It Capstone 1
It Capstone 1
It Capstone 1
Belleza, Angeline B.
Castor, Melissa B.
Laping, Darryl B.
manage and record books in the system. He/she can register students who enrolled in
the school. If a student, who is registered in the system, wants to borrow a book, he can
inquire with the librarian if the book is available or is already borrowed by another
The moment that it is available he must search the book in the library shelf and
present the book with his registered School ID, the librarian will encode the book and
student ID number in the system and when it is encoded the system it will automatically
record the book and student details in the database.
The principal objective of the system was to computerize the manual system in
maintaining the records of the book issue, book return of the student, stock sustenance
and book research, so that the functioning of the library system will be easier and more
Specific Objectives
This objective overcame all the short comings of a manual system that was used
This includes the following:
3. Minimized the task and the effort being performed by both the librarian and
4. Provided the school and the students a well-organize and well presented reports.
This study was limited to the Library of ACLC College of Marbel that covers over
300 students, which the number greatly increases every year. In preparation, this
system became more reliable and consistently providing enough support to the school’s
proposed system was made based on the wants and needs of the school, the system
consists of registering books with specific book identification number, so that the
librarian has an easy access in each book, search tabs for reliable, easy and faster
monitoring of books and more importantly a report and evaluation papers can be
to borrow one book every transaction to provide each student an equal chance of
borrowing specific books. This project system was highly recommended due to the rapid
increase of computer related tools in the industry. With this proposed system features
and functions of the school’s library will be able to accommodate more reliably
consistent and faster in providing a better service to the student and staff.
This study and its results are significant to the following:
Administrators - The system will lighten the paper works of the school as
Librarian - The Librarian can monitor well the students who borrow and return books
in the library through reliable and correct reports.
Students - The students can easily borrow and return book without spending so much
Teachers - The students can be provided quick access for the library items so the
teachers won’t worry enough if the students can manage to make a library research
task given by them.
Definition of Terms
For clarity and understanding, the keywords that were used in this study were
defined as follows:
Architectural Diagram - Process that show the flow event during the transaction in
library borrowing system.
Feasibility - is the study of the relation of different aspects in creating the system.
Hardware – Computer equipment used to perform the transactions in the library
borrowing system.
Library – is a room or building where a collection of books is kept for people to use
or borrow.
Library System – is a system that accepts data information as input and processes
them to produce an output.
Report - an official document that gives information about a particular object.
Software – the programs that run on a computer and that performs the transaction in a
library borrowing.
This chapter begins on the scrutiny about the project research design
methodology together with the development of the system operation, process and
testing. The second part discussed the architectural diagram interface of hardware and
the last part showed the recommended hardware, software and network specification.