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Plea Purpose Code


Welcome Slide Placeholder



Student Joins Greet student w3

Responding to wr2
Tutor Response
student wr3

Introducing Tools Mta1

Tools Mtb1
Practicing Tools


Introducing Agenda

Introducing Agenda


Introducing lesson
Response to Maty4
student's Confident / Maty5
Yes reply

Response to
student's less
confident/No reply Matn2
Reply in order to Matr1
assess prior
knowledge Matr2

Instruct the Students

Notes about 'View Notes'

Introducing the I Do
I Do Mi1


Introduce We Do Mwe2
We Do
Introduce We Do
We Do
Beginning each We
Do Mwes2

Introducing You Do
You Do & Setting My3


If Student doesn't Mys2
show/explain Mys3

error/re-do Myr3



Introducing the Exit





Exit Ticket Student Asks for Meh2

Help on the Exit



Exit Ticket Scoring

Exit Ticket Scoring



Denoting that time is

about to be over



Closing Session c7


Ending the Session c9





Hello and welcome to F E V Tutor! We are excited to work with you. :)

Welcome back! I am excited to work with you again today.

Good Morning and welcome back.

Good Afternoon and welcome back.

How are you today?

How is everything going today?
Thank you for joining the session right on time!
Glad to have you back! How is your day going today?
Happy to work with you today! How is everything going?

I'm doing well. Thank you for asking :)

I am doing very well, thank you.
I am eager to work together with you to MASTER today's objective!
I can't wait to start today's lesson with you!

Since today is your first tutoring session, I want you to have a chance to practice the virtual
classroom and it's tools.
I use the drawing tool and the typing tool the most. Feel free to try the tools out yourself :)
Can you please write your name on the board using pencil tool?
Try using the pencil tool to write your name on the board.
Now, try using the circle tool to draw a circle around your name.
Try using the line tool to draw an X on the whiteboard.

Today your goal is to learn and solve problems from the lesson "LESSON NAME". I want you to pay close
attention to both I Do and We Do sections which are the key to master this lesson. The last 10 minutes
will be the Exit Ticket section which will mark your score. Let's get started!

Let's get started in mastering this lesson. I will provide the Notes, solve the 1st problem and together we
will solve a couple of problems. You need to pay close attention because the last 10 minutes will be
spent on the Exit Ticket, which will test how well you've mastered the skills in this lesson. You'll receive a
score in the end.

Today in this lesson, I will demonstrate the 1st problem and then together we will solve few problems. In
the Exit Ticket section, which is the last 10 minutes of the session, you will need to answer 3 problems
independently. This will give you a score on this lesson and will score your mastery as well.
Today your goal is to learn and solve the problems independently at the end to show your mastery. You
need to closely observe the next 3 sections of the lesson so that you can do well on the Exit Ticket. This
will mark your score and determine how well you have mastered the skills in this lesson.

Have you worked on this lesson before?

Have you worked on this lesson in class?
Have you practiced this skill before?
How well do you think you know this lesson?
How confident do you feel about this lesson?
Do you remember a lot from class about this lesson?
How confident are you in solving these types of problems?
Let’s get started!
Great! Sounds like we can review quickly then get right into working on some problems.
Great! Let me quickly review the Notes and then jump into the problems.
Good to hear that. Let me pull up the required notes and then demonstrate the first problem.
Great! Let's pick up where you left off :)
That's good that you have seen this before. And not to worry... I am here to answer any questions
you have along the way :)
Great! We will work together to make sure you master this lesson.
Okay. Let's work through some problems together so you can feel more confident in solving them
on your own.

Not to worry. We will review some Notes, I'll solve the first problem as a model, then we will work
together to solve the problems until you feel confident enough to do some on your own.
Not to worry... I am here to answer any questions you have along the way :)
It's okay. We will work together to make sure you master this lesson.
What do you remember about this lesson?
What do you know about this lesson?

You can click on 'View Notes' option to view the notes that will help you in answering questions
during this lesson.
These notes will be helpful in solving problems in this lesson. If you want to refer back to the notes
at any point, you can click on "View Notes."
The Notes are the key in solving problems in this lesson. If you want to refer back to the notes at any
point, you can click on "View Notes."

In this first section, I will model how to solve problems related to the lesson. Do clear your questions
about any of the steps along the way.
I will show you how to solve this problem. Please let me know if you have any questions along the way.

Now it's time for the We Do section where I will guide you through the steps to solve problems.
Please ask questions as we go.
Now let's work through some problems together. Please ask questions about the problem at any time.
Let's work on some problems together. Ask any questions you may have along the way.
Here is a similar example. Would you like to start this problem?
Let's look at another example. Would you like to help me start this one?
Here is another problem. Please go ahead and start solving this one. I'll be here to help you.

Now it's time for you to use what we have practiced to complete the next few problems on your own.
Remember to show all of your work and use your notes.
It's time for you to work independently to solve the next few problems. Be sure to do all of your work
in the space provided in case you need to go back and fix an error or get stuck.
Time for independent work! Use what you've practiced to complete the next few problems on your
own. Please do all of your work in the space provided so that I may help you if you get stuck. You
may use your notes too.

Please explain how you got your answer.

Please show me how you got your answer.
Please explain how you know your answer is correct.
Are you completing your work on a separate piece of paper? Please show your work on the board.

Let's look at your work to see where you made an error.

Now, you know where your error was, please re-do that problem.
Now, you know where you made your error, can you retry that problem?
Please recheck your work.
Please try that problem again.

Now it's time for you to prove you've mastered this lesson! You will work on 3 problems in the Exit
Ticket section and be able to earn 3 points for every question.
It's time to show what you have learned in this lesson today in the Exit Ticket. There are 3 questions.
You will get a chance to earn 3 points for every question!

Now it is time for you to show what you have learned by completing the Exit Ticket. Work hard on all
3 questions to earn 100%. You will have a chance to earn 3 points for every question.
It's time to show what you have learned in the Exit Ticket. I know you will work hard on all 3
questions to earn a 100%. You will be able to earn 3 points in every question.
Time to work on your own on the 3 Exit Ticket questions to achieve a perfect score. Good luck and
work hard to earn 3 points for every question!

Sorry I can't help you on the Exit Ticket. This is your chance to show what you know.
Here is your chance to show what you learned from the session. Go ahead and give it a shot then we
can review together at the end.

Try your best! If we have time at the end, we can go through the problems together :)

You will earn points based on how well you can prove you've mastered this lesson. For each
problem you'll earn 1 point for the correct answer, 1 point for showing your work, and 1 point for
proving or explaining how you know your answer is correct and exp
Points will be earned based on how well you demonstrate your understanding of this lesson. For
each problem you'll earn 1 point for the correct answer, 1 point for showing your work, and 1 point
for explaining how you got your answer. Good luck!
You will earn points based on how well you can prove you've mastered this lesson. For each
problem you'll earn 1 point for the correct answer, 1 point for showing your work, and 1 point for
justifying your answer. Good luck!

You have time to earn Bonus points! Complete the next 2 problems correctly to earn bonus points
that will be added to your final score. Good luck!
You've finished in time to earn extra points! Answer the following questions correctly to earn Bonus
points that will be added to your score. Good luck!

We are running out of time. So, let us continue working on this in the next class if possible.

I see that you are working on the question, but since we are out of time, we cannot complete this
question now. Let us work on this in the next class if possible.
Before we end the session, is there anything else I can help you with?
Before we end the session, is there anything else I can help you with?
Great work today! Please remember to fill in the whole feedback form on your way out.
Thank you for attending and working hard… I think we really accomplished a lot today :) Please
remember to fill in the entire feedback form on your way out. See you next time :)
It was great working with you today. Please fill in the entire feedback form before you leave. Thank you!
Thanks for choosing F E V Tutor and we look forward to work with you in the next class. Please fill
in the feedback form before you leave.
I appreciate your work today! Looking forward to the next session. Don't forget to completely fill in
the feedback form before you leave.
It was great to have you as my student today. Thanks for choosing F E V Tutor. Please fill in the
feedback form when the session ends.
It's my pleasure to work with students like you. Thanks for choosing F E VTutor and please fill out
the survey before you leave.
Hope you had a good learning experience in this session. Thanks a lot for choosing F E V Tutor.
Please fill in the feedback form completely before you leave.
Hope you had a good session today, and I thoroughly enjoyed working with you. Please fill in the
whole feedback form before you leave. Thank you!
Thanks for making the session successful, and I look forward to work with you in the next session.
Remember to fill in the feedback form before you leave.
You worked really hard in today's lesson. I would like to hear some of your feedback. Please
complete the survey before you leave. Thanks and enjoy the rest of your day!
Thanks for working so hard today! Please fill out the feedback form as you leave. Have a great day!
Use this script only for
the first 3 sessions

Use this when you have

back to back sessions
with the same student.

Use this only if the

student first greets you
with a good morning.
Use this only if the
student first greets you
with a Good Afternoon.

Edit the Lesson Name

To move to next question
Let's move on to the next question.
long the way. Here comes our next question.
Let us now be directed to the next question.
Now you'll see the next question on board.

at any time.
If we have time at the end,
we can go through the
problems together :)
Use this script when the
tutor is explaining the
steps or question.
Use this script when the
student is working on the

e. Thank you!


Pen Tool

Highlighter Tool

Pointer Tool

Eraser Tool

Text Tool

Delete Tool
Selection Tool
Graph Tool
Customize Tool
Shape Tools
Emoticons Tool
Upload Tool

Participation points

Screen Share
Hello and welcome. We are excited to work with you.
Hi, how are you doing today?
I'm doing great. Thank you for asking.
The purpose of today’s session is to familiarize you with our virtual classroom and its tools, as well as to show
Since today is your first tutoring session, our goal is to get you familiar with the virtual classroom and it's tools

The tool bar is located on the left hand side of your screen. You can use any of these tools during our sessions.

The Pen tool is a free hand writing tool which allows you to draw shapes on the board.
Please use the pen tool to write your name on the board.
Great way to use your pen tool.
Highlighter tool can be used to highlight the content on the whiteboard.
Please use the highligter tool to highlight your name.
The Pointer tool allows you to point out any object or text on the whiteboard which seeks the attention of other users.
The Eraser tool allows you to erase any errors on the whiteboard.
Please use the eraser tool to erase any content on the board.
The Text tool allows you to type in text on the whiteboard. There is also a provision to change the font and color of the t
Try using the text tool to type 'Hi' on the whiteboard.
The Delete tool allows you to delete the items on the whiteboard. Select the items using the delete tool and then select the
The Selection tool allows you to select objects on the board. To use this tool click on the selection tool and drag it on the
The Graph tool allows you to insert a graph onto the white board. This allows you to plot graph on the whiteboard.
The size of the objects/text can be increased or decreased using the Size Customize tool.
The Shape tools allows you to draw the triangle, rectangle, line and circles of required size on the white board by clickin
Special emoticons can be added on to the whiteboard using the smiley button.
The upload tool allows you to upload files, images and presentations on the white board from your desktop.
Great Job learning the tools. You have earned _ points for that.
Did you notice that you just scored a point in the top right corner?
These are called participation points!
The more you participate in your lessons, share your ideas, and ask questions, the more points you will earn.

Do you know how to share your screen?

Now let's learn how to share the screen.
The first step is to disable your pop-up blocker before you begin.
Next, you will have to download the F E V Screen Sharing Browser extension for the browser that you are usin
For Chrome browser you can use the given link on the board. (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fev-s
For Mozilla Firefox browser you can use the given link on the board. (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox
To copy the screen sharing link from the board, use the typing tool and select the complete link.
Then, you can copy the link and paste it in the search bar of your browser.
Once the extension is added to your browser, you can now share your screen by clicking the "Share My Screen
When the pop-up window appears, select “Your Entire Screen” or “Application Window” to determine if you


n with your tutor.


You are welcome.:) That was a great effort.

Thank you.:) That was a nice try.
Great enthusiasm! That was a good effort.
That's an excellent work. Thank you for taking initiative and getting it
That's the correct answer. I appreciate your work.
Good work! Keep it up!
Good work! Keep it up! Awesome progress!
Awesome progress! I am impressed!
I am impressed by the way you answered that tricky quThat's fantastic!
Unbelievable Work! It's amazing!
Way To Go! That was an impressive work on the whiteboa
You've Outdone Yourself! Two Thumbs Up!
Amazing Effort! First Rate Work!
Keep Up The Good Work! I Knew You Had It In You!
What An Imagination! Super Job!
You Made It Happen!
It's Everything I Hoped For! Well Done!
Great Answer! You Go The Extra Mile!
Extra Special Work! I'm Impressed!

You Figured It Out Thanks For Helping!

Outstanding Effort! You've Earned My Respect!
Neat Work!
That's Perfect! Right On!
Way To Use Your Head! I Appreciate Your Help!
Getting Better All The Time! Stunning!
That's better than ever. Keep On Trying!
I appreciate your hard work. A Job Well Done!
Now that's what I call a fine job! Radical!
You must have been practicing! Great Dedication!
You're doing beautifully. Spectacular!
You're doing fine. Very Resourceful!
You are really learning a lot. Good job.
You outdid yourself today! Well, look at you go!
Good going! Nice Work!
You are welcome!
You are most welcome!
You are very welcome!
Glad you have understood!
Response when thanked by the student Anytime!

Nice One! You've Got It!

Great Dedication! Outstanding Performance!
It's A Masterpiece! Amazing Effort!
Great Enthusiasm! Fantastic Work!
Getting Better All The Time! Very Good!
It Couldn't Be Better!
It's Everything I Hoped For!
You're really working hard today. Nice Going!
I'm happy to see you working like that. Well Done!
You're doing a good job. Great Answer!
Now you've figured it out. What A Great Idea!
That's quite an improvement. Spectacular Work!
How Extraordinary!
Keep up the good work. That's Incredible!
That's the best ever. Great Effort!
That kind of work makes me happy. Congratulations!
Now that's what I call a fine job. I'm Impressed!
That's how to handle that. Outstanding Effort!
You've Got It! Neat Work!
Outstanding Performance! You are doing that much better today.
Your Help Counts! You're learning fast.
Fantastic Work! Good for you!
Very Good! Couldn't have done it better myself.
A+ Work! That's the way!
What A Great Idea! SUPER DUPER!
Spectacular Work! You haven't missed a thing.
The Time You Put In Really Shows! Keep up the good work.
How Extraordinary! Nothing can stop you now!
That's Incredible! That's better than ever.
You Can Do It! I appreciate your hard work.
Great Effort! Now that's what I call a fine job!
Way To Go! You must have been practicing!
Right On! You're doing beautifully.
You've Made Progress! You're doing fine.
Your Best Work! You are really learning a lot.
Keep It Up! You outdid yourself today!
Good Leadership! Good going!
That's The Way! Good job.
Better Than Ever! Well, look at you go!
Top Notch! Nice Work!
Good Try! Keep up the good work.
Great Enthusiasm!
It's A Masterpiece!

Correct answer.
Perfect answer.

Great effort.
You are a hard working student! :)
That's a smart answer! :)
You've got it made.

I'm happy to see you working like that.

You're doing a good job.
That's the best you've ever done.
I knew you could do it.
Now you've figured it out.
Now you have it!
GREAT! That gets you a point.
You make it look easy.
That's the right way to do it.
You're getting better every day.
That's the way to do it.
You did that very well.
You're really improving.
Keep it up!
You've got that down pat!
Good thinking!
I think you've got it now.
You figured that out fast.
That's really nice.
Congratulations, you got it right
That's GOOD!
I'm proud of the way you worked today.
You're really working hard today.
You've just about got it.
You are doing that much better today.
You're learning fast.
Good for you!
Couldn't have done it better myself.
That's the way!
You haven't missed a thing.
Nothing can stop you now!
Reward and Score

Purpose Code Script

ri1 Participation is the KEY ingredient for success in these
ENCOURAGE ri2 tutoring
It sessions.
is important for The
you more effort
to follow youand
along show, the morein this
ri3 points
The Isocan
more add
you to can
you yourearn
in points on thethe
this lesson, scoreboard.
more points I
can award you.
r11 Good job! Plus 1 point. Keep it up :)
r12 Great job completing the notes in under 2 minutes! Plus 1
r13 point
Great for
wayyou.to use your notes! You earned a point!
r14 Good job remembering the next step in solving this
1 POINT r15 problem. That gets
Excellent work! Plusyou 1 point!
1 point.

r21 Excellent work in showing how you got your answer! Plus 2
r22 points!
That is aKeep
greatit explanation
up :) and your score keeps going up.
r23 Plus were
You 2 more!able to do that next step perfectly! 2 points for
r24 you!
Great job! Plus 2 points for you!
r25 Excellent work on the whiteboard. Plus 2 points! Keep up
2 POINT r26 Ithe hard
really work!
liked how you showed your work on the board. PLUS
2 Points!
r31 Great way to use your vocabulary terms to explain your
r32 answer.
Good jobPlus 3 points!
explaining your answer! Plus 3 points! Keep it up :)
r33 Excellent work! That was a tough question and you got it
3 POINT r34 exactly right.
Excellent wayYou even showed
to justify your work!
your answer! You'vePlus 3 points
earned 3 for
r35 you!
That is correct! 3 Points Well Earned :)
r36 Awesome! 3 Points added to your total :)

pepd1 Awesome job answering those questions!

pepd2 You answered those questions so quickly! Nicely done :)
pepd3 Wow! You certainly know all about that lesson. Great job!
pepd4 That was terrific! Great work!
pepd5 Great effort in answering those questions!
Appreciation pepd6 You passed that quick review with flying colors. Nice work!

That's great.
Good job!
Good job . Keep Going:)
Good work! Keep it up!
Well done!
Awesome progress!
I am impressed!
That's fantastic!
It's amazing!

nea1 I really like the way that you _.

nea2 You started off in the right direction.
Point out a positive
nea3 You did A LOT of things right there.
nea4 This is a very good start.

neb1 Your final answer is just a little bit off.

neb2 And your answer is very close. Just not quite correct.
Inform them answer is

Page 21
Reward and Score

Inform them answer is

incorrect neb3 It looks like you just need to fix one piece.
neb4 But it looks like your answer is incorrect.
neb5 But it looks like you wrote there is just a little bit off.

no1 Give it your best shot!

no2 You can always refer back to your notes if that would help.
no3 Try to figure it out and I can help you along the way.
no4 How do you think we should start this one?
No Opt Out no5 Hint - you can use the same steps that we used in the last
no6 example.
Would you prefer to work it out on your paper first then
no7 show
Ok, butmeI would
what you
like got?
you to give it a try anyway. I can help
no8 you along the way
Think back about what if youwe
need it.
did before. That might help you.
no9 I am confident you can MASTER this lesson. Go ahead and
give it your best shot!

ri1 Participation is the KEY ingredient for success in these

ENCOURAGE ri2 tutoring
It sessions.
is important for The
you more effort
to follow youand
along show, the morein this
ri3 points
lesson I
socan add
that to
you your
can scoreboard.
earn points on the scoreboard.
The more you participate in this lesson, the more points I
can award you.

Scenarios I appreciate your curiosity,however, I am not able to

Quick Break provide
How that can
quickly information.
you makeLet's refocus
it back on computer?
to your the lesson We
don't have much time left to master our
Ok Great. I will put up __ minutes on the timer. daily objective.
Make it
back before the timer runs out so I can
Go ahead but make it quick! We want to be sure reward youyou
Ok, we
timebut can master
to complete
hurry backthe our daily
so Exit objective!
we can Letthis
finish melesson.
know when
Ok. back.
me know
hurryyouback are
soon as you can so we can still
Ok, the lesson.
but please make it quick so we can be sure to have
enough time forget
Please don't to complete
to let metheknow
Exit ticket.
when Let
you get back.
If you can make it back within 2 minutes I will award you
Where are you from?
with 1is point.
a good question. I appreciate your curiosity but I am
not allowed to say.
I am a ______, yourCan we refocus
Math Tutor . :)on the lesson
Thanks now? Can
for asking.
Are you a boy or a girl?
we refocus on the lesson now?

Page 22
Reward and Score


Student's aren't to be given time

to read
Use thisthe notes
script and
only if so,
the this
script is used
student also not
be used.
solve the question

Math tutors shouldn't use this

Use this script if the student
Use if their
this script answer.
the studentif the
their answer or provedwork.
showed their that their
answer is correct.

You did a great job with that

Nice effort! I can see from your
approach that you really
understand the concept here.
There is just one piece we need
to look at again.

Page 23
URGENT: Scripts to be avoided
Scripts too commonly used, use alternate suggestions that best matches your scenario.
Identified Date Quote in Context
Tutor: Great! I see you’ve mastered this lesson.
12/22/2015 Student:
Student: umm ok not
no I have
12/22/2015 Tutor:
Tutor: Not a problem.
Is this your complete question?
12/22/2015 Student: Yes
Tutor: One of the tools I use the most is the Text Tool.
12/22/2015 Tutor:
Tutor: There
Okay. is a provision for you to use the size tool to change the size of your text.
12/22/2015 Tutor:
Student: Thanks
ummfor notchoosing
really F E V Tutor and we look forward to working with you in the next class. Please fill
12/22/2015 Tutor:
Student: Letumm
me explain you.
not really
12/22/2015 Tutor:
Okay! Let me explain you.
2/2/2016 “...
Good.is nothing but …”
2/2/2016 An example I have seen, “Twice is nothing but double”
2/3/2016 Varition Script for "I DO"
2/3/2016 Varition Script for "WE DO"
2/3/2016 Varition Script for "YOU DO"
5/1/2016 Sharing the Question from the Student's perspective
5/1/2016 Conversation building, specify the Good work.
Suggested Alternatives
That is helpful to know. Can you remember any examples from class? 12/22/201
Great! We will
Our lesson todaycontinue to practice
will focus these
on Dividing types ofHave
Fractions. problems so you
you ever can
seen become
this an expert on them.
It would
I see yoube helpful
posted thefor me to learn
question, what
“Which ofyou
the already
followingknow about Dividing
demonstrates the sumFractions. Would
of 53 and 490.you mind
Is this sharing anything
a multiple you mi
choice problem
is even an 53option
+ . Is there a second
to adjust number
the size in this
and color of expression?
the text.
If you would like, you can even change the
We've done some awesome work today, please fill in size and color
the of the font.
feedback form as you leave.
Good work today! It was nice working with you. Please remember
Okay, let me quickly help you with the formula. Please look at the whiteboard. to fill in your comments on the feedback form.
Can ayou
quicklylet me the
write helpFormula
you get to
started on slope?
find the this.
Great!you ever
Let’s moveusedon.a formula to find the slope?
Okay then, let's get going.
This should be rephrased, “Twice means to double a number.” Replacing the phrase “... is nothing but…” with the word "mean
In this first problem I will show you the steps to take to solve these types of problems. Please ask questions as we go through
Now let's work through some problems together. Please ask questions about the problem at any time. Let's work on some pro
Time for help
Can you independent work! Usethese
me in multiplying whatnumbers?
you've practiced to complete the next few problems on your own. Please do all of your
Excellent work on highligting the keyterms.
Awesome, we just have one more step to finish.
you mightIsalready know about
this a multiple thequestion?
choice lesson?

ord "means" usually fixes the awkward phrasing.

o through the steps and be ready to answer questions from me as well.
n some problems together. Ask any questions you may have along the way.
all of your work in the space provided so that I may help you if you get stuck. You may use your notes too.
Tutor: Let's get started.
Student: No, this is not working for me.
Tutor: I am sorry you feel that way.
Tutor: We, at FEVTutor adapt to a Kinesthetic learning style that most students prefer.
Tutor: If that doesn't work for you, we are open to customize the learning style to suit your needs.
Tutor: Please look at the whiteboard and let us know if these other learning styles would help you better.
Screen sharing Feature

Tutor: You can show me what you are working on by sharing your screen.
Student: Okay
Tutor: You can share your screen by clicking on the "Share my screen" option available on your screen.
Student: How to do that?
Tutor: Please click on "Share my screen" button which is at top right section of the whiteboard.
Student: Okay, I did.
Tutor: Are you able to share your screen?
Student: No, it is showing me a pop-up.
Tutor: Well, is the pop-up asking you to install an extension?
Student: Yes
Tutor: Which browser are you using?
Student: Chrome or Mozilla
Tutor: Please click on the below link to install browser extension for chrome.
Tutor: If you are using Mozilla, click on the below link to install browser extension for Mozilla.
Student: Okay
Tutor: Open the extension and click on "Add to chrome" option, to add the extension.
Tutor: Open the extension and click on "Add to Firefox" option, to add the extension.
Student: I did
Tutor: Please go back to the joined session and click on "Share my screen" option.
Student: yes
Tutor: When the screen share extension will get activated, a popup will be displayed on your screen which asks your permissio
Tutor: If you would like to share an entire screen, please click on "Share entire screen" option. Here the whole desktop will be sh
Tutor: If you would like to share any particular application, click on the "Application Window" you would like to share with m
Student: Okay
Tutor: I have accepted the invitation to share your screen with me.
Student: Okay
Tutor: Thank you for sharing your screen. Now I am able to see the screen you have shared with me.
Student: Okay
Tutor: To end the sharing, you can click on the stop sharing button.
Student: I got it.

TTS Audio

Tutor: Many students like having the option speak out-loud while interacting with their tutors. Would you like to hear the audi
Student: Yes
Tutor: Audio is provided through Text-to-Speech technology.
Student: Okay
Tutor: You can simply plug-in a set of headphones to have all the chat texts read aloud.
Student: I have plugged in my headphone
Tutor: I have enabled Text-to-Speech feature for you.
Tutor: Are you able to hear this text?
Student: Yes, I can hear.

One way audio

Tutor: Many students like to talk with their tutors during the session. Would you like me to enable this feature for you?
tutor: This feature allows you to talk directly with me, while I respond back to you via text.
Student: Yes
Tutor: Before starting the conference please make sure no other application (Skype, internet messengers etc) is using the audio/
Tutor: If any browser updates are pending please apply them first.
Student: Okay
Tutor: Have you plugged in the headset to your PC?
Student: No
Tutor: Please plug-in the headset with MIC.
Student: Okay
Tutor: I have enabled, one way audio feature for you. You will be getting a popup for the use of mic.
Tutor: If you are using Mozilla, select share option and click on "Allow" to use your microphone.
Tutor: Please click on "Allow" to use your microphone and then enable "Block pop-up" notification in chrome.
Student: I did.
Tutor: Could you please try speaking to me?
Student: Yes, can you hear me?
Tutor: Yes, I can hear you now. Let's continue with the session.
Example Student response Script for Tutor

I'm sorry, can you please refresh your page by selecting Ctrl + F5 on
I can't see anything your keyboard?

I'm sorry, can you please try to rejoin the session?

I don’t want to do this I understand. Every student has those moments. Let's go ahead and
give it a shot :)
I understand completely. Is there anything I can do differently to

Is there a reason why you are flipping through?

Usually, it helps if I control the slides. Is that ok?

Is there a reason why you are writing all over the white-board?

Ok. Do you mind stopping that so we can really focus on the


Do you mind stopping that so we can really focus on the lesson?

Do you mind stopping that so we can really focus on the lesson?

It will be easier for you us to MASTER the day's objective and work
together if you stop doing that.
My dad works with a bank Thank you for sharing, however, we have to focus on the lesson
Can I talk to you over phone?My dad right now.
works with a bank Thank you for sharing. Let's focus on the lesson, ok?

The tutoring lasts for 1 hour. Let's work through this material to
Can we end the class? Can I leave now
make sure we have mastered it all before the time is up.

Have you completed all of the notes?

Remember, these notes are VERY important and the next page will
be checking to make sure you copied them down.
Sorry to bother you, please don't forget to check the box when you
are done.

When you are ready to move on you can type DONE in the chat-box

Sorry to interrupt your work. Do you have any questions??

Sorry to interrupt, are you working this out on a separate piece of
That's fine! Just let me know what you come up with so I can check

Good question. Believe it or not I have been asked that before.

Are you human?Are you a robot? Yes, you are working with a real-live tutor :)Good question. Believe
You a real person? it or not I have been asked that before.

Welcome! We have just 10 minutes left. Would you like to quickly

practice a few things with the time that we have?
Yes, you can email support@fevtutor.com with any specific
Can I email you for help?
requests and I can help you during the next session.
Thank you for letting me know! I will send a note to my scheduling
team to make the change right away :)

Ok, all set and ready to go. It will be updated for the next session.

Now are you ready to keep moving through the lesson?

Great. Let's go ahead.
Is there anything else you need help with today?
What to I do now? Let's take this lesson to the next level with some more challenging

I'm sorry, can you please try to rejoin the session?

What are you talking about? I can't see
anything I'm sorry, can you please refresh your page by selecting Ctrl + F5 on
your keyboard?
Is there anything I can do to help?
Are you having problems with the computer?
Ok. You can rejoin or even press Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard to
Is everything ok with your computer?
Is there anything I can do to help?
If you are having technical problems, you can email
support@fevtutor.com and my tech-team can help too!

Can we do the exit tickets again today? I am glad to see your confidence! Let's practice just a few more to
You can skip over this make sure we are 100% ready to master the Exit Ticket.

one moment please Ok. Thank you for hurrying on back as soon as you can so we can
give me like 10 minsWill be right back still complete the lesson.
brb Please don't forget to let me know when you are back.

Why does it say 6th Grade when I'm in 7th

Grade Sorry, that is my mistake. We will get that fixed for you.

Please wait my mother is helping me on Ok. No problem. Please let me know if you all have any questions
this for me or if there is anything I can do differently to help.
Are you completing your scratch work on a separate piece of
Do you mind showing your work out on the board?

You can access your Session Recordings anytime! Just log back in to
your FEV Tutor account.
Can I see this session at a later time?
Is there some way I can record thisCan I
For now, can we refocus on the lesson?You can access your
see this session at a later time?
Session Recordings anytime! Just log back in to your FEV Tutor

Yes, I will be your tutor again next session.

Are you going to be my tutor tomorrow Are you ready to continue?Yes, I will be your tutor again next
too? session.
Can I have you again for tomorrow? Are you ready to continue?Yes, I will be your tutor again next
Who will help me next week? session.
Are you ready to continue?

Can I have a different tutor for my next That shouldn't be a problem. Sometimes other tutors can be a
class? better fit :)
Not to be rude but I can have a different
tutor? In order to be sure, can you email my Scheduling Manager at
Can I have a girl tutor? support@fevtutor.com to request the change?

Would you like for me to explain it differently?

Do you mind explaining which part you are not quite
I don't know, don't know understanding?
no no no no no no nonoI don't know,
don't know Let me try to explain it another way…
no no no no no no nonoI don't know,
don't know
no no no no no no nono Let me try to show you on the white-board…

Pretty bad
not good :(Pretty bad
I am sorry to hear that and am sure we can work together to turn it
around :)
not good :(Pretty bad
not good :(

Stop doing that, it's frustrating. I am so sorry… didn't mean to rush you.
Be patient That is my fault. I am sorry and it won't happen again.
Don't rush me You can just let me know when you are ready to move on…
Would you like to give this one another shot?

Sorry you feel that way. Is there anything I can do differently?

You are an idiot
Worst tutor ever Sorry you feel that way. Any feedback you can provide would be
You suck very helpful.

I'm sorry, can you please try to rejoin the session?

I cannot write on the board
Why am I not seeing anything
I cannot write on the board
Why am I not seeing anything I'm sorry, can you please refresh your page by selecting Ctrl + F5 on
your keyboard?

I've already done this, can we do I have been instructed to stick to your Tutoring Plan. Is there
something else. another lesson you would like help on when we have extra time?

My son has already competed this and it

good at it. Can we move to a different I have been instructed to stick to the Tutoring Plan. If you would
lesson? like for other lessons to be covered, do you mind emailing
Support@fevtutor.com ???
I did this last class.
I think I've done this before

Sorry, my baby brother has hurt himself Ok. Are you going to be able to make it back within the hour?
and my mom is not here. I have to go
Mom says I need to leave right away. Ok. If you would like to reschedule our session, could you please
email support@fevtutor.com?
Do you know Ms. Anne? Sorry. I don't know this person.

Can we not do this, I need help with We are doing this Quick Check so I can see what you already know.
rounding numbers.
My parents says I don't need to do this. The Quick Check will be very helpful for all of our upcoming
tutoring sessions :)

What is this about?

Is it really necessary for me to do this?

Would I fail or something if I don't do The tutoring is meant to help you succeed in your classes.

I'm sorry, I keep forgetting how to do the That's ok. Let me show you :)
circle thing.
Can we play a game before we start? Sorry. No games here. Let's stay focused on the lesson so we can
Can you play GTA here? master the day's objective!

Where are you from? That is a good question. I appreciate your curiosity but I am not
allowed to say. Can we refocus on the lesson now?
I am a ______. Thanks for asking. Can we refocus on the lesson
Are you a boy or a girl?
Notes Action Options / Poll Options

Upload the ppt again.

Upload the ppt again.
Upload the ppt again.
Upload the ppt again.
Upload the ppt again.
Upload the ppt again.

Poll 5

Poll 1
if the student has a legitimate reason Poll 7
then allow it to happen Poll 8

if there is no legititmate reason


if there is no legititmate reason given) Poll 1

… Poll 7
Poll 1
Poll 7

Poll 1
Poll 7
Poll 8

Poll 9
Poll 7
Poll 8

Poll 4

Poll 3
Poll 4
Poll 3
Poll 4Poll 3
Poll 4Poll 3
Poll 4Poll 3
Poll 4Poll 3
Poll 4
Poll 3
Poll 4Poll 3
Poll 4Poll 3
Poll 4Poll 3
Poll 4Poll 3
Poll 4

Use the pen tool to write this on the board,

'Of course I am a real person :)'

call a tutor manager over to answer call a tutor manager over to answer
questions of the parent questions of the parent

Poll 8Poll 1
Poll 7
Poll 8

Poll 3

Poll 6
Double Check email ID, may need to
be client specific.

Poll 5
Poll 4

Poll 5

Poll 3
Poll 4Poll 3
Poll 4

Poll 6

Poll 1
Poll 2Poll 1
Poll 2
Poll 1
Poll 2Poll 1
Poll 2

the tutor should then move on to the

next lesson

Double Check email ID, may need to

be client specific.

..flip to the Quick Check intro slide and

Scenario Short cut
Fix/identify tech issue



Quick Break - Student requests to leave session

briefly/bathroom break.

When Student asked Tutor to go Slow or clicked on "GO SLOW"


When Student clicked on "STOP" Button/Link

Where are you from?

Are you a boy or a girl?


Reluctant Student - reluctant to begin, go through entirety, or
finish session rs3


Scoreboard - Reward 1 Point

Scoreboard - Reward 2 Points

Scoreboard - Reward 3 Points r33


Point out a positive

Inform them answer is incorrect neb3
Tutor Script
Are you having problems with the computer?
I'm sorry, can you please refresh your page by selecting Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard?
Okay. You can rejoin or even press Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard to refresh.
Is there anything I can do to help?

If you are having technical problems, you can email support@fevtutor.com and my tech-team can help too!
In order to support, we recommend you to load the whiteboard on Mozilla Firefox or Chrome.
If you are still facing issues with the audio, then email support @fevtutor.com and they will get back to you
with a fix. For now, let's chat back and forth by typing.

Please don't forget to let me know when you are back.

I am so sorry.I didn't mean to rush you. Please let me know when you are ready to move on.

We are left with ______ minutes. Do you have any questions?

That is a good question. I appreciate your curiosity but I am not allowed to say. Can we refocus on the lesson
I am ______, your Math Tutor . :) Thanks for asking. Can we refocus on the lesson now?

I understand. Every student has those moments. Let's go ahead and give it a shot :)
I completely understand. These sessions are very important and there are meant to help you. Can you give
your best effort for the next _ minutes?
The tutoring lasts for 1 hour. Let's work through this material to make sure we have mastered it all before the
time is up.
The tutoring is meant to help you succeed in your classes. So let's work on this lesson together.
We are almost finished. Let's keep going so you can get to the Exit ticket section.

Good job! Plus 1 point. Keep it up :)

Great job completing the notes in under 2 minutes! Plus 1 point for you.
Great way to use your notes! You earned a point!
Good job remembering the next step in solving this problem. That gets you 1 point!
Excellent work! Plus 1 point.
Awesome job remembering what that vocabulary word means. Plus 1 point for you!

Excellent work in showing how you got your answer! Plus 2 points! Keep it up :)
You were able to do that next step perfectly! 2 points for you!
Your work is very organized and carried out perfectly. Great job! Plus 2 points for you!
Excellent work on the whiteboard. Plus 2 points! Keep up the hard work!
And your answer is very close. Just not quite correct.
Excellent work! That was a tough question and you got it exactly right. You even showed your work! Plus 3
points for you!
Excellent way to justify your answer! You've earned 3 points.
That is correct! 3 Points Well Earned :)

I really like the way that you _.

You did A LOT of things right there.

This is a very good start.

Your final answer is just a little bit off.

And your answer is very close. Just not quite correct.
It looks like you just need to fix one piece.
And your answer is very close. Just not quite correct.
But it looks like you wrote there is just a little bit off.
robo Scenario Purpose Code



Consequence Ladder - cla9
Consequence Ladder Redirect / Soft Warning





Consequence Ladder - Formal clb4
Deliver Formal Warning
Warning clb5




Consequence Ladder - clc2

Consequence Ladder -



Consequence Ladder -
Deliver Consequence
Consequence cld2


Check for Understanding
CFU - General (General) Immediate CFU ug3

CFU - Next Step Check for Understanding CFU of Next Step -moving forward
(Next) un4

Check for Understanding Identify what student finds difficult
CFU - Clarification uc4
(Clarification) / does not underscdnd

Challenge student to explain, us4
- Student ask about justify, prove answer us5
CFU - Stretch audio/voice/robotic us6
You Do /Multiple choice

You Do /Multiple choice


Positive Comment - Congratulate Acknowledge Achievement when a cona6
Completion Completion student has completed any task cona7

Positive Reinforcement to conb2
encourage and motivate the conb3
Positive Comment - Progress Congratulate Progress
student while they are progressing conb4
through a challenging task

When a student puts forth a lot of

effort but misses the correct conc1
answer, the tutor should still praise conc2
Positive Comment - Effort Congratulate Effort the student for his or her effort so
that we 'normalize error' and place conc3
emphasis on the learning process
as opposed to just right or wrongs. conc4


Acknowledge request while
Quick Break - Student qb3
reminding the student that they
Quick Break requests to leave session need to come back quickly to finsih
briefly/bathroom break. qb4
the lesson



Technical Difficulties Technical Difficulties Fix/identify tech issue

Technical Difficulties Technical Difficulties Fix/identify tech issue td6




Reluctant Student -
reluctantto begin, go
Reluctant Student Respond to reluccdnt student rs3
through entirety, or
finish session rs4


Off-lesson - student ot2
revealing or asking for
Off-lesson Student
personal decdils / ot3
discussing off-lesson

Empathize with student complaints
Student Complaints Student Complaints sc3
and find an agreeable solution.
Requests to change tutor for next
session sc6

Audio Option- Student ao1

Audio Option ask about
audio/voice/robotic ao2

Check on non-responsive students nr2
Non-Responsive Student Non-Responsive Student and encourage them to resume
participating in the session. nr3
Check on non-responsive students
Non-Responsive Student Non-Responsive Student and encourage them to resume
participating in the session.


Avoid Silence aq4
Acknowledge Student
Acknowledge Question Provide Affirmation
Question aq5
Buy time to formulate response

Avoid Silence as3
Acknowledge Student
Acknowledge Statement Provide Affirmation as4
Buy time to formulate response as5



Get student to work more t4
Timer - Slow Student Slow student output
efficiently. t5


Encourage students to scdy on
cdsk & participate by introducing ri4
Scoreboard - Reward Intro Reward Introduction the scoreboard feature and
explaining the imporcdnce of
earning points in a session. ri5

Motivate students to work hard
Reward Points and participate by highlighting
positive behaviors.

Scoreboard - Reward 1 Point 1 Pointers

Scoreboard - Reward 2 Points 2 Pointers


Scoreboard - Reward 3 Points 3 Pointers r33


fast paced series of quick questions

meant to review a concept, keep
Pepper students on their toes, and have an
alternative method for student

Pepper - Intro Introduce Pepper


Pepper - Expectations Set Pepper Expectations
Pepper - Expectations Set Pepper Expectations

Pepper Scenario - student gets the
Pepper - Scenario pepc2
answer wrong or is stuck on one.

Pepper - Scenario Closing pepper

Provide clear directives for

students as to HOW specifically
Clear Directives they should respond or what tool
to use in cases when it is helpful to
erase all ambiguity

Directive - Pencil Pencil Tool

Directive - Text Text Tool dt2

Directive - Chat Box Chat Box dc2

Directive - Verbal Verbal Response dv2

Encourage students to give it a
No Opt Out No Opt Out no5
shot even when they say idk
Encourage students to give it a
No Opt Out No Opt Out
shot even when they say idk

4 step sequence for (1) pointing

out a positive (2) Inform students
that their answer is incorrect (3)
Normalize Error provide some sort of context-
specific hint, guiding question, or
suggestion and (4) Ask the student
to try it again

Normalizing Error - Positive 1 - Point out a positive

Normalizing Error - Incorrect 2 - Inform them answer is incorrect neb3

3 - Queue yourself up to provide a nec2
Normalizing Error - Hint hint, guiding question, suggestion, nec3
or correction. nec4

3 - tutor provides context clue. not

possible to script this portion of
the flow and the tutor needs to
think on the fly about what to say

Normalizing Error - Retry 4 - Try it Again

Chat Script

I appreciate your curiosity,however, I am not supposed to provide that information. Let's refocus on the lesson
Please be sure to use appropriate language in the session. Now let's get back on track.
Please stop or I will have to block your tools. Are you ready to continue now?

Please stop doodling on the whiteboard. Let's get back on track and I can continue to allow you to use your tools.
Please stop drawing on the whiteboard and get back on track.
Let's refocus and get back into the lesson. Ready?
That is not appropriate behavior. Are you ready to turn it around and get back into the lesson?

Remember, it's very important that you master today's tutoring objective. Now are you ready to get back on task?
Please stop that so we can really focus on the lesson.
The lesson usually goes much more smoothly if we don't flip around the slides. If you need to skip ahead or refer back
in the slides, just let me know.
Okay. Do you mind stopping that so we can really focus on the lesson?
It will be easier for you to master the day's objective if we are able to focus together. Are you ready to give it another
Will you to be able to refocus and keep moving through the lesson?
If this behavior is going to continue, I will need to deduct participation points from the scoreboard. Let's keep that
scoreboard moving in the positive direction, okay?
It is important to follow directions and focus on task. If you can't do that I will have to deduct points from your
It is important for you to follow along and participate in a positive way so that you can earn points rather than have
points taken away from your score.

Remember these sessions are all recorded and the links can be sent to your teacher. Let's not let it get to that point
and refocus on the lesson.
If this continues I will need to let your parent know of this behavior.
If this continues I will need to let your teacher know of this behavior.
I am afraid if you are not able to refocus on the lesson. I will have to notify your teacher.
If you are not able to focus on the lesson, I will have to notify your teacher.
This is your formal warning. If you continue with this behavior I will have to inform your teacher. Are you ready to
continue with the lesson?
This is your formal warning. If you continue drawing all over the board, I will have to inform your teacher. Are you
ready to refocus?

I have reported your behavior to my support team who will be notifying your teacher. Now is your last chance to get
back on track or I need to end the session. Are you ready to give it one last chance and show your teacher that you
can make better choices?

I have reported your behavior to my support team who will be notifying your parent. Now is your last chance to get
back on track or I need to end the session. Are you ready to give it one last chance and show your parent that you
can make better choices?
Your teacher will now be notified of your behavior in this tutoring session. Fortunately, I can give you one last chance
to get back on track or else I will have to end the session. Are you ready to turn it around?

Your parent will now be notified of your behavior in this tutoring session. Fortunately, I can give you one last chance
to get back on track or else I will have to end the session. Are you ready to turn it around?

Unfortunately, I need to end the session now. I really hope you can improve your behavior for the next time.
You have received multilpe warnings and still chose not to follow directions. I have to end the session now. Hopefully,
you will make better decisions during the next session.
Unfortunately, after multiple warnings I need to end the session now. I look forward to seeing improvement in the
next session.

Does that step make sense?

Do you have any questions so far?
Do you have any questions about that part?
Do you understand that step?
Do you understand what I did?

What do we need to do next?

What is the next step in solving this?
What do you think we need to do next?
It seems like you have got the hang of this. Would you like to try taking it from here?
Where do you think we should go from here?
How do you think we should proceed from here?

Do you mind explaining which part you are not quite understanding?
What specifically do you not understand?
What part of that step would you like for me to go over again?
What part of that problem did you have difficulty with?
What part would you like me to explain again?
What would you like me to review again with you?
Can you let me know specifically which part is not yet clear?

Pretend as if you are in court and I am the jury. Can you prove to me how you know your answer is correct?
That is correct. Try to take it a step further - can you explain how you know your answer is correct?
Can you use the whiteboard to justify your answer?
Why does your answer work for this situation?
How do you know your solution works?
How could you check that your answer is correct?
Prove to me that your answer is correct.
Let us try to apply this to another situation….
It seems like you have really mastered this! Let us try to take it even one step further...
Why do the other choices not work?

Great work!
That is correct!
Great effort!
Nicely done!
You are right!
Nice job!
You did a great job with that problem!
You did a great job!
That's great!
Nice work!
Wow! Well done. I am starting to think you should tutoring this lesson yourself :)

Good job! Keep going.

Great effort so far! Keep going.
Keep up the good work!
So far so good! Keep forging ahead.
Excellent work so far! Keep it up!
You are doing such great work on this problem. Keep going.

Nice effort! I can see from your approach that you really understand the concept here. There is just one piece we
need to look at again.
I really like the way you __ and your answer is very close. Can you explain how you ___?
I really like the way you __ and your answer is very close. You just need to take another look at this one part.
Your answer is very close. I can tell you are really starting to grasp this concept. Could you explain or show me how
you get your answer so we can figure out what needs to be fixed together?

How quickly can you make it back to your computer? We don't have much time left to master our daily objective.
Okay Great. I will put up __ minutes on the timer. Make it back before the timer runs out so I can reward you a POINT
and we can master our daily objective!
Go ahead but make it quick! We want to be sure you have time to complete the Exit Ticket. Let me know when you
are back.
Okay, but hurry back so we can finish this lesson. Please let me know when you are back.
Okay. Please hurry back as soon as you can so we can still complete the lesson.
Okay, but please make it quick so we can be sure to have enough time to complete the Exit ticket. Let me know when
you get back.
Please don't forget to let me know when you are back.
If you can make it back within 2 minutes I will award you with 1 point.

I'm sorry, can you please refresh your page by selecting Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard?
I'm sorry, can you please try to rejoin the session?
Are you having problems with the computer?
Ok. You can rejoin or even press Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard to refresh.
Is everything ok with your computer?
Is there anything I can do to help?

If you are having technical problems, you can email support@fevtutor.com and my tech-team can help too!
In order to support, we recommend you to load the whiteboard on Mozilla Firefox or Chrome.
If you are still facing issues with the audio, then email support @fevtutor.com and they will get back to you with a fix.
For now, let's chat back and forth by typing.

I understand. Every student has those moments. Let's go ahead and give it a shot :)
I completely understand. These sessions are very important and there are meant to help you. Can you give your best
effort for the next _ minutes?
The tutoring lasts for 1 hour. Let's work through this material to make sure we have mastered it all before the time is
The tutoring is meant to help you succeed in your classes. So let's work on this lesson together.
We are almost finished. Let's keep going so you can get to the Exit ticket section.
I am glad to see your confidence! Let's practice just a few more to make sure we are 100% ready to master the Exit

Thank you for sharing, however, we have to focus on the lesson right now.
Thank you for sharing. Let's focus on the lesson, alright?
I appreciate your curiosity but we are not supposed to talk about things off-lesson. Are you ready to refocus on the
lesson now?
I appreciate your curiousity, however, I am not supposed to discuss that information with you. Are you ready to get
back to the lesson now?

I am so sorry… I did not mean to rush you.

My apologies. I did not mean to rush you. Thanks for letting me know!
My fault! I did not realize. Would you like to just let me know when you are ready to move on?
Sorry you feel that way. Is there anything I can do differently?
Thanks for letting me know. Is there anything specific I can do differently to improve this tutoring session?
That should not be a problem. Sometimes other tutors can be a better fit :)
In order to be sure, can you email my Scheduling Manager at support@fevtutor.com to request the change?

The automated voice feature is added in to help us communicate easier! Remember, it is optional so feel free to turn
your volume off if you do not like it.
If you would rather not hear the voice read-aloud, you can turn off the audio and we can just chat back and forth by
typing. It is up toBelieve
Good question. you :) it or not I have been asked that before.
Yes, you are working with a real-live tutor :)

Sometimes it is challenging with online tutoring to know if the student is still present. Could you type 'here' to let me
know you are still with me?
Are you still at your computer?
Could you type 'here' to let me know you are still in the session?
Great! Thanks for letting me know. It can be hard in an online setting sometimes to know for sure. Do you have any
questions so far or are you ready to continue?

Good Question
That is a good question
Okay. I understand your question.
Great question!
I hear you and that is a good question.
Give me just a couple seconds to think through the best way to answer that one.
Okay. Let me just take a second to think through the best way to answer that question.
Thanks for asking! That is a good question

Very good point

Yes, that makes sense.
Yes, you are on the right track.
Let us look into that.
Good thought.
I understand your point.
Thank you for speaking up! That is a very good point.

Okay. Let's see if you can complete this problem in under 2 minutes. Ready?
It's almost time for you to work on your own. Let's see if we can work through this We Do problem together in under
_________ minutes and _______ seconds.
The Exit Ticket is fast approaching! Let's see if we you can work through this You Do problem in under _____ minutes
and _____ seconds.
Let's see if you can complete this next problem in _________ minutes.
Let's see if we can complete this next problem together in under ______ minutes.
Okay. See if you can work through this problem and get it correct in under _______ minutes.
You have ____ minutes to complete this problem. Ready?
Think you can finish this problem on your own in under 1 minute? Give it a try.
The Exit Ticket is fast approaching! I bet we can get to it if we finish these next few problems in ______ minutes. Let's
see if we can beat that time!

Participation is the KEY ingredient for success in these tutoring sessions. The more effort you show, the more points I
can add to your scoreboard.
It is important for you to follow along and participate in this lesson so that you can earn points on the scoreboard.
The more you participate in this lesson, the more points I can award you.
It is important to follow directions and start on the task. If you can do that throughout this lesson, I can award you
points along the way!
All of your points will be recorded at the end of each session and shared with your teachers and parents. Let's see if
we can get all the way up to 30 points today!

If you earn between 10 and 19 points, that is "Good Work". If you earn between 20 to 29 points, we call that a "Great
Job". And if you earn 30 points, you will have earned OUTScdNDING Effort and Participation Scdtus!!!
We share all student points with teachers and parents. Let's see how many you can earn today!!
Good job! Plus 1 point. Keep it up :)
Great job completing the notes in under 2 mintues! Plus 1 point for you.
Great way to use your notes! You earned a point!
Good job remembering the next step in solving this problem. That gets you 1 point!
Excellent work! Plus 1 point.
Awesome job remembering what that vocabulary word means. Plus 1 point for you!

Excellent work in showing how you got your answer! Plus 2 points! Keep it up :)
That is a great explanation and your score keeps going up... plus 2 more!!!
You were able to do that next step perfectly! 2 points for you!
Your work is very organized and carried out perfectly. Great job! Plus 2 points for you!
Excellent work on the whiteboard. Plus 2 points! Keep up the hard work!
I really liked how you showed your work on the board. PLUS 2 Points!!!

Great way to use your vocabulary terms to explain your answer. Plus 3 points!
Good job explaining your answer! Plus 3 points! Keep it up :)
Excellent work! That was a tough question and you got it exactly right. You even showed your work! Plus 3 points for
Excelent way to justify your answer! You've earned 3 points.
That is correct! 3 Points Well Earned :)
Awesome! 3 Points added to your tocdl :)

Let's change gears here for a few minutes for some fast review questions.
Let's change things up a bit with a little activity to recap.
Ok. Let's switch gears for a fast review game.
Let's try a quick action question and answer review for a moment.
Ok. There's some imporant points we want to be certain we don't forget. Are you ready for a very short one minute
We are going to do a quick action question, rapid fire question and answer to review real quick. Ready?
Ready for a quick review?

Great! I will just pose a series of short questions. You can just type your answers right back here in the chat box. If
you're not sure about one, that's compltely fine. Just give it your best shot :)
Awesome! I will ask a few quick questions and you can just try your best to answer each one. If you're stuck, no
worries. Give it your best shot and I will be here to help.
Nice! Here comes the first question... try your best!

Would you like some help answering? That is a tough one.

Very close! The answer is actually __. Let us keep moving right on to the next one.
That is actually a tough question. Would you like a hint?

Awesome job answering those questions!

You answered those questions so quickly! Nicely done :)
Wow! You certainly know all about that lesson. Great job!
That was terrific! Great work!
Great effort in answering those questions!
You passed that quick review with flying colors. Nice work!

Can you demonstrate what you mean on the whiteboard using the Pencil Tool?
Please show your work on the whiteboard using the Pencil Tool
Go ahead and use the Pencil Tool to underline the...
Go ahead and use the Pencil Tool to identify the...

Can you type the next step on the whiteboard using the Text Tool?
Please type your answer on the whiteboard using the Text Tool.
Go ahead and type it out using the Text Tool.

You can just type your answer on the whiteboard using the Text Tool if that is easiest for you.
Use the chat box to answer this question...
You can just type your answer in the chat box if that is easiest for you.
Go ahead and type it out using the chat-box down here in the bottom right corner.
Tell me what you think by typing your answer here in the chat-box

Can you tell me what you think by speaking into the microphone?
Go ahead and use your microphone to respond.
You can just say your answer out loud into the microphone. I can hear you loud and clear!

Give it your best shot!

You can always refer back to your notes if that would help.
Try to figure it out and I can help you along the way.
How do you think we should start this one?
Hint - you can use the same steps that we used in the last example.
Would you prefer to work it out on your paper first then show me what you got?
Okay, but I would like you to give it a try anyway. I can help you along the way if you need it.
Think back about what we did before. That might help you.
I am confident you can MASTER this lesson. Go ahead and give it your best shot!

I really like the way that you _.

You started off in the right direction.
You did A LOT of things right there.
This is a very good start.

Your final answer is just a little bit off.

And your answer is very close. Just not quite correct.
It looks like you just need to fix one piece.
But it looks like your answer is incorrect.
But it looks like you wrote there is just a little bit off.

Let me try to provide a hint.

If you take a slightly different approach, you can get the rest correct...
What about if we consider this...
You are so close I do not want to give you the answer. Let me instead try providing a small hint...
Let us think about how we can approach this differently.

With that in mind, would you like to try it again?

Now that we covered that, would you like to give it another shot?
That being said, would you like to try that part again?
Does that make sense? Do you want to try completing it over again?
Sorry if that does not make sense. I tried my best to explain. Would you like to give it another shot or do you have
any other questions?
Purpose Code
Redirect / Soft cla9

Deliver Formal clb4
Warning clb5







Deliver Consequence cld2

I appreciate your curiosity,however, I am not able to provide that information. Let's
Please beon thetolesson
sure use appropriate language in the session. Now let's get back on track.
Please stop or I will have to block your tools. Are you ready to continue now?
Please stop doodling on the whiteboard or I will have to block your tools.
Please stop drawing on the whiteboard and get back on track.
Let's refocus and get back into the lesson.
That is not appropriate behavior. Please get back to the lesson.
Remember, it's very important that you master today's tutoring objective. Now are you ready to
get back
Please on that
stop task?so we can really focus on the lesson.
The lesson usually goes much more smoothly if we don't flip around the slides. If you need to skip
Ok. Door refer
you mindback in the slides,
stopping that sojust
we let
canme know.
really focus on the lesson?
It will be easier for you to master the day's objective and work together if you stop doing that.
Are you going to be able to refocus and keep moving through the lesson?
If this behavior is going to continue, I will need to deduct participation points from the
It is important Let's keep that
to follow scoreboard
directions moving
and stay in the
on task. If positive
you can'tdirection,
do that I okay?
will have to deduct
points from your scoreboard.
It is important for you to follow along and participate in a positive way so that you can earn
I'm surerather than have
you wouldn't points
want metaken
to takeaway from
points yourfrom
away score.
the scoreboard. So, please refocus and
let's get back to the lesson.

Remember these sessions are all recorded and the links can be sent to your teacher so let's not
get to that point. Please refocus on the lesson.
If this continues I will need to let your parent know of this behavior.
If this continues I will need to let your teacher know of this behavior.
I am afraid if you are not able to refocus on the lesson. I will have to notify your teacher.
If you are not able to focus on the lesson, I will have to notify your teacher.
This is your formal warning. If you continue with this behavior I will have to inform your teacher.
Are you ready to continue with the lesson?
This is your formal warning. If you continue drawing all over the board, I will have to inform your
teacher. Are you ready to refocus?

I have reported your behavior to your teacher who will be reviewing the session. Now is your last
chance to get back on track or I need to end the session.
I have reported your behavior to my support team who will be notifying your teacher. Now is
your last chance to get back on track or I need to end the session. Are you ready to give it one
last chance and show your teacher that you can make better choices?

I have reported your behavior to my support team who will be notifying your parent. Now is your
last chance to get back on track or I need to end the session. Are you ready to give it one last
chance and show your parent that you can make better choices?

Your teacher will now be notified of your behavior in this tutoring session. Fortunately, I can give
you one last chance to get back on track or else I will have to end the session. Are you ready to
turn it around?
Your parent will now be notified of your behavior in this tutoring session. Fortunately, I can give
you one last chance to get back on track or else I will have to end the session. Are you ready to
turn it around?

We need to end the session. I hope you can improve your behavior for next time.
The session needs to end now. Please improve your behavior for next time.
Unfortunately, I need to end the session now. I really hope you can improve your behavior for
the next time.
You have received multilpe warnings and still chose not to follow directions. I have to end the
session now. Hopefully, you will make better decisions during the next session.

Unfortunately, after multiple warnings I need to end the session now. I look forward to seeing
improvement in the next session.
Sl No Cases Session Details
School name : Texas Virtual Academy
(TxVA) Live Reports
1 Student Didn't Attempt any Exit Session type: Schedule
School name : Rio Americano High School
Ticket Question Lesson name
School objective
: El Camino
: A.10B.Multiply
Fundamental High
2 Student Attempted Exit Ticket School
Session type:(Review)
Schedule -1
Session type: Teacher interactive edition
Student overall score in teacher Lesson objective : 6.6.RP.3.c.Understanding
3 (San Juan
School USD)
name : Desert Springs MS
interactive edition
Lesson objective : 9-12.F-IF.6.Find
Student overall score in content Session type: Content Tutoring the Slope
4 from Two
School name
: Epic CharterHome
OK 7-
tutoring Lesson objective :Orchard
Student overall score in Session type: Ondemand
9.Unit Rates
5 School
Ondemand Lesson name : Epic
objective Charter School OK
: MGSE9-
6 Student overall score in Session type: Ondemand
12.S.CP.6.Geometric Sequence
Ondemand Lesson objective: A2.A.2.3.Equation of
Parabola Sample Reports

Student has attended all Exit

1 -
Ticket questions correctly

2 Student has solved 1 out of 3 -

Exit Ticket questions correctly

Tutor didn't give Exit Ticket

3 -
Tutor didn't give Exit Ticket
4 questions -
Progress Report Exit Ticket Score In Session ILP Complete?
(%) Proficiency (%)
Micah Craig worked on 3 practice problem
Live Tutor’s assistance. The Student was
Ali Sutherland
to apply
Alwakil worked solved
the distributive
on 1 question
2 questions but
the Tutor’s
Tutor’s assistance.
assistancewithand The
the Student
solved wasofable
2 questions NA NA No
to performThe
Student operations
did notwas
The Student but
attempt any
Exit Trochez
plug solved
of x4Participation
values questions
and decimal
y in thewith
given 67 NA Yes
ordered pairs but10Student
and solved
2 questions
2 out
had difficulties with of 3
points for an overall
independently. Thescore of 67%
Student wasinable
the Exit 83 NA Yes
distributing negative sign inside theto
perform Anochie
question. solved 3
operation questions
but had 4 of
Shyan Ahboah The Student
worked onsecured
2 was 10
questions out 78 NA Yes
with understandingThe Student
the given able towith
question. find
the points
Tutor’s for an overall
assistance score
and of
solved 83%
1 in the
the common
Student ration
secured of
14 out the given geometric
of 18 pointsPoints:
for an
Exit Ticket
independently. Questions. Participation
The Student was9aware 100 NA No
overall score TheofStudent
78%. secured
Participation out ofof9
Standard form of 15.
equations of the parabola
points for an overall21 score of 100%. 67 NA No
but had difficulties withPoints:
Participation finding11the vertex
of theReports
Sample parabola. The Student secured 6 out
of 9 points for an overall score of 67%.
Participation Points: 2

Student worked on 3 practice problems

with the Tutor's assistance. The Student
was able to add, subtract and multiply the
given polynomials with ease. The Student
completed 3 out of 3 Exit Ticket questions
100 NA Yes
and secured 9 out of 9 points for an overall
score of 100%. Student attempted and
solved all questions in the session. Student
did a great job today and mastered the
day's topic.

Student worked on 3 practice problems

with the Tutor's assistance. The student was
able to compare the fractions. The Student
secured 3 out of 9 points from Exit Ticket
questions for an overall score of 33%. 33 NA No
Student struggled in understanding in
writing fraction from a figure. The Tutor
recommends Student to work on more
practice problems from this topic.

Student completed 3 practice problems

with the Tutor's assistance. The Student
was able to to follow the steps in isolating
the variable. The Student was unable to
attend any Exit Ticket questions. Student
NA 44 No
needs help in applying inverse operations
and performing arithmetic calculations.
Overall session proficiency is 44%.The Tutor
recommends Student to work on more
practice problems from this topic.
Student solved 2 practice problems with the
Tutor's assistance. The Student was able to
identify both Numerator and Denominator
of a Fraction. The Student was unable to NA 100 No
attend any Exit Ticket questions. Student
solved 1 question independently and scored
session proficiency of 100%.

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