Feedback Reviewer
Feedback Reviewer
Feedback Reviewer
number of different physical components to form a system configuration that will provide a desired
whole unit such that that combining unit performs response.
to achieve a certain goal. → It consists of subsystems and processes (or
plants) assembled for the purpose of
Control: The action to command, direct or regulate controlling the output or process.
a system. → In its simplest form, a control system provides an
output or response for a given input or stimulus.
Plant or process: The part or component of a
system that is required to be controlled. Control System - consists of subsystems and
processes (or plants) assembled for the purpose of
Input: It is the signal or excitation supplied to a obtaining a desired output with desired
control system. performance, given a specified input
Automation: The control of a process by automatic → The two systems are determined by their
means control action which is the quantity responsible
for activating the system to produce the
Control System: An interconnection of components output.
forming a system configuration that will provide a
desired response. → OPEN-LOOP CONTROL SYSTEMS
Independent of the output
Actuator: It is the device that causes the process to Utilize a controller or control actuator
provide the output. It is the device that provides ADVANTAGES: simple to design,
the motive power to the process convenient to use, cheaper, and not
usually troubled with problem of
Controlled Variable: It is the quantity or condition instability
that is measured and controlled. It is normally the DISADVANTAGES: naturally inaccurate,
output of the system. a non-feedback system
18th Century James Watt’s centrifugal governor for
the speed control of a steam engine.
called spring constant, coefficient of viscous friction,
FREQUENCY DOMAIN and moment of inertia, respectively
ROTATIONAL MECHANICAL SYSTEM TRANSFER With the arrival of space exploration, requirements
FUNCTIONS for control systems increased in scope. Modeling
Rotational mechanical systems are handled the systems by using linear, time-invariant differential
same way as translational mechanical systems, equations and subsequent transfer functions
except that torque replaces force and angular became inadequate.
displacement replaces translational displacement.
The mechanical components for rotational systems The state-space approach (also referred to as the
are the same as those for translational systems, modern, or time-domain, approach) is a unified
except that the components undergo rotation method for modeling, analyzing, and designing a
instead of translation. wide range of systems. For example, the state-
Also notice that the term associated with the mass space approach can be used to represent
is replaced by inertia. The values of K, D, and J are
nonlinear systems that have backlash, saturation,
and dead zone. Also, it can handle, conveniently,
systems with nonzero initial conditions.
We call 1/a the time constant of the response. From
Eq. (4.7), the time constant can be described as
the time for e -at to decay to 37% of its initial value.