designed to verify the genuine users of the university. Universities provide services to staff and students through intranet and extranet web based systems like online library, webmail and attendance. Fingerprint Web Authentication System specifically focuses on fingerprint access control which will be used for university websites login. This system will help in solving the problems incurred by most of the universities to avert unauthorized access by the students using university staff members accounts. This project involves the development of the system which will scan the fingerprints of the users and will authenticate them. This project will be designed and might be implemented in future by university websites. The rules and regulations for the university will be taken care before implementation of this system. Problem Statement: These days most of the universities are plagued by various digital anomalies in their existing infrastructure in specific reference to internet or web security. Its very hard to nail unauthorized users who may use login details of lecturers and gain access to confidential information. Most general security issue is when there is common websites for both students and staff logins universities face problem regarding unauthorized access by the students like One of the problem as presented by (Albinson, 2004) is that Internet accounts get compromised. Now days many internet accounts have been compromised due to hacking, people use common and similar passwords for all accounts. Hackers trap the users by using some techniques like phishing and key loggers. As key loggers can track the internet activities including the username and password. So by using biometric technology such as fingerprint scanning the hackers / intruders cannot gain access to the fingerprint image because the image is converted into binary codes and that cannot be deciphered.
Username and passwords may not fall into the wrong hands due to hackers: users may use their phone numbers, passports number or family name as their password which can be easily picked up. The unauthorized users need not be a hacker in order to get access. The fingerprint is the only tool that can authenticate user.
happening all around the internet due to phishing: Banking and credit card frauds are more famous amongst the fraud list. All this came into picture after the internet banking and online credit card usage was implemented for the internet users. On the internet many phishing pages are uploaded to get the data for the banking customers. So by using biometric technology such as fingerprint scanning it is not easy to design phishing page to capture the image of the fingerprint as compared to username, passwords or credit card numbers.
Sometimes internet users forget their account user-name and passwords, as they manage many accounts for different purposes like social networking, email accounts, banking account, university accounts or company accounts. Implementing the fingerprint scanning would enable such users to access their various accounts with minimal hassle.
Project Background Matching algorithms are used to compare previously stored templates of fingerprints against candidate fingerprints for authentication purposes. In order to do this either the original image must be directly compared with the candidate image or certain features must be compared. A major approach for fingerprint recognition today is to extract details from fingerprint images and to perform fingerprint matching based on the number of corresponding details combinations. One of the most difficult problems in fingerprint recognition has been that the recognition performance is significantly influenced by fingertip surface condition, which may vary depending on environmental or personal causes. Phase-only correlation matching is highly robust against fingerprint print image degradation due to inadequate fingertip conditions.
The straight-forward approach to matching two sets of minutiae occurs in this algorithm in the sub-function FIND-MATCHES. So actually, this algorithm is just a refinement of this straightforward method: compare each minutia from one set to each minutia from the other set. The main advantage is that the algorithm is very robust, compared to the ordinary method: It is quite tolerant towards any rotation or shifting of the two datasets against each other, as long as they contain enough corresponding minutiae. This meets the requirements of being interoperable with any sensor device that might come along. Pattern based algorithms compare the basic fingerprint patterns (arch, whorl, and loop) between a previously stored template and a candidate fingerprint. This requires that the images be aligned in the same orientation. To do this, the algorithm finds a central point in the fingerprint image and centers on that. In a pattern-based algorithm, the template contains the type, size, and orientation of patterns within the aligned fingerprint image. The candidate fingerprint image is graphically compared with the template to determine the degree to which they match. Voice recognition is the technology by which sounds, words or phrases spoken by humans are converted into electrical signals, and these signals are transformed into coding patterns to which meaning has been assigned. The most common approaches to voice recognition can be divided into two classes: template matching and feature analysis. Template matching is the simplest technique and has the highest accuracy when used properly, but it also suffers from the most limitations. As with any approach to voice recognition, the first step is for the user to speak a word or phrase into a microphone. The electrical signal from the microphone is digitized by an analog-to-digital converter, and is stored in memory. To determine the meaning of this voice input, the computer attempts to match the input with a digitized voice sample, or template, that has a known meaning. This technique is a close analogy to the traditional command inputs from a keyboard. The program contains the input template, and attempts to match this template with the actual input using a simple conditional statement. Project Aim and Objectives The basic requirement is to develop a system that can avert security risks and authenticate the genuine users through a fingerprint web-authentication system (FWAS) using biometric technology. This system will mainly be used for university websites. Before developing this
system researcher need to understand the problem area of the current system and should able to face the challenges to make the system work fully functional. The enhancement to the system is to develop the reading pattern of the fingerprint using own algorithm. Implementing this function will increase the level of security as the algorithm for fingerprint match will be more secure. There could be some additional features to augment the security such as voice recognition system that could work in tandem with fingerprint security. If the user does not want to use the fingerprint to login into the website they can use their voice to login into their accounts. Voice recognition can also be used as alternative method to login into the system. The above proposed system will minimize the security risks from the current system and improve the performance of the system. This system will not only prevent unauthorized access but also helps in solving various problems regarding internet security. Research Questions and justification Biometrics: Biometric authentication is one of the technical improvements in information technology and looks set to change the way of information security. Security is now days is an impending issue and the need for a fool proof authentication has become imperative to safeguard interests of all who use information technology in some way or the other. Personal use of biometric systems is being an issue for authentication and security. Mostly finger print recognition is used for authentication. For developing the system the researcher need to know about biometric technology and also the functionality of the different biometric technologies. Researcher need to understand different type of biometric technology available and the techniques used for biometric authentication and applications that use biometric technology. Researcher needs to do a research on programming language used for developing the biometric system. Fingerprint Before developing the system researcher will require to do some research on fingerprint devices available in the market. Selecting a device is very important as there are many different devices
available in the market with different functionality like some of them scan the fingerprint and store it in the form of image into the database and some devices store fingerprint in binary format. Researcher also needs to know about the software used for biometric fingerprint device. The devices comes with different APIs which helps in further development of the system. As the system should able to run on different platforms the researcher needs to choose a suitable programming language and APIs for the development of the system. The proposed system for web based then researcher should look for an API that is compatible with web programming language like and java. For the further technical knowledge about fingerprint the researcher would seek for an expert views. Algorithm for fingerprint matching An impression on a surface of the curves formed by the ridges on a fingertip, especially such an impression made in ink and used as a means of identification. As many different types of algorithms available the researcher needs to choose any one algorithm for the identification of fingerprint. The patterns are based on the marks on the finger or thumb; these patterns are unique as they cannot be matched by someone elses fingerprint. The chosen algorithm for matching fingerprint should be robust against fingerprint print image degradation due to inadequate fingertip conditions. The algorithm should able to match the fingerprint in various conditions like dry fingertips, rough fingertips, and allergic-skin fingertips or captured by pressure or sensitive finger. Voice Recognition This system will be used as alternative method to login into the website. If users do not want to login into the website using fingerprint scanning they can use voice recognition. For developing such a system researcher will require to look for different voice recognition devices available. The device should be capable of performing the required functionality i.e. capture the voice of the user and scan for a match in the database to provide login access. For the development the research should do some research on the other software or hardware required for the system. The device comes with a software development kit and programming interface which helps in the development of the system. The researcher would require choosing an appropriate programming
language to develop the system which should be platform independent so that it can work on any operating system. Research methodology and justification: The researcher needs to do exploratory research on biometric fingerprint and voice recognition technology. Before developing the system researcher should have cognizance about functionality of technologies that are going to be implemented in the system. Researcher needs to refer to some journals and books for gathering the information regarding the algorithm and patterns used for fingerprint scanning and voice recognitions. Researcher need to find the resources which can be helpful in developing the system. E-Resources Access to following main websites for collecting research material: IEEE-http// A fingerprint matching algorithm using phase-only correlation (IEICE TRANS.FUNDAMENTALS.VOL.E87-A, NO.3 MARCH 2004) FINGERPRINT RECOGNIZATION A simple matching algorithm for fingerprint minutiae Data sets in accordance with DIN V 66400 (Lisa Thalheim) Books y y Encyclopedia of biometrics, by Stan Z. Li, Anil K.Jain Security and access control using biometric technologies by Robert Newman
Researcher might conduct survey among the users of the system i.e. university lecturers. The survey will be designed and distributed among the lecturers within the university. Researcher
might conduct an interview with the company based on biometric and voice recognition technology for gathering technical information regarding the system. This might help researcher in gathering technical information regarding the biometric technology.
Deliverables The expected result is to design and develop a system that will be able to authenticate the genuine users on websites. The system will use biometric technology for login into the websites and voice recognition as alternative source. The system is mainly focused on university websites which will authenticate the lecturers and other university staff members while login into the university websites to their accounts. Researcher might require some expert views to know how feasible the system would be and what all problem researcher might come across while developing the proposed system. What if the questions are not answered in research answers?
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