Application Form
Post Details
Personal Information
Candidate's Name / : PRIYAM PODDER Mobile No. / मोबाइल : 7005418528 Email Id / इ-मेल आई. :
प्रत्याशी का नाम संख्या डी priyampodder15[at]gmail[dot]c
Identity Details
Additional Information
Father Name / पिता : RAKESH Mother's Name / माता : RAKHI Gender / लिंग : MALE
का नाम का नाम
Mother Tongue : Bengali Date of Birth / : 04-01-1995 Age : 27 Years, 0 Months, 11 Days
Category Reservation
Category / श्रेणी : UR
Subcategory Reservation
House No./Vill/Town : 75 Santipara, CR Road P.O./Street Name : CR Road P.S./Locality : East Agartala
House No./Vill/Town : 75 Santipara, CR Road P.O./Street Name : CR Road P.S./Locality : East Agartala
Are you BPL card : NO Are you a govt. : NO Are You Ex- : NO
holder? employee? servicemen? / क्या
आप भूतपूर्व सैनिक हैं?
Physical Standards
Height / ऊं चाई (in cms) : 184 Chest (Male only) / छाती (के वल : 45
पुरुष) (in cms)
Qualifications Details
Work Experience
Critria Details
Qualification : Diploma
Technical Qualification : Knowledge of typing in computer with an accurate speed of 40(forty) words per minute along with
basic computer knowledge
Are you a discharged 10323 ad-hoc teacher? : No
Photo Signature
Centre Preference
Transaction Details
I PRIYAM PODDER hereby declare that I have carefully read the advertisement for this post and all the terms and conditions indicated
therein and undertake to abide by the terms and conditions of this advertisement for participating in the selection process. I fullfill all the
terms and conditions mentioned in the advertisement and the information provided by me herein is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge. I further stipulate that I havecarefully read Government Order No.252-HE of 2012 dated 30.05.2012 and assure that I am not
barred by the provisionsof the said Government Order. I further undertake that I shall not claim any benefit of any qualification/category that
I have not specifically indicated in this online application form. Further, I am aware that I am liable for appropriate penal action, disqualified
from the selection processor loss of the job in the event of selection having been made, if the information provided by me is proved to be
incorrect at any stage.