Railway Courses 11.15
Railway Courses 11.15
Railway Courses 11.15
FEATI University is the first and only school in the Philippines that offers extensive
study on Railway Engineering as part of Transportation Engineering. This is aligned with the
Philippine government’s thrust to pump up the country’s mass transport infrastructure that
includes, among others, railway transport system. Other special courses offered are Airport
Facilities Engineering, Ports and Harbor Facilities Engineering, Highway and Bridge
Engineering as well as Urban Planning and Engineering.
Program Description
The program covers the basic railway engineering and management core subjects. This program
can help the student acquire the specialized skills and training that the country needs to take role
in the fast changing environment of engineering. The skills and knowledge gain by the students
can positively help to solve the pressing railway engineering and management problems in the
country and to assists in the planning and management of infrastructure development and in the
operation of railway services in harmony with the environment.
(Department of Engineering Technology)
The Diploma in Railway Engineering Technology (DRET) provides the necessary knowledge
and skills to students in dealing with the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of
railway infrastructures. The course also focuses on railway planning and capacity, rail
superstructure and substructure components, railway installations such as power supply and
Job Targets/Opportunities
Certificate/Diploma of Proficiency Job Targets
National Certificate / Competency
1 Technical Drafting NC II
Process Inspection NC II
2 Technical Drafting NC II
Process Inspection NC II
3 Process Inspection NC II
Train Driver PRI Certification