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Thermal Pollution

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Thermal pollution is the addition of heat to water bodies by human activities, particularly by

thermal electricity generating stations. This heat raises water temperatures, which can affect

aquatic life in many ways, including survival, growth, activity, reproduction, and community

composition. Many of these effects are sufficiently understood to indicate thermal limits for

aquatic-life protection. Efforts to control high temperatures can lead to other risks related to

water use (eg, physical effects of entrainment and impingement or several effects of closed-cycle

cooling), resulting in a need to balance risks. There are potential beneficial uses of waste heat,

ranging from heating buildings to warm-water agriculture and aquaculture. With adequate

planning, the location and design of power stations can maximize benefits and minimize

ecological risks.

Thermal pollution is defined as a sudden increase or decrease in temperature of a natural body of

water, which may be ocean, lake, river or pond by human influence. This normally occurs when

a plant or facility takes in water from a natural resource and puts it back with an altered

temperature. Usually, these facilities use it as a cooling method for their machinery or to help

better produce their products (Al-Abbasi, 2010).

Plants that produce different products or wastewater facilities are often the culprits of this

massive exodus of thermal pollution. In order to properly control and maintain thermal pollution,

humans and governments have been taking many steps to effectively manage how plants are able

to use the water. However, the effects are still lasting today (Baig et al., 2012).

Thermal pollution, unlike chemical pollution, results in a change in the physical properties of

water. A common cause of thermal pollution is the use of water as a coolant by power plants and

industrial manufacturers. Urban runoff—stormwater discharged to surface waters from rooftops,

roads and parking lots—and reservoirs can also be a source of thermal pollution. Thermal

pollution can also be caused by the release of very cold water from the base of reservoirs into

warmer rivers.


There are several types of pollutions are present in an atmosphere. Here we are going to talk

about the distinctive sorts of contamination and how all these sorts contrast from each other. We

will think about all these components in subtle element and will likewise concentrate on about

how we can keep the contamination of the regular assets (Fleming et al., 2006). We will attempt

and see how the contamination is brought on and this thus will help us in seeing how this
contamination can be anticipated and controlled. In below different types of pollutions are

explaining one by one.

1.1.1 Air Pollution

Air contamination is the defilement of regular air by stirring up of it with numerous diverse

sullying particles including chemicals, destructive exhaust and so on (Hong, 1996). This sort of

contamination dependably carries on as an issue danger, prompting respiratory diseases, heart

ailments, strokes and so forth. Other wellbeing impacts because of air contamination incorporate

asthma and cardiovascular conditions (Jeffry et al., 2009).

1.1.2 Water Pollution

It is characterized as the consistent expansion of toxins to the water bodies bringing about

sullying of the water. This makes the concerned water unfavorable for the utilization for both

people and economically and is left as an issue just (Judith, 2012). The tainted water when

blended with a greater water body brings about the antagonistic effect on the amphibian species.

The significant pretended in the defilement of water is by the different modern chemicals and

squanders that are tossed into the water body without satisfactory treatment and hence debasing

the water. The high temperature liquids antagonistically influence the warm condition of the

water and lead to the staining of common clean water (Spengler, 1983).

1.1.3 Soil Pollution

Essentially, the dirt contamination alludes to the stirring up of soil with the materials which are

sufficiently intense to influence the common soil when stirred up with it in more than

satisfactory extents (Patrick, 2014). The expansion of the defiled particles to soil happens both

because of the human and regular exercises in which the previous has real impact. The most
imperative component prompting soil contamination is the perpetually expanding number of

development destinations in today's reality. The destructive chemicals which are utilized as a part

of these development exercises hurt the earth both amid the development furthermore after the

development has been finished (Baig et al., 2012).

1.1.4 Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is the generation of sounds that are irritating and have a high pitch as compared

to the hearing capabilities of humans. The basic sources of this sort of pollution are the machines

that are extensively found in the industries and the transportation systems (Carpenter et al.,

2015). Also, the loud noise created by loud music and other building activities can also

contribute to this pollution leading to cardiovascular effects and other undesirable health effects

for the humans. The need for preventive measures for noise pollution has always been there and

this in a way has resulted in the emergence of hybrid vehicles which are less noisy than other

contemporary vehicles (Miller and Gardiner, 2011).

The concept of noise pollution is a very unique one, as sound is something which has the

capability to have both good and bad effects on the health of humans. Undesirable noises, in the

form of noise pollution, can cause many health problems, but at the same time some soothing

sounds can have a positive effect on the mental as well as physical health of the humans

(Pierzynski et al., 2017).

1.1.5 Thermal Pollution

The increment in the temperature of a water framework by any methods is termed as warm

contamination. The fundamental wellspring of this kind of contamination is through making

utilization of water as an issue in businesses which incorporates the transfer of high temperature
created by the mechanical techniques to the water and accordingly bringing about the increment

of temperature of this water (Pope et al., 2000).

The most exceedingly terrible effect of this kind of contamination is seen in the sea-going

frameworks where the level of disintegrated oxygen is promptly diminished by the sharp

increment in the water's temperature and accordingly hurting the life of amphibian species. The

decrease in the oxygen level of the biological system is additionally seen because of the

diminished lifespan of the essential makers (Carpenter et al., 2015).


1. Water as a Cooling Agent in Power, Manufacturing and Industrial Plants

Production and Manufacturing plants are the biggest sources of thermal pollution. These plants

draw water from a nearby source to keep machines cool and then release back to the source with

higher temperatures. When heated water returns to the river or ocean, the water temperature rises

sharply (David, 1994).

When oxygen levels are altered in the water, this can also degrade the quality and longevity

of life in wildlife that lives underwater. This process can also wipe away streamside vegetation,

which constantly depends on constant levels of oxygen and temperature.

By altering these natural environments, industries are essentially helping decrease the quality of

life for these marine-based life forms, which can ultimately destroy habitats if they are not

controlled and careful about their practices.

2. Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is another major factor that causes thermal pollution. Consistent soil erosion causes

water bodies to rise, making them more exposed to sunlight. The high temperature could prove

fatal for aquatic biomes as it may give rise to anaerobic conditions.

3. Deforestation

Trees and plants prevent sunlight from falling directly on lakes, ponds or rivers.

When deforestation takes place, these water bodies are directly exposed to sunlight, thus

absorbing more heat and raising its temperature. Deforestation is also the main cause of the

higher concentrations of greenhouse gases, i.e. global warming in the atmosphere.

4. Runoff From Paved Surfaces

Urban runoff discharged to surface waters from paved surfaces like roads and parking lots can

make the water warmer. During summer seasons, the pavement gets quite hot, which creates

warm runoffs that get into the sewer systems and water bodies (Friedman and Sharon, 2011).

5. Natural Causes

Natural causes like volcanoes, geothermal vents and hot springs under the oceans and seas can

trigger warm lava to raise the temperature of water bodies. Lightening can also introduce a

massive amount of heat into the oceans. This means that the overall temperature of the water

source will rise, having significant impacts on the environment (Hong, 1996).

6. Retention Ponds

Retention ponds can be another source of thermal shock because the water bodies that are

relatively small and shallow can absorb quite a bit of heat energy from the sun.

When that water is pumped directly into a river, lake, or bay, it causes a significant temperature

increase. It is similar to pouring a hot pitcher of water into a bathtub full of water that causes the

water to jump a few degrees Fahrenheit.

7. Domestic Sewage
Domestic sewage is often discharged into rivers, lakes, canals or streams without treating the

waste. The temperature of municipal water sewage is normally high than receiving water.

With the increase in temperature of the receiving water, the dissolved oxygen (DO) decreases,

and the demand for oxygen increases, causing anaerobic conditions.


Among recognized scientists and scholars, there are generally two schools of thought when it

comes to the effects of thermal pollution. Some lean on the side of the negatives of this pollution

on marine ecosystems and how it is detrimental to positive environmental practices.

However, some lean towards the side that without these industries operating the way they do,

some of the most fundamental parts of human life would be completely obsolete (Jeffry et al.,


Wastewater would not be able to be properly maintained; we would have no industries that could

produce the goods we need, and so on. The effects of thermal pollution on ecosystems, however,

greatly outweigh the benefits that industries have by participating in the act.

1. Decrease in DO (Dissolved Oxygen) Levels

The warm temperature reduces the levels of DO (Dissolved Oxygen) in water. The warm water

holds relatively less oxygen than cold water. The decrease in DO can create suffocation

for plants and animals such as fish, amphibians and copepods, which may give rise to anaerobic


Warmer water allows algae to flourish on the surface of the water, and over the long term,

growing algae can decrease oxygen levels in the water.

2. Increase in Toxins
With the constant flow of high-temperature discharge from industries, there is a huge increase in

toxins that are being regurgitated into the natural body of water. These toxins may

contain chemicals or radiation that may have a harsh impact on the local ecology and make them

susceptible to various diseases.

3. Loss of Biodiversity

A dent in the biological activity in the water may cause a significant loss of biodiversity.

Changes in the environment may cause certain species of organisms to shift their base to some

other place while there could be a significant number of species that may shift in because of

warmer waters. 

Organisms that can adapt easily may have an advantage over organisms that are not used to the

warmer temperatures.

4. Ecological Impact

A sudden thermal shock can result in mass killings of fish, insects, plants or amphibians. Hotter

water may prove favorable for some species, while it could be lethal for other species. Small

water temperature increases the level of activity, while higher temperature decreases the level of


Many aquatic species are sensitive to small temperature changes such as one degree Celsius that

can cause significant changes in organism metabolism and other adverse cellular biology effects.

5. Affects Reproductive Systems

A significant halt in the reproduction of marine wildlife (although this may be true, reproduction

can still occur between fish – but the likelihood of defects in newborns is significantly higher)

can happen due to increasing temperatures as reproduction can happen within a certain range of
temperature. Excessive temperature can cause the release of immature eggs or can prevent the

normal development of certain eggs.


Solutions of thermal pollution is required for its detrimental effects on the aquatic ecosystem in

the future. A number of methods have been suggested and developed to convert the thermal

effluents from power plants into useful heat resources for maximizing the benefits. The solutions

to thermal discharge into water bodies are as follows:

1. Cooling Ponds

Cooling ponds or reservoirs are the simplest methods of controlling thermal discharges. In

cooling ponds, heated effluents on the surface of water maximize the dissipation of heat to the

atmosphere and minimize the area and volume of water (Pope et al., 2000).

This is the simplest and cheapest method that cools the water to a considerably low temperature.

However, the method alone is less desirable as well as inefficient in terms of air-water contact.

2. Cooling Towers

After using water from water sources for cooling purposes, it is subsequently returned to the

water body after passing through the condenser, which is termed as the cooling process.

Therefore cooling towers are designed to control the temperature of water to make the cooling

process more effective. Cooling towers are mainly used to dissipate the recovered waste heat to

eliminate the problems of thermal pollution.

3. Artificial Lake

Artificial lakes are man-made water bodies that offer a possible alternative (Pierzynski et al.,

2017). The heated effluents may be discharged into the lake at one end, and the water may be
withdrawn from the other end for cooling purposes. The heat is eventually dissipated through

evaporation. However, these lakes have to be rejuvenated continuously.

4. Water Recycling

Industrially treated water can be recycled for domestic use or industrial heating that the problem

of thermal pollution can be mitigated.

5. Other Applications

The thermal discharge (rejected heat) of power plants can be used in other purposes like:

 Industrial and space heating.

 Biological applications such as soil warming.

 Fish culture, livestock shelters and heating greenhouses.

Most of these potential physical applications are applicable in colder regions or locations.

Above all else, the most important thing to consider is that the effects of thermal pollution

greatly outweigh the human need for it to be done (Miller and Gardiner, 2011). Plants and

industries have been able to find successful ways around thermal pollution, but many of them are

not practicing it because it’s simply easier to work from the traditional model. If we want to

promote the thriving environment that surrounds marine biology, then the attitude around

thermal pollution needs to take a drastic turn.


Thermal pollution is a dangerous threat to our planet earth. If we do not start taking precautions

for the same now, the problem will keep on expanding, degrading the quality of water and

adversely affecting the aquatic plants and animals. Undoubtedly, it will affect the human race

Hence, it is now time to take a pledge for the prevention of thermal pollution and take all

necessary steps that can serve this purpose. Every human can make a difference by making an

individual effort. The industries, power plants and factories should also give it a serious thought.

The collected effort of humans will definitely solve the problem of thermal pollution and will

help in its prevention.


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