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Chart of Accounts and Standard Operating Procedures July 1 2021.6

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Chart of Accounts

Standard Operating Procedures
for Oklahoma Counties

Prepared by
Oklahoma State Auditor and Inspector
County Training Program
July 1, 2021
74 O.S. § 212.1

The State Auditor and Inspector, or his designee, shall advise county officers on procedural and technical
matters relating to accounting and budget procedures. It shall be the duty of the county officers with notice
of such advice to follow the instructions or advice of the State Auditor and Inspector until relieved of such
duty by a court of competent jurisdiction or until the Supreme Court shall hold otherwise.

74 O.S. § 214 - Uniform Systems of Bookkeeping

The State Auditor and Inspector shall prescribe a uniform system of bookkeeping for the use of all county
officials to afford a suitable check upon their mutual acts and ensure a thorough inspection, and to ensure
the safety of the state and county funds. He shall have full authority to prescribe a system of bookkeeping
for all county officers which shall be in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, as applied
to governmental units, except when in conflict with Oklahoma Statutes, and when necessary instruct or
cause to be instructed the state and county officers in the proper mode of keeping the accounts. Provided
however, when a conflict with Oklahoma Statutes arises concerning accounting systems for those counties
utilizing electronic data processing, the county may request in writing that the State Auditor and Inspector
approve an alternate accounting procedure. The State Auditor and Inspector shall have the authority to
approve or disapprove such requests. Annually, the State Auditor and Inspector shall provide a report of
those counties requesting alternate accounting systems to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. The State Auditor and Inspector shall not change any
accounting systems or procedures during the last year of his term of office that would have an impact on
the ability of any independent licensed public accountant to provide auditing services to such officers. He
shall make a thorough examination of the books, accounts and vouchers of such officers, ascertaining in
detail the various items of receipts and expenditures. He shall report to the Governor the refusal or neglect
of any state or county officer to obey his instruction. He shall make a report of the result of his examination,
which shall be filed in the Office of the State Auditor and Inspector, as well as any failure of duty by any
financial officers, and the Governor may cause the result of such examination to be published. Provided,
that no county officer shall be required to discard any books or supplies on hand.
Table of Contents


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ I - V

Timeline...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 2.2 County Assigned Numbers ............................................................................................... 2

Chapter 2.3 County Functions ............................................................................................................. 3

Chapter 2.4 County Funds ................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2.5 County Departments...................................................................................................... 17

Chapter 2.6 Account Types ................................................................................................................ 23

Chapter 3.10 Revenue Sources ............................................................................................................ 24

Chapter 3.11 Personnel Expense Codes .............................................................................................. 35

Chapter 3.12 Maintenance & Operation Expense Codes .................................................................... 36

Chapter 3.13 Capital Outlay Expense Codes........................................................................................ 38

Chapter 3.14 Debt Expense Codes ...................................................................................................... 39

Chapter 3.15 Intergovernmental Codes .............................................................................................. 40

Definitions ................................................................................................................................................ 41

Standard Operating Procedures .............................................................................................................. 45

SOP # 1 – Grant Award ................................................................................................................................ 52

SOP # 2 – Grant Option A – Reimbursement ............................................................................................... 53

SOP# # 2 – Grant Option B – Interfund Loan ............................................................................................... 54

SOP #3 – Grant /Projects Reimbursements General Fund .......................................................................... 55

SOP #4 – Emergency Transportation Revolving Fund (ETR) ........................................................................ 56

SOP #5 – Sales tax for Trust Debt Payments ............................................................................................... 57

SOP #5 A – Public Authority Funds .............................................................................................................. 58

SOP #6 – Donations to County .................................................................................................................... 59

SOP 7 - Sales Tax – Cash Fund .................................................................................................................... 60

SOP #8 – Sales Tax – General Fund ............................................................................................................. 61

SOP #8 A – Sales Tax – Unrestricted General Revenue ............................................................................... 62

SOP #9 – Estray Animals ............................................................................................................................. 63

SOP #10 – Closing Out Funds ...................................................................................................................... 64

SOP #11 – Correcting Appropriation Errors................................................................................................. 65

SOP #12 – Correction Apportionment to County Funds.............................................................................. 66

SOP #13 – Use Tax Apportionment ............................................................................................................. 67

SOP #14 – Change Fund .............................................................................................................................. 68

SOP #15 – Property Insurance Reimbursements......................................................................................... 69

SOP 1#6 – Single Grant Revolving Fund ...................................................................................................... 70

SOP #17 – Resale Surplus Apportionments ................................................................................................. 71

SOP #18 – Resale Expenses for Upkeep of County Properties .................................................................... 72

SOP #19 – Fire Management Assistant Grant ............................................................................................. 73

SOP #20 – Banking Fees .............................................................................................................................. 74

SOP #21 – Rainy Day Fund........................................................................................................................... 75

SOP #22 – Capital Reserve Fund .................................................................................................................. 76

SOP #23 -- Drug Court ................................................................................................................................. 77


The financial management processes of county governments vary; but in each county, resources are used
generally to provide for the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens. County governments in
Oklahoma collectively spend millions of dollars each year for these various functional activities.

The goal involved in the preparation of this Manual is to inform, instruct, and to set guidelines for the use
of the uniform system of accounting for Oklahoma counties. The material contained in this Manual is
organized so that the material can be supplemented as time and usage direct. The State Auditor welcomes
any comments or suggestions that the user of this Manual would care to submit about the material
contained herein.

This manual is issued by the State Auditor and Inspector of Oklahoma to the county officials and others to
acquaint them with the Chart of Accounts to be used in Oklahoma Counties. It will be the responsibility
of the manual holders to maintain an up-to-date copy for references.


The Chart of Accounts becomes a framework for the systematic reporting and accounting for county
government transactions. The classification and coding structure becomes an effective system only if used
throughout the budgeting, accounting, and reporting cycles.


00 - 00 - 0000 - 0 - 0000 - 0000

Identifying the County-------------------------------------

Fiscal Year-------------------------------------------------------------
Fund ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Government Function or Activity ------------------------------------------------
Department ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Account -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Identifying Number

The county number is a number in the coding structure which signifies the governmental unit. As a
practical matter, the county identification number will be useful in auditing multiple counties.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year is a number in the coding structure which is designed to allow for parallel accounting during
a transition from one fiscal year to the next. Fiscal year designation is necessary for those transaction
which are automated and/or capable of processing accounting information related to more than one
accounting period. (Example: Paying purchase order from prior FY in current year.) The fiscal year is
defined as the last two digits of the calendar year in which the fiscal year ends.


A fund is defined as an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts
which records cash and other resources together with all related receipts, disbursements, liabilities and
unobligated balance.

The code structure for identification of funds is a four position numeric series. The four digit number is
able to provide the flexibility needed to handle the many special funds used by counties. The classification
of county funds uses the standard classes of funds as recommended in the GAAFR 1 for governmental
accounting systems. The fund code is arranged so that funds of the same general type are grouped within
a specific set of numbers.

x xxxx
GENERAL FUND: The fund is used to account for all financial
resources, except those required to be accounted for in
0 General another fund. Usually tax supported activities
A fund is used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue
sources (other than expendable trusts or major capital
projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for
specified purposes. The uses and limitations of each Special
Revenue Fund are specified by the legal authority creating it,
and the resources of a given Special Revenue Fund generally
1 Special 1100-1999 cannot be diverted to other uses.
A fund created to account for financial resources to be used
for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities
(other than those financed by proprietary funds and trust
2 Capital Projects 2000-2999 funds).
A fund established to account for the accumulation of
resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt
principal and interest. Sometimes referred to as a SINKING
3 Debt Service 3000-3999 FUND .
The trust and agency funds used to account for assets held by
a government unit in a trustee capacity or as an agent for
individuals, private organizations, other government units
4 Special Assessments 4000-4999 and/or other funds.
A fund established to account for operations financed and
5 Enterprise 5000-5999 operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises.
A fund used to account for the financing of goods or services
provided by one department or agency to other departments
or agencies of a government, or to other governments, on a
6 Internal Service 6000-6999 cost reimbursement basis.
Funds used to account for assets held by a government in a
trustee capacity for individuals, private organizations, other
7 Trust and Agency 7000-7999 governments and/or other fund.
8 General Fixed Assets 8000-8999
9 General long Term Debt 9000-9999

GAAFR is the Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting Requirements


11 - 18 - 1102 - 0 - 0000 - 0000

Identifying the Cherokee County-------------------------

Fiscal Year 18----------------------------------------------------------
Fund Highway Cash----------------------------------------------------------


The function classification is a one-digit placing in the coding structure that recognizes the major
responsibilities of county government. The classification groups related Funds/Departments aimed at
accomplishing a major services or program for which a government is responsible (for example, sheriff,
fire and emergency management are classified as #2, public safety). See Chapter 2.4.

0 Non Function

1 General Government

2 Public Safety

3 health and Welfare

4 Culture and

5 Education

6 Roads and Highway

7 Debt Service

8 Economic Development

9 Interest on Long Term Debt


11 - 18 - 1102 - 6 - 0000 - 0000

Identifying the Cherokee County-------------------------

Fiscal Year 18----------------------------------------------------------
Fund Highway Cash----------------------------------------------------------
Function is Roads and Highway---------------------------------------------------


The department/program number is a number in the coding structure which identifies the smallest
organization unit for which budget and accounting information is to be processed and measured. The

originating department/program of a transaction is responsible for assigning the appropriate
department/program number. The first 2 digits identify the department and the last two positions are
for optional use by the county to establish a program. See Chapter 2.5


11 - 18 - 1102 - 6 - 4100 - 0000

Identifying the Cherokee County-------------------------

Fiscal Year 18----------------------------------------------------------
Fund Highway Cash-----------------------------------------------------------
Function is Rods and Highway----------------------------------------------------
Department is District #1-------------------------------------------------------------------


The account number is a four-digit number in the coding structure which identifies the classification of an
accounting entry. The first number identifies the account type the following three numbers identify the

Example: All maintenance and operation expenditures begin with the “2”. The expenditures codes allow
the user to identify and separate expenditures in detail, or simply have one M&O for all expenditure. All
revenue codes will begin with the number “9”.

Number Account Type
Used when reporting
Financials and are not
Assets and currently a part of the
Other Debits account structure
0100-0199 Current Assets
0201-0299 Fixed Assets
0301-0399 Other Debits
0401-0499 Reserved for County Individual
Requirements - Assets and other Debits

Used when reporting

Financials and are not
Liabilities and currently a part of the
Other Credits account structure
0501-0599 Current Liabilities

Number Account Type
0601-0699 Long-Term Liabilities
0701-0799 Other Credits
0801-0899 Reserved for County Individual
Requirements - Liabilities and Other Credits

1001-1999 Personnel Services see 3.11 for more detail
2001-3999 Maintenance & Operations See 3.12 for more detail
4001-4999 Capital Outlay See 3.13 for more detail
5001-5999 Debt Service See 3.14 for more detail
6001-6999 Intergovernmental See 3.15 for more detail

Ad Valorem Tax, Interest, Income, Mortgage Tax,
9000-0900 Individual Redemption See 3.10 for detail
9100-9199 Charges for Services (Local) See 3.10 for detail
9200-9299 Intergovernmental Revenues (State) See 3.10 for detail
9300-9399 Other Intergovernmental Revenues (Federal) See 3.10 for detail
9400-9499 Miscellaneous Revenue See 3.10 for detail
9500-9599 Other Revenues See 3.10 for detail


11 - 18 - 1102 - 6 - 4100 - 2005

Identifying the Cherokee County-------------------------

Fiscal Year 18-----------------------------------------------------------
Fund Highway Cash----------------------------------------------------------
Function is Roads and Bridges----------------------------------------------------
Department is District #1-------------------------------------------------------------------
Expenditure Account is M&O---------------------------------------------------------------------


This is a “living” document and will be subject to changes as laws change providing additional funding or
programs. Your county may have unique funding opportunity and program that are not identified in the
Chart of accounts. The flexibility of the structures allows for additions. However, any addition must have
the approval of the State Auditor and Inspector. Revisions of this manual are the responsibility of the
State Auditor and Inspector.

The following Chapters provide the detail listing of the code structure introduced above.

 To have all counties utilizing a standardized chart of accounts and updated
Estimate of Needs by fiscal year ending June 2020.
 Implementation timeline:
Beta test counties fiscal year 2017-2018.
(Make adjustments as necessary).
Early implementation fiscal year 2018-2019. (BETA II)
(Make adjustments as necessary).
Mandatory implementation fiscal year 2019-2020.

6/20/2020 Timeline 1
County Assigned Number
Number Name Number County Name
1 Adair 40 LeFlore
2 Alfalfa 41 Lincoln
3 Atoka 42 Logan
4 Beaver 43 Love
5 Beckham 44 McClain
6 Blaine 45 McCurtain
7 Bryan 46 McIntosh
8 Caddo 47 Major
9 Canadian 48 Marshall
10 Carter 49 Mayes
11 Cherokee 50 Murray
12 Choctaw 51 Muskogee
13 Cimarron 52 Noble
14 Cleveland 53 Nowata
15 Coal 54 Okfuskee
16 Comanche 55 Oklahoma
17 Cotton 56 Okmulgee
18 Craig 57 Osage
19 Creek 58 Ottawa
20 Custer 59 Pawnee
21 Delaware 60 Payne
22 Dewey 61 Pittsburg
23 Ellis 62 Pontotoc
24 Garfield 63 Pottawatomie
25 Garvin 64 Pushmataha
26 Grady 65 Roger Mills
27 Grant 66 Rogers
28 Greer 67 Seminole
29 Harmon 68 Sequoyah
30 Harper 69 Stephens
31 Haskell 70 Texas
32 Hughes 71 Tillman
33 Jackson 72 Tulsa
34 Jefferson 73 Wagoner
35 Johnston 74 Washington
36 Kay 75 Washita
37 Kingfisher 76 Woods
38 Kiowa 77 Woodward
39 Latimer

6/20/2020 2.2 County Assigned Number 2

Governmental Functions will be tied to the department level.

0 Non Function

1 General Government

2 Public Safety

3 Health and Welfare

4 Culture and Recreation

5 Education

6 Roads and Highway

7 Debt Service

8 Economic Development

9 Interest on Long Term Debt

7-1-2021 2.3 County Functions 3

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
0 General 0001-0099 General Fund Abbreviated

0001 County General General Ok Constitution AGEC-795, Ad Valorem Taxes,

Art 10 Sec 9 OSU facts

0002 County Building Building Ok Constitution AGEC-795, Ad Valorem Taxes,

Art 10 Sec 10 OSU facts

0003 Restricted General General Can be used to separate Sales

Tax from other General
Revenue; Not required.

1 Special 1100-1999 Special Revenue




1102 County Highway Highway 62 OS Sec 331 69 OS Sec 1503

Unrestricted (fifth)

1103 County Bridge and Road CBRI 68 OS 500.6 69 OS 661 et. seq.



1201 911 Phone Fees 911 Phone 63 OS Sec 2813

1202 Community Service 19 OS 339.7 Structured program for

Program offenders sentenced to
community service to work in or
on any government property.
BOCC approval required

1204 Assessor Revolving Fee Assr Rev Fee 68 OS Sec 2829.1

1205 Assessor Visual Assr VI 68 OS 2823 Most Visual Inspection funds

Inspection are budgeted through the
General Fund; It is not required
to be placed in a special fund;

7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 4

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
1207 Computer Assisted CAMA 68 OS 2947 Created in 1989. "There is
Mass Appraisal hereby created in the State
Treasury a revolving fund for
the Oklahoma Tax
Commission, to be designated
the "Computer-
Assisted Mass Appraisal
Implementation Revolving
1208 County Clerk Lien Fee ML Fee 19 OS 265 42 OS 143.1

1209 County Clerk Records RM&P 28 OS 32 A & D

Management and
1210 Jail Jail 19 OS 513 County Jail operations
expenses. Revenues and
expense as related to Jail
operation cost; Not Debt.
1211 Court Clerk Payroll Crt Payroll Compensation of bailiffs and
employees of the Court Fund
as reported against the county
federal ID number

1212 Emergency Emergency Mgmt 63 OS 683.17 To be used for revenues and

Management expenditures that did not
include any allocations of the
General Fund.
1213 Flood Plain Flood Plain 82 OS 1601 et.

1214 Free Fair Board Fair Board 2 OS 15-68 County Free Fair Manual - by
State Auditor and Inspector

1215 Free Fair Building Free Fair Bldg 2 OS 15-13

1216 Health Health OK Constitution 63 OS 1-206.1

Art 10 sec 9A

1217 Juvenile Detention Juv Dent 19 OS 452.1 10A OS 2-3-103

1218 Local Emergency LEPC 27A Sec 4-2-103

Planning Committee

1219 Planning and Zoning Planning/Zoning 19 OS 865.51 et. seq.

1220 Resale Property Resale 68 OS Sec 3137

1221 Reward Fund Reward 21 OS 1761.1 22 OS 1334

Inactive HB 1222 Sheriff Board of SH Bd of Pris 19 OS 180.43 (A)

3470 11-2018 Prisoners
1223 Sheriff Commissary SH Commissary 19 180.43 (D)

7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 5

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
1224 Sheriff Community CSSP 22 OS sec 991a-4.1
Service Sentencing
1225 Sheriff Forfeiture SH Forf 63 OS 2-506 L.3

1226 Sheriff Service Fee SH Svc Fee 19 OS 514.1 28 OS 152.1&153; 21 OS

1761.1; 22OS 979a

1227 Sheriff Training SH Tng 22 OS 1325 H Funds derived from sales of

unclaimed property and
monies seized relating to
gambling 21 OS 973
1228 Solid Waste Solid Waste Mgmt 27A OS 2-10- Ok Constitution Art 10 Sec 9D;
Management 1001

1229 Trash Cop Trash Cop

1230 Treasurer Mortgage Mtg Cert 68 OS 1904

1231 Wellness Wellness 19 OS 1302

1232 Sheriff Drug Buy SH Drug Buy County must have approval
from DA for this fund.
1233 Drug Court Drug Court 22 OS 471.1 et. seq.


1235 County Donations Donations Donations will be appropriated

to departments under one
fund. See SOP #6

1236 Lake Patrol Lake Patrol

1237 Self Insurance Program Self Ins Prog

1238 Economic Development Econ

1239 Workforce of Oklahoma Workforce

1240 Indigent Care Used for any special revenue

received and is restricted for
the use of indigent care.
1241 Rental of County 62 OS 335 To be used for proceeds
Property derived from the rental/lease
of county owned property; 62
Sec 335
1242 Seniors Citizens This is for other revenue
related to Senior Citizen. Not
Sales Tax
1243 Equitable Sharing-DOJ See Index for Must have https://www.justice.gov/criminal-
more information BOCC approval afmls/file/794696/download
(pg 48)

7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 6

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
1244 Equitable Sharing See Index for Must have DOJ Program for Local Law
Program - Treasury more information BOCC approval enforcement; BOCC approval
(pg 48) required
1246-1249 County Assigned; SA&I
approval required

1250 Rainy Day Fund 68 OS 3034.1 Effective July 1, 2021; SOP 21


1300-1399 Sales Tax Funds 68 OS 1370 See SOP #7 for sales tax
apportioned to special
revenue Funds

1301 Use tax-ST Use-ST 68 OS 1411 See SOP #13 Use Tax
1302 Lodging Tax- ST Lodging-ST 68 OS 1370.9

1303 Ambulance Service Amb Svc Dist-ST

1304 Emergency Medical EMS 522-ST Per ballot
Service (EMS-522)-ST

1305 Courthouse CH Improv-ST Per ballot

1306 Courthouse CH Maint-ST Per ballot
1307 Emergency Em Mgmt-ST Per ballot
1308 Extension-ST Extension-ST Per ballot

1309 Fair Improvement-ST Fair Improve-ST Per ballot

1310 Fair-ST Fair-ST Per ballot

1311 General Gov't-ST General Gov't-ST Per ballot

1312 Health-ST Health-ST Per ballot

1313 Road and Bridges-ST Hwy-ST Per ballot

1314 Hospital-ST Hospital-ST Per ballot

1315 Jail- ST Jail-ST Per ballot

1316 Animal Shelter Animal Shelter Per ballot

1317 Juvenile Detention-ST Juv Dent-ST Per ballot

1318 Library-ST Library-ST Per ballot

1319 Sheriff-ST Sheriff-ST Per ballot

1320 Solid Waste SW Mgmt Per ballot

1321 Rural Fire-ST Rural Fire-ST Per ballot

7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 7

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
1322 Senior Citizens-ST SR Cit-ST Per ballot

1323 Museum-St Museum-St Per ballot

1324 School Tax-St School Tax-St Per ballot

1325 Economic Eco Dev-ST Per ballot

1326 Judgement Debt Judgement-ST Per ballot

1327-1330 Assigned by County;

SA&I approval required

1331 Jail Debt Payments To be used when collecting

sales tax for jail debt

1332 E-911 Sales Tax E-911

1333 County Clerk-ST


1400-1600 Reserved for Grants All Federal monies are subject

to SEFA reporting

1400 Community CDBG See SOP Oklahoma Department of

Development Block Commerce
Grants Revolving Fund
1401 Assigned by County

1402 Assigned by County

1403 Assigned by County

1404 Assigned by County

1405 Assigned by County

1406 Assigned by County

1407 Assigned by County

1408 Assigned by County

1409 Assigned by County

1425 Rural Economic Action REAP 62 OS 2008 State grants are not subject to
Plan Revolving Fund SEFA reporting


1427 Assigned by County

1428 Assigned by County

1429 Assigned by County

1430 Assigned by County

7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 8

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
1431 Assigned by County

1432 Assigned by County

1433 Assigned by County

1434 Assigned by County

1435 Assigned by County

1436 Assigned by County

1450 Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA All federal monies are subject
Revolving Fund to SEFA reporting

1451 Assigned by County

1452 Assigned by County

1453 Assigned by County

1454 Assigned by County

1455 Assigned by County

1456 Assigned by County

1457 Assigned by County

1458 Assigned by County

1459 Assigned by County

1500-1525 Department of Justice DOJ All Federal monies are subject

to SEFA reporting


1501 VOCA VOCA All Federal monies are subject

to SEFA reporting; Subgrantee

1502 Assigned by County

1503 S.T.O.P VAWA (Services- VAWA All federal monies are subject
Training-Officers- to SEFA reporting; Subgrantee
Prosecutors) Violence DATCC
Against Woman Act
1504 State Criminal Alien SCAAP Grant Application and
Assistance Program Instructions - 2018
1505 Fire Management FEMA grant for SEFA reporting; SEE SOP #18
Assistant Grant wildfires
1506 USDA Community Usually SEFA reporting required;
Facility Assistant Grant requires CFDA 10.766
County Funds

7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 9

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
1507 Assigned by County

1508 Assigned by County

1509 Assigned by County

1510 Cornavirus Emergency DOJ CFDA 16.034

Supplemental Grant

1526-1591 Other Grants See SOP Index All federal monies are subject
to SEFA reporting
1526 Safe Oklahoma – AG State Grant for Safe Oklahoma 2018
local law Application
issued by AG; Paid quarterly; reporting
Paid upon required
1527 Safe Room Grant

1528 Occupational Assistance 19 OS 901.56.G Operational Grant - OK

Grant Forestry Services
1529 Assigned by County

1530 National Association of NACCHO CFDA 93.008

County and City Health
1531 Community Expansion CENA
of Nutrition Assistance
Revolving Fund
1560 Drug Eradication and K-9 63 OS 2-512 State Grants are not subject to
Enforcement Plan SEFA reporting
a/k/a Canine Drug

1561-1564 Assigned by County

1565 COVID Aid and Relief CARES CFDA 21.019

1566 American Rescue Plan ARPA 2021 SA&I Bulletin 2021-01

Act 2021

1567 Emergency Rental ERA1 CFDA 21.03 Fact Sheet; FAQ

Assistance Grant 1

1568 Emergency Rental ERA 2 CFDA 21.03 Fact Sheet; FAQ

Assistance Grant 2


2 Capital 2000-2999 Capital Projects



7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 10

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
2001 Jail Jail 19 OS 731

2002 Road and Highway Highway C/P This is rarely used; Highway
Projects are normally
budgeted in Highway cash or
the Highway sales tax
2003 Courthouse Building Courthouse Bldg 19 OS 731

2004 Hospitals 19 OS 781


2006 Capitol Reserve Fund Cap Rev 68 OS 3034.1 Created July 1, 2021;
restricted SOP 22

3 Debt Service 3000-3999 Debt Service


3001 County Sinking Fund Cnty Sinking OK Const Art 10

Sec 26 & 28

3002 Industrial Sinking Industrial Sinking Ok Const Art 10

Sec 26 & 35

3003 Assigned by County

3004 Assigned by County

3005 Assigned by County


4 Special 4000-4999 Special Assessment


4000 NOT AVAILABLE Sewer 19 OS 871 et

4001-4099 Assigned by County- If multiple districts with in
Sewer County
4100 Fire Protection District Fire Protect Dist 19 901.1 et. 19 OS 901.19
4101-4199 Assigned by County - If multiple districts with in
Fire Protection County

7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 11

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
4200 Rural Road Rural Rd Improve 19 OS 902.1 et. 19 OS 902.16
Improvement Seq
4201-4299 Assigned by county- If multiple districts with in
Rural Road County
4300 Mowing Moving 11 OS 22-111

4301 Dilapidated Building Dilapidated Bldg 11 OS 22-112


5 Enterprise 5000 NOT AVAILABLE

5001 Parking Garage Parking 19 OS 941


6 Internal 6000-6999 NOT AVAILABLE



7 Trust and 7100-7999 Trust and Agency


7100 Official Depository:

Official Depository Fund 19 OS 681 et Treasurers have the option to

contains only those seq list depository by Department.
accounts necessary to It will report as one line on the
provide clearinghouse General Ledger.
mechanisms for cash
resources which are
collected by the county,
held for a brief period,
and then disbursed to
authorized recipients.
The Exception is the
Court Fund.
Sub-Source or EFTPS Payroll Taxes SOP If using the Credit
Depart Method; in accordance with
bulletin 97-2.

Change Fund 19 OS 682

7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 12

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
Assessor Depository 19 OS 681 and

County Clerk Depository See above

Election Depository See above

Health Depository See above

Sheriff Depository See above

EFT-Bank of America SOP P-Card Payments

Court Fund

Agency Funds See definitions for additional


7200-7299 Reserved for Courts


7201 Court Clerk Revolving Crt Clk Revolving 19 OS 220

7202 Child Abuse Child Abuse 28 OS 86.1

(Multidisciplinary) Prevent
7203 Court Clerk Trust Fund Crt Clk Trust

7204 Court Ordered Trust Court Order

7205 Law Library Law Library 28 OS 152 (B)

7206 Drug Court Drug Court 22 OS 471 et.


7207 Mental Health Court Mental Health 22 OS 472 et. a/k/a Anna McBride Act
Program seq.

7208 Juvenile Drug Court Juv Drug Court 10A OS 2-2-505

7209 Family Drug Court

7210 Court Clerk HB1091; Sunset Cash

Preservation Fund 2023; Claim/Voucher

7211 Misdemeanor Drug MisDrugRec 22 OS 471 et.

Recovery Fund seq.

7212 Juvenile Mental Health JuvMentHlth 22 OS 471 et.

Diversion Program seq.

7213 Pre Trial Adm Services PreTialSvc 22 OS 1105.3


7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 13

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
7300-7399 Reserved for District

7301 Control Substance Control Substance 63 OS 2-416 63 OS 506.L.3

7302 Bogus Check Restitution Bogus Check 22 OS 111 et.


7303 Seizure of Property Seizure of 63 OS 506.1

7304 District Attorney DA Revolving
7305 District Attorney DA Evidence
7306 Drug Court 22 OS 991f-1.1

7307 991 Supervision Fees 991 Supervision 22 OS 991a (hh) See Bulletin 2019-02; No
Fees deposits after 7-1-2019
7308 District Attorney DA Witness Fee 28 OS 153(J)(3)
Witness Fee

7309 Supervision Fees Supervision Fees 22 OS 991(d) See Bulletin 2019-02;No

deposits after 7-1-2019
7310 District Attorney DA Incarceration 22 OS 979 A Except for medical costs, ten
Incarceration Fee Fee percent (10%) of any amount
collected by the court clerk
shall be paid to the municipal
attorney’s or district attorney’s
office, and the remaining
amount shall be paid to the
municipality, the sheriff’s
service fee account.

7311 Graduated Sanctions Graduated 10 OS 7303.46

Program Sanction
7312-7315 Assigned by County;
Must have SA&I

7400-7499 Reserved for Treasurer


7401 Individual Redemption Individual Redemp 68 OS 3137

7402 Excess Resale Excess Resale 68 OS 3131

7403 Unapportioned Monies collected but not yet

Revenue apportioned

7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 14

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
7404 Treasurer Trust Treasurer Trust

7405 Electronic Transfer ACH If using Debit method in

Payments accordance with Bulletin 97-2

7406 Mechanic Lien Cash ML Investment 19 OS 147.1 SOP

7407 Court Investments Court Investment Court Ordered investments

7408 Tax Refunds Tax Refunds To be used as a clearing

account for tax refunds per
Erroneous Assessment or
Protested Tax. The payment
would be issued by the County
Clerk by a Cash voucher.

7409 Escrow Account Used for money held until

such time as the proper
authority (Courts, BOCC, etc.)
release the funds when an
agreed upon specific condition
has been fulfilled.

7410 Protested Tax/Interest Protested Tax 68 OS 2884 C

assigned by County
7411 Protested Tax/Interest
Assigned by County
7412 Protested Tax/Interest
Assigned by County
7413 Protested Tax/Interest
Assigned by County
7414 Protested Tax/Interest
Assigned by County
7415 Protested Tax/Interest
Assigned by County
7416-7419 Protested Tax/Interest
assigned by county
7420 Electronic Transfer Fees Used for banking fees related
to electronic payments/payroll

7430-7450 Other Investments as

7500-7599 Reserved for Others

7500 Schools - Assigned by County Treasurer serving as

County School Treasurer.

7501 Estray Animal Estray Animal 4 OS 85.1 et. 4 OS 85.6


7502 City-County Library City-County 65-152 et. seq. Contributions shall be paid to
Library city or county treasurer as
agreed upon and said common
fund shall be a depository
account by paid voucher.
7503 County Cemetery County Cemetery 8 OS 143;

7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 15

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
7504 County-City Park County-City Park 19 OS 1007

7505 Jail Trust Authority Jail Trust Use Fund 7604 after 6-30-2018

7506 Emergency ETR 69 OS 687.3

7507 Free Fair Premium Free Fair Premium

7508 Change Fund Change 19 OS 682 If not operating under

depository bank

7509 Community Service 22 OS 988.1 See specific contract; Use for

Sentencing Program all contracts other than
7510 Cities and Towns County Treasurer serving as
City/or Town Treasurer
7511 Fire Training Center By cooperative agreement
with BOCC
7512 Surety Bond Any cash bond posted to
cover legal cost of a request
by petition for any
improvement districts (Road,
Fire, etc.)

7 Trust Authority 7600 Trust Authorities See Public Authorities in

-7699 definitions.

7600 Unassigned SA&I

approval required

7601 County Zoning and Zoning and 19 OS 865.62

Planning Planning
7602 Facilities Authority Trust Facilities Trust

7603 Economic Development Econ Dev Trust

7604 Jail Trust Authority Jail Authority 19 OS 904

7605 Educational Trust Educational Trust

7606 Industrial Trust Industrial Trust

7607 Public Building 60 OS 170 et

Authority seq
7608 Home Finance Trust
7609 Finance Authority Finance Authority

7610 Emergency Medical EMS 522 19 OS 1201 et Article 10 § 9C

Service 522 seq

7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 16

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
7611 Public Safety Authority New Trust
Authority fund

7612 Tourism Trust Authority



Remittance 7700-7900 Remittance to other

Taxing Entities

7701 Dependent School Dependent Remit

7702 Independent School Independent
Remit Remit
7703 Municipal-City-Town Municipal-Town
Remit Remit
7704 Emergency Medical EMS-522-Remit Ok Const Art 10 Added by SQ 522 -1976
Service District (EMS- Sec 9C
522) - Remit
7705 Fire Protection Districts Fire Protect-Remit
7706 Career Tech Remit Career Tech-Remit

7707 Library - Remit Library remit Ok

Art 10 Sec 10 A
7708 Solid Waste Solid Waste Remit
Management Service
7709 Rural Single Library Rural Library 65 OS 4-205
Remit Remit
7710 Multi County Library Multi Cnty Lib 65 OS 4-101 et.
Remit Remit seq.

7711 County Hospital Remit County Hospital 19 OS 781 et.

Remit seq.

7712 Conservancy District Conservancy -

Remit Remit
7713 Tax Increment Financing TIF 62 OS 854 62 860 et seq

7714 Fair Board Remittance Fair See: Method II – page 8

BoardManual -

8 General Fix 8000-8999 Individual Requirements


7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 17

Fund Type and Name Fund Number and Fund Name Resources
Reserved for County

9 General Long- 9000-9999 Individual Requirements


7-1-2021 2.4 County Funds 18

Depar Depar
t t Department/Program Function Resources
0100 District Attorney 1 General
District Attorney -
0200 County 1 General
0400 Sheriff 2 Safety
Fair type facilities as managed by other than Free Fair
0500 Expo Center 4 Recreation Board
0600 Treasurer 1 General

0700 Parks 4 Recreation

These # would be used more for commission salary and

0800 Commissioners 6 Roads travel, etc. and subdivided if needed.
0810 0810 - District #1 6 Roads
0820 0820 - District #2 6 Roads
0830 0830 - District #3 6 Roads
0900 OSU Extension 5 Education
1000 County Clerk 1 General
1100 Boarding of Prisoners 2 Public Safety
1200 Community Buildings 1 Government Other county owned facilities
Health and
1300 Rural Water 3 Welfare
1400 Court Clerk 1 General
Community Service General
1500 Program 1 Government
1600 Assessor 1 General
1700 Visual Inspection 1 General
1800 Juvenile Shelter/Bureau 2 Safety
1900 District Court 1 General
2000 General Government 1 General
2100 Excise Equalization 1 General
2200 Election Board 1 General
2300 Insurance-Benefits 1 General
2400 County Purchasing 1 General
2500 Information Technology 1 General
2600 Public Defender 2 Safety
2700 Management 2 Safety
Health and
2800 Charity 3 Welfare
Health and
2900 Solid Waste 3 Welfare
3000 Reward 2 Safety

7-1-2021 2.5 County Departments 19

Depar Depar
t t Department/Program Function Resources
3100 Economic Development 8 Development 19 OS 1101

3200 Planning Commission General 19 OS 865.51;19 OS 866.1; 19 OS 868.1; 19 OS896.1

3300 Building Maintenance 1 General
3400 County Jail 2 Safety As operated by Sheriff
3500 Courthouse Security 2 Safety
3600 E-911 2 Safety
3700 Safety 2 Safety
Health and
3800 Ambulance Service 3 Welfare 19 OS 1201
Health and
3900 Public Transportation 3 Welfare

4000-4300 Recommended to be used for Highway

Expenses. This would replace the Highway Budget Levy
department in the General Fund and used in the
4000 Highway Budget 6 Roads Highways Cash Fund.

4100 Highway District 1 6 Roads Highway departments can be sub divided into Districts.
4200 Highway District 2 6 Roads
4300 Highway District 3 6 Roads
Health and
4400 Tick Eradication 3 Welfare
4500 County Audit Budget 1 General
Health and
4600 County Cemetery 3 Welfare
4700 Free Fair Budget 4 Recreation
4800 Free Fair Improvement 4 Recreation
4900 Library Budget 5 Education
Health and
5000 Public Health 3 Welfare

Health and
5100 County Hospital 3 Welfare
Health and
5200 Senior Citizens 3 Welfare
5300 Rural Fire 2 Safety
5400 Interest on Warrants 1 General
5500 City -County Library 5 Education 65 OS 157
Health and
5600 Wellness 3 Welfare 19 OS 1302
5700 Human Resources 1 General

7-1-2021 2.5 County Departments 20

Depar Depar
t t Department/Program Function Resources

5800 FEMA Highway Projects 6 Roads Usually associated with Highway Fund.

5900 BIA Highway Projects 6 Roads Usually associated with Highway Fund.

6000 CBRIF 6 Roads Usually associated with Highway Fund.

6100 Restricted Highway 6 Roads Usually associated with Highway Fund.

Soil Conservation
6200 District 5 Education
6300 Flood Plain 2 Safety
6400 Public Schools 5 Education
SA&I Bulletin 2020-2
6500 CIRB 2021 6 Roads action=showform&formdiv=98

6510 CIRB 2021-1 6 Roads CIRB Funding District 1

6520 CIRB 2021-2 6 Roads CIRB FUNDING District 2

6530 CIRB 2021-3 6 Roads CIRB Funding District #3

Reserved for County;
6500- Must have SA&I
6900 approval

7000- Reserved for Trust and

7999 Agency See Funds
Road Improvement Used with the Rural Road Improvements Assessment
7001 District 6 Roads Districts
All Sales Tax
Within the
General Fund
8000- will begin
8999 Reserved for Sales Tax with an "8"
8001 District Attorney 1 General
District Attorney -
8002 County 1 General
8004 Sheriff 2 Safety
8006 Treasurer 1 General
8007 NOT AVAILABLE Assigned
8008 Commission 6 Roads

7-1-2021 2.5 County Departments 21

Depar Depar
t t Department/Program Function Resources
8009 OSU Extension 5 Education
8010 County Clerk 1 General
8014 Court Clerk 1 General
8016 Assessor 1 General
8017 Visual Inspection 1 General

8018 Juvenile Shelter/Bureau 2 Safety

8019 District Court 1 General
8020 General Government 1 General
8021 Excise Equalization 1 General
8022 Election Board 1 General
8023 Insurance-Benefits 1 General
8024 County Purchasing 1 General
8025 Information Technology 1 General
8026 Public Defender 1 General
8027 Management 2 Safety

Health and
8028 Charity 3 Welfare Care of indigent such as burials, not medical.
Health and
8029 Solid Waste 3 Welfare
8030 Reward 2 Safety
8031 Economic Development 8 Development
8032 Planning Commission 1 General
8033 Building Maintenance 1 General

Recommended to separate Jail Expenses from the

8034 Jail 2 Safety Sheriff department.
8035 Courthouse Security 2 Safety
8036 E-911 2 Safety
8037 Safety 2 Safety
Health and
8039 Public Transportation 3 Welfare
8040 Highway Budget 6 Roads
8041 Highway District #1 6 Roads

7-1-2021 2.5 County Departments 22

Depar Depar
t t Department/Program Function Resources
8042 Highway District #2 6 Roads
8043 Highway District #3 6 Roads
8045 County Audit Budget 1 General
Health and
8046 County Cemetery 3 Welfare
8047 Free Fair Board 4 Recreation
8048 Free Fair Improvement 4 Recreation
8049 Library Budget 5 Education
Health and
8050 Public Health 3 Welfare
Health and
8051 County Hospital 3 Welfare
8054 Interest on Warrants 1 General
8055 City -County Library 4 Culture
Health and
8056 Wellness 3 Welfare
8057 Human Resources 1 General
8062 Soil Conservation 5 Education
8063 Chamber of Commerce 1 General
8064 4-H 5 Education
8065 Sheriff Reserve 2 Public Safety

8069 Museum-ST

8200- Each rural fire organization would be a separate

8299 Rural Fire Departments 2 Safety department.
Assigned by County 2 Safety

8300- Senior Citizens Health and Each Senior Citizens organization would be a separate
8399 Departments 3 Welfare department.
Assigned by County

8499 School Tax 5 Education
Assigned by County

7-1-2021 2.5 County Departments 23

Depar Depar
t t Department/Program Function Resources
8500- Ambulance Service Dist-
8550 ST
Assigned by County

7-1-2021 2.5 County Departments 24

Number Account Type
Used when reported
Financials and are not
Assets and currently a part of the
Other Debits account structure
0100-0199 Current Assets
0201-0299 Fixed Assets
0301-0399 Other Debits
0401-0499 Reserved for County Individual
Requirements - Assets and other Debits

Used when reported

Financials and are not
Liabilities and currently a part of the
Other Credits account structure
0501-0599 Current Liabilities
0601-0699 Long-Term Liabilities
0701-0799 Other Credits
0801-0899 Reserved for County Individual
Requirements - Liabilities and other credits

1001-1999 Personnel services see 3.11 for more detail
2001-3999 Maintenance & Operations See 3.12 for more detail
4001-4999 Capital Outlay See 3.13 for more detail
5001-5999 Debt Service See 3.14 for more detail
6001-6999 Intergovernmental See 3.15 for more detail

Ad Valorem Tax, Interest, Income, Mortgage Tax,
9000-0900 Individual Redemption See 3.10 for detail
9100-9199 Charges for Services (Local) See 3.10 for detail
9200-9299 Intergovernmental Revenues (State) See 3.10 for detail
9300-9399 Other Intergovernmental Revenues (Federal) See 3.10 for detail
9400-9499 Miscellaneous Revenue See 3.10 for detail
9500-9599 Other Revenues See 3.10 for detail

7-1-2021 2.6 Account Types 25

Revenues Authority Definition

Number Type Source
9000 Tax
9001 Tax Current Tax Tax assessments levied upon the assessed valuations
of all taxable properties for the current year.

9002 Tax Prior Year Tax assessments levied upon the assessed valuations
of all taxable properties due in the immediate
preceding year.
9003 Tax Back Year Tax assessments levied upon the assessed valuations
of all taxable properties in any prior fiscal year other
than immediately preceding fiscal year.

9004 Tax Joint County Tax received when County treasurer is serving as
Receptions School Treasurer

9005 Tax Jt. County 4 mill Gross 4-Mill levy as collected Jt. County 4-mill is
from a joint county and receipted on a Misc.
remitted to the County receipt and
Treasurer of the County where apportioned to
the school is located to be School Remit.
apportioned based on ADA.
9006 Tax County 4-Mill Tax assessment levied on assessed valuations of
taxable properties within the county and apportioned
to schools based on ADA.

9007 Interest Interest Certificates of 62 OS 348.1 Self-explanatory

9008 Interest Interest Income Funds 62 OS 348.1 Self-explanatory
9009 Interest Interest Unapportion 62 OS 348.1 Self-explanatory
9010 Interest Money Market 62 OS 348.1 Self-explanatory
9011 Interest Other Investments 62 OS 348.1 Self-explanatory
9012 Interest Treasurer Bills 62 OS 348.1 Self-explanatory
9013 Interest Protested Tax 62 OS 348.1 Self-explanatory
9030 Mtg Tax Mortgage Tax 68 OS 1901 et Tax on transactions securing debt or obligation;
seq revenues distributed by individual school districts
based on average daily attendance.

9100 LOCAL

9101 Local 911 Phone Fees Sub Source Fee to finance the operation of emergency telephone

9102 Local 911 Wireless 68 OS 2843.1 Fee to finance the operation of emergency telephone

9103 Local Assessor Fees Sub Source 28 OS 60; 51 Miscellaneous fees as collected by the Assessor as
OS 24A;68 OS authorized by statute and State Board of Equalization.

9104 Local Motor Vehicle Auto PILT 47 OS 1137.1 A tax imposed in lieu ad valorem tax on new car
Stamps inventory.

7-1-2021 3.10 Revenue Sources 26

Revenues Authority Definition

Number Type Source
9105 Local Discharge Bond of 42 OS 147.1 Monies deposited to discharge a mechanic lien as
Mechanic Lien filed in the County Clerk's office

9106 Local County Clerk Fees Sub source 28 OS 32; Fees as authorized and collected.
9107 Local Court Clerk Fees Sub source 28 OS 31 Fees as authorized and collected.
9108 Local Courthouse Security 28 OS 153 E Fees collected by Court Clerk for restricted
expenditures within the Sheriff Service Fee Fund.

9109 Local District Attorney Fees Sub Source Miscellaneous fees as authorized and collected (not
State Reimbursement). Fees for Restitution and
Diversion Program can be deposited to the Bogus
Check fund (22 OS 991f-1.1. A and E).

Restitution $25.00 Fees for Restitution and Diversion Program as

Fee authorized in 22 OS 991f.1.1 can be deposited to the
Bogus Check. At this time there is no Fund set up for
Restitution and Diversion Program. Updated 1-5-
9110 Local Donations Sub Source 60 OS 381 Et All revenues received as a result of a gift, pledge or
Seq grant or bequest from private sources.

9111 Local Enterprise Revenue Sub Source Revenues receipted for operations financed and
operated in a manner similar to private business
9112 Local Farm Implements PILT 68 OS The tax stamp covering each new or used whole
5401,5404 goods agricultural equipment.

9113 Local Flood Plain 82 OS 1604 et Issuance of permit for any platting of land in
seq floodplains, etc.

9114 Local Free Fair Fees Sub Source Fees collected by the Free Fair.
9115 Local Health Fees Sub Source 63 OS 1-206.1 Miscellaneous Fees collected by Health Department.
9116 Local Individual Redemption 28 OS 43 Revenues received in Trust for the redemption of
property from a sale of Tax Lien.
9117 Local Law Library 28 OS 152 B Fees as authorized and collected.
9118 Local Litter Fines 21 OS Traffic citation issued for deliberately littering on any
1761.1(1)(2) public property or private without consent shall be
subject to a fine not to exceed $500 per HB 2702. See
statute for allocation.

9119 Local Local Emergency Fees as authorized and collected.

Planning Commission

9120 Local 5-yr Manufacturing Sub Source 68 OS 2902 Those exemptions as set forth in Title 68 Sec 2902 and
Exemption approved by Board of Equalization and State Tax
Reimbursement Commission.

9121 Local Occupational Tax 37 OS 554.2 Levy for operating as a mixed beverage, beer and
wine, caterer, public event or special event outside
any corporate city limits.

9122 Local Permits 2012 AG 10 69 OS 1401 et Fee associated utilizing county right of way to lay pipe
seq and conduits under roads or highways under BOC

7-1-2021 3.10 Revenue Sources 27

Revenues Authority Definition

Number Type Source
9123 Local Rebates Revenue received based on qualified purchases or
payments (ie. Pcard, Cooperatives.)
9124 Local Sheriff Fees Sub Source Fees as authorized and collected.

Fingerprinting 19 OS 514.3
Board of 22 OS 991 a

Community 22 OS 982

Juvenile 10A OS 2.3-

Transport 103

Estray 4 OS 85.7
Warrant 19 OS 514.5

Court Clerk 28 OS 152.1;

153 and
153,2; 153.3;

Medical Cost 19 OS 531

Incarceration 22 OS 929 A Deposited to Sheriff Service Fee Fund.

Bond 28 OS 153.3

9125 Local Tax Increment Sub Source 62 OS 854, Ad valorem collected under the Local Development
Financing (TIF) Examples 860 et seq Act to finance a project cost in qualified areas.

9126 Local Treasurer Service - 70 OS 5-114 Fee associated with county treasurer serving as the
School Deputy designated treasurer for a school district.

9127 Local Treasurer Fees Sub Source 28 OS 43 Fees as authorized and collected.

Issuing 28 OS 43 Fees as authorized and collected.


Certificate of 28 OS 43 Fees as authorized and collected.

sale of land

tax deed 28 OS 43 Fees as authorized and collected.

Legal 28 OS 121.B Monies collected to pay the cost of printing legal
Publications notices, such as the notice of a tax sale or resale,
Fee should be credited back to the fund from which the
monies were appropriated.

9128 Local Excess Resale Tax 68 OS 3137 et Revenues received in excess of taxes, interest, fees
seq and costs.

7-1-2021 3.10 Revenue Sources 28

Revenues Authority Definition

Number Type Source
9129 Local Visual Inspection 68 OS 2822 & Fees for the reimbursement of the cost of the Visual
2823 Inspection Program by taxing jurisdictions within the

9130 Local Wildlife Fines 29 OS 3- From Court Clerk for fines and forfeitures in violation
301A.1. of Wildlife Conservation laws.

9131 Local Planning and Zoning Fees as authorized and collected.

9132 Local Fines and Fees Fines and fee collected from local programs and
authorized; or Court Ordered sales of property.

9133 Local Cemetery Fees 8 OS 143 County Commissioners may charge a reasonable fee
for maintaining publicly owned or other cemeteries.

9134 Local Trust Payments Payments received from a Public Trust for the
operational expenses of a county program and/or
beneficiary payments from a Public Trust.
9135 Local Sales Tax 19 OS 153.1 Charge to any entity which is the recipient of sales tax
Administrative Fee for the cost of administering funds.

9136 Local Community Service 19 OS 339.7 Fee collected by courts in accordance with Statute
Program Assessment and expended by Community Service Program
Revolving Fund.
9137 Local Commissary 19 OS Revenue received from the operations of a
180.43.D commissary

9138 Local Insufficient Check Fee 19 OS 682

9139 Local Juvenile Detention Revenue received by contractual agreements to
Contracts house juvenile offenders in a secure facility
9140 Local EMS Fees Revenues as collected by EMS Districts (522)
9141 Local Seized Property Seizure of cash property by law enforcement
9142 Local Board of Prisoners Contracts with other local jurisdictions (including
counties) for the housing of inmates

9143 Local Dangerous Dog Fee 4 OS 44 et seq Registration of dangerous dogs by Sheriff; Fees to go
to General Fund
9144 Local Inmate Phone 19 OS
Commissions 180.43.E
9145 Local Interlocal Gov’t Proceeds of Agreements with local entities to cost
Agreements share in county programs. This does not include Tribal
or COG revenues. See definition page 42
9146 Local Senior Citizens Fees Fees collected as authorized
9147 Local Solid Waste Fees collected as authorized
Management Fees
9148 Local Other Fees Fees collected as authorized for county departments
and programs not otherwise listed
9149 Local Drug Court Fees Fees collected as authorized
9150 Local County Commission Fees collected as authorized
9151 Local Documentary Stamp Fees as authorized for the County portion of
Documentary Stamps (See chapter 11 of County Clerk

7-1-2021 3.10 Revenue Sources 29

Revenues Authority Definition

Number Type Source
9152 Local Surety Bonds Cash bonds received to cover legal cost of a request
by petition for improvement districts (i.e., Road, Fire,
9153- Local NOT AVAILABLE Must have SA&I approval to add Revenue Codes.
9200 STATE

9201 State Department of Revenue as received form DOC for county programs

9202 State District Attorney State 19 OS 215.36- Reimbursements for M&O by State.
Reimbursement 215.38

9203 State Election Board 26 OS 2-118- Reimbursements for Election Board Secretary Salary.
Secretary 2-121
9204 State Grants - State Sub source should be used for individual grant
applications; Not required on SEFA unless it is
9205 State Rural Economic Action 62 OS 2008 Sub source should be used for individual grant
Plan applications; Not required on SEFA; SEE SOP #16.

9206 State Homestead Exemption 68 OS 2890 Loss of revenue reimbursed by the State for double
homestead exemptions. Apportion as ad valorem tax
to county and schools (not cities and towns).

9207 State Loan Proceeds Any proceed received by the County that is subject
repayment (i.e., ETR Funds).

9208 State OTC - Alcoholic 37 OS 563 et Apportioned to cities and towns based on area and
Beverage Tax seq populations.

9209 State OTC - Boat and Motor 47 OS 1104.1 OTC collection for license fees, taxes and penalties for
License boats and motors.

9210 State OTC - Diesel 68 OS 500.7 Excise Tax on Diesel fuel for the construction and
maintenance of roads and bridges.

9211 State OTC - Forfeiture 11 OS 103.1 Municipality portion of Motor Vehicle for
noncompliance relating to municipal elections. The
named entity's share is apportioned to Highway Cash.

9212 State OTC - Gasoline tax 68 OS 500.6 Excise Tax on gasoline fuel for the construction and
et seq maintenance of roads and bridges.

9213 State OTC - Gross Production Excise Tax on the production of oil and gas.

9214 State OTC - Lodging Tax 68 OS 1370.9 Tax collection from the service of furnishing of rooms
by hotel, or motel.

9215 State OTC - Motor Vehicle 47 OS 1104 Tax collection for registration on motor vehicles for
highway cash; MV for Hwy must be sub sourced to
identify the OTC Codes: COR;CRIR,CRF
9216 State OTC - Sales Tax 68 OS 1370 et Tax of retail sales by vote, up to 2%.

7-1-2021 3.10 Revenue Sources 30

Revenues Authority Definition

Number Type Source
9218 State OTC - Special 68 OS 703 et Excise Tax on all combustible gases and liquids
seq including liquefied gases such as butane and propane.

9219 State OTC - Tobacco 68 OS 301 et Tax levied on the sales or consumption of cigarettes.
9220 State OTC - Use Tax 68 OS 1411 Sales tax collected purchases made where the vendor
has no physical presence in Oklahoma; Use Tax can be
considered a revenue source when deposited to
General Fund or other funds when directed by the
Board of County Commissioners.

9221 State Payment In Lieu of Possible Sub

Taxes sources:

PILT - Aircraft 47 OS 1137.1

License &
PILT - 70 OS 615 The Commission of the Land Officer apportions
Commission earnings from school land to the counties based on
of Land Office the number of school-age children in each school
district as shown in the last census.

PILT - Housing

PILT - 63 OS 2001
Registration and 4003
for aircrafts

PILT -Textile

9222 State Public Svc 68 OS 2857 Penalty collected by State Board of Equalization for
Administrative Fee failure to file statements of schedules; 50% of penalty
remitted to County General Fund in which such entity
has property.
9223 State Rural Electric Coop Tax 68 OS 1805 Apportioned among school district from OTC based on
the number of miles of transmission line. This tax
collection is in lieu of ad valorem tax.

9224 State State Land 62 OS 194 Funds received from state-owned land within the
Reimbursement county, that if the land were in private ownership
would be classified as agricultural land and on which
no state agency is making an in lieu of ad valorem
The County Treasurer shall apportion the monies in
the manner ad valorem taxes are apportioned in the

7-1-2021 3.10 Revenue Sources 31

Revenues Authority Definition

Number Type Source
9225 State Election Reimbursements received from other taxing entities
Reimbursements for election cost.

9226 State Emergency Medical 47-OS

License Plates 1136(43)

9227 State Administrative Office Revenues received directly from AOC for Court funded
of Court programs.

9228 State OTC Forfeiture - 11 OS 17-107 Municipality portion of gasoline tax for failure to
Gasoline Tax comply with audit reporting requirements. Forfeiture
will be apportioned to Highway Cash.

9229 State Juvenile Detention Funds received from various State Departments to
support or reimbursement cost of juvenile detention

9230 State Tobacco Settlement TSET Revenue received from TSET Endowment Trust

9231 State Department of Mental Revenues received from Department of Mental Health
Health for county or court related programs

9232 State OTC-Motor Vehicle OTC MV code CRIR for Highway Cash

9233 State OTC-Motor Vehicle OTC MV for CRF for Highway Cash

9234 State OTC-Motor Vehicle OTC MV for County Cities and towns

9235 State OTC-Motor Vehicle- OTC MV for County General


9236 State State Disaster Monies received from State of Oklahoma as related to
Reimbursement Federally declared disaster (NOT FEMA Funds)
9237 State Department of Public 47 OS 7- DPS will issue a $25.00 fee back to local law
Safety 609 enforcement when a forfeited Driver
Licenses/Plate is reinstated as authorized by
HB2155(1990) 47 OS 7-609
9238 State Department of Human

9239 State Housing of State Contracts for housing state inmates


9240 State CED Small Projects Some CED Districts will grant project money to
Counties. This is not ETR monies. These funds can be
apportioned to Highway cash and appropriated to
individual departments using the expenditure code as
9241 State OTC-Motor Vehicle To be apportioned to Highway Cash 1102 and
CIRB appropriated to Department(s) 6500 or 6501-6502
6503, for each District; See SA&I Bulletin 2020-2
9242- State NOT AVAILABLE New Revenue codes must be approved by the State
9299 Auditor and Inspector.

7-1-2021 3.10 Revenue Sources 32

Revenues Authority Definition

Number Type Source
9301 Federal Bureau of Land SEFA Required
9302 Federal Bureau of Indian CFDA 10.00 SEFA Required
Affairs (BIA)
9303 Federal Federal Grants CFDA 10.00 Each Grant Application will be apportioned to its own
fund; Sub source can be used to identify grant
revenue; SEFA required; See SOP.

9304 Federal Community CFDA10.000 Each Grant Application will be apportioning to its own
Development Block fund; Sub source can be used to identify grant
Grants revenue; SEFA required; See SOP.

9305 Federal Federal Emergency SEFA Required - See SOP.

9306 Federal Federal Indian Aid Other than Federal Grants; Could be established by
Cooperative Agreements, etc.; SEFA may be Required.

9307 Federal PILT - Bankhead Jones CFDA SEFA; 1/3 to County Highway Fund 2/3 to schools.
Act #10.666; 62
OS 491
9308 Federal PILT - Entitlement Pub Law 97 SEFA required.
Lands 6902 258
9309 Federal PILT - Forestry Reserve CFDA#10.665; SEFA; Title I 1/4 to Schools; 3/4 to Special Road Fund.
62 OS 326

9310 Federal Inmate SSI Payments Page 17-3 Apportioned to Sheriff Service fee per Resolution
Treasurer HB

9311 Federal Flood Control 62 OS 204

9312 Federal Corp of Engineers Interlocal agreements for the patrol of local lakes.
9313 Federal Emergency EMPG CFDA 97.042 SEFA reporting required. This is a pass through from
Management Federal DHS to the OEM for local entities. Usually
Performance Grants reimbursement of program expenses.

9314 Federal U.S. Department of Subsource individual payments as needed


9315 Federal Housing of Federal Contracts with US Marshall Office for the
Inmates housing of Federal Prisoners in county Jails

9316 Federal Federal Forfeiture Monies received for asset forfeiture from the Federal
Government. See Fund 1243 and 1244 – Federal
Equitable Sharing Program for law enforcement
9317 Federal CARES ACT CFDA 21.019 Covid Aid and Relief Economic Stimulus Monies
received in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to
assist local governments.
9318 Federal Other COVID stimulus Monies received as a response to COVID -19
Pandemic; Recommended treasurer Subsource

9319- NOT AVAILABLE New Revenue codes must be approved by the State
9399 Auditor and Inspector.

7-1-2021 3.10 Revenue Sources 33

Revenues Authority Definition

Number Type Source
9400 Miscellaneous

9401 Miscellaneous NOT AVAILABLE

9402 Miscellaneous Health Insurance Reimbursements as they relate to health insurance

Reimbursements coverage.

9403 Miscellaneous Insurance Proceeds Payments received from Insurance for a loss of county

9404 Miscellaneous Tribal Revenue Those funds received from Tribal Governments that
are not federal monies. Tribal monies received in
advanced of projects are to be processed through the
Donation Fund, See SOP 6. See definition for more

9405 Miscellaneous Project Revenue Revenues received from an outside agency for
reimbursement of a specific project (not related to
9406 Miscellaneous Recoveries Restitution as ordered by court, or recovery for
payments made in error.

9407 Miscellaneous Reimbursement of Received for reimbursement of projects, expenses,

Expenditures etc.

9408 Miscellaneous Rents/Lease of Public Self-explanatory

9409 Miscellaneous Resale Distribution 68 OS 3131 Apportionment from Resale Property Fund as allowed
by law.

9410 Miscellaneous Royalty Royalty payments as received county mineral

9411 Miscellaneous Sale of County Owned County Land, Personal Property, etc..
9412 Miscellaneous Sales of County Owned Sales as related to property acquired by delinquent
Property taxes.

9413 Miscellaneous Vocational Aid

9414 Miscellaneous Administrative Fee Charge to any entity for the cost of administering
funds or programs.
9415 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous For revenue that is not a recurring or is a unique
deposit of funds. Treasurer has option to sub-source.

9416 Miscellaneous Vending Commissions received from vending services

9417 Miscellaneous Franchise Tax Per agreement on file and approved by the BOCC;
Usually an annual payment

9418- NOT AVAILABLE New Revenue codes must be approved by the State
9499 Auditor and Inspector.

9500 Special

7-1-2021 3.10 Revenue Sources 34

Revenues Authority Definition

Number Type Source
9501 Sp NOT AVAILABLE Fees as authorized and collected

9502 Sp Dilapidated Building 11 OS 22-112 Fees as authorized and collected


9503 Sp Drainage/Conservancy 82 OS 277 et Fees as authorized and collected

Assessment seq

9504 Sp Drainage Tax Penalty Fees as authorized and collected


9505 Sp Fire Protection 19 OS 901 et Fees as authorized and collected

Assessment Districts seq

9506 Sp Irrigation 82 OS 277.7 Fees as authorized and collected

Assessment et seq

9507 Sp Mowing 11 OS 22-111 Fees as authorized and collected


9508 Sp Paving Tax Penalty 11 OS 36-222 Fees as authorized and collected


9509 Sp Municipal Roads and 19 1232 Fees as authorized and collected

Assessment Streets

9510 Sp Rural Road 19 OS 902 et Fees as authorized and collected

Assessment Improvement seq

9511 Sp Sewer Tax (City) 11 OS 37-227 Fees as authorized and collected


9512 Sp Sewer Tax (County) 19 OS 871 et Fees as authorized and collected

Assessment seq

9513 Sp Sidewalk Penalty Fees as authorized and collected


9514- Sp Sidewalk Tax New Revenue Codes must be approved by the State
9599 Assessment Auditor and Inspector.

9600 Other SA&I approval required


9602 Other Accrued Bond Interest
9603 Other Bond Premium
9604 Other Bond Proceeds As related to monies on deposit on behalf of school
and the County Treasurer is serving as School
9605 Other Federal Aid (School) As related to monies on deposit on behalf of school
and the County Treasurer is serving as School
9606 Other School District-Sinking As related to monies on deposit on behalf of school
Interest and the County Treasurer is serving as School

7-1-2021 3.10 Revenue Sources 35

Revenues Authority Definition

Number Type Source
9607 Other State Aid New Revenue Codes must be approved by the State
Auditor and Inspector.

9700 School County Treasurer serving as School Treasurer - Line

9700 will be reserved for "Schools" to allow all school
revenue to roll up to one line to be reported on EON -
Trust Accounts.

9701 Reserved for School

Revenues-assigned by
9702 Assigned by county
9703 Assigned by county
9704 Assigned by county
9705 Assigned by county
9706 Assigned by county
9707 Assigned by county
9708 Assigned by county
9709 Assigned by county
9710 Assigned by county
9711- Assigned by county
Reserved for School

7-1-2021 3.10 Revenue Sources 36

Personnel Services
Number Title
1100-1199 Personnel Services
1110 Full time salaries
1130 Part Time salaries

1200-1299 Fringe Benefits

1210 FICA
1221 OPERS - County portion
1222 Health Insurance
1223 Life Insurance
1224 Other Retirement Plans i.e., Deferred Compensation
1231 Disability Insurance
1232 Dental Insurance
1233 Unemployment Compensation
1234 Workers Compensation
1235 Longevity
1236 Safety Award 19 OS 339.A.11
1237 Incentive Award 19 OS 339.A.26 SB 220
effective 11-1-2018

1300-1399 Travel Related Reimbursement travel and

Statutory travel are NOT
required to be budged

1310 Travel
1320 Statutory Travel
Definition: 68 OS 3010
the term "personal services" is defined to comprehend all salaries, wages,
per diem compensation, fees where the only compensation of the recipient
is the fees earned, and all allowances or reimbursement for travel expense
where authorized by law and/or defined by law, paid to any officer, deputy,
employee or other individual for services rendered or employment in
relation to the office, department or subdivision of the municipality,
including such items as fees and mileage of witnesses and jurors when paid
from the general fund, fees of constables and justices of the peace and all
other fees, compensation or remuneration paid to individuals or persons
who have only their professional, technical or vocational skills and services
to sell. In the departments of roads and highways and/or streets and alleys
the term "personal services" shall comprehend all items so defined
hereinbefore and shall be further specifically defined to include such items
as salaries, wages, per diem compensation and all other compensation or
remuneration paid to engineers, surveyors, mechanics, truck drivers, tractor
and grader operators, carpenters, etc., for professional, technical and
vocational skills and services rendered in relation to employment by or
within such department or subdivision of the municipality.

7-1-2021 3.11 Personnel Expense Codes 37

Maintenance and Operations
2005 M&O Operating expenses can be reported
under 2005 or can be reported in
more detail using any of the additional
listed accounts.

2010 Programs Expenses related to one program.

2011 Medical Care
2012 Food Cost for Prisoners
2013 Postage
2014 Publications
2015 Premiums and Awards
2016 Utilities
2017 Detention Services
2020 Professional Services
2021 Contract Labor
2022 Banking Fees
2030 Communications
2040 Rentals and Leases
2050 Repairs
2060 Printing
2065 Property Insurance
2066 Other Insurance

2075 Projects Can be used to record expenses that

may be reimbursed at a later time.
For Projects related to capital
improvement see Capital Outlay.

2076 Assigned by County; SA&I approval required

2077 Assigned by County; SA&I approval required
2078 Assigned by County; SA&I approval required
2079 CED Small Projects Circuit Engineering Districts
2102 Principal of Investment Optional
2103 Restricted Accrued Interest Optional; NO expenditures allowed
from this code; transfer to another
expense code using form 237
2201- Donations Assigned by County. Use Donor
2299 Name or Resolution # in name Title.
See SOP #6.
2300- Grant Awards Assigned by County; A suggestions
2399 may be to use the corresponding
Fyxx for the last two digits;
Example might be for an award
received in FY2019 the expense

7-1-2021 3.12 Maintenance & Operations Expense Codes 38

Maintenance and Operations
code would be 2319; in FY2020 the
expenses code would be 2320, etc.
– SEE SOP #16
2999 Contingencies
Definition 68 OS 3010

The term "maintenance and operation" is defined to

comprehend all current expense except those items herein
defined as "personal services" and/or "capital outlay," and
"sinking funds," including all items, articles and materials
consumed with use, rentals on machinery and equipment,
premiums on surety bonds and insurance, all maintenance
and repair accomplished according to the conditions of a
contract, and all items of expense paid to any person, firm
or corporation who renders service in connection with the
repair, sale or trade of articles and commodities. In the
departments of roads and highways and/or streets and
alleys the term "maintenance and operation" shall
comprehend all items so defined hereinbefore, and shall
be further specifically defined to include all items, articles
and materials consumed with the use in the repair,
maintenance, construction or reconstruction of roads,
bridges, highways, streets and alleys by the usage of force
account labor, rentals on machinery and equipment,
premiums on surety bonds and insurance, and all repair
and maintenance accomplished under the terms of a

7-1-2021 3.12 Maintenance & Operations Expense Codes 39

Capital Outlay
Account Title

4010 LAND




4110 Capital Outlay
4130 Lease/Rentals

4151-4199 Donations Assigned by County. Use Donor

Name or Resolution # for name Title.
See SOP#6.

4200-4299 Projects: For County Use. Name should be descriptive of

project, (i.e., Twin creek bridge)

Assigned by County
4300-4399 Grant Awards – Assigned by County Assigned by County; A
suggestions may be to use the
corresponding Fyxx for the last
two digits; Example might be for
an award received in FY2019 the
expense code would be 4319; in
FY2020 the expense code would
be 4320, etc.
Definition 68 OS 3010
The term "capital outlay" is defined to comprehend all items
and articles (either new or replacements) not consumed with
use but only diminished in value with prolonged use, such as
new, or replacements of, machinery, equipment, furniture
and fixtures, all real properties, and all construction or
reconstruction of buildings, appurtenances and
improvements to real properties accomplished according to
the conditions of a contract.

7-1-2021 3.13 Capital Outlay Expense Codes 40

Debt Service

Number Title
5010 Principal
5020 Interest
5030 Fiscal Agent Fee
5110 Reserve Requirements
5210 Other Debt Service Expenditures
5310 Sinking Fund Requirements

7-1-2021 3.14 Debt Expense Codes 41


Number Title
6010 Cities and towns
6210 School Districts
6310 Other County Agencies
6410 Other Counties
6510 State of Oklahoma
6610 Other States
6710 Federal Government
6810 Miscellaneous

7-1-2021 3.15 Intergovernmental Codes 42

Term Definition Comments
Account An expenditure level within the
department (P/S, M&O); or
revenue source.
Agency Fund Agency Funds are those funds
held on deposit by the county for
NON-county related programs.
The county has only a fiduciary
responsibility to account for the
receipt and disbursement of
monies which are recorded in the
fund. Agency funds are not
included in County financials as
reported to SA&I, but should be
listed individually on the General
Ledger in the apportionment of
funds. There will be a separate
Exhibit in the EON for Trust and
Appropriation Transfer Monies moved from one
appropriation account to another
within the same fund.
Award Grant Grant proceeds received in
periodic payments to pay for
expenses that are due and
Capital Projects Fund A fund created to account for
financial resources to be used for
the acquisition or construction of
major capital facilities (other than
those financed by proprietary
funds and trust funds). All major
projects OTHER than those
funded by sales tax.
Carryover Cash that is free and clear of any
encumbrances or liabilities.

Debt Service Fund A fund established to account for

the accumulation of resources for,
and the payment of, general long-
term debt principal and interest.
Sometimes referred to as a
Departments Governmental functions that are
created and authorized by
Oklahoma Statute or Oklahoma
Donations All revenues received as a result See SOP 6
of a gift, pledge or grant or
bequest from private sources is to
be receipted as a donation. If
donation is for payroll contact
SA&I Field Manager for additional

7-1-2021 Definitions 43
Term Definition Comments
Donations All revenues received as a result See SOP 6
of a gift, pledge or grant or
bequest from private sources is to
be receipted as a donation.
Enterprise Fund A fund established to account for
operations financed and operated
in a manner similar to private
business enterprises.
Fund A separate set of self-balancing
Fund Transfer Monies moved from one Fund to
another as authorized by Statute.

General Fund The fund used to account for all

financial resources, except those
required to be accounted for in
another fund. Usually tax
supported activities.
Grant “award of financial assistance Circular A-133
from an outside agency, usually
federal or state to a recipient
(county) to carry out a public
purpose of support or stimulation
for the local area.
Interlocal Government Agreement A resolution or written agreement
between local government
agencies such as a city, school
board or other constitutional
Internal Service fund A fund used to account for the
financing of goods or services
provided by one department or
agency to other departments or
agencies of a government, or to
other governments, on a cost
reimbursement basis.
Lapsed Balance Unencumbered cash carryover
from one fiscal year to the next.

Loans Loans are used when the money

has to be repaid.
Matching Grants Grant that requires County funds SOP
be expended (ex. 80/20).

Official depository Accounts necessary to provide

clearinghouse mechanisms for
cash resources which are
collected by the county, held for a
brief period, and then disbursed
to authorized recipients. The
Exception is the Court Fund
Public Authority Funds Oklahoma Constitution (Art 10
Sec 26) prohibits county
government from incurring debt
unless voted on by the public.
Debt issued by a County is
primarily in the form of General

7-1-2021 Definitions 44
Term Definition Comments
Obligation (GO) Bonds or Revenue
Bonds. GO Bonds are normally
repaid by a property tax millage.
Revenue Bonds are normally
repaid from a specific revenue
stream such as a sales tax. Public
Trust (also referred to as Trust
Authorities) are created through
Oklahoma Statutes (60 OS 176 et
seq). They provide an alternative
funding mechanism to local
governments including the ability
to borrow funds. Many counties
are collecting a Sales tax for debt
payments that were created
through a public trust (or
Authority). The Public Trust (or
Authority) is a separate legal
entity from the county and
Authority funds must be
accounted for in a transparent
manner separate from county
funds. A public trust must provide
an annual financial audit.
Reimbursement Grant Grant proceeds are received after SOP
completion of project and all
expenses are paid.
Reserves Outstanding Liabilities. (i.e.,
Purchase orders not paid;
Warrants not paid.)
Restricted Expenditures Expenditures within a FUND that
are restrict by law or agreement.
All expenditures for a Project
should be identified by a separate
account. Some restricted
expenditures can be made within
an Unrestricted Special Revenue
account. (Ex. sheriff Cops grant
for salaries can be expended out
of "Sheriff Service Fee")
Restricted Special Revenue These funds have restrictions
placed on them by statute.
Restrictions are placed on
expenditures of the fund and
usually have a smaller revenue
stream. (i.e., RM&P, Sales tax)
Sales Tax Restricted revenue and should not
be comingled with other
SEFA OMB Circular A-133 Tutorial Video
Special Assessments Fund The trust and agency funds used
to account for assets held by a
government unit in a trustee
capacity or as an agent for
individuals, private organizations,

7-1-2021 Definitions 45
Term Definition Comments
other government units and/or
other funds.

Special Cash Fund A fund used to account for the

proceeds of specific revenue
sources (other than expendable
trusts or major capital projects)
that are legally restricted to
expenditure for specified
purposes. The uses and
limitations of each Special
Revenue Fund are specified by the
legal authority creating it, and the
resources of a given Special
Revenue Fund generally cannot
be diverted to other uses.
Subgrant A grant made by one organization
using funds previously granted to
it by another. Ex. Federal Monies
"granted to" State of Oklahoma
for local use. Department of
Homeland security gives funds to
Oklahoma Department of
emergency Management to be
given to a local entity. sometime
referred to as a pass-through
Sub-recipient The entity that receives funds
from a pass-through entity.

Sub-source Revenues can be sub sourced to

identify detail of the sources. This
is at county discretion. Example
of sub source: Source, County
clerk Fees, sub-Source: Filing fees;
RM& P; Copies. Source: Sheriff
Fees, Sub-source: Fingerprinting;
gun permits etc.
Transfer All transfers should have statutory
authority such as Resale. There
are very few exceptions.
Tribal Revenue Those funds received from Tribal Use Revenue Source 9404 Tribal Funds
Governments that are not federal receipting; would not be subject to SEFA
monies. Tribal monies received in
advanced of projects are to be
processed through the Donation
Fund, SOP 6. If revenue is for
payroll contact SA&I field Office
for further information. Tribal
monies received on a
reimbursement follow
appropriate SOP (SOP1, SOP2-

7-1-2021 Definitions 46
Term Definition Comments
Trust and Agency Includes Official Depository and
Agency Fund.
Trust Authorities See Public Authority.
Unrestricted Special Revenues Many Special revenues accounts
can be used for "lawful
operations". There are no
restrictions on the expenditure
other than they are for the lawful
operations of the designated
office. They may have multiple
revenues sources (Highway;
Sheriff Service Fee).
However, projects can rarely be
funding from a Restricted Special
Revenue Fund. There may be
opportunity to make a "start-up"
loan from Restricted Special
Revenue by transferring funds.
Upon receipt of reimbursement it
would be transferred back to the
Restricted Special Revenue Fund.

7-1-2021 Definitions 47
Standard Operating Procedures
The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are designed to provide step by step instructions
compiled by the State Auditor and Inspector’s Office to help carry out complex routine financial
transactions. This SOP is specific to county government financial accounting and will provide proper
accountability and reporting of county revenue and expenditures.

Topic Description SOP/Remarks
Authority See Public Authority
BIA BIA funds that are received on a reimbursement should See Grants
be deposited/apportioned/appropriated to the fund from
which the original expense was paid.

Capital Reserve Fund A Capital Reserve Fund was created by SB 280 , effective SOP # 22
July 1, 2021. The new law is codified under Title 68 O.S.§
3034.1. A new special revenue fund may be created to
pay for long-term capital needs from excess funds.
Close-out of Funds Occasionally Funds are created for a special purpose and #10
there is a residual balance left when the fund ceases to
function as it was originally intended. Due diligence
should be made to ensure the funds are no longer
needed for the original intent and those facts should be
outlined in the BOCC Resolution. The residual balance
can be transferred to the General Fund to close out the
Correcting When revenue is apportioned to the wrong fund a journal SOP #12
Apportionment entry should be made to correct. These corrections
errors should be made on the date the error is discovered or
corrected. NEVER back date an entry. Use Form 240.

Correcting Error of appropriations within a fund should be corrected SOP #11

Appropriation errors on the DATE it is discovered. NEVER back date an entry.
Make the entry netting the adjustment to the correct
account. Use Form 240.

County Bridge and The Gross Production, Diesel and Gasoline tax dedicated
Road Improvement to CBRI will be apportioned to the CBRI Fund # 1103.
Fund (CBRI) CBRI revenue should NOT be co-mingled with Highway
Discharge of Bond The County Clerk shall deposit into a separate, interest See County Clerk Handbook
bearing fund any monies received for the release of a Ch. 12
Mechanic Lien, with the County Treasurer. This is a Trust
Fund (COA 7406). The Treasurer shall report the
proportionate interest earned to the County Clerk on a
monthly basis.

7-1-2021 47
Topic Description SOP/Remarks
Donations Donations can be accepted by the Board of County SOP #6
Commissioners on behalf of the County. All donations 19 OS § 339(A)20;
must be accepted by the Board of County Commissioners 60 OS § 381;
in an open meeting by Resolution stating the donation, 69 OS § 601(A)
purpose, and any restrictions. A copy of the Resolution
should be given to the Treasurer and Clerk as authority to
establish the proper accounts. All donations will be
apportioned to the "Donations Fund" and appropriated
to the Recipient (Department). Revenue will be receipted
under Donations and identified by sub source. Revenues
must be identified on the 308 to allow for correct
appropriations. COA Fund 1280 and COA Revenue 9110.
If donation is for payroll contact SA&I Field Manager for
additional information.
Emergency Medical Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act. Fifteen Revenue Code 9321
License Plates Dollars ($15.00) of the twenty-dollar fee shall be
apportioned to the county of residence of the person Repealed
purchasing the plates to be equally apportioned by the
county to the city and county volunteer fire
departments in the county.
Emergency Emergency Transportation Revolving fund is a LOAN SOP #4
Transportation authorized by the Circuit Engineering Districts. Because it 69 OS § 687.3
Revolving Fund (ETR) is a loan, it should be receipted and deposited as a Trust
and Agency Fund (COA 7506). When the County is ready
to begin work on the project, the funds should be
transferred from ETR fund to the fund from which the
county anticipates reimbursement (highway fund, CDBG,
CBRI, etc.) hereinafter referred to as the Project Fund.
All project expenditures should be encumbered from this
fund. When monies are receipted from the project
funding agency, it should be apportioned to the Project
Fund. Then a transfer can be made from the Project Fund
back to the ETR Fund. The ETR loan will be repaid from
the ETR Fund. By following this procedure, the County
will not overstate revenue and disbursements on the
financial statement. 69 OS § 687.3.
Equitable Sharing Asset Forfeiture Program where by cooperating local law See Fund 1243 and 1244
Programs enforcement can receive asset forfeitures ; BOCC
approval required for participation; Use for funds https://www.justice.gov/criminal-
received form DOJ; Federal Audits require those monies
received from DOJ to be held separately from the funds
received from Homeland Security and Immigration and
Custom Enforcement (ICE)(Fund 1243)

7-1-2021 48
Topic Description SOP/Remarks
Estray Animals If no owner has been identified, any remaining money, SOP #9
after payment of all costs and expenses, is deposited with 4 OS § 85.7
the County Treasurer to be held in a Trust Fund (COA
7501) from which payment may be made to a claimant
who has been determined by the district court to be the
owner of the stray animal. If payment is not made within
one year, the funds are transferred to the General Fund.

FEMA FEMA funds that are received on a reimbursement basis SEFA Reporting
should be deposited/apportioned/appropriated to the
fund from which the original expenses were paid. Project
Expense reports will be the PRIMARY source of
documents in tracking FEMA expenses. It is important to
remember that all expenses related to a particular
disaster may not be reimbursement. It is not required to
pay for FEMA related expenses in a separate fund or
account. It is required to deposit ANY FEMA
reimbursement to the fund from which the expenses
were made, and the PROJECT EXPENSE reports will
provide that detail. FEMA is subject to SEFA. Using the
proper Revenue codes for receipting of revenue is
important. Revenue Code 9305.

Grant - Award The Grant is awarded and revenue (money) is drawn SOP #1
down on a pay as you go basis. Encumbrance is made
against the Award (not cash). Warrants cannot be issued
until cash is drawn down.

Grant-Matching Grants that required the County to finance a portion of SOP #2

the project that will not be reimbursed. Option A or B

Grant – Multi During disaster situations County may apply and receive SOP 19
Jurisdictions grant reimbursements on behalf of small taxing entities.
The FMAG grant is an example.
Grant- Requires the County to pay for Grant activities and be SOP #2
Reimbursement reimbursed. Option A or B

Operating within the Fund: Option A

1. The Grant is awarded but requires the County to pay
for the expenses of the Project and be reimbursed at
2. The Grant activities can be financed by any County
fund that allows for those expenses and has adequate
funds available:
Correct: Highway Project out of Highway Cash

7-1-2021 49
Topic Description SOP/Remarks
Incorrect: Sheriff C.O.P.S out of Highway (Highway
CAN ONLY be used for expenses related to Roads.

CORRECT: Sheriff C.O.P.S. from Sheriff Service Fee

Financing Grant Activities from another Fund: Option B
Interfund Loan:
The Grant is awarded but requires the County to pay for
the expenses of the Project and be reimbursed at
If the Recipient (County Department) DOES NOT have
adequate funds to pay for the Grant activities, another
county department/fund can loan funds to finance the
Example: Highway ST can Loan to Sheriff C.O.P.S
The Loan must be repaid by June 30th
If using General Fund for transfer, see SOP 3
Grant Revolving SOP #16
Due to the Volume of Grants being awarded annually to
counties the following change will be made to assigning those
Grants to the COA – Effective 10-1-2019. The overall changes
allows for a Single Grant Revolving Fund per Grant Category
(i.e. REAP, CDBG, BIA, etc.)
ALREADY MADE. Use the current COA assignment. When the
Grant is closed out you may render the current assignment as

Public Authorities Oklahoma Constitution (Art 10 Sec 26) prohibits county SOP #5
government from incurring debt unless voted on by the
public. Debt issued by a County is primarily in the form of
General Obligation (GO) Bonds or Revenue Bonds. GO
Bonds are normally repaid by a property tax millage.
Revenue Bonds are normally repaid from a specific
revenue stream such as a Sales Tax. Public Trusts (also
referred to as Trust Authorities) are created through
Oklahoma Statutes (60 OS 176 et seq). They provide an
alternative funding mechanism to local governments
including the ability to borrow funds. Many counties are
collecting a Sales Tax for debt payments that were
created through a Public Trust (or Authority). The Public
Trust (or Authority) is a separate legal entity from the
county and Authority funds must be accounted for in a
transparent manner separate from county funds. A
Public Trust must provide an annual financial audit.

7-1-2021 50
Topic Description SOP/Remarks
Public Trust See Public Authorities
Rainy Day Fund Rainy Day Fund was created by SB 280, effective July 1, SOP # 21
2021. The new law is codified under Title 68 O.S. §
3034.1. A new special revenue fund may be created from
surplus funds receipted over and above the itemized
estimate of needs for the General Fund.
Resale Property SOP to apportion excess resale funds in accordance with SOP #17
Apportionment 68 OS 3137.
Resale Property County Commissioners must manage the real estate SOP #19
Expenses acquired by the County for nonpayment of taxes and may
use Resale Property Funds for the upkeep. This can be by
contract with vendors or the County may use force
account labor and equipment. This flow chart outlines
the procedure for using county force account labor
Sales Tax - General Using the General Fund to expend Sales Tax money SOP #8
Fund with creates a budget account. This allows Sales Tax to be
restrictions expended on "anticipated collections". However, the
sales tax must be budgeted and expended in accordance
with the ballot.
Sales Tax - Cash Fund When Using the Cash Fund to expend Sales Tax money SOP #7
the revenue must be receipted, apportioned and
appropriated BEFORE expenditures can be made. This is
the same as other Cash Funds

Sales Tax - Moving Moving Sales Tax from the General Fund to a Cash funds
from General to Cash requires planning. The BEST time is to change is at the
beginning of the new fiscal year. (July 1)

SOP #13
Use Tax Use Tax Apportionments

7-1-2021 51
SOP #1 – Grant Award
Appropriating monies based on Letter of Intent/Award Letter

Acceptance of Award Letter/Letter of Intent from Grantor agency by Board of County Commissioners

Establish a new Grant Fund by Resolution naming fund and department

Appropriate Awards to Grant Fund in Accordance with COA (1400-1600)
with Excise/Budget Board approval

Encumber funds against the Award by Purchase Order

purchasing laws apply - Note 1

Upon receipt of invoices and approval from Department follow Grant procedures for drawdown

Receipt and apportion monies received to the Grant Fund - Note 2

Approve PO and Issue Warrant

Upon Grant Close Out, if 100% of the Award is not expended the Clerk should close out appropriation account
showing grant close out date. The unexpended and unencumbered balance should reflect to 0.
Treasurer cash balance should be "0". If the Treasurer is showing cash, refer to Grant closeout requirements.

Note 1 – Clerk may need a supplemental ledger to track cash received. Payment CANNOT be made until
Cash is received.

Note 2 – Apportionment does not need BOCC or Excise Board (or Budget Board) approval as it was
previously approved by Board(s); Use Form 308 as notification of receipt and apportionment. Some grants
require expenditure of funds within 10 days. This may require a Special Apportionment by the Treasurer.

7-1-2021 52
SOP #2- Option A
Grants/Projects Reimbursement
Operating within a Fund

Receive Award Letter/Letter of Intent from Grantor agency

Establish a Project account within the existing Fund that is financing the project
(For capitol outlay use COA Projects 4200-4300 or for Maintenance & Operations use COA 2075
Note 1

Complete Transfer of Appropriations Form 237

Note 2

Expenditures made by PO/Warrant in accordance with purchasing laws

Approve PO and Issue Warrant

Request monies for reimbursement per grant or award

Receipt/apportion/appropriate monies to the fund where the expenses were paid

Form 308 - BOCC/Excise or Budget Board approval required - Note 2

Upon completion of grant activity

Transfer balance back to the original appropriation account used to finance project/grant
Form 237 - BOCC/Excise or Budget Board approval required

Note 1 – COA allows for Projects under expense account 4200-4300 under Capital Outlay or 2075 under
M&O. This would be a one-line appropriation. If multiple expenses need to be tracked (i.e., P/S, M&O,
and C/O, consider using a restricted department. (ex., In Highway use 5800, 5900, or 6100)

Note 2 – Federal Revenue is subject to SEFA. Use appropriate revenue source.

7-1-2021 53
SOP #2- Option B
Grants/Projects Reimbursement
Operating by Interfund Loan
Temporary Transfer (68 O.S. § 3021)

Receive Award Letter/Letter of Intent from Grantor agency

Establish Grant Fund by Resolution (COA 1400-1599)

Name the Fund and Department

Intiate Temporary transfer in accordance with 68 O.S. § 3021 with Transfer of Funds Form 240
BOCC/Excise or Budget Board approval required

Treasurer will post transfer on General Ledger (true transfer)

Clerk will post transfer to proper funds and accounts - Note 2

Expenditures and payment inaccordance with Statute

Request monies in accordance with grant or award

Receipt/apportion/appropriate monies to the fund where the expenses were paid

Form 308 is used; BOCC and Excise Board approval - Note 3

Repay loan by interfund transfer prior to June 30th of the fiscal year
Form 240 - BOCC/Excise or Budget Board approval required

Note 1 – This transfer will show on the General Ledger and financial statements.

Note 2 – The encumbrance of the purchase order is not a required step.

Note 3 – Revenue may be subject to SEFA reporting.

7-1-2021 54
SOP-#3 – Using General Fund
Grants/Projects Reimbursement
Operating by Interfund Loan- Temporary Transfer (68 O.S. § 3021)

Receive Award Letter/Letter of Intent from Grantor agency

Establish Grant Fund by Resolution (COA 1600-1699)

Name the Fund and Department

Initiate Temporary Transfer in accordance with 68 O.S. § 3021 with Transfer of Funds Form 240
BOCC/Excise or Budget Board approval required

Treasurer will post transfer on General Ledger (true transfer) - Note 1

(The Clerk will not reduce the General Fund appropration with this transfer)

Exception: If the Officer is using an appropriation made in the General Fund Budget for the temporary
loan, the Officer can submit a requisition for "interfund loan" to be encumbered against the
appropriation. See last step when reimbursement and transfer payback is complete - Note 2

Approve PO and Issue Warrant from Grant Fund

Request monies in accordance with grant or award

Receipt/apportion/appropriate monies to the fund where the expenses were paid

Form 308 is used; BOCC and Excise Board approval - Note 3

Repay loan by interfund transfer prior to June 30th of the fiscal year
Form 240 - BOCC/Excise or Budget Board approval required
Upon completion Clerk will Void "interfund Loan" purchase order from the appropration account

Note 1 – This transfer will show on the General Ledger and financial statements.

Note 2 – The encumbrance of the purchase order is not a required step.

Note 3 – Revenue may be subject to SEFA reporting.

7-1-2021 55
SOP #4
Emergency Transportation Revolving Fund Loan
(69 O.S. § 687.3)
(revised 4-15-2019)
Received Award Letter for Project Loan

Establish the Project Fund to be used to operate the project by Resolution

(the fund that will be used to repay the loan) - Note 1

Initiate loan from State Emergency Transportation Revolving Fund

in accordance with 69 O.S. § 687.3 - OMES/OCCEDB

Treasurer will receipt/apportion monies to the County's

Emergency Transportation Revolving Fund (ETR) Trust and Agency Fund #7506

BOCC wil initiate Transfer of Funds

Form 240 - BOCC/Budget Board approval required and notification to Excise Board- Note 2

When revenue becomes available to repay the loan the revenue will be apportion and appropriated
to the fund and account where the expenditures were made

BOCC will Initiate Interfund Transfers back to ETR Trust (7506)

Form 240 BOCC/ Budget Board approval required-and notification to Excise Board Note 3

BOCC will inititate loan repayments to OMES/OCCEDB by issuing Cash claim voucher SA&I form 270
ETR fund to OMES - Note 4

Note 1 - If you are using Highway Funds to repay the loan, establish a Restricted Department within the
Highway Fund using Department 6100; If CDBG moneys will be used to repay the loan, establish a new
CDBG Grant; If CBRI Funds are used to repay the loan, establish a Restricted Department (6100) in the
CBRI Fund, etc.

Note 2 – Treasurer will transfer funds from 7506 to the Project Fund. This is a true transfer and be
reported on the Financials. The Clerk will post the transfer to the Project Fund. This may be a one-sided
transfer for the Clerk.

Note 3 – The Treasurer will transfer the funds from the project fund back to ETR Trust 7506. The Clerk
will show a transfer out of the project fund. This may be a one-sided transfer for the Clerk.

Note 4 – It is recommended the cash claim (Form 270) be completed when making the transfer. The
Chairman of the BOCC will sign the cash claim. Voucher will be prepared by Clerk and follow normal cash
voucher procedures.
7-1-2021 56
SOP #5
Collecting Sales Tax for Trust Authority Debt Payments

Many counties collect a Sales Tax for debt payments that were created through an Authority (or public
trust). The Authority (public trust) is a separate legal entity from a county. Funds must be accounted for
in a transparent manner. Authority Funds have no statutory authority to be recorded on the County
General Ledger. (See Index)

Establish Sales Tax Fund in accordance with ballot (COA 1300-1399)

and a Fund for proper Trust Authority (COA 7600-7699)
(Trust as created under 60 OS § 176 et seq)

Treasurer will receipt Sales Tax by miscellaneous receipt using revenue source 9216
(Subsource can be used to identiy sales tax)

Treasurer/Clerk will Apportion and Appropriate sales tax to Sales Tax Fund
(Form 308 approved by BOCC and Excise or Budget Board)

Clerk will make Expenditure by PO and warrant from the Sales Tax Fund
to the Authority (as per agreements on file)

If County Treasurer is acting as Treasurer for the Authority see SOP #5-A
If not, no additional act is required

7-1-2021 57
SOP #5-A
Public Authority Funds
(When County Treasurer is acting Authority Treasurer)

The Authority (public trust) is a separate legal entity from a county. Funds must be accounted for in a
transparent manner. Authority Funds have no statutory authority to be recorded on the County General
Ledger. (See Index). The Trust By-laws and Agreements must be strictly adhered to by the Trust Board
and appointed members. This SOP should serve only as a guideline.

A Public Authority is REQUIRED to provide an annual financial audit.

Authority must obtain it's own Federal Employers Identification Number (EIN)

Authority Treasurer opens a bank account under the Authority EIN

(This bank account is NOT reported on the County General Ledger)

Deposit Authority collections into the bank account, including payment of sales tax collections as
recieved from the County (See SOP #5)

Issue payments for all Authority expenditures from bank account based on prior approval of the
Authority Board
(bond payment, audit expenses, other contractural expenses)

Authority Treasurer should maintain separate ledgers and financial statements for the Authority and
make reports to Authority on a regular basis

Authority should receive an annual independent audit of its finanacial records and OSAI should
recieve a copy of the annual audit report

7-1-2021 58
SOP #6
Donations to County

Donation should be accepted by the Board of County Commissioners in an Open Meeting.

Resolution should set forth the donation amount, purpose, and department - Note 1.

Receipt funds by Miscellaneous Receipt, Source #9110 and apportion to Donation Fund #1235.
Treasurer can use subsource to further identify.

Appropriation by Form 308 approved by BOCC and Excise/Budget Board.

Clerk will appropriate to proper Department and account. - Note 2

Expend by PO and Warrant in accordance with purchasing laws.

Note 1 – If donation is for payroll, contact SA&I Field Manager for further instructions.

Note 2 – Donations must be tracked according to purpose. If the donation is restricted, use a separate
account under the department for each donation. See account 2201-2299 for M&O and 4151-4199 for
C/O. The account name should be the Donor name OR Resolution number. However, if donation is not
restricted it can be co-mingled with other “unrestricted” donations within the department, using a general
expense account (i.e., 2005).

See IRS Donation information at:


7-1-2021 59
SOP #7
Sales Tax Collect/Apportion/Appropriate
Special Revenue (Cash Fund)

Establish new Special Revenue Fund by Resolution in accordance with Ballot

Name the Fund and Department
Approved by BOCC and Excise (Budget Board)

Treasurer/Clerk assign new COA Fund (1300-1399) and Department (8000-8999)

Collect Sales Tax by Miscellaneous Revenue (9216)

Subsource can be used for additional detail
No other revenue should be co-mingled with Sales Tax, other than interest - Note 1.

Apportion and Appropriate

Form 308 BOCC/Excise/Budget Board approval required

Expended by PO and warrant in accordance with purchasing laws

This is a revolving fund and not subject to fiscal year limitation

Note 1 – Sales Tax is a RESTRICTED fund. No other revenue, other than the interest generated, should be
deposited to Sales Tax. Sales Tax can ONLY be expended for ballot purpose. Sales Tax Revenue can be
used for “Temporary Transfers or Loans” to other Funds (See SOP #2 - Option B)

7-1-2021 60
SOP #8
Sales Tax Collect/Apportion/Appropriate
General Fund

Direct Sales Tax to General Fund by Resolution

Name the Fund and Department in acordance with ballot
Approved by BOCC and Excise/Budget Board

Treasurer/Clerk Assign new Departments on General Fund appropriation ledger (8000-8999)

Collect Sales Tax by Miscellaneous Revenue #9216

Subsource can be used for additional detail
No other revenue should be co-mingled with Sales Tax, other than interest - Note 1

Monies will be budgeted in accordance with county budget procedure

Annual approppriation will be posted upon approval of budget

Expend by PO and warrant in accordance with purchasing laws

The Sales Tax allocations in the Genral Fund ARE NOT subject to fiscal year limitation. Cash Fund
balance as of June 30 MUST be rolled into the next FY budget for the designated Department - Note 2

Note 1 – Sales Tax is a RESTRICTED Fund. No other revenue, other than the interest generated, should be
deposited to Sales Tax. Sales Tax can ONLY be expended for ballot purpose. Sales Tax Revenue can be
used for “Temporary Loans” to other Funds (See SOP #2 - Option B).

Note 2 – This may require additional documentation by the Clerk and Treasurer. The Cash Fund balance
is NOT the same as the unencumbered balance (lapsed) on the appropriation ledger.

7-1-2021 61
SOP #8-A
Sales Tax Collect/Apportion/Appropriate
Unrestricted General Revenue
Direct Sales Tax to General Fund by Resolution
Approved by BOCC

Collect Sales Tax by Miscellaneous Revenue #9216 to General Fund (0001)

Monies will be budgeted in accordance with county budget procedure.

Annual Approprations shall be set forth in a Resolution allocating to each department using the ST
Department numbers in COA - See note 1

Annual approppriation will be posted upon approval of budget by Department

Expend by PO and warrant in accordance with purchasing laws

EOY - Option 1 (See note 1)

Calculate Cash Balance for Sales Tax for allocation to new FY
Sales Tax Collected - Annual Sales Tax Appropriation = Cash Balance at EOY to be added to Projected
Collections for budget in the new FY

EOY - Option 2 (See note 1)

Calculate Cash Balance for Sales Tax for allocation to new FY
Sales Tax Collected - Sales Tax Warrant Issued - Sales Tax Outstanding P/O -= Cash Balance
Add Cash balance to projected collections for next year budget

Note 1 – Resolution should specify the procedure at End of Year on any lapsed appropriation from the ST
Departments. Option 1 –Lapsed balance at EOY stays with Department for the following year; or Option
2: All lapsed appropriations is reallocated to following FY as sales tax (recommended)

7-1-2021 62
SOP #9
Estray Animals

Proceeds from the sale of Estray Animals shall be deposited to the

Estray Animal Trust Fund (Fund #7501)

Miscellaneous Receipt Revenue COA 9124

(subsource can be used to further identify)

Expended by Cash Voucher Claim (SA&I Form 270) and cash voucher for reimbursement in accordance
with 4 OS § 85.7

Any balance left on deposit after 1 year shall be forfeited to the General Fund
4 OS § 85.6

See SOP #10 to Close out Fund

7-1-2021 63
SOP #10
Closing Out Funds with Residual Balances
Occasionally Funds are created for a special purpose and there is a residual balance left when the fund ceases to
function as it was originally intended. The residual balance can be transferred to the General Fund to close out the
Fund. If these are grant funds, the grant requirements for close out should be reviewed carefully if a cash balance

A Resolution is submitted to the BOCC (or Budget Board) setting forth all the information regarding the
Fund to be closed
(attach SA&I Form 240 )

Copy of Resolution and Transfer Form forwarded to County Treasurer.

Treasurer will transfer balance of Fund to be closed to the General Fund balance.
(Transfer will show on the General Ledger and Financials Statement.)

Transfer should be forwarded to the Clerk to be posted.

(Clerk will post transfer to the closing account;
no adjustment will be made on the General Fund.)

7-1-2021 64
SOP #11
Correcting Appropriation Errors

SA&I Form 240 setting forth the error of approriations made to wrong fund/account
Reference the original appropration date

Elected Officials signatures required but not BOCC approval

(Exception: If it is a BOCC account submit to BOCC)

Correct entry on appropration ledger using current date

(NEVER back date an entry)
Copy to Treasurer

7-1-2021 65
SOP #12
Correcting Apportionment to County Fund

SA&I Form 240 setting forth the error of Apportionment made to wrong fund
Reference the original apportionment date

Elected Official signature required

Submit to BOCC and Excise Board or Budget Board

Correct entry using current date

(NEVER back date an entry)
correcting entries WILL NOT show on financials statements
Clerk will correct appropriation ledger using current date

7-1-2021 66
SOP #13
Use Tax Apportionment

Board of County Commissioners, by Resolution, establishes purpose of the Use Tax at the local level.
68 OS § 1411.
Also see Oklahoma Administrative Code 65:18-10 and OSU Fact Sheet 763

If the purpose of the Use Tax tax will be allocated for multiple purposes, the Use Tax should be
apportioned to the Use Tax Fund (#1301) and appropriated as directed in the Resolution to the
various Departments.

If the BOCC Resolution designates a singular specific use of the Use Tax then the collections may be
apportioned and appropriated into the designated Fund.

7-1-2021 67
SOP #14
Change Fund – 19 OS § 682

County departments are authorized to keep in the office no more and $1,500 to used for their change
needs. The money shall be drawn against the depository account from each office establishing a
change fund

An official depository voucher shall be written and registered against the the depository account.
The voucher shall be cashed and said cash shall be held in a secure place in the office. Cash in drawer
should be reconciled daily

County Treasurer will create a new line at the top of the General Ledger "cash in office" detailing the
cash for each office.
A new Trust Fund 7508 will be added to bottom of GL showing Cash on Hand.

Note 1 - No changes are necessary for those change funds established prior to December 1, 2018.

7-1-2021 68
SOP #15
Property Insurance Reimbursements

Reciept check into the Fund in which that damage property was purchased or to the Fund from which
the repairs will be made - Note 1 and 2

County Treasurer will prepare a 308 - Cash Appropriation and Estimate of Needs. Approval by BOCC
and Excise Board/Budget Board

Purchases/Repairs made in accordance with purchasing procedures. Note 3

Note 1 – Do not create a new fund.

Note 2 - Deposits to the General Fund – damage checks can be deposited and appropriated to the current
year appropriations without Excise Board approval. Repairs should be made in a timely manner. 19 O.S.
§ 763.

Note 3 – Remember to update inventory if needed.

7-1-2021 69
SOP #16 –
Single Grant Revolving Fund

Due to the Volume of Grants being awarded annually to counties the following change will be made to
assigning those Grants to the COA – Effective 9-1-2019. The overall changes allows for a Single Grant
Revolving Fund per Grant Category (i.e. REAP, CDBG, BIA, etc.)

assignment. When the Grant is closed out you may render the current assignment as inactive.

The Treasurer’s office will have ONE fund per grant type on the General Ledger (Example: REAP,
CDBG, BIA, CENA, etc.) See COA for Grant Number assignments (page xx)

Treasurer will deposit and apportion accordingly. Sub sourcing under the Revenue Code would
be helpful. This will help identify the department receiving the funds. May consider using the
department number as the sub source number.

The Clerk will have multiple Departments under the Grant Fund designating the recipient of the
Grant (Example: Highway District #1, Senior Citizen, Emergency Management, Rural Fire).

Clerk will appropriate the Revenue to the correct department and Awards will be separated
under the Department by using a designated expense code (appropriation account) per FY:

Grants awarded for M&O : Use 2300-2399 (See page 36 of COA)

Grants awarded for C/O: use 4300-4399 (see page 38 of COA)

7-1-2021 70
SOP #17 -Resale Apportionment
Apportionment of Surplus Resale

County Treasurer completes SA&I Form 409 – Financial Statement of The Resale
Property Fund and submits to Board of County Commissioners by June 30.

If any surplus remains AFTER accounting for all expenses, any surplus Resale Property
Fund balance shall be apportioned in accordance with 68 OS § 3131

The balance to be apportioned to the General Fund will be completed by a using the
Transfer from 240 – Transfer of Fund. In the Description enter the following statement:
“apportionment of excess Resale per 69 OS § 3137 and the Financial Statement as
submitted to the BOCC”- Note 1

Apportionment to other taxing entities will be by using cash claim (SA&I form 270) and

NOTE 1- Transfer the Funds on the General Ledger. This is a true transfer that will show on your
Financials at the end of the year

7-1-2021 71
SOP #18 - Resale Property
Resale Expenses for Upkeep of County Properties

In accordance with 68 OS § 3134, the County Commissions must manage the real estate purchased
in the name of the county at resale and may use the Resale Property Fund to pay for the upkeep, if
funds are available (68 OS § 3137).

When a county fund is used to maintain county property obtained at resale, the Board of County
Commissioners may receive reimbursement to that county fund by submitting an itemized invoice to
the County Treasurer.

The County Treasurer will complete the Transfer Form 240 – Transfer of Fund. In the description,
enter the following statement “Transfer of Resale for Upkeep of County Properties.” NOTE 1

In the case where an outside vendor performs the upkeep duties (mowing, etc.), payment is to be by
cash claim (Form 270) and voucher. Contracts subject to county purchasing laws.

NOTE 1: This WILL NOT how up as a transfer on your Financials at the end of the year. It will shall as a
disbursement of Resale Funds and a correction to disbursements for the fund paid out of.

7-1-2021 72
SOP # 19 - Fire Management Assistant Grant
Monies received on behalf of multiple jurisdictions

Emergency Management Director (or BOCC) will provide the Treasurer and
County Clerk with a copy of the detailed worksheet showing funds requested for
reimbursement on behalf of multiple jurisdictions under the guidelines as
established by FMAG/FEMA Grant.

All funds are reportable on the County SEFA

Treasurer’s deposits funds by revenue code

9303 – Federal Grant

County Funds for imbursement of expenses shall be apportioned to the Fund

in which the payment was made ( i.e. Highway -1102)

Funds received on behalf of OTHER jurisdictions shall be apportioned to Fund

1505 - FMAG

Create Form 308 – Cash Fund estimate of Needs

Approved by BOCC/BB/Excise

Payments to Other Jurisdiction shall be made by P/O and Warrant in

accordance with the purchasing procedures.

7-1-2021 73
SOP #20
Banking Fees
Banking fees are a part of normal business. Historically counties have been able to
pay banking fees by an agreement with the bank for the fees to be withheld from
interest earned. This has changed with some banks and the fees are greater than
interest earned. In order to pay these fees and track the expense appropriately
we recommend paying the banking fees from the general fund. Since the County
treasurer is the banker for the county, the county should budget for these fees
within the treasurer’s general fund department. This budget category is not
meant to be a burden on the funding for operations of the treasurer’s office, it is
an expense to the county as a whole.
Budgeting for and paying banking fees
Treasurer should make arrangement with the bank for periodically sending an invoice to the county
for banking fees. The invoice will be paid by PO and warrant.

Treasurer will request estimated amount for banking fees in the estimate of needs as a line item
expense category (0001-1-0600-2022). Although the treasurer is the requisition officer for these
fees, this expense category will be used strictly for banking fees and not for general operations of the
treasurer’s office.

If the budgeted amount is insufficient, the board of county commissioners will transfer additional
funds into the account.

Any residual balance in this account will lapse at year end unless otherwise approved by the board for
transfer to another general fund account.

7-1-2021 74
SOP #21
Rainy Day Fund – Fund 1250
Rainy Day Fund was created by SB 280, effective July 1, 2021. The new law is
codified under Title 68 O.S. § 3034.1. A new special revenue fund may be created
from surplus funds receipted over and above the itemized estimate of needs for
the General Fund. Funds MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED BACK to the original fund.
The Rainy Day fund may contain up to 50% of the previous years approved

Excise Board or Budget Board may by Resolution declare a Revenue surplus and direct the excess to a
Rainy Day Fund. Funds shall be recorded on the General Ledger and Appropriations Ledger and
included in Financial Statements ( including the EON) at the end of year.

Use SA&I 240 for transfer from the General Fund to designated fund per Resolution.

Rainy Day Fund #1250 : Note 1

Funds are to be expended by PO and warrant. Subject to purchasing laws. NOTE 2

Note 1: Funds may not be transferred back to the original source.

NOTE 2: Expenditure are limited and those restrictions are outlined in Title 68
O.S. 3034.1.B.

7-1-2021 75
SOP #22
Capital Reserve Fund #2006

A Capital Reserve Fund was created by SB 280 , effective July 1, 2021. The new
law is codified under Title 68 O.S.§ 3034.1. A new special revenue fund may be
created to pay for long-term capital needs from excess funds. Funds MAY NOT BE
TRANSFERRED BACK to the original fund.

Excise Board or Budget Board may by Resolution declare a revenue surplus and direct the excess to a
Capital Reserve. Funds shall be recorded on the General Ledger and Appropriations Ledger and
included in Financial (and EON) at the end of year.

Use SA&I 240 for transfer from General Fund to named fund per resolution

capital reserve Fund 2006: Note 1

Funds are to be expended by PO and warrant. Subject to purchasing laws. NOTE 2

Note 1: Funds may not be transferred back to the original source.

NOTE 2: Expenditures are limited and those restrictions are outlined in Title 68
OS § 3034.1.B.

7-1-2021 76
SOP # 23
Drug Court
22 O.S. § 471.1

Set up Trust and Agency Funds needed: #7206, 7207, 7208, 7209, 7211, or 7212 for Drug Court.


User fees are collected by the Court Clerk, deposited into the Court Clerk’s official
depository fund.
At the end of the month the Court Clerk writes a voucher to transfer those fees to
the Drug Court Fund.
Federal and State funds are to be conveyed to the County Treasurer who will issue
a miscellaneous receipt and deposit the proceeds into the Drug Court Fund.


Expenditures are initiated by the Drug Court Administrator on a Cash Voucher

Claim form #270.
The Cash Voucher Claim shall be approved by the Drug Court Judge (or District
Attorney depending on the Drug Court structure in your county).
The Cash Voucher Claim shall be filed with the County Clerk.
The County Clerk or County Purchasing Agent shall verify the proper supporting
documentation is presented with the claim (invoices/receipts and evidence the
goods or services were satisfactorily received). The Purchasing Agent should
also verify proper bidding procedures were followed if applicable.
County Clerk prepares the Cash Voucher form #2691.
The Cash Voucher is then registered with the County Treasurer.
The Cash Voucher is then conveyed to the payee.

The Drug Court Administrator should maintain a ledger of all Drug Court financial
activity and reconcile the balance with the County Treasurer’s records monthly.

7-1-2021 77
SOP #24
Contracting Services with
Non-Profit to Operate Drug

All contracts must be signed by the District Attorney or Judicial District Judge and
the Non -rofit and submitted to ODMHSAS. A Copy should also be on file with the
BOCC and County Clerk.

Contracts for service shall include the following minimum stipulations for
District Attorney or Judicial District Judge approval:

-Contractor EIN and contact information.

-Who the Administrator will be that signs the Cash Voucher
-Description of Services provided in sufficient detail to measure
the services rendered. The contract should state that the Non-
Profit will provide all necessary services for the operation of the
Drug Court as determined by the District Attorney or Judicial
District Judge.
-Determine how voucher payments will be made to the provider;
monthly, quarterly, or annually.
-The provider must have an annual audit provided to ODMHSAS,
District Attorney or Judicial District Judge, and filed with the
BOCC. Failure to provide an annual audit could result in
termination of the contract.
-Must contain a clause that allows all funds received from the
operation of Drug Court to be made available for inspection or
audit by the ODMHSAS and the Oklahoma State Auditor.

Request for payments will be submitted by the Drug Court Administrator for the Non-
Profit, as noted in the contract and signed by the District Attorney or Judicial District
Judge. Then the County Clerk will issue Drug Court Cash Voucher Claim form 270
(2019). See SOP #23

The voucher will be registered by the County Treasurer if sufficient funds are
available and conveyed to the payee.

OSAI Form 270 (2019)
19 O.S. §§ 691 & 693
Cash Voucher Claim Claim #
County, Oklahoma Voucher #
Office or Fund #
Department: Acct #
In account with: Date:
Date Description Amount Claimed Disallowed

Totals: $ 0.00

____________________________________ This claim has been reviewed by the County Purchasing Agent
County Purchasing Agent
for compliance with the appropriate bidding procedures as
required by law. (Not required for refunds issued on cash
voucher claims in accordance with 19 O.S. § 691).

I hereby certify receipt of the above stated goods/ services in quantity indicated on delivery documentation.
__________________________ _________________
Receiving Officer Date

The County Clerk is hereby authorized to mail vouchers issued in payment of this claim to the claimant at the address indicated above.

I, the undersigned, upon oath, do depose and say that I have full knowledge of the above and foregoing account, that the
said account is just, correct, due and according to law; that the amount claimed, after allowing all just credits, is now due
and wholly unpaid; and that I am authorized to make this affidavit, so help me God.

Signature of claimant authorized to initiate cash voucher claim

Subscribed and sworn to before me this date of:

County Clerk: ______________________________________ Audited and approved for ________________________

By Deputy:_________________________________________

NOTICE: This form is to be used in making claims for those accounts specifically authorized as a cash voucher
account, not subject to Board of County Commissioners' Approval.

Print Claim

Clear Form

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