A Codex On Making An Energy Ball
A Codex On Making An Energy Ball
A Codex On Making An Energy Ball
an Energy BaLL
A Codex on Makingan Energy Ball
Maglck Unveiled, Volume 10
Albertus Crowley
while every precaution has been taken in the preparation oftl’lls
book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or
omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the infor
mation contained herein.
First editiona December 30, 2019,
Copyright © 2019 Albertus Crowley,
ISBN: 9784393499770
Written by Albertus Crowley.
Table of Contents
Preliminary Exercises
mgical instructions
Tu Malina
(ransmuled from one State and into another. lt is the Ilfe force of
the gods.
When you make an energy ball, you manipulate this magical life
force and form it into a ball, Now, this ball is very versatile. Ale
though many practitioners only form a ball and then let it go,
there are those who take it a step further and command the ball
to do a specific function or purpose. Do not worry, you Will learn
all ofthis later in this codex. For now, let us talk more about the
nature ofthe energy ball,
You do not need any tool to make an energy ball, As the occult
saying goes, “energy follows thought.“ Accordingly, you shall use
your thought to direct energy. Simply put, in order to create an
energy ball, you will only need your mind. it is with your mind
that you shall tap and harness magical energy and make it do
The practice of making an energy ball is one ofthe best training
instructions that you can do to develop your skill in energy mar
nipulation. If you do not know it yet, learning to manipulate en
ergy effectively is very important ifyou want to be a truly skillful
and successful witch/magus, in fact, all the spells and rituals out
there are nothing but a way to exercise control over this energy.
The power of an energy ball depends on the power of the one
who wields it. It should be noted that there are occult adepts out
there who dedicate most oftheir time in the practice of making
an energyball. They have reached a level where their energy ball
becomes as powerful, if not more powerful, than the elaborate
rituals that you read in many occult books and manuals. Rememr
ber: an energy ball is as powerful as you make it,
The energy ball is one ofthe greatest and most interesting place
tices in magick. You are about to get deep into this sacred and
ancient practice, Remember to keep an open mind and to always
tread this path with love and kindness in your heart.
Occult Powers ofthe Mind
through your nose or mouth, Now, see andfeel magical energy all
around, You may see it in your mind‘s eye as pure and radiant white
light. With every inhalation, imagine that you are absorbing this en
ergy into your body and your entire being, Let itfill you completely.
inhale and be filled with wonderful energy. Let every inhalation be
magical breath that revitalizes you. Befilled and be healed.
Last but not least on our preparatory steps is to practice medir
tation. A simple breathing meditation would be sufficient and
would be very helpful. The practice of meditation is an overall
spiritual practice that develops your magical faculties and make
you a more powerful witch/magus. The steps are as follows:
Relax. You can assume any position, but just be sure to keep your
spine straight. Breathe in through your nose and out through your
nose or mouth, Relax. Now, focus on your breathing, Nothing must
exist in your mind but the breath. The breath is all. lfother thoughts
arise in the mind, gently ignore them and return to your breath, Be
one with the breath. The whole universe is the breath. You are the
breath. Breathe. Relax. Let go,
To end this meditation, simply bring your awareness back to your
body, move your fingers and toes, and gently open your eyes.
It is well to note that you must not underestimate the power of
this meditation. Many spiritual gurus and magical adepts have
practiced this meditation for many years and through it have
gained remarkable spiritual and magical developments.
Practice these preparatory exercises every day. The more that you
practice, the better you will get. These exercises are not just for
making an energy ball, but they also empower you and develop
your overall spiritual and magical faculties.
Magical Instructions
steps by heart, You do not have to memorize all the steps and
you are free to make some adjustments according to your pers
sonal preference. After all, the practice of magick is also an art,
ergy ball into the air, and knowing that it is doing its purpose.
However, an important thing to note about sending the energy
ball to do its task is to forget about it immediately right after
sending it away, A common mistake is to continue to think about
and hold on to your energy ball, as well as being worried of the
result. Doing so only holds back and prevents your energy ball
from doing its task, Hence, right after sending it out, you must
focus on other things. Do not hold on to it with your mind. Let
go and trust that your energy ball will do its purpose, This ends
ourdiscussion on the process ofmaking an energy ball,
Mastery Tips
fact, once you get used to it. You would not even have to use
your hands when you make an energy ball. But, if you are a
beginner, it is best to use your hands so you can feel your energy
tions in this codex, but feel free to come up with your own ways
to make and develop your energy ball.
By now, a great and wonderful magical mystery has been re
vealed to you. Be sure to use this sacred power wisely and only
for good. ifyou still think that it is hard to manipulate energy,
then just realize that you are also made ofenergy. The key lies in
your mind. ifyou do not limit yourself, then your mind shall be
free and infinite, just as you should be, The journey does not re
ally end here. it is now up to you to engage deep into this ancient
and magical practice and create positive changes in your life.
Cast your energy ball, and make it a really powerful one. Blessed