2021 Nov
2021 Nov
2021 Nov
Introducing OXXO charts 8
Stan Weinstein 28
n VectorVest 7 Premium
(part 1)
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Explore Your Options
Jay Kaeppel has over three decades of experience in the options markets. He
was a head trader for a CTA firm, an options trading software developer,
and was a portfolio manager for an investment management firm. He is
presently Senior Research Analyst for Sentimentrader.com. He is the author
of several books, including The Four Biggest Mistakes In Option Trading;
The Option Trader’s Guide To Probability, Volatility, And Timing; and
Seasonal Stock Market Trends. Send your questions or topic suggestions
to Jay Kaeppel at jay@sentimentrader.com. Selected questions will appear
in a future issue of S&C.
Jay Kaeppel
IT’S YOUR CALL: DECIDING WHICH in the price of a given underlying se- the best strike price to buy given your
STRIKE PRICE TO BUY curity. However, as you have already own expectations and willingness to
I am brand new to options trading. surmised, the strike price (and the assume risk?”
I want to buy call options, but I am expiration month) that you choose can For example, if you have made the
unsure which strike price to buy, and will have a profound impact on decision that you are super bullish on
in-the-money, at-the-money, or out- your eventual success or failure. a given stock and that your goal is to
of-the-money. Is there a way to tell There is no definitive answer to the enter a position that will maximize
which one is best? question, “which is the best strike your profitability if you are correct,
Buying a call option gives you the price to buy?” The closest we can get then an out-of-the-money call may
potential to profit from an increase is to answer the question, “which is be the best choice, as it will offer the
most profit potential. On the flip side,
it will also hold the highest likelihood
of expiring worthless.
The key considerations are con-
veyed using the Greek terms “delta”
and “theta.” In English, we are talking
about an option’s “responsiveness” to
price movements by the underlying
price, for example, P&F charts reverse at a trailing
raditional point & figure charts, which use stop. We can describe P&F chart construction rules
the letters “X” and “O” to denote uptrends in a simplified way as follows:
and downtrends, are time-independent charts
because they plot changes in price movement 1. Use only closing prices.
without a time axis. This “timelessness” is both a 2. Define the minimum price range “width” or “box”
strength and a weakness. for filtering or condensing price ranges (“w”).
Wouldn’t it be helpful if we could seamlessly toggle 3. Define the width (“W”) of the reversal band as
between timeless and time-dependent charts? W = 4w.
Here, I’ll introduce a way you can do just that. I call 4. Calculate the x-day highest close (HC) and low-
this charting technique convertible timeless charts, est close (LC).
or “OXXO charts” for short. 5. An upside reversal occurs at LC + W.
In this article, I will demonstrate how to build 6. A downside reversal occurs as HC − W.
OXXO charts using a breakout indicator such as a 7. For every reversal, advance the plot one column
price channel or price band. The ability to toggle along the horizontal axis.
back and forth effortlessly between timeless and time- 8. Mark closing prices only within a “box,” that is,
based charts makes convertible timeless charts a vital condense and filter price move into boxes.
advance over traditional point & figure charts.
There can be many other refinements, but the
Point & figure charts: A review fundamental concepts behind P&F charts are the
The most common stock chart has two linear axes: a rule to advance along the horizontal axis (for each
vertical axis for prices and a horizontal axis for time. reversal in direction), an algorithm for defining price
If we eliminate time from consideration, we can only reversals (“bands”), and condensing or filtering price
plot a line parallel to the vertical axis, since we have moves into a range of prices (“box”).
no rule for advancing the plot along the horizontal P&F charts have significant limitations. First, since
axis. Point & figure (P&F) charts solve this puzzle they do not have a time component, backtesting is
by focusing on price swings and advancing the plot complex, and we cannot apply the usual technical
one unit along the horizontal axis for each change in analysis indicators. Second, the vertical axis is not
direction. Hence, we get alternating segments parallel uniform, and this can distort the perspective, giving
to the vertical axis, with each fragment moving in a a false sense of continuity. Third, the reversal occurs
direction opposite to the previous one. quite far away from the most recent plot, but since the
P&F charts must define a reversal criterion to intervening gaps are filled when plotting a new column,
detect a change in direction. For simplicity, if a P&F the reversal levels seem closer to price extremes.
Deconstructing a
P&F chart
I will add time back into a P&F chart
to show how we can go back and forth
between a P&F chart and a standard FIGURE 2: AN ILLUSTRATION OF POINT & FIGURE CONSTRUCTION RULES. A penetration of the
solid green and red reversal bands (from Figure 1) advances the P&F chart plot one column along the
price chart. I will use the S&P 500 horizontal axis. The dashed green and red lines plotted in the lower panel flag the start and end of P&F
index daily data from 12/31/2019 chart columns along the time axis. The red and green arrows highlight the penetration of the reversal
through 6/30/2021 to simulate the bands that causes a new column to form on a P&F chart.
construction of a P&F chart with a
50-point box (w = 50). In Figure 1, I show the daily closes two lines were very close together.
along with the 20-day highest close (HC) and lowest close I can now plot the reversal rules in Figure 1. When prices
(LC) price channel (dashed lines) along with the implied close below the red line, we construct a down column in
reversal band (HC-200 solid red line; LC + 200 solid the P&F chart, and when prices close above the green line,
green line). Observe that during the February–March 2020 we shift over one column and construct a rising column on
selloff, the upside reversal band (green line) was below the P&F chart. In Figure 2, the dashed green line shows
the down reversal line (red), and in May–June 2020, the the reversals across the solid green line (rising column in
10 • November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
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P&F chart), and the dashed red line
shows the reversals across the solid
red line (falling column in P&F chart).
Figure 3 shows the P&F chart implied
by Figure 2, and in Figure 4, I show the
P&F chart drawn with more elaborate
rules (from TradingView.com) for
comparison. Note the substantial
similarity between the solid green and
red columns in Figure 3 and the rising
and falling columns in Figure 4.
b. from moving averages (sim-
ple, exponential, adaptive,
or other moving average)
3. Define the width W of the reversal
window as follows:
a. via some measure of price
range or volatility (for ex-
ample, average true range,
standard deviation, high-
low range, or any other
measure of price range) FIGURE 4: TRADITIONAL POINT & FIGURE CHART. Compare the rising and falling lines in 2020 to
b. half the width of the price the dashed green and red lines in Figures 2 and 3.
c. some percentage above and below the moving that is, we could have WL for a long reversal
average or midpoint of the price channel and WS for a short reversal
d. the width W does not have to be symmetric; 4. Construct the reversal levels as CL +/− W (or CL +
12 • November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
WL, CL − WS)
5. Define the pattern to recognize
the reversal:
a. single close beyond the
reversal level
b. multiple closes beyond the
reversal level
c. one or more highs (or lows)
beyond the price level
d. moving average beyond the
reversal levels
e. any other indicator beyond
the breakout level
6. For each reversal, advance the
plot one column along the hori-
zontal axis
7. Plot each close without trying to
fill any gaps or reversals
8. We can add additional rules for
FIGURE 5: PRICE CHANNEL. A standard 20-day price channel is plotted with a one-day delay using
advancing a column in the style only the daily closes of the S&P 500 index.
of renko charts as follows:
a. For each x% advance (or
decline) in closes during
the breakout, advance one
b. For each y% countertrend
move (without a reversal),
advance one column.
Advantages of convertible
timeless breakout charts
This approach to constructing con-
vertible timeless breakout charts (see
Figures 5–7) has many advantages since
there is a direct connection between the Triple Confirmed Buy/Sell Signals
timeless and time-dependent breakout
charts. Advantages include:
Further reading FIGURE 11: RENKO EXTENSION ON OXXO CHART. The renko extension to the OXXO chart gives a
Chande, Tushar S. [2008]. Beyond clearer picture of the evolution of price extensions and reversals when compared to Figure 9. A +3%
Technical Analysis: How to De- band around the 50-day simple moving average (SMA) of the closes was used to generate the OXXO
chart, with 1% trend and 4% reversal limits for the renko extension.
velop and Implement a Winning
Trading System, 2nd ed. (first edition published 1996),
a Wiley Trading Book 101.
[2016]. Financial Plans For Successful Wealth The resultant graph gives a
Management In Retirement, Lulu Publishing, sold by better insight into price moves
Amazon Services. within a timeless chart.
‡See Editorial Resource Index
Of course, we could find many more examples of tricky
lmost every day we observe stocks that reach situations in such screener results. Another possible
their “new 52-week high.” It is often consid- complication would be seeing some old resistance above
ered a bullish sign, so such signals may be the current price. We could expect the price to stall there,
quite appealing for many traders. It is also and again, simple screeners will not detect that.
relatively easy to locate stocks making new Still, it would be interesting to find out whether the
52-week highs by using trading software or even one of fact that the price has simply reached its 52-week high
the free online screeners. But is it a good idea? It’s easy to has some bullish indication.
the stock candidate by using one of the online screeners period January 1, 2000–December 31, 2020. I wrote a
when searching on the criterion of “new 52-week highs.” computer program that simulates entering a trade when the
However, what we see may be confusing. At first, the daily closing price is the highest of the past 250 trading
52-week high is not so new; the stock seems to have days (this mimics the new 52-week high). At the same
been above its 52-week high for some time. That may time, the price “yesterday” was below this limit. This
18 • November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
is illustrated in Figure
2. We can see how the
price closes above a pre-
vious high that occurred
Nmax days ago. I enter on
open on the next day.
The main advantage of
this strategy is that I do
not buy stocks that have
been already above their
52-week for some time
(as we observed in the
example in Figure 1).
Rather the opposite: we
are the first to spot this
event. FIGURE 1: 52-WEEK-HIGH. The price of the stock is higher than its 52-week-high. Even so, the stock may be
I analyzed the stocks overbought, and a bearish rising wedge pattern has appeared.
from the Russell 3000.
I assumed that I risk
$500 on each trade
so that the number of
shares I buy is calculated
accordingly. Finally, I
state that the general
market, represented by
the ETF SPY, must be
bullish. I calculated this
by assuming that its
100-day SMA is above
the 400-day SMA.
I n my c om put e r
program, I made another
assumption: I want
this maximum, which
happened N m a x days
ago, to also be at least FIGURE 2: THE ENTRY STRATEGY. The price has closed above the previous high (that occurred Nmax days ago).
We buy on the open of the next day.
a 52-week high. So this
maximum is also clearly
tall. This constraint may be questionable (we could do in practice as such, but still, the backtesting should
it differently) but it will still allow us to draw good reveal the power of the concept. The objective is simply
conclusions. to check whether the price tends to go up or down after
The main issue with this strategy is when to exit a trade. breaching the 52-week-high.
There are many possibilities and therefore I chose a very
simple one at first: I leave the trade when the price of the
stock goes up a distance equal to four times the current
14-day ATR from the breakout price (denoted as BP in The objective is simply to
Figure 2). Alternatively, I take a loss when the price goes check whether the price
down a distance equal to four times the current 14-day- tends to go up or down after
ATR from the breakout price. A quite “symmetrical” breaching the 52-week-high.
strategy, where the risk/reward ratio is around 1.0.
This is a strategy that perhaps I would rather not use
November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 19
Using some smaller range (say, Total net profit $954081 To be honest, I dislike the results.
twice the 14-day-ATR) may be too Profit factor 1.24 They are positive, but note that we
narrow. After all, stocks do not Max drawdown -30.45% traded in a bull market, so random
always trend (as a matter of fact, Number of trades 18895 trades might have led to a similar
they don’t most of the time), so I Percent profitable 62.45% performance. This can be easily
don’t want to be stopped out by Ratio average win/average loss 0.75 assessed by looking at metrics such
some chaotic motion around the Average trade 1.38% as the maximum drawdown. The
equilibrium. Therefore, the range Average time in market (days) 48 maximum drawdown is rather large
of four times 14-day-ATR should FIGURE 3: THE FIRST RESULTS. This table (−30.45%). Also, the number of
be wide enough to tell us about the of metrics shows the results of backtesting trades is huge, which means that this
market preference. Russell 3000 stocks using this 52-week high scenario happens too often.
What statistical results shall buying strategy. This could indicate that
I choose? The first one is the the breaching of a 52-week-
profit factor that is a ratio of All stocks Cheap stocks
(from Fig. 3) high does not need to be a
the gross profit and the gross Total net profit $954081 $418424 bullish factor. That is perhaps
loss. This parameter must be Profit factor 1.24 1.49 disappointing.
greater than 1.0 for profitable Max drawdown -30.45% -23.07%
strategies, but the higher Number of trades 18895 4636 Let’s change the
factor, the better. The second Percent profitable 62.45% 67.06% stocks
parameter is the maximum Ratio average win/average loss 0.75 0.71 We cannot treat all the stocks
drawdown, which is the largest Average trade 1.38% 2.36% equally. Each of them has its
decrease that your account Average time in market (days) 48 49 own “personality” and behaves
would be subjected to in the FIGURE 4: BUYING CHEAP STOCKS. This table shows the differently in various market
tested period. Normally, the sample results when backtesting Russell 3000 stocks using the conditions. But when we do
lower absolute value of this same 52-week high strategy, where this time only cheap stocks our backtesting, we treat them
parameter (that is, closer to were selected. Note that the results are much better than for the the same. This may mislead us
0%), the better. Then, we will standard case from Figure 3. sometimes.
look at what percentage of An example is the different
our trades were successful. Of course, a high value of behavior of cheap stocks. Some of them can be treated
this parameter makes us happy. The next parameter (the as ‘’fallen angels’’ that are hunted by investors. What if
average win/loss ratio) tells us how much we win with we check how these stocks behave when they reach their
respect to how much we lose. Again, it is preferable if 52-week high? Thus, for my next test, I decided to select
this parameter is high. Finally, we will check the average stocks in which the price was between $5 and $20. The
profit from our trades. results are shown in Figure 4.
And now, let us introduce some constraints: the price Now you can compare Figures 3 and 4 (or just the
of the stock must be greater than $5 and lower than two columns in Figure 4). We see that the cheap stocks
$500—even though there are not very many stocks priced outperform. Just look at the profit factor, which has
close to $500 or above anyway. jumped considerably. Also, the maximum drawdown
has improved, as well as the average trade. I’ll note that
So, the verdict is … Thomas Bulkowski also observed that buying cheaper
I guess you are curious about the results, so let’s have stocks may lead to good profits in his excellent book,
a quick look at them. They are shown in Figure 3, col- Evolution Of A Trader: Fundamental Analysis And
lected in a table. Position Trading.
What it boils down to: Buy rather cheap stocks if a
screener detects a 52-week-high.
Profit factor 1.70 1.63
It may be a bit surprising, but the results are quite Max drawdown -21.42% -15.16%
decent (Figure 7), even though the trades based on Number of trades 4432 2642
confirmed setups outperform. This decent performance Percent profitable 70.01% 64.04%
of the trades based on unconfirmed setups may indicate Ratio average win/average loss 0.72 0.92
that the approaching of the 52-week-high is a good sign, Average trade 2.95% 2.56%
and perhaps aggressive traders can enter earlier. It is also Average time in market (days) 61 50
interesting that one parameter in the table is better than FIGURE 7: UNCONFIRMED SETUPS. The unconfirmed setups may also
lead to decent results.
before, that is, the win/loss ratio. This is not
so unexpected; we buy slightly closer to the 150 days 52-week (Fig. 6) 350 days
stop-loss level. Total net profit $567860 $494774 $393108
Profit factor 1.63 1.70 1.71
Why 52 weeks? Max drawdown -22.92% -21.42% -20.06%
In this article, we talk about trading the new Number of trades 5448 4432 3519
52-week high (or 250 trading days in my back- Percent profitable 69.33% 70.01% 70.59%
testing). But what if we change this magical Ratio average win/average loss 0.73 0.72 0.70
number? In the previous sections, we have Average trade 2.88% 2.95% 3.00%
seen quite remarkable results, but they may Average time in market (days) 60 61 60
still be a coincidence. For instance, the good FIGURE 8: OTHER POSSIBILITIES. The results suggest that we should just stay with
performance may only be a result of the bullish using the 52-week high (that is, 250 days) rather than using the 150-day-high or the
market represented by the S&P 500 index. 350-day-high.
Therefore, I decided to try other numbers as
well, namely, 150 days and 350 days. Like in the previous Summary
section, I decided to trail the trades. Also, I selected only In all the studied cases, buying the new 52-week high was
cheap stocks and assumed that the trading volume was profitable. Nevertheless, you can improve your entries if
not important. In other words, I return to Figure 6, the you do the following: choose cheap stocks, and pay atten-
first column, and compare the results. The comparison tion to the trading volume during the breakout day.
is made in Figure 8. It should be noted that the exit was based on a bit
We see that the case with the 150-day high is worse, of artificial rules since the objective was just to check
but still rather decent. On the other hand, the breakout whether the price tends to go up or down. Also, as
of a 350-day high is the best, but it does not differ much mentioned at the beginning: Investigate the other chart
from the standard 52-week high (just look at the profit patterns that turn up on the screen, and sketch other
factor—that is a good proxy of the whole performance). trendlines. In any case, the results shown in this article
Also, as expected, the breakout of the 350-day high may help you to fine-tune your entries.
results in fewer trades. Therefore, we do not need to aim
for 350 days, but rather, just stay with the well-known Pawel Kosinski, PhD, MEng, trades US and Scandina-
52-week high. vian stocks with a special focus on chart patterns and
price action. In addition, he enjoys developing trading
software and backtesting strategies. He can be contacted
via his website at lookintotrade.com.
Here’s how you can start using this Step 3: Stay in your position until
his month’s strategy is a rela- strategy: the end of the session and plan to
tively simple one, in which close at anytime after 3:30.
you buy between 9:30 and
10:00 am, and sell between The biggest challenge Step 4: You may wish to tighten a
3:30 and 4:00 pm. I have had is being trailing stop $0.50 below market at
patient enough to wait lunchtime in case the chart reverses
The all-day-long trade until near the end of course in the afternoon.
Your goal is to enter your position in the session to close
the morning and exit in the afternoon. out the trade.
In Figure 1 (UVXY), you can see Continued on page 26
FIGURE 1: BUY OPEN, SELL CLOSE PATTERN. Price increases all session long.
November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 23
research project I’ve been undertaking to further my
ast month in my October 2021 article, “Cycle/ understanding of cycles data and improve the use of
Trend Analytics And The MAD Indicator,” I digital signal processing techniques for traders. I explain
introduced the MAD indicator as a “thinking some of my reasons and goals for pursuing that research
man’s” MACD. I shared this indicator that I in several recent articles in this magazine, including in
developed because I found it to be robust yet last month’s article and in my May 2021 S&C article, “A
elegant in its simplicity. Technical Description Of Market Data For Traders,” as
In this article, I will apply an improvement to the well as several others (see “Further reading” at end). The
MAD indicator to create a new version of it, which I research has led me to update my outlook and to change
call the MADH. I’ll show both indicators on a chart my approach to preprocessing data for the technical
for comparison, and I’ll explain why this improvement indicators I use.
makes it even more useful for technical traders. I’ll also In my research project, I wanted to display an oscillator
provide code to display the MADH. in a way that would demonstrate how it would behave as
the length of the moving average was varied. I felt this
A quick review of the MAD indicator could provide some of the insights into the characteristics
The MAD indicator is comprised of the difference of of cycles that I was looking for.
two simple moving averages. The length of the shorter The idea with the MAD oscillator is to show the trend
moving average is determined by the desired smooth- by taking the difference of two simple moving averages.
ness of the indicator, and the length of the longer moving The high-frequency components are canceled when the
24 • November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
difference is taken.
If the difference of
the length of the two
moving averages
is one half the pe-
riod of the dominant
cycle, then the resul-
tant will be exactly
in phase with the
input price.
The MAD of-
fers an improvement
over the classic,
well-known MACD
indicator developed
several decades ago
by Gerald Appel
because the MAD FIGURE 1: THE MADH. The MADH indicator offers an improvement over the MAD indicator through the use of the Hann
offers a rationale windowing technique. The original MAD is shown in the first subgraph in red; the MADH is in the second subgraph in yellow.
for establishing the The same parameter values are used for both indicators. The improvement comes from the use of the Hann windowing
lengths of the mov- technique. That is, instead of taking the difference of two simple moving averages, the MADH takes the difference of two
finite impulse response filters that employ Hann windowing. The result is equally good timing signals but a smoother curve,
ing averages. which means fewer false signals.
CALHOUN instead of just a small part of the (OTO) order to automatically trail
Continued from page 23 opening range. your stop value.
inSightS: why thiS trADe MAnAgeMent tipS Ken Calhoun moderates a popular
technique workS You may find it helpful to use a trail- live trading room for active traders.
The first main benefit of this strategy ing stop in combination with this pat- He is the founder of TradeMastery.
is to avoid getting shaken out by try- tern. The biggest challenge I have had com, an interactive webinar site
ing to navigate the ups and downs of is being patient enough to wait until for active traders and is a UCLA
an intraday chart pattern. The second near the end of the session to close alumnus.
advantage is that you can potentially out the trade. One solution is to use
profit from the entire day’s move a conditional one-triggers-the-other
26 • November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
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A Conversation With
Stan Weinstein
Stan Weinstein’s 50+ year career in the markets has and that year he was named “market timer of the year”
been the joy of his life, after that of his family. He be- by Timer Digest. He shares fellow “Wall $treet Week”
came interested in the stock market during his college guest Martin Zweig’s outlook that the “the trend is your
days and decided to become a subject expert. After a friend” and “the tape tells all.”
short stint at two brokerage firms, he worked at Indica- His 1988 book Secrets For Profiting In Bull And Bear
tor Digest, and then in 1972 became a co-partner with Markets became not only a bestseller but also a classic
Justin Mamis publishing the popular The Professional on technical analysis. The book is still in demand today
Tape Reader (PTR) newsletter. He bought Mamis out due to its valuable investing insights, timeless views
in 1976 and continued publication of PTR until 2000. on price evaluation, top-down approach, and rules
While still publishing PTR, Weinstein launched a new on trading. The book also describes the stage analysis
subscription service in 1990 for institutional-focused concept he developed that became a staple for techni-
clients, called Global Trend Alert (GTA), which he cians and market analysts and is still widely used 30+
continues to publish to this day. years later.
In the late 1970s he began appearing frequently on Stocks & Commodities Contributing Writer and
PBS’s “Wall $treet Week With Louis Rukeyser” TV ETF columnist Leslie N. Masonson interviewed Stan
show and also became a frequent guest of Paul Kangas Weinstein via email exchange in early August 2021 to
on PBS’s “Nightly Business Report” for many years. In ask him about his two financial newsletters, his stage
mid-September 1987, Weinstein warned his clients to analysis concept, and to obtain some of his market
take defensive positions before the October 1987 crash wisdoms from his very long investing career.
Stan, how did you first was life-changing for me: Technical chose to take a job training in a very
get interested in the stock Analysis Of Stock Trends by Robert small brokerage firm (which is also
market? Edwards & John Magee. That was the long gone—AT Brod) for a measly
Even as a kid, numbers always start of my technical journey, which $75 per week! While that served as an
fascinated me. I was a big sports continues to this day! excellent introduction, I then moved
fan (and I still am) and every day, on to a larger brokerage firm (which
I’d take the sports section of the After graduating from Hofstra is also long gone—Walston & Co),
paper and follow the batting aver- University with a major in econom- which had much better research and
ages of my favorite team (which, at ics, did you decide to find a job in greater resources.
that time, was the NY Giants). At the brokerage industry or was that
the same time, my dad would take later on? Did you learn technical analysis at
the financial section and look at his While I was still in college, on my that firm or did you learn about it
stocks. I eventually became curious lunch breaks, I’d often sneak out to on your own before that?
about what he was looking at and I a nearby brokerage house (which is No—the reality is that I was very
started studying “those numbers.” now long gone, called Edwards and much “self-taught.” After reading
Next, I took out a few trial subscrip- Hanley) and this helped me become and studying the Edwards & Magee
tions to some fundamental services even more addicted to the market, book, my wife, Rita, and I started
as I became even more interested. But as I found it fascinating to watch the keeping up charts, which increasingly
while it intrigued me, I lost my initial numbers go across the tape. Having bettered my “feel” for the market. To
investment (my Bar Mitzvah money). always been somewhat of a risk-taker this day, while I of course no longer
Then, one day, when I was in the col- (even in my younger days), rather than have the time to do actual chart plot-
lege library, I came across a book that pursuing a career in economics, I ting, I think you get a better “feel”
28 • November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
when you do the charts yourself rather newsletter. That’s where I met Justin but the growth of PTR was an evolv-
than looking at the red, white, and Mamis who worked there. We both ing process. Whereas we had few
green that flashes on your computer saw the financial world through the subscribers when we started in 1972,
screen. But, since it’s more efficient same technical lens and worked well by the end of 1974, after correctly
to view charts on a computer, giving together. Then in the early 1970s, Jus- calling that bear market, subscrib-
up manual charting is a small price tin left Indicator Digest and started ership had already started to take
to pay to be able to go through so The Professional Tape Reader. Soon off. And, happily, it increased to an
many stock charts. thereafter, I told him that I was going even greater degree when we turned
to start a newsletter, and he told me bullish in 1975 and hopped on to the
Was reading Edwards & Magee an that was silly, we should combine our next bull market. Thereafter, the next
eye-opening experience? efforts and form a partnership. positive “brick in the wall” was that
Most definitely! And not only did it those two calls brought PTR a lot
launch me on my technical analysis When you started The Profes- of favorable articles, which led to
journey, but in addition, it made me sional Tape Reader, who was your national attention, which led to my
think of ways to expand technical intended audience? first appearance on Louis Rukeyser’s
analysis to be much more meaning- To be honest, since we started on a “Wall $treet Week.” That really
ful. Whereas those authors focused shoestring, our intended audience was helped the sales curve take an up-
mainly on “formations” (diamonds, anyone who wanted to be a subscriber. ward turn. And subscriptions took
triangles, head and shoulders, etc.)— But then, after our bear market call off again when we turned bullish in
and they are important—I started in January 1973—which, fortunately, the summer of 1982, when I made a
“fooling around” and testing differ- correctly caught the granddaddy bull call on Paul Kangas’ “Nightly
ent moving averages (which quickly 1973–1974 bear market—our sub- Business Report” (in July 1982) and
became a big part of my system). And scribership increased significantly the market took off that August. Then,
finally, while I rightly give credit to and we could see from much of the after the 1987 “market timer” award,
the Edwards & Magee book, I hon- correspondence we received that my book Secrets For Profiting In Bull
estly found their work heavy reading, more and more of our subscribers (but And Bear Markets was published
so when I wrote my own book, Se- certainly not all) were sophisticated (in early 1988), which was another
crets For Profiting In Bull And Bear market players. In addition, many big boost.
Markets, I did my best to write it in were stock brokers.
a more user-friendly fashion. Why did you decide to end publica-
How often was the newsletter pub- tion of PTR in 2000?
Which technical analysts do you lished and how was it delivered? I’ve always tried to be totally dis-
most admire? In those “good ole days,” PTR was ciplined in dealing with the stock
Going way back, I thought Edson published every second week and market, which is my “weight of the
Gould was a genius. In addition, was delivered by the good old US evidence” approach, where I listen to
although he wasn’t a chartist, never- Mail. But later on, as things evolved, what the majority of my time-tested
theless I think the late Marty Zweig we offered special delivery service. gauges are “saying” about the market.
did excellent work. And finally, while We also added a recorded weekend In the same manner, I attempt to make
also not a true chartist, for big picture update, which helped bridge the gap rational and disciplined decisions in
analysis, I feel that the late Richard of the alternate week in which we other areas of my life. So after my
Russell did top-notch work. didn’t publish. book was published—which turned
out to be a business bestseller—I was
Was publishing The Professional In 1987, you were named “market presented with the opportunity to
Tape Reader (PTR) your next timer of the year” by Timer
focus? Digest because of your
Yes. This was a very important accuracy on the market
next step in my journey. After leav- direction that year. I as- After all these years, I still
ing the brokerage industry (in late sume that helped sales of find the market fascinating
1969 in the middle of the vicious PTR—is that a correct and challenging.
1969–1970 bear market), I took a job assumption?
at Indicator Digest, a leading market Yes, that certainly helped,
November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 29
we stayed bullish through- of success.
out most of the 1990s, We use a system to rate the mar-
How you deal with a losing turned bearish in time to ket’s turn of events on a scale of 1
position will make you a catch the 2000–2003 and to 10, with 10 being the worst or
winner in the stock market. 2008–2009 bear markets, most serious. The idea is that the
and then participated in market isn’t going to be a long-term
the bull markets that fol- bull on Monday and by Tuesday be
start an institutional service (Global lowed those terrible selloffs. a long-term bear. The market gives
Trend Alert). And what I thought But again, going back to being hints. So here is our process for our
would simply be an adjunct to PTR wrong (which isn’t a sin when predict- rating system: Assume we’re in a
starting in early 1990 ended up be- ing the market), a perfect example of bearish environment. First, if you
caming a very successful venture. For temporarily being “out of step” and identify a short-term problem (we’d
the next 10 years I juggled publishing quickly getting back in gear was in call it a “1” or a “2” on our scale),
PTR and GTA along with speaking the February–March 2020 period. In you start reducing your exposure. If
at seminars and doing radio and TV early February of that year we were the identified problem becomes more
interviews. still quite bullish and then in mid- serious and takes on intermediate-
In addition, our three daughters February we looked for a correction term proportions (we’d call it a “5”
had grown up and gotten married but not a major crash; however, by or a “6”), you make further adjust-
and started families, and since family early March we changed our tune and ments to your positions. Finally, if
time has always been a top priority for became aggressive sellers and the rest the intermediate problem degrades
my wife and me, it became obvious is history as the market got hit quite to a greater degree (what we’d call
that some choices had to be made. hard by March 24, 2020. a “10”) then the market can end up
Since I never want to totally retire, in a long-term negative situation
as I love the never-ending challenges To what do you attribute your good (a bear market). So as you can see,
of the stock market, we sat down and batting average in forecasting the you would not wait until you get to
came up with what we felt was the market? this point to begin selling. If you’ve
next rational move in this journey. We actually do less “forecasting” been playing the game properly in a
For that reason, I retired PTR and and more “analyzing and reporting” disciplined manner, you would have
stopped doing seminars and radio and what we see in the charts and indi- started reducing at 1 or 2, and as it
TV interviews, and chose to strictly cators when the “cards come out of became an intermediate problem,
concentrate on the Global Trend Alert the deck”—that is, as market events moving to a 5 or 6, you would have
service. (This newsletter and service unfold. I use that phrase often but continued to reduce. Following this
is an in-depth institutional product for good reason, because the mar- approach has been successful for us
that offers two levels of service: level ket continually gives us hints on a over the past many decades.
1 is receiving just the newsletter, day-by-day basis. If we truly listen
while level 2, which obviously comes to what the market is whispering, Mamis sold his half of the business
with a higher price tag, also includes we’ll usually end up in sync with the to you in later years. Why did he
personal consulting.) market’s important moves. So using do that?
this approach, you’re actually doing The answer is two-fold. First, be-
Forecasting the market is fraught less “predicting and forecasting” cause my wife and our three small
with risk. Were there any years after but instead, staying in gear with the kids wanted to head south, which we
1987 where your market calls were message of the tape. did in 1977. And I feel that was one of
wrong? This is why I cringe when I hear my best “calls” in life. And second,
While only the liars are 100% on many of the financial programs although Justin and I worked well
right, I’m most proud of the level of the economists and sometimes even together, we had different goals. I’m
consistency that we’ve achieved over technicians (with whom I often dis- an admitted workaholic so at the end
the past 50+ years. And although agree) “predicting” that the market is of 1976, I bought Justin out and our
at times we’ve been off for a few going to make a top or a bottom on family became Florida residents.
days or a week or two, we’ve never, any given day or week in the future.
as the cards came out of the deck, To me that’s simply a parlor game On September 17, 1987, you men-
missed a major move, which is how and is likely to have a low probability tioned in PTR that you saw “omi-
30 • November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
nous clouds on the horizon” and market started to shape up
then on October 15, you wrote, once again and we became
“This is definitely the time to initiate more positive. As human beings, we all
defensive positions.” You certainly love to be right and hate to
prepared your subscribers for a Your bestselling book be wrong. This is why, in my
market decline. Secrets For Profiting In opinion, so many traders and
While obviously no one can pre- Bull And Bear Markets investors do the opposite of
dict the future with 100% accuracy, was published in 1988. their discipline.
what I feel is far more important How long did it take you
than “predicting” is to examine “the to write and when did you
cards as they come out of the deck” start writing it? How did you come up with the
and evaluate what is taking place. In Although it’s now in the rear-view four stages of your stage analysis
that September–October 1987 period mirror, I remember it vividly, as it concept?
that you refer to, there were many took a big chunk out of my and my This was one of those “aha” mo-
signs that the market’s subsurface wife’s life. I worked on it throughout ments. As I was writing an article in
technical condition was weakening, 1987 and, at that time, I lived two PTR in the early 1970s and I wanted
despite the rally attempts. Histori- lives. During the day I focused on the to get the point across that, in most
cally, that has been the precursor to overall market and PTR. Each night, cases, stocks don’t suddenly go from
serious market declines. That same I’d scribble paragraphs on a pad since being bearish to bullish or vice versa,
pattern helped us turn negative in I’m one of the few authors around who but instead evolve in a process. So I
January 1973 before the 1973–74 doesn’t type. Then my wife would wrote about how just like a house
bear market. It also made itself felt type the input each night into a word needs a foundation, a stock, in most
in late 2007 before the 2008–early processor—it sure would have been cases, also needs a foundation or base
2009 debacle. So history truly does easier with today’s computers. And as before it launches a substantial move.
repeat and if we learn to watch the we put each chapter together, we sent And in the same vein, after an issue
flashing red lights, it will keep us out it off to Dow Jones and it eventually has a big move, the process of distri-
of serious trouble. became my book. bution eventually becomes a reality
as the forces of supply and demand
You were a guest on Paul Kangas’ Your book is a masterpiece in a move into equilibrium. This usually
“Nightly Business Report” on number of ways. First, it’s written happens when the news is very good
PBS on Monday, October 22, 1987, in plain simple language, as though and the topping process starts.
the day of the crash. You said the you’re having a conversation with As I continued writing the article,
technicals had weakened in late someone. Also, you use tons of I realized that we could simplify all
August. You said you would sell charts. You also repeat key points the wild short-term moves into four
into the subsequent rally you were and share insights from your years major stages. Thereafter, I made it
expecting. What was your reaction of experience. Where did you learn a big part of PTR and my book too,
to the crash day and what were your to write in such a conversational and, of course, I’ve carried it forward,
market thoughts going forward at style? refining it over the years in the GTA
that point? To me, it wasn’t really so much a newsletter.
I was in USA Today the Friday be- learning experience as it was just
fore and had warned of the possibility being myself. When I first went to I understand
of a crash, but I didn’t expect it to be Indicator Digest and I was asked your investing
nearly as devastating as it turned out to write articles, I said, “I’m not a approach to
to be on the following Monday. writer.” One of the other analysts be top-down,
At that time, I was extremely nega- turned to me and said, “If you can which means
tive and expected only a short-term talk, you can write.” From that point first looking
oversold rally, which did soon unfold, on, I adopted a writing style by at the market
but I didn’t think the market would simply asking myself: If I were sit- trend and tak-
heal itself as quickly as it did. But as ting in my living room and trying to ing off from
the cards came out of the deck and get a point across to someone, what there. Can you
things unfolded, in early 1988 the would I say? briefly describe
November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 31
in the $20–$22 zone, and the 200-
day moving average is nearing that
area (let’s say it’s at $19.50), there’s a
good chance the stock is undergoing
distribution and has moved into stage
3 (the topping phase). Interestingly
enough, at this time, the news will
usually be very good, which is why
the stock had its big move. But here’s
where so many market players who
don’t understand technical analysis
WHAT IS A GAMMA SQUEEZE AND a one-point move in the underlying squeeze higher if the gamma begins
IS IT POSSIBLE IN COMMODITIES? asset. Both gamma and delta can be to explode. For every option transac-
Prior to 2021, the concept of option considered risk gauges. As gamma tion that takes place, there is a buyer
gamma and the potential of a “gamma and delta increase, the sensitivity and a seller. It is a zero-sum game,
squeeze” wasn’t on the radar of the of an option to the underlying asset ignoring transaction costs, which
average retail speculator. In fact, I increases. When gamma increases means if the buyer of the option is
would venture to assume the major- sharply, the option value can explode making money, the seller is losing
ity of those dabbling in the futures in value in a short amount of time. money and vice versa. The majority
markets believed gamma was a For instance, I have seen options in of retail speculators are generally net
Teletubbie. In the aftermath of wild WTI crude oil options valued at 50 option buyers, which means the other
rallies in heavily shorted stocks such cents ($500) with a delta of 0.10 (or side of the transaction is typically a
as GameStop and AMC, gamma one-tenth of full-sized contract) qua- market maker. A market maker is a
squeeze is a household concept and druple in value to $2.00 or $2,000 and trader whose goal is to add liquidity
the commodity markets have had the delta jumps to 0.65. As you can to the markets by quoting bids and
more than their fair share. imagine, this can wreak havoc on a asks for retail traders to provide
To understand how a gamma reasonable prices for them to execute
squeeze might occur, we must be options. If you have ever looked at
comfortable with a few definitions. Each time a plethora an option chain at a time in which
First, the delta of an option is the of call option buyers there are no market makers, you
ratio comparing the price change of aggressively bid options know they truly “make” the market.
an option relative to the change in higher, market makers Without their service, there is very
the price of the underlying asset. A would need to buy more little price transparency, and getting
futures contract has a delta of 1 while orders filled becomes a luxury, not
and more futures.
an option has a delta between 1 and an expectation.
zero. Thus, if the delta of a particular The goal of a market maker is to
option is 0.30, that option will behave trader’s account balance and mental profit on the high volume of trades
as if it is three-tenths of a futures well-being. Not only is the option while taking advantage of the dif-
contract. Put another way, if the suddenly losing $1,500 for the trader ference between the bid and the ask.
underlying futures market moves 10 but it is now behaving as if it were The price traders can buy at (the
points, an option with a delta of 0.30 six-tenths of a futures contract rather ask) is always higher than the price
would move three points. I should than one-tenth; thus, the position they can sell at (bid); the middle is
note, the delta of any particular option would become substantially more where a market maker makes a living.
fluctuates constantly as traders buy volatile and, of course, stressful. The However, on occasion, they must buy
and sell the two instruments. pace at which the delta jumped from or sell futures to hedge the options
The option’s gamma is a measure 0.10 to 0.65 is the gamma. risk on their book. For instance, if a
of the rate of change of its delta. Spe- Now that we have the basic defini- retail trader enters an order to buy a
cifically, it is a percentage reflecting tions out of the way, let’s take a look natural gas call with a delta of 0.25,
the change in delta in response to at why the underlying asset might the market maker might execute the
38 • November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
option trade by going short the same hundred lots. For the market maker tern becomes more erratic.
option to take the other side of the to manage the risk associated with The simplest explanation of a
trade and immediately purchase a filling the 100 lot call option trade, gamma squeeze is a situation in
mini futures contract. In natural gas, he would need to purchase 25 futures which excitement and volatility feed
a mini future is one-fourth the size of to get delta neutral. Now imagine if on itself, forcing market makers and
the original contract, which is what a large hedge fund was short thou- option sellers to buy futures con-
the options are written against; by sands of call options in natural gas tracts to hedge their price risk, not
doing so, the market maker achieves and needed to exit due to margin necessarily because they want to be
a neutral delta while he finds another pressure; at that point, the market long an already expensive market.
retail trader looking to sell the same maker might be forced to purchase This behavior repeats itself over and
option, which would allow him to several hundred futures contracts over until the overleveraged traders
offset the position. At that time, he to hedge his price risk. The natural are forced out of the market; this
would no longer need the mini future gas futures market can absorb large is when the buying frenzy dries up
hedge, so it would be offset immedi- orders, but motivated large lot buy- and prices collapse. Not only is this
ately, leaving the market maker flat ers can change the landscape, tempo, possible in commodities, but this
and ready for the next transaction. and flair emotions. Then, if you will, year has seen a shocking number of
During normal market conditions, imagine this cycle feeding on itself gamma squeezes. In 2021, we have
this goes on behind the scenes in an over and over. Each time a plethora seen such circumstances in copper,
orderly fashion. However, when vola- of call option buyers aggressively bid lumber, and lean hogs; later in the
tility jumps and retail traders begin options higher, market makers would year came the grains, coffee, and
to aggressively purchase call options, need to buy more and more futures. eventually natural gas. It is fair to say,
this dynamic changes. Imagine if Likewise, large traders, or groups of 2021 will be discussed and analyzed
instead of one lot of the aforemen- traders, who are holding short futures for years to come.
tioned call option being purchased or short call positions in natural gas
KAEPPEL of the cost of buying 100 shares of AAPL 135 Call 150 Call 160 Call
Continued from page 7 AAPL (that is, $1,513 to buy the Price % +(−) % +(−) % +(−)
VectorVest 7 Premium
Part 1: Daily Color Guard, Market Timing, UniSearch, and Stock Viewer
VECTORVEST, INC. ProfitLocker Pro component of the every bull and bear market over 25
20472 Chartwell Center Dr. VectorVest platform. Also in part years, not exact tops and bottoms, but
Cornelius, NC 28031 2 I’ll also discuss other VectorVest within a few days for their quicker
Phone: 888 658-7638 components including The Jockey timing models (known as the Primary
Internet: www.vectorvest.com Club, RoboTrader, Portfolio Genius, Wave and Green Light Buyer), a bit
System requirements: Microsoft RealTime Derby, BackTester, Watch- later for the DEW timer, and a few
Windows 10 with high-speed inter- Dog, and TradeNOW. weeks or longer for the slowest tim-
net. Mac Users: Cloud-based Paral- ing model (named Confirmed Call).
lels Client provided by VectorVest. VectorVest background This is information an investor can
Pricing plans: $69/mo. for “Basic” First, some background on the use to profit on the ride both up and
end-of-day service; $99/mo. for company: Company founder Bart down.
“Enhanced” streaming 15-minute DiLiddo first released the Vector- VectorVest has a worldwide follow-
delay; $149/mo. for “Premium” Vest ProGraphics system in 1995. ing with a growing subscriber base, a
real-time version. Market timing was the cornerstone well-trained staff, ongoing software
of its systematic, rules-based invest- enhancements and upgrades, and
by Leslie N. Masonson ing methodology. The software has add-ons. For example, VectorVest’s
been greatly enhanced over the years. RoboTrader add-on automatically
rading stocks has never DiLiddo earned a PhD in chemical routes orders to the customer’s bro-
been easier, more fun, or engineering from Case Western kerage firm (Ally Invest, Interactive
more affordable. But if new Reserve University and attended the Brokers, TradeStation, and Questrade
or experienced investors Sloan School of Management at the are currently available connections)
or traders learn the wrong approach Massachusetts Institute of Technol- for seamless execution. Moreover,
instead of educating themselves, the ogy. That background makes him using the ProfitLocker Pro add-on
results can be catastrophic mentally well-suited to developing mathemati- provides the user with a way to
and financially. Platforms that offer cal formulas to help answer those protect profits in a rising stock. I’ll
good educational components and three critical questions. cover more on these add-ons and
decision support can help, and that’s DiLiddo has said: “The single most others in part 2.
what this review will focus on. important thing to know is whether
VectorVest has a 30-year track re- the market is going up or down. Daily Color Guard
cord of providing high-quality market Everything else follows from that.” market timing system
timing and stock selection decision Market timing is by no means perfect, The heart of the VectorVest software
support for self-directed individuals. but it could allow you to capture the is the Daily Color Guard (DCG).
The vast majority of self-directed bulk (say, 75% or more) of up or down Figure 1 shows the homepage of Vec-
investors and traders need guidance moves while reducing the drawdown torVest, which can be rearranged with
in mastering the market and manag- of buy-and-hold investing, as the different data points and layouts. The
ing their portfolios in a responsible, market experienced two 50% or more DCG can be seen in the top middle of
non-emotional fashion. That is what declines in the 2000–2010 period. the page and is updated in real time
VectorVest has set out to offer, and VectorVest’s software (VV) offers (for real-time users) or every night
the software provides guidance and both slow and fast market timing sig- for end-of-day customers. Each of
support to the investor on the three nals for conservative and aggressive the data cells in the DCG changes
most important questions: when to investors. Individuals determine their colors—green, red, and yellow—like
buy, what to buy, and when to sell. risk tolerance, trading style, trading a traffic light, depending on values
Here in part 1 of this review, I’ll focus timeframe, and trading rules—all derived from specific data measure-
on the first two questions. Next time aspects of their trading. VectorVest’s ments. The DCG matrix, the daily
in part 2, I’ll address the last question timing models have accurately pin- market performance, and the “hot
of when to sell with coverage of the pointed the beginning and ending of stocks” for the next day are presented
40 • November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
each weekday night after 8 pm in a
10-minute video that is archived for
future viewing. The six key DCG
columns are:
43.2%, respectively, a difference of or above 2:1. (See my interview with View Full stock Analysis Report
86% lower drawdown. Although the him in the June 2020 issue of this View Historical Data
Confirmed Call performance was magazine.) View Stocks In Industry Group
only 1.6 percentage points worse I could have selected other strate- View Stocks in Business Sector
than buy-and-hold, its low maximum gies to compare against buy-and-hold Trade Now - Connect to Brokerage
drawdown of 20.1% versus 42.3% for of the Nasdaq Composite, S&P 500 or Trade Now - Manage Brokerages
the Russell 2000 was a significant Russell 2000 or any other major US Upcoming Dividend Dates
improvement. So, in essence, every stock market index, and the results Calculate Option Price
timer provided excellent results. would have been similar. I didn’t just QuickTest
Two additional factors need to cherry-pick the Russell 2000/RT for QuickFolio
be mentioned. First, the number of this example. Users can easily run Add to Portfolio
trades for the Primary Wave (PW) backtests to check out this informa- Add to Watchlist
was 177, much higher than for the tion during their trial period or after View Stock Graph
other timers by a large amount, as to see the value of market timing View Industry Graph
was the return. The GLB appears to coupled with strategy selection and View Sector Graph
be a better approach for traders who stop criteria. Layout
want fewer trades (47) with a solid re- Autofit all Columns
turn. However, with zero-commission “Viewers” offer more Print
trading commonly available, there is buying candidates Export to csv
no additional transaction cost for the In addition to UniSearch, which pro- FIGURE 9: STOCK VIEWER, ADDITIONAL
extra PW trades. vides many more searches than you DATA AVAILABILITY. From stock charts to
A second factor is the low percent- will ever need, there are additional news to viewing stocks in the same industry
and sector, to adding to a watchlist or portfolio,
age of trade winners with all the searches and systems available un- this viewer offers a wealth of data available with
timers—all less than 40%. The key der the viewers tab at the top of the a mouse click.
is not the percent of winners, but the homepage. Not only is there a stock
risk-reward ratio, which needs to be viewer, but also one for VV trading Crocs, NVDA, and perhaps some
at least 2:1 or 3:1 or higher for the systems, industries, sectors, market unfamiliar ones such as Camtek, Per-
strategy to show a profit. Believe it indexes, as well as for watchlists ficient Inc., and Ternium, all three of
(built-in or create your own), and which were up for the year by 63.1%,
ETFs. I’ll cover three of these. 101.4%, and 66.9% respectively while
VectorVest software
the S&P 500 gained 17.2%. These
offers both slow and Stock viewer stocks are the cream of the crop and
fast market timing This viewer provides a quick way to are available with one mouse click.
signals for conservative see all 8,900 stocks in the universe By right-clicking on any stock, you
and aggressive ranked in VST descending order as of can select from 20 different choices
investors. July 29, 2021. Familiar names include (Figure 9)—such as viewing news
Moderna, BioNTech SE, IDT Corp., on the stock, looking at historical
November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 45
data, charting it, seeing stocks in
the industry or business sector, and
connecting to a brokerage firm for
seamless trading. You can then place
any or all of the stocks in a watchlist or
portfolio for tracking or as investment
candidates after carefully viewing the
stock chart to make sure it is trending
higher over time with a left to right
upward trend.
Filt2 = 0;
coef = 0;
for count = 1 to LongLength
Last month in his October 2021 article in S&C, “Cycle/Trend begin
Analytics And The MAD Indicator,” John Ehlers presented Filt2 = Filt2 + (1 - Cosine(360*count / (LongLength +
the MAD (moving average difference) indicator, an oscillator 1)))*Close[count - 1];
coef = coef + (1 - Cosine(360*count / (LongLength + 1)));
developed out of his research into understanding cycles data end;
better. The MAD indicator effectively took the difference
between two simple moving averages. While the MAD is If coef <> 0 Then Filt2 = Filt2 / coef;
said to offer an improvement over the classic, well-known // Computed as percentage of price
MACD, the MADH (moving average difference with Hann) If Filt2 <> 0 then MADH = 100*(Filt1 - Filt2) / Filt2;
that Ehlers presents in his article in this issue, “The MADH:
Plot1(MADH, "MADH");
The MAD Indicator, Enhanced,” is said to offer an improve- Plot2(0, "Zero");
ment over the MAD indicator. The enhancement comes from
the utilization of the Hann windowing technique and takes A sample chart is shown in Figure 1.
the difference of two finite impulse response filters. Ehlers This article is for informational purposes. No type of trading
explains that excellent buy and sell indications can be seen in or investment recommendation, advice, or strategy is being made,
the indicator’s valleys and peaks, respectively. given, or in any manner provided by TradeStation Securities or
its affiliates.
Indicator: TASC NOV 2021 MADH —John Robinson
TradeStation Securities, Inc.
// TASC NOV 2021
// MADH (Moving Average Difference - Hann) Indicator www.TradeStation.com
// (C) 2021 John F. Ehlers
'The MAD Indicator, Enhanced
'Author: John F. Ehlers, TASC Nov 2021
'Coded by: Richard Denning, 9/14/2021
If BarNumber=FirstBar Then FIGURE 7: TRADERSSTUDIO. The MADH indicator is shown on a chart of Cisco
LongLength = 20 Systems Inc. (CSCO) during 2012.
Filt1 = 0
Filt2 = 0
count = 0 End Function
MADH = 0 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
End If -------
LongLength = CInt(ShortLength + DominantCycle / 2) Sub EHLERS_MADH_IND(ShortLength,DominantCycle)
Filt1 = 0 Dim MADH As BarArray
coef = 0 MADH = EHLERS_MADH(ShortLength,DominantCycle)
For count = 1 To ShortLength plot1(MADH)
Filt1 = Filt1 + (1 - TStation_Cosine(360*count / (ShortLength plot2(0)
+ 1)))*Close[count - 1] End Sub
coef = coef + (1 - TStation_Cosine(360*count / (ShortLength
+ 1))) —Richard Denning
Next info@TradersEdgeSystems.com
If coef <> 0 Then for TradersStudio
Filt1 = Filt1 / coef
End If
Filt2 = 0
coef = 0
For count = 1 To LongLength
Filt2 = Filt2 + (1 - TStation_Cosine(360*count / (LongLength
coef = coef + (1 - TStation_Cosine(360*count / (LongLength Here is TradingView Pine code for implementing the MADH
+ 1)))
indicator (moving average difference with Hann windowing)
If coef <> 0 Then as presented by John Ehlers in his article in this issue.
Filt2 = Filt2 / coef
End If // TASC Issue: November 2021
If Filt2 <> 0 Then // Article: "Moving Average Difference with Hann Windowing
MADH = 100*(Filt1 - Filt2)/Filt2 (MADH)" by John Ehlers
End If // Language: TradingView's Pine Script
// Provided by: PineCoders, for tradingview.com
The indicator is available on TradingView from the Pine- For creating the MADH, we just glue both functions to-
CodersTASC account at: gether:
tradingview.com/u/PineCodersTASC/#published-scripts var MADH(vars Data, int ShortPeriod, int LongPeriod)
—TradingView {
https://www.tradingview.com return 100*(SMA(hann(Data,ShortPeriod),ShortPeriod)
FIGURE 11: EXCEL. This shows a chart comparing MAD and MADH oscillators along with their respective ROC (rate of change) plots.
FIGURE 13: EXCEL. This shows a trading simulation using zero crossings of the MADH ROC.
FIGURE 14: EXCEL. Here you can see the transaction summary tab for the trading simulation.
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WHAT IS “GOOD TRADING”? am referring to the practice of using wisdoms abound on the topics of
What is important in trading? I’d sug- sound principles to go about your day. money and wealth.
gest it’s staying true to yourself and I am referring to those who wake up I’ll quote from the apostle Paul in
to your principles, just as with any earlier each day than the average the Christian Bible: “Godliness with
other pursuit in life. This, in the end, person just to prepare for the trading contentment is great gain.” In trading,
is more important than any trading day. And when the exchanges close “contentment” might mean that when
technique, strategy, or formula. for the day, they don’t necessarily in a trade, you must stop at some
Regardless of what religion you head out in their Ferrari for the high point if you have made enough profit.
may practice or even if you don’t life. In fact, I knew a 26-year-old Greed can turn a profit into a loss. In
practice any at all, I pose this philo- champion trader who still drove trading, you should know what you
sophical question to you: What emo- a second-hand car, and he said he expect and act accordingly.
tions are stirred up in you by trading, preferred to travel by train than by Don’t worry, I am not looking for
and are those feelings ones that you air as he found it more comfortable. new proselytes here. My aim is only
can live with? Do they comport with to suggest a layer of higher purpose
your beliefs and principles? What then is “good and spirituality to what we do every
Every morning, we wake up and in day in the markets. Paying attention to
whatever endeavor we pursue, we try
trading”? I am referring that could mean better management
to succeed. But in trading, we never to the practice of using of your emotions in trading.
think about our intentions. sound principles to go There’s a reason that all major
People often come to trading with about your day. religions talk about qualities such as
the goal of becoming rich. When you humility, charity, self-control, justice,
picture the life of a successful trader, Success doesn’t have to mean you piety—in reality, it’s about your rela-
what comes to mind first? Nice must buy fancy things just to show tionship with your own ego and with
cars, big houses, early retirement? to the world that you are successful the rest of the world.
Rarely do we think of successful in what you do. That isn’t necessar- Trading as a profession is not un-
traders as people who live average- ily congruous with what it takes to like being a doctor, a lawyer, a judge,
looking lives. But having met doz- practice good trading. a teacher, or any other labor of love
ens of blockbuster retail traders in Most of the world religions speak and money, from the most humble
my longtime journey as a trading to money and wealth and offer some ones to the most prestigious: they all
championship organizer, I will tell spiritual guidance surrounding it. involve keeping to some set standards
you that many a successful trader After all, money is inseparable from and ethical values.
comes across like an “average Joe” our day-to-day lives. In the Christian In the trading business, it’s good
rather than somebody we associate Bible, the gospels had quite a lot to to espouse a higher purpose than the
with luxury and wealth. Meanwhile, say about money—it is said that Jesus simple manual action of clicking the
when you talk to those who flash spoke more on money than on any buy and sell buttons on your platform.
glitzy possessions, you come to other topic. The Qur’an emphasizes Otherwise, “good trading” can turn
understand that they have nothing the importance of charity and keep- into greed, which could be your even-
in common with good trading. ing a good balance between spiritual tual downfall. Caveat emptor.
What then is “good trading”? I and concrete wealth. And ancient
56 • November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities
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rading liquidity is often over- very high volumes. The greatest number three-year period. Thus, all numbers in
looked as a key technical of dots indicates the greatest activity; this column have an equal dollar value.
measurement in the analysis futures with one or no dots show little Columns indicating percent margin
and selection of commodity activity and are therefore less desirable and effective percent margin provide
futures. The following explains how to for speculators. a helpful comparison for traders who
read the futures liquidity chart pub- Courtesy of CBOT wish to place their margin money ef-
lished by Technical Analysis of Stocks ficiently. The effective percent margin
& Commodities every month. is determined by dividing the margin
value ($) by the three-year price range of
Commodity futures contract dollar value, and then multiply-
The futures liquidity chart shown be- ing by one hundred.
low is intended to rank publicly traded
futures contracts in order of liquidity. Stocks
Relative contract liquidity is indicated Trading liquidity has a significant ef-
by the number of dots on the right-hand fect on the change in price of a secu-
side of the chart. rity. Theoretically, trading activity can
This liquidity ranking is produced by serve as a proxy for trading liquidity
multiplying contract point value times All futures listed are weighted equally and equals the total volume for a given
the maximum conceivable price motion under “contracts to trade for equal dol- period expressed as a percentage of the
(based on the past three years’ historical lar profit.” This is done by multiplying total number of shares outstanding. This
data) times the contract’s open interest contract value times the maximum pos- value can be thought of as the turnover
times a factor (usually 1 to 4) for low or sible change in price observed in the last rate of a firm’s shares outstanding.
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in the same industry; supply chain re-
lationships; master and limited part- FIGURE 2: 15-MINUTE CHART OF ETF UUP, WHICH TRACKS THE US DOLLAR
ners; and joint ventures. Like mergers,
pairs that have a fundamental anchor
between them will trade tighter, be
more elastic, and will exhibit the lead
and lag behavior.
There are also stocks with themes
that, for a season, track together.
We have witnessed this with meme
stocks and short squeeze candidates.
However, theme stocks are always
changing and this type of pair is not
as reliable as other more established
pair relationships.
Crutch trading is a form of This type of need has led to the
watching a lead stock and buying or A fallacy in trading is to development of the SympathyTrader
shorting a lagging stock. This style of trade the stock that is Screener OC. It is designed to help
trading is utilized in sympathy plays the most active, the one you figure out what stocks you could
with the intention to profit from a focus on and what the statistical edges
move by a lead stock but not trading
with news, or the one are. Knowing what the statistics edges
the lead stock itself. You are trading that gaps. are and having correlation data in
the lagging relationship. You can be hand provides insights and support
afforded the opportunity to hedge The predictors for trading decisions on sympathy
with the lead stock or another suitable I have another name for the big moves, plays.
relationship, which is why the term the leading indicators: the predictors. The idea is to focus on which
“crutch” is used. Again, to emphasize the point, I be- symbols to go long and short the
A fallacy in trading is to trade the lieve it is not helpful for the trader to current day and the next day, or in
stock that is the most active, the one trade the predictor but rather trade longer timeframes, depending on
with news, or the one that gaps. I the instruments it points to. the trader’s trading style. The goal
am not saying that the skilled can’t The traditional focus is to trade is to choose any stock or ETF as a
profit through this effort, but most the laggers the same day as the lead predictor and curate subsequent long
market participants can’t handle the or predictor. But my new approach and short ideas.
onslaught of the volatility or the news is to plan what I will trade tomorrow So for the USD example, you might
twists and turns that may be centered based on what happened today. want to find out which US-listed
around the story stock of the day. Say you witness a significant move stocks would be impacted by that
The seduction of the opportunity to happening in the US dollar (USD). move, and how they might move
trade the lead stock, the one with the You know the move in the USD is in the subsequent timeframes. You
news, is often like the “siren’s song” large enough to have impact, causing have a variety of timeframe choices
luring the trader into greater risk, as some stocks to move higher and some available, such as open to close (OC),
the sailors in Greek mythology were to move lower. You need to find out close to close (CC), or trades of longer
lured into the rocks and cliffs. what stocks to focus on. duration.
November 2021 • Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities • 61
Trading Perspectives
up MRO (Marathon Oil) as a short
candidate for the OC (open to close) As a trader, I can rely
of the next day, June 17, 2021. on past data to create
In Figure 4, you can see additional actionable trades for
results from the same screen that was tomorrow.
run. The results sorted by “odds less
than 50” indicate potential shorts. Finding edges: What is likely to
You can see there is a list of short move the next day?
opportunities generated, in keeping Simply put, statistics about what
with the subsequent odds, average happened in the past can give you
performance, and Sharpe ratio (I’ve insights into what may happen the
FOR SHORTING ON JUNE 17 written before in this column on these next day or in the next timeframe. Of
metrics). For taking a short position, course, it won’t always predict with
you want average performance (Avg 100% accuracy, but it’s important to
Perf) to be negative as well as the look at it through the lens of statisti-
Sharpe ratio to be negative. cal probability.
Odds greater than 50 indicate I observe better results when the
the probability of moving up in the predictor has had significant and
specified timeframe. Figure 5 shows disruptive moves. This causes more
FIGURE 5: SNAPSHOT OF OPPORTUNITIES the results of sorting by odds greater adjustments from the investing com-
FOR BUYING ON JUNE 17 than 50. These symbols are stocks that munity.
could have been traded long from OC That being said, the goal of Sym-
In Figure 2, you can see an example on June 17, 2021. pathyTrader is to provide traders with
of a move that occurred in the USD This gives you an opportunity to information about what tends to move
on June 16, 2021, reflected here in the select advantaged longs in addition to in sympathy as well as what tends to
chart of UUP, an ETF that tracks the advantaged shorts. Having both long move the next day.
USD. As with other predictors, when and shorts working simultaneously There is a fundamental reason
the USD moves, people tend to adjust provides some protection from macro why statistical predictions are fairly
exposure the next day. market events that would move most accurate: it is the lag effect. It is no
Here’s how I curated the trade stocks in the same direction. different from the way the FOMC
based on this move. Figure 3 shows Figure 6 shows the list of the top (Federal Open Market Committee)
the web screen from June 16, 2021 six shorts and the top six longs that considers all the monetary and eco-
after the UUP day session close. I the predictors influenced for June 17, nomic data points before making a
placed my predictor, the UUP, in the 2021 and shows the outcome as to change in interest rates or monetary
“predictor” field and the percentage it whether the prediction was accurate. policy. They are drawing from past
moved. The SympathyTrader brought In this case, it was 100% accurate. and recent data. From that, they also
make assumptions about the future.
As a trader, I am not smart enough
to make assumptions, but I can rely on
past data to create actionable trades
for tomorrow. I gather intelligence
the night before about what stocks
to go long and which stocks to go
short. I use the experience I have in
trading related stocks, and I want to
be equipped with correlation data
to support my decisions. This is an
edge. Again, it is probability-based,
not guaranteed.
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