Fisa Cls A 5 A
Fisa Cls A 5 A
Fisa Cls A 5 A
1.What time does she finish checking her emails? a.Once or twice a day.
a.5:30 am. b.Once a day.
b.5:45 am. c.Rarely.
c.6:00 am. 5.What does Janet do to help her get to sleep?
2.How long does she run for in the morning? a.listen to music
a.45 minutes. on her tablet
b.60 minutes. TV
c.90 minutes. 6.What is the last thing she does before going to
3.Janet ______ has a healthy breakfast. sleep?
a.always a.She reads.
b.occasionally b.She sets her alarm.
c.usually c.She checks the time.
4.How often does she meditate?