Resume R Deshpande
Resume R Deshpande
Resume R Deshpande
To work in a challenging environment for excellence by utilizing my effective skills in the domain
of Electrical Engineering with key focus on modern skills and knowledge base.
*Received stipend from World Bank assisted TEQIP II grants for a period of 3 (2013-2016) years.
**Sponsored through KSCST, Bengaluru and selected for 32 nd KSCST Project Exhibition at SIET, Tumkur during
Aug. 2010.
Details of activities undertaken:
1. Distribution Generation, Smart Grids, Power Quality, Power Electronics
Research Interest
Applications in Power Systems, Computer & AI Applications to Power Systems,
Control of Electric Drives.
2. Research Supervisor Number of Candidates Registered: 01
3. Transformers and Induction Machines, Power System Operation & Control,
Subjects Taught (UG Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis, Power System Analysis &
& PG) Stability, Special Electrical Machines, Modeling & Analysis of Electrical Machines,
Transmission & Distribution, Electrical Power Quality, Renewable Energy Sources,
Distribution System Design and Control and Basic Electrical Engineering.
4. Journals: Neurocomputing (Elsevier, UK), Electric Power Components and
Systems (Taylor & Francis, UK), International Journal of Renewable Energy
Research (Turkey), International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion
(India), Journal of Power Electronics and Energy (China) and SSAHE Journal of
Interdisciplinary Research (India).
Conferences: IEEE MysuruCon-2022, IEEE DISCOVER-2022, IEEEE
Book Chapters: “Diagnosis of Heart Block & Arrhythmia by Cognitive
Artificial Intelligence (CAI) Software” under consideration for publication in
Principles and Methods of Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare by
IGI Global, October 2021.
5. External BOE member of E&E Engineering, MCE, Hassan during July 2021.
Internal BOS & BOE member of E&E Engineering, MCE, Hassan (Feb. 2017 to
Internal Academia Dec. 2020).
Membership and Modeling and Analysis of Electrical Machines.
Content Development Power Quality Issues in Electrical Drives.
(UG & PG) Smart Grids.
Integration of Distributed Generation, etc.
Experiments for Power System Simulation laboratory using OpenDSS.
6. SMIEEE #92801025, Young Professional, Power and Energy Society, Smart Cities
Technical Community.
Membership of
MIE -164799-1.
professional bodies
Association of Computing Machinery #9575208.
Indian Society of Lighting Engineers.
7. Academic Project UG:06 (KSCST Sponsored -01), PG: 05.
Guidance/ IUCEE EWB chapter, MCE, Hassan.
8. Implementation of Transformers and Induction Machines Laboratory.
laboratories at DC Machines and Synchronous Machines Laboratory.
SGBIT, Belagavi
9. Higher Learning IISc Bengaluru, IIT Madras, IIIT Pune, IIT Gandhinagar, NITK Surathkal and CPRI
Institutes Visited Bengaluru.
10. Software tools MATLAB/Simulink, MiPower, OpenDSS and 8051 ALP
11. Academic projects dealing with Power Systems, Power Electronics, Renewable
Roles and
Energy sources by mathematical modeling using MATLAB/ Simulink, MiPower
and OpenDSS.
Academic Project Supervision:
Sl. Tools
(M.Tech.) (B.E.) Tools used
No. used
1. Buck–Boost Voltage/Current GI based Agro Robotic Vehicle Python,
Source Inverter Based on hardware
SVPWAM prototype
2. Steady State Operation Of Induction Study and Analysis of Distribution
Generator With Current Control System With Distributed Generation OpenDSS
And Power Quality Improvement From Power Quality Perspective
3. Power Quality Considerations for Simulation and Analysis of Solar PV
Doubly-fed Induction Generator System With Boost Converter For MATLAB
Systems Load Management
4. A Hybrid Power Quality Power Quality Analysis of Electrical
Conditioner for Electric Traction Distribution System With Plug-In OpenDSS
Supply System Electrical Vehicles Under Different & MATLAB
Charging Scenarios
5. Discontinuous PWM method for Loop-Path Selection Algorithm For
balancing Neutral point in 3-Level Loss Minimization In Distribution MiPower
Inverter-Fed VFDs Systems
6. ------- -----
A Compact Hybrid Microgrid
System for AC/DC Applications
1. Delivered a guest talk (online) on "Intellectual Property Rights – Genesis and Development" at KLS
GIT, Belagavi on 02.09.2021.
2. Delivered a webinar on "Practical Approach to Enhance Learning Skills of Diploma Students in
Higher Learning Institutions" at Ramaih Polytechnic, Bengaluru on 28.05.2021.
3. Delivered a webinar on "Modeling of Smart Electrical Distribution System using OpenDSS" at
SJBIT, Bengaluru on 14.08.2020.
4. Delivered a technical talk on "Enhancing Teaching-Learning Through BYOD and QPython", with
"Python in Education for Generation-Z" as theme of the Discussion. This was a part of SciPy 2020,
6-12 July 2020, Virtual Conference, Boston, USA.
5. Delivered a technical talk on "Electrical Distribution System Modeling using OpenDSS" at MCE,
Hassan during 1-week STTP on "Smart Grid and Smart City: Recent Trends (SmaRT-2019)".
National Conference
17. Raghvendraprasad Deshpande, M. S. Raviprakasha and Naveenkumar, "Modeling of Buck-
Boost Converter for V2G Applications in Smart Grids”, National Conference on Developments in
the Domain of Electrical Engineering (NCDDEE-15)”, SSIT Tumkur, July 30 th -31st 2015 (ISBN:
18. Raghvendraprasad Deshpande, Shruthi K., and M. S. Raviprakasha, “Modeling of Hybrid
AC/DC Microgrid in Context to Smart Grid”, National Conference on Developments in the
Domain of Electrical Engineering (NCDDEE-14)”, SSIT Tumkur, July 10 th -11th 2014.
Patent Applied:
Title of the Invention: Solar Powered Oxygen Depletion Level Alerting Device (Novelty w.r.t
the shape and configuration)
Application number: 362875- 001, 20/04/2022
Workshops/Training programmes attended in the domain of MATLAB/ Simulink
1. Participated in 2 days TEQIP II sponsored workshop on “MatLab & Simulink Applications in
Engineering"” organized by Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, during 18/03/2017 to
2. Participated five-days National Workshop on ’’MATLAB and LABVIEW’’, organized by
School of Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, IIIT Pune during 21st to 25th March 2011.
Event Event Details Date
Training IP program under national intellectual property awareness
1. 12/05/2022
Program program by CGPTDTM, Kolakata
Jan- April
2. SWAYM Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists
Coordination of Events:
# Event Name Date Place Role
17th July 2021 Mysuru Co-coordinator Karnataka
Virtual Project Exhibition
State Center
Project Symposium -2021 10th July 2021 Mysuru Co-coordinator Bangalore
4th July 2021 Mysuru Co-coordinator Bangalore
Virtual Technical Fest-
4. Smart Grid and 8th - 13thJuly MCE,
Co-coordinator AICTE
Smart City: Recent Trends 2019 Hassan
5. Computation and Analysis 16th - 20thJuly MCE,
of Systems using MatLab & 2018 Hassan Co-coordinator TEQIP III
6. Pedagogical Training 15th - 17th Dec. MCE,
Program for Faculty 2014 Hassan Co-coordinator TEQIP II
7. Impact of TEQIP-II 19th -20th Sept. MCE,
Assistantships for PG 2014 Hassan
Students and Research Coordinator TEQIP II
8. Electrical Wiring and 18th April 2011 SGBIT, Coordinator/
Estimation to 5th May 2011 Belagavi Resource Person -----