BS2 Fiscal Policy
BS2 Fiscal Policy
BS2 Fiscal Policy
2018 Comment on the important changes introduced in respect of the Long term
Capital Gains Tax (LCGT) and Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) in the Union
Budget for 2018-2019. 150 10
2013 Discuss the rationale for introducing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India.
Bring out critically the reasons for the delay in roll out for its regime. 200 12.5
2013 What is the meaning of the term ‘tax expenditure’? Taking housing sector as an
example, discuss how it influences the budgetary policies of the 200 12.5 government.
2001 What are the hurdles faced by the Finance Ministers of India in keeping the fiscal
deficit below 3 − 4 percent of the GDP? Suggest steps to lower the fiscal deficit. 150
1995 Do you think that income tax reduces economic incentives? Give your reasons.
150 10
1995 Does reduction in fiscal deficit necessarily assure reduction in inflation? 150 10
1994 Indicate briefly the tax reforms that have been introduced in India after the coming
in of the New Economic Policy. 150 10
1993 In a developing country like ours what according to you, should be the basis of
taxation income or consumption? Spell out your arguments clearly. 150 10
1988 State the distinctive features of the national budget for 1979 − 80. To what extent
are the present inflationary trends derived from the budget provisions (About 200
are the present inflationary trends derived from the budget provisions. 200 12.5
1982 Examine the pros and cons of increasing the level of taxation on agriculture
sector 150 10
1. Vijay Kelkar was the head of the 13th finance commission (2010-2015).
3. With the advent of GST council there is considerable change in the position of FC
1. Article - 112 of the Indian constitution mention that every year government has to
present annual financial statements
i. Revenue →
ii. Capital →
ii. Capital →
1. Income tax has highest share among the direct taxes
Explain what is fiscal policy in India? Fiscal policy and it’s relationship with
monetary policy Discuss its objectives while differentiating it with monetary
policy. (250 words)
Explain – Clarify the topic by giving a detailed account as to
how and why it occurred, or what is the particular context. You
must be defining key terms where ever appropriate, and
substantiate with relevant associated facts.
Structure of the answer:
Fiscal policy is the guiding force that helps the government
decide how much money it should spend to support the
economic activity, and how much revenue it must earn from the
system, to keep the wheels of the economy running smoothly.
Discuss the concept of fiscal policy in detail.
Discuss its objectives.
Fiscal policy refers to the use of government spending and tax policies to influence
economic conditions, especially macroeconomic conditions, including aggregate
demand for goods and services, employment, inflation, and economic growth. In
simple terms, it is an estimate of taxation and government spending that impacts
the economy. It is the guiding force that helps the government decide how much
money it should spend to support the economic activity, and how much revenue it
must earn from the system, to keep the wheels of the economy running smoothly.
price stability: It controls the price level of the country so that when the
inflation is too high, prices can be regulated.
encouraging investment
Fiscal policy tools are used by governments that influence the economy. These
primarily include changes to levels of taxation and government spending. To
stimulate growth, taxes are lowered and spending is increased, often involving
borrowing through issuing government debt. To put the dampers on an overheating
economy, the opposite measures would be taken.
Importance of fiscal policy:
The fiscal policy helps mobilise resources for financing projects. The central
theme of fiscal policy includes development activities like expenditure on
railways, infrastructure, etc. Non-development activities include spending on
subsidies, salaries, pensions, etc. It gives incentives to the private sector to
expand its activities.
Fiscal policy aims to minimise income and wealth inequalities. Income tax is
charged on all salaried persons directly proportioned to their income. Likely
indirect taxes are also more in the case of semi-luxury and luxury items than
that of necessary consumable items. In this way, the government generates a
good amount of revenue and that also leads to a reduction in wealth inequalities.
Fiscal policy planning gives the larger chunk of funds for regional development
so as to achieve a balanced regional development. It aims to reduce the deficit
in the balance of payment.
Fiscal policy, along with monetary policy, plays a crucial role in managing a
country’s economy.
The government uses both monetary and fiscal policy as macroeconomic tools
to meet the county’s economic objectives and manage or stimulate the economy.
Monetary policy is concerned with the management of interest rates and the
total supply of money in circulation. It is generally carried out by the RBI.
Fiscal policy, on the other hand, estimates taxation and government spending. It
should ideally be in line with the monetary policy, but since it is created by
lawmakers, people’s interest often takes precedence over growth.
Monetary policy seeks to spark economic activity, while fiscal policy seeks to
address either total spending, the total composition of spending, or both.
Fiscal policy is an important constituent of the overall economic framework of a
country and is therefore intimately linked with its general economic policy strategy.
Monetary policy and fiscal policy together have great influence over a nation’s
economy, its businesses, and its consumers. Thus, they must complement each other
for a stable and growing economy of a country.
However, in the era of globalization, the role of the central bank in the economy
must be kept in sync with the changing domestic and global economy.
For example, even though the current inflation rate is at around 3%, there is
a slowdown in the economy and GDP growth was at 6 year low of 5% in
the April-June 2019 quarter.
For ex: It failed to detect financial crisis situations like IL&FS default and
the NPA (Non Performing Assets) crisis in the banking industry.
Inflation targeting in India has coincided with a substantial rise in the real
policy rate. This has been accompanied by declining borrowing in the formal
sector likely affecting investment and thereby growth.
For ex: even though current inflation rates are stable, unemployment in
India has been highest in the last 45 years as per NSSO data.
Way Forward
Fiscal policy should be the primary tool to stabilize the economy. Better
policies targeted at efficient taxation and government spending should be
used to influence the economy in the long run.
Briefly discuss the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act.
Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act was enacted in 2003.
The objective of the Act is to ensure inter-generational equity in fiscal management,
long-run macroeconomic stability, better coordination between fiscal and monetary
policy, and transparency in the fiscal operations of the Government.
It provides a legal and institutional framework for fiscal consolidation. It is now
mandatory for the Central government to take measures to reduce the fiscal deficit,
to eliminate revenue deficit and to generate revenue surplus in the subsequent years.
The Act binds not only the present government but also the future Government to
adhere to the path of fiscal consolidation.
The implementation of the FRBM Act has improved the fiscal performance of
both the centre and states. The States have achieved the targets much ahead of
the prescribed timeline.
The Act has helped in the issues relating to fiscal consolidation due to the
mandatory medium-term and strategy statements which are required to be
presented annually before Parliament.
The Act has helped in strict adherence to the path of fiscal consolidation
during the pre-subprime crisis period created enough fiscal space for
pursuing the countercyclical fiscal policy. Implementing the Act, the
government had managed to cut the fiscal deficit to 2.7% of GDP and
revenue deficit to 1.1% of GDP in 2007-08.
However, due to the global financial crisis of 2008, the deadline for the
implementation of the targets in the Act was suspended. The fiscal deficit rose
to 6.2% of GDP in 2008–09 against the target of 3% set by the Act for 2008–09.
Also, at times it has been seen that the government has achieved the deficit
targets by manipulating the revenue and expenditure accounts such as curtailing
the capital expenditure; demanding interim dividend from Public Sector
Undertakings (PSUs) in advance etc.
Further, the FRBM Act ignores the possible inverse link between fiscal deficit
(fiscal expansion) and bank credit (monetary expansion). That is, if credit
growth falls, fiscal deficit may need to rise and if credit rises, fiscal deficit
ought to fall — to ensure adequate money supply to the economy.
To ensure effective and efficient operation of the FRBM Act, few steps can be
followed such as:
Difference Between Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy Explained in easy language
Comparison Chart
The tool used by the government in The tool used by the central
which it uses its tax revenue and bank to regulate the money
expenditure policies to affect the supply in the economy is
economy is known as Fiscal Policy. known as Monetary Policy.
Ministry of Finance Central Bank
Tax rates and government spending Interest rates and credit ratios
Yes No
If the revenue exceeds expenditure, then this situation is known as fiscal surplus,
whereas if the expenditure is greater than the revenue, it is known as the fiscal
deficit. The main objective of the fiscal policy is to bring stability, reduce
unemployment and growth of the economy. The instruments used in the Fiscal
Policy are the level of taxation & its composition and expenditure on various
projects. There are two types of fiscal policy, they are:
The primary purposes of the monetary policy include bringing price stability,
controlling inflation, strengthening the banking system, economic growth, etc. The
monetary policy focuses on all the matters which have an influence on the
composition of money, circulation of credit, interest rate structure. The measures
adopted by the apex bank to control credit in the economy are broadly classified into
two categories:
Bank Rate
Credit Regulation
Moral persuasion
Direct Action
Issue of directives
1. The policy of the government in which it utilises its tax revenue and
expenditure policy to influence the aggregate demand and supply for products
and services the economy is known as Fiscal Policy. The policy through which
the central bank controls and regulates the supply of money in the economy is
known as Monetary Policy.
2. Fiscal Policy is carried out by the Ministry of Finance whereas the Monetary
Policy is administered by the Central Bank of the country.
4. Fiscal Policy gives direction to the economy. On the other hand, Monetary
Policy brings price stability.
6. The major instrument of fiscal policy is tax rates and government spending.
Conversely, interest rates and credit ratios are the tools of Monetary Policy.
7. Political influence is there in fiscal policy. However, this is not in the case of
monetary policy.
The main reason of confusion and bewilderment between fiscal policy and monetary
policy is that the aim of both the policies is same. The policies are formulated and
implemented to bring stability and growth in the economy. The most significant
difference between the two is that fiscal policy is made by the government of the
respective country whereas the central bank creates the monetary policy.
1. LECTURE 3,4,5,6,7
1. Revenue deficit
2. Budget deficit
3. Fiscal deficit
4. Primary deficit
i. Features
ii. Merits
iii. Demerits
iv. Example
v. Discuss in detail
1. Income tax
2. Corporate tax
6. Round tripping
i. Features
ii. Merits
iii. Demerits
iv. Example
1. GST
2. VAT
3. Excise duty
5. Entertainment tax
FISCAL POLICY DISCUSSES about the revenue of the government and expenditure of the
It also discusses about the deficits (means when expenditure exceeds revenue )
FP also talk about Budgetary proposal means where government is going to do expenditure ,
from where government is going to increase its revenue,
FP is policy of the ruler (CG), These entire things are mentioned in the budget
DIRECT TAXES→ Levy on the individuals and businessman like income tax,
corporate tax
INDIRECT TAXES→ Levy on goods and services and indirectly paid by the
individuals like GST,
CAPITAL RECEIPTS They may creates liabilities and they may be obtained through
selling of government properties/assets.
REVENUE EXPENDITURE ⇒ Do not creates asset and do not reduce liabilities
SALARIES→ No creation of asset but getting the salaries
SUSBIDIES→ PMKISSAN, LPG, product subsidies, irrigation subsidies are
unproductive they do not create any asset
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE ⇒ May creates asset and may reduce liabilities
CONTRUCTION → of new railway line, new airport
3. It is compulsory by nature .
3. It reduces Inequality (how→ Collect additional from rich in the form of higher tax slab,
cess and surcharge and distribute it among the poor in the form of welfare scheme to
reduce gap among them )
1. It is considered as burden (how→ because people have to pay in lump sump amount,
have to pay in one go )
a. Tax evasion→ Receiving and expending in cash makes the transaction invisible to
the authority, Transaction in cash to avoid taxes, under it person does not show his
income by making transaction in cash.
b. Tax avoidance→ People avoid taxes through by taking help of various rebates and
concession, The money is visible to authority but by using legal loopholes or rebate
and concession to avoid the tax payment eg. if a person is getting 2.4 lakh rental
income then he is not oblize to pay tax , income from the agriculture is tax less, —
people use these kind of loopholes to avoid to avoid tax, government announce these
kind of rebates and concession to calculate the data and to make part of formal
economy or any other thing but .....
3. Restrain investment through various taxes like STT, CGT (how→ During buying and
selling the shares a holder of the shares have to pay STT whether he gains profit or not
like when buying 2% and when selling then again 2% so 4% tax in share now assume
profit is 0% then 4% is loss, suppose i have purchase jewellry worth 1 lakh and there is
4% CGT means buying at 1.02 lakh and next I am selling it at 1.03 lakh but the tax is 4%
again in selling ) otherwise I will so transaction through other illegal means purchasing
the jewellary in cash.
2. It is transferable in nature
4. example VAT, GST, Custom duty, Excise duty , Entertainment tax , Octroi duty, etc.
1. Provide more revenue to the government (because paid by all the people
2. Makes the item more expensive ( 28% GST on goods , 18% GST on fees,
ADVALOREM TAX It is the tax according to entire value of the product like land
revenue tax, sales tax, GST.
REGRESSIVE TAX Its burden decreases with the increase in income eg. Indian Indirect
tax , income tax of America (people show their income and almost no tax evasion )
If someone has done various investment like life insurance , pension fund , provident fund ,
mediclaim policy then Old slab are good because there are more rebate and concession into it
If someone has not done investment in the above mentioned tool then New slab are good
2. It comes under IT act—1961. means corporate do not have pay income tax
3. it is also called as corporate income tax or corporate profit tax or company gains tax
5. In 2019-2020 financial year , corporate tax was jointly at number 1 with GST with 18%
GST 15%
Equity — short term (less then 12 months) and long term(12 months or more)
Immovable property — short term(les then 24 months) and long term(24 months or more)
All Gains would be taxed according to income tax slabs except gains from the equity
there are some different rate (for short term less then 15 months — rate is 15% and for
long term more then 12 months — rate is 10%) .
In 2018-19 budget it was introduces if investment in equities of 1 lakh rupees or more and
for the period of 12 months or more than on the gains there will be LTCG (long term
capital gains tax) with the rate of 10% → question in mains 2018
Suppose we gave exemption to the investment from Marituius, Cyprus, UAE, Singapore
in the shares, Immovable property, Jewellary then CGT would not be levied . So to avoid
CGT Indians were invest in India via these country to avoid CGT (taking a round to trip
the tax payment) all these practices devoiding India its source of revenue , and these thing
also developing source of money laundering to India from these countries so that why
GoI removed these exemption to these countries
Round tripping refers to money that leaves the country through various channels and
makes its way back into the country often as foriegn investment
share market get manipulated by these practices by the investor from these countries they
have clear cut idea about the small rise and fall and they frequently buy and sell the
shares to earn small profit where as investor in India avoid small rise and fall because
they have to pay STT, CGT on profits earns by the small rise and fall.(most of the
investor avoid small rise and fall)
These money involves black money and is often used for stock prices manipulation, it
occurs due to tax concession allowed in the foreign country encourages park money
there and reroute it . from 1-4-2019 gains from the capital made by the investor from
Muaritius, Cyprus, UAE would be fully taxed with capital gains tax.
This tax work like deterrence to frequent selling and purchasing of shares. Due to
manipulation done by the foreign investor which led to sudden rise and fall, share market
get crashed.
yes, that is why GoI has not levied this tax. Singapore implemented this and resulted
bad for FIs.
From 1-4-2020 DDT is being taxed in the hands of receivers but before that it was in the
hands of distributors .
Indian companies shall deduct tax at the rate 10% from the dividend declare to the
resident share holders exceeds rupees 5000 except life insuarance companies and general
insuarance .
10% to the residents share holders comes section 194 of IT act 1961.