Prime Mathematics Class 9
Prime Mathematics Class 9
Prime Mathematics Class 9
Mat he ma ti c s Ser
Approved by
Government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science and
Technology Curriculum Development Centre Sanothimi,
Bhaktapur as and additional learning materials.
Raj Kumar Mathema
Dirgha Raj Mishra Bhakta Bahadur Bholan
Uma Raj Acharya Yam Bahadur Poudel
Naryan Prasad Shrestha Bindu Kumar Shrestha
Anil Kumar Jha
Dhurba Narayan Chaudhary
Hari Krishna Shrestha
Language Editor
Mrs. Tara Pradhan
a Books
Pragya Books and Distributor Pvt. Ltd.
Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
Printing history
First Edition 2074 B.S.
Revised Edition 2077 B.S.
© Publisher
All rights reserved. No part of this book, or designs and illustrations here within, may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means without prior written permission.
ISBN : 978-9937-9170-3-2
Printed in Nepal
Published by
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Pragya Books and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
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2. Arithmetic
2.1 Profit and Loss............................................................................................ 26
- Exercise 2.1 ........................................................................................... 32
2.2 Commission .................................................................................................. 33
- Exercise 2.2........................................................................................... 35
2.3 Discount ....................................................................................................... 36
- Exercise 2.3........................................................................................... 39
2.4 Taxation ....................................................................................................... 40
- Exercise 2.4........................................................................................... 42
2.5 Bonus............................................................................................................. 43
- Exercise 2.5........................................................................................... 45
2.6 Share and Dividend ................................................................................... 46
- Exercise 2.6........................................................................................... 49
2.7 Home Arithmetic ....................................................................................... 50
2.7.1 Electricity Billing............................................................................ 50
- Exercise 2.7.1 ............................................................ 53
2.7.2 Water Billing ................................................................................... 55
- Exercise 2.7.2............................................................ 56
2.7.3 Telephone Billing ............................................................................ 58
- Exercise 2.7.3............................................................ 60
2.7.4 Taxi Fare ...........................................................................................61
- Exercise 2.7.4............................................................ 62
3. Mensuration
3.1 Area of Pathways........................................................................................71
- Exercise 3.1 ........................................................................................... 75
3.2 Surface Area and Volume of Prisms ..................................................... 77
- Exercise 3.2........................................................................................... 80
3.3 Area of Four Walls, Floor and Ceiling .................................................. 83
- Exercise 3.3........................................................................................... 89
3.4 Volume of Walls ......................................................................................... 90
- Exercise 3.4........................................................................................... 95
4. Alebra
4.1 Factorisation............................................................................................. 100
- Exercise 4.1.1 ....................................................................................... 107
- Exercise 4.1.2 ...................................................................................... 109
4.2 Indices ........................................................................................................110
- Exercise 4.2 ..........................................................................................116
4.3 Exponential Equation................................................................................118
- Exercise 4.3 ..........................................................................................121
4.4 Ratio and Proportion ............................................................................... 122
4.4.1 Ratio ................................................................................................ 122
- Exercise 4.4.1 ........................................................... 126
4.4.2 Proportion ...................................................................................... 128
- Exercise 4.4.2 ........................................................... 137
4.5 Simultaneous Equations.......................................................................... 140
4.5.1 Linear Equation ............................................................................. 140
- Exercise 4.5.1 ........................................................... 145
4.5.2 Graphical Method ......................................................................... 146
- Exercise 4.5.2 ........................................................... 148
4.6 Quadratic Equation ................................................................................. 148
4.6.1 Solving a Quadratic Equation by Factorization Method .... 149
- Exercise 4.6.1 ........................................................... 151
4.6.2 Solving Quadratic Equation by Completing the Square ...... 153
- Exercise 4.6.2 ........................................................... 156
4.6.3 Solving Quadratic Equation by using Formula ....................... 157
- Exercise 4.6.3 ........................................................... 160
5. Geometry
5.1 Triangle ...................................................................................................... 168
- Exercise 5.1 ...........................................................................................171
- Exercise 5.2 ......................................................................................... 180
5.2 Parallelogram ............................................................................................ 183
- Exercise 5.3 ......................................................................................... 190
5.3 Mid-Point Theorem.................................................................................. 193
- Exercise 5.4 ......................................................................................... 196
5.4 Similarity ...................................................................................................200
- Exercise 5.5 .........................................................................................205
5.5 Pythagoras Theorem ...............................................................................209
- Exercise 5.6 ......................................................................................... 213
5.6 Construction of Quadrilaterals ............................................................ 215
- Exercise 5.7 ......................................................................................... 219
5.7 Circle...........................................................................................................220
- Exercise 5.8 .........................................................................................227
6. Trigonometry
6.1 Trigonometric Ratios ..............................................................................234
- Exercise 6.1 ..........................................................................................239
6.2 Trigonometric Ratios of Some Standard Angles .............................242
- Exercise 6.2 .........................................................................................246
7. Statistics
7.1 Graphs and Pie Charts ............................................................................252
- Exercise 7.1 ..........................................................................................260
7.2 Measure of Central Tendency ..............................................................262
7.2.1 Mean ................................................................................................262
- Exercise 7.2.1 ...........................................................................265
7.2.2 Median.............................................................................................266
- Exercise 7.2.2 ..........................................................................268
7.2.3 Mode ................................................................................................269
- Exercise 7.2.3 ..........................................................................269
7.2.4 Quartiles ........................................................................................270
- Exercise 7.2.4 ..........................................................................272
8. Probability
8.1 Probability .................................................................................................276
- Exercise 8.1 ..........................................................................................282
8.2 Empirical probability ...............................................................................285
- Exercise 8.2 .........................................................................................286
At the end of this chapter, the
students will be able to:
find the set relation using set
operation between the sets.
represent the set operations in
the Venn diagram.
solve the word problems related
to cardinality of sets using Venn
Teaching Materials:
Chart paper, flass cards, different
colour board markers, charts of related
formula, geometrical instruments
Historical facts
1. The set theory was developed by a German mathematician Georg Cantor
(1845-1918). The “New Mathematics” which helps in solving problem in
some case, more easily and with more pleasure, makes much use of sets.
Sets provide a useful way of representing groups of things and correlating them.
2. Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871; England) was born blind in one eye in
1806 in Madras, India. His famous laws on set theory states that if A and B are subsets of a
universal set then the complement of union of A and B is the intersection of the complements
of A and B i.e. (AB) = AB and the complement of the intersection of A and B is the
union of complements of A and B i.e. (AB) = AB.
1.1 Sets
A collection or aggregate of well defined objects is called a set. e.g. the set of natural numbers, the set
of vowels of English alphabets. The objects of a set are called its elements or members. If x is an
element of the set A, then we write xA (x belongs to A).
Set Notation
The elements of a set are enclosed with curly brackets { } and a set is denoted by capital letters. A, B,
C, N, V, ……… etc.
For example:
N = {1, 2, 3, …….. }
V = { a, e, i, o, u}
A set can be described mainly by three methods
1. Description method: In this method, the set is described in words with the common properties
of the elements.
For example:
(i) A is a set of digits of Hindu-Arabic number system,
(ii) V is a set of vowels of English alphabets.
2. Listing or Roster Form (tabular form): In this method, we list all the elements.
For example:
(i) A set of digits in Hindu-Arabic number system, A = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
(ii) A set of vowels of English alphabets, V = {a, e, i, o, u}
(iii) A set of integers, Z = {…….. -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ……….}
(iv) A set of whole number, W = {0, 1, 2, 3, …….}
2 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
3. The Rule method or Set builder form: In this form, we specify the set with ‘defining
property’ giving a variable, like A = {x : x has property p}. Which is read as: A is the set of x
such that x has property p.
For example:
(i) N = {x : x is a natural number}
(ii) W = {x : x is a whole number}
(iii) A = {x : x 20, x N}
(iv) S = {x : (x – 1)( x + 1) = 0}
Note: Specially, we denote the numbers as:
(i) Natural numbers, {1, 2, 3, ………… } = N
(ii) Whole numbers, {0, 1, 2, 3, ……….. } = W
(iii) Integers, {……………. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ……….. } = Z
(iv) Rational number = Q
(v) Real number = R
Various Sets
The Empty Set or Null Set or Void Set: A set which contains no elements is called the empty
set and is denoted by or { }.
For example:
(i) A = {x : x + 1= 0, x N} =
(ii) B = {Boys of class IX of Saint Mary’s School} =
(i) Since there is one and only one empty set with different descriptions, hence we say ‘the empty set’
or ‘the null set’ or ‘the void set’ instead of ‘an empty set’, ‘a null set’.
(ii) The empty set is denoted by which is not Greek letter ‘phi’ but Danish letter ‘oe’.
(iii) {0}, since {0} is a set whose element is 0.
(iv) {}, since {} is a set whose element is .
Finite Set: A set with finite number of elements is called a finite set.
For example:
(i) A = {1, 2, 3, …………., 100}
(ii) B = {x : x is a district of Nepal}
Infinite Set: A set which is neither a null nor a finite set is called an infinite set.
For example:
(i) N = {1, 2, 3, ……………….}
(ii) A = {Rational number between 1 and 2}
Sets Mathematics - 9 |3
Singleton Set: A set containing only one element is called a singleton set.
For example: {}, {0}, {1}, {x : x is an even number between 1 and 3}.
Universal Set: A set which contains all the sets under consideration as sub-sets is called a
Universal set. In other way, a set which contains all the possible elements under consideration is
called a universal Set. It is denoted by U. In some texts, we also find a universal set denoted by
(pxi) or X or [ ].
For example: Let's consider two sets A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and B ={1, 3, 5, 7}, for these two sets,
universal set may be {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} or {x : x N} or {x : x W} or {x : x Z} or
{x : x Q}.
Note: The choice of a universal set is not unique.
4 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
Power Set: The set of all subsets of a set A is called the power set of the set A.
For example: If A = {a, b}, then the power set of A = {{ }, {a}, {b}, {a, b}}. If A = {a, b, c}, then the
power set of A = {, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {b, c}, {a, c}, {a, b, c}}.
(i) Every set is a subset of itself i.e. AA.
(ii) is subset of every set i.e. A.
(iii) Number of subsets of a set A containing n elements is 2n.
For A = {a}, sub-sets of A are:
and {a}, where number of subsets = 2 = 21
For A = {a, b}, subsets of A are:
, {a}, {b}, {a, b}, where number of subsets = 4 = 22.
For A = {a, b, c}, subsets of A are:
, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {b, c}, {a, c}, {a, b, c}.where number of subsets = 8 = 23.
If number of elements of A is n then number of subsets = 2n.
Proper sub-set: Set A is a proper subset of set B, if every element of set A is an element of set B
and at least an element of B is not an element of A, it is denoted as AB.
If N is a set of natural numbers, W whole numbers, Z integers, Q rational numbers and R real numbers
then N W Z Q R.
(i) A set is not a proper subset of itself.
(ii) is a proper subset of every set.
(iii) is not a proper subset of itself.
(iv) Number of sub-sets of a set A containing n elements is 2n – 1.
Sets Mathematics - 9 |5
Set Operations
There are four set operations:
a. Union
b. Intersection
c. Difference
d. Complement
a. Union of Two or More Sets
The union of two sets A and B is the set of the elements that belong either to A or to B or to
both A and B.
Mathematically, AB = {x : x A or x B}.
For two disjoint sets For three disjoint sets
For two overlapping sets For three overlapping sets
6 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
For AB For A and B overlapping and B and C overlapping
b. Intersection of Sets
Intersection of two sets A and B is the set of the elements which belong to both A and B.
Mathematically, AB = {x : x A and x B}.
When A and B are disjoint When A and B are overlapping When AB
Sets Mathematics - 9 |7
(AB) – C A – (BC)
d. Complement of a Set
Complement of a Set A is denoted as Ā or A or Ac which is the set of the elements which
belong to the universal set U but do not belong to A.
Thus, Ā or Aor Ac = U – A
_ ____ ____
____ _______
Special Properties of Complements of Sets
1. (A) = A or A =A
= _
A = {x : x A }
= {x : x A }
A =A
2. De Morgan’s law
______ _ _
(a) (AB) = A B
______ _ _
(b) (AB) = A B
8 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
(a) (AB) = {x : x (AB)}
= {x : x A and x B}
_ _
= {x : x A and x B }
______ _ _
(AB) = A B
(b) (AB) = {x : x (AB)}
= {x : x A or x B}
_ _
= {x : x A or x B }
_ _
= {x : x ( A B )}
______ _ _
(AB) = ( A B )
Sets Mathematics - 9 |9
Solution: Here,
U = {x : x 12, x N} = {1, 2, 3, ……,12}
A = {x : x is a multiple of 4, 1 < x 12} = {4, 8, 12}
B = {x : x is an even number, 2 x < 11} = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
Now, AB = {4, 8, 12} {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} = {4, 8}
Represnting the above information in a Venn-diagram,
10 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
Represnting the above information in a Venn-diagram,
1 3 4
2 5 7
8 6
9 10
11 12
(AB) – C
b. AB = {1, 2, 3, 5, 7} {2, 4, 5, 6}
AB = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
(AB) = U - (AB)
= {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} – {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
= {0, 8, 9}
It is illustrated in a Venn-diagram as
d. A – B = {1, 2, 3, 5, 7} - {2, 4, 5, 6}
A - B = {1, 3, 7}
Now, (A - B) = U – (A – B) = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} – {1, 3, 7}
(A - B) = {0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9}
Which is illustrated in a Venn-diagram as
12 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
B = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}
Now, A B = {0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}
A B = {0, 6, 8} ... (ii)
Hence, from (i) and (ii), we get
(AB) = A B Proved.
Exercise 1.1
1. If U = {1, 2, 3, ……….., 12}, A = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11} and B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, list the following sets
and illustrate in a Venn-diagram.
(a) AB (b) AB
(c) A–B (d) A
2. If U = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, A = {2, 3, 5}, B = {1, 4, 7, 8}, and C = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, find
(a) A B (b) BC
(c) (C – B)A (d) (AB)C
3. If U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l}, A = {a, b, c, d, e}, B = {b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i} and
C = {b, d, e, g, h, i, j}, find and show the following sets in a Venn-diagram.
(a) (ABC) (b) (AB)C
(c) ABC (d) (AB) (AC) (BC)
4. Using set symbols, write down expressions for the shaded portion in the following Venn-diagrams.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
6. Study the given Venn-diagram and list the elements and shade in the Venn-diagram for each of
the following sets.
____ ____
(a) A–B (b) B–A (c) B'A
_____ _____
(d) AB (e) AB (f) U – B'
7. Study the given Venn-diagram and list the elements and shade the region of each of the
following sets.
(a) (ABC ) (b) (AB)C
(c) C – (AB) (d) (AB) – C
8. If A = {a, b, c}, B = {b, c, d, e} and C = {c, d, e, f} are subsets of the universal set
U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}, verify the following.
(a) A(B – C) = (AB) – (AC) (b) A(BC) = (AB) (AC)
_ _ _ ____ ____ _
(c) A ( B – C ) = AB – AC (d) A B = B – (AB)
9. A and B are two subsets of a universal set U such that AB .
(a) Draw a Venn-diagram to represent the relation between A and B and shade AB .
_ _
(b) Re-draw the Venn-diagram and shade A B .
____ _ _
(c) Write down the relation between (AB ) and ( A B ).
(d) What is this law specially known as?
14 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
10. If Q = {quadrilateral}, T = {Trapezium}, P = {Parallelogram}, U
R = {Rectangle}, S = {Square} and X = { Rhombus}, label the
given sets with appropriate symbols.
11. Given U = {Triangles}, I = {Isosceles triangles},
E = {Equilateral triangles}, R = {Right angled triangles}
(a) Draw a Venn-diagram to show the relationship between these sets.
(b) What are the measures of the angles of a triangle belonging to IR?
16 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
Example 4: In a class of 25 students, 17 like volleyball, 15 like basketball and 10 like
both the games. Illustrate the above information in a Venn-diagram and
find the number of students who do not like any of the games.
Solution: Let V and B be the sets of students who like volleyball and basketball respectively.
Here, total number of students n(U) = 25, n(V) = 17, n(B) = 15 and n(VB) = 10
n(VB) = n(v) + n(B) - n(VB) U
= 17 + 15 – 10 = 22. V B
____ n() = 15
Now, n(VB) = n(U) – n(VB)
= 25 – 22 = 3 n(V)
Therefore, the number of students who
n(V) = 17 n(V) = 10
don’t like both the games is 3.
Example 5: In a class of 50 students, all the students participate in at least one of
the activities music or dance. If 35 students are taking part in music and
45 in dance, find how many students are taking part in both the
activities. Show the information in a Venn-diagram as well.
Solution: Let A and B be the sets of students who participate in music and dance respectively.
Here, total number of students n(U) = n(AB) = 50, n(A) = 35 and n(B) = 45.
We have, U
n(AB) = n(A) + n(B) - n(AB)
n() = 45
n(AB) = n(A) + n(B) - n(AB)
= 35 + 45 – 50 n(A) = 0
= 80 – 50
n(A) = 35 n(A) = 30
= 30.
Therefore, 30 students are taking part in both the activities.
Example 6: In a group of 60 people, 18 drink tea but not coffee, 35 drink tea. If 4 of
them do not drink any of the drinks, find
(i) how many people drink both tea and coffee?
(ii) how many people drink coffee but not tea?
(iii) illustrate the above information in a Venn-diagram.
Solution: Let A and B be the sets of people who drink tea and coffee respectively, then set of people
who drink tea but not coffee is (A – B) and those who drink coffee but not tea is (B – A).
Here, n(U) = 60, n(A) = 35, n(A – B) = 18, n(AB) = 4.
(i) n(AB) = n(A) - n(A - B)
= 35 – 18 = 17
17 people drink both tea and coffee.
(ii) n(U) = n(A) + n(B) - n(AB) + n(AB)
60 = 35 + n(B) - 17 + 4
n(A) = 35 n(A) = 17
Example 7: In a survey of people 70% like football, 50% like volleyball, 35% like both
the games and 30 people like neither of such games. Find the total
number of people who took part in the survey by drawing venn diagram.
Also find who like only one game.
Solution: Let, F and V denotes the number of people who like football and volleyball respectively.
n() = 100% = x (say)
70x n() = x
n(F) = 70 x of x = 100
70x 50x
n(F) = 100 n(V) = 100
n(V) = 50% of x = 100
n(FV) = 35% of x = 100 35x 35x 15x
_____ 100 100 100
n(FV) = 20
35x 35x 15x
Here, we have, 100 + 100 + 100 + 30 = x ____
n(FV) = 30
or, 100 = 30
x = 200
Then, Total no. of people = 200
35x 15x 50×200
Number of people who like only one game = 100 + 100 = 100 = 100
Exercise 1.2
1. (a) If A = {2, 4, 6, 8} and B = {7, 8, 9, 10} are two subsets of a universal set
U = { x : x 10, x w}, find n(A), n(B), n(AB) and n(AB) .
(b) If A = {a, b, c, d} and B = {c, d, e, f, g}, verify that n(AB) = n(A) + n(B) - n(AB).
(c) If A = { x : x is a letter in the word “difference”} and B = {x : x is a letter in the word
“Complement”}, find n(AB).
18 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
2. (a) If n(A) = 10, n(B) = 8 and n(AB) = 3, find n(AB).
(b) For two sets A and B, if n(A) = 35, n(B) = 25 and n(AB) = 48, find n(AB).
(c) A and B are subsets of a universal set U. If n(U) = 100, n(A) = 55, n(B) = 65 and
n(AB) = 30, find (i) n(AB) (ii) n(only A) (iii) n(AB) .
(d) M and N are subsets of a universal set U. If n(U) = 95, no(M) = 35, no(N) = 25 and
n(MN) = 15, find n(MN).
3. (a) The cardinal numbers of the respective sets are shown in the 28
given Venn-diagram. Find the cardinal number of the
universal set U. 10
25 13
4. (a) If AB, n(A) = 20 and n(B) = 45, find the value of n(AB) and n(AB).
(b) If AB, n(B) = 40 and n(AB) = 15, find n(U).
(c) If UBA, n(U) = 60 and n(B) = 15, find the value of n(AB) .
(d) If n(A) = 10 and n(B) = 15, what may be the minimum and maximum value of
(i) n(AB) and (ii) n(AB)?
(e) If n(A) = 9 and n(B) = 6, find the maximum and minimum value of (i) n(AB)
(ii) n((AB).
20 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
7. (a) In a class of 60 students, 15 students liked Maths only, 20 liked English only and 5 did
not like both of the subjects.
(i) Find the number of students who like both.
(ii) Find the number of students who liked at least one subjects.
(iii) Illustrate above information in a Venn-diagram.
(b) Out of 100 students, 80 passed in science, 71 in Mathematics, 10 failed in both subjects
and 7 did not appear in the examination. Find the number of students who passed in
both subjects by representing the above information in a Venn-diagram.
(c) In a survey of 53 people, 20 like Nepali TV Serial, 25 like the Hindi TV serial and 10
did not like both TV Serials. If 3 people did not use to watch the TV, find the number of
people who like both serials by using a Venn-diagram.
(d) In an examination, 35% of students passed in social studies only, 25% passed in health
only. If 10% failed in both subjects,
(i) what percent of students passed in both subjects?
(ii) what percent of students passed in social studies?
(iii) represent the result in a Venn-diagram.
8. (a) In a survey of some customers, it was found that 65% preferred laptop and 85% preferred
desktop computers. If there were not any customer who did not like both computer,
(i) what percent were there who preferred both the computers?
(ii) illustrate the above information in a Venn-diagram.
(b) In a survey among some people of a group. It was found that 25% of them liked
Literature only, 50% of them liked Music only and 10% of them liked none.
(i) What percent of people liked both?
(ii) What percent of people liked music?
(iii) Illustrate these information in a venn-diagram.
(c) In an examination, 70% of the students passed science, 60% passed mathematics and 12
students passed both subjects. If 10% failed in both the subjcts.
(i) find the percent of students who passed both the subjects.
(ii) find the total number of students.
(iii) represent the above information in a Venn-diagram.
(d) In a survey of community who watch television, 40% like Jire Khurshani, 50% like
'Tito Satya' and one fifth people like none of them.
(i) Draw a Venn-diagram of the above information.
(ii) What percentage of them like both serial?
9. (a) In a survey of bus travelers, 60% liked to take Day bus while 75% liked Night bus for
long tour. If 72 travelers liked to take Night bus only,
(i) how many travelers were surveyed?
(ii) what percent liked both busses?
(iii) illustrate the above information in a Venn-diagram.
(b) In a group of students, 50% liked tea, 70% liked coffee, 10% did not like both and 120
like both. By using a Venn-diagram, find the total number of students.
22 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
(b) From the adjoining Venn-diagram, if n() = 60, find U
(i) n(AB) ii) n(A – B)
39 4x y x 24
(iii) n(AB)
(c) In a survey of some people, the ratio of people who like milk but not curd and who like
curd but not milk is 6:5. The ratio of people who like both and dislike both is 7:9. If
50% did not like milk and 44 people like only one of them, find the number of people
that participated in the survey by using a Venn-diagram.
Unit Test
Time: 40 minutes F.M.- 24
1. In a class of 120 students, 95 like account, 80 like biology. If there are none who don’t like
both subjects, find
(a) The number of students who like both subjects.
(b) The number of students who like account only.
(c) Show the above information in a venn- diagram.
2. In a survey of 100 people, it was found that 65 like folk song, 55 like modern song and 35
like folk as well as modern song. Then
(a) Draw a Venn-diagram to show the above information.
(b) How many people did not like both the songs?
3. Out of 100 students in an examination of class 9, 70 passed in Mathematics, 60 passed in
Science and 20 failed in both subjects. Find the number of students who passed in both
subjects by using a Venn-diagram.
4. In a survey of 200 students, 30 liked neither to sing nor to dance, 60 liked to song only and
50 liked to dance only. Then
(a) Show the above information in a Venn-diagram.
(b) Find the number of students who can do both the sing as well as dance.
5. If n(A) = 65, n(B) = 50, n(AB) = 30 and n(AB) = 17, find n(U) and and show the result
in a Venn-diagram.
6. If n(U) = 120, n0(A) = 50, n0(B) = 40, n(AB) = 25, find n(AB) and n(AB).
24 | Mathematics - 9 Sets
At the end of this chapter, the
students will be able to:
collect and solve the problems
related to discount, profit and
loss, commission, taxation,
dividend and bonus.
calculate the electricity bill,
water bill, telephone bill and taxi
Teaching Materials:
Bills of grocery with discount, charts
of rule of tax published by government,
electricity bill, water bill, telephone
bill of a household, rate list of taxi
fare published by government.
2.1 Profit and Loss
The terms used in the transaction of goods while buying and selling are:
Cost price (C.P) : The price for which an article is purchased.
Selling price (S.P) : The price for which an article is sold.
If the selling price is more than the cost price, there is profit.
Profit (P) = S.P – C.P
or, S.P = C.P + P
or, C.P = S.P – P
If the selling price is less than the cost price, there is loss.
Loss (L) = C.P – S.P
or, S.P = C.P – L
or, C.P = S.P + L
To distinguish between a profit and profit percentage, let’s consider an example:
Raj bought an article for Rs. 50 and sold for Rs. 75. Then he made a profit of Rs. 25. Similarly, Jay
purchased an article for Rs. 200 and sold for Rs. 225. Then, he also made a profit of Rs. 25. Though,
both of them made same amount of profit but their profit percentage is different. Let's see how,
When C.P is Rs. 50, Raj made a profit of Rs. 25.
When C.P is Re. 1, Raj made a profit of Rs. 50 .
25 50
When C.P is Rs. 100, Raj made a profit of Rs. × 100
50 2
When C.P is Rs. 100, Jay made a profit of Rs. 200 × 100
26 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
If we simplify it, we get
S.P 100 + P %
C.P = 100
Loss percentage = C.P × 100%
S.P 100 - L %
and =
C.P 100
From the illustration above it is understood that profit percentage or loss percentage is calculated on
the cost price.
Things to remember
Overhead expenses like repair, maintenance, transportation and other expenditure are added to the cost price to
get the total cost price. The profit percent or loss percent is calculated on the total cost price.
To calculate the profit or loss when CP and SP of different number of articles are given, we have to calculate the
CP and SP of equal number of articles.
While calculating profit or loss in case of break, leakage, lost on the way, damage etc, SP should be made with
number of articles in good condition.
S.P of 6 articles = Rs. x
S.P of 1 article = Rs. 6
P 24
Then, Profit percent = CP × 100 = x × 100
Example 2: A stationer bought 3000 books at Rs. 125 each. Later, he found that 500
books were damaged and he sold the remaining books at Rs. 175 each.
Find his gain or loss percent.
Solution: Here,
Cost price of 1 book = Rs. 125
C.P of 3000 books = Rs. 125 × 3000 = Rs. 3,75,000
No. of books damaged = 500.
No. of good books = 3000 – 500 = 2500
Selling price of 1 book = Rs. 175
S.P of 2500 books = Rs. 175 × 2500 = Rs. 4,37,500
As S.P > C.P, there is profit.
Profit (P) = S.P – C.P
= 4,37,500 – 3,75,000= Rs. 62,500
P 62500 2
Profit percent = C.P × 100 = 375000 × 100 = 163
Hence, the profit percentage is 16. 3 %
Example 3: Avay sold a mobile set for Rs. 32,900 and made 6% loss. At what price
should he sell the mobile set to make 6% profit?
Solution: Here,
Case I Case II
Selling price (S.P) = Rs. 32,900 Cost price (CP) = Rs. 35,000
Loss percent = 6 Profit percent (P%) = 6
We have, Selling price (SP) =?
S.P 100 - L % We have,
C.P = 100 S.P 100 + P %
32900 100 - 6 C.P = 100
or, CP = 100
SP 100 + 6
or, 35000 = 100
or, 0.94 = C.P S.P 106
or, 35000 = 100
or, C.P = Rs. 35,000
or, S.P = Rs. 37,100
Hence, Avay should sell the mobile set for Rs. 37,100 to have 6% profit.
28 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
Example 4: Yash bought two music systems for Rs. 52,000. He sold them making 6%
profit on one and 6% loss on the other. If their selling price is same, find
his total gain or loss percent.
Solution: Here,
For the 1st music system For the 2nd music system
Let, Cost price (CP) = Rs. x Cost price (CP) = Rs. (52,000 - x)
Profit percent (P%) = 6. Loss percent (L%) = 6
We know, We know,
SP 100 + P% S.P 100 - L%
CP = 100 C.P = 100
SP 100 + 6 SP 100 - 6
or, x = 100 or, 52000 - x = 100
106x 94(52,000 - x)
or, SP = 100 or, S.P = 100
But, their selling price is same.
106x 94(52,000 - x)
100 = 100
or, 106x = 4888000 - 94x
or, 200x = 48,88,000
or, x = Rs. 24440
106x 106 × 24440
S.P of the music system = 100 = 100 = Rs. 25906.40
or, 1.1 = C.P
30 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
345x - 250x
or, 300 = 380
32 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
(b) A man bought a pair of shoes for Rs. 1500. He sold it to Yash at a profit of 15%. Yash
sold it to Karan at a loss of 10%. How much did Karan pay for it?
(c) Jay bought two watches for Rs. 10,000. He sold them to have 5% profit on one and 5%
loss on the other. If their selling price was the same, find his total gain or loss percent.
(d) A sold an article to B at 20% profit. B sold the same article to C at 25% profit. Again, C
sold the same article to D at 10% loss. If D paid Rs. 4500 to C, at what price did A
purchase the article?
7. (a) A shopkeeper sells a pant at 10% profit. If he would have sold it with Rs. 150 more, the
profit would have been 15%. Find the purchased price of the pant.
(b) An article when sold at 10% profit yields Rs. 200 more than when sold at 10% loss.
What was the cost price of the article?
(c) A man bought some oranges at the rate of 20 for Rs. 100. If he sold all of them at a
profit of 20%, then how many oranges did he sell for Rs. 30?
(d) Yash bought a certain number of apples at Rs. 100 per 20 apples and equal number at
Rs. 180 per 30 apples. He mixed them and sold them at Rs. 175 per 25 apples. Find his
gain or loss percent.
8. (a) A shopkeeper bought 150 books and sold 100 of them at a profit of 30% and the rest at
10% loss. If he had sold all the books at once at 25% profit, he would have received
Rs. 300 more. Find the cost price of each book.
(b) A man bought 120 pens for Rs. 7200. He sold 40 pens at Rs. 70 each and 60 pens at
Rs. 80 each. At what price should he sell the remaining pens so as to make a profit of
20% in total investment?
(c) A dealer bought 80 purses at Rs. 70 each. He sold 20 purses at Rs. 80 each and next 40
purses at Rs. 75 each. At what price should he sell the remaining purses so as to have
30% profit on the total outlay?
(d) Manju bought a bale of cloth at Rs. 120 per meter. She sold 40m cloth at Rs.105/m and
the remaining at Rs. 150/m and made 20% profit. How many meters of cloth had she
bought in total?
2.2 Commission
In many business, a third party plays a role between a buyer and seller. The third party is known as
agent. The agent is paid certain sum for his service. The sum paid to the agent is known as
commission. An insurance company pays 4% commission to the agent. The T.V manufacture pays
15% commission to the dealer. It means commission is calculated as a certain percentage of selling
Commission amount = Commission % of selling price
Net S.P. = S.P. – Commission % of S.P.
x = 5.
Hence, the commission rate is 5%.
Example 4: A landowner sold a plot of land for Rs 90,00,000. He had an agreement
with land broker to pay the commission as 1% for first Rs 30,00,000.
0.5% for the next Rs 45,00,000 and 0.25% for the remaining sum. What is
the commission paid by the land owner to the broker and also the sum
received by the land-owner?
34 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
Solution: Selling price = Rs 90,00,000
= Rs 30,00,000 + Rs 45,00,000 + Rs 15,00,000
Commission = 1% of 30,00,000 + 0.5% of 45,00,000 + 0.25% of 15,00,000
= 30,000 + 22,500 + 3750
= Rs 56,250
Net sum received by the land owner = Rs. 90,00,000 – Rs. 56,250
= Rs 89,43,750
Hence, the commission received by the land broker is Rs 56250 and the net sum
received by the land owner is Rs 89,43,750.
Exercise 2.2
1. (a) A real estate agent sold a piece of land for Rs 32,00,000. What was the commission
received by him at the rate of 10%?
(b) An insurance agent paid a yearly premium of Rs 14,000 of his customer. What
commission did he receive at the rate of 5%?
(c) A company salesman’s monthly salary is Rs 12,000. He gets 5% commission on the
total sales. If the total sales of a certain month is Rs 4,50,000, find his income of that
(d) A girl working in a departmental store has monthly salary Rs 6000. She gets 2%
commission on total sales. Find her income of that month if the total sales is Rs
2. (a) An agent receives Rs. 4,50,000 as commission on selling a Japanese car. If the
commission rate is 10%, at what price was the car sold?
(b) A land broker received Rs. 5,12,000 as a commission. At what price did he sell the land
if the commission rate was 8%?
(c) A mechanics was able to sell a customer’s motor-cycle to a motor cycle exchange
company for Rs. 45,000. If the mechanics received Rs. 2700 as commission from
exchange company, find the rate of commission.
(d) An agent sold a Toyota car for Rs 70,00,000. He got Rs. 3,50,000 as commission. Find
the commission rate.
3. (a) Yash’s house was sold for Rs. 65,00,000 by an agent. The agent was paid 5%
commission by the seller Yash. What is the net sum received by Yash?
(b) A land owner’s land was sold by a broker for Rs. 80,00,000. The broker received 9%
commission from the land owner. What is the net sum received by land-owner?
(c) A sales man’s monthly salary is Rs. 8000. He gets 8% commission on the total sales. If
his income of a certain month is Rs. 17,000, what is the total sales of that month?
(d) The monthly salary of a boy working in a company is Rs 6000. He gets extra 6%
commission on the total sales. If he gets Rs 12,000 on a certain month, what is the sales
of that month?
2.3 Discount
The price on which a seller wishes to sell an article is known as marked price or tag price or quoted
price or list price or labelled price.
The deduction or concession given in the marked price is known as discount.
Discount (D) = Discount percentage of marked price and discount = marked price – selling price
Therefore, discount is calculated on the marked price.
Discount amount
Rate of discount = Marked price × 100%
But, if there is no discount, then selling price = marked price. So, if there is discount,
S.P = MP – D.
36 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
Example 2: From the given condition, find the discount amount and selling Price.
Discount 10% Rs. 25,000/-
Solution: Here,
Marked price of the mobile set (M.P.) = Rs. 25,000
Discount rate = 10%, Discount amount =? and Selling Price =?
Discount amount = 10% of M.P.
= 100 × 25000 = Rs. 2500
Selling Price (S.P.) = M.P. – Discount
= 25000 – 2500 = Rs. 22,500
Example 3: A motor-bike is marked to sell for Rs. 1,80,000. The buyer got 10%
discount on the occasion of Tihar and later on 5% further discount on
cash payment. Find the price of the motor-bike purchased.
Solution: Here,
Marked price (M.P) = Rs. 1,80,000
S.P after 10% discount = MP – 10% of MP
= 1,80,000 – 10 × 1,80,000
= 1,80,000 – 18000 = Rs. 1,62,000
The customer got 5% further discount on cash payment. This discount is given on S.P
after 10% discount.
Final S.P = 1,62,000 - 5 × 1,62,000
= 1,62,000 – 8100
= Rs. 1,53,900
Hence, to purchase the motor-bike, the buyer has to pay Rs. 1,53,900.
Example 4: If a shopkeeper allows a discount of 20% in an article, he loses Rs. 600.
But if he allows a discount of 5%, he gains Rs. 1575. Find the marked
price and the cost price of the article.
Solution: Here,
Case I
Let, Marked price = Rs. x
Discount = 20%, Loss = Rs. 600
Selling price = M.P – D
= x – 20% of x = Rs. 0.80x
Now, L = C.P – S.P
Profit = S.P – C.P
38 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
or, 6500 = 50 - x
or, 6500 = 13x
or, C.P = Rs. 25000.
Hence, the cost price of the computer is Rs. 25,000.
Exercise 2.3
1. (a) An article is marked to sell at Rs. 1000. If 20% discount is allowed, find the discount
amount and the selling price.
(b) A toy bought for Rs. 600 is marked to sell at Rs. 900. If 15% discount is allowed, what
is the profit?
(c) A pant bought for Rs. 1000 is marked to sell at Rs. 1500. Because of small damage,
40% discount was given. Find the loss percentage.
2. (a) In an article, 20% discount is given. If the customer paid Rs. 640 for the article, find the
marked price.
(b) An electric iron labelled Rs. 1200 was sold for Rs. 900 giving a certain discount, find
the discount rate.
3. (a) The marked price of a pressure cooker is Rs. 1800. Two successive discounts 10% and
5% are given. Find its selling price.
(b) A sound system is marked to sell at Rs. 28000. Two successive discounts 12% and 5%
are allowed. Find its selling price.
4. (a) If a shopkeeper allows a discount of 25%, he loses Rs.500. But if he allows a discount
of 5%, he gains Rs. 1500. Find the marked price and the cost price.
(b) A man sells a D.V.D player at a discount of 8% and makes a profit of Rs. 780. If he
doesn't allow a discount he would gain a profit of Rs. 1500. Find the marked price and
cost price of the D.V.D player.
(c) Raj marked the price of a mobile set to have a gain of Rs. 500. If he allows a discount of
8%, he will have Rs. 140 loss. Find the marked price of the mobile set.
5. (a) If an i-pod is sold at the marked price, there is a profit of 16%. If 15% discount is
allowed, there is a loss of Rs. 350. Find the cost price of the i-pod.
(b) Yash bought an item for Rs. 8000 after a discount of 20% on marked price. If he sells
the item at the marked price, find his profit percent.
(c) Mana paid Rs. 6800 to purchase an article after a discount of 15% on the marked price.
If he sells the article taking Rs. 500 more than the marked price, what is the profit
6. (a) A shopkeeper bought a shirt for Rs. 2500. He fixed the price of the shirt to make a profit
of 20% after allowing a discount of 20%. Calculate the marked price.
(c) Price of an article is marked 40% above the cost price. If it is sold giving 20% discount,
what will be the profit percentage?
2.4 Taxation
The sum of money paid by people or by organization, company etc. to the government for public
purposes is known as tax. There are many types of taxes, eg. income tax, excise tax, property tax etc.
We are going to deal with income tax.
Income tax
If the income of a person exceeds a specified amount, a tax is imposed on the income above the
specified amount. The specified amount on which tax is not imposed is known as tax allowance. Also,
provident fund, citizen investment fund and insurance premium are tax free amount. The income
above the tax allowance is known as taxable income.
Taxable income = Total income – Tax allowance.
Also, Income tax = Tax rate × Taxable income.
And, Net income = Annual income – Income tax.
40 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
Let the income be Rs. x
If the tax allowance is not given then the income is considered as the taxable income.
x - 15% of x = Rs. 17000
or, 85x = Rs. 17,00,000
x = Rs. 20,000
Hence, the income is Rs. 20,000.
Example 3: The monthly income of a serviceman is Rs. 25,000. His tax allowance is
Rs. 75,000. How much does he pay as income tax per month, if the tax
rate of the 1st two lakh taxable income is 10% and 15% for the remaining
taxable income?
Solution: Here,
Monthly salary = Rs. 25,000
Annual income = Rs. 12 × 25,000 = Rs. 3,00,000.
Tax allowance = Rs. 75,000
Taxable income = Rs. 300,000 - Rs. 75,000
= Rs. 2,25,000 = Rs. 2,00,000 + Rs. 25,000
Tax per annum = 10% of 2,00,000 + 15% of 25,000
= 20000 + 3750 = Rs. 23750.
Tax per month = Rs. 12 = Rs. 1979.17
Example 4: The monthly income of Rajani is Rs. 31,000. Her tax allowance is
Rs. 82,000. After paying income tax, if Rs. 28,100 is her net income per
month, what is the tax rate?
Solution: Here,
Monthly income = Rs. 31,000
Annual income = Rs. 12 × 31,000 = Rs. 3,72,000
Tax allowance = Rs. 82,000
Taxable income = Annual income – Tax allowance
= Rs. 3,72,000 – 82,000 = Rs. 2,90,000.
Net income per month = Rs. 28,100
Net income per year = Rs. 12 × 28,100 = Rs. 3,37,200.
Income tax = Annual income – Annual net income
= 3,72,000 – 3,37,200 = Rs.34,800
Let the tax rate be x %
x % of taxable income = Rs. 34,800
or, 100 × 2,90,000 = Rs. 34,800
x = 12
Hence, the tax rate is 12%
42 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
2.5 Bonus
When a business company goes in profit, it distributes certain percentage of the annual profit to its
employees as an incentive. This is other than their salary. This incentive amount is known as Bonus.
Bonus amount = bonus % of yearly net profit
If the number of employees is N, bonus is equally distributed then bonus received by an employee
Bonus amount
= N
Bonus amount that each employee receive = 20 = Rs 60,000
x = 8%
Hence, the bonus rate is 8%.
x = 400.
Hence, the number of employees is 400.
Example 4: The profit of a company is Rs 82,50,000. The bonus is distributed to the
employees of the company according to their salary as follows.
Monthly salary scale Bonus rate
Rs. 5000 – Rs 10,000 0.125%
Rs. 10,000 – Rs 20,000 0.25%
Rs. 20,000 – Rs 30,000 0.5%
(i) What is the bonus amount received by an employee whose salary is
Rs. 8500?
(ii) What is the bonus amount received by an employee whose salary is
Rs. 25000?
Solution: Here,
Profit = Rs. 82,50,000
(i) Bonus received by an employee whose salary is Rs 8500 = 0.125% of profit
= 100 × 82,50,000
= Rs. 10,312.50
(ii) Bonus received by an employee whose salary is Rs 25000 = 0.5% of 82,50,000
= 100 × 82,50,000
= Rs. 41,250
44 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
Exercise 2.5
1. (a) A development bank makes a profit of Rs. 10,00,00,000. The management decided to
give 8% bonus of profit equally among 250 employees. Find the bonus amount that
each employee will receive.
(b) A business company made a profit of Rs. 20,50,00,000. It is decided to give a bonus at
the rate of 9% equally among 450 employees. What is each employee’s bonus amount?
(c) A finance company made a profit of Rs. 30,75,00,000. A bonus of 10% profit is
distributed equally among 150 shareholders. What is the bonus amount that each share
holder will receive?
(d) A bank made a profit of Rs. 90,00,00,000. The management decided to distribute 10% bonus
equally among its 250 employees. What is the bonus amount that each employee will receive?
2. (a) A business company made a profit of Rs. 80,00,00,000. There were 400 employees and
each received Rs 1,60,000 as a bonus. Find the bonus rate.
(b) There is a profit of Rs. 95,00,00,000 of a business firm. The firm distributed bonus
equally among 500 employees and each received Rs. 2,28,000. What is the bonus rate?
(c) A company decided to distribute bonus at the rate of 12% of the net profit
Rs. 94,50,00,000 equally among its employees. If each employee received Rs 2,52,000,
what is the number of employees?
(d) Each employee of a company received Rs. 3,20,125. If the company has distributed
bonus at the rate of 13% of profit Rs. 98,50,00,000, then, what is the number of
3. (a) A company made a profit of Rs. 2,50,00,000. Bonus is distributed among the employees
according to their salaries.
Monthly salary scale Bonus rate
Rs. 5000 – Rs 8,000 0.125%
Rs. 8,000 – Rs 12,000 0.25%
Rs. 12,000 – Rs 20,000 0.5%
(i) What is the bonus received by an employee whose salary is Rs. 6500?
(ii) What is the bonus received by an employee whose salary is Rs. 15000?
(b) A bank made a profit of Rs. 4,00,00,000. The employees received bonus according to
their salaries as follows.
Monthly salary scale Bonus rate
Rs. 4000 – Rs 8,000 0.25%
Rs. 8,000 – Rs 12,000 0.5%
Rs. 12,000 – Rs 16,000 1%
(i) Find the bonus received by an employee whose salary is between Rs. 8000 –
Rs 12000.
(ii) Find the bonus of an employee whose salary is in between Rs. 12000 –
Rs. 16000.
= Rs 12,50,000
Dipesh's share in the profit = 5+4+3 × Rs 30,00,000
= × Rs 30,00,000
And Pramesh's share in the profit = 5+4+3 × Rs 30,00,000
= Rs 7,50,000
Therefore, Himesh, Dipesh and Pramesh get Rs 12,20,000 Rs 10,00,000 and Rs
7,50,000 respectively.
2. When the capital of the business is beyond the financial capacity of the company/firm, a public
company of many partners are formed and required capital is divided into small units called shares of
nominal value. The nominal value of a share is not fluctuable. Obviously the company promoters
own a big portion of the shares and the remaining shares are divided among the public. A person who
purchases one or more shares is a share holder who is an owner of the company.
Dividend: At the end of a fiscal year, the company declares profit called dividend. The dividend is
expressed in terms of percentage of the nominal value. A share holder receives his/her dividend in
proportion to their investment.
46 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
Market value: Once share holders buy shares or stocks of company/companies, they can keep the
shares always with them or sell them to other person who want to buy the shares. But the company
doesn't pay for the shares and take them back. Selling and buying of shares or transfer of shares can
take place only through a stock broker in stock exchange market.
Selling price of a share is called market value or quoted value, which fluctuates time to time. If the
marked value is equal to the nominal value (face value) it is said to be at par. If the market value is
greater than the nominal value, it is said to be at premium or above par and if the market value is less
than the nominal value, it is said to be at discount or below par. Shares own by a person or group
from one or more than one companies is called a stock or share market.
Example of shares in share market is shown below:
Nepal Stock Exchange
Transaction of 9 Kartik, 2073
Cost of Transaction
Company Name Final Cost Difference
previous day Number
Agriculture 653 645 3856 -8
Development Bank
Api Power Co. Ltd. 590 586 1991 -4
Everest Bank Ltd. 3601 3550 14256 -51
Total Transaction Cost 713,272,506 Transaction Number 573
Example 2: Find the dividend for 50 shares of Rs. 100 each at 8% rate of dividend.
Solution: Here,
Number of shares = 50
Nominal value of a share = Rs. 100.
Rate of dividend = 8%
Nominal value of 50 shares = 50 x Rs. 100
= Rs. 5000
Now, dividend = 8% of Nominal value
= 100 × Rs. 5000
= Rs. 400
Note: Dividend is always taken as percentage of nominal value.
Example 3: The price of Rs. 100 shares is Rs. 150 and the company declares a
dividend of 15%. Find
(i) How many shares can be purchased for Rs. 18000?
(ii) Dividend.
(iii) Rate of interest on the investment.
Solution: Here,
Market value of a share = Rs. 150
Investment = Rs. 18000
= Rs. 1800
iii. Rate of interest (return on the investment)
= Investment × 100%
Rs. 1800
= Rs. 18000 × 100% = 10%
x = Rs. 80
Example 5: What is the interest percentage on a capital invested in 18% share when
Rs. 10 share cost Rs. 12?
Solution: Here,
Nominal value of a share = Rs. 10
Dividend = 18% of nominal value
= 100 × Rs. 10
= Rs. 1.8
Market value of a share = Rs. 12
Interest = Market value × 100%
Rs. 1.8
= Rs. 12 × 100%
= 15%
Note: Dividend distributed at the end of a year is equivalent to the interest on the investment i.e. market value.
48 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
Exercise 2.6
1. (a) A village security committee appointed three persons A, B and C for night time security
of the village from 6 pm to 6 am. It A, B and C watch for 3 hours, 4 hours and 5 hours
respectively each day, and the committee provides Rs 24,000 per month for the security.
Find their salaries.
(b) A, B and C can do a work in 4 days, 5 days and 10 days respectively. Divide Wages of
Rs 33,000 of a certain week among them.
(c) Dinesh, Dipesh and Digdarshan invested Rs 10,00,000, Rs 15,00,000 and Rs 25,00,000
respectively to run a business and made a profit of Rs 12,00,000 in a certain year. Find
how much will the dividend be each's share.
(d) Investments of X, Y and Z are 45%, 25% and 30% respectively in a business form. Find
their dividends from the total profit of Rs 5,00,000.
2. (a) A development bank made a net profit of Rs 40,00,00,000. If the bank distributes 8% of
the profit to its share holders as dividend, find the total dividend.
(b) A company earned Rs 6,00,00,000 net profit in a year. It the company distributed Rs
34,80,000 to its share holders as dividend, what was the rate of dividend?
(c) A share holder of a hydro-electric power company owns certain number of shares of
nominal value Rs 100 each. If the company decided to distribute 20% dividend and the
share holder received Rs 1,00,000 as dividend, find the number of shares belonging to
the share holder.
(d) A share holder of a company owns 2,000 shares the company declares to distribute 12%
dividend for the year and the share holder received Rs 24,000 as dividend what is the
nominal value of a share.
3. (a) If the shares in a company stands at Rs. 118 each, how many shares can be bought for
Rs. 14160?
(b) A man invests Rs. 1,27,500 to purchase shares of a bank at Rs. 425 each. He sells them
when the share value becomes Rs. 450 each. What is his income?
(c) When a Rs. 100 shares costs Rs. 240 in the share market, Arnav invests Rs. 33600 to
buy shares of a company. At the end of the fiscal year, the company pays 13% dividend.
Find his income of that year from shares.
(d) Hari invests Rs. 1,20,000 in buying Rs. 100 shares. If the nominal value of the shares is
Rs. 75000. Find the market value of each share.
4. (a) A man invests Rs. 2880 to buy shares of a company at Rs. 90 each and sells them at
Rs. 120 each. Find his profit percentage.
(b) What is the percentage interest on the capital invested in 18% share, when Rs. 100 share
costs Rs. 120?
(c) Mrs. Gharti buys a Rs. 300 share in a company which pay dividend of 10% which she buys
at such a price that her profit is 20% of her investment. At what price is the share bought?
(d) A man buys some Rs. 100 shares when the market value is Rs. 250 per share for
Rs. 30,000 and makes a profit of 6.4% in his investment. What is the percentage
dividend allowed?
50 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
(vi) From 23rd day to 30th day from the day of meter reading, 5% fine is charged.
(vii) From 31st day to 40th day from the day of meter reading, 10% fine is charged.
(viii) From 41st day to 60th day from the day of meter reading, 25% fine is charged.
52 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
= 60 + 70 + 170 + 210
= Rs 510
Total bill = Service charge + energy charge
= 100 + 510
= Rs 610
o'lg6 ;]jf z'Ns -% PlDko/_ OghL{ z'Ns ;]jf z'Ns -!% PlDko/_ OghL{ z'Ns
) – @) #)÷– #÷– %) $
@! – #) %)÷– &÷– &% &
#! – %) &%÷– *.%)÷– !)) *.%)÷–
%! – !%) !)) ÷– !) ÷– !@% !)
!%! – @%) !@% ÷– !! ÷– !%) !!
@%! – $)) !%) ÷– !@ ÷– !&% !@
$)) eGbf dfly !&% ÷– !# ÷– @)) !#
Example 6: The reading of 1st kartik is 9,345 units and reading on 1st mangsir is 9,660
units . As per rule of new tariff of NEA related to 5A, find the to electricity
bill of the household.
Solution: Here,
Consumed units 1st kartik = 9345 units
Consumed units 1st mangsir = 9660 units
Total consumed units = 9660 – 9345 = 315 units.
Total service charge = Rs 150
Energy charge = 20 × 3 + 10 × 7 + 20 × 8.5 + 100 × 10 + 100 × 11 + 65 × 12
= 60 + 70 + 170 + 1000 + 1100 + 780
= Rs 3180
Total charge = 150 + 3180 = Rs 3330
Exercise 2.7.1
1. (a) The reading of the month, Jestha is 4012 and that of the month, Ashad is 4142. The
electricity charge up to 20 units is Rs. 4 per unit and Rs. 7.30 per unit from 21 to 250
units. What is the charge for electricity?
(b) The minimum charge for the 1st 20 units is Rs. 80 and Rs. 7.50 per unit from 21 to 250
units. What is the charge for 180 units of electricity?
(c) The minimum charge for the 1st 20 units is Rs. 4 per unit. What is the charge for 18
units of electricity?
(d) The minimum charge for the 1st 20 units is Rs. 4 per unit. What is the charge for 10
units of electricity?
2. (a) The charge for the 1st 20 units is Rs. 80. The charge for the units from 21 - 250 is
Rs. 7.50 per unit and the charge for the units above 250 units is Rs. 9.90 per unit. What
is the charge for 300 units of electricity?
54 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
2.7.2 Water Billing
A house may have water facility with a tap with a meter or a tap without a meter. If there is no meter
connected with a tap, the customer has to pay fixed amount fixed by water supply corporation.
Water bill is prepared on the basis of quantity of water used by consumer as shown by the meter. 50%
of bill is charged as sewerage charge and Rs. 5 as miscellaneous charge.
Exercise 2.7.2
1. (a) Observe the water meter readings of a certain house.
Months Baisakh Jestha
Units 3000 3008
The cost upto 8 units is Rs. 40. 50% of water bill is charged as sewerage charge and
Rs. 10 as miscellaneous charge. There is a rebate of 3% if the payment is made within
the 2nd week of next month. Calculate the charge for the month of Jestha, if the payment
is made on the 2nd of Ashad.
56 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
(b) Read the water meter readings given below:
Months Jestha Ashad
Units 3008 3017
The cost upto 9 units is Rs. 50. 50% of water bill is charged as sewerage charge and
Rs. 10 as miscellaneous charge. There is a rebate of 3% if the payment is made within
the 2nd week of next month. Calculate the charge for the month of Ashad if the payment
is made on the 3rd Shrawan.
(c) Observe the table given below, which shows water meter readings.
Months Ashad Shrawan
Units 3017 3027
The cost upto 10 units is Rs. 60. 50% of water bill is charged as sewerage charge and
Rs. 15 as miscellaneous charge. There is a rebate of 3% if the payment is made on the
2nd week of next month. Calculate the charge for the month of Shrawan, if the payment
is made on the 1st Bhadra.
(d) Observe the meter readings of water supply of a certain house hold.
Months Shrawan Bhadra
Units 3027 3037
The sewerage charge is 50% of water bill and Rs. 7 is the miscellaneous charge. The
cost upto 10 units is Rs. 60. There is a rebate of 3% if the payment is made on the 2nd
week of next month. Find the charge that the consumer has to pay for the month of
Bhadra, if he pays on the 4th of Ashoj.
2. (a) Observe the water readings.
Months Baisakh Jestha
Units 4012 4020
The cost upto 8 units is Rs. 80. The sewerage charge is 50% of water bill and Rs. 8 is
the miscellaneous charge. If the payment is made after the 2nd week and within the next
month there is neither rebate nor fine. Find the charge that the customer has to pay for
Jestha if the payment is made on the 2nd of Shrawan.
(b) Observe the table given below of water meter readings.
Months Jestha Ashad
Units 4020 4029
The charge upto 9 units is Rs. 90. The sewerage charge is 50% of water bill and Rs. 10
is the miscellaneous charge. If the payment is made after the 2nd week and within the
next month, there is neither rebate nor fine. Find the charge for the month of Ashad, if
the customer pays on the 28th Shrawan.
(c) Look at the meter readings of water supply of a certain house.
Months Ashad Shrawan
Units 4029 4039
The charge upto 10 units is Rs. 100. The sewerage charge is 50% of water bill and
Rs. 10 is the miscellaneous charge. If the payment is made after the 2nd week and within
the next month, there is neither rebate nor fine. Find the charge for the month of
Shrawan, if the customer pays on the 25th Bhadra.
58 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
Worked Out Examples
Example 1: Raj made a call of 6 minutes in business hours. The time from 08:00 -
18:00 hrs. is known as business hours. In business hours a call of 2
minutes is considered as 1 call. Find the charge if 10% TSC is imposed
on it and then 15% VAT. The charge for 1 call is Re. 1.
Solution: Here,
Time of call = 6minutes.
1 call is of 2 minutes.
No. of calls = 2 = 3
Exercise 2.7.3
1. (a) In an office, the total calls of a day is 90 minutes in business hours. The time from
08:00 - 18:00 hours is known as business hours. In business hours a call of 2 minutes is
considered as a single call and charge is Re.1 per call. Find the charge that the office has
to pay after 10% TSC and 13% VAT.
(b) A travel agency made calls of 240 minutes in a certain day in business hours. The time from
08:00 - 18:00 hours is known as business hours and a call of 2 minutes is considered as a
single call. If the charge is Re. 1 per call, find the total charge after 10% TSC and 13% VAT.
(c) The rental call per month is 200 calls. If a man has made 190 calls in a certain month,
find the charge in a month after 10% TSC and 13% VAT where the charge is Re. 1/call.
(d) The rental call per month is 200 calls. If Raj has made 250 calls in a month, find the
charge in a month after 10% TSC and 13% VAT where the charge for rental call as well
as for extra call is Re. 1/call.
2. (a) The time from 18:00 - 22:00 hours and from 06:00 - 08:00 hours is known as normal
hours. In normal hours, a call of 4 minutes is considered as a single call. Mamata talked
with her friend from 07:20 - 08:00 p.m. what is the charge that Mamata has to pay after
10% TSC and 13% VAT where charge per call is Re. 1?
(b) In normal hours, Raj talked with his friend for 136 minutes. What is the charge after
10% TSC and 13% VAT where charge per call is Re. 1?
(c) The charge for certain number of calls with 10% TSC and 13% VAT is Rs. 79.552. Find
the number of calls if the charge per call is Re. 1.
(d) The charge for certain number of calls with 10% TSC and 13% VAT is Rs. 149.16. Find
the number of calls if the charge per call is Re. 1.
3. (a) The time from 22:00 - 06:00 hrs is known as off hours. In off hours, a call of 8 minutes
is considered as 1 call. Jay talked with his friend from 10:02 - 11:14p.m. What is the
charge after 10% TSC and 13% VAT if the charge per call is Re. 1?
60 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
(b) In off hours, Jyoti made a call to her friend from 10:00 - 12:00 midnight. What is the
charge after 10% TSC and 13% VAT if the charge per call is Re. 1?
(c) In off hours, Nayan made a call of 3 hours. What is the charge after 10% TSC and 13%
VAT if the charge per call is Re. 1?
(d) In off hours, Suryaa made a call of 320 minutes. What is the charge after 10% TSC and
13% VAT if the charge per call is Re. 1?
Exercise 2.7.4
1. Find the total taxi fare between the two places given in table.
S.No. From To Time Distance Waiting time
a. Kalanki Chabahil 5 p.m 7 km. 3 minutes
b. Airport kalimati 2 A.m 10 km. -
c. Babazar Balain chook 11 A.m 4 km. 6 minutes
2. Sangam hired a taxi and travelled 15km. If the minimum rate is Rs. 14 and the fare goes on at
the rate of Rs. 7.20 per 200 meters. Calculate the total fare paid by him.
3. Mr. Ghising paid Rs. 122 for taxi fare. The minimum charge is Rs. 14 and additional charge
RS. 7.20 per 200meters. How many kilometers did he travel by the taxi?
4. Safal travelled the taxi from Singh Durbar to Sano Thimi of distance 7 km. during day time.
Minimum reservation charge is Rs. 14 and the additional charge Rs. 7.20 per 200 meters. There
was imposed waiting charge Rs. 7.20 per 2 minutes. Find what amount of fare Safal paid for
5. Dakshyata hired a taxi to travel from Ratnapark to Godawari which is 20 km. away. The taxi
driver asked whether she wants to pay according to meter with usual rates and rules or a lump
sum Rs. 725. Which will she prefer? By how much is it cheaper?
6. Dikshant travelled 5km. before 9pm. and 4km. afterwards by taxi. Find the total fare he has to
pay with 3 minutes waiting time while getting off. (Use the rates given above)
62 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
Unit Test
Time: 40 minutes F.M.- 24
Group-A (3×1=3)
1. What do you mean a unit of electricity?
2. When the selling price of a watch is Rs 440 and gain percentage is 10%, find the cost price.
3. The total sales of a company is Rs. 2,00,000 in a month and the company allows the
commission at the rate of 0.5% to the agent. Find the amount of commission.
Group-B (4×2=8)
4. The marked price of a pair of shoes Rs 4000. What is its selling price after discount of 10%.
5. The total number of shares of a company is 3,00,000. The company gets an annual profit of
Rs 3,50,00,000. The company board has decided to distribute the dividend 21.5% of total
profit. Find the total dividend amount.
6. Water is supplied through 1 inch pipe line in Hotel jungle lodge. If the Hotel consumed 580
units of water in a month, then find the charge of water with 50% additional service charge.
(minimum charge for 1" pipe upto 5600 liters of water is Rs 3960. Additional charge per
1000 liter is Rs71)
7. Hari travelled 25 km distance by a taxi at Rs 939. If the minimum fare of a taxi is Rs 14,
find the rate of taxi fare per km.
Group – C (2×4=8)
8. A secondary teacher's annual salary is Rs 3,78,000. If he/she pays an annual tax of Rs 14700
at the rate of 1% for the first 3,00,000 and 15% for the next Rs. 1,00,000 of taxable income,
what will be the monthly salary after deduction of tax?
9. Rupan chaudhary made a call of 8 min. in business hours. The time from 08:00-18:00hrs. is
known as business hours. In business hours, a call of 2 minutes is considered as 1 call. Find
the charge of 10% TSC is imposed on it and then 15% VAT. The charge for a call is Rs. 1.
Group – D (1×5 = 5)
10. The shopkeeper marks the price of an article 30% above its cost price and gives the
customers a discount of 10% so that he gains Rs. 34 on the article. Find the marked price of
the article.
Exercise 2.2
1. (a) 3,20,000 (b) 700 (c) 34,500 (d) 11,000
2. (a) 45,00,000 (b) 64,00,000 (c) 6 (d) 5
3. (a) 61,75,000 (b) 72,80,000 (c) 1,12,500 (d) 1,00,000
4. (a) 55,000 (b) 90,000
Exercise 2.3
1. (a) 200,800 (b) 165 (c) 10
2. (a) 800 (b) 25%
3. (a) 1539 (b) 23408
4. (a) 10,000 & 8000 (b) 9000 & 7500 (c) 8000
5. (a) 25000 (b) 25 (c) 25
6. (a) 3750 (b) 6000 (c) Rs 2000
7. (a) 2 (b) 15000 (c) 12%
Exercise 2.4
1. (a) 9,100 (b) 1000, 2,28,000 (c) 3500 (d) 791.67, 2,40,500
2. (a) 30,000 (b) 40,000 (c) 15 (d) 12
3. (a)3,36,000 (b) 26,000 (c) 15 (d) 10
4. (a)1350 (b) 4250
Exercise 2.5
1. (a) 32,000 (b) 41,000 (c) 2,05,000 (d) 3,60,000
2. (a) 8 (b) 12 (c) 450 (d) 400
3. (a) 31,250 & 1,25,000 (b) 2,00,000 & 4,00,000
Exercise 2.6
1. (a) Rs 6,000, Rs 8,000, Rs 10,000 (b) Rs 15,000, Rs 12,000, Rs 6,000
(c) Rs 2,40,000, Rs 3,60,000, Rs 6,00,000 (d) Rs 2,25,000, Rs 1,25,000, Rs 1,50,000
2. (a) Rs 3,20,00,000 (b) 5.8% (c) 5000 (d) Rs 100
3. (a) 120 (b) 7500 (c) 1820 (d) 160
4. (a) 33.33% (b) 15% (c) 150 (d) 16%
64 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
5. (a) (i) 180 (ii) 3600 (iii) 7 %
(b) (i) 15000 (ii) 2000 (iii) 13 %
(c) (i) 32 (ii) 400 (iii) 8000
(d) (i) 2200 (ii) 4950
Exercise 2.7.1
1. (a) 883 (b) 1280 (c) 80 (d) 80
2. (a) 2300 (b) 2795 (c) 150 (d)170
3. (a) 1387.10 (b) 1706.23 (c) 500.50 (d) 663
4. (a) 90 (b) 650
5. 2305 6. 120 units 7. Rs 1649 8. Rs 1365
Exercise 2.7.2
1. (a) 67.90 (b) 82.45 (c)101.85 (d) 94.09
2. (a) 12.8 (b) 145 (c) 160 (d) 96
3. (a) 95 (b) 78 (c) 155.25 (d) 168
Exercise 2.7.3
1. (a) 55.44 (b) 49.16 (c) 248.60 (d) 310.75
2. (a) 12.43 (b) 42.26 (c) 64 (d) 120
3. (a) 11.19 (b) 18.65 (c) 27.97 (d) 49.72
Exercise 2.7.4
1. (a) Rs 287.80 (b) Rs 576 (c) Rs 184.20
2. Rs 554
3. 3km
4. Rs 280.40
5. The ump sum Rs 725, Cheaper by Rs 29
6. 443.2
66 | Mathematics - 9 Arithmetic
At the end of this chapter, the
students will be able to:
solve the problem related to
surface area and volume cubical
and cuboids soon.
calculate the area of outside
path, inside path and cross path in
rectangular ground.
calculate the cost of carpeting,
colouring, and plastering in a room
according as the cost per unit.
Teaching Materials:
Problem related objects which is
locally available i.e. brick, tiles, etc.
measuring instruments, like tape,
meter scale, locally available price list
of colouring materials, carpet, etc.
chart paper.
Historical fact
The Greek word “Peripheria”- meaning “ periphery” inspired the symbol (pi) a
constant, now taken as the ratio of circumference to the diameter of a circle.
Circumference (C)
i.e. =
Diameter (D)
The accuracy by which the value of was estimated in different ages by
different mathematicians differently. Willian Jones
Egyptians (1650 B.C), = 34
10 10
Archimedes (240 B.C), = 371 < < 370
Claudius Ptolemy (150A.D), = 120
Tsu Ching – Chih (480A.D), = 113
Aryabhatta (530 A.D), = 20000
68 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
1 Triangle 1 P = AB + BC + CA
A = 2 base x
2 Square A = l2 p = 4l
A = 2 d2
4 Parallelogram A = base × P = AB + BC + CD
height + DA
5 Equilateral 3 p = 3a
Triangle A = 4 a2
7 Rhombus 1 p = 4a
A = 2 d1 x d2
A = (d+2/4) C = d
11 Semi-circle 1 C = r + 2r or
A = 2 r2 or
c = (d/2) + d
A = 8 d2
70 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
3.1 Area of Pathways
Area of Surrounding Paths
1. Area of surrounding path of fixed width running outside a rectangular field.
Roads or pathways sometimes run all around plots of land, gardens, squares, ponds etc and we need to
find the area covered by such pathways.
Let ABCD be a rectangular plot of a land of length l and breadth b. and a
pathway of uniform width w runs surrounding the plot outside. The length
and breadth of the plot including the path are HG = (l + 2w) and b w
FG = (b + 2w) respectively. l
Area of plot, ABCD = A1 = l × b ... (i) H l + 2w G
Area of the plot including path, A2 = (l + 2w) (b + 2w)
= lb + 2lw + 2bw + 4w2 ... (ii)
Area of surrounding path (outside) = A2 – A1
= lb + 2lw + 2bw + 4w2 – lb.
= 2w(l + b + 2w) square units.
2. Area of the pathway of fixed width running inside a rectangular field:
Let a pathway of uniform width w runs inside a rectangular plot ABCD of
length l and breadth b, then length and breadth of the plot EFGH excluding l - 2w
the pathway are (l – 2w) and (b – 2w) respectively.
b - 2w w
Area of the pathway = Area of rectangle ABCD – area of rectangle EFGH
= lb – (l – 2w) (b – 2w) D l C
= lb – (lb – 2lw – 2bw + 4w )
= lb – lb + 2lw + 2bw - 4w2
= 2w (l + b - 2w) square units.
(i) Area of the path running outside the square plot of side a is A = 4w(a + w)
(ii) Area of the path running inside the square plot of side a is A = 4w(a – w).
3. Area of path of uniform width running outside a circular plot: w
Let OA = r be the radius of the circular plot and OB = R be the radius of the
circular plot including path of width w i.e. r + w = R. O
Area of the circular path = Area of outer circle – Area of inner circle. R
= R2 - r2 = (R2 - r2) sq. units.
72 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
We have,
Area of surrounding path (inside) = 2w(l + b – 2w)
or, 111m2 = 2 × 1.5m(3x + 2x – 2 × 1.5m)
or, 111m2 = 3m(5x – 3m)
or, 37m = 5x – 3m
or, 5x = 40m
x = 8m.
Length (l) = 3x = 3 × 8m = 24m and breadth (b) = 2x = 2 × 8m = 16m.
Example 3: The circumference of a circular garden is 220m and a path 3.5m wide
runs around the garden. Find the cost of plastering the path at Rs. 60 per
sq. metre.
Solution: Here,
Circumference of the circular garden (C) = 220m.
If radius = r then
2r = 220m
or, 2 × 7 × r = 220m
r = 35m.
Width of the path(w) = 3.5m
Radius of the garden including path (R) =r+w
= 35m + 3.5m = 38.5m
Area of the path = (R2 - r2)
= 7 {(38.5m)2 – (35m)2}
= 7 {1482.25m2 – 1225m2}
= 7 × 257.5 = 808.5m2
The cost of plastering the path = Rs. 60 per sq.m.
Total cost of plastering the path = Area of path × Rate
= 808.5m2 × Rs. 60/m2
= Rs.48510.
Therefore, the cost of plastering the path is Rs. 48510.
Example 4: A rectangular plot of land is 64m long and 50m wide. Two paths, each of
width 2m one parallel to length and other parallel to width of the plot
cross each other inside the plot. Calculate,
(i) the cost of paving the path with bricks of size 16cm × 14 cm at Rs. 6
per brick.
(ii) The cost of turfing the remaining space at Rs. 4 per sq. m.
(i) Total cost of bricks at Rs. 6 per brick = No. of bricks × Rate
= 10000 × Rs. 6 = Rs. 60000
(ii) Area of the plot including paths =l×b
= 64m × 50m = 3200m2
Area of the remaining space = Area of plot - Area of path
= 3200m2 – 224m2 = 2976m2
The cost of turfing the remaining space at Rs. 4 per sq.m. = 2976m2 × Rs. 4/m2
= Rs. 11904.
Therefore, the cost of turfing the remaining space is Rs. 11904 and the cost of
paving the paths is Rs. 60,000.
Example 5: Two pathways run across a field 80m × 40m crossing each other at a
right angle. The path parallel to the length is 2m wide and parallel to the
breadth is 3m wide. Find the area of the path inside the field. And
calculate the cost of the gravelling the path at Rs. 50 per sq.m.
Solution: Here, two crossing paths are of different widths. Length of the field (l) = 80m and
width of the path along length w1 = 2m. T U
Breadth of the field (b) = 40m.
Width of the path along breadth w2 = 3m
Now area of cross path P Q
40m 2m
= lw1 + bw2 - w1w2
= 80m × 2m + 40m×3m - 2m × 3m 3m
2 2 2
= 160m + 120m - 6m D W V C
A = 274m2
Area of the cross path is 274m2.
Now cost of gravelling sq.m (C) = Rs. 50
Total cost (T.C) = A × C = 274 × Rs. 50 = Rs. 13700
74 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
Exercise 3.1
1. Calculate the area of the shaded regions of the following figures where width of the shaded
parts are uniform.
(a) (b)
4cm 2m
(c) (d)
4m 3m
2. Find the area of the shaded parts in each of the following figures.
(a) (b)
0.7m 1.4cm
(c) (d)
4m 4cm
20m 42cm
30 m
60 m
40 m
50 m 100 m
4. (a) If the rectangular ground has the length 80m, breadth 60m, uniform width of the path of
3m is running around outside of the ground, find the area of the path.
(b) A boarder 8cm wide runs around a towel 120 cm long and 80cm wide. Find the area of
the boarder of the towel.
(c) A path of uniform width of 1.5m runs all around a swimming pool 50m long and 25m
wide. Find the area of the path.
(d) Two paths each of width 4m run across the middle of a rectangular field 24m long and
16m wide. Calculate the area of the paths.
5. (a) A rectangular plot of land is 88m long and has an area 4840m2. If it has a path of
uniform width 2m within it, find the area of the path.
(b) A circular ground has a track of uniform width 2.1m. all around it. If the area of the
track is 568.26m2, find the area of the ground excluding the track.
(c) The cost of constructing a path running inside a rectangular field at Rs. 52 per square
metre is Rs. 7,280. Find the area of the path.
(d) 5000 bricks of size 20cm × 12cm each are required to pave the path running outside a
square field. Calculate the area of the path.
6. (a) A rectangular garden is surrounded by a path of uniform width 3m. If breadth of the
garden is 40m and area of the path is 588m2, find the length of the garden.
(b) A path of uniform width 4m runs outside a square flower bed and has an area of 448m2.
Find the area of the flower bed.
(c) A room measuring 6m × 4m is carpeted leaving space of 25cm all around. Find the area
of the carpet.
(d) The area of a square pond is 400 m2. A path of uniform width surrounds the pond and
its area is 176m2. Find the width of the path.
7. (a) Two cross paths run across a rectangular field of length 90m and breadth 60m. If the
area of the cross paths is 584m2, find the width of the path.
(b) Two cross paths each 3m wide run across a rectangular garden. If the area of the cross
path is 243m2 and the length of the garden is 48m, find the breadth of the garden.
(c) A circular plot of diameter 28m is surrounded by a path of uniform width. If the area of
the path is 346.5m2, find the width of the path.
(d) If the sum of the radii of two concentric circles is 28cm and difference is 12cm, find the
area of the annular part enclosed by the two circles.
8. (a) A rectangular field is 96m in length and 42m in breadth. A path of uniform width 3m runs
immediately inside its boundary. Find the cost of gravelling the path at Rs. 32 per square metre.
76 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
(b) A uniform path of width 2m surrounding a pool 20m × 16m is to be paved with marbles
of size 10cm × 8cm each. If a marble costs Rs. 5, find the cost of paving the path.
(c) A square lawn is surrounded by a path of uniform width 3m. The cost of paving the path
with marble at Rs. 200 per m2 is Rs. 36000. Find the area of the lawn and cost of
watering the lawn at Rs. 3 per m2.
(d) A square park 2025m2 in area is surrounded by a road 3m broad. Find the cost of paving
the road with concrete slabs 16cm × 12cm each at Rs. 10 per piece.
9. (a) A circular garden of diameter 56m has a path of uniform width 3.5m running
immediately outside it. Find the cost of plastering the path at Rs. 80 per m2.
(b) Fencing a circular field at Rs. 25 per meter costs Rs. 6600. A path 1.4 m wide runs
around the field. Find the cost of gravelling the path at Rs. 40 per sq. metre.
(c) Length and breadth of a rectangular field are in the ratio 2:1. The cost of gravelling two
cross paths of equal width across the middle of the field at Rs. 25 per sq.m is Rs. 11250
and if the cost of plastering the common part of the two cross paths at Rs. 40 is Rs. 360,
find the cost of turfing the empty space at Rs. 8 per m2.
(d) A park 36m × 20m is to be surrounded by a path of uniform width 2m, paving with
marble slabs 18cm × 12cm each at the rate of Rs. 20 per piece. If 10% of the space of
the path is occupied by cement, find the cost of paving the path.
Other prisms:
Measurement line
Extension line
Useful Relations
Area of a cross section (base) = a (depends upon shape of
the polygonal base). In the given rectangular based prism,
Area of the cross section ABCD (a) = l × b ... (i) D
i. Opposite faces which are congruent determine the l h
cross section. Here ABCD and EFGH are bases (cross
sections). B b C
ii. Distance between these cross-sections is the length/height of the prism. Here CG = h is height.
78 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
iii. Rectangular faces between the cross sections or bases are lateral surfaces.
Lateral surface area of the prism = Area of (ABFE + BCGF + CDHG + ADHE)
= AB × AE + BC × CG + CD × CG + AD × AE
= l × h + b× h + l × h + b × h
= (2l + 2b)h
= 2(l + b)h
L.S.A = P × h ... (ii) where p is the perimeter of the cross section.
Total surface area (T.S.A) = L.S.A + 2 area of base
or, T.S.A = L.S.A + 2A ... (iii)
And volume of the prism = AB × BC × CG
V=A×h ... (iv)
Where A is the area of base.
= 2 × 7cm × 24cm = 84cm2.
Exercise 3.2
1. Find the total surface area and volume of the following solids.
(a) (b)
80 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
(c) (d)
6cm 12cm
2. (a) The volume of a cube is 216cm3. Find its total surface area.
(b) If the total surface area of a cube is 384cm2, find its volume.
(c) The volume of a cubical block is 350cm3. If the area of its base is 70cm2, find its height.
(d) The total surface area of a rectangular parallelopipe with square cross-section is
6048cm2. If the area of the cross-section is 1296cm2, find its length.
3. Find the total surface area and volume of the given solids:
(a) 4cm (b) 3cm
5cm 3cm
2cm 2cm
(c) (d)
4cm 4cm
3cm 6cm
(d) A swimming pool is 16m broad and 50m long. If its depth is increasing regularly from
1m to 2m, how much water will it contain in litres when it is fully filled?
6. A cubical wooden solid having side 16cm is cut down into 8 equal pieces of cube. Find the
length of side of a new cube.
7. Calculate the volume and total surface area of your class room.
8. Investigate the volume of the stage of program halls of your school.
82 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
3.3 Area of Four Walls, Floor and Ceiling
Given figure can be considered as the model of a room. Having H
length l, breadth b and height h where ABCD is the floor, EFGH
is the ceiling and ABFE, BCGF, CDHG, DAEH are four walls.
A comfortably constructed room is generally cuboidal in shape E
Area of floor = area of ceiling = l×b. ... (i)
Area of front wall = area of back wall = l×h.
Area of right side wall = area of left side wall = b×h. l
Diagonal of a Room H
BD = AB2 + AD2 A l B
2 2
= l +b
Again in right DBF, where DBF = 90°
DF = DB2 + BF2
= ( l2 + b2) + h2
= l 2 + b 2 + h2
Diagonal of a room = l2 + b2 + h2 .
Total cost C
ii. cost/cu.unit = Volume i.e. Total cost = V × m3
Total cost C
iii. cost/piece = Number i.e. Total cost = N × piece.
Total cost C
iv. = Length i.e. Total cost = l ×
cost/unit length m
84 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
Example 2: Perimeter of the floor of a room is 18m and its height 4m. Find the area
of 4 walls of the room.
Solution: Here, Perimeter of the floor (P) = 18cm
Height (h) = 4m
We have,
Area of 4 walls = 2h (l + b)
= 2(l + b) h
= 18m × 4m = 72m2
Area of 4 walls of the room is 72m2.
Example 3: A room with length 8m, breadth 6m and height 4m has a door 2m × 1m
and two windows 1m × 2m each. Find the area of 4 walls excluding door
and windows.
Solution: Here, For the room
Length (l) = 8m.
Breadth (b) = 6m.
Height (h) = 4m.
Area of 4 walls (A) = 2h (l + b)
= 2 × 4m (8m + 6m)
= 8m × 14m
= 112m2
Area of a door (A1) = 2m × 1m. = 2m2
Area of 2 windows (A2) = 2(2m × 1m) = 4m2.
Area of 4 walls excluding door and windows = A – A1 – A2
= 112m2 – 2m2 – 4m2 = 106m2
Therefore, area of 4 walls excluding door and windows is 106m2.
Example 4: A room is 10m long and 8m wide. If the area of 4 walls is 180m2, find the
height of the room.
Solution: Here, Length of the room (l) = 10m.
Breadth (b) = 8m.
Let height be h
Area of 4 walls of the room = 180m2
or, 2h(l + b) = 180m2
or, 2h(10m + 8m) = 180m2
or, h = 36m
h = 5m.
Therefore, height of the room is 5m.
l = 6m.
Area of floor of the room = l2 = (6m)2 = 36m2.
Example 7: A room is 8m long and 6m wide. How long carpet is required to cover the
floor of the room if the width of the carpet is 2 m?
Solution: Here, Let length of the carpet be l
Its width (b) = 2m.
Length of the room (L) = 8m
Breadth of the room (B) = 6m
Since, Area of carpet = area of room.
l×b=L× B
or, l × 2m = 8m × 6m
or, l = 24m.
Therefore, 24m long carpet is required to cover the floor.
Example 8: A room is 10m long, 6m wide and 4m high. Find the cost of carpeting the
floor at the rate of Rs. 50 per square metre and painting the four walls at
the rate of Rs. 25 per square metre.
Solution: Here, Length of the room (l) = 10m
Breadth (b) = 6m
86 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
Height (h) = 4m
Area of floor =l×b
= 10m × 6m = 60m2
Cost of carpeting the floor at Rs. 50 per m2 (C1) = Area × Rate
= 60m2 × Rs. 50/ m2
= Rs. 3000
Area of 4 walls = 2h(l + b)
= 2 × 4m(10m + 6m)
= 8m × 16m = 128m2
Cost of painting 4 walls at Rs. 75 per m2 (C2) = Area of 4 walls × Rate
= 128m2 × Rs. 25/m2
= Rs. 3200.
Total cost = C1 + C2
= Rs. 3000 + Rs. 3200
= Rs. 6200.
Therefore, the total cost of carpeting the floor and painting the walls is Rs. 6200.
Example 9: A room is 12m long, 8m broad and 4m high. It has a door 2m × 1m and 2
windows each 2m × 1.5m. Calculate the total cost of papering on the
walls and the ceiling at the rate of Rs. 50 per square metre.
Solution: Here, Length of the room (l) = 12m.
Breadth (b) = 8m
Height (h) = 4m
Size of a door = 2m × 1m
Size of a window = 2m × 1.5m
Total area occupied by the door and windows
a = 2m × 1m + 2(2m × 1.5m)
= 2m2 + 6m2 = 8m2
Area of 4 walls and ceilings = 2h(l + b) + l × b
= 2 × 4m(12m + 8m) + 12m × 8m
= 8m × 20m2+ 96m2
= 160m2 + 96m2
= 256m2
Area of 4 walls and ceiling excluding door and windows = 256m2 – 8m2
= 248m2
Now cost of papering on the walls and ceiling at Rs. 50 per m .
= Area × Rate
= 248m2 × Rs. 50/m2
= Rs. 12400.
Therefore, the cost of papering the walls and ceiling is Rs. 12400.
2h(l + b) = 160m2
or, 2 × 4m (l + l) = 160m2
160 × 3
or, 5l = 8 m
l = 12m.
2 2 × 12
Breadth of the room (b) = 3 l = 3 m = 8m.
Now, area of floor = l × b
= 12m × 8m = 96m2
Total cost of carpeting the floor at Rs. 200 per square metre =A×C
= 96m2 × Rs. 200/m2
= Rs. 19200.
Therefore, the cost of carpeting the floor of the room is Rs. 19200.
Example 11: The cost of plastering the walls of a square room at Rs. 10 per m2 is Rs.
3240 and the cost of carpeting its floor at Rs. 25 per m2 is Rs. 8100. Find
the height of the room.
Solution: Here, Cost of carpeting the room at Rs. 25 per m2 is Rs. 8100
Area of floor = C
Rs 8100
or, l2 = Rs 25
l = 18m.
Again, cost of plastering the walls at Rs. 10 per m2 is Rs. 3240.
The area of 4 walls = C
Rs 3240
2h (l + l) = Rs 10/m2
or, 2 × h(18m + 18m) = 324m2
h = 4.5m
Therefore, the height of the room is 4.5m.
88 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
Exercise 3.3
1. (a) Calculate the area of 4 walls of a hall of length 18m, breadth 12m and height 5m.
(b) Find the area of four walls and ceiling of a room 10 m long, 6m wide and 4m high.
(c) Find the area of 4 walls, floor and ceiling of a room 8m long, 6m width and 3.5m high.
(d) Find the area of 4 walls of a room 9m long, 6m wide and 4m high leaving 8m2 for doors
and windows.
2. (a) If the area of 4 walls of a room 6m wide and 3.5m high is 105m2, find the length of the
(b) If the perimeter of a room 4m high is 44m, what is the area of 4 walls of the room?
(c) The area of 4 walls of a room is 56m2.Find the perimeter of the room if the height of the
room is 2 m.
(d) The area of 4 walls of a square room is 216m2. If the room is 4.5m high, find the length
of the room.
3. (a) A room is twice as long as it is broad and it is 3.5m high. If the area of its 4 walls is
105m2, find the area of its floor.
(b) The length and breadth of a chamber of a clock tower are 8m and 6m. If the diagonal of the
chamber is 26m, find the height of the chamber and hence find the area of its 4 walls.
(c) A room is 12m long, 10m broad and 4.5m high. It contains a door of size 1m × 3m and
two windows of size 2m × 1.5m each. Find the area of the four walls of the room
excluding the door and windows.
(d) Area of the ceiling of a room 4m high is 48m2. If the area of 4 walls of the room is
112m2, calculate the length and breadth of the room.
4. (a) If a room 8m long and 5m wide is laid with carpet 2m wide, find the total length of the
carpet required.
(b) A room 8m long and 4m broad is covered with carpet of a certain width. If the total
length of the carpet used is 12.8m, find the width of the carpet.
(c) How many pieces of paper each measuring 1.5m by 0.4m will be required to cover the four
walls of a hall 15m long, 9m wide and 5m high leaving 18m2 for doors and windows?
(d) How many pieces of paper each of area 1.25m2 are required to cover the 4 walls and
ceiling of a room 9m long, 7m wide and 3.5m high, if 7.5m2 of the wall is covered by
doors and windows?
5. (a) Find the cost of plastering 4 walls and ceiling of a room 9m long, 6.5m broad and 4m
high at a rate of Rs. 20 per square metre.
(b) Find the cost of laying a room 7m long and 6.5 m broad with parquet at Rs. 250 per
square metre.
(c) Find the cost of distempering the walls of a room 10m long, 8m wide and 5m high at
Rs.15 per square metre.
(d) The cost of plastering the walls of a room at Rs. 21.50 per m2 is Rs. 3870. Find the cost
of painting the walls at Rs. 16 per square metre.
90 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
Walls also consist separate doors and windows as thick as the wall and of desired length and
height. For example, if width (length) and height of a door be l and h, then volume occupied
by the door.
V = l t h where t is thickness of wall.
2. Surrounding wall (inside)
A l B
Let a wall of height h and thickness 't' is to be built surrounding inside a rectangular plot of
length l and breadth b. The base of the surrounding wall is just like a surrounding path of area.
A = 2t(l + b – 2t)
Volume of the surrounding wall (inside),
V = 2t(l + b – 2t)h
3. Surrounding wall (outside)
Let a wall of thickness t and height h is to be built surrounding outside a rectangular plot of
length l and breadth b, then the base of the wall is just like a surrounding path (outside) of area.
A = 2t(l + b + 2t)
Volume of the surrounding wall (outside)
V = 2t(l + b + 2t)h
4. Cross wall
t b
Let wall of height h and thickness 't' is to be built across a rectangular plot of length l and
breadth b.
If C is the cost of a brick, then total cost of bricks = Number of bricks × Rate
T.C = NC
Note: Units of all the dimensions of a wall and the bricks should be same.
Volume of material contained in a box
1. If external dimensions are l × b × h, external volume Vext = l × b × h. If thickness of the
material is t then internal dimensions are (l – 2t)(b – 2t)(h – 2t)
Internal volume = Vint = (l – 2t)(b – 2t)(h – 2t)
The volume of the material in the box = Vext - Vint.
2. If internal dimension l × b × h and thickness t are given,
Internal volume (Vint) = l × b × h
External volume (Vext) = (l + 2t)(b + 2t)(h + 2t)
The volume of the material in the box = Vext - Vint.
92 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
We have, volume of the wall,
Volume of the wall (V) =l×b×h
= 25m × 0.5m × 4m = 50m3
Therefore, the volume of the wall is 50m3.
Example 2: There are 1200 bricks each of size 25cm × 10cm × 5cm in a wall. Find the
volume of the wall.
Solution: Here,
Size of a brick = 25cm × 10cm × 5cm
Volume of a brick (v) = 0.25m × 0.10m × 0.05m.
v = 0.00125m3.
Number of bricks (N) = 1200
Volume of the wall (V) =N×v
= 1200 × 0.00125m3 = 1.5m3
Therefore, the volume of the wall (V) = 1.5m3
Example 3: A wall is 25m long, 4m high and 30cm thick. If it contains two windows
2m × 1.5m each and a door 3m × 2m, find the cost of bricks of size
15cm ×10cm ×5cm at Rs. 4 per piece.
Solution: Here,
Length of wall (l) = 25m,
Height of the wall (h) = 4m,
Thickness of the wall (t) = 30cm = 0.30m
Volume of wall = l × h × t = 25m × 4m × 0.30m = 30m3.
Volume of the wall occupied by doors and windows = 2(2m×1.5m×0.3m)+3m×2m×0.3m
= 1.8m3 + 1.8m3 = 3.6m3
Volume of the wall excluding the doors and windows (V)
= Volume of wall – volume of doors and windows.
= 30m3 – 3.6m3
= 26.4m3
Volume of a brick (v) = 15cm × 10cm × 5cm
= 0.15m × 0.10m × 0.05m
= 0.00075m3.
Now, number of bricks needed (N) = v
or, N = 0.00075m3 = 35200
Therefore, cost of bricks at Rs. 4 per piece = N × rate = 35200 × Rs. 4 = Rs. 140800
94 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
Example 6: The internal dimensions of a wooden box are 36cm × 26cm × 16cm. Find
the external volume of the box, if the volume of wood used in 9024cm3.
Solution: Here,
Internal length (l) = 396cm, internal breadth (b) = 26cm and
Internal height (h) = 16cm
Internal volume (Vint) =l×b×h
= 36cm × 26cm × 16cm
= 14976cm3
Volume of wood (V) = 9024cm3.
External volume of the box (Vext) = Vint + V
= 14976cm3 + 9024cm3
= 24000cm3
Therefore, the external volume of the box is 24000cm3.
Exercise 3.4
1. (a) Find the volume of a wall 10m long, 4m high and 25cm thick.
(b) Find the volume of a brick of size 25cm by 10cm by 5cm in cubic meter.
(c) A wall is 18m long and 3m high. If its volume is 10.8m3, find its thickness.
(d) A wall 3.5m high, 25cm thick. If its volume is 10.5m3, how long is the wall?
2. (a) A wall 20m long, 4m high and 25cm thick has two windows 2m × 1.5m each. Find the
volume of the wall excluding the windows.
(b) 1500 bricks 25cm by 10cm by 5cm each are required to build a wall. Find the volume of
the wall.
(c) Find the volume of each brick if 62500 bricks were used to construct a wall of size
18m × 4m × 1.5m.
(d) Find the number of bricks required to construct a wall 30m × 4m × 0.5m, if the size of
each brick is 25cm × 10cm × 5cm.
3. (a) A brick of volume 1250cm3 costs Rs. 3.50. A man spends Rs. 52,500 to build a wall.
Find the volume of the wall.
(b) A brick costs Rs. 3.50 and Tuyoocha Sahu had to spend Rs. 87,500 to build a wall of
volume 33.75m3. Find the volume of each brick.
(c) A wall 11m × 25cm × 3.5m is built by using bricks each of size 22cm × 10cm × 5cm. If
a brick costs Rs. 2.50, find the total expenditure.
(d) A wall 25m × 20cm × 3m built with 1250cm3 same sized bricks cost Rs. 40800. Find
the cost of each brick.
Project Work
6. Take the measurements of the dimensions of your class room.
(a) Find the area of 4 walls of the room.
(b) Find the area and total cost of plastering at Rs. 200 per sq.m. floor of the room.
(c) Find the total cost of painting on the ceiling of the class room at the rate of Rs. 250 per
square meter.
(d) Find the area of 4 walls excluding the window and the door.
(e) Calculate the total cost of papering on its 4 walls excluding door and window at the rate
of Rs. 30 per square meter.
7. Measure the length and breadth of the basket ball court of your School. Calculate the number
of tiles of size 2ft. x 1ft. needed to pave on it at the rate of Rs. 315 per piece.
96 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
Unit Test
Time: 40 minutes F.M.- 24
Group-A (3×1=3)
1. What is the area of a square when the diagonal (d) is given?
2. Find the area of four walls of the room having length 10m, breath 8m and height 5m.
3. If the area of cross-section of a prism is A cm2 and height is h cm, find its volume.
Group- B (4 × 2 = 8)
4. The perimeter of a square garden is 100m. Find its area.
5. Find the perimeter of a semi-circle having diameter 14cm.
6. A room has length 9ft and breadth 6ft. What is the total cost of carpeting on its floor at the
rate of Rs. 150 per sq. ft?
7. The wall has to be made of length 11m, breadth 1m and height 5m. How many bricks of
dimensions 22 cm×10cm×5 cm are needed.
Group- C (2×4=8)
8. Find the total surface area of given prism.
9 cm
4 cm
7 cm
16 cm
9. A room of length 7m & breadth 5m has a door of side 2m×1.5m & two windows of side
1m×1.5m each. Total cost of colouring on it's four walls at the rate of Rs 7.5 per m2 is Rs
495. Find the height of the room.
Group- D (1× 5=5)
10. The volume of the room having length double of its breadth is 396m3. Total cost of
colouring its celling at the rate of Rs 30 per m2 is Rs 2160 what is the cost of colouring its
four walls at the rate of Rs60 per m2?
Exercise 3.2
1. (a) 660cm2, 600cm3 (b) 600cm2, 864cm3 (c) 247.18cm2, 187.08cm3 (d) 864cm2, 1728cm3
2 3
2. (a) 216cm (b) 512cm (c) 5cm (d) 24cm
3. (a) 462cm2, 540cm3 (b) 60cm2, 72cm3 (c) 322cm2, 246cm3 (d) 452cm2, 504cm3
4. (a) 102cm3 (b) 144cm3 (c) 156cm3 (d) 324cm3
5. (a) 152000cm3, 16800cm2 (b) 556cm3 (c) 69600cm3 (d) 12,00,000 litres.
6. 8 cm
Exercise 3.3
1. (a) 300m2 (b) 188m2 (c) 194m2 (d) 112m2
2. (a) 9m (b) 176m (c) 14m (d) 12m
3. (a) 50m2 (b) 24m (c) 189m2 (d) 8m, 6m
4. (a) 20m (b) 2.5m (c) 370 (d) 134
5. (a) Rs. 2480 (b) Rs. 11375 (c) Rs. 2700 (d) Rs. 2880
6. (a) 7m (b) 4m (c) Rs. 11340 (d) 4.5m
7. (a) Rs. 14400 (b) Rs. 1800 (c) Rs. 10125 (d) Rs. 9600
8. (a) 4.4m (b) Rs. 2376
Exercise 3.4
1. (a) 10m3 (b) 0.00125m3 (c) 20cm (d)12m
2. (a) 18.5m3 (b) 1.875m3 (c) 1728cm3 (d) 48000
3. (a) 18.75m3 (b) 1350cm3 (c) Rs. 21875 (d) Rs. 3.4
4. (a) 38m3 (b) 1,20,000, Rs. 42,000 (c) 28125 (d) 222.4m3
3 3
5. (a) 1446cm (b) 1951cm , Rs. 975.5 (c) 29.36 kg
6. Show your teacher
7. Show your teacher.
98 | Mathematics - 9 Mensuration
At the end of this chapter, the
students will be able to:
factorize the different algebraic
simplify the problem related to
laws of indices.
solve the exponential equation.
simplify the surds and rationalize
solve the problems related to
ratio and proportion.
Teaching Materials:
Chart of algebraic formula, chart of
laws of indices and surds, flash cards,
different color board markers, etc.
4.1 Factorisation
Let us take two algebraic expressions 2x and (x – 3y). When these two expressions are multiplied
together, then the product of 2x and (x – 3y) is 2x × (x – 3y) = 2x2 – 6xy.
2x2 – 6xy is a single algebraic expression which is the product of the two expressions 2x and x – 3y.
So, 2x and x – 3y are called the factors of the expression 2x2 – 6xy.
Thus, the factorization is the process by which the given algebraic expression can be expressed as the
product of two or more algebraic expression or terms.
When we factorise an algebraic expression, we write the given expression as the product of its factors.
So, for finding the factors of the given expression, we apply the selected method of factorization for
the particular type of expression. Therefore, it is very important and useful to know about the types of
expression which are to be factorised.
1. (i) Factorisation of the expression by taking common only:
To factorise such as expression, the common factor is taken out and each term of the given
expression should be divided by the common factor to get another factor.
For example: 3x2y – 6xy2 is an expression containing two terms. The both terms have the
common factor is 3xy. Then, 3x2y – 6xy2 = 3xy (x – 2y)
(ii) Factorisation of the expression by making groups before taking common:
To factorise such an expression, the terms of the given expression are to be arranged for
making a suitable groups such that each group has a common factor.
For example: x2 + xy + zx + yz is an expression. In this expression, the first two terms are
taken in a group. Then by taking common in each group, the common factor is (x + y).
Now, x2 + xy + zx + yz
= x(x + y) + z(x + y)
= (x + y) (x + z)
(x + y) and (x + z) are the factors of the given expression x2 + xy + zx + yz.
a2 a2 - b2 Remaining part
a b a
b b2
c. Cut the remaining part whose area is (a2 – b2) sq. units along a
the diagonal as shown in the figure alongside. a-b
a b
d. Make a rectangle by rearranging two parts after cutting, where
the length and the breadth of the rectangle are (a + b) units and b
(a – b) units respectively.
b a
(a-b) (a-b)
a b
a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b).
Here, the expression a2 – b2 is the difference of the square of two terms a and b. From the above
illustration, it is clear that (a + b) and (a – b) are the factors of a2 – b2. Thus, we can use the formula
a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a –b) to factorize the algebraic expression of the form a2 – b2.
Important formulae:
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 or, (a – b)2 + 4ab
(a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2 or, (a + b)2 – 4ab
a2 – b2 = (a + b)(a – b)
a2 + b2 = (a + b)2 – 2ab or, (a – b)2 + 2ab
= 3b{(a)2 – (3b)2}
= 3b(a + 3b)(a – 3b)
(b) m2 – 4n2 – m3 + 2m2n = m2 – (2n)2 – m2(m – 2n)
= (m + 2n) (m – 2n) – m2 (m – 2n)
= (m – 2n) (m + 2n – m2)
x2 x
= 12y2 + (16 – 15) y – 20
x2 x x
= 12y2 + 16 y – 15 y – 20
a2 a b b2
= 10b2 – (5 – 4)b . a – 2a2
a2 a b a b b2
= 10b2 – 5b . a + 4b . a – 2a2
a a b b a b
= 5 b 2b – a + 2 a 2b – a
a b a b
= 5b + 2 a 2b – a
Example 3: Factorize:
(a) 8x6 – 7x3 – 1
(b) 2(2x + x2)2 – 2(2x + x2) – 12
Solution: (a) 8x6 – 7x3 – 1
= 8x6 – 8x3 + x3 – 1
= 8x3(x3 – 1) + 1(x3 – 1)
= (x3 – 1)(8x3 + 1)
= {(x)3 – (1)3}{(2x)3 + (1)3}
= (x – 1)(x2 + x.1 + 12)(2x + 1){(2x)2 – 2x.1 + (1)2)
= (x – 1)(2x + 1)(x2 + x + 1)(4x2 – 2x + 1)
(b) 2(2x + x2)2 – 2(2x + x2) – 12
Put 2x + x2 = y,
then, 2y2 – 2y – 12
= 2y2 – 6y + 4y – 12
= 2y(y – 3) + 4(y – 3)
= (y – 3)(2y + 4)
Putting the value of y, we get,(x2 + 2x – 3)[2(x2 +2x) + 4]
= (x2 + 2x – 3)(2x2 + 4x + 4)
= (x2 + 3x – x – 3). 2(x2 + 2x + 2)
= {x(x + 3) – 1(x + 3)}.2(x2 + 2x + 2)
= 2 (x + 3) (x – 1) (x2 + 2x + 2)
(s) x6 + x6 (t) (y + 1)2 – 9
Exercise 4.1.2
1. Factorize the following.
(a) x 4 +4y4 (b) x4 + 4 (c) a4 + 64b4
(d) 324p4 + q4 (e) (7a)4 + 4b4 (f) x4 + 4x4
1 1
(g) 4x4 + 81y4 (h) 4x4 + 625 y4
2. Factorize following.
(a) x4 + x2y2 + y4 (b) x4 + x2 + 1 (c) x4 – 7x2 + 1
(d) 4p4 + 3p2 + 1 (e) m4 – 3m2 + 1 (f) 9a4 – 4a2 + 4
4 2 2 4 4 2 2 4
(g) m – 14m n + n (h) 4a + 35a b + 121 b (i) x4 – 17x2 + 256
4.2 Indices
Any algebraic term has three parts. The three parts are coefficient, base and power. Let’s take an
algebraic term 3a2. In this term 3a2, 3 is the coefficient of a2, a is the base and 2 is the power of a. The
power of the base is called the index. It is also called the exponent. So, in a term – 4x5. 5 is called the
index of x. Indices is the plural form of index.
Laws of Indices
There are certain rules which are used to solve the problems of indices. These rules are called the laws
of indices.
(i) Product Law of Indices
Let xm and xn are the two algebraic terms, where m and n are assumed to be positive integers,
then xm × xn = xm + n.
We know that,
x2 = x × x
x3 = x × x × x
x4 = x × x × x × x
xm = x × x × x × x × x ... ... ... ... to ‘m’ factors
xn = x × x × x × x × x ... ... ... to ‘n’ factors
xm × xn = (x × x × x × x × x ... ... ... to ‘m’ factors) × (x × x × x × x × x ... ... ... to ‘n’ factors)
= x × x × x × x × x ... ... ... to (m + n) factors
= xm + n
or, xn = xm–n
Thus, the index of the quotient of the two algebraic terms with the same base is the difference
of the indices of each term.
For examples:
74 ÷ 73 = 74 – 3 = 7
(3a)5 ÷ (3a)2 = (3a)5 – 2 = (3a)3
1 1
(4m)3 ÷ (4m)7 = (4m)7 – 3 = (4m)4
m p
x n = (x )p = x np
m p mp
y (yn) y
For examples:
(32)3 = 32 × 3 = 36
(4a)3 × 5 = (4a)15
3 5
22 = (22)5 = 22 × 5 = 210
3 5 3×5 15
3 (3 ) 3 3
We have, x–m = xm – 2m
= xm ÷ x2m [Quotient law of index]
xm xm
= x2m = xm + m
xm 1
= xm × xm = xm [Product law of indices]
x–m = xm
Similarly, xm =
(x ) = x
m n m m m
n n
× x n × x n × ... ... ... to n factors
m m m
+ n + n
= xn ... ... ... n terms
= xn = xm
xn = xm
Thus, x n is equal to nth root of xm.
For examples, x2 = x , but it is written as only x .
1 3 1
3 4
a3 = a, x4 = (x3)4 = x3
Example 3: Express 2xy 243x–10y–15 with the positive indices without radical sign.
Solution: Here, 2xy 243x–10y–15
1 1 1
= 2xy(243)5 (x–10)5 (y–15)5
= 2xy(35)5 x–2 y–3
1 1
= 2xy × 3 × x2 × y3
6xy 6
= x2 y 3 = x y 2
Example 4: Evaluate:
2 3 3 4 1
(a) (125)3 (b) 729–1 (c) (144)4 ×
3 4 3 1
1 1 4
(c) (144)4 × 144 = (144) × 144
3 1 3 1
)4 = (144)4 × (144)–4
= (144)4 × ((144)
3 1 2
= (144)4 = (144)4
= [(12)2]2 = 12
Example 5: Simplify:
146 × 155 –2 7 3 9 –5
(a) (b) a3b 3 c6 ÷ a2b–1c 4
356 × 65
Solution: Here,
–2 7 3 9 –5
146 × 155
(a) (b) a3 b 3 c6 ÷ a2 b–1 c 4
356 × 65
–2 7 1 –5 1
(2 × 7)6 × (3 × 5)5 = (a b c ) ÷ (a
3 3 6 2
2 b–1 c 4 3)
(5 × 7)6 × (2 × 3)5 3 –1 7 3 –1 –5
26 × 76 × 35 × 55 2
= a b c ÷a b c 3 12 2 3 12
= 56 × 76 × 25 × 35
26 × 2–5 × 76 × 7–6 × 35 × 3–5 = a2
3 3
– (–13) c127 – (–512)
= 56 × 5–5 –1 1 7 5
+3 + 12
2 × 7 × 35–5
6–5 6–6 = aob 3 c12
= 56–5 12
2 × 7 × 3o
1 o = ao boc12
= 51 = 1×1×c
2×1×1 2 = c
= 5 =5
xm m + n xnn + p xp p – m
Example 6: Simplify: n × p × –m .
x x x
xm m + n xnn + p xp p – m
Solution: Here, xn × xp × x–m
m+n n+p
= (x m–n
) × (x )n–p
× (x p+m
m2 – n2 n 2 – p2 p2 – m2
=x ×x ×x
m2 – n2 + n2 – p2 + p2 – m2
= xo
= (2 ) + (2 ) + 3. 2 .2 (2 + 2 ) – 6(2 + 2 ) – 6
1 3 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2
3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3
( ) – 6 (2 + 2 ) – 6
= 2 + 22+ 3.(2) 3 + 3 22 + 23
1 2 1 2 1
= 2 + 4 + 3.(2) (2 + 2 ) – 6 (2 + 2 ) – 6
= 6 + 3.2(2 + 2 ) – 6(2 + 2 ) – 6
1 2 1 2
2 3 2 3
= 6 – 6 + 6 (2 + 2 ) – 6(2 + 2 )
1 2 1 2
2 3 2 3
Exercise 4.2
1. Find the products in their exponential forms.
(a) 43 × 4–2 × 45 (b) 3a × 9a × 27a × 81–a
(c) (7x)2 × (7x)–3 × (7x)5 (d) (a + b)3 × (a + b)9 × (a + b)–7
2. Find the quotients in their exponential forms.
(a) 137 ÷ 134 (b) 83 ÷ 25
(c) 163 ÷ 82 (d) (4a2)3 ÷ (8a)5
(e) (3p + q)7 ÷ (3p + q)2 (f) (4a3)2 ÷ (2a)7
3. Express the following with the positive indices without radical sign.
3 3 –6 3 5
(a) xy (b) 27a6 b–3 (c) x x3 b–12
(d) a2 a–2 (e) (81x–4 y4)3 (f) a3 a–4
4. Evaluate:
8 2
(64)3 (c) (4 ) 3
3 –3
(16) 4 (e) 64
Example 2: Solve: 3 × 81x = 9x + 4
Solution: Here, 3 × 81x = 9x + 4
or, 3 × (34)x = (32)x + 4
or, 3 × 34x = 32x + 8
or, 31 + 4x = 32x + 8
1 + 4x = 2x + 8
or, 4x – 2x = 8 – 1
or, 2x = 7
7 1
x = 2 = 32
or, 2x = 1
or, 2x = 20
x+3 x+2
Example 4: Solve: 3 ×2 = 18
x+3 x+2
Solution: Here, 3 ×2 = 18
or, 3x × 33 × 2x × 22 = 18
or, 3x × 2x × 27 × 4 = 18
or, (3 × 2)x = 27 × 4
or, 6x = 3 × 2
or, 6x = 6
or, 6x = 6–1
x = –1
Example 5: If a = by and b = a2, prove that x – 2y = 0.
Solution: Here, ax = by
1 1
or, (a x)x = (b y)x
y And, b = a2
a=b x
... (i) or, a2 = b
From equations (i) and (ii), we get 1 1
y 1 a = b2 ... (ii)
x =2
or, x = 2y
x – 2y = 0 proved.
2. Solve:
(a) 92x = 33 – 2 x (b) 8x = 27 – 4x (c) 64x = 4 x + 6
x+5 x +1 5x + 3 2x – 9
(d) 52x + 1 = (25) (e) 3 2 =9 2 (f) 11 4 = 121 2
3. Solve:
(a) 3 × 27x = 9x – 1 (b) 2 × 8x = 2x + 5 (c) 2 × 83 = 2 x – 4
(d) 5 × (125) = 52x +3 (e) 4 × 64x – 1 = 1 (f) 36 × 62x–1 = 1
4. Solve:
(a) 2x + 1 + 2x = 3 (b) 3x + 1 + 3x = 108 (c) 32x – 3 + 32x = 93
1 2x + 3
(d) 2x + 1 – 2 x – 8 = 0 (e) 3x + 2 + 3x + 1 = 13 (f) 2x + 2 + 2 = 1
5. Solve:
(a) 4x + 2 × 5x + 3 = 100 (b) 3x – 2 × 2x + 1 = 8 (c) 2x + 3 × 3x + 4 = 18
(d) 72x + 1 × 52x – 1 = 5 (e) 22x – 3 × 52x – 1 = 25 (f) 23x – 5×bx – 2 = 2x – 2×b1 – x
(g) 33x –4 × a5–2x = 3x+2 × a11 –4x = 0 (h) m5–2x n2x–1 = m11–5xn5x –7
6. Solve.
1 1 1 1
(a) 2x + 2x = 22 (b) 4x + 4x = 44 (c) 22x+3 + 1= 3×2x+2
(d) 5 × 4x+1 – 16x= 64 (e) 3x + 3–x = 99
A ratio is said to be how many times a quantity is greater or smaller than another quantity of the same
kind. The ratio of a to b is usually written as a:b. The quantities a and b are called the terms of the
ratio. The first term of the ratio is called the antecedent and the second term the consequent. So, in the
ratio 4:7, 4 is the antecedent and 7 the consequent.
Compounded Ratio
a c ac
Let’s suppose a:b and c:d are two ratios. Then a:b × c:d = b × d = bd = ac : bd is called the
compounded ratio of these two given ratios.
Similarly, let’s suppose a:b, c:d and e:f are three ratios. Then, a:b × c:d × e:f i.e. ace: bdf is the
compounded ratio of these given ratios. Thus, the product of two or more ratio is called the
compounded ratio. For example, 4:5 and 7:9 are two ratios. The compounded ratio of 4:5 and
4 7 28
7:9 = 4:5 × 7:9 = 5 × 9 = 45 = 28:45.
3 3 3
The sub–triplicate ratio of 64:125 = 64:125 = 64 : 125 = 4:5
Inverse Ratio
Let’s take a ratio a:b, where a is the antecedent and b is the consequent. When the antecedent and
consequent of the ratio a:b are interchanged, the ratio becomes b:a. Then the ratio b:a is called the
inverse ratio of a:b. For example, 2:3 be a ratio. Then the inverse of ratio 2:3 is 3:2.
3x + 4y
3x + 4y y
Now, 5x – 2y = 5x – 2y [Dividing the numerator and denominator by y.]
3x 4y 3 9 9 + 16
y + y 3×4+4 4+4 4 25
= 5x 2y = 3 = 15 = 15 – 8 = 7
y – y 5×4–2 4 –2 4
x = Rs. 18
Therefore, the first part = Rs. 5x = Rs. 5 × 18 = Rs. 90
The second part = Rs. 9x = Rs. 9 × 18 = Rs. 162
Hence, the two parts of Rs. 252 which are in the ratio 5:9 are Rs. 90 and Rs. 162.
Example 7: What number must be subtracted from each term of a ratio 27:35 to
make it equal to 7:11?
Solution: Let the required number be x.
27 – x 7
Then, 35 – x = 11
or, x = 13
Hence, the required number is 13.
Example 8: The ratio of two numbers is 5:7. If 15 is added to each number, the ratio
becomes 3:4. Find the numbers.
Solution: Here, The ratio of two numbers is 5:7.
Let x be a common factor of two numbers.
Then, two numbers are 5x and 7x.
According to question,
5x +15 3
7x + 15 = 4
or, 4(5x + 15) = 3(7x + 15)
or, 20x + 60 = 21x + 45
or, 20x – 21x = 45 – 60
or, – x = –15
x = 15
The first number = 5x = 5 × 15 = 75
The present age of the daughter = 5x = 5 × 3 = 15 years.
The present age of the mother = 12x = 12 × 3 = 36 years.
Exercise 4.4.1
1. Find the ratios of the following:
(a) 9min to 8hours (b) 70cm to 1.4m (c) Rs. 4.50 to 75 paisa
(d) 7km to 500m. (e) 2.5kg to 950gm. (f) 12days to 3weeks.
2. Find the compounded ratio of the following ratios: –
(a) 4:5 and 10:18 (b) 7:9 and 27:21 (c) 2:3, 4:7 and 1:5
3. Find the duplicate ratio of the following ratios: –
(a) 2:5 (b) 2x:7y (c) 12:7 (d) 14a:9b
4. Find the sub – duplicate ratio of the following ratios:
(a) 9:16 (b) 49:36 (c) 169a2:144b2 (d) 4:9
5. Find the triplicate ratio of the following ratios:
(a) 4:7 (b) 2a:b (c) 5:2 (d) 6x:11y
6. Find the sub – triplicate ratio of the following ratios:
(a) 8:27 (b) 125x3:1 (c) 216a3:64b3 (d) 729x6 : 512y9
(e) If x:y = 3:4, what will be the value of x – 4 ?
4.4.2 Proportion
Let a, b, c and d be four quantities. The ratio of a and b is a:b and the ratio of c and d is c:d. If
a:b = c:d, then these two equal ratios are called the proportional and the four quantities a, b, c and d
are said to be in proportion. For example, 4, 5, 16 and 20 are four quantities. The ratio of 4 and 5 is
4:5 and the ratio of 16 and 20 is 16:20. The ratio 16:20 is equivalent to the ratio 4:5. Therefore,
4:5 = 16:20. So, these two ratios are proportional and the four quantities 4, 5, 16 and 20 are in
If a:b and c:d are proportional, it can be written as a:b:: c:d and read as ‘a is to b as equal c is to d’. In
the equal ratios a:b::c:d the terms a and d are called extremes and the terms b and c are called means.
a c
The ratios a:b::c:d also can be written as b = d . Then, by the cross–multiplication, it can be written as
ad = bc. ad is the product of extremes and bc is the product of means. Thus, the product of extremes is
equal to the product of means in every proportion.
b d
or, 1×a =1×c
b d
or, a =c i.e. b : a = d : c
a b
or, c =d i.e. a : c = b : d
a+b c+d
or, b = d
i.e. (a + b) : b = (c + d) : d
a–b c–d
or, =
b d
i.e. (a – b) : b = (c – d) : d
(v) Componendo and dividendo: If a : b = c : d, then (a + b) : (a – b) = (c + d) : (c – d).
Proof: Here,
a : b = c : d,
By componendo, we have
a+b c+d
b = d ... (i)
i.e. a : b = c : d = (a + c) : (b + d)
a c e a + c + e + .....................
b = d = f = ................ = b + d + f + .....................
Example 2: If 5, x and 20 are in continued proportion, find the value of x.
Solution: Here,
5, x and 20 are in continued proportion.
5 x
x = 20
or, x2 = 100
or, x = 100
x = 10
a b a a–b
Example 5: If = prove that =
b c a+b a–c
a b
Solution: Here, b = c
b c
or, a=b by invertendo
a+b b+c
or, a = b by componendo
a b
a+b=b+c ... (i) by invertendo
a b
Again, a + b = b + c
a a+b
or, b=b+c by alternendo
a–b a+b–b–c
or, b = b+c by dividendo
a–b a–c
or, b =b+c
a+b b
= by addendo
b+c c
a + b 2 b2
b + c = c2 ... (i) [... Squaring on both sides]
a b
Again b = c
a2 b 2
b 2 = c2
a2 + b2 b2 + c2
= by componendo
b2 c2
a2 + b 2 b 2
b2 + c2 = c2 ... (ii) by alternendo
2 2 2
a + b = a 2 + b2 from (i) and (ii)
b + c b + c
a b (a – b)2 (b – c)2
Example 7: If = , prove that =
b c a c
a b
Solution: Here, b = c
b c
or, a=b by invertendo
a –b b – c
or, a = b by dividendo
(a – b)2 a2 . .
or, (b – c)2 = b2 [ . squaring on both sides]
(a – b)2 a2 . . 2
or, (b – c)2 = a c [ . b = ac]
(a – b)2 a
or, (b – c)2 = c
(a – b)2 (b – c)2
a = c Proved.
a2 c2
or, b2 = d2
a2 – b2 c2 – d2
or, b2 = d 2 by dividendo
2 2
b d
or, a2 – b 2 = c2 – d 2 by invertendo
b2 a d2 c ... a = c
or, a – b b c – d2 × d
2× =
2 2
b d
ab cd
a2 – b2 = c2 – d2 Proved
2 2
ac a +c
Example 9: If a:b = c:d, prove that = .
bd b2 + d2
Solution: Here,
a:b = c:d
a c
Let b = d = k
a = bk and c = dk
ac bdk2
Now, L.H.S = bd = bd = bd = k2
a2 + c 2
R.H.S =
b2 + d 2
(bk)2 + (dk)2
= b2 + d 2
b2k2 + d2k2 k2(b2 + d2) 2
= b 2 + d 2 = b2 + d 2 = k .
L.H.S = R.H.S proved.
a2 + c2 + e2 ce
Example 10: If a:b = c:d = e:f, prove that = .
b2 + d2 + f2 df
Solution: Here,
a:b = c:d = e:f
a c e
or, b = d = f = k(suppose)
a = bk, c = dk and e = fk
a2 + c2 + e2
Now, L.H.S = b2 + d2 + f2
b = ck
a = bk = ck.k = ck2
a3 + b3 (ck2)3 + (ck)3 c3k6 + c3k3 c3k3(k3 + 1)
Now, L.H.S = b3 + c3 = (ck)3 + c3 = c3k3 + c3 = c3(k3 + 1) = k3
b2 = ac
L.H.S. = (a2 + b2) (b2 + c2)
= (a2 + ac)(ac + c2)
= a(a + c).c(a + c)
= ac(a + c)2
= b2(a + c)2 = RHS
Example 13: If a, b, c and d are in continued proportion, show that (a+d) (b+c) –(a+c)
(b+d) = (b–c)2
a b c
Solution: Since a, b, c and d are in continued proportion, b = c = d
b2 = ac, c2 = bd and ad = bc
L.H.S. = (a+d) (b+c) –(a+c) (b+d)
= (ab+bd+ac +cd)–(ab+bc+ad+cd)
= ab + bd +ac +cd –ab –bc –ad –cd
= c2 +b2 –bc –bc [... bc = ad]
= b2–2bc+c2
= (b–c)2 = R.H.S. Proved.
c = dk
b = ck = dk.k = dk2
a = bk = dk2.k = dk3
a3 – b3 – c3 (dk3)3 – (dk2)3 – (dk)3 d3k9 – d3k6 – d3k3
Now, L.H.S = b3 – c3 – d3 = (dk2)3 – (dk)3 – d3 = d3k6 – d3k3 – d3
d3k3(k6 – k3 – 1)
= d3(k6 – k3 – 1) = k3
a dk3
R.H.S = d = d = k3.
L.H.S = xy – yz + zt
Exercise 4.4.2
1. (a) If 3, 4, 6 and a are proportional, find the value of a.
(b) If 4, x, 10 and 15 are proportional, find the value of x.
(c) If 4, x and 9 are in continued proportion, find the value of x.
(d) If 3, x and 27 are in continued proportion, find the positive value of x.
(e) If 3, 12, a and 192 are in proportion, find the value of a.
2. (a) What is the value of x if 3, 4, x and 28 are in proportion.
(b) Find the fourth proportion of 3, 4, 9.
(c) What is the value of x when x, 6 and 4 are in continued proportion?
(d) Find the third proportion of 14, 10, 25.
3. (a) Find the value of x in the following proportions:
(i) 4:12: :x:6 (ii) 4:x: :8:12 (iii) 5:10: :20:x
(b) What constant number should be added to each of the terms 8, 13, 10 and 16 so that
they are in proportion?
(c) What number should be added to each of the terms 2,4,7 so that the sums will be in
continued proportion?
(d) What number should be subtracted to each of the terms 4, 5, 7 and 9 so that the
differences will be in proportion?
(e) What number must be deducted from each of the terms 6, 10, 18 so that the difference
will be in continued proportion?
3a – 2b 5x + 2y
4. (a) If a:b = 4:3, find the value of 3a + 2b . (b) If x:y = 5:6, find the value of 5x – 2y .
3a + 4b 2a – 3b
(c) If a:b = 2:5, find the value of 4a + b . (d) If a:b = 3:4, find the value of 2a + 3b .
Now, substituting the value of x in equation (i), we get
5 × 4 + 3y = 5
or, 20 + 3y = 5
or, 3y = 5 – 20
or, y = – 3
y = – 5
Hence, x = 4 and y = –5.
From the solution of the above example, it is concluded that the following steps are applied to
solve the simultaneous equations by the elimination method.
Make the same coefficients of the variables x or y in the both equations by multiplying
both sides of the equations with the suitable number.
Eliminate one of the variables x or y by adding or subtracting the resulting equations
according to these equal quantities that have opposite or same sign.
Solve the equation with the single variable and find the value of the variable.
Substitute the value of the variable in any one of the equations and find the value of the
remaining variable.
y = –2
Now, substituting the value of y in equation (iii), we get
4 + 3(–2) 4 – 6 2
x = 2 = 2 = – 2 = –1
Now, multiplying equation (i) by 3 and equation (ii) by 7 and substituting, we get
21x - 12y = -27
21x - 7y = -28
- +
-5y = -55
y = 11
Hence, x = 5 and y = 11
Note: It is better to use elimination method in the first step and substitution method in the next steps which
we cal mixed method.
x 2 x 3
Example 3: Solve the equations: – = 1 and + =3
3 y 4 y
Solution: Here,
x 2
3 –y =1 ... (i)
x 3
4 +y =3 ... (ii)
x 1 1
12 - 2y = 4
x 1
+ 1
- 12 - y =-
- 1 - 1 = 1 -1
2y y 4
–1 – 2 1 – 4
or, 2y = 4
3 3
or, – 2y = – 4
or, 6y = 12
Now, substituting the value of y in equation (i), we get
x 2
3 –2 =1
or, 3 –1=1
or, 3 =2
Hence, x = 6 and y = 2.
Exercise 4.5.1
1. Solve the following equations by substitution method:
(a) 4x + 3y = 5 (b) 4x + 5y = 4 (c) y = 2x – 3
7x – y = 15 5x – 3y = 79 x+y=3
(d) 3x + y = 5 (e) 5x + 7y = 1 (f) 11x – 7y = 43
2x + 5y = –1 x + 4y = –5 2x – 3y = 13
2. Solve the following equations by substitution method:
x y 23 8 9
(a) –3x + 2y = –2 (b) 2 +3 = 6 (c) x –y =1
x y 17 10 6
5x + 3y = 5 4 +2 = 4 x +y =7
14 3 3 2 5 3 1
(d) x+y +x–y =5 (e) x +y =1 (f) x – y = 115
21 1 4 3 17 2 7 1
x+y –x–y =2 x +y = 6 x + y = 215
We plot the points which are obtained from the above two separate tables and joining
them. We get two separate lines which intersect each other at a point (4, 2) in the
above graph.
Hence, the required solution of the given two simultaneous equations is x = 4 and
y = 2.
Example 2: Solve graphically: x + 3y = 7 and 3x – y = 11.
Solution: Here,
x + 3y = 7 ––––––––––––– (i) Y
3x – y = 11 –––––––––––– (ii)
From equation (i),
x + 3y = 7 Table – 1 (1,2)
(-2,3) (4,1)
or, 3y = 7 – x x 1 4 –2 X’ X
O (0,0)
7–x y 2 1 3
y= 3
From equation (ii), Table – 2
3x – y = 11 x 2 4 6 Y’
or, 3x – 11 = y y –5 1 7
y = 3x – 11
Now, we plot the ordered pairs (1, 2), (4, 1) and (–2, 3) from the table–1 on the graph paper and by
joining them to construct a straight line. Similarly, again we plot the ordered pairs (2, –5), (4, 1) and
(6, 7) from the table– 2 on the same graph and construct another straight line by joining them.
In the above graph, two straight lines which are constructed from the equations (i) and (ii) are
intersected each other at a point (4, 1). It means both straight lines are passing through the point (4, 1).
Therefore, x = 4 and y = 1 are satisfied in the given both equations. Form the above two tables, a pair
numbers (4, 1) is only a common point of the two straight lines.
Hence, the required solution of the given two simultaneous equations is x = 4 and y = 1.
From the solution of the above examples, it is concluded that the following steps are applied to solve
the simultaneous equations of two variables by graphical method.
Prepare the table and tabulate by putting the values of x and y in the both equations.
Plot the pair numbers on the graph paper and construct the two straight lines by joining
the pair numbers on the graph.
Find the point on the graph which is the common point where two straight lines
intersect each other.
The co–ordinates of the common point is the required solution of the given two
simultaneous equations.
x = –3 and 5 .
4 4 1
Example 3: Solve: – = .
x–3 x+3 3
Solution: Here,
4 4 1
x–3–x+3 =3
4(x + 3) – 4(x – 3) 1
or, ( x – 3)(x + 3) = 3
4x + 12 – 4x + 12 1
or, x2 – 9 =3
24 1
or, x2 –9 = 3
or, x2 – 9 = 72
or, x2 – 81 = 0
or, (x)2 – (9)2 = 0
or, (x – 9)(x + 9) = 0
Either, x + 9 = 0 i.e = x = –9
OR, x – 9 = 0 i.e = x = 9
x = ±9
4x – 21 3x – 11
Example 4: Solve: = .
x–6 x–1
Solution: Here,
4x – 21 3x – 11
x–6 = x–1
or, (4x – 21)(x – 1) = (3x – 11)(x – 6) [ By cross – multiplication ]
2 2
or, 4x – 4x – 21x + 21 = 3x – 18x – 11x + 66
or, 4x2 – 25x + 21 = 3x2 – 29x + 66
or, 4x2 – 3x2 – 25x + 29x + 21 – 66 = 0
or, x2 + 4x – 45 = 0
or, x2 + 9x – 5x – 45 = 0
or, x(x + 9) – 5(x + 9) = 0
x2 – 2x + x – 2 + x2 – x + 2x – 2 2x + 13
or, x2 – 2x – x + 2 = x+1
2x2 – 4 2x + 13
or, x2 – 3x + 2 = x + 1
or, (2x2 – 4) (x + 1) = (x2 – 3x + 2) (2x + 13)
or, 2x3 + 2x2 – 4x – 4 = 2x3 + 13x2 – 6x2 – 39x + 4x + 26
or, 2x3 + 2x2 – 4x – 4 = 2x3 + 7x2 – 35x + 26
or, 2x3 – 2x3 + 2x2 – 7x2 – 4x + 35x – 4 – 26 = 0
or, –5x2 + 31x – 30 = 0
or, –(5x2 – 31x + 30) = 0
or, 5x2 – 25x – 6x + 30 = 0
or, 5x (x – 5) – 6(x – 5) = 0
or, (x – 5) (5x – 6) = 0
Either, x – 5 = 0 i.e x = 5
6 1
OR, 5x – 6 = 0 i.e x = 5 = 15
x = 5 and 15 .
Exercise 4.6.1
1. Solve:
(a) (x – 3)(x + 2) = 0 (b) (y – 7)(2y – 9) = 0 (c) (3x – 1)(x – 5) = 0
(d) (2t – 1)(t – 2) = 0 (e) (5 – 6x)(5x + 6) = 0 (f) (9x + 2)(3 – 4x) = 0
2. Solve:
(a) x2 – 25 = 0 (b) 4y2 – 9 = 0 (c) 5t2 = 125
x 9
(d) x2 – 7 = 29 (e) y2 = 5 (f) 4 =x
2x2 + 10 50 + x2 5 5 2
(c) =7– (d) – =
15 25 x–2 x+2 3
3 3 4p2 + 5 2p2 – 5 7p2 – 25
(e) 1+x +1–x =8 (f) 10 – 15 = 20
x+2 x–2 1 x+3 x–3 1
(g) 2 – x + 2 + x = 44 (h) x – 3 + x + 3 = 22
x+1 x–1 2
(i) x – 1 – x + 1 = 23
8. Solve:
3x – 7 x + 1 x + 2 2x – 3
(a) 2x – 5 = x – 1 (b) x + 3 = 3x – 7
5 5 2 25 5 2
or, (x)2 + 2.x.2 + 2 = – 4 + 2
or, x + 52 = – 25 + 25
2 4 4
7 17
or, x=–4± 4
– 7 ± 17
x= 4
7 5 7 5
Or, x = 6 + 6 or, x = – 6 + 6
12 –2
Or, x = 6 or, x = 6
x=2 x=–
x = 2 and – 3
x+3 1–x 1
Example 4: Solve by completing square: – x =4 .
x–2 4
Solution: Here,
x+3 1–x 1
x – 2 – x = 44
(x + 3).x – (1 – x)(x – 2) 17
or, x(x – 2) = 4
x2 + 3x – x + 2 + x2 – 2x 17
or, x2 – 2x = 4
2x2 + 3x – 3x + 2 17
or, x2 – 2x = 4
19 17 19 17
or, 3x = + or, 3x = – +
3 3 3 3
36 2
or, 3x = 3 or, 3x = – 3
or, 3x = 12 x = – 9
x = 4
x = 4 and – 9
Exercise 4.6.2
1. Solve by completing the square:
(a) 9x2 – 6x + 1 = 0 (b) x2+ 8x + 16 = 0 (c) x2 – 7x – 98 = 0
2 2
(d) 3x + 2x – 5 = 0 (e) 6t + 13t = 5 (f) 5y = 12 – 3y2
(g) 25s2 + 16 = 40s (h) 4x – 4x2 = –7 (i) 2x2 – 5 = x
b c
or, x2 + a x = – a
b b 2 c b 2
or, (x)2 + 2.x. 2a + 2a = –a + 2a
or, x + b 2 = –4ac +2 b
2a 4a
or, x + b 2 = b – 4ac
2a 4a2
2 2
x + b = ± b2 – 4ac
2a 4a2
b b2 – 4ac
or, x + 2a = ± 2a
b b2 – 4ac –b ± b2 – 4ac
x = – 2a ± 2a = 2a
Taking +ve sign, Taking – ve sign,
–b + b2 – 4ac –b – b2 – 4ac
x= 2a x= 2a
–b + b2 – 4ac –b – b2 – 4ac
Thus, 2a and 2a are two roots of x.
–b b2 – 4ac
Hence, x = 2a is general formula and we can apply it to solve any given quadratic
–b b2 – 4ac
(i) In the formula x = , the term b2– 4ac is called discriminant factor.
(ii) If the discriminant factor b2 – 4ac = 0, the equation has single root.
(iii) If b2 – 4ac > 0 i.e. +ve, the equation has two real roots.
(iv) If b2 – 4ac < 0 i.e. –ve, the equation has no real solution i.e. the equation can not be solved.
14 4
= 2 =7 =2=2
x = 2 and 7.
(x + 2)2 – (x – 2)2 24
or, (x – 2)(x + 2) = 5
(x2 + 2.x.2 + 22) – (x2 – 2.x.2 + 22) 24
or, (x)2 – (2)2 = 5
x2 + 4x + 4 – x2 + 4x – 4 24
or, x2 – 4 = 5
8x 24
or, x2 – 4 = 5
or, (x2 – 4) × 24 = 8x × 5
or, 24x2 – 96 = 40x
or, 8(3x2 – 12) = 40x
or, 3x2 – 12 = 5x [Dividing both sides by 8]
or, 3x – 5x – 12 = 0
Comparing this equation with ax2 + bx + c = 0, we get a = 3, b = –5 and c =–12.
by using formula
– b b2 – 4ac
x = 2a
(–5) (–5)2 – 4 × 3 × –12
= 2×3
5 25 + 144
5 169
= 6
5 13
= 6
Taking +ve sign, Taking –ve sign,
5 + 13 5 – 13
x= 6 x= 6
18 8
= 6 =–6
=3 =–3
x = 3 and – 3 .
4. Solve:
(a) px2 – qx + r = 0 (b) lx2 + mx – n = 0
(c) ax2 – bx – c = 0 (d) dx2 + ex + f = 0
(g) (3a + 12) (3a – 12) (h) (3x + 5y4 ) (3x – 5y4 ) (i) (x + y) (x – y) (x2 + y2)
(p) 2p (2p – 1) (4p2 + 2p + 1) (q) (4m2 + n2) (16m4 – 4m2n2 + n4) (r) (n + 1n) (n –1 + n1 )
(s) (x + x1 ) (x –1 + x1 )
4 (t) (y + 4) (y – 2) (u) (x – 3) (x – y)
(v) (4 + 2a – b) (4 – 2a + b) (w) 5 (1 – x )
2. (a) (x + 2) (3x + 2) (b) (x + 3) (x + 4) (c) (a + 4) (a – 1)
(d) (a + 6) (a – 1) (e) (2a – 9) (a – 1) (f) (x – 3) (3x + 2)
(g) (a + 2) (a – 2) (2a2 + 3) (h) (x + 1) (x2 – x + 1) (2x3 – 3)
(l) (1 –
a )(b
– 5)
2 2
2b 3a
2 2 (m) (a + b+ 1) (9a + ab – 8) (n) (x + y – 4) (3x + 3y + 2)
(r) (2 – a) (a – 7)
3. (a) (x – y) (x + y – a) (b) (a + b) (a – b – x) (c) (a + b) (a + c)
(d) (a + 6b) (a – c) (e) (x+y) (x–y–z) (f) (a – b)2
(g) (b –1) (ab + c) (h) (x –1) (x + 1) (i) (x + 2) (xy – 3)
(j) (y + 1) (y2 + y + 1) (k) (2 + x) (4 + x2) (l) (2 – 9x) (2 + x) (2 – x)
(m) (a + b) (a2 – ab + b2 – 1) (n) (x – 2y) (x2+ 2xy + 4y2 + 2a) (o) (2a + b)3
(p) ( x– y) (x2 + xy + y2 – 1) (q) (2x + y – 1) (2x – y + 1) (r) (2x + 3y + 1) (2x – 3y + 1)
(s) (3a + 2b + 1) (3a – 2b + 1) (t) (1 + 2p + 6p2) (1 + 2p – 6p2)
Exercise 4.1.2
1. (a) (x2 + 2xy + 2y2) (x2 – 2xy + 2y2) (b) (x2 + 2x + 2) (x2 – 2x + 2) (c) (a2 + 4ab + 8b2) (a2 – 4ab + 8b2)
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(d) (18p + 6pq + q ) (18p – 6pq + q ) (e) (49a + 14ab + 2b ) (49a – 14ab + 2b )
(f)( 2 1
x +1+ 2
2x )( ) (g) (2x + 3y2x + 9y1 ) (2x – 3y2x + 9y1 )
2 1
x –1+ 2
(h) (2x +
5y 25y ) ( 5y 25y )
2x 21 2x 1 2
+ 2x – + 2 2
2 2 2 2
2. (a) (x + xy + y ) (x – xy + y ) (b) (x2 + x + 1) (x2 – x + 1) (c) (x2 + 3x + 1) (x2 – 3x + 1)
2 2 2 2
(d) (2p + p + 1) (2p – p + 1) (e) (m + m – 1) (m – m – 1) (f) (3a2 + 4a + 2) (3a2 – 4a + 2)
2 2 2 2
(g) (m + 4mn + n ) (m – 4mn + n ) (h) (2a + 3ab + 11b ) (2a – 3ab + 11b ) (i) (x2 + 7x2 + 16) (x2 – 7x2 + 16)
2 2 2 2
2 2
(j) (x + 3x – 1) (x – 3x – 1) (k) (x2 + 2x – 1) (x2 – 2x – 1) (l) (a2 + 4ab + b2) (a2 – 4ab + b2)
(p) (
x ) (2y x ) (x + 3 + x1 ) (x – 3 + x1 ) (r) ( + – 1) ( – – 1)
2 2 2 2 2 2
x 2y x 2y 2 2 x 3x x 3x
+3+ 2 –3+
2 2 2 (q) 2 2 2 2
2y y y y y
Exercise 4.2
1. (a) 46 (b) 32a (c) (7x)4 (d) (a + b)5
3 4 6 a
2. (a) 13 (b) 2 (c) 2 (d) 9
(e) (3p + q)5 (f)
23 a
x 3a2 x5
3. (a) 2 (b) (c) 12
y b
1 1
(d) a2 (e) (f) a2
4. (a) 4 (b) 16 (c) 4
1 9
(d) (e)
8 16
1 2
5. (a) (b) 3 (c)
4 x
(d) (e) 4
6. (a) 125 (b) (c) 16
(d) (e) 2 (f) 6
b 9
7. (a) (b) m (c)
2 4x2y2
2y2 a3c6 y12
(d) (e) (f)
3xz3 5 x37
64 3 32
8. (a) 1 (b) (c) (d)
81 5 729
5 6
(e) (f)
96 7
2 2
9. (a) 1 (b) x2(a –c )
(c) 1 (d) xb
(e) x11n (f) 1
10. (a) 1 (b) 1 (c) 1 (d) 1
(e) 1 (f) 1
11. (a) 1 (b) 1 (c) 1 (d) 1
(e) 1
(y – z) (z – x) (y – x)
12. (a) 1 (b) 1 (c) a xyz (d) 1
m+n m+n
(e) (yx) (f) (ba) (g) 1
13. (a) 2
Exercise 4.4.1
1. (a) 3:160 (b) 1:2 (c) 6:1 (d) 14:1
(e) 50:19 (f) 4:7
2. (a) 4:9 (b) 1:1 (c) 8:105
3. (a) 4:25 (b) 4x2:49y2 (c) 144:49 (d) 196a2:81b2
4. (a) 3:4 (b) 7:6 (c) 13a:12b (d) 2:3
5. (a) 64:343 (b) 8a3:b3 (c) 125:8 (d) 216x3:1331y3
6. (a) 2:3 (b) 5x:1 (c) 6a:4b (d) 9x2:8y3
2 2
7. (a) 19:12 (b) 21y :16x (c) (9y – 5):(2x + 3) (d) 7b:18a
8. (a) 16:33, 16:36:33 (b) 3:10, 6:15:20 (c) 3:2, 24:33:16
9. (a) 3:4 (b) 17:37 (c) 4:7 (d) 0 (e) 0
10. (a) 11:7 (b) 4:3 (c) 25:9 (d) 2:5 (e) 35:9
11. (a) 3:4 (b) 5:3 (c) 4:5 (d) 3:4
(e) 3:4 (f) 11:8 (g) 1:7 (h) 2:3
12. (a) 2:11 (b) 5:2 (c) 7:4
13. (a) 35, 63 (b) 70, 98 (c) 75, 125
(d) 76, 133 (e) 40°, 60°, 80°
14. (a) Rs. 32, Rs. 36 (b) Rs. 30, Rs. 42 (c) Rs. 9, Rs. 12
(d) Rs. 30 (e) 54
15. (a) 13 (b) 17 (c) 2 (d) –8
16. (a) 6, 10 (b) 34, 51 (c) 50, 74 (d) 56, 70
17. (a) 24 years, 32 years (b) 21 years, 28 years (c) 10 years, 35 years
18. (a) 35 lit, 20 lit (b) 54 (c) 20°, 70° (d) 8 km
Exercise 4.4.2
1. (a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 6 (d) 9 (e) 48
2. (a) 21 (b) 12 (c) 9 (d) 35
3. (a) (i) 2 (ii) 6 (iii) 40 (b) 2 (c) 2 (d) 1 (e) 2
4. (a) 1:3 (b) 37:13 (c) 2 (d) –1:3
13. (e) 0
Exercise 4.5.2
1. (a) x = 2, y = 1 (b) x = 3, y = 5 (c) x = 0, y = –2 (d) x = 5, y = 2
2. (a) x = 1, y = 1 (b) x = 2, y = 5 (c) x = –1, y = –2 (d) x = 5, y = –1
(e) x = 1, y = –2 (f) x = 3, y = 2
Exercise 4.6.1
9 1 1
1. (a) 3, –2 (b) 7, (c) ,5 (d) , 2
2 3 2
5 6 2 3
(e) ,– (f) – ,
6 5 9 4
2. (a) ± 5 (b) ± (c) ± 5 (d) ± 6
(e) ± 5 (f) ± 6 (g) ± 4 (h) ±6 (i) ± 4
3. (a) 0, 3 (b) 0, 5 (c) 0, 7 (d) 0, 6 (e) 0, 36
1 2 1
(f) 0, –2 (g) 0, (h) 0, 2 (i) 0, (j) 0, 25
3 3 9
1 1
(k) 0, (l) 0, 3
6 2
4. (a) ± 8 (b) ± 2 (c) ± 4 (d) ± 8
(e) ± 4 (f) ± 2 2
5. (a) 5, 6 (b) 3, 12 (c) –1, 6 (d) 4, –6
1 1 1 3 9
(e) –3, 12 (f) –2 , (g) – , 2 (h) , (i) –5, 2
2 3 3 2 4
1 1 2 1
6. (a) ,1 (b) – (c) – , 4 (d) –2, 1
2 3 3 2
2 1
(e) –9, 7 (f) 1, 6 (g) –1, 2 (h) –4 ,2
3 2
1 8
(i) a ± b (j) 1 , 4 (k) – ,2
4 11
7. (a) ± 13 (b) ± (c) ± 5 (d) ± 34
1 1 1
(e) ± (f) ± 5 (g) ± 1 (h) ± 9 (i) – , 1
2 5 4
Exercise 4.6.2
1 2
1. (a) (b) –4 (c) –7, 14 (d) –1 , 1
3 3
1 1 1 4 1±2 2 1± 41
(e) –2 , (f) –3, 1 (g) (h) (i)
2 3 3 5 2 4
1 –7 ± 17 1 1
2. (a) –2, (b) (c) –2 , 3 (d) 1, 2
3 4 3 2
3± 3 2
(e) (f) –1 , 3
2 5
1 2
3. (a) ± (b) 0, 11 (c) ± 13 (d) 1, 10
2 3
(e) –1, 5 (f) – , 3 (g) –4, 1 (h) 3, 5
77 ± 71 1 1 1
(i) (j) – , 1 (k) –1, 2 (l) , 14
25 4 2 4
Exercise 4.6.3
4 3 3 1
1. (a) ± (b) ± 1 (c) ± (d) ±
9 7 2 30
(e) 0, 1 (f) ± 6
1±2 2 3± 105 3± 3
2. (a) –2, –6 (b) (c) (d)
2 8 2
(–7 ± 3 5 )a 3 ± 33
(e) –4, 9 (f) 4, 5 (g) (h)
2 4
2 1 7 1 1
(i) –1 , –2 (j) –2, 3 (k) – , –1 (l) , 2
3 2 8 2 2
5 (1 ± 821)a
3. (a) 0, (b) –6, 4 (c) –3, 8 (d)
6 82
(e) ± 1 (f) 3, 5 (g) –4, 3 (h) 1, 6
2 3 4
(i) – , 1 (j) (– 1 ± –3 ) (k) –1, 5 (l) – , 3
7 2 5
3± 37
(m) n) 4(3 ± 10 ) (o) 3
2 2
q ± q – 4pr –m± m + 4ln b± b2 + 4ac –e± e2 – 4df
4. (a) (b) (c) (d)
2p 2l 2a 2d
At the end of this chapter, the
students will be able to:
constant the triangles and
quadrilaterals having different
show the properties of
triangle theoretical as well as
show the properties of
parallelograms theatrical.
show the similar relation between
triangles and other polygon.
construct the triangles and
quadrilateral with given
identify the different parts of
circle and show the properties
of circles theoretical as well as
solve the logical problems of
Teaching Materials:
Geometrical instruments, pencils,
compass, setsquare scale, etc.,
board marker, scissors, thread, solid
objects, different programs related in
computer application, chart paper, etc.
5.1 Triangle A
We have already learnt about the triangle in previous classes. Let’s
make simple revision. In the triangle alongside c b
Is it a closed figure?
B a C
How many line segments does it have? What are they?
How many angles does it have?
How many intersecting points it has, which are they?
A closed figure formed by three straight lines is called a triangle. A triangle is denoted by a Greek
letter . These straight lines are sides and the points of intersection are called vertices of the triangle.
In the above figure A, B and C are three vertices and AB, BC and CA are the three sides of the
triangle. A, B and C are the three angles of the ABC. The length of the sides of triangle
opposite to each vertex is also represented by small letter of the corresponding vertex, as BC = a,
AC = b and AB = c.
Types of Triangle
According to the measurement of their sides and their angles, the triangles are classified into different
(a) According to sides A
Properties of Triangles
A triangle holds some important properties which have already been discussed in previous classes.
Here, some of the important properties are verified experimentally as well as theoretically.
Theorem - 1
The sum of the angles of any triangle is equal to two right angles (180o). Prove
Given: ABC, ACB and BAC are D A E
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1. ABC + BAC + ACB = 180 1. Sum of all interior angles of a triangle
is 180.
2. ACB + CAN = 180 2. Being supplementary angles.
3. ABC + BAC + ACB = ACB + 3. From statements (1) and (2)
4. ABC + BAC = CAN 4. Cancelling ACB from both sides in
St. (3)
Exercise 5.1
1. Find the value of x, y and z from the given figures.
(a) A (b) P (c) D
96o 5x B 102o
112 E
3x 36o C
B C 3x 136o x
5x y 2x z 42o
D B C 3x y B D C
Q x x S
36o C T D
(c) (d) T
o P A Q
44 x
o x 128o y z
18 R B C S
(b) In the adjoining figure, APQ = RPQ and
CRQ = PRQ. Prove that: ABC = 2 (90o - PQR)
(d) In the given figure, ABE = CBE, ACB = ACE,
and 2ABF = ACB. Prove that: BEC = BAC - F
Theorem - 3
The sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third sides. Verify experimentally.
Experimental verification
Experiment: Draw three triangles ABC with different shapes and sizes.
(i) (ii) (iii)
Theorem - 4
The angle opposite to the longer side is greater than the angle opposite to the shorter side of any
triangle. Verify experimentally.
Experimental verification
Experiment: Draw three triangles ABC of different shapes and size in which AB is the longest
and AC is the shortest side.
(i) (ii) (iii)
To Verify: ACB > ABC
Verification: Measure the sides AB and AC. Similarly measure the angles opposite to AB and AC
that is ACB and ABC respectively in each figure and tabulate.
AB longest AC shortest ACB angle opposite ABC angle opposite
Fig Result
side side to longest side to shortest side
(i) ACB > ABC
(ii) ACB > ABC
(iii) ACB > ABC
Conclusion: The above experiment shows that the angle opposite to the longer side is greater
than the angle opposite to the shorter side of any triangle.
Converse of theorem - 4
The side opposite to biggest angle is longer than the side opposite to smallest angle of any triangle.
Verify experimentally.
Experimental verification
Experiment: Draw three triangles ABC of different shapes and sizes in which, C is the biggest
and B is the smallest.
To Verify: AB > AC
Verification: Measure the biggest C and smallest B. Similarly measure the sides AB and AC
opposite to C and B respectively in each figure and tabulate.
ACB ABC AB (side opposite to AC (side opposite to
Fig Result
(biggest angle) (smallest angle) biggest angle) smallest angle)
(i) AB > AC
(ii) AB > AC
(iii) AB > AC
Conclusion: The above experiment shows that the side opposite to biggest angle is longer than
the side opposite to smallest angle of any triangle.
Theorem - 5
Of all straight line segments drawn to a given straight line from a given point outside it, the
perpendicular is the least. Verify experimentally.
Experimental verification
Experiment: Draw three different line segments PA, PB and PC to XY from the point P and also
draw PM XY in each figure.
(i) (ii) (iii)
To verify: PM XY
Verification: Measure the length of each line segments and angle made by them to XY and
Measurement of length of line segments and angle made by them.
Angle made by
PM to XY is 90o
Angle made by
PM to XY is 90o
Angle made by
PM to XY is 90o
Conclusion: The above experiment shows that of all the straight line segments drawn to a given
straight line from a given point outside of it, the shortest one is perpendicular to the
given line.
Theorem - 6
Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal. Prove.
If any two sides of a triangle are equal, the angles opposite to them are equal. Prove.
Given: ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC.
To prove: ABC = ACB
Construction: From the vertex A, draw AD BC.
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1. In ABD and ACD 1.
(i) ADB = ADC (R) (i) Being AD BC
(ii) AB = AC (H) (ii) Given (AB = AC)
(iii) AD = AD (S) (iii) Being common side
Converse of theorem - 6
If two angles of a triangle are equal, the sides opposite to them are also equal. Prove.
Given: In ABC, ABC = ACB
To prove: AB = AC
Construction: From the vertex A, draw AM BC
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1. In ABM and ACM 1.
(i) ABM = ACM (A) (i) Given ABC = ACB
(ii) AMB = AMC (A) (ii) Being AM BC (by construction)
(iii) AM = AM (S) (iii) Being common side
2. 2. Corresponding sides of the congruent
Theorem - 7
The bisector of the vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular
bisector of the base. Prove.
Given: In ABC, (i) AB = AC (ii) BAD = CAD
To prove: (i) BD = CD (ii) AD BC
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1. In ABD and ACD 1.
(i) AB = AC (S) (i) Given
(ii) BAD = CAD (A) (ii) Given
(iii) AD = AD (S) (iii) Common side of both triangles.
ABD ACD By S.A.S axiom
2.(i) 2.(i) Corresponding sides of the congruent
(ii) (ii) Corresponding angles of the congruent
(iii) (iii) Adjacent angles of the linear pair being
equal i.e. ADB = ADC
Example 2: In the given figure, QR = PR = PS. If TPS = 8 4o, find the size of RPS.
Solution: Here, T
Let PQR = xo 84o
PQR = QPR = x [ QR = PR]
= x + x = 2x
178 | Mathematics - 9 Geometry
PRS = PSR = 2x [ PR = PS]
Now, PQS + PSQ = SPT Exterior angle is equal to the sum of two
or, x + 2x = 84o opposite interior angles.
or, 3x = 84o
x = 28o
Now, RPS = 180o – (PRS + PSR) [ Sum of interior angles of a triangle]
= 180o – 4x
= 180o – 4 × 28o
= 180o – 112o
= 68o
Example 3: In the adjoining figure, PQR is an isosceles P
triangle in which PQ = PR and QT = RS. Prove that
PST is also an isosceles triangle.
Solution: Here,
Given: In PQR,
PQ = PR, S and T are two points on QR such that QT = SR. Q S T R
To prove: PST is an isosceles triangle.
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1.(i) QT = SR 1.(i) Given
(ii) QT - ST = SR - ST (ii) Subtracting common ST on both sides
(iii) QS = RT (iii) Remaining facts from statement (ii)
2. In PQS and PRT 2.
(i) PQ = PR (S) (i) Given
(ii) PQS = PRT (A) (ii) Base angles of an isosceles triangle.
(iii) QS = RT (S) (iii) From statement 1 (iii)
PQS PRT By S.A.S axiom
Corresponding sides of the congruent
(iv) PS = PT (iv)
3. PST is an isosceles triangle 3. Being PS = PT
Example 4: In the adjoining figure, ABC is an isosceles triangle in
which AB = AC. BO and CO are angle bisectors of
ABC and ACB respectively. Prove that: AO is an
angle bisector of BAC. O
Given: (i) ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC. B C
Exercise 5.2
Group 'A'
1. Find the value of x, y and a from the following figures.
(a) A (b) P (c) A
x x
44 y
x 34o
45° y xy
o o
X y Y 35 75 R O
2x x T 112o
3. (a) In the given figure, AD = BD and AC = CD. If BAD =
36o, find the size of CAE.
Group 'B'
1. In the given figure, ABC is an isosceles triangle in which
AB = AC. If CX AB and BY AC, prove that CX = BY and
AX = AY.
4. In the isosceles triangle ABC, AC = BC. If BP and AP are angle C
bisector of ABC and BAC respectively, prove that CP is also
an angle bisector of ACB. P
8. In the given figure, ABC and ADE are equilateral triangles. If
AC = AE, prove that AX = AY. B
11. If the bisector of the vertical angle of a triangle bisects the base,
prove that the triangle is an isosceles triangle. A
A quadrilateral is a closed figure bounded by four line segments in a D
plane. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral where AB, BC,
CD and AD are sides of the quadrilateral.
Trapezium P S
Parallelogram is a quadrilateral having opposite sides are parallel. In the adjoining figure, DEFG is a
parallelogram in which DE//GF and DG//EF.
Properties of parallelogram D G
Opposite sides of the parallelogram are equal.
Opposite angles of the parallelogram are equal.
Diagonals of the parallelogram bisect each other. E F
The triangles formed by diagonals are equal in area.
Rectangle is a parallelogram having each angle right angle. Or it is a
quadrilateral where all angles are right angles. In the adjoining figure,
ABCD is a rectangle.
Rhombus A D
A rhombus is a parallelogram having all the sides equal. In other words,
a quadrilateral where all sides are equal to each other is called a
rhombus. In the figure alongside, ABCD is a rhombus.
Properties of a rhombus
All the sides of a rhombus are equal. B C
Opposite angles of a rhombus are equal,
Diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other at right angle.
Diagonals of a rhombus bisect its vertical angles.
The triangles formed by diagonals are congruent.
Square A D
Theorem - 9
The straight lines joining the end points of two equal and parallel straight lines segments towards
the same sides are also equal and parallel. Prove
Given: AB = CD, AB // CD and the ends
points A, C and B, D are joined.
To prove: AC = BD and AC // BD.
Construction: Join B and C.
Theorem - 10
The line segments joining the ends of two equal and parallel line segments towards the opposite
sides bisect each other. Prove. A C
Given: (i) AB = CD and AB//CD.
(ii) The end points A, D and B, C are joined O
which intersect each other at O.
To prove: AD and BC bisect each other at O i.e. AO
= DO and BO = CO.
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1. In AOB and COD. 1.
(i) ABO = DCO (A) (i) Being alternate angle as AB//CD
(ii) AB = CD (S) (ii) Given
(iii) BAO = CDO (A) (iii) Being alternate angles as AB//CD.
Corresponding sides of congruent
2. AO = DO and BO = CO 2.
Theorem - 11
Opposite sides of a parallelogram are equal. Prove it.
Given: PQRS is a parallelogram i.e. PS//QR, PQ//SR.
To prove: PQ = SR
Construction: Join P and R.
Proof B C
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1. In ABC and ADC 1.
(i) AB = DC (S) (i) Given
(ii) BC = AD (S) (ii) given
(iii) AC = AC (S) (iii) Common side.
Corresponding angles of the congruent
2. (i) BAC = ACD 2. (i)
Alternate angles being equal as BAC
(ii) AB // DC (ii)
= ACD.
BC = AD Since, AB = DC
(iii) (iii)
BC // AD AB //DC
3. ABCD is a parallelogram 3. Opposite sides being parallel.
Theorem - 12
The opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal. Prove.
Given: PQRS is a parallelogram where PQ // SR, PS // QR
To prove: P = R and Q = S.
Proof B C
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1.(i) A + B + C + D = 360o 1.(i) Sum of the angles of a quadrilateral.
Being B = D and C = A
(ii) A + D + A + D = 360o (ii)
(iii) 2A + 2D = 360 (iii) From statement 1 (ii).
(iv) A + D = 180o (iv) Dividing both sides by 2.
Being A + D = 180o or sum of co-
(v) AB//DC (v)
interior angles is 180o.
2.(i) Similarly, A + B = 180 2.(i) Same as above statements and reasons.
Being A + B = 180o or, sum of co-
(ii) AD//BC (ii)
interior angles is 180o
3. ABCD is a parallelogram 3. Opposite sides being parallel.
Theorem - 13
Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. Prove.
Theoretical proof
Given: PQRS is a parallelogram in which diagonals PR and
QS intersect at O. O
To prove: PO = RO and QO = SO.
Proof Q R
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1. In POQ and ROS 1.
(i) PQ = RS (S) (i) Opposite sides of the parallelogram.
(ii) QPO = SRO (A) (ii) Being alternate angles as PQ//SR.
(iii) POQ = ROS (A) (iii) Vertically opposite angles are equal.
2. PO = RO and QO = SO 2. Corresponding sides of the congruent
x 74o x x
108 o C C B C E
x x
x y
(g) A D (h) A
(i) A D
x 72o
D 52
G E R y
E yo P x
124 x
y B E 32o C
2. (a) In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a square. If DAE = 34o, find AEF.
(b) In the given figure, ABCD is a rectangle. E is any point
on AD such that AB = AE = DE. Find BEC.
(c) In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram in which
AF is an angle bisector of BAD. If EFC = 58o, find
ABE and AEC.
190 | Mathematics - 9 Geometry
(d) In the given figure, ABCD is a rhombus and CDE is
an isosceles triangle in which CD = DE. If CDE = 42o,
find the size of BDC.
3. (a) In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a square and AEC is
an equilateral triangle. Find the size of BCE.
(b) In the figure alongside, ABC is an isosceles triangle in
which AB = AC and DBCF is a parallelogram. If ECF D E F
= 44o, find AED.
(c) In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a square and PBC is
an equilateral triangle. Find the size of APD. P
(d) In the adjoining figure, ABCD and PQRS are two
squares. If PBQ = 28o, find the size of BRS. P
Group 'B' B Q
2. In the given sABC and DEF, AB = DE, AB//DE, BC = EF,
BC//EF. Prove that AC = DF and AC//DF. B C
3. In the figure alongside, ABCD is a parallelogram. The diagonal
AC is produced to either side to the points P and Q such that
AP = CQ. Prove that BP = DQ and BP // DQ.
Geometry Mathematics - 9 |191
4. In the adjoining figure, PQRS is a parallelogram. A and B are A
two points on the diagonal PR such that PA = RB. Prove that
AQBS is a parallelogram. B
5. In the figure alongside, ABCD is a parallelogram. M and N are
midpoints of AD and BC respectively. MN and BD intersect at O
O. Prove that OM = ON and BO = DO. B N C
6. In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. BM and DN are
angle bisectors of ABC and ADC respectively. Prove that
BM = DN, BM//DN.
7. In the figure alongside, ABCD is a square. E and F are any E
points on BC and DC respectively, such that DE = AF. Prove P
that DPAF.
Theorem - 14 (B)
A line segments joining the mid-points of any two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and
it is equal to half of the length of the third side.
Given: In ABC, M and N are mid-points of sides
AB and AC respectively. M and N are joined. M N D
To prove: MN // BC, MN = 2 BC
Construction: Draw a line CD parallel to BA from C and
produce MN to meet CD at D.
XY = 2 × 7cm = 3.5cm
A 3.2cm D
Example 2: In the figure alongside, ABCD is a trapezium in
which AD//BC. If AM = BM, MN//BC, AD = 3.2cm
and BC = 5.8cm, find the length of MP and NP. P
B 5.8cm C
= 2 × 5.8cm = 2.9cm
2. In ACD,
i. DN = CN [AP = CP and AD//PN]
ii. PN = AD [AP = CP and DN = CN]
= 2 × 3.2cm = 1.6cm
Example 3: In the adjoining figure, P, Q, R and S are mid-points of AB, BC, CD and
AD respectively. Prove that PQRS is a parallelogram.
Given: P, Q, R and S are mid-points of AB, BC, CD and AD
respectively, which are joined in order. P S
To prove: PQRS is a parallelogram C
Construction: Join A and C. Q R
Proof B D
Exercise 5.4
Group 'A'
1. Find the value of x & y in the following figures.
(a) A (b) P
81 x
Q S 55o Y
Py x Xy
50o 50o
80o 124o
M T D 2.2cm 2.6cm E
x Q
S y
Q N R B x P y C
x R
B 7.2cm C
(b) In the given figure, BD = AD and BF = FG. F
Prove that BE = CE.
(c) In the given trapezium ABCD, if
AD//BC, AE = CE and DN = CN, prove M N
that AM = BM.
3. In the given figure, A, B, C and D are the mid-points of EH,
EF, FG and HG respectively. Prove that AD = BC and AB = B
4. In the given figure, PQRS is a quadrilateral in which A, C, B D
and D are the mid-points of PQ, QR, RS and PS respectively. If A
AB and CD intersect at O, prove that AO = BO and CO = DO.
(b) AS = AB = BQ. A D
6. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a trapezium where AD // BC. If P Q
AD // PQ and DQ = CQ, prove that:
(a) QR // BC B C
1 M N
8. In the given figure, AD//MN//BC and BM = 2AB.
10. In the figure alongside, ABCD is a parallelogram. Median MN
and diagonal BD intersect at P. Prove that:
(a) MBND is a parallelogram
(b) PN = 2 CD.
11. In the given figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral in which P, Q, R
and S are the mid-points of respective parts. Prove that PQRS Q S
is a parallelogram.
12. In the given figure, M is a mid-point of BC. CA is produced to N
D. If BN is perpendicular to AN where AN is an angle bisector A
of BAD, prove that MN = 2 (AB + AC).
(a) 2AB = DN F
(b) 2CE = AN. Q
16. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a trapezium in which
AD//BC. M and N are mid points of diagonals BD and AC
respectively. Prove that:
(a) MN//AD
1 A
(b) MN = 2 (BC – AD).
17. In the figure alongside, D is mid-point of BC. If 2CG = AC and F
BA//DE, prove that 3DF = FG. C
5.4 Similarity
Look at the figures alongside, these figures are similar
figures. The figures having the same shape but same or (i)
different sizes are called similar figures; as shown in
figures (i), (ii) and (iii).
(ii) (iii)
Similar Triangles D
In the adjoining figures (i) and (ii), where A = D = 60°, 60°
Geometrically, two or more triangles are said to be similar triangle, under the following conditions.
(i) When all angles of one triangle are respectively equal to the A D
corresponding angles of another triangle, the triangles are
said to be similar triangles. In the adjoining triangles,
A = D, B = E and C = F.
Note: When the triangles are similar, the corresponding sides are proportional.
(ii) When the corresponding sides of two triangles are X
proportional, the triangles are also similar.
i.e. XY = YZ = XZ PQR XYZ. Q R Y Z
Note: When the triangles are similar, the corresponding angles are equal.
(iii) When any two corresponding sides are proportional and the angles included by them are equal,
the triangles are similar. L
i.e. RS = RT and MLN = SRT
RS = ST and LMN = RST
ST = RT and LNM = RTS
(i) Two congruent triangles are always similar but two similar triangles are not necessarily to be
(ii) According to the present curriculum, these conditions are not necessary to prove theoretically or
practically (Experimentally).
and DE = EF = FG = GH = DH [from (ii)]
(ii) If the sides of one polygon are proportional to the corresponding sides of the other polygon, the
polygons are similar. In the adjoining figure,
PQ = QR = RS = PS
Then, polygon ABCD polygon PQRS B C
(iv) Similar polygons can be divided into the same
number of similar triangles. Q S
4.5cm BC - CP
or, CD = CP
4.5cm (4 - 1)
or, CD = 1
or, 3CD = 4.5cm
CD = 1.5cm
Example 2: In the given figure, if ABC = CAD, prove that:
(ii) AC = BC . CD
Solution: B D C
Given: In ABC, AD meets BC at D such that ABC = CAD.
To prove: (i) ABC ACD
(ii) AC2 = BC . CD
AC = 6cm.
Similar polygons can be divided into same
number of similar triangles.
6cm 7.5cm
or, 4cm = PS [Given values and AC = 6cm]
or, PS = 6cm
PS = 5cm.
Exercise 5.5
Group 'A'
1 Find the values of x and y from the following figures.
(a) A (b) P
D y
2cm x
Q 3cm R
B y E 1cm C
(c) D (d) P
5cm x 6cm
E 7.5cm F Q y N 3cm R
2. Find the values of x and y with statements and reasons in the following figures.
(a) A (b) P
y x
B x D C
8cm Q y R
y x y
B 6cm C
(b) In the adjoining figure, BAD = ACB. If BC =
9cm and BD = 4cm, find the length of AB.
(c) In the adjoining figure, AB//FC and 2EF = DE. If
CF = 2.5cm, find AD.
5. In the given figure, polygons ABCD and PQRS are P
similar. If BC = 6cm, CD = 5cm, BD = 8cm, AB = 4cm
AD = 5cm and QR = 9cm. find PS, QS and RS.
Group 'B'
1. In the adjoining figure, PS//QR and PQS = QRS
,prove that:
(a) QS2 = PS.QR
(b) PQ.QR = QS.RS Q R
(c) PQ.QS = PS.RS
2. In the given figure, ABC = CAD, prove that: A
(a) AC = BC.AD
(b) AB.AC = BC.BD
(iii) CD = AC B D C
3. In the adjoining figure, PQR is a right angled triangle,
in which Q = 90° and STPR. Prove that: T
(a) PR.PT = PS.PQ
(b) QR = ST
(c) = P T Q
4. In the figure alongside, PQRS is a parallelogram. If A
2PT = QT, prove that 3AP = AR.
Geometry Mathematics - 9 |207
5. In the adjoining figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. Prove
that AD.PQ = PB.QR
6. In the given figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. If 3CF = A D
BC, prove that EF = 4 AF.
7. In the adjoining figure, ABC is a right angled triangle
in which B = 90° and BDAC. Prove that
(a) ABC ABD and AB2 = AC.AD
(b) ABC BCD and BC2 = AC.CD
(c) ABD BCD and AB.CD = BC.BD
Theorem - 15
In a right angled triangle, square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of remaining
two sides. Verify experimentally.
Area of square formed on hypotenuse of the right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares
formed on two remaining sides. Verify experimentally.
Experimental Verification
Experiment: Draw three right angled triangles ABC right angled at B in different sizes and shapes
with the help of pencil compasses and ruler.
(i) (ii) (iii)
To verify: AB2 + BC2 = AC2
Verification: Measure the lengths of AB, BC and AC in each figure and tabulate.
Fig AB AB2 BC BC2 AC AC2 AB2 + BC2 Results
i AB2 + BC2 = AC2
Ii AB2 + BC2 = AC2
iii AB2 + BC2 = AC2
Conclusion: The above experiment shows that in a right angled triangle, square of the hypotenuse
is equal to the sum of squares of two remaining sides.
x = 2 5 cm.
Now, y2 = x2 + 16 = 20 + 16
y2 = 36
y = 6cm
And QR = z2 = x2 + 25
or, z2 = 20 + 25
or, z2 = 45
z = 3 5 cm
Example 3: In the adjoining figure, ABC is a right angled triangle where B = 90°. D
is any point on AB. Prove that AB2 + CD2 = AC2 + BD2.
Solution: In the right angled ABC A
B 13cm C
Q 6cm R
(c) A (d)
H 17.5cm I
E 2.1cm F
x y
B 9.6cm C Q R
(c) D (d) A
A x
x D
4cm C
(a) A F (b)
B 8cm C B 24cm C
(c) D (d) A
B 8cm C
2 2 2 2
5. If the sides of a triangle are a + b , a - b and 2ab, prove that the triangle is a right angled
triangle where a b.
6. For what value of x, the triangle having sides x, x + 7, and x + 8 is a right angled triangle?
7. For what value of y, the triangle having sides y, y - 1 and y - 18 is a right angled triangle?
B 3 cm C
10. In the adjoining figure, the diagonals of the quadrilateral
intersect at P at right angle.
Prove that:
(a) AB2 - BC2 = AP2 - CP2 P
2 2 2 2 B D
(b) AD + CP = CD + AP
(iv) Similarly, from centre D and B, take arcs with radius DC = BC = 6cm which intersect
each other at C.
(v) Join B, C and D, C.
Thus, ABCD is the required square.
When the length of diagonal is given
2. Construct a square ABCD in which diagonal AC = 6.4cm. X
Steps of construction B
A 7.4cm B
(iv) From B and D take arcs with radius BC = 2.5cm and
DC = 7.4cm to intersect at C.
(v) Join B, C and D, C.
Thus, ABCD is the required rectangle.
When the diagonals and angle between them are given
2. Construct a rectangle ABCD in which diagonal AC = 6.8cm and angle between diagonal AC
and BD is 60°.
Steps of construction B
C. Construction of rhombus
When the length of diagonals are given
1. Construct a rhombus ABCD in which AC = 7.2cm and BD = 5.6cm. X
Steps of construction B
D. Construction of parallelograms
When two adjacent sides and angle between them are given.
1. Construct a parallelogram ABCD in which AB = 6.7cm , BC = 4.8cm and ABC = 45°.
Steps of construction D C
(i) Draw a line segment AB = 6.7cm.
(ii) At B, construct ABX = 45°.
(iii) Along BX take BC = 4.8cm.
(iv) From A and C, take arcs with radius AD = 4.8cm and A B
CD = 6.7cm which intersect at D.
(v) Join A, D and C, D.
Thus, ABCD is the required parallelogram.
When base, diagonal and angle made by the diagonal with base are given
2. Construct a parallelogram ABCD in which AB = 5.1cm, ABD = 30° and BD = 7.4cm.
Steps of construction
(i) Draw a line segment AB = 5.1cm. D C
E. Construction of trapezium
When two adjacent sides and base angles are given
1. Construct a trapezium ABCD in which AB = 4.7cm, BC = 4.5cm, ABC = 120° and
BAD = 135°.
Steps of construction
(i) Draw a line segment AB = 4.7cm.
(ii) Construct ABX = 120° at B and BAY = 135° at A.
(iii) From B take BC = 4.5cm along BX.
(iv) From the point C, draw CD parallel
to AB which cut AY at D
135o 4.5cm
[taking help of alternate angles] 120o
Thus, ABCD is required trapezium.
A 4.7cm B
F. Construction of quadrilaterals
When four sides and a diagonal are given
1. Construct a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 5.2cm, BC = 4.7cm, CD = 6.1cm, AD = 4.1cm
and BD = 5.5cm.
Steps of construction
(i) Draw a line segment AB = 5.2cm. 6.1cm C
(ii) From the centre A and B cut arcs with radius AD
= 4.1cm and BD = 5.5cm which intersect at D
and join A, D and B, D. 4.1cm
5.5cm 4.7cm
(iii) Similarly, from D and B take arcs with radius DC =
6.1cm and BC = 4.7cm which intersect at C.
(iv) Join D, C and B, C. A 5.2cm B
Exercise 5.7
1. Construct a square PQRS in which,
(a) PQ = 5.4cm (b) QR = 5.7cm
(c) RS = 6.1cm (d) PS = 4.9cm
2. Construct a square ABCD in which,
(a) Diagonal AC = 6.2cm (b) Diagonal BD = 5.8cm
(c) Length of diagonal = 6.4cm (d) length of diagonal = 5.6cm
3. Construct a rectangle ABCD in which,
(a) AB = 7.4cm and BC = 5.1cm
(b) CD = 6.4cm and AD = 5.2cm
(c) Length of diagonal = 7.4cm and diagonals making an angle 45° to each other.
(d) AC = BD = 6.8cm and diagonal making an angle of 30°.
4. Construct a rectangle PQRS in which,
(a) PQ = 5.8cm and diagonal PR = 6.1cm
(b) PQ = 7.2cm and diagonal QS = 8.1cm
(c) PQ = 5.2cm and RPQ = 60°
(d) PQ = 8.1cm and PQS = 30°
5. Construct a rhombus ABCD in which,
(a) AB = 4.8cm, BAD = 75° (b) AB = 5.4cm, BAC = 30°
(c) AB = 5.7cm, ABD = 60° (c) AB = 5.2cm, ABC = 120°
6. Construct a rhombus PQRS in which,
(a) Diagonals PR = 6.6cm and QS = 8.2cm
(b) Diagonals PR = 7.8cm and QS = 5.6cm
5.7 Circle
Circle and centre of the circle B
In the adjoining figure, ABC is a circle. A circle is a closed plane figure
formed by a curved line, all of whose points are equidistance from a fixed O
point in the same plane. The fixed point is called centre of the circle. In the
given figure, O is the centre of the circle. The circle ABC is represented as A C
Semi Circle A B
In the figure alongside, O is the centre and AOB or AB is a diameter of the
circle. APB or AQB are semi circles. A diameter divides the circle into two
equal parts and each part is called semi circle. Its denoted by .
In the adjoining figure, AB is a chord. Similarly CD and MN are also chords O
of the circle. The line joining any two points on the circumference of the C
circle is called chord. A diameter is also a chord and it is the longest chord D
of the circle. In the given figure, MN is a diameter which is the longest chord M
of the circle. A B
In the adjoining figure, AB is a chord. The chord AB divides the
circumference of the circle in two parts which are AMB and ANB. So AMB
and ANB are arcs of the circle. An arc is the part of the circumference of a
circle and it is denoted by the symbol . There are two types of arcs,
where is a minor arc and ANB is a major arc.
In the adjoining figure, AB is a chord. and ANB are minor and major M
arcs of the ANBM. There are two regions, one is shaded and other
unshaded. These both regions are called circle segments. The area enclosed
Geometry Mathematics - 9 |221
by arc and chord of a circle is called circle segment. In the given figure,
shaded part or AMB is minor circle segment and unshaded part or ANB is
major circle segment.
Sector N
In the adjoining figure, O is the centre and OA and OB are radii of a circle.
There are two regions, one is shaded and another unshaded. Both regions are
enclosed by two radii and corresponding arcs. These regions are called B
sectors. In short, the area enclosed between any two radii of a circle and
the corresponding arc is called sector of the circle. In the figure, OAMB is
a minor and OANB major sectors.
Concentric Circles D A
In the figure alongside, ABC, DEF, GHI and PQR have same centre G
O. These circles have different radii but the same centre. These types of C B
circles are called concentric circles. If two or more circles with different F I
radii and have the same centre, they are called concentric circles.
Intersecting Circles: A
Theorem - 16
The perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to the chord bisects the chord.
Given: i. O is the centre of a circle.
ii. PQ is a chord
iii. ORPQ O
To prove: PR = PQ
Construction: Join O, P and O, Q. P R Q
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1. In OPR and OQR 1.
i. ORP = ORQ (R) i. Both of them are 90° (ORPQ)
ii. OP = OQ (H) ii. Radii of thesame circle.
iii. OR = OR (S) iii. Common side
PR = QR Corresponding sides of the congruent
2. 2.
Theorem - 17
Equal chords of a circle are equidistant from the centre.
Given: i. O is the centre of a circle.
ii. MN and RS are two equal chords. i.e (MN = RS) B
iii. OAMN and OBRS
To prove: OA = OB
Construction: Join OM and OR. N S
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1. (i) MN = RS 1. (i) Given
1 1 Being OAMN and OBRS.
(ii) MA = MN and RB = RS (ii)
2 2
(iii) MA = RB (iii) From statement 1. (i) and (ii)
2. In OAM and OBR 2.
OA and OB are perpendicular to MN
(i) OAM = OBR (R) (i) and RS respectively. (being right
(ii) OM = OR (H) (ii) Radii of the same circle.
(iii) MA = RB (S) (iii) From statement 1. (iii)
OA = OB Corresponding sides of the congruent
3. 3.
Theorem 18
Perpendicular bisector of a chord of a circle passes through the centre of the circle.
Given: O is the centre of the circle in which AB is a
chord. M be the mid-point of AB and MP is the
perpendicular bisector of AB.
To prove: MP passes through centre O.
Construction: Join mid-point M and centre O
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1. MP AB 1. Given
2. MO AB 2. Line joining the centre of the circle and
the mid point of the chord is the
perpendicular to the chord.
3. OMB = PMB = 90 3. From statements (1) and (2)
4. MO and MP are name line 4. From the given point on the line there
passes only one line perpendicular to
the given line.
5. MP passes through centre 5. 5. From statement (4)
Q.E.D. Proved
1 1
BM = 2 AB DN = 2 CD
1 1
= 2 × 16cm = 2 × 12cm
= 8cm = 6cm
In the right angled triangle OMB.
MO = (OB)2 - (BM)2
= (10cm)2 - (8cm)2
= 100 - 64 = 36 = 6cm
Again, in the right angled OND
NO = (OD)2 - (DN)2
S.N Statements S.N Reasons
1. In OPM and OPN 1.
OMP = ONP (A) Being OMAB and ONCD. (by
(i) (i)
(ii) OPM = OPN (A) (ii) Given OPB = OPD
(iii) OP = OP (S) (iii) Common side
2. (i) OM = ON 2. (i) Corresponding sides of the congruent
AB = CD Chords being equidistant from the
(ii) (ii)
centre of a circle.
PM = PN Corresponding sides of the congruent
(iii) (iii)
AM = CN 1 1
AM = 2 AB and CN = 2 CD, where
(iv) (iv)
AB = CD.
(v) AM – PM = CN – PN (v) From statements 2. (iii) and (iv)
AP = CP From statement (v) (Remaining
(vi) (vi)
Exercise 5.8
Group 'A'
1. (a) In the given figure, O is the centre of a circle and OXAB.
If AB = 4cm, OX = 4.8cm, find the length of the diameter.
(b) In the given figure alongside, O is the centre of a circle. PQ
is a chord and OMPQ. If OM = 4.8cm and ON = 6cm, M
find the length of PQ. N O
(d) In the given figure, O is the centre of a circle. OR and PQ
intersect at S at right angle. If PQ = 6cm and SR = 3cm, O R
find the length of radius of the circle.
(d) In the given figure, O is the centre of a circle. AC is a
diameter and AB is a chord. If OMAB, AC = 10cm and
AB = 9.6cm, find the length of OM and BC.
3. (a) In a circle of radius 2.5cm, AB and CD are two parallel chords of length 2.4cm and 1
cm respectively. Find the distance between the chords, if they lie (i) on the same side of
the centre (ii) on the opposite side of the centre.
(b) PQ and RS are two parallel chords which lie on the opposite sides of the centre of the
circle. If these chords are 14cm apart, PQ = 12cm and RS = 16cm, find the radius of the
(c) AB and CD are two parallel chords which lie on the same side of the centre of the
circle. If these chord are 1 cm apart, AB = 8cm and CD = 6cm, find the radius of the
4. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. Two equal chords
AB and CD intersect at P. Prove that OP is an angle bisector of
5. In the adjoining figure, O is the centre of a circle. Chords MN and M R
RS intersect at P. If OP is an angle bisector of SPN, prove that: P
(i) MN = RS, (ii) MP = RP and (iii) NP = SP
6. Two equal chords AB and CD meet at an external point E. B
Prove that AE = CE and BE = DE. E
7. In the figure alongside, two chords PQ and RS of a circle with P
centre O are produced to meet at T. If PT = RT and QT = ST, Q
prove that OT is an angle bisector of PTR. O T
8. In the adjoining figure, O is the centre of a circle. Two equal A N
chords AB and CD intersect at P. If M and N are mid-points of AB P O
and CD respectively, prove that PMN is an isosceles triangle. C M
Geometry Mathematics - 9 |229
9. In the figure alongside, O is the centre of a circle. If PB = PD, A
prove that OM = ON. P O
11. In the given circle, O is the centre of a circle. OMAB, ONCD O P
and OM = ON. Prove that AP = CP. D
12. In the adjoining figure, O is the centre of a circle. Two equal
chords intersect at right angle at G. If E and F are mid-points of E O
AB and CD respectively, prove that OEGF is a square. G
14. In the given figure, M and N are centres of two intersecting circles
which interest at A and B. Prove that the line joining the centres of
the circle is the perpendicular bisector of the common chord AB.
15. In the adjoining figure, two circles with centres A and B are G
intersecting at C and D. If EF//CD, prove that EG = FH and A B
EH = FG. H
16. In the given figure, X and Y are centres of two intersecting equal
circles. If XY = AB, prove that AXBY is a square. X Y
Group-A A B D
1. From the given figure, find the value of x.
Group B
At the end of this chapter, the
students will be able to:
find the value of trigonometric
ratios of different standard
angles like 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°
solve the different identities
related to trigonometric ratios.
solve the triangle using
trigonometric ratios.
Teaching Materials:
Chart paper, flash card, chart of
trigonometrical formula and value
chart of standard angles.
Historical fact
Traditionally, trigonometric functions were considered with respect to arcs of a circle. Georg Joachim
Rhaeticus (1514 – 1576), a German mathematician was the first to define trigonometric functions as
the ratio of the sides of a right angled triangle. Thus, all six trigonometric functions came into full use
and here trigonometry came of age and started modern trigonometry.
6.1 Trigonometric Ratios
Let’s consider a right angled triangle ABC with B = 90°. Among the other two
acute angles, one is considered on reference angle in terms of which the ratios
are defined. The side opposite to the right angle is called hypotenuse (h), the side
opposite to the reference angle is perpendicular (p) and the remaining side is
called base (b). A Base (b) B
CB p AC h
(i) AC = h (ii) CB = p
h p
AB b AC h
(iii) AC = h (iv) AB = b
CB p AB b A B
(v) b
AB = b (vi) CB = p
Until this step, we are simply dealing with pure geometry. Further, we relate these ratios with an angle
of the right angled triangle which is an important turn in mathematics from where trigonometry starts.
Now, taking C as reference angle, we define the above six ratios of sides trigonometrically as
CB p AC h
(i) AC = h = sine of A or Sin A and CB = p = Cosecant of A or Cosec A
AB b AC b
(ii) AC = h = Cosine of A or Cos A and AB = h = Secant of A or Sec A
CB p AB b
(iii) AB = b = Tangent of A or Tan A and CB = p = Cotangent of A or Cot A
Sin A . Cosec A = 1
Similarly Cos A. Sec A = 1; Tan A . Cot A = 1
p h SinA CosA
3. Tan A = b = b = CosA 4. Cot A = SinA
h h
h p cosec h b Sec
5. Sec = b = b = 6. Cosec = p = p =
cot tan
p b
C. Pythagorus Identities
1. p2 + b 2 = h 2
p 2 b 2
or, h + h = 1
or, Sin2 + Cos2 = 1
Sin2 = 1 – Cos2
Sin = 1 – Cos2
2. h2 – p2 = b 2
h 2 p 2
or, b + b = 1
or, sec2 – tan2 = 1
3. h2 – b2 = p 2
h 2 b 2
or, P + p = 1
or, cosec – cot2 = 1
p b
4. Sin A = h and Cos A = h
p2 b2
Sin2 A = h2 and Cos2 A = h2
Sin2 A + Cos2 A = 1
p AB
Tan = b = BC
h AC
Cosec = p = AB
h AC
Sec = =
b BC
b BC
And Cot = p = AB
Example 2: In the right angled triangle PQR, PQR =
90°, PQ = 8cm, QR = 15cm. Find all the
trigonometric ratios of the angle R =
Solution: Here,
In right angled triangle PQR, Q R
PQR = 90°, PQ = 8cm, QR = 15cm.
PR = PQ2 + QR2 [By Pythagoras theorem]
= (8cm)2 + (15cm)2
= 64cm2 + 225cm2
= 289cm2 = 17cm.
Now with respect to R =
b QR 15cm 15
Cos = h = PR = 17cm = 17
p PQ 8cm 8
Tan = b = QR = 15cm = 15
h PR 17cm 17
Cosec = p = PQ = 8cm = 8
h PR 17cm 17
Sec = b = QR = 15cm = 15
b QR 15cm 15
And Cot = = = =
p PQ 8cm 8
Example 3: Using the table of values of trigonometric ratios, find the value of the
side x of the given right angled triangle. A
Solution: Here,
In right angled triangle ABC, ABC = 90°,
BAC = 35° and AB = 6.8cm, BC = x = ?
Now, with respect to A = 35°
Tan = AB
or, Tan 35° = 6.8cm
or, 0.70 = 6.8cm [Using table, tan 35° = 0.70]
x = 4.76cm
Example 4: Using the table of values of trigonometric ratios, find the angle in the
given right angled triangle.
Solution: Here,
In the rt. MNO, OM = 51cm, ON = 45cm, MNO = 90°, MON = = ?
Now, with respect to angle
Cos = OM
or, Cos = O N
51cm 45cm
or, Cos = 0.88.
or, Cos = Cos 28°
= 28°
1 + x2
Cos =
1 + tan2
Example 6: If Sin = , find tan.
Solution: Here,
Sin = 61
Now, we have
Sin Sin
Tan = =
Cos 1 - Sin2
61 61 = 11
Or, tan = =
60 60
1 - 61
Here, Sin = 61
Exercise 6.1
1. Write the basic trigonometric ratios with respect to the given angle as the ratios of the sides of
the triangle.
(a) A B (b)
(c) (d)
2. In each of the following right angled triangles, find the ratios of the given angle.
(a) A (b)
D 4.8cm E
L 2.4cm N
3. Use the table of values of trigonometric ratios of the given angles and find the lengths of the
unknown sides.
(a) A (b)
? ?
10 cm
10 ?
30° R 60° Q
C B 7.2cm
(c) X (d) A
D 60°
45° C B
Y ? Z
4. Find the indicated angles in each of the following right angled triangles. (Use table for the
value of the ratios)
(a) A (b) P
Q 8cm
(c) (d)
25.98 cm
cm b
5. (a) Express tan and cos in terms of sin.
(b) Express sin in terms of tan.
(c) Express tanα in terms of cosα.
(d) Express sin in terms of cos.
6. (a) If sin = 10 , find the value of cos.
(c) If ABC is a right angled triangle with B = 90° and sin (90° - ) = AC , write the ratio
of sin in term of sides of ABC.
(d) In ABC, B = 90° and cos (90° - A) = 25 , find sin C. A 5cm B
7. (a) From the figure given alongside, find the value of tan and cos.
D 9cm C
(b) From the figure given alongside, find angle cos.
8. (a) Write down the value of sine of the smallest angle of the a
given figure.
(b) In the given ABC, B = 90, prove that sin45 = x
(c) From the given figure, find the trigonometric ratios of sin and
Q 4 cm R
(d) From the given figure, find the trigonometric ratios of sin and cos.
R 5 cm A
(e) From the given figure, calculate tan.
D 4cm C
B 65cm D
9. Prove the following identities:
sinA tan sin
(a) tanA = cos A (b) =
cos 1- sin2
1 - cos2
(c) = tan2 (d) (cos – sin)2 = 1 – 2cos.sin
1 - sin2
(e) (1 + tan2) cos2 = 1. (f) (sec2 - tan2) = cot
1 + tan cot + 1
(g) =
1 - tan cot - 1
(h) ( 1 + tan2)cos = 1
OM x a
Cos = OP = a , Sec = x
PM y x
Tan = = , Cot =
OM x y
i. Trigonometric Ratios of 0°.
When = 0°, P coincides with A so that x = a and y = 0.
0 a
Sin0° = a = 0°, Cosec0° = 0 = (undefined)
0 a
Tan0° = a = 0, Cot0°= 0 = (undefined)
0 a
Cos90° = a = 0, Sec90°= 0 = (undefined)
a 0
Tan90° = 0 = (undefined), Cot90°= a = 0
2. Trigonometric ratios of 30° and 60°.
Consider an equilateral triangle ABC with side 2a (say) and let AD be
perpendicular to BC, then D be mid-point of BC.
BC 2a 60°
BD = DC = 2 = 2 = a
Since each angle of an equilateral triangle is 60°, ABD = 60° and
AD bisects BAC, BAD = 30°.
From right angled triangle ABD, by Pythagoras theorem, we get,
AD2 = AB2 – BD2
= (2a)2 – a2
= 3a2
AD = 3a
Taking BAD = 30° as the reference angle perpendicular (P) = BD = a, base (b) = AD = 3 a
Hypotenuse (h) = AB = 2a
BD 1 2a
Sin 30° = AB = =2; Coses30° = a = 2
AD 3a 3 2a 2
Cos30° = AB = 2a = 2 ; Sec30° = =
3a 3
BD a 1 3a
Tan30° = AD = = ; Cot 30° = a = 3
3a 3
AD 3a 3 2a 2
Sin60° = AB = 2a = 2 ; Cosec60° = =
3a 3
BD a 1 2a
Cos60° = AB = 2a = 2 ; Sec60° = a = 2
AD 3a a 1
Tan 60° = BD = a = 3 ; Cot60° = =
3a 3
3. Trigonometric ratios of 45°.
Consider an isosceles triangle, right angled at B, with legs AB = BC = a(say),
Then ACB = 45°. From right angled triangle ABC, by Pythagoras theorem, we get,
AC2 = AB2 + BC2
= a2 + a2
= 2a2 C 45°
AC = 2 a
AB a 1 2a BC a 1
Sin45° = AC = = , Cosec 45° = a = 2 Cos45° = AC = = ,
2a 2 2a 2
2a AB a a
Sec45° = a = 2 Tan45° = BC = a = 1, Cot45° = a = 1
The values of the ratios of angles 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° can be summarized as:
0° 30° 45° 60° 90°
1 1 3
Sin 0 1
2 2 2
3 1 1
Cos 1 0
2 2 2
Tan 0 1 3
(i) Values of the ratios Cosec, Sec and Cot are reciprocals of Sin, Cos and Tan respectively.
0 1 2 3 4
(ii) Sines of the angles 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90° are respectively the square roots of 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 and that of the
Cosines square roots taken in reversed order.
(iii) Values of tangents can be obtained by taking tan = .
1 – sin30° 1 – tan30°
Example 2: Prove that: =
1 + sin60° 1 + tan30°
1 – sin30°
Solution: L.H.S = 1 + sin60°
1 1
1–2 2 1
= = =
3 2+ 3 2+ 3
1+ 2 2
2– 3 2– 3
= 2 = 4–3 =2– 3.
(2) – ( 3)
1 – tan30° 3 3–1
R.H.S = 1 + tan30° = 1 = 3+1
3–1 3–1 3+1–2 3 4–2 3
= × = 3–1 = 2 =2– 3
3+1 3–1
L.H.S = R.H.S proved.
p BC 3
Sinx = h = AC = 2
or, sinx = sin60°
x = 60° x°
Now, A y B
b AB
cosx = =
h AC
or, cos 60° = 2
1 y 1
or, 2 =2 [cos 60° = 2 ]
y = 1 unit.
Exercise 6.2
1. Evaluate:
(a) 3cos45° + 2sin30° (b) sin230° + cos245° + sin260°
(c) cos90° + cos245°. sin30°. tan45° (d) cos60° (cos30° + sin60°)
2. Find the value of:
sin245° + cos245° sin30° - sin90° + 2cos0°
(a) tan260° (b) tan30°. tan60°
4 2 2 2 3 2 2
(c) 3 tan 30° + sin 60° - 3cos 60° + 4 tan 60° - 2tan 45°
1 - cos260°
(d) 1-sin230°
2tan 2
(c) tanB = B (d) sin(A + B) = sinA.cosB + cosA.sinB
1 - tan2 2
5. Prove that:
1 - tan30° 1 - sin30° sin60°
(a) = (b) = tan30°
1 + tan30° 1 + sin60° 1 + cos60°
(c) 2cos30° - 1 = cos60° (d) (1 + tan260°).cos260° = tan45°
6. Solve for (0° 90°)
(a) 4cos2 = 1 (b) tan = 1
(c) 3 sin = sin60° (d) 2sin3 = 3
7. (a) If 3sin2 = 24 and is less than 90°, find the value of .
C 30° C
(c) P (d) A
Q 45° B
(c) (d) C A
10. (a) In ABC, AB = 6cm, AC = 12cm, B = 90° and D
BDAC. Find the trigonometric ratios of sin and
(b) From the adjoining figure, find the length of BC A
and CD.
30° 60°
11. Find the acute angles of the right angled triangle by drawing a figure.
(a) The value of Sin is O.5.
(b) The value of Tan is 1
(c) The value of Cos is 0.866.
12. From the given figure, find the value of x.
(a) (b)
35 m
(e) (f) A
30 45
D 14.64m C B
Project Work
1. Observe the top of a tree 10 meter away from it’s foot of the tree and find the angle of
elevation using clinometer, then investigate the height of the tree.
2. Prepare a clinometer model.
Unit Test
Time: 40 minutes F.M.- 24
1. Write the six trinometric ratios of angle A in right angled ABC with B = 90° [2]
2. Complete the following: [4]
cosec = ...... sec × ..... = 1 tan × cot = ..... cose2 – ........ = 1
Exercise 6.2
3 2 1 1 3
1. (a) +1 (b) 1 (c) (d)
2 2 4 2
1 1 25
2. (a) (b) 1 (c) (d) 1
3 2 36
6. (a) 60° (b) 60° (c) 30° (d) 20°
1 3
7. (a) 60° (b) 30° (c) - (d) 45°,
2 2
8. (a) AB = 5 3 cm, BC = 15cm (b) AB = 5 3 cm, AC = 10cm
(c) QR = 8.07cm, PR = 5.4cm (d) AC = 10cm, BC = 14.14cm
9. (a) 30° (b) 60° (c) 45° (d) 23.58°
10. (a) 60° (b) 20m, 60m
11. (a) 30° (b) 45° (c) 30°
12. (a) 40 3 m (b) 56.96 m (c) 10 m
(d) 60m (e) 35.58 m (f) 20 m
At the end of this chapter, the
students will be able to:
collect the data, using tally marks,
they can find the frequency table.
represent the data in bar graph
and circular diagram.
calculate the average, median,
quartiles of ungrouped data.
Teaching Materials:
Chart paper, data collected for
different purpose, card board paper,
different coloured board markers,
different chart paper related to
graphical representation, etc.
Statistics is the study of collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of numerical data.
Statistics play very important role to make future plan and policies.
Under presentation, comes graphs and diagrams showing different collected data. The graphs and
diagrams are good visual aids, so here we are going to learn, how to present the collected data in
graphs i.e. histogram, ogive and line graph.
X’ X
0 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066
Y’ Years
ii. Draw a circle with suitable radius and draw the angles representing the angular values of the
items at the centre. The sectors so formed represents the parts of the given items.
Education Index
Food Food
Education Education
It is graphical representation of continuous frequency distribution. It is a set of rectangles with class
intervals as bases and their heights as frequencies. There is no gap between two successive rectangles.
Method to draw histogram
i. The data should be in exclusive form. If the data is in inclusive form, it should be converted to
exclusive form.
ii. Class intervals are represented along the x - axis with suitable scale.
iii. The frequencies are represented along the y - axis with suitable scale.
iv. Rectangular bars are constructed with class intervals as bases and frequencies as heights.
X’ X
0 5 15 25 35 45 55 65
Y’ Ages in years
The correction factor is subtracted from lower limit of each class and is added to
upper limit of each class.
C.I Frequency
14.5 - 19.5 3
19.5 - 24.5 13
24.5 - 29.5 21
29.5 - 34.5 15
34.5 - 39.5 5
39.5 - 44.5 4
44.5 - 49.5 2
X’ 0 X
14.5 19.5 24.5 29.5 34.5 39.5 44.5 49.5
Y’ Class interval
The construction near origin along x-axis shows that from 0 to lower limit of the first
bar is not in scale.
In the class, 50 - 60, 50 is the lower limit and 60 is the upper limit. It is the upper limit exclusive form.
That means the upper limit is not included in the class. For example, in the class 50 - 60, the upper
limit 60 is excluded. 60 is included in the class 60 - 70.
It is the graphical representation of cumulative frequency distribution of continuous series. Ogive is
also known as cumulative frequency curve. The cumulative frequency means sum of all the
frequencies of the preceding classes and the frequency of the considered class. That means cumulative
frequency is the sum of the frequencies of all classes up to the class considered.
There are two kinds of ogives. They are (i) more than ogive (ii) less than ogive.
To draw an ogive
Prepare less than/greater cumulative frequency table.
Take classes along x-axis and cumulative frequencies along y-axis.
Taking lower limit of class (incase of less than ogive) on X coordinate and
corresponding cumulative frequency on y-coordinate plot the points.
Join the points its order free hand with continuous line.
Finding the median class, lower quartile class and upper quartile class
By using ogives, we can find the class of the quartile, and also estimate the quartiles (Q1, Q2 or
Md, Q3). The curve being down free hand, the quartile values can not be exact.
Example 1: Draw the less than ogive and find the class of median, first quartile
and third quartile from the data.
Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
No. of Students 5 9 12 8 6
The graph is the less than ogive, the c.f. value corresponding to the highest point of
the curve is 40.
N = 40
Nth 40th
Positionof median = 2 item = 2 item = 20th item.
From c.f. value = 20 along y-axis a horizontal line is drawn which cuts the curve at a
point(s). From this point, a vertical line I is drawn that which cuts the x-axis at the
point B lies between 20 and 30.
Median class = (20-30)
At B, the value of x is 24.
Estimated median is 24
Nth 40th
Similarly, the first quartile (Q1) = 4 item = 4 item = 10th item. From c.f. value 10
along y-axis horizontal line is drawn which cuts the curve at the point P. From P,
vertical line is drawn which cuts the x-axis at Q. Q lies between 10 and 20.
Q, class = (10-20)
Exercise 7.1
1. (a) Draw a line graph of rain fall for 12 months.
Months Bai. Jesh. Ash. Sha. Bha. Asoj. Kart. Man. Poush Magh. Falg. Chai.
Rain fall (mm) 0 5 35 60 50 20 10 5 5 10 5 5
(b) The table below shows the average temperature of different months of Birgunj. Show it
in a line graph.
Months Bai. Jesh. Ash. Sha. Bha. Asoj. Kart. Man. Poush Magh. Falg. Chai.
35 42 47 43 40 35 30 25 20 15 20 30
(c) The table below shows the population of different years of Jitpur Village. Show it in a
line graph.
Year 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066
Population in thousand 5 6 8 11 15 20 26
(d) Draw a line graph of production of wheat in Chainapur VDC in different years.
Year 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066
Production in
10 15 12 18 20 10
2. (a) Draw a pie-chart of the expenditure while constructing a house.
Items Labour Bricks Cement Iron Timber
Expenditure (Rs.) 60,000 90,000 1,50,000 2,00,000 1,00,000
7.2.1 Mean
Mean is the most used measure of central tendency. It is also called Arithmetic mean. It is defined as
the sum of items divided by number of items. It is denoted by X .
sum of items
Arithmetic mean = No. of items
= = 28.75
Therefore, the arithmetic mean is 28.75.
Example 3: The marks obtained by 40 students are as follows
10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 100, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 100, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90,
100, 30, 50, 70, 90, 100, 30, 50, 70, 90, 30, 50, 70, 90, 50, 70, 90,
50, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70.
Represent the above data in a discrete frequency table and calculate the
arithmetic mean.
7.2.2 Median
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
Let's observe the adjoining arranged data. 3 terms 3 terms
40 is dividing the arranged data exactly into two equal parts. So, 40 is the median. Thus, median is an
item in arranged data i.e. either in ascending order or descending order dividing the series exactly in
two equal parts. It is the positional average.
In individual series,
N + 1 th
Median = 2 item.
In discrete series,
N + 1 th N+1
Median =
2 item, the value corresponding to c.f. value 2 or just greater then it.
Where N = No. of items.
= 11
Hence, median mark is 11.
Example 3: Find the median of the following data.
x 5 10 15 20 25 30
f 2 5 10 7 4 2
Item ‘x’ Frequency ‘f’ Cumulative frequency c.f
5 2 2
10 5 7
15 10 17
20 7 24
25 4 28
30 2 30
N = f = 30
N + 1 th
Median = 2 item
30 + 1 th
= 2 item = 15.5th item.
Exercise 7.2.2
1. Find the median of the following data:
(a) 4, 16, 12, 8, 20. (b) 5, 45, 65, 95, 75, 85, 55
(c) 3, 18, 9, 15, 27, 30, 12, 6, 33 (d) 10, 30, 20, 15, 25, 40, 19, 17, 43
2. Find the median of the following data:
(a) 2, 8, 6, 4, 9, 7, 1, 5, 7, 3, 8, 6 (b) 2, 20, 12, 6, 4, 16, 18, 14
(c) 31, 38, 27, 28, 36, 25, 35, 40, 28, 51 (d) 10, 40, 60, 30, 20, 50
3. (a) The data 10, 14, x + 3, x – 3, 26, 29 are in an ascending order. If the median is 20,
calculate the value of x.
(b) The data 5, 10, x + 5, x + 10, 25, 30 are arranged in an ascending order. If the median is
17.5, calculate the value of x.
(c) The median of the data arranged in an ascending order 7, 9, x + 3, 13, 15 is 11.
Calculate the value of x.
(d) The median of the data arranged in an ascending order 5, 10, 15, x + 4, 25, 30, 35 is 20.
Find the value of x.
(e) If the given data is in an ascending order and the median is 70, find the value of x:
3x + 5
50, 60, 2 , 80, 90.
Exercise 7.2.3
1. Find the mode
(a) 10, 20, 20, 40, 20, 10, 20.
(b) a, b, c, b, d, b, e, b
2. Find the mode from the given data:
(a) Weight in kg 30 35 40 42 45 50
No. of children 3 5 10 18 20 2
(b) Marks 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
No. of students 2 5 8 15 19 7 4
4. Find the upper quartile of the data.
(a) Wages in Rs. 10 60 50 40 20 30
No. of persons 4 4 10 15 5 8
(b) x 15 30 50 20 40
f 7 10 6 11 9
5. (a) If first quartile of the given observations taken in order is 15, find the value of 'P'.
11, P + 5, 18, 24, 30, 35, 40
(b) If lower quartile of the observations taken in order given below is 20, find the value of 'm':
12, 15 + m, 16 + 2m, 28, 34, 38, 45, 48, 52.
(c) If upper quartile of the observation given below taken in order is 39, find 'a':
8, 12, 15, 20, 27, 30 + a, 52 – 2a, 45.
(d) If third quartile of the observations taken in order is 172, find the value of 'k'.
102, 112, 120, 130, 142, 150, 158, 150 + 2k, 188 – k, 182
Project Work
1. Collect the marks obtained by the students of grade IX and X in mathematics, prepare
frequency table and compare average mark.
2. Collect the marks obtained by the students of your class in mathematics in the last two
examinations, find the means and express your views about the progress of the students.
3. Collect the heights of the students of two sections of a class and compare their average heights.
At the end of this chapter, the
students will be able to:
understand the meaning of
probability and use the probability
practically in their life.
find the probability of different
events in the experiment.
Teaching Materials:
Chart paper, related to probability,
flash cards, playing cards, dice,
different colour.
8.1 Probability
When we observe in the nature and in our daily life, there are two types of facts which are called
deterministic and probabilistic. The fact under which the result can be predicted with certainty is
called the deterministic fact. For example, the day after Monday is always Tuesday.
The fact under which the result cannot be predicted with certainty is called probabilistic fact. For
example, in tossing a coin, we are not sure whether the head or tail of the coin. Even if the sky is
clouded, we are not sure whether it rains.
The two above examples are the cases of uncertainty because nobody can say with certainty whether it
will happen or not. Thus, probability is the chance that something will happen. Probability is a
concept which numerically measures the degree of uncertainty and certainty of the occurrence of
1 1
The probability of turning up 3 = P(3) = 6 The probability of turning up 4 = P(4) = 6
1 1
The probability of turning up 5 = P(5) = 6 The probability of turning up 6 = P(6) = 6
The probability of turning up 7 = P(7) = 6 = 0
The probability of turning up 7 is 0 because a die consists or the number 1 to 6 only and it contains
only six faces. There is no face 7 in a die.
The probability is 0 means there is no chance of an event happening.
Thus, the probabilities lie between 0 to 1.
Nature of probability
i. P(E) 0 for any event E in the sample space S.
ii. 0 P(E) 1 for any event E in the sample space.
iii. P(E) = 0 for any event E is impossible event.
iv. P(E) = 1 for any event E is sure event.
Hence, the probability of getting an ace is 13 .
Example 2: A marble is drawn at random from a box containing 3 white marbles and
7 black marbles. What is the probability that a marble drawn is white?
Solution: Here, total number of marbles in the box = 3 + 7 = 10
n(S) = 10
Number of white marbles n(E) = 3
n(E) 3
Now, P(E) = n(S) = 10
Hence, the probability of getting white marbles is 10 .
Example 3: A bag contains 6 red, 4 blue and 3 green balls of the same shape and
size. If a ball is drawn at random, find the probability of not getting a blue
Solution: Here, there are 6 red, 4 blue and 3 green balls in a bag.
Total number of balls = 6 + 4 + 3 = 13
n(S) = 13
Favourable number of events of getting a blue ball is 4.
n(B) = 4
n(B) 4
Now, P(B) = n(S) = 13
13 - 4 9
= 13 = 13
Example 4: What will be the probability of getting 4 when a dice is rolled once?
Solution: Here, the sample space in a dice (S) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
n(S) = 6
Hence, the probability of getting 4 is
Example 5: A bag contains 4 identical balls of red, black, blue and green colours. A
ball is drawn at random from the bag, find the probability of getting a red
Solution: Here, total number of balls in a bag is 4.
n(S) = 4
The number of red ball in the bag is 1.
n(R) = 1
n(R) 1
Now, P(R) = n(S) = 4
Hence, the probability of getting a red ball is 4
Hence, the required probability is 7
Example 7: Find the probability of drawing a black king from a well shuffled pack of
52 cards.
Solution: Here, total number of cards = 52
n(S) = 52
Out of 52 cards, there are 2 black kings.
So, the exhaustive cases of black kings, n(E) = 2
n(E) 2 1
Now, P(E) = n(S) = 52 = 26
Hence, the required probability of black king is 26 .
Hence, the probability of getting a number divisible by 3 is 3 .
Example 9: From the number cards numbered from 2 to 20, a card is drawn at random.
Find the probability of getting the card numbered the multiple of 4.
Solution: Here, the sample space of the numbered cards (S) = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... ..., 20}.
n(S) = 19
The favorable cases which is the multiple of 4 is
E = {4, 8, 12, 16, 20}
n(E) = 5
n(E) 5
Now, P(E) = n(S) = 19
Hence, the probability of getting the card numbered the multiple of 4 is 19 .
Example 10: From the number cards, numbered from 1 to 15, a card is drawn at
random. Find the probability of getting a card having a prime number.
Solution: Here, let S be the sample space. Then
S = {1, 2, 3, 4, ... ..., 15}
n(S) = 15
Let E be the event of getting a prime number.
Then, E = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}
n(E) = 6
n(E) 6 2
Now, P(E) = n(S) = 15 = 5
Hence, the probability of getting a card having a prime number is 5 .
Example 11: What is the probability that a leap year selected at random will contain
53 Sundays?
Solution: Here, we know that, a leap year contains 366 days i.e 52 weeks and 2 days. So, there
are 52 Sundays in 52 weeks. For the remaining 2 days, they may be Sunday and
Monday, Monday and Tuesday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
Thursday and Friday, Friday and Saturday, Saturday and Sunday.
Example 12: Three unbiased coins are tossed simultaneously. Write down the sample
space. Find the probability of getting:
(i) all tails (ii) one head
(iii) at most one tail (iv) exactly one head or two heads.
Solution: Here, let S be the sample space. Then, the sample space tossing three coins (S)
= {H, T} × {H,T} × {H, T} = {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, TTT}
n(S) = 8
(i) The favourable cases of all tails (E) = {TTT}
n(E) = 1
n(E) 1
n(E) = n(S) = 8
(ii) The favourable cases of one head (E) = {HTT, THT, TTH}
n(E) = 3
n(E) 3
n(E) = n(S) = 8
(iii) The favourable cases of at most one tail (E) = {HHH, HHT, HTH, THH}
n(E) = 4
n(E) 4 1
n(E) = n(S) = 8 = 2
(iv) The favourable cases of exactly one head or two heads (E) = {HHT, HTH, HTT,
n(E) = 6
n(E) 6 3
n(E) = n(S) = 8 = 4
Exercise 8.1
1. (a) Define the probability with an example. What is the probability of that event is certain?
(b) What is the probability of an event that is impossible?
(c) If the number of favorable outcomes and possible outcomes are n(E) and n(S)
respectively, find the probability of the event E.
Example 2: A dice is thrown 1200 times and the record of outcomes is given in the
following table.
Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 186 205 211 187 204 207
or, 0.85 =
or, n(E) = 0.85 × 15000 = 12750
Hence, required number of passed students in English = 12750.
Exercise 8.2
1. (a) When a coin is tossed 75 times, head occurs 45 times. Find the probability of (i) head
and (ii) tail.
(b) The result obtained in tossing a coin 1000 times are given in the following table.
Outcomes Head Tail
Frequency 725 275
Find the probability of occurrence of head.
(c) In a 100 tosses of a coin, 56 tails were observed, what is the empirical probability of
getting a head in the next toss?
Group-A (10×2=20)
1. Define random experiment.
2. Define sample space.
3. Find the sample space for two throws of a die.
4. Find the sample space for roll of a die and toss of a coin simultaneously.
5. Find the probability of getting an odd number when a dies is rolled.
6. A card is drawn from a well suffled pack of 52 playing cards. Find the probability of getting
a face card.
7. From a bag containing of white and 8 black marbles of same size, a marble is drawn
randomly. What is the probability of getting a white marble?
8. From a pack of number cards numbered from 4 to 32, a card is drawn randomly. Find the
probaiblity of getting a number whicn is multiple of 3 and 5.
9. What is the probability of touching the letter 'B' when a letter is touched randomly in the
10. In 50 tosses of a coin, head turned up 32 times. Find the empirical probability of getting tail
in the next toss. .
Exercise: 8.2
3 2 29 11
1. (a) (i) (ii) (b) (c)
5 5 40 25
3 13 1 5 299 103 13 2 13 17
2. (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (c) (i) (ii) (iii)
10 40 5 8 600 300 40 15 30 30
257 243 1
3. (a) (i) (ii) (b) 900 (c) (d) 250
500 500 4
Group – A [6 x 1 = 6]
1. a. If selling price of an article is x and profit amount is y, what will be the profit percentage?
b. Write down the calculating formula of n(AB) .
2. a. For what value of x the term 3 x – 2 has 1?
3. a. Find the mode value of the observations 12, 13, 12, 14, 14, 15, 13, 14, 16.
b. What is the relation of angle
< PRS over the angles < P
and < Q?
5. a. If Rs 20 is the discount amount on selling an article at Rs 60. Find the discount percentage.
b. The 12 oranges are sold at the cost price of 15 oranges. Find the profit percentage.
c. A sales man makes Rs 2, 00, 000 as the total sale on a month. Find his commission at the rate
of 5% in the month.
2n + 3 – 2n
6. a. Simplify: 2n . 7 .
b. Factorise: x4 + x2 +1
7. a. Solve: 5x + 2 – 5x – 120 = 0.
b. Factorise: 9x 2 – 4y2 + 6x + 1.
3 3 3
c. 2 54 – 3 16 + 486
3 3
8. a. Simplify: 9x4 y –1 . 3x5 y –5
b. Find the mean of the observations 12, 15, 18, 21and 24.
c. If median of the observations: 12, 16, 20, x + 4, x + 8 , 32, 36, & 40 is 26, find the value of ‘x’.
° ° °
b. Find the value of : 4Sin30 .Cos60 .Tan45 .
10. a. If PQ bisects <BQR and RP bisects <QRD, find the value of <QPR.
b. Find the value of <TPQ from the adjoining diagram where <PTS = 40° and <RST = 120°.
13. Monthly salary of a sales person is Rs 12,000 and earns Rs 20,000 in a month including
commission at the rate of 2%. Find the total sale made by him in the month.
18. If mean marks of given observations is 37, find the value of ‘m’.
Marks 20 30 40 50 60
f 7 m 13 8 2
19. Verify experimentally that the sum of any two angles of a triangle is always greater than third
angle. (Three figures of different measurement are necessary and the triangles should not be right
20. Prove theoretically that the base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal.
Group - D [4 x 5 = 20]
21. Two Watches are sold at Rs 2000 each where one is sold at 5% loss and the other is at 10% gain.
Find the actual gain or loss percent on selling both the watches.
22. In a survey of students 60% like Science, 70% like Maths, 10% don’t like any one of them and 24
like both of them. Find the number of students took part in the survey. Also find the number of
students who like only one subject by drawing venn diagram.
1 1
23. If x = 33 + 3– 3 , prove that 3x3 – 9x = 10.
24. In the given figure, QB and RA are the perpendiculars drawn from Q and R to the opposite sides
and PQ = PR, prove that QB = RA.
Group – A [6 x 1 = 6]
1. a. Yearly profit of a company is Rs. 2, 50, 000. Find the bonus amount distributed by it to the
workers of 25% on the profit.
b. Write down the formula of finding LSA and TSA of a prism where A is the base area and P
is the perimeter of base of the prism.
3. a. If (2x – 40)° & (10 – x)° are the linear pairs, find the value of ‘x’.
20 cm
3n+2 – 6.3n
6. a. Simplify: 3n . 3
b. Factorise: a4 + 16.
8. a. fd = 600, f = 30 and assume mean = 25. Find the value of arithmetic mean.
b. If lower quartile of the observations:12, 2x – 4, 2x + 6, 28, 30, 34, 38 & 40 is 18.5, find the
value of ‘x’.
c. Find the value of:- 3Tan2 45° + 2Cos2 60° + 2Sin2 30°
10. a. Find the value of x, if ˂ ABC = 80°,
˂ CDE = x and CD = CE.
b. Find the value of x from the given diagram
where ABCD is a square, AC is a diagonal, A D
<ABP = x0 and <BPC = 800. P
12. A man earns certain amount in a month and he deposits 10% of his income in CIF fund and Paid
Rs. 10,500 as yearly income tax at the rate of 15%. Find the monthly salary of a person where tax
allowance is Rs. 2,00,000.
13. An article is sold with 25% discount. If 20% profit is there the cost price will be Rs. 2500. Find
the marked price of the article.
1 1
14. If x = 33 + 3– 3 , prove that 3x3 – 9x = 10.
17. A path of 5m wide is run inside of a rectangular field of length 150m and 60m. Find the cost of
paving stones at the rate of Rs.20 per stone of size 80cm x 50cm.
18. Verify experimentally that exterior angles of a triangle is equal to the sum of its opposite interior
19. Prove that the quadrilateral having opposite angles equal is a parallelogram.
20. Construct a quadrilateral having sides AB = BC = 7 cm, CD = DA = 6 cm and < DAB = 75° .
Group – D [4 x 5 = 20]
21. The cost price of two bicycles is Rs. 8,000. One is sold with 10% loss and the other is at 10% gain
for the same selling price. Find the final gain or loss percentage on both the bicycles.
22. If the cost of carpeting the square room at the rate of Rs 200 per m2 is Rs 51,200. Find the cost of
plastering the 4 walls and ceiling of the room having height 5m at the rate of Rs 18 per m2.
24. In a right angled triangle ABC right angled at B, AD is perpendicular to the side BC, prove that
AB2 = BC.BD.
b. If OP is the line joining the centre of a circle and mid - point P of a chord AB, write down the
relation of OP over AB.
5. a. The cost of a machine is Rs. 15,000 with discount where marked price is Rs. 20,000, find the
discount percentage.
b. If 3m wide cross path is constructed inside a rectangular field of size 80m x 60m, find the
area of the cross path.
c. Find the volume of the prism from the adjoining diagram.
B 10√3
6 cm C
7. a. If 2x + y : 4x – 3y = 2 : 3, find X : Y.
b. Solve: abx2 – (a + b)c x + c2 = 0
c. Factorise: x2 – 4y 2 – 4y – 1.
9. a. A dice is thrown at random. Find the probability of getting prime number in the throw.
b. Find the value of x, from the adjoining diagram, if ˂ ABC
= 800, ˂ CDB = x and CD = CB.
10. a. Find the value of ADO where ABCD is a rectangle, 65°
ACD = 35°, POC = 65° in the adjoining diagram. O
b. From the adjoining diagram, find the radius of the circle
where OC = 3 cm, AB = 8 cm, O is the centre of the circle and
OC is perpendicular to AB.
3cm 20cm
1 1 1
14. Simplify: 1 + xa-b + xc–b + 1 + xc-a + xb–a + 1 + xa -c + xb–c
17. Mean marks of the given observations is 58, find the value of ‘p’.
Marks 45 50 54 60 75
No. of students 4 p p+7 7 6
18. Prove that equal chords of a circle are equidistance from the centre of the circle.
19. Prove that the quadrilateral having opposite sides equal is a parallelogram.
20. Construct a quadrilateral having AB = 7 cm, BC = 6.5 cm, CD = 5 cm, DA= 5.5 cm and diagonal
BD = 8 cm.
Group - D [4 x 5 = 20]
21. 50 caps are bought at the rate of Rs 200 where first 20 are sold at a loss of 10%, other 20 are sold
at a gain of Rs 500. At what rate remaining caps be sold to get the profit of 25% in the outlay?
22. The cost of carpeting a square room at the rate of Rs. 90 per m2 is Rs. 23040 and cost of
plastering the 4 wall at the rate of Rs. 12 per m2 is Rs.3840. Find the height of the room.
x – 2 x +1
23. Solve: x + 1 + x + 7 = 1.
24. If A, B, C and D are the mid points of the sides PQ, PR, RS and QS respectively, prove that
ABCD is a parallelogram.
Model Question Set Mathematics - 9 |301
Prime questions for more
1. i. In a class of 120 students, 60 like science, 70 like maths and 40 like both
the subject. Find the number of students who like at least one subjects and
who like neither of them by drawing venn diagram. Ans: 90, 10
ii. In a survey of 200 people 130 like tea, 120 like coffee and 15 don't like
any one of them. Find the numbers of people who like only one drink by
drawing venn diagram. Ans: 120
iii. In a hostel of students 35% like only junk food, 40% like only cooked
food and 5% don't like any one of them. If the students who like both of
them is 24, find the numbers of students who like cooked food by using
venn diagram. Ans: 72
iv. In a barrac of 95 solders 45 don't like to play football, 35 don't like to play
cricket and 25 like to play only football. Find the number of soldiers who
like neither of such games by drawing venn diagram. Ans: 10
v. In a class of 60 students, the number of student who like marking system
only is double the students who like only grading system during the
evaluation of examination where 15 students like both type of system and
the students who like at least one system. Find the number of students
who like marking system by drawing venn diagram. Ans: 45
2. i. Yash bought two music systems for Rs. 52,000. He sold them making
10% profit on one and 10% loss on the other. If their selling price is same,
find his total gain or loss percent. Ans: Loss 1%
ii. A sold an article to B at a profit of 10%. B sold the same article to C at a
profit of 15%. If C paid Rs. 3162. 50 to B, how much did A pay for it?
Ans: Rs. 2500
iii. An article when sold at a profit of 15% yields Rs. 380 more than when sold
at a loss of 16 3 %. What was the cost price of the article? Ans: Rs.1200
iv. A man bought two shirts for Rs. 1200 each on selling the first shirt, he
had 10% profit and 5% loss on the second shirt. Find his gain or loss
percent or whole. Ans: 2.5%
v. A shopkeeper bought 150 books and sold 100 of them at a profit of 30%
and the rest at 10% loss. If he had sold all the books at once at 25% profit,
he would have received Rs. 300 more. Find the cost price of each book.
Ans: Rs. 24
v. Find the total surface area and volume of the given solid.
Ans: 462 cm2, 540 cm2
5. i. The cost of plastering the four walls of a square room at Rs. 10 per m2 is
Rs. 3240 and the cost of carpeting it's floor at Rs. 25 per m2 is Rs. 8100.
Find the height of the room. Ans: 4.5 m
ii. Prove that the line segment that joins the vertex and mid – point of the
base of an isosceles triangle is perpendicular to the base and bisects the
vertical angle.
9. i. Prove that the quadrilateral having opposite angles equal is a
parallelogram. A D
ii. In the adjoining figure; AM and
CN are perpendiculars to diagonal N
BD of the quadrilateral. If AO = o
CO and BM = DN, prove that M
ABCD is a parallelogram. B C
iii. In the adjoining figure P, Q, R, S are the
midpoint of AB, BC, CD and AD
respectively. Prove that PQRS is a Q S
iv. In the adjoining figure: ∆ABC is a right angled A
triangle in which B = 90° and BD AC.
Prove that. D
a) ∆ABC ∆ABD and AB2 = AC.AD.
v. Construct a rectangle ABCD in which AC = BD = 6.8 cm and diagonal
making an angle of 30°.
10. i. Construct a parallelogram ABCD in which; Diagonals AC = 5.6cm, BD =
6.4 cm and they make an angle of 30°.
a) b)
E x
A 30°
30° 45°
B C 14.64
Ans: 40 3 Ans: 20m
iv. If the A.M. of the following data is 34, find the value of p.
Marks obtained 15 25 35 45 55
No. of students 7 8 p 7 6
v. The data 5, 10, x+5, x+10, 25, 30 are arranged in an ascending order. If
the median is 17.5. Calculate the value of x. Ans = 10
vi. If third quartile of the observation taken in order is 172. Find the value of k.
102, 112, 120, 130, 142, 150, 158, 150+2k, 188–k, 182 Ans: 10