erminia in the tradition of miniature, icon and mural painting (Jesus Christ
Pantocrator, The Mother of God with the Holy Child, St Archangel, St Apostle, St
Evangelist, St Martyr, St Monach, St Military, St Hierarch, St Deacon, St Emperor).
Recommended reading: C.Bouleau, Geometria secretă a pictorilor, Ed. Meridiane,
Buc., 1979; Pr Prof. C.Branişte, Liturgica generală; C. Cavarnos, Ghid de iconografie
bizantină, Ed. Sophia, Buc., 2005; Dionisie din Furna , Erminia picturii bizantine, Ed.
Sophia, 2000; Pr. P. Florenschi, Perspectiva inversă şi alte scrieri, Ed. Humanitas,1997;
Monahia Iuliania, Truda iconarului, Ed.; M. Quenot , Icoana, fereastră spre absolut, Ed.
Enciclopedică, 1999; M. Quenot, Învierea şi Icoana, Ed. Christiana, Buc. 1999, Egon
Sendler, Icoana, chipul nevăzutului, Ed. Sophia, Buc., 2005, I.D.Ştefănescu, Iconografia
artei bizantine şi a picturii feudale româneşti, Ed.Merid., Buc.,
1973, G.Popescu-Vâlcea, Miniatura Românească, Ed. Meridiane, Buc., 1981
Teaching methods: expositive and applicative didactic methods, whole group and
individual, based on: lectures, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual
documentations of some cultural landmarks (places of worship, museums, exhibitions,
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 100%
Language of instruction: Romanian
at understanding the relationship between image and ambiental and ecclesial context,
through an adequate relation to the given spaces of the plastic creation.
Course contents: Adaptation of the compositional drawing to the Byzantine specific of
the miniature, icon and mural art. Contrast and harmony of line in easel painting art and
monumental drawing correlated with the characteristics of the Byzantine art. Drawing
studies applied to syntheses modalities of the representations in the Byzantine manner.
Scale drawing adapted to the compositional context.
Recommended reading: C.Bouleau, Geometria secretă a pictorilor, Ed. Meridiane,
Buc., 1979; Pr Prof. C.Branişte, Liturgica generală; C. Cavarnos, Ghid de iconografie
bizantină, Ed. Sophia, Buc., 2005; Dionisie din Furna, Erminia picturii bizantine, Ed.
Sophia, 2000; Pr. P. Florenschi, Perspectiva inversă şi alte scrieri, Ed. Humanitas, 1997;
N. Gusev, M. Dunaev, R. Karelin, Îndrumar iconografic, vol.I, Ed. Sophia, Ed. Cartea
Ortodoxă, Buc. ,2007, Monahia Iuliania , Truda iconarului, Ed.; M. Quenot , Icoana,
fereastră spre absolut, Ed. Enciclopedică, 1999; G.Popescu-Vâlcea, Miniatura
Românească, Ed. Meridiane, Buc., 1981; Egon Sendler, Icoana, chipul nevăzutului, Ed.
Sophia, Buc., 2005; I.D.Ştefănescu, Iconografia artei bizantine şi a picturii feudale
româneşti, Ed.Merid., Buc., 1973.
Teaching methods: expositive and applicative didactic methods, whole group and
individual, based on: lectures, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual
documentations of some cultural landmarks (places of worship, museums, exhibitions,
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 100%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Universităţii “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, 2006, Teologie, tom xi, p. 605-611. Moşneagu, M.,
Considerations Regarding the Morphological Features of Aanobiidae (Coleoptera),
Revista de Inventică 57: 8-18, 2007, Mustata M., Insecte daunatoare bunurilor de
patrimoniu, Ed. Univ. „Al. I. Cuza”, Iasi, 1991, Mustaţă, M., Biologia în conservarea
operei de artă, Edit. Unversităţii „Al. I. Cuza”Iaşi, 235 p., 2009
Teaching methods: didactic methods (expositive, active, individual and collective),
demonstration, conversation, particular methods (laboratory analyses)
Assessment methods: final (written) examination 60%, ongoing evaluation 40%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 75%; final examination 25%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course objective: To develop chromatic sensitivity by developing students' skills of
observation and representation in order to express the plastic message directly and
harmoniously using coloristic means specific to the tackled domain .This initiation aims
at understanding the relationship between image and religious context, with an adequate
reference of the compositional chromatic work to the suggested frameworks.
Course contents: Contrasts, scales and chromatic symbols; Chromatic studies from
nature; Byzantine-type representations (Chromatic representations seen in objects and
drapery paintings; phytomorphic and zoomorphic elements; ornamental friezes;
decorative symbols; specific interior environment, landscape and Byzantine architecture
elements; human and holy person representations.)
Recommended reading: Arhim. S. Boghiu, Chipul Mântuitorului în iconografie,
Ed.Bizantină, 2001; -R. Berger , Descoperirea picturii, Ed. Meridiane, 1975; C.
Cavarnos, Ghid de iconografie bizantină, Ed. Sophia, Buc., 2005; C. Demetrescu ,
Culoarea, suflet şi retină, Ed. Meridiane, 1966; Dionisie din Furna , Carte de pictură, Ed.
Meridiane, 1979 sau Erminia picturii bizantine, Ed. Sophia, 2000 ; R. Huyghe , Dialog
cu vizibilul, Ed. Meridiane, 1987; M. Quenot, Învierea şi Icoana, Ed. Christiana, Buc.
1999; M. Quenot , Icoana, fereastră spre absolut, Ed. Enciclopedică, 1993; G.Popescu-
Vâlcea, Miniatura Românească, Ed. Meridiane, Buc., 1981
Teaching methods: expositive and applicative didactic methods, whole group and
individual, based on: lectures, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual
documentations of some cultural landmarks (places of worship, museums, exhibitions,
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 75%; final examination 25%
Language of instruction: Romanian
specific vestimentary features; Coloristic similarities and differentiations within the
framework of the canonical representations; The role of erminia in the compositional and
chromatic tradition of the miniature, icon and mural painting.
Recommended reading: C. Demetrescu, Culoarea, suflet şi retină, Meridiane, 1966; M.
Quenot, Icoana, fereastră spre absolut, Ed. Enciclopedică, 1993; Arhim. S. Boghiu,
Chipul Mântuitorului în iconografie, Ed.Bizantină, 2001; R.Berger , Descoperirea
picturii, Ed. Meridiane, 1975; Dionisie din Furna , Erminia picturii bizantine, Ed. Sophia,
2000; R. Huyghe , Dialog cu vizibilul, Ed. Meridiane, 1987; E.Sendler,Icoanele bizantine
ale Maicii Domnului,Ed. Sophia, Buc.,2008;I.D.Ştefănescu, Iconografia artei bizantine şi
a picturii feudale româneşti, Ed.Merid., Buc., 1973; L. Uspensky, V. Lossky, Călăuziri
în lumea icoanei, Ed. Sophia, Buc., 2003; G.Popescu- Vâlcea, Miniatura Românească,
Ed. Meridiane, Buc., 1981
Teaching methods: expositive and applicative didactic methods, whole group and
individual, based on: lectures, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual
documentations of some cultural landmarks (places of worship, museums, exhibitions,
Assessment methods: course attending and ongoing evaluation (theory tests and
practical works) 100%
Language of instruction: Romanian
Icoana, Ed. Christiana, Buc. 1999; Egon Sendler, Icoana, chipul nevăzutului, Ed. Sophia,
Buc., 2005; E. Sendler, Icoanele bizantine ale Maicii Domnului, Ed. Sophia, Buc., 2008;
I. D. Ştefănescu, Iconografia artei bizantine şi a picturii feudale româneşti, Ed. Merid.,
Buc., 1973; G. Popescu-Vâlcea, Miniatura Românească, Ed. Meridiane, Buc., 1981.
Teaching methods: Didactic methods (expository and applicative, frontal and individual)
based on: lectures, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual documentation in
certain cultural spots (religious establishments, museums, exhibitions, libraries).
Assessment methods: 100% continuous assessment.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Stelian Onica
Course objective: Traditional artistic techniques represent one of the essential courses
for the formation of the student’s ability to create the iconographic image according to
old technologies; the study, research and application in work of some traditional
materials; the research of the compatibility of these materials and their behaviour in time.
Course contents: The acquisition of technologies of performance on different props, of
traditional techniques taken from erminias, the development of work abilities according
to old technologies; the secco technique on wood and wall; traditional techniques of
wood painting; oil painting; the structure of plaster; the stratigraphy of simple and
complex plaster; rinzaffo, composition and method of application; arriccio, types of
arriccio, the composition of inert materials, binding materials, the texture of the surface,
method of application; mortars made of lime; mortars made of other mineral binding
materials, plaster of Paris; mortars made of lime and organic materials; making different
samples of mortars according to the combinations described in the course; the secco
Recommended reading: Dionisie din Furna, Carte de pictură, Ed. Meridiane, 1980;
P&L. Mora, P. Phillipot, Conservarea picturilor murale, 1984; C. Săndulescu-Verna,
Materiale şi tehnica picturii, Ed. Marineasa, Timişoara, 2000; Vitruvius, De architectura,
Roma, 1960.
Teaching methods: Differentiated applicative methods; didactic methods: expository,
active individual and collective; universal methods + demonstration, conversation;
special methods, documentation in churches, museums, libraries, albums, photo-video
Assessment methods: 75% continuous assessment + 25% final examination.
Language of instruction: Romanian
method of application depending on technique; intonaco a fresco, intonaco a secco; the
pictorial stratum, characteristics depending on the performance technique; the texture of
the surface and other characteristics; the application of colours, transparency and opacity,
saturation and luminosity; performing different tests to apply colour a fresco and a secco
on different mortars; the fresco and Byzantine mosaic.
Recommended reading: Dionisie din Furna, Carte de pictură, Ed. Meridiane, 1980;
P&L. Mora, P. Phillipot, Conservarea picturilor murale, 1984; C, Săndulescu-Verna,
Materiale şi tehnica picturii, Ed. Marineasa, Timişoara, 2000; Vitruvius, De architectura,
Roma, 1960; Programul iconografic al Bisericii Ortodoxe, Îndrumar pentru zugravii de
biserici, Bucureşti 1979; V. Vătăşianu, Pictura murală din nordul Moldovei, Bucureşti
Teaching methods: Differentiated applicative methods; didactic methods: expository,
active individual and collective; universal methods + demonstration, conversation;
special methods, documentation in churches, museums, libraries, albums, photo-video
Assessment methods: 75% continuous assessment + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
chrétien (200-395) (Paris 1966); Idem, Martyrium: Recherches sur le culte des reliques
et l’art chrétien antique, 3 vol. (Paris 1943-46); E.Kitzinger, Byzantine Art in the
Making: Main Lines of Stylistic Development in Mediterranean Art, 3rd-7th Century
(Cambridge, Mass.1977); J. Lassus, “La maison des chréetiens de Doura Europos”, în
RA (Paris 1969), fasc.1, p.129-40; I. Rămureanu, “Cinstirea sfintelor icoane în primele
trei secole”, ST XXIII (1971), nr.9-10, pp.621-71; W. Rordorf, Liturgie, foi et vie des
premiers chrétiens (Paris 1986) ; V. Vătăşianu, Istoria artei europene: Epoca medie
(Bucureşti 1967).
Teaching methods: analytical and synthetic in the acquisition of historical-theological
contents; expository and illustrative-demonstrative in the acquisition of artistic elements
(esthetical, morphological, technical-stylistic etc.).
Assessment methods: multiple choice test; individual presentation of applicative topics.
Language of instruction: Romanian
1973); P. A. Underwood, The Kariye Djami, 4 vol. (New York-Princeton 1966-75); V.
Vătăşianu, Istoria artei europene: Epoca medie (Bucureşti 1967).
Teaching methods: analytical and synthetic in the acquisition of historical-theological
contents; expository and illustrative-demonstrative in the acquisition of artistic elements
(esthetical, morphological, technical-stylistic etc.).
Assessment methods: multiple choice test; individual presentation of applicative topics.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 5
Name of the lecturer: Elena Ardelean
Course objective: The formation of basic grounding, through the acquisition of
knowledge regarding the principles and legislation in force, necessary to work as a
professional in the field of preservation and restoration of collections in museums,
storehouses, libraries.
Course contents: The definition of the following notions: cultural patrimony, cultural
good, work of art, museum, collection; the definition of the following notions: preventive
preservation, curative preservation, restoration of cultural goods; the organisation of the
activity of preservation and restoration of cultural goods; international organisations;
internal and international legislation regarding the protection of the cultural patrimony.
Recommended reading: A. Moldoveanu, Conservarea preventivă a bunurilor culturale,
vol.II, Ministerul Culturii, Bucureşti, 1999; C. Brandi, Teoria restaurării, Ed. Meridiane,
Bucureşti, 1996; http://www.unesco.org/webworld/mdm/index.html Programme
"Mémoire du Monde" de l'UNESCO; Law 182-2000 the protection of the national mobile
cultural patrimony; Law 422-2001 the protection of historical monuments; Law 311/2003
for museums and public collections; Rules of preservation and restoration of classified
mobile cultural goods /2003.
Teaching methods: Didactic methods (expository, active individual and collective)
universal methods (conversation, demonstration).
Assessment methods: 60% written examination, 40% continuous assessment.
Language of instruction: Romanian
prop, etc.; phases of polychromy; the icon on glass and wood – comparative stages and
fundamental methodological phases.
Recommended reading: C. Săndulescu, Verna, Materiale şi tehnica picturii, Editura
Marineasa, Timişoara, 2000; Monahia Iuliania, Truda Iconarului, Editura Sophia,
Bucureşti 2001; Mihail Mihalcu, Valori medievale româneşti, Editura Tehnică; Cennino
Cennini, Tratatul de pictură, Editura Meridiane, Bucureşti 1977; Dionisie din Furna,
Carte de pictură, Editura Meridiane, Bucureşti 1979; E. Sendler, Icoana, chipul
nevăzutului, Ed. Sophia, Buc., 2005; D. V. Thompson jr., Practica picturii în tempera,
Ed. Sophia, Buc., 2004.
Teaching methods: The course is based on the general method of analysis; there are a
number of didactic proceedings, means and methods which are applied in practice
(expository, active individual and collective); universal (observation, lecture,
demonstration) and special (scientific documentation, visits to churches, exhibitions and
museums, artistic visual programmes, modern visual technologies and techniques etc.).
Assessment methods: 75% continuous assessment + 25% final examination.
Language of instruction: Romanian
demonstration) and special (scientific documentation, visits to churches, exhibitions and
museums, artistic visual programmes, modern visual technologies and techniques etc.).
Assessment methods: 75% continuous assessment + 25% final examination.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course objective: The formation of basic grounding, theoretical and practical, necessary
to work as a professional in the field of preservation and restoration of graphic
documents, and also as a professional drawer.
Course contents: The art of illustration of manuscripts, the Palaeo-Christian miniature,
the Merovingian miniature, the Roman miniature, the Romanian miniature; the Western
miniature; the technique of the execution of miniatures; the execution of figurative
scenes, borders, frames, ornamental letters, compositions.
Recommended reading: V. Cartianu, Miniatura spaniolă, Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti,
1988; V. Cartianu, Miniatura irlandeză, Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1976; Liliana
Tugeanu, Miniatura şi ornamentul manuscriselor, vol I, Catalog, Bucureşti, 1996; G.
Popescu-Vâlcea, Miniatura românească, Ed Meridiane, Bucuresti, 1981; C. Nicolescu,
Miniatura si ornamentul cartii manuscrise din TarileRomâne, sec. XIV-XVIII, Bucuresti,
Teaching methods: Didactic methods (expository, active individual and collective),
universal methods (conversation, demonstration), practical demonstrations.
Assessment methods: 50% practical works, 50% written examination.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Teaching methods: Didactic methods (expository and applicative, frontal and individual)
based on: lectures, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual documentation in
certain cultural spots (religious establishments, museums, exhibitions, libraries).
Assessment methods: 100% continuous assessment.
Language of instruction: Romania
Teaching methods: Didactic methods (expository, active individual and collective),
universal methods (conversation, demonstration), practical demonstrations.
Assessment methods: 100% practical works.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Faculty of Orthodox Theology Valid for the master degree
Department: Orthodox Theology 2009-2011
Field: Theology
Specialization: Hermeneutics and Biblical Theology
Full-time degree
2 years of study
Year of study: 1st
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 6
Name of the lecturer: Petre Semen
Course objective: To acquire the skills of correct reading and writing in biblical Hebrew
in order to gain direct access to the texts on which the Bible is based (the Masoretic
Course contents: The verb (root, moods, tenses, gender, number and person, verbal
forms); the Pa’al perfect; the Pa’al imperfect; the Nifal form (perfect and imperfect); the
Piel form (perfect and imperfect); the Pual form (perfect and imperfect); the Hifil form
(perfect and imperfect); the Hofal form (perfect and imperfect); the Hitpael form (perfect
and imperfect); secondary forms; irregular verbs: verbs: primae, mediae şi tertiae
gutturalis; the contracted verbs (characteristics and classification); the quiescent verbs
(ayn-vava şi ayn-iod); the defective verbs; the application on the biblical texts, especially
on the messianic ones and the text of the historical books, of the knowledge of biblical
Hebrew acquired in the first year of studies.
Recommended reading: Petre Semen, Limba ebraică biblică, Ed. Universităţii Al. I.
Cuza, Iaşi, 2001; Atanasie Negoiţă, Gramatica limbii ebraice, Bucureşti, 1946; Mălăeşti
Popescu, Gramatica limbii ebracie, Bucureşti, 1904; Alphons Chabot, Grammaire
Hebraique Elementaire, Vienne et St. Louis, 1908; Timothy Crow, Silviu Tatu, Curs de
ebraică biblică, Oradea, 1999; Thomas C. Lamdin, Introduction to Biblical Hebrew,
Cambridge, 1971.
Teaching methods: Lecture, debate, portfolio.
Assessment methods: 70% final examination, 30% seminar activity.
Language of instruction: Romanian
ebraică biblică, Oradea, 1999; Thomas C. Lamdin, Introduction to Biblical Hebrew,
Cambridge, 1971.
Teaching methods: Lecture, debate, portfolio.
Assessment methods: 70% final examination, 30% seminar activity.
Language of instruction: Romanian
interprets; the notion of meaning – establishing the meaning of words (meaning, literary,
historical, proper, improper etc.); emphasis, hyperbole, litotes, irony, ellipsis,
comparison; types of improper meaning (synecdoche, metonymy, metaphor, allegory,
parable, fable, riddle, gnome, symbol); the interpretation of the text in context (the
immediate context, the historical context, the geographical context and the cultural
context); the application of the hermeneutical principles on the biblical texts starting from
the basic texts (the Masoretic-Hebrew and Greek text of the translation of the
Recommended reading: Mircea Basarab, Hermeneutica biblică, Oradea, 1997; Alfred
Kuen, Cum să in terpretăm Biblia, Bucureşti, 2002; Mircea Basarab, Interpretarea Sfintei
Scripturi în Biserica Ortodoxă, Cluj-Napoca, 2005; Andre laCocque, Paul Ricoeur, Cum
să înţelegem Biblia, Iaşi 2002; John Breck, Sfânta Scriptură în Tradiţia Bisericii, Cluj-
Napoca, 2003; Petre Semen, Antilogii scripturistice vechitestamentare, în „Altarul
Banatului”, anul VIII (XLVII), nr. 7-9, 1997
Teaching methods: Lecture, debate, portfolio.
Assessment methods: 70% final examination, 30% seminar activity.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Scripturi în Biblia creştină, Bucureşti 2006 (sub egida Comisiei Biblice Pontificale);
John Breck, Cum citim Sf. Scriptură, Alba-Iuliam, 2005; Alfred Kuen, Cum să înţelegem
Biblia, Editura Stephanus, 2002.
Teaching methods: Lecture, debate, portfolio.
Assessment methods: 70% final examination, 30% seminar activity.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course objective: To establish the most authentic meaning of the sacred text, using the
basic texts (Hebrew and Greek). Emphasis will be placed on the acquisition of the
fundamental dogmatic and religious-moral teachings of Christianity, with the help of
biblical hermeneutics.
Course contents: The interpretation of messianic and imprecatory Psalms; the definitive
or transient character of certain laws from the Old Testament; the interpretation of
prophetic texts (the historical context, the prefigurative value of some prophetic texts,
partial and plenary fulfilments); the parable in the Bible; the application of the
hermeneutical principles on the biblical texts, starting from the basic texts.
Recommended reading: Mircea Basarab, Hermeneutica biblică, Oradea, 1997; Alfred
Kuen, Cum să in terpretăm Biblia, Bucureşti, 2002; Mircea Basarab, Interpretarea Sfintei
Scripturi în Biserica Ortodoxă, Cluj-Napoca, 2005; Andre laCocque, Paul Ricoeur, Cum
să înţelegem Biblia, Iaşi 2002; John Breck, Sfânta Scriptură în în Tradiţia Bisericii, Cluj-
Napoca, 2003; Idem, Cum citim Sfânta Scriptură? - despre structura limbajului biblic,
Alba-Iulia, 2005.
Teaching methods: Lecture, debate, portfolio.
Assessment methods: 70% final examination, 30% seminar activity.
Language of instruction: Romanian
Language of instruction: Romanian
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 7
Name of the lecturer: Ilie Melniciuc- Puică
Course objectives: To complete students’ knowledge of textual analysis, methods of
biblical research, old and new types of exegesis, starting from the inter-testamentary
Judaism exegesis to the post-modernist exegesis. To offer, besides descriptive elements, a
demonstrative approach with the help of elements of rhetoric, narrative and chiastic
analysis which are specific for literary research. To develop analytical capacities which
are necessary for theological study and persuasion.
Course contents: The history of biblical exegesis (Old, New and inter- testamentary
exegesis); Apostolic and patristic exegesis; Modern exegesis of the Holy Gospels and of
the Acts of the Apostles; Analysis of biblical texts from the Pauline Epistles; Analysis of
the writings of St. John the Theologian; Analysis of the Petrine speeches
Recommended reading: Brown, R. E., Biblical Exegesis and Church Doctrine. New
York: Paulist Press, 1985; Hauerwas, Meynet, Roland, Rhetorical Analysis an
Introduction to Biblical Rhetoric. JSOT, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1998;
Patrick, Dale, Allen M. Scult, Rhetoric and Biblical Interpretation. Bible and Literature
Series. Sheffield, Almond Press, 1990; Stenger, W., Introduction to New Testament
Exegesis. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1993; Basser, Herbert W., Studies in Exegesis
Christian Critiques of Jewish Law and Rabbinic Responses, 70-300 C.E., Leiden Brill,
2000; Hall, Ch., Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers. Downers Grove,
InterVarsity Press, 1998; Lubac, Henri de., Medieval Exegesis. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans
T&T Clark, 1998; Anderson, R. Dean, Ancient Rhetorical Theory and Paul. Kampen:
Kok Pharos, 1996; Longenecker, R., Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period. [Grand
Rapids], Eerdmans, 1999; Mitchell, Margaret M., Paul and the Rhetoric of Reconciliation
an Exegetical Investigation of the Language and Composition of 1 Corinthians, 1989;
Johns, Loren L., The Origins and Rhetorical Force of the Lamb Christology of the
Apocalypse of John, 1998; Steyn, Gert, Septuagint Quotations in the Context of the
Petrine and Pauline Speeches of the Acta Apostolorum. Kampen; Kok Pharos, 1995;
Watson, Duane Fr., Rhetorical Criticism of Jude and 2 Peter Its Contribution to
Interpretation and Questions of Literary Integrity and Interrelationship, 1987.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, conversation; interactive orientation of lectures
and seminars
Assessment methods: 33% mid-term paper, 33% final written examination, 33% project
work for the seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course objectives: To study the form of writing and of narration in the writings of the
New Testament, specifying the type of analysis; this study is as an expression of New
Testament exegesis
Course contents: Types of exegesis: rhetorical analysis, narrative analysis, chiastic
analysis, textual and contextual analysis; Analysis of the Pauline speeches; Analysis of
the Petrine speeches; Rhetorical analysis of the Apocalypse
Recommended reading: Bateman, Herbert W, Early Jewish Hermeneutics and Hebrews
1:5-13 the Impact of Early Jewish Exegesis on the Interpretation of a Significant New
Testament Passage, American University Studies, New York, P. Lang, 1997; Fay, Greg,
Paul, the Empowered Prisoner Eph 3, 1-13 in the Epistolary and Rhetorical Structure of
Ephesians, 1994; Fields, Br, Paul as Model the Rhetoric and Old Testament Background
of Philippians 3:1-4:1, 1995; Fulton, S, A Rhetorical Analysis of Second Corinthians with
a View to the Unity Question, 1999; Harvey, J, Listening to the Text Oral Patterning in
Paul's Letters, Grand Rapids, Baker Books, 1998; Haykin, M, The Spirit of God the
Exegesis of 1 and 2 Corinthians in the Pneumatomachian Controversy of the Fourth
Century, Leiden, Brill, 1994; Kern, Ph., Rhetoric and Galatians Assessing an Approach
to Paul's Epistle, Cambridge, University Press, 1998; Liftin, A. Duane., St. Paul's
Theology of Proclamation an Investigation of 1 Cor. 1-4 in the Light of Greco-Roman
Rhetoric, 1991; Thurén, Lauri, The Rhetorical Strategy of 1 Peter with Special Regard to
Ambiguous Expressions. Åbo [Finland]: Åbo Akademis forlag, 1990; Steyn, Gert,
Septuagint Quotations in the Context of the Petrine and Pauline Speeches of the Acta
Apostolorum, Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1995; Watson, Duane Frederick, Rhetorical
Criticism of Jude and 2 Peter Its Contribution to Interpretation and Questions of Literary
Integrity and Interrelationship, 1987; Patrick, Dale, The Rhetoric of Revelation in the
Hebrew Bible, Overtures to Biblical Theology, Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1999.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, conversation; interactive orientation of lectures
and seminars
Assessment methods: 33% mid-term paper, 33% final written examination, 33% project
work for the seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
erminies for canonical texts; to develop the capacities for theological synthesis which are
necessary for an inter-confessional and inter-religious dialogue
Course contents: Jesus Christ as God and Man in the canonical Gospels; The Son of
God and the Son of Man; Jesus Christ as Teacher, Priest and King; The evolution of
Christian theodicy on the basis of Old Testament records; Pnevmatology in the Holy
Gospels; Pnevmatology in the New Testament Epistles; Ecclesiology in the New
Testament; The human body in St. Paul’s teachings; seminars: The convergence of
biblical texts into the Christian teachings; The theology of St. Matthew’s Gospel; The
theology of St. Mark’s Gospel; The theology of St. Luke’s Gospel; The theology of St.
John’s Gospel; The biblical fundaments of the social Christian life; The Exodus- a
theological paradigm of the Gospels
Recommended reading: Dr. Vasile Gheorghiu, Sf. Evanghelie după Matei cu comentar,
vol. I - III, Autorului, Cernăuţi, 1925 – 1933; Pr. Prof. Univ. dr. Stelian Tofană,
Introducere în Studiul Noului Testament, Vol. II, Evangheliile după Matei şi Marcu.
Documentul Quelle, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj –Napoca, 2002; Pr. Dr. Ilie
Melniciuc-Puică, Evanghelia după Luca – introducere şi comentar – vol. I, Ed. Euristica,
Iaşi, 2004; Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur, Omilii la Matei, in PSB vol. 23, Bucureşti, 1994;
Pr. Sofron Vlad, Prologul Evangheliei a patra, Cluj, 1937; F. Bovon, L’Évangile selon S.
Luc, vol. 1, 1,1-9,51, Labor et Fides, Genève,1991; F. Bovon, L’Évangile selon S. Luc,
vol. 2, 9,51-14,35, Labor et Fides, Genève,1996; J. A. Fitzmyer, The Gospel According to
Luke (I-IX). Introduction, Translation, and Notes, vol. I, col. AB 28, Doubleday, New
York, 1981; Pr. dr. Vasile Mihoc, Epistola Sf. Apostol Pavel către Galateni, doctoral
thesis, ST 3-4 şi 5-6 1983 ; Deacon N. Nicolaescu, Actualitatea epistolei I Corinteni, ST
1-2 and 3-4 1951; Hall, Ch., Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers. Downers Grove,
InterVarsity Press, 1998
Teaching methods: academic lectures, conversation; interactive orientation of lectures
and seminars
Assessment methods: 33% mid-term paper, 33% final written examination, 33% project
work for the seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course contents: The Pauline eschatology; The Petrine eschatology; Eschatology in St.
John’s writings; Biblical mariology; The Kingdom of God; The Baptism and the
Eucharist in St. Paul’s writings; Jesus Christ- the fulfilment of the Mozaic Law; The
Chosen people’s Exodus through history towards Eshaton; “God’s day”; “The third day
according to the Scriptures” “The Mother of my Lord”; Analysis of Biblical texts in St.
Paul’s Epistles; Analysis of Biblical texts from St. John’s the Theologian’s writings;
Analysis of quotes from the Bible in Pauline Epistles and speeches
Recommended reading: C. Coman, Erminia Duhului, Ed. Bizantină, Bucureşti, 2003;
Haykin, M., The Spirit of God the Exegesis of 1 and 2 Corinthians in the
Pneumatomachian Controversy of the Fourth Century, Leiden, Brill, 1994; Liftin, A.
Duane., St. Paul's Theology of Proclamation an Investigation of 1 Cor. 1-4 in the Light of
Greco-Roman Rhetoric, 1991; James D. G. Dunn, The Theology of Paul the Apostle.
Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1998; D. Stamatoiu, Ep. II către Tesaloniceni, doctoral thesis,
Ed. Trinitas, Iaşi, 1996; Luke Timothy Johnson, Hebrews. A commentary, Westmister J.
Knox Press, London, 2006; Ferdinand Prat, The Theology of St. Paul (2 vols.).
Westminster, MD: Newman, 1950; I. Mircea, Ep. I Petru, doctoral thesis, in GB, 1973;
Idem, Ep. II Petru, in GB 1975; M. Morgen, Les epitres de Jean, Les Editions du Cerf,
Paris, 2005; Pr. N. Crângaşu, Epistola a II-a sobornicească a Sf. Ap. Petru, Alma Mater,
Cluj-Napoca, 2006; Gheorghiu Vasile, Împărăţia de mii de ani şi lupta cea mai de pe
urmă, 1928; Savvas Agouridis, Comentariu la Apocalipsa, translated by Dr. Constantin
Coman, Ed. Bizantină, Bucureşti, 1997; Daniel Mihoc, Epistolele Apocalipsei, Teofania,
Sibiu, 2003; Pr. Dr. Ioan Mircea, Apocalipsa, Bucureşti, Anastasia, 1994; Pierre Prigent,
L’Apocalypse de St. Jean, Labor et Fides, 2000; P. Drăgulin, Apocalipsa, Bucureşti,
2005; Pr. B. Răduleanu, Sfânta Liturghie şi Apocalipsa tâlcuite prin cuvintele de pe
cruce, Bonifaciu, Bucureşti, 2007; Patrick, Dale, The Rhetoric of Revelation in the
Hebrew Bible, Overtures to Biblical Theology, Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1999; Loren
L. Johns, The Origins and Rhetorical Force of the Lamb Christology of the Apocalypse of
John, 1998.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, conversation; interactive orientation of lectures
and seminars
Assessment methods: 33% mid-term paper, 33% final written examination, 33% project
work for the seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
directed towards the holy text and of a complete understanding of the inestimable value
of the biblical text
Course contents: The visual reception of the divine revelation: the experience of
Patriarch Abraham (Genesis 18); Moses’ experience of the divine (Exodus 3, 24; 33); the
hearing of the divine name; the theology of the divine names (starting from the
Tetragrammaton); The public revelation of the divine: the revelation on Mt. Sinai
(Exodus 20); Moses’ second experience of the divine; Elijah’s experience (I Kings 17-22;
II Kings 1-2); seminars: study of the biblical texts which discuss the subject
Recommended reading: Latin anonymous, Ascensione, apud Eliane Poirot, Sfântul Ilie
proorocul arhetipul monahului; Arhimandritul Sofronie, Mistica vederii lui Dumnezeu,
translation, footnotes and comments by Irineu Slătineanu, Adonai-Izvoarele Spiritualităţii
Ortodoxe, Bucureşti, 1995.; Carl F.H. Henry, Dumnezeu, revelaţie şi autoritate,
translated by Agnes Dragomir, Cartea Creştină, vol. II; Carl F.H. Henry, Dumnezeu,
revelaţie şi autoritate, vol. 6 – Dumnezeu care stă şi rămâne, translated by Agnes
Dragomir, Cartea creştină, Oradea 2000.; Hans Küng, Iudaismul- situaţia religioasă a
timpului, with an introduction by Andrei Marga, translated from German by Edmond
Nawrotzky-Török, Editura Hasefer, Bucureşti, 2005; Christos Yannaras, Libertatea
Moralei, translated by Mihai Canturiani, Anastasia, Bucureşti, 2004; Constantin Daniel,
Orientalia Mirabilia, Editura Ştiinţificǎ şi enciclopedică, Bucureşti , 1976.
Teaching methods: lectures, debates
Assessment methods: 70 % exam paper, 30 % seminar participation and portfolio
Language of instruction: Romanian
Bucureşti, 1999; Episcopul Velimirovici Nicolae, Învăţături despre bine şi rău, translated
from Serbian by Pr. Teofil Petrescu, Sofia, Bucureşti, 1999; Gerhard Maier, Evanghelia
după Ioan-Comentariu biblic, vol. 6-7, Lumina lumii, Korntal-Germania 1999; Idem,
Evanghelia după Luca-Comentariu biblic, vol. 6-7, Editura Lumina lumii, Korntal,
Germania, 1999.; Idem, Evanghelia după Marcu – Comentariu biblic, vol.3, Lumina
lumii, Korntal , Germania, 1999.; Idem, Evanghelia după Matei-Comentariu biblic, vol.
1-2, Lumina lumii, Korntal, Germania, 2000; Heiko Krimmer, Epistola către Romani-
comentariu biblic,vol.10, Lumina Lumii, Korntal-Germania, 2001.
Teaching methods: lectures, debates
Assessment methods: 70 % exam paper, 30 % seminar participation and portfolio
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Human – Divine Experience According to the Bible
Course code: TO23
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: MA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 4th
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 7
Name of the lecturer: Petre Semen
Course objectives: To inspire the conviction that the Bible proves to be not only God’s
word in a form accessible to humans, but also the evidence of an unmediated experience
of the divine; this conviction is the essential basis of a serious reflection directed towards
the holy text and of a complete understanding of the essential value of the biblical text
Course contents: The Writing Prophets’ experience of the divine: the prophetic
phenomenon in the Old Israel; Isaiah’s experience (chapter 6); Ezekiel’s experience
(chapters 1 and 10); The apparent abandonment of man by God: the psalmist’s frustration
related to the divine abandonment; Yahweh’s hiding of his Face from man; The
experience of the divine through ecstasy and illumination; Exegesis on the Hebraic text
Recommended reading: John Walvoord, Daniel, translated by Tavi Verlan şi Constantin
Leontiuc, Multimedia, Arad, 1998; Josephus Flavius, Antichităţi iudaice, Cartea II, cap.
XII, 4, translation and footnotes by Ion Acsan, Editura Hasefer, Bucureşti, 2000; Maurice
Cocagnac, Simbolurile biblice-Lexic teologic, translated from French by Michaela
Slăvescu, Humanitas, Bucureşti, 1997.; Maurice de Cocagnac, Simbolurile biblice-Lexic
Teologic, translated from French by Michaela Slăvescu, Humanitas, Bucureşti, 1997.;
Moses Rosen, Eseuri Biblice, Hasefer, Bucureşti, 1992.; Nichifor Crainic, Nostalgia
paradisului, Moldova, Iaşi, 1994.; Otto Rudolf, Despre elementul iraţional din ideea
divinului şi despre relaţia lui cu raţionalul, Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1996.; Oswald
Chambers, Iată cum vă trimit Eu pe voi lucrătorii lui Dumnezeu, translated by Daniel
Tomuleţ, Cartea Creştină, Oradea, 1996.; Paul Beauchamp, Cincizeci de portrete biblice,
translated from French by Claudiu Constantinescu, Cartier, Bucureşti, 2001.; Paul
Evdokimov, Arta icoanei – o teologie a frumuseţii, translated by Grigorie Moga and
Petre Moga, Maridinae, 1992.
Teaching methods: lectures, debates
Assessment methods: 70 % exam paper, 30 % seminar participation and portfolio
Language of instruction: Romanian
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 10
Name of the lecturer: Vasile Cristescu
Course objectives: To improve the students’ knowledge of basic dogmatic themes
Course contents: Christian anthropology; The image and likeness of man to God; Person
and communion; Christian terminology: hypostasis, nature, person; Personal aspects of
the human dimension; Self-knowledge in Christianism
Recommended reading: Pr Prof Dr Dumitru Stăniloae, Teologia Dogmatică Ortodoxă,
vol. 1, 2nd edition, Bucureşti, 1997 Idem, Spiritualitatea ortodoxă, Bucureşti, 1981.;
Idem, Iisus Hristos sau restaurarea omului, 2nd edition, Craiova, 1993.; Vladimir Lossky,
Teologia mistică a Bisericii Răsăritului, translated by Pr. V. Răducă, Bucureşti, 1992;
Vasile Cristescu, Persoană şi comuniune în creştinism şi filozofie, Iaşi, 2008.
Teaching methods: lectures
Assessment methods: written examination and oral examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 3rd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 10
Name of the lecturer: Vasile Cristescu
Course objectives: To improve the knowledge of the main themes in Dogmatic
Theology, themes which are essential in the field of theological studies.
Course contents: The dogma of the Holy Trinity in the writings of the Church Fathers of
the 2nd and the 3rd centuries; The Holy Trinity at the first two ecumenical councils; Anti-
trinity heresies; The Holy Trinity in the writings of the Apostolic Fathers; Anti-trinity
heresies in the first three centuries of Christianity
Recommended reading: Pr Prof Dr Dumitru Stăniloae, Teologia Dogmatică Ortodoxă,
vol. 1, Bucureşti, 1997; Idem, Iisus Hristos sau restaurarea omului, 2nd edition, Craiova,
1993.; Vladimir Lossky, Teologia mistică a Bisericii Răsăritului, translated by Pr. V.
Răducă, Bucureşti, 1992; Vasile Cristescu, Persoanele trinitare şi comuniunea dintre ele
în teologia Sf. Grigorie de Nazianz, Iaşi, 2000.
Teaching methods: lectures
Assessment methods: written examination and oral examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: MA
Year of study: 1st
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 8
Name of the lecturer: Gheorghe Popa
Course objectives: To introduce the student to the theological fundaments of the
Christian social ethics; to describe the role of Christian social ethics in the modern and
postmodern context; to make a parallel between Christian social ethics and secular
bioethics; to prove the theological and ethical dimension of human rights
Course contents: The Biblical and patristical fundaments of the Christian social ethics;
The value of life and human dignity from the perspective of Christian ethics; The
theological and ethical dimension of human rights; seminars: development of the themes
from the course from an interdisciplinary perspective
Recommended reading: Georgios Mantzaridis, Morala creştină, Bizantină, Bucureşti,
2006.; Christos Yannaras, Libertatea moralei, Anastasia, Bucureşti, 2004.; Ioan I.Ică jr.,
Germano Morani, Gândirea socială a Bisericii, Deisis, Sibiu, 2002.; Bioetica şi Taina
persoanei, Ed. Bizantină, Bucureşti, 2006.; H. Tristan Engelhardt jr., Fundamentele
Bioeticii creştine, Deisis, Sibiu, 2005.; Jöin Rüsen, Hans-Klaus Keul, Adrian Iliescu,
Drepturile Omului la întâlnirea dintre culturi, Paralela 45, Bucureşti, 2004.
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation; interactive orientation of lectures and
Assessment methods: 50 % written examination, 30 % oral examination, 20 % project
work in the seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
Bioetica şi Taina persoanei, Ed. Bizantină, Bucureşti, 2006.; H. Tristan Engelhardt jr.,
Fundamentele Bioeticii creştine, Deisis, Sibiu, 2005.; Jöin Rüsen, Hans-Klaus Keul,
Adrian Iliescu, Drepturile Omului la întâlnirea dintre culturi, Paralela 45, Bucureşti,
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation; interactive orientation of lectures and
Assessment methods: 50 % written examination, 30 % oral examination, 20 % project
work in the seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course objectives: To offer an introduction to the specificity and particularity of the
neo-religious phenomenon which intensified in the past 30 years in Europe and, after
1989, including in Romania
Course contents: Occultism and technical civilisation; Secularism and religious
syncretism; seminars: presentation of project works
Recommended reading: Achimescu, Nicolae, Noile mişcări Religioase,Cluj-Napoca,
2002.; David, P.I., Invazia sectelor, I-III, Bucureşti and Constanţa, 1997, 2000.; Eliade,
Mircea, Ocultism, vrăjitorie şi mode culturale, Bucureşti, 1997.; Gavriluţă, Nicu, Mişcări
religioase orientale, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.; Petraru, Gheorghe, Ortodoxie şi prozelitism,
Iaşi, 2000.; Tia, Teofil, Reîncreştinarea Europei !, Alba Iulia, 2003.; Vernette, Jean,
Secolul XXI va fi mistic sau nu va fi deloc, Bucureşti, 2003.; Walter, Martin, Impărăţia
cultelor eretice, Oradea, 2001.
Teaching methods: lectures
Assessment methods: written exam
Language of instruction: Romanian
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation
Assessment methods: written examination, colloquium
Language of instruction: Romanian
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 6
Name of the lecturer: Ioan C. Tesu
Course objectives: To introduce to the students the main Christian concepts and
personalities related to the sacramental mystic, Eucharist mystic, and the deep
significations of the Liturgy and Holy Sacraments in Eastern Christianity
Course contents: Personal mysticism and ecclesial mysticism; The Holy Liturgy, the
centre of life in the orthodox spirituality; the spiritual progress as reflected in the Holy
sacraments; Seminars: the study of works written by the great Fathers of orthodox
Recommended reading: Filocalia sau culegere din scrierile Sfinţilor Părinţi care ne
arată cum se poate omul curăţi, lumina şi desăvârşi. Vol. I-XII. Translated by Pr. Prof.
Dr. Dumitru Stăniloae, Sibiu-Bucureşti, 1946-1992.; Pr. prof. D. Stăniloae, Sfinţenia în
Ortodoxie, in “Ortodoxia”, XXXII (1980), nr. 1, p. 33-44.; Drd. Mihai Hau, Tainele de
iniţiere după Catehezele mistogogice ale Sfântului Chiril al Ierusalimului, in
“Ortodoxia”, XXXVIII (1986), nr. 4, p. 126-139.; Magistrand Popescu Dumitru,
Sfinţenia după Sfântul Chiril al Alexandriei, in “Ortodoxia”, XIII (1961), nr. 2, p. 230-
242. ; Magistrand Dumitru Popescu, Problema «chipului» din om, după Sfântul Grigorie
de Nisa, în “Glasul Bisericii”, XX (1961), nr. 3-4, p. 338-352. ; Pr. prof. dr. Dumitru
Radu, Tainele iniţierii în mistica sacramentală a lui Nicolae Cabasila, in “Ortodoxia”,
XLI (1989), nr. 3, p. 3-13. ; Pr. Prof. Dumitru Stăniloae, Natură şi har în teologia
bizantină, in “Ortodoxia”, XXVI (1974), nr. 3, p. 392-440.; Pr. Ioan Mircea,
Îndumnezeirea credinciosului. Mărturii biblice, patristice şi cultice ortodoxe, in
“Ortodoxia”, XXVII (1975), nr, 2, p. 316. ; Preot prof. Dumitru Stăniloae, Modurile
prezenţei lui Hristos în cultul Bisericii, in “Mitropolia Banatului”, XXXII (1982), nr. 7-9,
p. 429-457. ; Origen, Despre rugăciune. Translated by: Mihai Vladimirescu, Herald,
Bucureşti, s.a.; Clement, Olivier, Rugăciunea lui Iisus. Translated from French by
Măriuca and Adrian Alexandrescu, EIBMBOR, Bucureşti, 1997
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation
Assessment methods: written examination, colloquium
Language of instruction: Romanian
the Holy Eucharist; Seminars: the study of works written by the great Fathers of orthodox
Recommended reading: Jean Claude Larchet, La divinisation de l’homme selon Maxime
le Confesseur, Cerf, Paris, 1996; Stăniloae, Dumitru, Trăirea lui Dumnezeu în Ortodoxie.
Preface by pr. prof. Ilie Moldovan. Anthology, introductive studt and notes by Sandu
Frunză, Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1993; Golitzin, Ieromonah Alexander, Mistagogia –
experienţa lui Dumnezeu in Ortodoxie. Studii de teologie mistică.Translation and
presentation: deacon Ioan I. Ică jr., Deisis, Sibiu, 1998. ; Părintele Dumitru Stăniloae,
Rugăciunea lui Iisus şi experienţa Duhului Sfânt. Foreword by Arhimandritul Gheorghios
Grigoriatul. Preface by Olivier Clement. Translated by Marilena Rusu, Deisis, Sibiu,
1995. ; Bobrinskoy, Pr. Profesor Boris, Împărtăşirea Sfântului Duh. Translated by
Măriuca and Adrian Alexandrescu, EIBMBOR, Bucureşti, 1999.; Evdochimov, Paul,
Înnoirea spiritului. Studii de spiritualitate, Translated from French by Magdalena
Mărculescu-Cojocea, Editura Pandora, Târgovişte, 1997.; Lossky, Vladimir, Vederea lui
Dumnezeu. Translated by Maria Cornelia Oros. Introductive study by deacon Ioan I. Ică
jr., Deisis, Sibiu, 1995.; Arhiepiscopul Basile Krivocheine, În lumina lui Hristos. Sfântul
Simeon Noul Teolog. Viaţa. Spiritualitatea. Învăţătura. Translated from French by Pr.
conf. dr. Vasile Leb şi Ierom. Gheorghe Iordan, EIBMBOR, Bucureşti, 1997. ;
Arhimandritul Dosoftei Morariu, Despre Dumnezeiescul Har, Orthodoxos Kyrseli,
Tesalonic, 1999.; Mantzaridis, Georgios, La doctrine de saint Gregoire Palamas sur de
deification de l’etre humain, Lausanne, 1990.
Teaching methods: lectures, conversation
Assessment methods: written examination, colloquium
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Practical Christian Ethics. Methods and Practices of Moral Development
and Spiritual Therapy
Course code: TO17
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: MA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 3rd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 6
Name of the lecturer: Gheorghe Popa
Course objectives: To introduce the student to the Christian methods and practices of
moral development; To describe the causes and the types of pathological forms which
appear in the moral and spiritual life; To know and to apply the methods and practices of
moral and spiritual therapy
Course contents: Ethics and hermeneutics. The importance of interpretation for the
formation of moral attitudes and judgements; Ethics and holiness. Acquisition of
Christian moral values in the liturgical and sacramental context of the Church; Elements
of psychology and spiritual and moral therapy; seminars: development of the themes
from the course from an interdisciplinary perspective
Recommended reading: Pr. Gheorghe Popa, Lege şi iubire. Coordonate biblice şi
hermeneutice pentru Teologia Morală, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2002.; Ulrich Luz ed., La Bible :
une pomme de discorde, Labor et Fides, Genève, 1972.; Pierre-André Stuchi,
Keméneutique et Dialectique, Labor et Fides, Genève, 1970.; Pierre Bühler et Clairette
Karakosche ed., Quand interpréter c’est changer. Pragmatique et lectures de la Parole,
Labor et Fides, Genève, 1995.; Mitropolit Hierotheos Vlachos, Psihoterapia Ortodoxă,
Învierea, Timişoara, 1998.; Jean-Claude Larchet, Teologia bolii, « Oastea Domnului »,
Sibiu, 1997.; Idem, Terapeutica bolilor spirituale, Sofia, Bucureşti, 2001.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, conversation; interactive orientation of lectures
and seminars
Assessment methods: 50 % written examination, 30 % oral examination, 20 % project
work for the seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Practical Christian Ethics. Methods and Practices of Moral Development
and Spiritual Therapy
Course code: TO23
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: MA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 4th
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 6
Name of the lecturer: Gheorghe Popa
Course objectives: To introduce the student to the Christian methods and practices of
moral development; To describe the causes and the types of pathological forms which
appear in the moral and spiritual life; To know and to apply the methods and practices of
moral and spiritual therapy
Course contents: Ethics and hermeneutics. The importance of interpretation for the
formation of moral attitudes and judgements; Ethics and holiness. Acquisition of
Christian moral values in the liturgical and sacramental context of the Church; Elements
of psychology and spiritual and moral therapy; seminars: development of the themes
from the courses from an interdisciplinary perspective
Recommended reading: Pr. Gheorghe Popa, Lege şi iubire. Coordonate biblice şi
hermeneutice pentru Teologia Morală, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2002.; Ulrich Luz ed., La Bible :
une pomme de discorde, Labor et Fides, Genève, 1972.; Pierre-André Stuchi,
Keméneutique et Dialectique, Labor et Fides, Genève, 1970.; Pierre Bühler et Clairette
Karakosche éd., Quand interpréter c’est changer. Pragmatique et lectures de la Parole,
Labor et Fides, Genève, 1995.; Mitropolit Hierotheos Vlachos, Psihoterapia Ortodoxă,
Învierea, Timişoara, 1998.; Jean-Claude Larchet, Teologia bolii, « Oastea Domnului »,
Sibiu, 1997.; Idem, Terapeutica bolilor spirituale, Sofia, Bucureşti, 2001.
Teaching methods: academic lectures, conversation; interactive orientation of lectures
and seminars
Assessment methods: 50 % written examination, 30 % oral examination, 20 % project
work for the seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
Year of study: 1st
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 8
Name of the lecturer: Ion Vicovan
Course objective: Consolidate the accumulated knowledge in the first cycle of learning,
acquire new information, and provide students with the tools necessary for scientific
research and for the elaboration of synthesis and analysis papers.
Course contents: the role of princes, hierarchs, priests and of Romanian Orthodox
Church believers in the preservation of the Romanian and universal Orthodoxy; the
Church contribution to the development and promotion of Romanian culture; the social-
philanthropic activity of the Romanian Orthodox Church over the course of time. Other
course contents include the themes taught during the course, the recommended reading,
the elaboration of seminar papers using the specialized literature in order to learn how to
write a scientific paper, how to bring into it innovative ideas and to get acquainted with
the research methods.
Recommended reading: - Ion Vicovan, Daţi-le voi sã mãnânce! Filantropia creştinã-
istorie şi spiritualitate, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2001; Antonie Plămădeală, Dascãli de cuget şi
simşire româneascã, Bucureşti, 1981; Ilarion Felea, Religia culturii, Arad, 1994;
Alexandru Moraru, Biserica Ortodoxã Românã între anii 1885-2000, vol. III (t.I,
Bisericã. Naţiune. Culturã, t. II, Dialog teologic şi ecumenism)
Teaching methods: lecture, dialogue
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 70% (seminar participation), 30% written
Language of instruction: Romanian
Recommended reading: Mircea Păcurariu, Sfinţi daco-romani şi români, Trinitas, Iaşi,
1994; Nestor Vornicescu (coordonator), Sfinţi români şi apãrãtori ai Legii strãmoşeşti,
EIBMBOR, Buc., 1987; Idem, Viaţa îmbunãtãţitã, nevoinţele duhovniceşti şi ortodoxia
neîndoielnicã ale Sf. Mitropolit Petru Movilã al Kievului şi a toată Ucraina, Buc., 1996;
Serghei Cetfericov, Paisie-Stareţul Mânãstirii Neamţu din Moldova. Viaţa, învãţãtura şi
influenţa lui asupra Bisericii Ortodoxe, Mănăstirea Neamţ, 1933; Cuviosul Paisie de la
Neamţ, Autobiografia unui stareţ, Deisis, Sibiu, 1996; Românii în reînnoirea isihastã,
ed. îngrijită de Virgil Cândea, Trinitas, Iaşi, 1997; Dario Raccanello, Rugãciunea lui
Iisus în scrierile stareţului Vasile de la Poiana Mãrului, trad. de Maria-Cornelia Oros şi
diac. Ioan I. Ică jr., Deisis, Sibiu, 1996
Teaching methods: lecture, dialogue
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 70% (seminar participation), 30% written
Language of instruction: Romanian
Teaching methods: lecture, dialogue
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 70% (seminar participation), 30% written
Language of instruction: Romanian
course themes, their goal being the consolidation of the taught information during the
Recommended reading: Nicolae Chifăr, Istoria creştinismului, I-III, Iaşi, 2000-2002;
Ioan Rămureanu, Milan Şesan, Teodor Bodogae, Istoria Bisericeascã Universalã, vol. I,
ediţia a II-a, Bucureşti, 1987; Cristian Ştefan, Misiunea creştinã în Apus şi Rãsãrit
(secolele V-X), Cluj-Napoca, 2002; John Meyendorff, Imperial unity and Christian
divisions. The Church 450-680 A.D., New York, 1989
Teaching methods: lecture, dialogue
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 50% (seminar participation), 50% written
Language of instruction: Romanian
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 7
Name of the lecturer: Daniel Niţã-Danielescu
Course objective: the systematic presentation of the information concerning the
prominent figures, events and historic processes form the period that is to be studied in
order to enhance the knowledge by individual study. The presentation of the course
content from an interdisciplinary, historic and theological perspective
Course contents: church life between the 18th and the 20th century; Christianism today;
the themes of the seminar papers must be in accordance with the course themes, their
goal being the consolidation of the taught information during the course.
Recommended reading: Nicolae Chifăr, Istoria creştinismului, III-IV, Iaşi, 2002-2005;
Ioan Rămureanu, Milan Şesan, Teodor Bodogae, Istoria Bisericeascã Universalã, vol. II,
ediţia a II-a, Bucureşti, 1993; Alexandru Moraru, Biserica Angliei şi ecumenismul.
Legãturile ei cu Biserica Ortodoxã Românã, Bucureşti, 1986; Teodor M. Popescu,
Biserica mãrturisitoare, Bucureşti, 1995
Teaching methods: lecture, dialogue
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 50% (seminar participation), 50% written
Language of instruction: Romanian
Assessment methods: ongoing evaluation 50% (seminar participation), 50% written
Language of instruction: Romanian
restaurarea omului, ediţia a II-a, Craiova, 1993; Vladimir Lossky, Teologia misticã a
Bisericii Rãsãritului, trad. de Pr. V. Răducă, Bucureşti, 1992; Vasile Cristescu, Persoanã
şi comuniune în creºtinism şi filozofie, Iaşi, 2008
Teaching methods: lecture
Assessment methods: written and oral exams
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course objective: the knowledge of the fundamental religious ceremonial from a
historic, liturgical and exegetic point of view; stimulate the students’ ability to integrate
the acquired information in the broad domain of Orthodox theology.
Course contents: Special Liturgics as an academic theological discipline; the divine
services and their division; general notions on the Seven Prayer Services; the history of
the Seven Prayer Services. The formation of the daily divine service; the Seven Prayer
Services; Vespers, Artoklasia, Compline, Midnight Office, Matins, The Daily Cycle of
Services, Inter-Hours and the Typica; the elaboration of seminar papers adapted to the
studied themes and the practice in the faculty’s chapel to habituate with the ritual gestures
and movements.
Recommended reading: Ene Branişte, Liturgica generalã, ediţia a III-a, Episcopia
Dunării de Jos, Galaţi, 2001; Idem, Liturgica specialã, EIBMBOR, Bucureşti, 1980;
Nicolae Cabasila, Despre viaţa în Hristos şi Tâlcuirea Dumnezeiesţii Liturghii,
EIBMBOR,Bucureşti, 1998; Nicolae Necula, Tradiţie şi înnoire în slujirea liturgicã,
Editura Episcopiei Dunării de Jos, vol. I, Galaţi, 1996 ; vol. II, Galaţi, 2001 ; vol. III,
Bucureşti, 2005 ; Viorel Sava, Taina Mãrturisirii în riturile liturgice actuale, Trinitas,
Iaşi, 1999; Laurenţiu Streza, Tainele de iniţiere în riturile liturgice actuale, Trinitas, Iaşi,
2004; Petru Vintilescu, Liturghierul explicat, Bucureşti, 1998.
Teaching methods: lectures, interactive orientation of lectures
Assessment methods: 80% written or oral exam, 20% elaboration of seminar papers
Language of instruction: Romanian.
EIBMBOR,Bucureşti, 1998; Nicolae Necula, Tradiţie şi înnoire în slujirea liturgicã,
Episcopiei Dunării de Jos, vol. I, Galaţi, 1996 ; vol. II, Galaţi, 2001 ; vol. III, Bucureşti,
2005 ; Viorel Sava, Taina Mãrturisirii în riturile liturgice actuale, Trinitas, Iaşi, 1999 ;
Laurenţiu Streza, Tainele de iniţiere în riturile liturgice actuale, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2004 ;
Petru Vintilescu, Liturghierul explicat, Bucureşti, 1998
Teaching methods: lectures, interactive orientation of lectures
Assessment methods: 80% written or oral exam, 20% elaboration of seminar papers
Language of instruction: Romanian
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 8
Name of the lecturer: Viorel Sava
Course objective: the knowledge of the fundamental religious ceremonial from a
historic, liturgical and exegetic point of view; stimulate the students’ ability to integrate
the acquired information in the broad domain of Orthodox theology.
Course contents: ritual masses - general information; ritual masses related to birth and
baptism; Holy water or the sanctification of water; the Tedeum or doxology; Ritual
masses or the traditional ceremonials related to death and the care for the dead; the
elaboration of seminar papers adapted to the studied themes and the practice in the
faculty’s chapel to habituate with the ritual gestures and movements.
Recommended reading: Ene Branişte, Liturgica generalã, ediţia a III-a, Editura
Episcopiei Dunării de Jos, Galaţi, 2001; Idem, Liturgica specialã, EIBMBOR, Bucureşti,
1980; Nicolae Cabasila, Despre viaţa în Hristos şi Tâlcuirea Dumnezeiesţii Liturghii,
EIBMBOR,Bucureşti, 1998; Nicolae Necula, Tradiţie şi înnoire în slujirea liturgicã,
Episcopiei Dunării de Jos, vol. I, Galaţi, 1996 ; vol. II, Galaţi, 2001 ; vol. III, Bucureşti,
2005 ; Viorel Sava, Taina Mãrturisirii în riturile liturgice actuale, Trinitas, Iaşi, 1999 ;
Idem, „În Biserica Slavei Tale”. Studii de teologie şi spiritualitate liturgicã, vol. I, Erota,
Iaşi, 2001; vol. II, Golia, Iaşi, 2004, vol. III, Performantica, Iaşi, 2006; Laurenţiu Streza,
Tainele de iniţiere în riturile liturgice actuale, Trinitas, Iaşi, 2004 ; Petru Vintilescu,
Liturghierul explicat, Bucureşti, 1998
Teaching methods: lectures, interactive orientation of lectures
Assessment methods: 80% written or oral exam, 20% elaboration of seminar papers
Language of instruction: Romanian
adăugită de Octavian Nistor, Minerva, Bucureşti, 1975 ; Fericitul Augustin – De doctrina
christiana, Opere, Ediţia Benedictinilor, vol. VI, Paris, 1869 –1878; Nicolae Balcă –
Istoria filozofiei antice, Ed. Institutului Biblic şi de Misiune al B.O.R., Bucureşti, 1982.
- Teodor Bodogae – Studiu introductiv şi note la vol. 7, P.S.B. (Origen)
Teaching methods: lecture, conversation (interactive lectures)
Assessment methods: 40% written paper, 40% oral exam, 20% elaboration of seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 7
Name of the lecturer: Costachi Grigoraş
Course objective: an interdisciplinary approach to Catehetics and Homilectics from a
didactic, linguistic, anthropologic, philosophic and historic perspective.
Course contents: Christ the Saviour- the Supreme Teacher of all times; Catechesis in the
early Christian centuries; the first Christian “universities”- catechism schools; the
consolidation of the content taught during the courses, as well as the discussion of some
complementary themes which are necessary for an in-depth knowledge of Catehetics and
Recommended reading: C. Narly – Pedagogia generalã, “Cultura românească”,
Bucureşti, 1938; N. Terchilă – Psihologia contemporanã şi învãţãmântul religios, Sibiu,
1932; Clement Alexandrinul – Protepticul şi Pedagogul, P.S.B., vol. 4, traducere,
introducere şi note de D. Fecioru, 1982; Clement Alexandrinul – Stromatele, P.S.B., vol.
5, traducere, introducere şi note de D. Fecioru, 1982; Fericitul Augustin – De
catechizandis rudibus, Opere, Ediţia Benedictinilor, vol. 4, Paris, 1869-1878; Fericitul
Augustin – De doctrina christiana, Opere, Ediţia Benedictinilor, vol. VI, Paris, 1869 –
Teaching methods: lecture, conversation (interactive lectures)
Assessment methods: 40% written paper, 40% oral exam, 20% elaboration of seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
Ioan Hrisostom, Bucureşti, 1937; M. Bulacu – Omilia despre predicã a Sf. Ioan
Hrisostom, Bucureşti, 1947; D. Călugăr – Preocupãri catehetice, Sibiu, 1944; Gr.
Cristescu – Predicã şi predicator în vremea noastrã, “Studii Teologice”, 3-6, 1950
Teaching methods: lecture, conversation (interactive lectures)
Assessment methods: 40% written paper, 40% oral exam, 20% elaboration of seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Church Law
Course code: TO09
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: BA
Year of study: 1st
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 7
Name of the lecturer: Constantin Rus
Course objective: To be acquainted with the problem of eucharistic sinaxis; To study the
ecclesiological and canonical bases of synodality; To study the problem of episcopal
Course contents: A. Synodality: The episcopal synods. The episcopal synodality;
Synodality and primate; The power of the synods is given by Jesus Christ; The synods
and their decisions, a synergistic art work (The Holy Ghost and the Synodal Fathers). B.
The episcopal collegiality: The notion of “collegium”; The Apostles College, archetype
of the episcopal collegiality; The Bishops College; The episcopal-sacerdotal and synodal
collegiality; The episcopal “collegiality” and “synodality”; The same regime of
synodality, both in the East and West, but two different conceptions. / The elaboration of
seminar papers suiting the thematics studied during the course.
Recommended reading: Rev. Prof. Dr. Dură Nicolae, Le Régime de la Synodalité selon
la Législation canonique conciliaire, oecuménique, du I-er millénaire, Editura
AMETIST- 92, Bucureşti, 1999; Arhid. Prof. dr. Ioan N. Floca, Drept canonic
ortodox,legislaţie şi administraţie bisericească, Eibmbore, vol. I-II, Bucureşti, 1990;
Idem, Canoanele Bisericii Ortodoxe, note şi comentarii, Sibiu, 2005; Yves Congar,
L’Ecclésiologie du Haut Moyen-Age, Paris, 1968; Idem, Structure du régime conciliaire
de l’Eglise, în „Concilium”, nr. 187, 1983; Dură Nicolae, Le régime de la synodalité dans
les huit premiers siècles. Les types des synodes, în „L’Année Canonique”, vol. I, 1990;
Eid, Emile, La Synodalité dans la tradition orientale, în „Ephemerides Juris Canonici”,
XLVIII, 1992, nr. 1-2; J. Fameree, Collegialité et communion dans l’Eglise, în „Revue
Théologique de Louvain”, XXV, 1994, fasc. 2; Jean Gaudemet, Le Droit Canonique, Les
Editions du Cerf, Paris, 1989.
Teaching methods: exposition, conversation (interactive course)
Assessment methods: 80% written exam and 20% seminar activity
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course objective: To get acquainted with and thoroughly study the dogmatic themes
constituting the starting point for assimilating the basic dogmatic themes.
Course contents: Christian anthropology; Man’s visage and resemblance to God; Person
and communion; Christian terminology: hypostasis, nature, person. / Personal aspects of
human dimension; Self-discovery in Christianity.
Recommended reading: Pr Prof Dr Dumitru Stăniloae, Teologia Dogmatică Ortodoxă,
vol. 1, ed. 2, Bucureşti, 1997; Idem, Spiritualitatea ortodoxă, Bucureşti, 1981; Idem,
Iisus Hristos sau restaurarea omului, ediţia a II-a, Craiova, 1993; Vladimir Lossky,
Teologia mistică a Bisericii Răsăritului, trad. de Pr. V. Răducă, Bucureşti, 1992; Vasile
Cristescu, Persoană şi comuniune în creştinism şi filozofie, Iaşi, 2008.
Teaching methods: exposition
Assessment methods: the arithmetic mean of subject grades
Language of instruction: Romanian
Name of the lecturer: Viorel Sava
Course objective: To mediate the knowledge acquisition concerning the principles,
methods and ways of pastoral care, focusing primarily on the training purpose of getting
acquainted with the Christian history of pastoral care, including the great personalities
who excelled in their life and written work and, secondly, on acquiring practical habits
with a view to becoming exemplary shepherds.
Course contents: The parish as the priest’s field of pastoral care activity; The knowledge
of the parish at a religious-moral, cultural, economic and social level; The collective
pastoral care through cult; The pastoral importance of preaching and catechesis; The
Liturgy, the Sacraments and the hierurgy as pastoral care methods; The confession –
individual pastoral care method. / The elaboration of seminar papers suiting the thematics
studied during the course and practical applications in the faculty chapel with the purpose
of acquiring ritual gestures and mouvements.
Recommended reading: Băbuş, Mag. Protos. Grigore, Ierurgiile ca mijloc şi prilej de
pastoraţie, în „Studii Teologice”, an 1954, nr. 9-10, p. 530-553; Branişte, Pr. Prof. Dr.
Ene, Câteva din virtuţile necesare preotului ca păstor şi om, în „Glasul Bisericii”, an
1956, nr. 8-9, p. 473-483; Idem, Despre viaţa morală a preotului, în „Glasul Bisericii”,
an 1958, nr. 6-7, p. 531-542; Vintilescu, Pr. Prof. Dr. Petre, Preotul în faţa chemării sale
de păstor de suflete, Bucureşti, 1934; Idem, Spovedanie şi duhovnicie, Bucureşti, 1939,
retipărită de Episcopia de Alba Iulia, 1994; Necula, Pr. Prof. Dr. Nicolae D., Cerinţe ale
pastoraţiei contemporane în mediul urban, în
„Almanah bisericesc”, Bucureşti, 1999, p. 96-103.
Teaching methods: exposition, conversation (interactive course)
Assessment methods: 80% written or oral examination, 20% elaboration of seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
abandon. / The elaboration of seminar papers suiting the thematics studied during the
course and practical applications in the faculty chapel with the purpose of acquiring ritual
gestures and mouvements.
Recommended reading: Băbuş, Mag. Protos. Grigore, Ierurgiile ca mijloc şi prilej de
pastoraţie, în „Studii Teologice”, an 1954, nr. 9-10, p. 530-553; Branişte, Pr. Prof. Dr.
Ene, Câteva din virtuţile necesare preotului ca păstor şi om, în „Glasul Bisericii”, an
1956, nr. 8-9, p. 473-483; Idem, Despre viaţa morală a preotului, în „Glasul Bisericii”,
an 1958, nr. 6-7, p. 531-542; Vintilescu, Pr. Prof. Dr. Petre, Preotul în faţa chemării sale
de păstor de suflete, Bucureşti, 1934; Idem, Spovedanie şi duhovnicie, Bucureşti, 1939,
retipărită de Episcopia de Alba Iulia, 1994; Necula, Pr. Prof. Dr. Nicolae D., Cerinţe ale
pastoraţiei contemporane în mediul urban, în
„Almanah bisericesc”, Bucureşti, 1999, p. 96-103.
Teaching methods: exposition, conversation (interactive course)
Assessment methods: 80% written or oral examination, 20% elaboration of seminar
Language of instruction: Romanian
theoretical and practical study of the image. From a general and religious perspective, it
is highly recommended that visual studies are carried out carefully and accurately, with a
view to improving the observation ability and enhancing the creative skills of plastic
rendering at a conscious level.
Recommended reading: C.Ailincăi, Introducere în gramatica limbajului vizual, Ed.
Dacia, 1982; M.J.Bartoş, Structuri compoziţionale, Ed. Artes, 2005; Dionisie din Furna,
Erminia picturii bizantine, Ed. Sophia, Bucureşti, 2000; Z. Dumitrescu, Leonardo,
structuri geometrico-plastice, Ed. Meridiane, 1988; Ch. Bouleau, Geometria secretă a
pictorilor, Ed.Meridiane, 1979; E.Sendler, Icoana, imaginea nevăzutului, Ed. Sophia,
Bucureşti, 2005; G.Kordis, Ritmul în pictura bizantină, Ed. Bizantină, Bucureşti, 2008;
Colecţiile Mari Pictori şi Art Galery; Cărţi şi albume diverse despre arta religioasă,
preponderent creştină.
Teaching methods: expository and applicative, frontal and individual didactic methods,
based on: expositions, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual documentation
in the context of some cultural objectives (cult sites, church building sites, artistic
workshops, museums, exhibits, libraries, collections and laboratories, state and private
cultural centres).
Assessment methods: 75% on-going evaluation + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Erminia picturii bizantine, Ed. Sophia,Bucureşti, 2000 Z. Dumitrescu, Leonardo,
structuri geometrico-plastice, Ed. Meridiane, 1988 Ch. Bouleau, Geometria secretă a
pictorilor, Ed.Meridiane,1979 E.Sendler, Icoana,imaginea nevăzutului, Ed.
Sophia,Bucureşti, 2005 G.Kordis, Ritmul în pictura bizantină, Ed. Bizantină,
Bucureşti,2008 Colecţiile Mari Pictori şi Art Galery Cărţi şi albume diverse despre arta
religioasă, preponderent creştină.
Teaching methods: expository and applicative, frontal and individual didactic methods,
based on: expositions, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual documentation
in the context of some cultural objectives (cult sites, church building sites, artistic
workshops, museums, exhibits, libraries, collections and laboratories, state and private
cultural centres).
Assessment methods: 75% on-going evaluation + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Passeron, Opera picturală, Ed.Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1982 Monahia Iuliania, Truda
iconarului, Ed.Sophia, Bucureşti,2001.
Teaching methods: expository and applicative, frontal and individual didactic methods,
based on: expositions, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual documentation
in the context of some cultural objectives (cult sites, church building sites, museums,
exhibits, libraries, artistic workshops, collections and laboratories, state and private
cultural and conservation-restoration centres).
Assessment methods: 75% on-going evaluation + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
exhibits, libraries, artistic workshops, collections and laboratories, state and private
cultural and conservation-restoration centres).
Assessment methods: 75% on-going evaluation + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 6
Name of the lecturer: Melniciuc Puica Nicoleta
Course objective: To transmit the knowledge on the effects produced by the degradation
and deterioration factors on different types of materials. The course presents as well the
way in which these factors affect the materials. The practice in the laboratory
complements the students’ theoretical training.
Course contents: The mechanisms and effects produced by the degradation factors over
the constitutive materials of Christian art work. The degradation of collagenic materials
(pergament, leather); The degradation of other types of materials (glass, rock, metal etc.);
The degradation of the preparation layers of mural and easel paintings; The degradation
of the paint layer; The glaze degradation. / Modern evaluation methods of the cellulosic
materials conservation (wood, paper); Modern evaluation methods of pergament and
leather durability; the artificial ageing of the paint layers; Case studies: analysis of the
Christian art work degradation.
Recommended reading: Melniciuc Puică N., Materiale colagenice din cartea veche –
degradare, investigare şi conservare- restaurare, Ed. Performantica, Iaşi, 2008; Perusini,
G., Il restauro dei dipinti e delle sculture lignee, Del Bianco Editore, Udine, 2004.;
Dorohoi, D.O., Melniciuc – Puică, N., Nicolescu, C., Tehnici de investigare a obiectelor
de patrimoniu, Ed. Vasiliana 98, Iaşi, 2000; Baroni, S., Restauration et conservation des
tableaux, Gruppo Editoriale Fabri, Paris, 1993; Koster, C., Sul restauro degli antichi
dipinti ad olio, Forum Ed., Udine, 2001; Pallazi, S., Analisi chimica per l’arte e il
restauro, Nardini Ed. Fiesole, 1997.
Teaching methods: didactic methods (expository, active-individual and collective),
demonstration, conversation, special methods (laboratory analyses). Modern course
presentation (computer – Power Point program, rear projector).
Assessment methods: 60% exam, 40% semestrial activity
Language of instruction: Romania
elements (bibliography, historical-geographical, morphological and stylistic data)
necessary for drawing the Bill of Quantities for church painting works; b) The drawing
and filling of illustrative repertoires for iconographic monuments/pieces.
Recommended reading: Arta creştină în România, vol.1-5 (Bucureşti 1979-1985);
H.U.von Balthasar, La Gloire et la Croix: Les aspects esthétiques de la Révélation, vol.1-
2 (Paris 1968); C.Capizzi, Pantokrator. Saggio d’esegesi letterario-iconografica (Roma
1964); P.Evdokimov, L’Art de l’icône. Une théologie de la beauté (f.l. 1970, retip. 1981);
A.Grabar, L’empereur dans l’art byzantin (Paris l936; retip. Londra 1971); A.Grabar, Le
premier art chrétien (200-395) (Paris 1966); E.Kitzinger, Byzantine Art in the Making:
Main Lines of Stylistic Development in Mediterranean Art, 3rd-7th Century (Cambridge,
Mass.1977); J. Lassus, “La maison des chréetiens de Doura Europos”, în RA (Paris 1969),
fasc.1, p.129-40; G.Millet, Recherches sur l’iconographie de l’évangile aux XIVe, XVe et
XVIe siècles, (Paris 1916; retip. 1960); I.Rămureanu, “Cinstirea sfintelor icoane în
primele trei secole”, ST XXIII (1971), nr.9-10, pp.621-71; I.D.Ştefănescu, Iconografia
artei bizantine şi a picturii feudale româneşti (Bucureşti 1973); P.A.Underwood, The
Kariye Djami, 4 vol. (New York-Princeton 1966-75); V.Vătăşianu, Istoria artei
europene: Epoca medie (Bucureşti 1967).
Teaching methods: a) analytical and synthetical in assimilating the historical-theological
contents; b) expository and illustrative-demonstrative in assimilating the artistic elements
(esthetic, morphological, technical-scientific, etc.).
Assessment methods: the basic result of the multiple choice test, plus/minus the
assessment of the students’ applicative competences
Language of instruction: Romanian
Recommended reading: Arta creştină în România, vol.1-5 (Bucureşti 1979-1985);
H.U.von Balthasar, La Gloire et la Croix: Les aspects esthétiques de la Révélation, vol.1-
2 (Paris 1968); C.Capizzi, Pantokrator. Saggio d’esegesi letterario-iconografica (Roma
1964); P.Evdokimov, L’Art de l’icône. Une théologie de la beauté (f.l. 1970, retip. 1981);
A.Grabar, L’empereur dans l’art byzantin (Paris l936; retip. Londra 1971); A.Grabar, Le
premier art chrétien (200-395) (Paris 1966); E.Kitzinger, Byzantine Art in the Making:
Main Lines of Stylistic Development in Mediterranean Art, 3rd-7th Century (Cambridge,
Mass.1977); J. Lassus, “La maison des chréetiens de Doura Europos”, în RA (Paris 1969),
fasc.1, p.129-40; G.Millet, Recherches sur l’iconographie de l’évangile aux XIVe, XVe et
XVIe siècles, (Paris 1916; retip. 1960); I.Rămureanu, “Cinstirea sfintelor icoane în
primele trei secole”, ST XXIII (1971), nr.9-10, pp.621-71; I.D.Ştefănescu, Iconografia
artei bizantine şi a picturii feudale româneşti (Bucureşti 1973); P.A.Underwood, The
Kariye Djami, 4 vol. (New York-Princeton 1966-75); V.Vătăşianu, Istoria artei
europene: Epoca medie (Bucureşti 1967).
Teaching methods: a) analytical and synthetical in assimilating the historical-theological
contents; b) expository and illustrative-demonstrative in assimilating the artistic elements
(esthetic, morphological, technical-scientific, etc.).
Assessment methods: the basic result of the multiple choice test, plus/minus the
assessment of the students’ applicative competences
Language of instruction: Romanian
concentration of biblical texts into a Christian teaching; The “vision” in the New
Testament; The iconic theology inspired by the Gospel of John; The concept of “visage”
and its meanings, according to the New Testament.
Recommended reading: Boghiu, Arhim. Sofian Chipul Mântuitorului în iconografie,
Ed. Bizantină, Bucureşti, 2001. + Costin Dr. Vasile, Semnificatia icoanei bizantine în
Ortodoxie, Ed. Arhiepiscopia Târgoviştei; Damaschin, Sf. loan, Cele trei tratate contra
iconoclaştilor, EIBMbOR, Bucureşti, 1998; Damian Pr. Prof. Theodor, Implicatiile
spirituale ale teologiei icoanei, Ed. Eikon, 2003; Danielou, Jean, Simbolurile Creştine
Primitive, Ed. Amarcord, Timişoara, 1998; Dumitrescu, Sorin, Iconostasul Roman de la
Scala Coeli, Ed. Anastasia/ Institutul Cultural Român, 2005; Evdochimov, Paul, Arta
Icoanei, o teologie a frumuseţii, Ed. Meridiane, 1993; Florenski, Pavel, Iconostasul, Ed.
Anastasia, 1994; Manea, Vasile, Intâlnirea cu Dumnezeu exprimată în icoana Schimbării
la Faţă, Editura Patmos, 2006; Mureşan, Vianu, Simbolul, Icoana, Faţa, Ed. Eikon, Cluj-
Napoca, 2006; NYSSEN, Wilhelm, Începuturile Picturii Bizantine, EIBMBOR,
Bucureşti, 1975; Papadopoulos, Stilianos G., Teologie şi Limbă, Teologie experimentală -
Limbă convenţională, Ed. Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2007; Papadopoulos, Stylianos,
Sfântul Duh continuă Lucrarea lui Hristos şi o descoperă, traducere şi note Lect. Dr.
Adrian Marinescu, în "Studii Teologice", seria a III-a, anul III, nr. l, ianuarie-martie,
2007; Pupăză, Diac. Dr. Daniel, Frumuseţea lui Dumnezeu şi manifesarea ei în viaţa
Bisericii, în Ortodoxia, anul LVIII (2007), nr. 1-2.
Teaching methods: exposition, conversation (interactive course).
Assessment methods: 33% written exam, 33% mid-term evaluation, 33% elaboration of
seminar paper
Language of instruction: Romanian
Recommended reading: Rousseau, Daniel, Icoana, lumina feţei Tale, Ed. Sofia,
Bucureşti, 2004; Schonborn, Christoph, Icoana lui Hristos, Ed. Anastasia, Bucureşti,
1996; SEMEN, Pr. Petre, Icoana în Biblie, Ed. Fides, 1998; Sendler, Egon, Icoana,
imaginea nevăzutului - Elemente de Teologie, Estetică şi Tehnică, Ed. Sofia, Bucureşti,
2005; Sfântul Teodor Studitul, Iisus Hristos Prototip al Icoanei Sale, Ed. Deisis, Alba-
Iulia, 1994; Ştefănescu, I. D., Iconografia artei bizantine şi a picturii feudale româneşti,
Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1973; Tarabukin, Nicolai M., Sensul icoanei, Ed. Sofia,
Bucureşti, 2008; Tristan, Frederick, Primele imagini creştine, Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti,
2002; Uspensky L., V. Lossky, Călăuziri în lumea icoanei, Ed. Sophia, 2004; Quenot, M,
De la icoană la ospăţul nupţial - Chipul, Cuvântul şi Trupul lui Dumnezeu, Ed. Sofia,
Bucureşti, 2007; Quenot, M, Icoana - Fereastră spre absolut, Bucureşti, 1993; Quenot,
M, învierea şi icoana, Ed. Christiana, Bucureşti, 1999; Ozolin, Nikolai, Iconografia
Ortodoxă a Cincizecimii, Ed. Patmos, Cluj-Napoca, 2002.
Teaching methods: exposition, conversation (interactive course).
Assessment methods: 33% mid-term evaluation, 33% oral examination, 33% written
Language of instruction: Romanian
(Bucureşti 1994); Ch.Schonborn, Icoana lui Hristos (Bucureşti 1996); E.Sendler,
L’icône, image de l’invisible. Elements de théologie, esthétique et technique (Paris 1981);
D.Stăniloae, O teologie a icoanei. Studii (Bucureşti 2005); Idem, Chipul nemuritor al lui
Dumnezeu (Craiova 1987);Id., Spiritualitate şi comuniune în liturghia ortodoxă (Craiova
1986); T.Velmans, Sviluppo e prestigio dell’icone alla fine del Medioevo, OC
XXII(1982), nr.1-2, p.41.
Teaching methods: a) analytical and synthetical in acquiring the historical-theological
contents; b) expository and demonstrative in assimilating the theological and artistic
Assessment methods: the basic result of the multiple choice test, plus/minus the
assessment of the students’ applicative competences
Language of instruction: Romanian
1986); T.Velmans, Sviluppo e prestigio dell’icone alla fine del Medioevo, OC
XXII(1982), nr.1-2, p.41.
Teaching methods: a) analytical and synthetical in acquiring the historical-theological
contents; b) expository and demonstrative in assimilating the theological (ritual) and
artistic (typological and compozitional) elements.
Assessment methods: the basic result of the multiple choice test, plus/minus the
assessment of the students’ applicative competences
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Arts Management
Course code: TO16
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: MA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 6
Name of the lecturer: Melniciuc Puica Nicoleta
Course objective: To acquire the notions regarding modern management and funding
methods in the context of cultural heritage and to get acquainted with the latest
techniques, methods, systems and procedures, which will sustain the continuous
development of the cultural sectors. The seminar hours complement the students’
theoretical education.
Course contents: Introductory management notions in art. Entrepreneurs, managers,
leaders. Entreprise organization. Management methods and techniques. The market of art
products. Art products promotion politics. Forms of promoting and highlighting the art
object. / Project: The promotion of a cultural objective; Project: The organization of an
artistic event.
Recommended reading: Klein A., Managementul proiectului cultural (trad.), Ed.
Fundaţia Interart Triade, Timişoara, 2005; Dragicevic- Sesic M., Strojkovic, Cultura –
management, mediere, marketing (trad.), Ed. Fundaţia Interart Triade, Timişoara, 2002;
Cornescu, V., Mihăilescu I., Stanciu, M., Managementul organizaţiilor, Ed. All Beck,
Bucureşti, 2003; Greffe, X., La valeur économique du patrimoine, Economica, Paris,
1990; Hoog, M., Hoog, E., Le marché de l’art, Presses Universitaire de France, Paris,
1991; Maxim, E., Managementul şi economia calităţii, Ed. Sedcom Libris, Iaşi, 1998;
Moldoveanu A., Ioan Franc V., Marketing şi cultură, Ed. Expert, Bucureşti, 1997; Nica,
P., Prodan, A., Iftimescu, A., Management, vol. 1-3, Ed. Sedcom Libris, Iaşi, 2001;
.Pavel- Rebegel, E.M., Piaţa bunurilor de artă, Ed. Economica, Bucureşti, 2000;
Pruteanu, Şt., Munteanu C., Caluschi C., Inteligenţa Marketing Plus, Ed. Polirom, Iaşi,
Teaching methods: didactic methods (expository, active-individual and collective),
demonstration, conversation; modern course presentation (computer, Power Point
program, rear projector)
Assessment methods: 60% written exam, 40% semestrial activity
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course code: TO26
Type of course: compulsory
Level of course: MA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 118
Name of the lecturer: Melniciuc Puica Nicoleta
Course objective: To develop a series of analytical abilities for creating projects,
determining strategies and developing politics in the cultural heritage field.
Course contents: To organize artistic events. Cultural tourism. Financial management in
art. Human resources management in cultural institutions. Communication in art. Art
informatization. Cultural project management. Museum management.
Recommended reading: Melniciuc Puică N., Managementul evenimentelor universitare
artistice, Ed. Performantica, Iaşi, 2008; Oprea, D., Managementul proiectelor, teorie şi
cazuri practice, Ed. Sedcom Libris, Iaşi, 2001; Getz, D., Event Management and Event
Tourism, Cognizant Ed, New York, 1997; Pruteanu, Şt., Manual de comunicare şi
negociere în afaceri, vol.I- Negocierea, Ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2000, Sasu, C., Iniţierea şi
dezvoltarea afacerilor, Ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2001; Zecheru, V., Management în cultură, Ed.
Litera International, Bucureşti, 2002; Ridley J., Cheney J., Risk management,
Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, 1999; Young L.T., Managementul proiectelor de succes
(trad.), ed. a II-a, Ed. Rentrop Straton, Bucureşti, 2007.
Teaching methods: didactic methods (expository, active-individual and collective),
demonstration, conversation; modern course presentation (computer – Power Point
program, rear projector)
Assessment methods: 60% written exam, 40% semestrial activity
Language of instruction: Romanian
painting techniques and miniature in various European geographical areas. Technique –
distinctive applications – esthetic results connexions for executing the miniature, the
mobile icon and the polychrome sculpture iconostasis. / The applicative actions aim at
developing a series of technological notions and enhancing inconographic rendering
abilities, professional background based on which the MA students may technically
improve their mobile plastic creations. 1. Documentation inside cult sites, museums,
artistic workshops, libraries, etc. Graphic and theoretical synthesis.
Recommended reading: Marc Havel, Tehnica tabloului, Ed.Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1980
Filatov, Tratatul de pictură Dionisie din Furna, Erminia picturii bizantine,Ed. Sophia,
2000 Mihail Mihalcu, Valori medievale româneşti, Ed. Sport-Turism, Bucureşti, 1984
C.Săndulescu-Verna – Materiale şi tehnica picturii Ed.Marineas Timişoara, 2000 Giorgio
de Chirico – Memorii, Ed.Meridiane, Bucureşti,1976 Rene Passeron, Opera picturală,
Ed.Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1982 Monahia Iuliania, Truda iconarului, Ed.Sophia,
Teaching methods: expository and applicative, frontal and individual didactic methods,
based on: expositions, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual documentation
in the context of some cultural objectives (cult sites, church building sites, artistic
workshops, museums, exhibits, libraries, collections and laboratories, state and private
cultural and conservation-restoration centres).
Assessment methods: 75% on-going evaluation + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
improve their mobile plastic creations. 1. The creation of two technological studies
versions for ecclesiastical graphics and wood painting, A4-A3 format, emphasizing each
work step. 2. The ecclesiastical and/or icon graphic transposition in unconventional
techniques and materials.
Recommended reading: Marc Havel, Tehnica tabloului, Ed.Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1980
Filatov, Tratatul de pictură Dionisie din Furna Erminia picturii bizantine, Ed. Sophia,
Bucureşti, 2000 Mihail Mihalcu, Valori medievale româneşti, Ed. Sport-Turism,
Bucureşti, 1984 C.Săndulescu-Verna – Materiale şi tehnica picturii, Ed.Marineas
Timişoara, 2000 Giorgio de Chirico – Memorii, Ed.Meridiane, Bucureşti,1976 Rene
Passeron, Opera picturală, Ed.Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1982 Monahia Iuliania, Truda
iconarului, Ed.Sophia, Bucureşti,.2001.
Teaching methods: expository and applicative, frontal and individual didactic methods,
based on: expositions, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual documentation
in the context of some cultural objectives (cult sites, church building sites, artistic
workshops, museums, exhibits, libraries, collections and laboratories, state and private
cultural and conservation-restoration centres).
Assessment methods: 75% on-going evaluation + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Bucureşti, 2000. C.Săndulescu-Verna – Materiale şi tehnica picturii Ed.Marineasa,
Timişoara, 2000. Lăzărescu L, Pictura în ulei,Ed. Signal Plus, Deva 1996. Pamfilie T,
Lupescu M, Cromatica poporului român Librăriile, Socec et Comp. şi C.Sfetea,
Bucureşti,1914. Steopoe, Al, Materiale de construcţie, Ed.Tehnică, Bucureşti,1964. Mora
P…,Conservarea picturilor murale, Ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1986.
Teaching methods: expository and applicative, frontal and individual didactic methods,
based on: expositions, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual documentation
in the context of some cultural objectives (cult sites, church building sites, artistic
workshops, museums, exhibits, libraries, collections and laboratories, state and private
cultural and conservation-restoration centres).
Assessment methods: 75% on-going evaluation + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
workshops, museums, exhibits, libraries, collections and laboratories, state and private
cultural and conservation-restoration centres).
Assessment methods: 75% on-going evaluation + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Assessment methods: 75% on-going evaluation + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: Scientific Expertise of Art Works
Course code: TO20
Type of course: optional
Level of course: MA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 1st + 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 6
Name of the lecturer: Ion Sandu
Course objective: Presentation of the basic examinations, including the additional
methods and techniques used during the scientific investigation of a cultural heritage
object, as an essential process of intrinsec and exhaustive knowledge, with a view to
valorizing and preserving, by reintroducing it in the national or global value circuit. The
course presents the experimental methods used in the authentification, dating, evaluation,
compatibilization and monitoring of interventions etc.
Course contents: Types of examinations and their role. The examination file. The
examination methodology of art works; Elements used in artistic examination; Dating
methods of materials from the cultural heritage goods structure; Analysis methods of
structural surface and interior elements; Trace analysis methods; Other instrumental
analysis methods / Criteria and methods used in evaluating cultural heritage goods;
Dating methods and techniques; Indestructive authentication methods; Microstratigraphy
and histochemical analyses; Spectral methods of analysis; Thermal methods of analysis.
Recommended reading: I. Sandu, I.G. Sandu, Aspecte moderne privind conservarea
bunurilor culturale, vol. I şi II, Ed. Performantica, Iaşi, 2005; I. Sandu, Nomenclatura
conservării patrimoniului cultural, Ed. Performantica, Iaşi, 2004; I. Sandu, Irina
Crina Anca Sandu, Antonia van Saanen, Expertiza ştiinţifică a operelor de artă, vol.I.
Autentificarea, stabilirea paternităţii şi evaluarea patrimonială, Ed. TRINITAS, Iaşi,
1998; I. Sandu, Irina Crina Anca Sandu, I.G. Sandu, Colorimetria în artă, Ed. Corson,
Iaşi, 2002; Irina Crina Anca Sandu, Principii fundamentale de teoria conservării şi
restaurării, Ed. Corson, Iaşi, 2001; Irina Crina Anca Sandu, I. Sandu, Paula Popoiu,
Antonia Donze van Saanen, Aspecte metodologice privind conservarea ştiinţifică a
patrimoniului cultural, Ed. Corson, Iaşi, 2001; I. Sandu, A. Dima, I.G. Sandu,
Restaurarea şi conservarea obiectelor metalice, Ed. Corson, Iaşi, 2002; I. Sandu, Irina
Crina Anca Sandu, Chimia conservării şi restaurării, vol. I şi II, Ed. Corson, Iaşi,
Teaching methods: Exposition and teaching in a co-assisted and interactive system,
elaboration of semestrial subjects, demonstrative practical papers.
Assessment methods: 60% exam + 20% project grade + 20% practical activities
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: First Optional and Discipline: Advanced Techniques and Methodologies in
Icon Conservation and Restoration
Course code: TO22
Type of course: optional
Level of course: MA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 1st
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 6
Name of the lecturer: Merişor G. Dominte
Course objective: To complete and assimilate notions on the present field of art work
conservation-restoration, by being acquainted with the standard of contemporary and
modern systems in the scientific field of painting restoration on hard and mobile support.
Course contents: 1. The development principles of art work conservation-restoration
techniques and methodologies; 2. The contemporary stage of art work conservation-
restoration methodologies in Europe; 3. The contemporary stage of art work
conservation-restoration methodologies in Romania; 4. The problem of art work
conservation and the development of modern protection systems; 5. Development of the
systems monitoring the micro- and macroclimate parametres of art works; 6. The
priorities proposed for approching the advanced methodologies for Romanian
ecclesiastical heritage conservation. / 1. Initial documentation within state and private
libraries, museums, conservation-restoration laboratories, etc. Consulting the specialty
literature with a view to analysing the connexions between the scientific conservation-
restoration principles and the advanced technologies in the field. (The way in which these
ones are applied in the European countries and in Romania.) 2. Watching video materials
and magazines in the field with respect to advanced restoration technologies. (A mixture
between traditional and modern methodologies.) 3. Documentation inside museum
restoration laboratories, or in private laboratories, regarding the standard of technical
equipment, including modern instruments and devices for investigation and treatment,
and the conservation-restoration precedures used. 4. The use of specific materials in art
work conservation and protection. 5. The use of specific equipment for environment
monitoring – thermo-hygrometers, humidometers, etc. 6. The drafting of programs
regarding the priority of ameliorating the ecclesiastical heritage conservation.
Recommended reading: Ianci Iova, Mircea Bulinski, Floriana Iova, Marian Bazavan,
Gheorghe Ilie, Costel Biloiu, Ion Gruia, Istvan Winkler; Spectroscopie si Laseri.
Aplicatii; Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti 2001; Pigment identification in paintings
employing laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and Raman microscopy, L. Burgioa,1,
K. Melessanaki, M. Doulgeridisc, R.J.H. Clarka, D. Anglosb, Spectrochimica Acta Part B
56 (2001) 905-913; Characterisation of lustre and pigment composition in ancient
pottery by laser induced fluorescence and breakdown spectroscopy, Sgamellotti A.,
Journal of Cultural Heritage 4, 303s-308s (2003); Fluorescence lidar imaging of
historical monuments; Weibring P., Johansson T., Edner H., Svanberg S., Sundnér B.,
Raimondi V., Cecchi G., Pantani L., Applied Optics 40, 6111-6120 (2001).
Teaching methods: expository and applicative, frontal and individual didactic methods,
based on: expositions, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual documentation
in the context of some cultural objectives (cult sites, church building sites, artistic
workshops, museums, exhibits, libraries, collections and laboratories, state and private
cultural and conservation-restoration centres.
Assessment methods: 75% on-going evaluation + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
Course title: First Optional and Discipline: Advanced Techniques and Methodologies in
Icon Conservation and Restoration
Course code: TO32
Type of course: optional
Level of course: MA
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: 2nd
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 6
Name of the lecturer: Merişor G. Dominte
Course objective: The course aims at completing and assimilating the notions on the
present field of art work conservation-restoration, by being acquainted with the standard
of contemporary and modern systems in the scientific field of painting restoration on hard
and mobile support. Based on various exemples of procedures existing at national and
European level there can be observed a series of advanced possibilities for approaching
the conservation-restoration operations by using new investigation and treatment
techniques and methodologies, at complex and various stages of icon painting
Course contents: 1. The strategy regarding the development of advanced treatment
technologies for consolidating the painting on various supports. 2. Contemporary
methodologies of consolidation through specific techniques based on synthetic resins. 3.
The use of reduced- pressure systems, or the consolidation in partial vacuum field. 4.
Advanced investigation and treatment systems – Optical microscopy. 5. Advanced
investigation and treatment systems - Spectrophotometry. 6. Advanced investigation and
treatment systems – The laser in the restoration process. / 1. Different consolidation
technologies with the exact monitoring of the quality-time execution ratio. 2.
Consolidations with synthetic resins for various types of casuistry and recording of the
advantages. 3. The application of the consolidation methodologies of the painting support
and layer in a vacuum field. 4. Practical applications in investigations and treatments with
the help of the optical microscope. 5. Laboratory applications of spectrophotometry. 6.
The use of laser systems in investigations and treatments.
Recommended reading: 1.Ianci Iova, Mircea Bulinski, Floriana Iova, Marian Bazavan,
Gheorghe Ilie, Costel Biloiu, Ion Gruia, Istvan Winkler; Spectroscopie si Laseri.
Aplicatii; Editura Universitatii din Bucursti 2001; 2.Pigment identification in paintings
employing laser induced breakdown spectroscopy and Raman microscopy, L. Burgioa,1,
K. Melessanaki, M. Doulgeridisc, R.J.H. Clarka, D. Anglosb, Spectrochimica Acta Part B
56 (2001) 905-913; 3.Characterisation of lustre and pigment composition in ancient
pottery by laser induced fluorescence and breakdown spectroscopy, Sgamellotti A.,
Journal of Cultural Heritage 4, 303s-308s (2003); 4.Fluorescence lidar imaging of
historical monuments; Weibring P., Johansson T., Edner H., Svanberg S., Sundnér B.,
Raimondi V., Cecchi G., Pantani L., Applied Optics 40, 6111-6120 (2001).
Teaching methods: expository and applicative, frontal and individual didactic methods,
based on: expositions, conversations, demonstrations, exercises and visual documentation
in the context of some cultural objectives (cult sites, church building sites, artistic
workshops, museums, exhibits, libraries, collections and laboratories, state and private
cultural and conservation-restoration centres).
Assessment methods: 75% on-going evaluation + 25% final examination
Language of instruction: Romanian
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any
use which may be made of the information contained therein.