Developmental Milestones
Developmental Milestones
Developmental Milestones
18 Runs stiffly, sits on Scribbles spontaneously, Mature jargoning (includes Feeds self; seeks help
mo small chair; walks builds tower of 4 blocks, intelligible words) , 10 words when in trouble; may
up stairs with 1 turns two or three pages at (average) vocabulary; names complain when wet or
hand held; explores a time, pictures; identifies 1 or more soiled; kisses parent
drawers and parts of body with pucker, plays in
wastebaskets company of other
throws objects children
from standing
without falling
24 Runs well, Walks Imitates stroke with pencil, Uses pronouns (I, you, me) Parallel play, handles
mo up and down steps builds tower of 7 cubes, inappropriately, follows two- spoon well; often tells
without help, 1 turns pages one at a time, step commands, 50-word about immediate
step at a time; removes shoes, pants, etc. vocabulary, puts 3 words experiences; helps to
opens doors; together (subject, verb, undress; listens to
climbs on object) stories when
furniture; jumps shown pictures
3 yr Can alternate feet Copies a circle, undresses Uses minimum of 250 words, Shares toys, takes
going up steps, completely, dresses 3-word sentences, uses turns, plays well with
stands partially, dries hands if plurals, knows all pronouns, others, knows full
momentarily on 1 reminded, unbuttons Knows age and sex; counts 3 name, age, gender ,
foot, rides tricycle objects correctly; repeats 3 helps in dressing
numbers or a sentence of 6 (unbuttons clothing
syllables; most of speech and puts on
intelligible to strangers shoes); washes hands
4 yr Hops, skips, Copies a square, and Knows colors, says song or Tells “tall tales,” plays
alternates feet square; draws man with 2- poem from memory, asks cooperatively with a
going down steps, 4 parts besides head; questions group of children, goes
uses scissors to cut identifies longer of 2 lines, to toilet alone
out pictures; buttons clothing, dresses
climbs well self completely, catches
5 yr Skips alternating Copies triangle, ties shoes, Names 4 colors; repeats Plays competitive
feet, jumps over spreads with knife sentence of 10 syllables; games, abides by
low obstacles counts 10 pennies correctly rules, likes to help in
household tasks,
dresses and undresses;
asks questions about
of words
مع خالص دعائي لكم بالتوفيق و النجاح – د حجي إبراهيم الزويد
References : Nelson Textbook Of Pediatrics 20 th Edition, 2016, The Harriet Lane Handbook 20th Edition 2015, Swaiman's Pediatric
Neurology 2012