ED 213 UNIT 4 Pido
ED 213 UNIT 4 Pido
ED 213 UNIT 4 Pido
Using your observation from the two sets of pictures, answer the following guide
questions. Write your answers in your study notebook or e-portfolio.
Which set of pictures shows a great deal of student engagement? Why?
As I am looking closely in the set of photos, I noticed that students in Set A are inside the
classroom, while the students on Set B are performing an activity outside the classroom. In my
opinion as a student, students on Set B are having a great deal of student engagement.
Which set of pictures do you think limits student creativity and active learning? Why?
The students in Set A are the ones limited to student creativity and active learning. Students
who participate in hands-on activities learn more new ideas related to the topic than that of the
students who are only having discussions inside the classroom.
Which instructional practice would you prefer to have in the future? Why?
Since both are beneficial to student learning and engagement. I will carefully plan my classroom
activities and strategies to make sure that I give my future students the knowledge and
engagement they need.
Fill in the chart below. Write the different instructional strategies and its examples, then
describe it in your own words. Do this in your study notebook or e-portfolio.
Instructional Examples Describe it in your own words.
1. Activating 1. Carousel Brainstorming Carousel Brainstorming is a cooperative
Strategies learning activity that can be used both
to discover and discuss background
knowledge prior to studying a new
topic, as well as for review of content
already learned. This technique allows
for small group discussion, followed by
whole-class reflection.
2. Two Minute Talks Two Minute Talks is a great way to
activate students’ prior knowledge about
a topic which is why it’s commonly used
in the classroom. It’s short. It’s fast. It
gives everyone in the class a chance to
3. Think-Pair-Share Think-pair-share is a collaborative
learning strategy where students work
together to solve a problem or answer
a question about an assigned reading.
This strategy requires students to (1)
think individually about a topic or answer
to a question; and (2) share ideas with
4. Talking Drawings Talking Drawings can assess prior
knowledge of the topic at hand and their
understanding of the topic learned based
on their final depiction and explanation.
5. Walk Around Survey Walk around survey is a strategy that is
good for activating prior knowledge and
checking what background learners have
in a topic that you are about to study.
This strategy should be done before a
topic to help the teacher understand
more about learner’s prior knowledge.
2. Cognitive 1. RAFT RAFT is a strategy for helping students
Strategies prepare for a small or large group
discussion and helps them focus on the
audience they will address, the varied
formats for writing, and the topic they'll
be writing about.
2. CLVG CLVG is a guided notetaking strategy
that helps foster comprehension of visual
and auditory texts (videos and podcasts
in particular). CLVG brings together
double-entry notes, collaboration, and
reflection to help students process and
think about information.
3. Concept Mapping Concept mapping encourages students
to organize knowledge and do so in ways
meaningful to them. They help students
sort out, prioritize, and understand
relationships between terms, concepts,
and ideas.
4. Venn Diagram Venn diagrams helps students to
visualize information, and understand
and remember complex topics.
5. Power Notes Power notes is a cognitive strategy
where students can identify, differentiate
and organize information into main ideas
and supportive details.
3. Summarizing 1. Exit Slips Exit Slips help students reflect on what
Strategies they have learned and express what or
how they are thinking about the new
2. Word Sorter Word Sorter is a strategy that helps
students improve their vocabulary and
categorization skills and learn to organize
3. Vanity Plates Vanity Plates is as strategy that
promotes summarization of a lesson
through creative thinking in which
students can express their views about a
lesson they have discussed.
4. Learning Frames Learning Frames is a strategy designed
to assist students as they organize
topics, main ideas and details about
reading assignments.