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CH 3 History Qa

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Session 2022-2023
Grade VIII
Question Answers
Chapter 3: Ruling the countryside (History)

1. Describe the main features of the Permanent Settlement.

In order to get a stable revenue income, most of the East India Company’s officials believed
that investment in land had to be encouraged and agriculture had to be improved. This led to
introduction of permanent settlement in 1793
I. The amount to be paid was fixed permanently.
II. It was felt that this would ensure a regular flow of revenue into the company’s
coffers and at the same time encourages the zamindars to invest in improving the land.
III. If the zamindars failed to pay the revenue, which they usually did as the fixed revenue
was very high, they lost their zamindari.
2. How was the mahalwari system different from the Permanent Settlement?
Mahalwari Settlement Permanent Settlement

The Permanent Settlement was

The mahalwari system, devised by Holt
introduced in 1793 by Lord
Mackenzie, came into effect in 1822, in the
North Western provinces of the Bengal
It was aimed at ensuring stable revenue
It was devised as an alternative to the
for the East India Company.
Permanent Settlement.
The rajas and taluqdars were in
The village headmen were in charge of
charge of collecting revenue.
collecting revenue.
The revenue amount was not fixed, and was to
The revenue amount was fixed and was
be revised periodically. The estimated revenue
never to be increased in the future.
of each plot within a village was added up to
calculate the revenue that each village or mahal
had to pay.

3. Give two problems which arose with the new Munro system of fixing revenue.
Two problems which arose with the new Munro system of fixing revenue were:

I. The ryots were supposed to improve their lands, but they did not. The system supposed
peasants to get changed into rich enterprising farmers, but this did not happen.
II. The revenue officials fixed too high a revenue demand. Ryots were not able to pay this
much revenue

4. Why were ryots reluctant to grow indigo?

The ryots were reluctant to grow indigo because:
I. The planters paid a very low price for indigo.
II. The ryots were not in a position to even recover his cost, earning a profit was a far-
fetched idea. This meant that the ryot was always under debt.
III. The planters insisted that the peasants cultivate indigo on the most fertile parts of their
land, but the peasant’s preferred growing rice on the best soils as after an indigo
harvest, the land could not be used for sowing rice.
5. What were the circumstances which led to the eventual collapse of indigo
production in Bengal?
The ryots began to refuse to grow indigo. They were supported by the village headmen and some
zamindars in their fight. The scale of protest was so much that the government had to intervene.
The Indigo Commission of set up to enquire into the problems. The Commission accepted the
faults of the planters and allowed the ryots to grow whatever they wished. This led to eventual
collapse of indigo production in Bengal

6.Give a brief description of the ‘ryotwari system’.


1. The ‘ryotwari system’ was introduced by Captain Alexander Read.

2. This system was further developed by Thomas Munro. According to the new system the
revenue was to be collected directly from the farmers or ryots.
3. This was necessary as the zamindari system was not prevalent in the southern regions.
The lands of each farmer were separately assessed and the revenue was fixed
accordingly. This system was also known as the Munro System.

7. What were the main features of the ‘Nij’ system of cultivation?

In the ‘nij’ system of indigo cultivation the planter produced indigo in lands that he directly
owned. He either bought the land or rented it from other zamindars and produced indigo by
directly employing hired labourers.

8. What was the aim of the Company after getting Diwani?

After Diwani the Company aimed at administering the land and organising its revenue resources
and this was done in way that could help the Company attaining enough revenue.

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