My Guam Design Challenge Plan
My Guam Design Challenge Plan
My Guam Design Challenge Plan
Folder with all *Instructional resources for facilitating Guam design challenges
1. Download your design challenge. Find your grade or content area design challenge here:
Folder of all K-12 design challenges. Download onto your drive or desktop. Open folder to find
several documents: A summary of any design challenges for your grade or content area, the
Guam Design Challenge QUEST, and any supporting QUEST documents. You will be working
with the Guam Design Challenge QUEST.
2. Anchor Question and Overview. Read the anchor question and overview. Recall learning
about the relationship between science and engineering.
a. What are the science and engineering practices (design challenge and NGSS Performance
Expectation) students will do?
3. WHY CARE. Read through this section. How can you introduce the design challenge and its
connection to Guam so students will be curious and interested? How does it relate to them?
4. Final student version of anchor question and design challenge: After figuring out the
student connection, re-read the anchor question and design challenge. Some might need to be
edited to be more specific for your students and community. If so, record your edits here. These
statements will be what you share with students and even post in the room as daily reminders.
a. Anchor question (with any edits to personalize to students?):
5. QUESTION. Read through this section. How will you guide students to record their thinking on
KND charts or another graphic organizer? Specifically,
a. How will you have students share what they already KNOW about the problem, issue, and
possible solutions? (K of KND chart)
b. How will you have students write and organize their questions about what they NEED TO
KNOW to understand the problem/issue and to help solve it by designing and doing a
project? (N of KND chart) *You may want to look at the NGSS to determine if the questions
are aligned to grade-level standards.
c. How will you have students brainstorm ideas of what they could DO to be able to design
and do a project? (D of KND chart)
6. UNCOVER. Read through this section; first look at the driving questions that you can use to
start lessons. In the table below, write the driving questions (as is or edited) in the order you
want to teach them. Remember that all these lessons are to prepare students to do the design
challenge! Then, look at the lesson resources listed. Add any lessons you are interested in
teaching to help students understand the science ideas. These can be lessons you already
teach, ones listed in the Uncover, or ones you find by searching online in the lesson resources
website lists here: Folder of lesson resource websites (Download this folder so you have handy
throughout the year).
Driving questions to learn What you want students to Lessons to teach the science
about science idea learn ideas
a. Grouping: Student design teams. How will you organize your students into design teams
to do the design challenge QUEST?
b. Final product for project. Re-read the design challenge in APPLY. What engineering and
science specifically needs to be a part of the student’s final product (criteria you will
Engineering design: The project product Science ideas: The project product shows
needs to… students understanding of…
d. Assess project and science understanding. How could you assess the project product
and student contributions?
■ Project rubrics to consider: Folder of K-2, 3-5, and 6-12 project-based rubrics
8. TEACH: What will you have students write, draw, or present? Who will be the audience? Folder:
Student Presentation Planning.
9. Self-reflection about project. How will you have students do a self-reflection on their
experience? Folder with Self-reflections on Project