Curriculumplanning Rouse
Curriculumplanning Rouse
Curriculumplanning Rouse
Unit Big Idea: Exploring Identity through Traditional Multimedia Work Grade Level: 10th-11th National Visual Art Goals: VA:Cr2.1.IIIa, VA:Cr3.1.IIa,
-Students will explore the concept of identity and what that means to themselves and their community, while learning the basics of different forms of media including sketchbooks,
painting, drawing, textiles, printmaking, collage, and digital media.
-Students will learn how to research and take inspiration from and artist that relates to their identity and culture
-Students will learn how to self and group critique, write artist statements, and mount and display their work in a professional way
Historical/MC &
Title of Lesson & Key Concepts Dialogue/Concepts Contemporary Art Media/Process Reading, writing, Closure/
Expected Result[s] Important concepts [Essential Questions Exemplars [materials, techniques; and talking about art Assessment
[& Length of Time to addressed on big you will ask; points of [artworks, books, step by step] [list [how you will wrap it up and
Completion] idea discussion; what they interviews, videos, instances/activities how you will grade the
are learning] visitors] You need to write out that are synthesized lesson’s results]
5 days for each week. into the lesson, not *Make a rubric for each final
separate] project.
concept of identity.
-Students will research Day 4: Review Grid Lines and
these artists and Proportion. Students will draw
connect their work to their grid lines- walk around to
themes of identity. help and answer any questions
-In their sketchbooks, students have. Students will
students will begin to then start their portraits.
brainstorm how they
can use ideas from Day 5: Review Identity and Self-
artists to create work portrait and how students can
based on own identity. use digital media in their work
-End of class as needed. Answer any
discussion on what questions and check in with
identity means and students as they work.
what students have
found and what
aspects of artists work
reflect the idea of
Day 3: -Student
Sketchbooks, pencils,
computers (for
research, references,
and digital media)
-Introduce Grid lines to
draw using reference.
-Introduce self-
portraits. and
proportion of face.
-Students should
create thumbnail
sketches in
sketchbook of self-
portraits using correct
proportion and
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Exploring and Identity What is identity? Artists that explore
understanding Day 4: -Student
Identity on an Multimedia What does Identity
mean to you and Riva Lehrer
individual level (sketchbook, Sketchbooks,
what do you think https:// Computers (for
drawing, shapes your www.rivalehrerart.c references and digital
painting, digital identity? om/ media) 11x14
(40 mins) media) multimedia paper,
What is a self- Michael Reeder: pencil)
portrait? https:// -Students will bring a
Self Portrait www.michael- photo of themselves
How can self- they want to use as a
Artist portraits be used to reference. They will
Connections showcase individual Museum of Modern use this photo and
identity? their multimedia paper
Art, “How artists and draw their grid
Facial How can we use explore identity | lines.
Proportions digital media to Modern Art & Ideas”
-Students will begin to
contribute to our idea sketch their self-
of identity? https:// portraits, keeping in
Grid Reference mind the idea of
identity. Self-portraits
What Is the watch? can either be full body
(Continued- Project One)
Day 5
the blocks.
carved into their
linoleum blocks and Day 4: Check in with students to
printed. Give students see their sketches on the
time to work in their linoleum blocks, they should be
sketchbooks today to closed to finished or finished.
sketch places from Give students short
their community. presentation and include video
Artist examples: on block carving and the safety.
Day 3: Student
Materials: Sketches of Day 5: Workday for students.
Margaret Taylor places in sketchbook, Check in to see how they are
Burroughs: pencil, linoleum block doing with block carving. Give
(9x12) reminders about safety and
http:// Students will meet with important information (what you
me individually to show carve is negative space, what is
www.margaretbu me their sketches they left is what will be printed, made of places in their words/ words need to be carved
communities. I will give backwards to be printed
feedback to make sure correctly)
they are ready to
sketch onto their
linoleum blocks and
start carving.
When ready, students
will sketch their place
onto their linoleum
blocks. They should
have ¾ of their sketch
(1 color).
Students will practice
Check in with students
to make sure they are
on track
Make announcement
that students should
have 10 prints to turn
Artist examples: in by end of week.
Day 3: Student
Margaret Taylor Materials: Linoleum
Burroughs: Blocks (finished
carvings), brayers, 9x
http:// 12 sheet of paper for
www.margaretbu printing, ink, baren
-Work day for students to work on printing.
They should have five
prints done by end of
Day 4: Linoleum
Blocks (finished
carvings), brayers, 9x
12 sheet of paper for
printing, ink, baren
-Last full day to work
on printing. Students
should have 10 prints
by end of day.
worksheets, “grading”
themselves and giving
feedback on what they
think they did well,
could have improved
Week 4
Day 2: Student
Materials: Materials will
Week 6
Day 3: Student
Materials: Artist
statement worksheet,
computers, pen/pencil
-Students will begin
using their artist
statement worksheets
to type out and out
together their final
Week 7
artist statements.
These should be about
3 paragraphs long or
-When students have
finished typing their
artist statements they
will be partnered up.
Partners will email their
artist statements to
each other to give Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 11 of 12
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