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Climate Change and Capitalism

Author(s): Jonathan T. Park

Source: Consilience , 2015, No. 14 (2015), pp. 189-206
Published by: Columbia University

Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26188749

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Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development
Vol. 14, Iss. 2 (2015), Pp.189–206

Climate Change and Capitalism

Jonathan T. Park
University of Utah

Capitalism was designed as a mechanism for efficiently allocating scarce
resources, encouraging human ingenuity, and improving the quality of life for those
willing and able to participate in the system. This economic model has been
prodigiously effective at enabling people to convert natural resources into fungible
commodities and monetary wealth. By transmuting vast amounts of natural
resources into marketable products, capitalism has generated an unparalleled degree
of wealth and prosperity. In theory, the production of wealth and the collective
quality of life can be constantly enhanced under this economic model. Although
wealth accumulation has hitherto entailed the unsustainable depletion of natural
resources, capitalism maintains that when a commercially viable resource is
exhausted, the market will produce an alternative. Thus, capitalism is supposedly an
indefatigable method for perpetually generating more wealth and greater social
While capitalism has produced a plethora of socioeconomic benefits over
its relatively brief history, it has also instigated unforeseen and undesirable
consequences. With every product having a byproduct, our ability to extract and
consume an immense bounty of natural resources has generated a correspondingly
monstrous amount of waste in the form of physical garbage, atmospheric pollution,
and other forms of environmental degradation. Global climate change has been the
most severe consequence of our society’s excessive atmospheric pollution.
We now know that our primary method of generating energy – burning
fossil fuels – releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere, heating up the planet and severely altering the climate system.
Anthropogenic climate change poses an imminent threat to the planet’s life-
sustaining ecological systems, and it represents one of humanity’s most difficult
challenges to date. If humanity is to overcome this problem, we will need to place
strict, explicit limitations on the amount of atmospheric pollution that can be
emitted globally.
Since pollution is a direct consequence of consumption, we must also limit the
amount of resources we use. Any viable solution to climate change will therefore
require a global agreement to drastically inhibit the extraction, production, and
consumption of natural resources. Yet, the capitalist system as it currently stands is
neither designed for nor capable of consciously inhibiting its own propensity for
unsustainable growth. The basic assumptions under which neoliberal capitalism
operates renders it incapable of correcting climate change.

Author’s Note
As a student of environmental sustainability science, I am fascinated, and
admittedly frightened, by the complex issue of climate change. The climatic
challenge captivates me because it is inseparably linked to all aspects of our lives,
and has far reaching implications for every sphere of human society, yet it seems
that most people view it as an esoteric, abstract conundrum that is many degrees
removed from daily life. It is a problem that looms ominously over us, threatening
to irrevocably alter our natural and socially constructed systems. Still, very few
people are willing to admit that if we do not halt the unsustainable consumption

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Consilience Park: Climate Change and Capitalism

habits that have landed us in this predicament, nature will do it for us. To me, we
are at a momentous crossroad where we must decide whether to act by consciously
reducing our fossil fuel emissions and changing the way we evaluate our natural
resources, or to be acted upon and suffer the vengeance of the natural world. The
dominant capitalist economic model appears inherently incapable of reconciling the
discrepancy between our appraisal of natural resources and their actual value. It did
not take very long after I began studying climate change and other prevalent
environmental issues that I came to recognize the need for an economic paradigm
shift that would enable us to more accurately assess the value of our natural world.
This paper is my personal exploration of the failures of capitalism insofar as it
impacts climate change, and a small window into how we might best begin the
process of re-evaluating our relationship with (and our perception of) nature.

Keywords: Climate change, global warming, capitalism, economics,


1. The Reality of Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), established in
1988, has been instrumental in cultivating a consensus on and fostering an
international forum for assessing the science of climate change (Helm, 2008).
Composed of the world’s top scientists, the IPCC produces regular assessments on
the state of climate knowledge, forecasts future changes, and offers emission
reduction policy recommendations to the United Nations. The panel’s findings have
indicated that if the planet were to warm by more than two degrees Celsius above
pre-industrial levels, the world would experience a plethora of disastrous
environmental consequences. Sea levels would rise by a meter or more, swallowing
up coastal and low-lying island populations. Intense wildfires would rage around the
world, consuming large swaths of the planet’s remaining forests. Some regions would
experience heavy rain and flooding, while others would suffer protracted periods of
severe drought. Extreme weather events, such as tornados and hurricanes, would
become more common (World Resources Institute, 2014).
If we were to exceed the two degrees Celsius warming threshold, we would
effectively usher in a new epoch of climatic chaos. The environmental conditions
under which life on Earth has evolved and acclimated to over hundreds of thousands
of years would change radically. The current, observable rate of change in the climate
system, marked by oceanic warming, snow and ice melt, sea level rise, and
atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, is historically anomalous.
Skeptics are quick to argue that the climate is, and always has been, in a state
of constant change (Lindzen, 2009). While this is undeniably true, ice core evidence
of atmospheric composition over the past 420,000 years reveals that the ongoing rate
and degree of change far surpasses any and all historical precedents (Petit, et al.,
1999, p. 430). When the earth’s climate has undergone significant warming in the
past, it has occurred gradually, over tens of thousands of years, giving the planet and
its myriad of inhabitants time to adapt. Yet, even the relatively slow climatic
transitions of the past have brought about mass extinctions of plant and animal life.
The extraordinarily rapid transformation that the climate is currently undergoing is
outpacing many species’ evolutionary ability to adapt. If global warming continues to
accelerate unabated, the web of life – of which people are an inseparable element –

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Consilience Park: Climate Change and Capitalism

that has evolved to exist within a very specific set of environmental conditions might
be unfit for survival in the near future. Considering this unsettling reality, it is clear
that we must take immediate action to curtail and, if possible, halt climate-disrupting
greenhouse gas emissions.

1.1 Global Carbon Budget

In order to track humanity’s steady advance towards the brink of climate

chaos, the IPCC devised a “global carbon budget.” The global carbon budget is a
measure of how many more tons of carbon humans can collectively emit before we
eclipse the 2 degrees Celsius warming threshold. The international community of
climate scientists has determined that our budget is around one trillion tons, or 1,000
Petagrams of carbon (PgC), above pre-industrial levels for a “reasonable chance” of
not exceeding 2 degrees Celsius. This figure does not account for the effects of
additional greenhouse gases, such as nitrous oxides and methane, on the climate
system, and thus it is a very conservative estimate of how much more pollution we
can safely emit. Even so, our carbon budget has already dwindled to about 500
gigatons, and the most recent IPCC report estimates that, if we continue on our
current emissions trajectory, we could max out our budget by as early as 2045
(Kirtman, et al., 2013, p. 981).
In the Summary for Policymakers section of the IPCC’s latest report, the
authors warn that “continued emissions of greenhouse gases will cause further
warming and changes in all components of the climate system. Limiting climate
change will require substantial and sustained reductions of greenhouse gas
emissions” (Stocker, et al., 2013, p. 19). Human-produced greenhouse gas emissions
clearly pose an imminent and serious threat to the stability of our climate system. If
we are to limbo under the 2 degrees Celsius warming threshold and avoid the most
devastating consequences of climate change, we will have to make swift, stringent
alterations to our consumption habits.

1.2 Promises of Capitalism

Capitalism is premised on the law of supply and demand. This law assumes
that every consumer rationally evaluates each purchase that they make using a cost-
benefit analysis. If the benefits of purchasing an item outweigh the costs, then the
consumer will buy the item; otherwise, they will not. The logical corollary to this
assumption is that more consumption will always be more beneficial to society.
Furthermore, it is presupposed that consumers drive the demand for products, and
suppliers will only produce at the equilibrium quantity dependent on consumer
demand. Thus, in theory, capitalism is the most efficient method of allocating
resources. The theory maintains that we will not convert resources into products
unless those products are going to benefit society more than they will cost society.
The implicit assumption built into the logic of capitalism is that economic
growth is directly correlated with social prosperity. As the economic system expands
exponentially, society will consequentially improve at an exponential rate, for society
is theoretically better off for having more wealth than not, irrespective of how that
wealth is allocated. The finite nature of resources is not a concern because when any

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Consilience Park: Climate Change and Capitalism

given resource becomes scarce, the market will naturally produce an alternative. This
is founded on the idea that if there is a great enough demand for a product, price
signals will mobilize firms to meet that demand. Even when the resources required
to make the product are exhausted, the demand for the product will still exist,
therefore encouraging firms to innovate, and inevitably spurring the discovery of an
alternative resource or product to satisfy the unmet demand. The promise of an
inexhaustible well of human ingenuity, capable of overcoming any conceivable
scarcity of socially-desirable resources, ensures that capitalist economies will,
theoretically, never need to shrink or slow down.

2. Problems with the Capitalist Model

2.1 Assumptions Regarding Cost/Benefit Analysis
The theory of capitalism is much tidier than its actual application. In practice,
capitalism is not functioning as it is supposed to.
One of the primary problems is that no one conducts a true cost-benefit
analysis for each purchase that they make. Consider the purchase of gasoline, for
example. According to supply and demand, consumers will carefully weigh the true
costs and benefits of their purchase before buying so much as a single gallon of gas.
The consumer would thus have to contemplate where and how the gasoline was
produced, where it will go after it is used, and what the consequences of using it will
be. They would consider that burning one gallon of gas will emit 19.64 pounds of
carbon into the atmosphere (EIA, 2014), and that we can collectively burn around
500 gigatons of carbon before the climate will be dangerously and irrevocably altered
(Quick, 2014). The rational consumer would then divide 19.64 pounds by 825
gigatons to find the precise percentage of the carbon budget that is being eaten away
by each gallon of gas they buy. Next, the consumer would convert that percentage
into a dollar amount that would incorporate the value of a stable climate, including
biodiversity, life-supporting natural systems and services, and natural resources. After
factoring everything mentioned and the myriad of other consequences into the cost
of a gallon of gasoline, the consumer would weigh that cost against the benefits of
the same gallon of gas.
If the benefits outweigh the costs, and the cost is less than the asking price,
then the consumer will make the purchase. No one who has ever bought a gallon of
gas, or anything else for that matter, has ever done an accurate, consummate cost-
benefit analysis. It is simply not possible because there are way too many factors to
consider, but also because there is no accepted way to assign a dollar value to our
climate system and the services it provides. Meanwhile, it is also difficult to assign a
dollar value to the cost of climate change, which the market has not integrated into
the price of gas at the pump. The fundamental problem, however, is that without a
healthy atmosphere and self-regulating climate, we would not be able to survive, and
money would be worthless. Yet capitalism in its current form assumes everything,
including natural capital, has a monetary value and is interchangeable. This is the
heart of the problem; by evaluating the world in terms of dollars, we confound
market price with actual value. When making this distinction between cost and price,
the theory of capitalism begins to crumble. Consumer purchases, even those based

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on cost-benefit analyses, are not always more beneficial to society than they are
When we consider the cost-benefit methodology at a higher level than the
individual consumer, the consequences of miscalculation can be devastating.
Consider this anecdotal evidence of the potentially disastrous social ramifications of
decisions that hinge on the outcome of fallible cost-benefit analyses:
“Several years ago, states were in the middle of their litigation against tobacco
companies, seeking to recoup the medical expenditures they had incurred as
a result of smoking. At that time, W. Kip Viscusi - a professor of law and
economics at Harvard and the primary source of the current $ 6.3 million
estimate for the value of a statistical life - undertook research concluding that
states, in fact, saved money as the result of smoking by their citizens. Why?
Because they died early! They thus saved their states the trouble and expense
of providing nursing home care and other services associated with an aging
population. Viscusi didn't stop there. So great, under Viscusi's assumptions,
were the financial benefits to the states of their citizens' premature deaths
that, he suggested, "cigarette smoking should be subsidized rather than
taxed” (Ackerman & Heinzerling, 2002, p. 1).

This summary is disturbing because it explains the outcome of a completely

conventional method for evaluating the social costs and benefits of a proposed
policy. Some may argue that, economically speaking, having a statistical value of life
is necessary for making informed policy decisions, and that it is not unwarranted
given that people do not value life infinitely in their everyday decisions (e.g. choosing
not to wear a seatbelt). However, ethical considerations cannot be discarded, as
lackluster efforts to tackle climate change indicate is the case with the current system.
When we consider the efficacy of cost-benefit analyses in the context of
environmental policy, its shortcomings become dramatically more apparent. As
articulated by Ackerman and Heinzerling, “To weigh the benefits of regulation
against the costs, we need to know the monetary value of preventing the extinction
of species, preserving many different ecosystems, avoiding all manner of serious
health impacts, and even saving human lives. Without such numbers, cost-benefit
analysis cannot be conducted” (2002, p. 6). Not only do cost-benefit analyses
concerning environmental regulation require the monetary evaluation of current
human and nonhuman life, but they must also consider posterity. To illustrate that
capitalism is ill-equipped to accurately evaluate the true worth of our environment as
a whole, and the climate system in particular, consider Australia’s unsuccessful
attempt to implement a carbon tax.
On July 1, 2012, Australia became the first country to adopt an explicit,
national carbon tax, and on July 17, 2014, Australia became the first country to
repeal a national carbon tax. When the tax was implemented in 2012, it was intended
to initiate a transition to non-fossil fuel based energy sources and inspire investments
in clean, renewable energy. An initial tax of $23 per ton of carbon emissions, which
rose to $24.15 in 2013, was levied against Australia’s foremost 500 polluters. The
targeted group of polluters, primarily comprised of energy and industrial companies,
only constituted .02% of the nation’s 3 million businesses. When Australia’s carbon
tax experiment met its demise in 2014, it had effectively reduced emissions from the
power generation sector by 1-2%. As for the anticipated surge of clean energy

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investments that was supposed to result from the tax, it never materialized.
Investments in large-scale clean energy projects in the first six months of 2014 were
the lowest that they had been since 2001 (Levitan, 2014).
When Tony Abbott was elected Prime Minister of Australia, the fate of the
carbon tax was essentially sealed. Mr. Abbott was elected on the promise that he
would repeal the tax, which he deemed “useless” and “destructive.” Business leaders,
especially those in Australia’s gigantic coal industry, were vocal about their
opposition to the tax from its inception, claiming that it would destroy jobs and
cause electricity prices to soar. There was a slight rise in electricity rates over the time
that the tax was in place, though some have argued that it was the result of excessive
spending by energy companies, who were pouring money into unnecessary electricity
infrastructure projects. In spite of the equivocal effects that Australia’s carbon tax
had on electricity consumers, during his campaign Mr. Abbott claimed that repealing
the tax would save consumers roughly $520 (U.S.) a year. While the Prime Minister
has acknowledged that climate change is a serious issue, he maintains that solutions,
such as a carbon tax, should not “clobber the economy” (Baird, 2014).
Australia’s attempt at implementing an effective carbon tax that would lower
emissions failed because the economic cost outweighed the perceived environmental
benefits. According to the Institute for Energy Research, the lofty economic costs of
the carbon tax included: the loss of 80 jobs, a 16-19% increase in electricity rates, and
a net loss of $4.38 billion to the Australian government (Robson, 2013, p. 9). The
IER, which receives the majority of its funding from energy companies (Harkinson,
2009) and whose CEO doesn’t believe in anthropogenic climate change, is by no
means unbiased, and their numbers are highly inflated compared to other economic
analyses. For instance, the Financial Review estimated that the tax only contributed to
a 6% hike in electricity rates, and that it actually generated a net income for the
government (Minchin, Hopkin, 2014). Regardless, it does not really matter who was
right, or what the exact economic costs were, because we have no way of accurately
assessing the environmental benefits. Within the confines of capitalism, it is more
difficult to appraise the legitimate value of a stable climate than it is to determine the
true cost of a gallon of gasoline.
The value of Australia’s carbon tax was weighed in terms of new clean energy
investments, jobs, and estimated carbon dioxide emission reductions. Ironically, the
only category that offered any direct indication of how effective the carbon tax was
at mitigating climate change – emissions reduction – is also the only category that
cannot be expressed in a dollar amount. It is also the one category that appeared to
improve, if only slightly, from the tax. This further demonstrates the limits of cost-
benefit analysis in effective public policymaking.
Carbon dioxide emissions from Australia’s energy sector, which account for
roughly 75% of the national total, dropped by 1-2% while the tax was in place.
According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, Australia is responsible for less
than 1% of global carbon dioxide emissions, which means that its economy-
clobbering carbon tax reduced global atmospheric carbon dioxide pollution by about
a hundredth of a percent. When viewed through the lens of neoliberal capitalism,
which serves as the foundation of Australia’s mixed-market economy, which is also
heavily reliant on the energy sector, the costs of mitigating climate change will almost
always outweigh the benefits.

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Consilience Park: Climate Change and Capitalism

The problem is not necessarily inherent to the idea of carbon taxation itself,
but rather with the broader economic perspective that the tax is placed in. Regardless
of whether the IER’s assessment that carbon taxation cost Australia roughly $4
billion dollars is more accurate than the Financial Review’s estimate of roughly $6
billion is, there was nevertheless a staggering amount of money changing hands.
Regardless of how one looks at it, the carbon tax and the associative movement of
that money only accomplished a .01% decline in global carbon dioxide emissions.
In the context of neoliberal capitalism and cost-benefit analysis, mitigation is
a horrible investment because it does not offer a precise, quantifiable return. As
evidenced in Australia, when we demand that any possible solution to climate change
yield economic benefits, or at the very least, not come with any discernible economic
costs, we doom ourselves to failure. Economic growth is a function of population,
technology, and resource consumption, and climate change abatement ultimately
requires a dramatic reduction in the consumption of resources. Thus, these two goals
– economic growth and environmental sustainability – are at irreconcilable odds. As
long as we allow national and global climate change mitigation efforts to be dictated
by the capitalist dogma that the economic reward of any endeavor must outweigh the
costs, we will be utterly incapable of preventing or avoiding the catastrophic
consequences of climate change. Leaders, policy makers, and humanity as a whole
will have to accept the fact that there is simply no way to put a price tag on our
planet, or its life-sustaining climate system. Any and all attempts to do so will
inevitably prove to be insufficient and ultimately immoral.
Though capitalism itself may not be inherently immoral, it does have the
inclination to promote behaviors of dubious moral quality. Take, for example, the
assertion that limitless resource consumption is a virtuous pursuit, which will always
produce greater social prosperity. This premise of capitalism might very well hold
true if the world operated in the way that capitalist idealists assume it does. Capitalist
theory dictates that society need not worry about fossil fuel depletion, or that of any
finite resource, because the invisible hand of the market will inevitably conjure up a
viable alternative. If this assumption were true and there existed an inexhaustible well
of alternative resources and products, then the rate of resource consumption might
possibly correlate with increased social well-being. However, that is simply not the
reality of our situation. We live in a world of finite resources and, as incredible as the
power of human innovation has proven itself to be, even ingenuity has its limits. The
notion that any desirable resource can be replaced if the incentive is great enough is a
fallacious justification for indiscriminate consumption. There is simply no way to
replace clean air, potable water, or a stable, hospitable climate, nor can it be assumed
that man-made capital would be distributed equitably. There is an old Native
American proverb that exemplifies this moral critique of capitalist theory as it applies
to climate change. The saying goes: “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from our children.” It is wrong to impoverish and pollute the planet’s
life sustaining natural resources and services, on the delusory assumption that future
generations will develop “alternatives” to the naturally occurring prerequisites for
survival. So long as we continue to propagate life, we have the moral obligation to
ensure that our children are born into a world that is capable of facilitating and
sustaining their existence.

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Consilience Park: Climate Change and Capitalism

2.2 Broken Supply and Demand Mechanism

In addition to the problematic assumptions underlying cost-benefit analysis,
capitalism is not working in practice as it is said to work in theory because the law of
supply and demand is not functioning as it is supposed to be. In theory, the demand
for goods and services is driven by rational cost-benefit analysis. A major reason why
capitalism is said to produce perennially positive social consequences is because the
theory assumes that people will not buy things that they do not want or need, and
that suppliers will not produce things that people will not buy. Thus, each purchase
represents the satisfaction of a true social want or need, which is conceivably
benefiting both the consumer and the producer, and is therefore producing a net
positive benefit for society as a whole. The problem is that people buy things that
they do not want or need all the time. Marketing and advertising schemes are
designed to convince people that they need or want things that they would not need
or want otherwise. Every single day, suppliers are constantly trying to convince
consumers to buy their products. Consequently, the dynamics between supply and
demand are much more multifaceted than they seem on the surface.
Ideally, companies in a capitalist system should not have to wage multi-
billion dollar ad campaigns to generate demand for their products, as their products
would be in response to an existing demand; the script for the law of supply and
demand is essentially flipped. Suppliers are generating a demand for products, rather
than consumers. This is problematic because it means our scarce natural resources
are being converted into cash for the mere sake of generating wealth for the supplier,
and not in order to provide people with the things that they actually need and want.
By exchanging natural capital for monetary wealth without producing any tangible,
social benefits, we are squandering natural resources and generating an inordinate,
unnecessary amount of waste. Therefore, capitalism, which contains markets such as
advertising synthetically spawn demand for products that could otherwise not be as
desirable, is not necessarily an efficient means of allocating resources. Additionally,
economic growth within this manifestation of capitalism does not directly translate
into social prosperity. This is important because it reveals a gaping fissure in the
capitalistic logic of indefinite growth. If perpetual economic growth does not result
in perpetual social prosperity, it needs to slow down, or stop altogether, because it is
still exhausting finite resources which might otherwise be employed, or preserved, to
yield actual positive social benefits.

2.3 Capitalism’s Approach to Climate Change

Whether or not we are able to remain within the confines of our carbon
budget will be the first test of our capacity to ultimately correct climate change. If we
can inhibit the amount of carbon that we emit by limiting the amount of fossil fuels
that we burn at such a pace and to such a degree that we avoid incurring irreversible,
environmentally detrimental consequences, then we may yet pass the test. There are
a myriad of different routes we might take to achieve this goal, but the purpose of
this essay is to critique the capitalist course, so that is the one we will consider.
This critique is partially theoretical as no nations have “purely” capitalist
economies—most are mixed economies, which are characterized by varying degrees

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Consilience Park: Climate Change and Capitalism

of government intervention in the market, and a blend of publicly- and privately-

owned industries. However, every nation that participates in global trade, which
essentially includes every nation on earth, plays by neoliberal capitalist-dictated rules.
A major consequence of globalization has been the expansion free trade. So-called
developed countries have successfully sought to incorporate “lesser developed
countries” into a global trade network designed to foster greater economic growth,
as defined by neoclassical economic metrics. GDP, the contemporary, universal
marker of a nation’s success and prosperity, is the measure of all finished goods and
services produced. The fastest way to grow GDP, and thus international prestige and
perceived prosperity, is to exchange natural resources for monetary wealth in the
form of goods. Developed nations have become wealthy by converting most of their
resources into currency, and thus the supplies of natural resources in developed
nations are generally much smaller, and more expensive, to extract, than those of
lesser developed nations. This is one of the great ironies of capitalist economies: the
more resources a nation uses, the more that nation grows. The more that nation
grows, the less resources the nation has. The less resources the nation has, the less
that nation can grow, but the bigger the nation is, the more resources the nation
must consume in order to keep growing. This is why capitalism is so closely related
to globalization. So the free market is constantly expanding, assisted by the removal
of governmental barriers to natural resources extraction, and paving the way for
transnational corporations to continue meeting the ever-growing global demand for
their products.
It’s a vicious, self-perpetuating cycle that will eventually exhaust all of the
world’s natural capital if it continues unabated. In the global economic system, every
nation is subject to this capitalistic cycle because every nation seeks to improve its
perceived prosperity, global prestige, and cumulative wealth, as measured by GDP.
So although most countries technically practice mixed-market economics, the ideals
of capitalism, such as the priority it places on unrelenting economic growth and
resource consumption, as well as the edict of supply and demand, permeate and
influence practically every national economy. Thus, a critique of capitalist theory is
relevant to assessing the capacity for national and global economies to intentionally
reduce resource consumption in order to deal with climate change.
Matthew Kahn, a Professor of Economics in the Environment and Public
Affairs Department at UCLA, authored the book Climatopolis: How Our Cities Will
Thrive in the Hotter Future. In this book, Kahn articulates the free-market capitalism
solution to the problem of climate change (Kahn, 2012). He argues that unfettered
capitalism is the key to simultaneously improving the quality of our environment and
lifting the global population out of poverty. His argument is based on the idea that,
as we consume more resources and accumulate more wealth, we expect a higher
quality of goods and a higher quality of life in general. Because consumers in a
capitalist society are rational actors who comprehensively contemplate the
consequences of their purchasing decisions, they will increasingly demand products
that foster greater social and environmental prosperity. Kahn hypothesizes that, as
capitalism proliferates, and generates greater wealth for more people, the demand for
higher quality products, and a higher quality environment, will likewise expand.
Capitalism assumes that supply follows demand, and thus as the demand for
products that are conducive to a healthy environment grows, suppliers will abandon
environmentally-degrading products and processes and adopt ones that are

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Consilience Park: Climate Change and Capitalism

environmentally friendly in order to meet the new demand. In this way, capitalism
will naturally phase-out dirty fuels, wasteful practices, and low-quality goods that
erroneously consume scarce resources, before permanent damage is done to the
Not only does Kahn argue that free-market capitalism is the best approach to
mitigating climate change, he also asserts that it is the best system for adapting to
climate change, because wealthier regions tend to weather the storm much more
effectively than poorer regions. When extreme weather events occur, wealthier areas
are less impacted and rebound much faster than poorer areas. Additionally, when
environmental disasters impact a region, capitalist economies are capable of sending
price signals to the market that disincentivze people from living in these hazardous
areas. For example, insurance companies raise their rates for people living in risk-
prone neighborhoods. This discourages habitation of these neighborhoods, and so
when disaster strikes, less damage is incurred. On the contrary, when the market is
not allowed to operate uninhibited and the government steps in to repair or protect
private property, it encourages more people to live in these areas because they feel
more artificially secure. Government intervention creates the illusion of protection,
but it is economic wealth, in Kahn’s opinion, that actually shields us from Mother
Nature’s violent outbursts. Kahn’s view, which is the archetypical capitalist
perspective, maintains that the role of government should be limited to providing
information regarding natural disasters to the public, such as hurricane and flood
warnings. The government need not coerce people to react to these warnings,
because if individuals have access to the information, they will respond appropriately.
Kahn’s viewpoint is relieving and palatable. It invokes that characteristically capitalist
optimism towards human ingenuity. It promises, as all persuasive capitalist
arguments do, that if we just continue to consume resources to our heart’s content,
we will create a future that is superior to the present in every conceivable way.

2.4 Counterargument to Capitalist-Centric Solutions to Climate

There are several glaring defects in Kahn’s capitalism inspired logic. Though
some of these issues have already been introduced, they will be reiterated and
expanded upon here in direct response to the arguments presented in support of
capitalism as the solution to climate change.
Firstly, Kahn assumes that consumers are rational, well-informed actors who
possess a consummate understanding of, or at least a genuine desire to understand,
the causes and consequences of climate change, and who will model their behavior
accordingly. However, the empirical evidence suggests that an astonishingly
significant segment of the American population is ignorant of, and reluctant to
become informed on, the reality of climate change.
A 2013 survey, titled Climate Change in the American Mind, revealed that 23% of
Americans are certain that climate change is not happening, while 14% do not know
whether it is happening or not. (Leiserowitz, et al., 2013, p. 5) If Kahn’s presumption
that capitalism fosters greater understanding and appreciation of the environment
were true, we would expect to see a decline in the percentage of the population who
are unaware and unconcerned with climate change. Climate Change in the American

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Mind indicates a burgeoning trend in the opposite direction. The survey found that
the percentage of Americans who do not believe in climate change, 23%, is swelling
rapidly, even as the number of people who are uncertain about climate change
shrinks. Among those who do believe in climate change and global warming, less
than half believe that is caused by human activities, and that number is declining
(Leiserowitz, et al., 2013, p. 5). If people do not believe in global warming, or do not
believe that their actions are affecting the climate, they will have absolutely no reason
to reduce their consumption of fossil fuels and other products that diminish the
quality of our environment.
This illuminating information is indicative of a growing degree of society-
wide ignorance towards the science of climate change, which is counterintuitive
considering that the international scientific community reached a consensus on this
subject nearly two decades ago. If American consumers were the rational actors that
Kahn and other avid proponents of capitalism considered them to be, their beliefs
and behaviors would reflect the scientific consensus on climate change. They would
realize that understanding the facts is in their best economic interest, and would
therefore seek out the truth, modeling their consumption habits accordingly. Kahn’s
assessment relies almost entirely on the notion that consumers behave this way, but
the evidence reveals, most assuredly, that they do not. The primary reason for this
stems from the perverted nature of supply and demand, and the resultant
dissemination of misinformation.
As mentioned previously, many suppliers generate a synthetic demand for
their products via marketing and advertising schemes. This fact is inherent to the
very essence of advertising. Advertising is the process of convincing people to buy a
product that they might not buy otherwise. Major ad campaigns almost universally
attempt to connect their product to something that is much more desirable. For
example, the new Coke cans and bottles have common names written on them, and
Coke commercials explicitly suggest that buying and sharing their products will
animate new platonic and romantic relationships. These campaigns attach their
product to a fundamental human desire for love and social connection. This
aggressive marketing tactic of associating low-quality, resource-intensive products
with actual human needs and wants manipulates consumers to purchase a product
based on unrealistic promises of satisfying a psychological longing, rather than on
the product’s actual utility. Potent examples of this phenomenon can be found nearly
everywhere in modern, capitalist societies.
By compelling people to buy products through playing on their unrelated,
often intangible desires, advertisers distort the actual demand for social goods. When
people are buying products that are mere representations of the things that they
actually need or want, suppliers are not really responding to the needs and wants of
society, and thus economic growth is failing to facilitate improved social prosperity.
Additionally, people’s consumption habits come to be based on illusory promises,
unattainable expectations, and irrational associations rather than their substantive
The information- and expectation-distorting nature of advertising helps to
explain why consumers are growing increasingly uneducated on the subject of
climate change. Although it is in every individual’s best interest to consume fewer
resources, specifically fossil fuels, so as not to contribute as much to the escalation of
climate change, the vast majority of information that we are bombarded with on a

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daily basis is disseminated by companies and industries that have a compelling

economic interest to convince us to constantly consume more. Consider the way in
which the law of supply and demand determines the value of products, and, by
extension, natural resources. The number of people who want to buy a product and
its availability determine its price and value. When demand is growing and supply
shrinking, the price goes up, making the product more valuable. In theory, this
characteristic of capitalism is what inspires people to invent or discover an alternative
to the scarce product or resource. However, there is no built-in market mechanism
to prevent the complete depletion of any given resource. It is simply assumed that, if
the absolute expenditure of a given resource would cause adverse social
consequences, people would realize this through the process of conducting their
cost-benefit analyses and through price signals, and they would cease to consume
and demand said resource. However, it has already been established that consumers
do not behave as quintessential rational actors, and that the cost-benefit analysis is
incapable of assessing the true value of natural resources.
What all of this means with regard to climate change is that our economic
system is designed to use up more fossil fuels than our environment is designed to
handle. The known total of the Earth’s extractable supply of fossil fuels is around
2,750 gigatons, of which 745 gigatons are owned by fossil fuel companies (Quick,
2014). The proliferation of neoliberal capitalism and industrialization, coupled with
population growth, is cultivating an ever-growing demand for fossil fuels that shows
no signs of abating. Recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration,
displayed in Figure 1, shows the current and projected trends in global fossil fuel

Figure 1: (Source: The Global Education Project, 2014)

As we can see in Figure 1, there is no indication that the market is

responding to the undeniably dire social need to consume fewer fossil fuels. What we
see is quite the opposite. The market is signaling a need for the increased extraction,

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production, and consumption of fossil fuels. The global demand for fossil fuels is a
function of the global population, and both categories are experiencing consistent
annual growth. Thus, as population grows, the subsequent demand for fossil fuels
grows, diminishing the total supply and jacking up the market value. Inevitably, the
fewer fossil fuels that are available, the more valuable they become. The irony is that,
the more economically valuable fossil fuels become as a consequence of increased
demand and reduced supply, the more imperative it will become for us not to
consume them. Unfortunately, that fact is unbeknownst to the free-market, and to
the majority of its participants.
This paper is not intended to vilify the fossil fuel industry or any other
industry; it is merely a critique of the capitalist system that has cultivated the
unproductive incentives for these industries to behave as they do. The systematic
incentivization to indefinitely exhaust scarce resources, which are assumed to be
replaceable upon depletion, inevitably ensures that unfettered capitalism will push us
to the brink of climate chaos and beyond.

The final major logical pitfall of the free-market, capitalist approach to

resolving and adapting to climate change is the assertion that environmental
regulation is unnecessary, and even counterproductive. Proponents of a free-market
resolution to climate change insist that the government’s role should be limited to
providing the public with informative warnings regarding imminent natural disasters
(Kahn, 2012). They maintain that the government should not meddle with the free-
market by imposing limitations on the production or consumption of fossil fuels and
all other resources. Proponents also purport that government policies intended to
buffer the effects of climate change, such as the provision of recovery funds for the
victims of natural disasters, encourage people to subject themselves to inevitable
environmental hazards, as they come to expect that the government will protect
them from future natural disasters.
Government is critically important for providing the public with accurate
information on present and future environmental hazards. On this point, there is no
disagreement. However, the role of government should be not confined to this
singular aim. National governments and international governance entities such as the
United Nations are in a unique position to enlighten people on the science of climate
change. In fact, it was the United Nations that spurred the establishment of the
international scientific consensus on climate change via the IPCC. Government and
corporate entities are among the few organizations that possess the resources
necessary to effectively compile and disseminate information on a national and
global scale. Additionally, these entities enjoy a high level of social influence,
necessary for convincing people of the veracity of their claims. As previously
mentioned, most corporations who are in a position to enlighten the public on
climate change, specifically those in the fossil fuel and energy industries, have a
powerful economic incentive to persuade consumers that climate change is not
occurring, or that it is not a product of human action. These corporations frequently
employ their influence to stir specious uncertainty into the mix of public perception
of climate change, and thus protect their assets.
While corporate influence no doubt permeates the political sphere,
government is relatively less biased in climatic matters, and has an entrenched

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interest, and a social responsibility, to provide people with the real facts of climate
change, and to set a course for remediation. The greatest strides that have been made
towards environmental protection and the abatement of global warming have been
initiated by government entities. One of the best examples of this can be found in
the national Clean Air Act, passed in 1970. Since 1980, this act has reduced sulfur
dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, both of which are harmful airborne pollutants, by 71%
and 46%, respectively (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2013). The CAA has also
forced commercial chlorofluorocarbons, which deteriorate the ozone layer, to be
phased out, thus facilitating a recovery of ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere.
If we were to allow the free-market to provide us with information that is
relevant to environmental protection and climate change without government
interference, we would be highly susceptible to adopting viewpoints that are skewed
by economic interests. Government involvement and regulation is necessary for
preserving the environment, as well as mitigating and adapting to climate change.

3. Conclusion
The heart of our pressing environmental woes is that capitalism is incapable
of accurately assessing and conveying the true value of natural resources. Within our
economic paradigm, it is irrational and undesirable not to extract and consume the
total global supply of fossil fuels because they are considered more valuable as a
commodity than as a benign, unemployed resource. Yet, in our environmental reality,
burning even a quarter of the available supply of fossil fuels would severely endanger
the survival of life on Earth as we know it, and thus we should strive to develop
clean, reliable, and renewable energy sources as soon as possible. It is a global issue
that will require global cooperation and coordination to resolve. It will require
sacrifices, and large scale changes to our social order. The honest truth is that it will
require a revolution. Not a violent, impassioned uprising, but rather a cool, well-
reasoned and intentional economic enlightenment. Capitalism was born from a
desire for liberty and prosperity. It freed people from the bonds of feudal oppression
and enabled us to lay a claim to our own destinies. Capitalism represents mankind’s
incredible ability to adapt to and overcome problems. With this tool we have
subdued the earth, and we have bent it to our will. But if we continue to employ this
powerful economic utensil, the comfortable world that we have shaped for ourselves
will snap under the strain. While we cannot deny our own tremendous talent for
overcoming obstacles and devising alternative solutions when forced to do so, we
also cannot ignore the wise words of Albert Einstein, who said: “We cannot solve
our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.” We live in a world
that is much different from the one that gave rise to capitalism. We are faced with a
much different set of problems than were the founders of the modern economic
system. They sought freedom to explore the world, to connect it through intricate
trade networks, to profit from its natural richness, and to protect those profits. They
were immensely successful, and the capitalist model has handsomely improved the
condition of humankind in innumerable ways. However, the solutions of the past
have produced the problems of the present, and in order to address them we will
have to look at the world through a new lens. We will have to design a method of
assigning value to the world that is capable of preserving that value long into the

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future. Yet thinking alone cannot solve our climate conundrum; solutions will require
action. As a start, we must rapidly phase out fossil fuels and transition to a
renewable-energy based system. We will need to place immediate, globally-
enforceable restraints on the production and consumption of fossil fuels, among
other resources. We will definitely need to abandon our apparent obsession with
making money, because resolving climate change will not be a profitable venture. But
it will be truly invaluable, and somehow, some way, we will do it. The course that we
must pursue to overcome this prodigious planetary problem cannot be the same
course that led us to where we are today. The way to a brilliant, sustainable new
future certainly exists, but it does not lie down the beaten path of capitalism that we
currently tread.

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