Kamini Environment Studies Micro Project
Kamini Environment Studies Micro Project
Kamini Environment Studies Micro Project
Mini –Project Report on
“ Water treatment plant “
Submitted in particular fulfillment in the
requirement for 5th semester
Diploma In Computer Engineering
Academic year -2022-2023
Under Guidence Of
Mr. Aniket Dabhade
Submitted By:
Kamini Vinod Salunkhe 323
Smt . Sharachchandrika Suresh Patil
Institute Of Technology(Polytechnic) Chopda
Maharashtra State Board Of Technical
Smt.Sharachchandrika Suresh Patil
Institute Of Technology Chopda
This is to certify that,
Miss Kamini Vinod Salunkhe Roll No.323 of Fifth
semester of Diploma in Computer have Completed the
Micro –Project Work has satisfactorily completed in
academic year 2022-2023 As per prescribed in the I-
Scheme curriculum.
Date: / /2022
Name of student :kamini vinod salunkhe
Enrolment number:2000610052
Name of project: Water waste management
Cource Title: Environmental Studies
Code: 22447
Course Outcomes Achieve:
1. Develop critical-thinking skills.
2. analyze real-world problems,
3. understand the power of narrative
4. create sustainable solutions for local and global communities.
Completion of the
target as per Project
Report preparation
Presentation of
micro project
Introduction ---------------------------7
Waste identification--------------------9
Treatment Strategy--------------------14
Conclusion ---------------------------26
Reference ---------------------------27
We Wish to express our profound and sincere gratitude to our
guide by Prof. Aniket Dabhade Who Guided us into the
intricacies of this micro-project nonclamantly with matchless
magnanimity. We are indebted to her constant encouragement
cooperation and help. It was her enthusiastic support that
helped us in overcoming the various obstacles in this project.
We would also like to express our thankfulness to our beloved
principal H.O.D. and other faculty members of our Second Year
Department for extending their support and motivation.
Finally, we would be failing in our duty, if we don’t
acknowledge the cooperation rendered during various stages of
this micro-project by
1. Introduction
Waste is a general problem in chemical plant operation especially in the developing country
where the rules and regulations are very strict regarding the waste disposal. A plant takes few
raw materials to produce products through several stages of processes for the sole purpose of
generating income. But it is not possible to convert all the raw materials into saleable products
thus generating unwanted waste or residual.
Waste produced may cause harmful effect to environment as well as living things. Industrial
waste is a major contribution to the environmental problem. Thus, a proper waste treatment plant
is needed in order to ensure all wastes produced from the chemical plant are treated properly
before being discharge to the environment. Waste treatment can be defined as any activities
required to treat the until it has the least practicable impact on the environment. In many
countries, various forms of waste treatment are required by law. Waste covered solid waste (i.e.
spent catalyst from the process plant), liquid waste or effluent (i.e. wastewater, municipal
sewage) and also gas waste (i.e. flue gas, off gases).
The effects of pollution can be direct or indirect. The USEPA (United States Environmental
Protection Agency), (Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1994, Government Printer, February
1994), has defined hazardous waste as waste or combination of wastes that pose a substantial,
present or potential hazards to human or other living organisms because;
2. Waste Minimization
Waste minimisation is at our top priority option in effluent solution. The best solution to effluent
problem is not to produce the waste in the first place or the waste production is minimised. The
benefits of waste minimisation are two-fold. Waste minimisation reduces waste treatment costs
and reduces raw materials costs. Following table shows three sources of waste in chemical plant:
Hence, waste minimization is necessary in order to help minimize present and future threats to
human health and the environment. Waste minimization is a waste management approach that
focuses on reducing the amount and toxicity of hazardous waste that is generated. There are
several general methods of waste minimization:
a) Source Reduction
Changing practices and processes to reduce or eliminate the generation of hazardous
wastes and materials is referred to as source reduction. Some source reduction methods
include chemical substitution, process modification, and improved operating procedures.
For example, hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams are not mix together to reduce
the amount of hazardous waste to be disposed of. Chemical substitution where non-
hazardous chemical or chemical with less toxicity is used in process also helps in
minimizing the waste produce. Plus, a less toxic of chemical used may reduce cost of
disposal as well as reduced exposure to workers. Waste exchanges where the waste
product of one process becomes the raw material for a second process represent another
way of reducing waste disposal volumes for waste that cannot be eliminated.
b) Recycling
Another method of waste minimization is recycling. Recycling is when a waste material
is used for another purpose, treated and reused in the same process, or reclaimed for
another process. Recirculating unused or surplus chemicals contribute in waste
minimization in chemical plant. Water also can be recycled from unit to another unit in
order to optimize water consumption and reduce wastewater produce from the chemical
plant. Besides that, a separation system such as distillation column can be installed to
separate pure component and the waste. Then, the waste can be recycle back to the
reactor or the distillation itself.
c) Treatment
The last technique for waste minimization is treatment of waste. Some wastes can be
treated to render them become non-hazardous or less hazardous. The most common
treatment that can be performed in laboratories is elementary neutralization. Other kinds
of treatment may involve chemical, physical or biological methods.
3. Waste Identification
Generally, the common wastes produce are identified in three major forms which are:
Cooling Water
Activated Sludge
Particulate Wastewater
The process wastewater mainly comes from water separator (V2016 and V2020). The properties
of the wastewater are summarized below:
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Carbon Dioxide 4.07 178.90
Waste characteristic determination is very important to understand its effect to living things and
environment and also to identify the appropriate method in wastewater treatment. However, the
process wastewater from this ammonia plant mainly contains water. Methods for the wastewater
treatment are explained more on wastewater treatment later.
During turnaround or shutdown, the main solid wastes for ammonia plant most likely will be the
catalyst from reactors in plant. Besides that, particulate from any material which is light enough
to be carried away by the gas in the process and the closed areas also is considered as solid waste
from chemical plant. List of catalysts considered as solid wastes is outline below:
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Ammonia Converter Iron Based Catalyst
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The sole purpose of these Effluent Standards for the discharge from wastewater treatment plants
is to control and disposal of effluent to the waters. This will protect the receiving waters and the
living aquatic ecosystems. The public health also must be taken into consideration. These
standards are crucial because wastewater discharges have been known to contribute considerable
amount of the biodegradable organic matter and suspended solids into the receiving waters.
These standards stated the maximum values of waste parameters which must not be exceeded in
order to release the wastewater into the environment. After taking this into consideration, the
design parameters of all the effluent should be less than the standards mentioned in order to
ensure that the waste generated by the plant will fall within the required degree.
The standards are listed in the Third Schedule of the Environmental Quality Act 1974, under the
Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents) Regulations, 1979, regulations 8 (1), 8
(2) and 8 (3). An extract of the standards is given below:
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4.2 Gas Waste
Most of the countries have set their own air quality standard that must be followed. In air quality
terminology, standards are air quality set for compliance and enforceable by law. Guidelines are
targets to be aimed without being legally binding. The Malaysian air quality guidelines, is a
guidelines in which pollutants should be kept at certain concentration which has been set by the
Department Of Environment. Stack Gas Emission Standard from Environment Quality (Clean
Air) regulation, 1978 can be used as reference.
The purge gases from the plant process line include ammonia, hydrogen, nitrogen and argon. In
the ammonia plant, the main sources of the gas emissions are from the flare system, in which the
purge gaseous from the flaring process, will emit dark smoke and solid particles from the plant
The emission of these gaseous is monitored and controlled to meet the requirements of the
Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 1978 under the Malaysian Clean Air Standards
for Dark Smoke and Solid Particle.
With reference to the regulation, the emission limits that must be complied are as illustrated in
Table below:
Std A: 0.6
Std B: 0.5
Solid Particles Industry
Std C: 0.4
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2. Every existing facility should comply with Standard A within two years and comply with
Standard B within three years, from the date these regulations come into force
5. Treatment Strategy
5.1 Effluent Treatment Strategy
Historically, water and wastewater treatment plants have used a variety of strategies to remove
contamination from their influent and effluent waters so that it can be either used as process
water or discharged to the sanitary sewer with the predetermined standard. Among the
technologies that can be used for water and waste water treatments is ion exchange, reverse
osmosis, filtration, flocculation, oil-water separators or biological treatments.
For each steps, several methods of treatment can be applied depends on the wastes need to
remove. Wastewater content is very important to be considered to decide the treatment process to
use in wastewater treatment. In the process wastewater from this ammonia plant, it mainly
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contains water. For hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, they can be neglected because only a
little amount of them contain in the wastewater.
In screening process, large solids such as plastics, rag and other large objects are removed.
Traditionally, screening was used to remove only large solid material (> 25-30mm) in order to
protect downstream operations. Nowadays, much finer screens (6mm mesh) are commonly
employed to remove smaller inert solids. The material retained, called as screenings is usually
washed to remove faecal matter and then compressed for disposal to landfill or to an incinerator.
Screens or also known as bar racks are made up of vertical or inclined bars with openings one to
three inches wide. These screens are raked cleaned from time to time. Some wastewater
treatment plants have automated equipment that cleans the screens automatically [1]. Otherwise,
the screens are manually raked.
Grit Removal
In the grit removal process, fine material matter such as grit and sand, is allowed to deposit in
long channels or circular traps. The retained solids are removed and usually sent to landfill for
Settling Sedimentation
After screening the solids and removing the grit, the wastewater still contains light organic
suspended solids. Some of these can be removed by gravity in a sedimentation tank or called
‘primary clarifiers’. These tanks are typically twelve feet deep and hold the wastewater for two
or three hours. What settles out is called sludge. The sludge is removed from the primary
treatment tank with equipped with mechanical scrapers and pumps that continually drive the
collected sludge towards a hopper in the base of the tank where it is pumped to sludge treatment
facilities. Grease, oil, and other floating substances rise to the top, where they are removed by
surface skimming equipment. A typical sedimentation tank may remove from 50 to 70 percent
of suspended solids, and from 30 to 35 percent of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) from the
Activated Sludge
Activated sludge is another method of providing secondary treatment to wastewater, whereby a
mixture of wastewater and biological microorganisms is agitated and aerated. The biological
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solids are then allowed to settle out. The name "activated sludge" comes from the biological
mass formed when oxygen in air is continuously injected into the wastewater. In this process,
microorganisms are thoroughly mixed with organics under conditions that stimulate their growth.
As the microorganisms grow and are mixed by the agitation of the air, the individual
microorganisms clump or flocculate together to form a mass of microbes called activated sludge.
In the activated sludge process, wastewater flows continuously into an aeration tank where air is
injected into the wastewater to mix the wastewater with the activated sludge and also to provide
the oxygen needed for the microorganisms to break down the organic pollutants [2]. The mixture
of wastewater and activated sludge is called mixed liquor. The mixed liquor flows to a secondary
clarifier where the activated sludge settles out. Some of the settled sludge is returned to the
aeration tank, called as return sludge to maintain a high population of microbes to break down
the organics. Since more activated sludge is produced than is needed for return sludge, the excess
sludge is removed and disposed of.
Secondary Clarifiers
Wastewater leaving activated sludge aeration tanks is then sent to secondary clarifiers where the
microorganisms settle out and low levels of organic material and suspended matter is produced.
At this point, the wastewater treatment process is nearly completed.
Secondary treatment processes are highly effective in reducing the BOD in wastewater.
However, the secondary clarifiers used to settle out microorganisms in the secondary treatment
process are not totally effective. Some of these microorganisms remain in the wastewater after it
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leaves the secondary clarifier, and they add BOD since the decay of these microorganisms will
exert its own oxygen demand [3]. So, filtration sometimes is used for additional removal of
microorganisms and other solids. The filters used in wastewater treatment often use large,
lightweight aggregates such as coal at the top to improve efficiency and facilitate cleaning.
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Activated Sludge
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5.2 Solid Waste Handling and Processing
Municipal solid wastes, commonly known as trash or garbage are nontoxic and less
contaminated. It consists of everyday items we consume and discard. It predominantly includes
yard wastes, catalyst containers and chemical packaging. So, it would be disposed and handled
by the respective municipal within the area and shall not be treated on site.
After go through several study, the solid wastes such as used catalyst, activated sludge and other
solid particles will be handled and processes by the third party, which is the Kualiti Alam Sdn
Bhd because it is more cost saving compared to build our own incinerator to dispose the solid
waste which is more costly and need expertise to operate the equipment. Prior to the solid wastes
treatment, the wastes must be packaged and labeled accordingly to the guidelines provided. This
is to ensure that the wastes is handled and transported to the treatment facility appropriately. .
The followings are the standard aspects that need to be taken into consideration during packaging
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not more than 10cm from the top.
(c) PP bags: must be double-lined, not to be filled more than 10cm from top.
iv. Labeling of packaging
(a) Must adhere to 3rd Schedule (Regulation 8) of Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Wastes) Regulations 1989.
(b) All obsolete marks, labels, etc must be removed or erased.
(c) All labels shall be able to withstand open weather exposure.
(d) Hazards associated to the waste must be clearly identified and labeled
All markings must be clear and easy to identify
Treatment Limitation
More economical since the gaseous wastes is not going to be
recover or as the result of intermittent, uncertain or emergency
process operations
Control by flaring The combustion of VOCs will produce harmless or much less
harmful substances since the flare temperature will be operating
below 1000 K to avoid the formation of NOx
Control by adsorption
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Not economical for small stream
Control by condensation Normally used for large VOCs content stream for recovery
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requiring frequent defrosting
After considering all the options available and the gas contaminant, the flaring method or steam-
assisted flare control has been chosen because it is more economical for low gas flow, fulfills the
entire requirement and suitable to treat the gaseous waste discharge at the off gas line.
In chemical plant, a gas flare or flare stack, is an elevated vertical conveyance used to eliminate
waste gas which is otherwise not feasible to use or transport. The flare provides a means of safe
disposal of the vapor streams from its facilities, by burning them under controlled conditions
such that adjacent equipment or personnel are not exposed to hazards, and at the same time
obeying the environmental regulation of pollution control and public relations requirements. The
chemical process used for flaring is a high temperature oxidation reaction to burn combustible
components, mostly hydrocarbons, or waste gases from industrial operations. In combustion, the
gaseous hydrocarbon reacts with atmospheric oxygen to form carbon dioxide (CO2) and water.
Several by products formed will be carbon monoxide, hydrogen and others dependent upon what
is being burned. By flaring, efficiency of hydrocarbon conversion is generally over 98%.
In industrial, the most common utilized flare systems are elevated flares and ground flares.
Selection of the type of flare is influenced by several factors, such as availability of space, the
characteristics of the flare gas (composition, quantity and pressure), economics, investment and
operating costs, public relations and regulation. For our ammonia plant, elevated flare is
suggested because it is the most commonly used type in chemical plants. Have larger capacities
than ground flares. The waste gas stream is fed through a stack from 32ft to over 320 ft tall and
is combusted at the tip of the stack. The elevated flare, can be steam assisted, air assisted or non-
assisted. Elevated can utilize steam injection or air injection to made smokeless burning and with
low luminosity up to about 20% of maximum flaring load. The disadvantage of steam injection
or air injection is it introduces a source of noise and cause noise pollution. However, if
adequately elevated, this type of flare has the best dispersion characteristics for malodorous and
toxic combustion products [5].
Following figure shows the suggested schematic diagram of a steam-assisted elevated flare
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