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Curriculumplanning Rouse

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Name: Sophia Rouse CURRI CUL UM P LA NNI NG TO O L

Unit Big Idea: Exploring Identity through Traditional Multimedia Work Grade Level: 10th-11th National Visual Art Goals: VA:Cr2.1.IIIa, VA:Cr3.1.IIa,

-Students will explore the concept of identity and what that means to themselves and their community, while learning the basics of different forms of media including sketchbooks,
painting, drawing, textiles, printmaking, collage, and digital media.
-Students will learn how to research and take inspiration from and artist that relates to their identity and culture
-Students will learn how to self and group critique, write artist statements, and mount and display their work in a professional way

Historical/MC &
Title of Lesson & Key Concepts Dialogue/Concepts Contemporary Art Media/Process Reading, writing, Closure/
Expected Result[s] Important concepts [Essential Questions Exemplars [materials, techniques; and talking about art Assessment

[& Length of Time to addressed on big you will ask; points of [artworks, books, step by step] [list [how you will wrap it up and
Completion] idea discussion; what they interviews, videos, instances/activities how you will grade the
are learning] visitors] You need to write out that are synthesized lesson’s results]
5 days for each week. into the lesson, not *Make a rubric for each final
separate] project.

Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 1 of 12

Exploring and Identity What is identity? Artists that explore
Day 1: Student Day 1:
Student Brainstorm in
understanding -Materials: Paper,
sketchbook, pencil, sketchbook- students will
Identity on an Multimedia What does Identity
mean to you and Riva Lehrer computers (for brainstorm ideas of what Sketchbook: Students will receive
completion points for their
individual level (sketchbook, what do you think https:// references), paint contributes to their identities in sketchbook covers.
drawing, shapes your www.rivalehrerart.c markers, paints, scrap their sketchbooks. I will then Participation and completion in
painting, digital identity? om/ paper) have a short discussion with sketchbook activities
(40 mins) media) -Start class by students where they can
volunteer to share some of the
What is a self- Michael Reeder: introducing the theme things they have written down. Participation in discussions
portrait? https:// of identity. Attentive during presentations
Self Portrait www.michael- -Have students take a
reeder.com/ few minutes to Day 2: Artist Introductions- I will
How can self- brainstorm things that have a short lecture and Homework:
Artist portraits be used to contribute to their discussion with students on If sketchbook activity for the day
Connections showcase individual Museum of Modern personal identity (likes, artists that explore identity in not done during class time, should
identity? Art, “How artists dislikes, culture, their work. I will show their be done is homework for the next
explore identity | personality, how they websites and works from their day to keep students on track.
Facial How can we use Modern Art & see themselves, etc.). portfolios and artist statements Day 3: Students should bring in a
Proportions digital media to Ideas” that contribute to the essential reference photo of themselves for
https:// -Provide each student questions. Day 4.
contribute to our idea www.youtube.com/ with a sketchbook
of identity? (blank cover) I will also show a short 4-minute
watch? video from MOMA.
v=NICodKeadp0 -Students will use the End of class discussion about
What Is the remainder of class to what students have taken away
importance of a decorate their cover from the artists presented, and
sketchbook? page of the how they can use these
sketchbooks to reflect concepts in their own work.
How have artists their personal identity
conceptualized using any materials Day 3: I will introduce self-
personal identity provided) portraits to students, referring
through artwork? Day 2: -Student back to artists from previous
materials: sketchbook, day, and presentation made by
How can pencil, computers (for me. I will also teach a lesson on
sketchbooks be a research and proportion of face and use of
reflection of references) grid lines to draw using
(Project One)

ourselves? -Introduce students to reference. Grid lines will be

artists that explore the demonstrated.
Week 1

concept of identity.
-Students will research Day 4: Review Grid Lines and
these artists and Proportion. Students will draw
connect their work to their grid lines- walk around to
themes of identity. help and answer any questions
-In their sketchbooks, students have. Students will
students will begin to then start their portraits.
brainstorm how they
can use ideas from Day 5: Review Identity and Self-
artists to create work portrait and how students can
based on own identity. use digital media in their work
-End of class as needed. Answer any
discussion on what questions and check in with
identity means and students as they work.
what students have
found and what
aspects of artists work
reflect the idea of
Day 3: -Student
Sketchbooks, pencils,
computers (for
research, references,
and digital media)
-Introduce Grid lines to
draw using reference.
-Introduce self-
portraits. and
proportion of face.
-Students should
create thumbnail
sketches in
sketchbook of self-
portraits using correct
proportion and
Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 2 of 12
Exploring and Identity What is identity? Artists that explore
understanding Day 4: -Student
Identity on an Multimedia What does Identity
mean to you and Riva Lehrer
individual level (sketchbook, Sketchbooks,
what do you think https:// Computers (for
drawing, shapes your www.rivalehrerart.c references and digital
painting, digital identity? om/ media) 11x14
(40 mins) media) multimedia paper,
What is a self- Michael Reeder: pencil)
portrait? https:// -Students will bring a
Self Portrait www.michael- photo of themselves
How can self- reeder.com/ they want to use as a
Artist portraits be used to reference. They will
Connections showcase individual Museum of Modern use this photo and
identity? their multimedia paper
Art, “How artists and draw their grid
Facial How can we use explore identity | lines.
Proportions digital media to Modern Art & Ideas”
-Students will begin to
contribute to our idea sketch their self-
of identity? https:// portraits, keeping in
Grid Reference www.youtube.com/ mind the idea of
identity. Self-portraits
What Is the watch? can either be full body
(Continued- Project One)

importance of a or shoulder up.

sketchbook? v=NICodKeadp0
Students should keep
in mind that there will
How have artists be a digital aspect and
conceptualized objects/ imagery/words
Week 1

personal identity that represent their

through artwork? identities.
Day 5: Student
How can Sketchbooks,
sketchbooks be a Computers (for
reflection of reference and digital
ourselves? media) 11x14
multimedia paper,
pencil, reference
-Work day for students
to work on self-
portraits. If students
are ready to move past
first sketch, they can
start printing and
cutting out digital
media they will be
using in their work.
Students should be
done with their sketch.

Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 3 of 12

Exploring and Identity What is identity? Artists that explore
Day 1: Student
Materials: 11x14 paper
Day 1:
Welcome students and inform
understanding What does Identity (should have sketch of them of plans for day. Homework:
Identify on an Multimedia mean to you and Riva Lehrer portrait on it), pencil, Show students examples of Students can work on self-portraits
Individual (sketchbook, what do you think https:// paints, reference digital collages to show them outside of class, but it is not
drawing, picture, computer (for how they can incorporate digital
level painting, digital
shapes your
om/ digital components) media into self-portraits. required. Keep students informed
on how much of their paintings
(continued) media) -After welcoming Demonstrate for students how
they can print out digital media should be done each day.
What is a self- Michael Reeder: students, they will start that they have found. Give
portrait? https:// finding and printing out students time to work on Bring to class on day 1: Students
(40 mins) Self Portrait www.michael- the digital media they painting, should bring saved images of
reeder.com/ will be using in their digital media that they would like to
How can self- piece. incorporate into their paintings.
Artist portraits be used to -Students will begin Day 2 and 3
Connections showcase individual Museum of Modern painting their self- Students have time to work for
identity? portraits if they have whole period. Overall Grading:
Art, “How artists Inform students that they should Grade student work following the
printed out all digital be at least ¾ of the way done rubric made. Take into account
How can we use explore identity | materials.
digital media to by second day, and that their student critique and the group
Modern Art & Ideas” painting should be done at end critique.
contribute to our idea Students will receive participation
of identity? https:// Day 2: -Student of class on third day, so they
Materials: Digital can prepare themselves to be points for the group critique.
www.youtube.com/ materials/photos, finished. Walk around to
What Is the watch? paints, 11x4 paper, students to see their progress
importance of a pencil, reference and offer any help or answer
sketchbook? v=NICodKeadp0 questions.
-Work day for students
How have artists Digital Collage: to paint their self- Day 4: Review examples of
conceptualized portraits. They should digital/painting collage. Students
personal identity be at least 3/4 of the will incorporate their digital
through artwork? way done by end of media into their paintings.
class. Leave examples at the front of
the class. Walk around to
How can students to see progress and
sketchbooks be a Day 3: -Students ask why they chose what digital
Materials: Digital media they did.
reflection of materials/photos,
(Project One)

ourselves? paints, 11x4 in. paper, Day 5:

Week 2

reference photo, pencil Hand out critique worksheets for

What is a critique -Work day for students students to fill out. Give
to finish painting and instructions for how they should
and how can incorporate their digital be filling their worksheets out.
artists benefit media. Students Explain why we are self-
from this kind of should be done with critiquing.
feedback? their paintings. There will be a group critique,
during this critique explain the
Day 4: -Student importance of why artists do this
Materials: Digital and give students the
Materials/photos, 11x4 opportunity to give one piece of
paper (finished portrait constructive criticism and one
paintings), glue, piece of praise to each student
-Students’ self-portraits
should be completed.
Students will start
incorporating their
digital media that
represents parts of
their identities.
Students should have
finished incorporating
digital media by end of

Day 5

Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 4 of 12

Exploring and Identity What is identity? Day 1: Student
Day 1: Have discussion with
class about what community
Understandin Community What is community
Block Printing:
Getting Started Sketchbooks, means to them. Reference Homework:
g Identity and and what does it Video Pencils essential questions about Any sketchbook activities not
how it relates mean to you? -Introduce second community. finished in class should be finished
Printmaking project to students, Have discussion about how
to community https:// have a discussion community and identity relate for homework.
(40 mins) Drawing How does www.youtube.com/ about community and and affect each other.
community play a watch? what that means to After Activity invite students to Participation Points given for
role in shaping our v=soVrto5reI0 share what they wrote in their participating in in class activities
identities? them. Ask essential sketchbooks and the ideas they and active listening and
questions. came up with surrounding the engagement.
-Have students write main idea of community and
How do our identities ideas for how identity.
shape the community and identity
community we live relate based off of
in? essential questions (in Day 2: Talk to students about
their sketchbooks). At expectation for next project,
What is printmaking? the end of class come present presentation made.
back together so After thoroughly going through
students can share projects meet with students as
they work in their sketchbooks
ideas that they wrote. to listen to their ideas and give
Day 2: Student
materials: Sketchbook,
Pencil Day 3: Meet with students
-Go more in depth with individually about their
second project. sketches. Give feedback about
Students will draw a what could be changed and
place in their what I like to get them ready for
community that they next step. Introduce students to
feel has impacted their linoleum blocks and let them
(Project Two)

identities in any way. start sketching their places onto

This will then be
Week 3

the blocks.
carved into their
linoleum blocks and Day 4: Check in with students to
printed. Give students see their sketches on the
time to work in their linoleum blocks, they should be
sketchbooks today to closed to finished or finished.
sketch places from Give students short
their community. presentation and include video
Artist examples: on block carving and the safety.
Day 3: Student
Materials: Sketches of Day 5: Workday for students.
Margaret Taylor places in sketchbook, Check in to see how they are
Burroughs: pencil, linoleum block doing with block carving. Give
(9x12) reminders about safety and
http:// Students will meet with important information (what you
me individually to show carve is negative space, what is
www.margaretbu me their sketches they left is what will be printed,
rroughs.com/ made of places in their words/ words need to be carved
communities. I will give backwards to be printed
feedback to make sure correctly)
they are ready to
sketch onto their
linoleum blocks and
start carving.
When ready, students
will sketch their place
onto their linoleum
blocks. They should
have ¾ of their sketch

Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 5 of 12

Exploring and Identity What is identity?
Understandin Community What is community
Block Printing:
Getting Started
g Identity and and what does it Video Day 4: Student
how it relates Printmaking mean to you? materials: Linoleum
blocks, sketchbooks,
to community https:// pencil, carving tools,
(40 mins) Drawing/painting How does www.youtube.com/ bench plates.
community play a watch? -Students will finalize
role in shaping our v=soVrto5reI0 their sketches on the
identities? linoleum. I will then
give a short
How do our presentation and
identities shape the demonstration on how
community we live to start carving their
in? blocks and how to do
so safely. I will remind
What is students that any
printmaking? words they have
should be carved
backwards so that
when they print, they
are the correct way.
Students should also
note that what they
carve is going to be
(continued- Project Two)

negative space, and

what they leave is
what is going to
actually show when
Week 3

they print. Students will

then begin carving
their blocks.
Day 5: Student
materials: Linoleum
Blocks, sketchbook
(for reference), carving
tools, bench plates.
-Work day for students
Artist examples: to continue carving
their blocks. They
should be ½-3/4 done
Margaret Taylor by end of class.

Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 6 of 12

Exploring and Identity What is identity? Day 1: Student
Materials: Linoleum
Day 1: Students will continue to
work on projects from last week.
Understandin Community What is community
Block Printing:
Getting Started Blocks, Sketchbook, Recap with students to make Participation Points given for
g Identity and and what does it Video carving tools, bench sure they are on track with their participating in in class activities
how it relates mean to you? plate. projects. and active listening and
Printmaking -Work day for students
to community https:// to finish carving their Day 2: Students should be done
(40 mins) How does www.youtube.com/ blocks. with carving, introduce tools for
community play a watch? printing. Review video from last Overall Grading:
role in shaping our v=soVrto5reI0 -Check in with Grade projects in accordance with
identities? students to see week showing different tools rubric.
progress and answer and give short demonstration to
any questions. make sure students know how
How do our identities to correctly print. Check in with
shape the students as they practice
community we live Day 2: Student printing to give feedback (are
in? Materials: Linoleum they using enough ink? Are their
Blocks (finished prints coming out even? Are
What is printmaking? carvings), brayers, 9x they using enough pressure
12 sheet of paper for with the baren?)
printing, ink, baren
-Start lesson with Day 3 and 4: Workday for
presentation on students. Give announcement
printing using brayers so students know how far they
and baren (hand should be by end of day.
press). Demonstrate to
students how to use Day 5:
these tools and how to Critique with students. Review
line up paper and essential questions and have
block. students give feedback to other
Students will begin students to show understanding
picking the ink colors
(Project Two)

for the project.

they would like to use
Week 4

(1 color).
Students will practice
Check in with students
to make sure they are
on track
Make announcement
that students should
have 10 prints to turn
Artist examples: in by end of week.
Day 3: Student
Margaret Taylor Materials: Linoleum
Burroughs: Blocks (finished
carvings), brayers, 9x
http:// 12 sheet of paper for
www.margaretbu printing, ink, baren
-Work day for students
rroughs.com/ to work on printing.
They should have five
prints done by end of
Day 4: Linoleum
Blocks (finished
carvings), brayers, 9x
12 sheet of paper for
printing, ink, baren
-Last full day to work
on printing. Students
should have 10 prints
by end of day.

Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 7 of 12

Exploring and
Understandin Day 5: Student
g Identity and Materials: 10 finished
prints, self-critique
how it relates worksheet, pencil/pen
to community -Students will work on
(40 mins) their critique
(continued- Project Two)

worksheets, “grading”
themselves and giving
feedback on what they
think they did well,
could have improved
Week 4

on, and what they

would do differently
next time.
-After self-critiquing
students will display
work and group
critique. Students
should give one piece
of constructive
criticism and one piece
of praise for each
Students will then turn
in work at the end of

Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 8 of 12

Identity and Identity What is identity? Artist List from
culturally diverse
Day 1: Student
Materials: Computers,
Day 1: Introduce students to
culture, Discuss and have them
Culture Culture What is culture? backgrounds: pencil, sketchbooks, volunteer to speak about what Students will be given participation
through Artist https://padlet.com/ artist page worksheets culture they identify and parts of points.
Research teachingartatschool/ -Recap with students- their culture that are important Rubric for sketchbook assignment
Research How does culture 2fbe6fmljvfd357a identity and what it to them. (it is a larger research project so
play a role in your means. Introduce Talk to students about there will be more points for this
Artist Research identity? Examples of artist students to culture and importance of artist research assignment)
research pages: what it means to them.
What is research? https:// Have discussion about Day 2: Have individual Homework:
theartyteacher.com/ how culture relates to discussion with students about Day 1: Students should bring in the
How can we good-examples-of- identity. which artist they would like to artist they want to research for Day
research artists that artist-research- -Introduce students to research and have them give a 2.
we identity with pages/ first sketchbook activity short overview of what culture
through culture and with presentation: that artist is from and the kinds
style? Worksheet for artist students will be of art they make.
page: researching artists
from different cultures Day 3 and 4: Student workday.
that they identify with Check in with students
and making artist periodically. Remind them of
pages. Show examples the added section to the artist
of artist research page.
https://theartyteacher.co Day 5: Gallery walk with
m/good-examples-of- students. Students will give
artist-research-pages/ short presentations on their
-Give students access artist page.
to link of artist list:
(They will need to ngartatschool/2fbe6fmljv
add a section in fd357a
their sketchbooks -Students will begin
about how they searching for artist that
identity with this they identify with
artist and why they culturally and
chose them) stylistically. This should
be an artist that’s work
they can then take
inspiration from to
make their own
projects. (Painters,
printmakers, charcoal,
etc., no sculpture
artists or
Day 2: Student
Materials: Student
Materials: Computers,
pencil, sketchbooks,
artist page worksheets
-Students should come
to class with the artist
that they want to
research and make an
artist page for.
-They will begin
making their artist page
in their sketchbook,
remind them that this
might take a full spread
(two pages in their
(Project Three- Research)

-Make sure students

have examples of artist
pages (link to website
was sent out day
Week 5

-Students will check in

with me to show me
the artist they will be
-Give students rest of
day to work.
Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 9 of 12
Identity and Identity What is identity? -Students should
have their finished
Day 1: Student
Day 1: Presentation on how to
take inspiration from artist
Students will receive participation
Culture Culture What is culture? artist page for sketchbooks, pencil, without copying artist. Individual points.
through Artist examples of work computers (for meeting with students to get the Points for sketchbook thumbnail
Research references) mediums they will be using completion
Research How does culture -Introduce project to along with the sizing of project
play a role in your students using they want to work with.
Artist Research identity? presentation. Sketchbook assignment.
-Students will create
Multimedia How can we take their own work using Day 2: Workday for students.
inspiration from same media as their Announce that students should
artists without researched artist have sketches done by the end
directly copying (painting, drawing, of class
them? printmaking, colored
pencil, collage, digital Day 3-4 Workdays for students
collage, etc.) on their projects. They should
-The subject matter of be passed beginning sketches
their work is up to them by this point. Reminders for
but should have students how far they should be
something to do with each day. Check in with
culture and identity and students to see their progress
relate to the artist they and give feedback
chose. They should
also include: Day 5: Final workday for
~interesting students. No critique until next
composition week but check in with students
~at least ¾ of the to make sure they are finished
final work should have with their work. If not, they can
some sort of subject take it home to finish over the
matter (piece should weekend.
not be majority
negative space)
~ Final piece should
be a minimum of 9x12
and maximum of 18x24
-Part of presentation
will go over how to take
inspiration from an
artist without directly
copying (inspiration
from mark making,
color pallet, art
movement- no direct
subject matter)
-Students will work in
their sketchbooks
making thumbnails or
writing down ideas for
their projects.
-Students will meet
with me one by one to
tell me what medium
they are using for this
(Project Three)

Day 2: Student
Materials: Materials will
Week 6

vary project to project,

sketchbooks, pencil,
computers (for
reference and
-Work day for students
to begin working on
there projects.
-Materials should be
available to students if
they discussed with me
what kind of medium,
they will be using and
sizing they want for
their work.
-Students should have
sketches done by end
of class.
Day 3: Student Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 10 of 12
Identity and Mounting How do we
professionally mount
Examples of
Day 1: Student
Materials: Finished
Day 1: Present mounting
artwork and demonstration.
Participation points
Culture artwork before we labels/plaques: artwork, computers, Students will mount artwork- Participation for mounting and
through Artist Art Labels/plaques display it? mounting mat board check in with students to see critique
Research & https:// (precut-students will how they are doing. They will Overall grading will follow rubric
Artist Statement have given me sizing also make their plaques- make and take into account self-critiques.
Displaying/ What goes into an
Art Label that is
com/2021/06/18/ of their work so I can sure they send these to me to
Artist Critique displayed next to our examples-of- prepare mat board for print out for day 2
Statements work? artwork-labels/ them)
-Presentation about Day 2: Students will install
What goes into preparing and artwork and plaques for
making an artist mounting artwork to critique.
statement? show for critique. Give students worksheets for
Presentation will artist statements. Give
include how to use mat presentation on what an artist
How can artist board and how to statement is and why it is so
statements further make a plaque that will important.
explain and add to go next to the work.
our finished Day 3: Workday for students to
artworks? -Demonstrate to
students how to mount write and finalize artist
work on mat board as statements. Partner work to go
well. over and give feedback on artist
-Students will use the statements.
rest of class to mount
their work with the mat Day 4 and 5: Critique days.
board (if not on Students will self-critique on
canvas) and typing out day four and group critique on
their plaques that will both days. Talk to students
go next to their work about how to further their
(students will send critique and ask more questions
plaques to me to print and give more in depth
out) feedback.
Artist Statement
Worksheet Day 2: Student
Materials: artist
statement worksheet,
-Students will install
work in classroom
along with their
plaques for critique in
upcoming days.
-After student work is
installed give
presentation on artist
statement and what
they are/should
include. Hand out artist
statement worksheets.
-Students will begin
filling out worksheets to
prepare them to write
artist statements.
) Project Three- Writing and Mounting)

Day 3: Student
Materials: Artist
statement worksheet,
computers, pen/pencil
-Students will begin
using their artist
statement worksheets
to type out and out
together their final
Week 7

artist statements.
These should be about
3 paragraphs long or
-When students have
finished typing their
artist statements they
will be partnered up.
Partners will email their
artist statements to
each other to give Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 11 of 12
Curriculum Planning Tool- Page 12 of 12

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