Harmonic Analysis of DFIG Wind Turbine
Harmonic Analysis of DFIG Wind Turbine
Harmonic Analysis of DFIG Wind Turbine
ISSN No:-2456-2165
At 3-10 mph dominating winds and 4-6mph II. DOUBLY-FED INDUCTION GENERATOR
average yearly wind speeds, the widespread use of 7– DYNAMIC MODEL
15meter diameter wind turbines (WT) is explored.
Power characteristics of WT may be generated using a The equivalent circuit of a DFIG shown in figure 3.1
technique that considers the distribution of wind flow may be described using a variety of various reference
and electric energy consumption patterns. We've frames, such as the stationary frame, the rotor frame, or the
investigated the frequency-controlled asynchronous synchronous frame oriented to either stator flux [22] or
generator wind turbine control algorithms to enable stator voltage [47]. Figure 3.2 of Chapter 3: Mathematical
rotor braking in partial loading, stabilizing nominal Model of DFIG System illustrates a simplified DFIG model
power, and complete stop modes. Analyzing the with three windings in each of the stators and rotors.
combined mechanical properties of a wind turbine and a Instantaneous voltages, currents, and flux for this machine
generator illustrates this strategy. Gain-frequency are as follows:
control and automated distribution of produced power
between self-contained power grid consumers and static
energy storage are discussed in this wind turbine control
system. Based on the generalized energy flow theory of
three-phase electromechanical converters, we present
approaches for optimizing generator operating modes.
E. Simulation
A model of wind turbine operation is shown below when
a 10-meter-per-second wind speed provides sufficient
energy for running the load. To imitate a synchronous
condenser, the synchronous machine's mechanical power
input (Pm) is adjusted to zero and the diesel generator is
turned off. The example shows how the frequency control
system works dynamically when a 25 kW extra customer
load is turned on.
B. Description
A 30 km, 25 kV feeder transports electricity from a 10
MW wind farm, which consists of five 2 MW wind turbines,
to a 120 kV grid. A synchronous generator, a DC-DC IGBT
boost converter, and a DC/AC IGBT PWM converter based
on voltage sources make up the wind turbine in this
example. The method optimizes the turbine speed to capture
maximum energy from the wind at low wind speeds while Fig. 19: Isolated wind turbine synchronous generators
reducing mechanical stress on the turbine during gusts of Vabc_B25(pu), Iabc_B25(pu)
wind. The wind speed is maintained at 15 m/s in this case.
The DC-DC converter's control mechanism is utilized to
keep the speed at 1 p.c. At 0 Mvar, the wind turbine's
reactive power is controlled.