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Topic 3

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Western Mindanao State University

College of Nursing
Zamboanga City

Group 4: TOPIC 3

Topic Title Statement of the Problem/ Variables/Concepts Significance of the Study Sources of Data
Objectives of the Study

Related WMSU Statement of the Problem Concepts This study will be The collection of
Learning 3rd
year undertaken to find out the the data plan is set to
Experience Nursing This study aims to Clinical Placement nursing student’s level of be implemented in
(RLE) of Student’s determine the preparedness of Experience preparedness for community Western Mindanao
Nursing Level of nursing students of Western exposures during Covid-19 State University. The
Students Preparedness Mindanao State University for Definition: Any clinical pandemic. The findings of respondents of the
and for Clinical community exposure during rotations, clinical skills, this study would be research study will be
Clinical Placement the Covid-19 Pandemic. and any other clinical beneficial to the following: 3rd year Nursing
Exposures Experience Specifically, this seeks to training experience that a Students.
during answer the following student undergoes as part Nursing Students. The
COVID-19 questions: of their nursing education. output of the study will help For the data
Pandemic the students on how to collection a survey
1) What is the level of Nursing Student’s prepare emotionally and questionnaire will be
preparedness and readiness Preparation physically for the utilize as a tool for
of nursing students for community exposures collecting data from
community exposure Definition: Nursing during the pandemic. the nursing students
during Covid-19 students' knowledge and to gather information
Pandemic? skills: Academic Clinical Instructors. and assess their level
Preparation (knowledge), The result of the study will preparedness for
2) What are the academic Individual factors help the clinical instructors Clinical Placement
preparations and (responsibilities)Behaviora on how to guide the students Experience during
responsibilities of nursing l Engagement (attitude) on their first exposure to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
students in the clinical and Performance (practice) community duty. The gathered data
exposures? from the survey will
Other researchers. This be analyzed and
3) Are the students Variables study aims to benefit the interpreted
knowledgeable enough in future research who might accordingly.
the health protocols of the Dependent variables: be able to conduct a similar
community during WMSU 3rd year Nursing study. It will give them
Student's Clinical more knowledge about the
clinical practices and Placement Experience nursing student’s level of
community exposure? preparedness for community
Independent variables: exposures during Covid-19
Objectives of the Study Level of Preparedness pandemic. It will also
supply future researchers’
The research objective of the data on other variables to be
study is the primary goal or included in their study
purpose of the experiment which the present research
stimulation. It considers the failed to consider.
factors in conducting the
research study and it serves as
the preferential goals. One
intent of this study is:
 To measure the level of
preparedness and
readiness of nurisng
students for clinical
placement experience
during COVID-19
 To know what the
academic preparations
and responsibilities of
nursing students are in
the clinical exposures.
 To assess if the student
are knowledgeable
enough in the health
protocols of the
community during
clinical practices and
community exposure.

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