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Stretching Exercises to Prevent Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders – A

Review Article

Article  in  Journal of Sports Science & Medicine · May 2017

DOI: 10.12691/ajssm-5-2-3


29 9,755

3 authors:

Qais Gasibat Nordin Bin Simbak

Universiti Putra Malaysia Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin | UniSZA


Aniza Abd Aziz

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin | UniSZA


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American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 2, 27-37
Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ajssm/5/2/3
©Science and Education Publishing

Stretching Exercises to Prevent Work-related

Musculoskeletal Disorders – A Review Article
Qais Gasibat*, Nordin Bin Simbak, Aniza Abd Aziz

Faculty of Medicine, Sultan Zainal Abidin University, Gong Badak Campus, 21300 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
*Corresponding author: drqaiss9@gmail.com

Abstract Background: Lower back, neck and shoulder pain, which affects the lumbar spine, are the most
commonly reported Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Approximately 80 percent of the general population is
affected by these disorders at a certain point during their lifetime, with some estimates being as high as 84 percent.
The most commonly used approach for the treatment of MSDs is exercise therapy. Stretching provides several
benefits for people at work, and may help improve morale and team cohesiveness. Another benefit of stretching is
that participants may increase their range of motion compared to their counterparts who do not participate in
stretching programs. Objective: The aim of this study is to synthesize the recent literature on workplace stretching
exercise programs and their effects on reducing work-related MSDs in different occupational groups. Method:
Specific keywords were identified and used in a systematic search to guide the discovery of relevant studies and data.
Electronic databases including PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar, were searched for the following
combination of keywords: workplace, stretching, exercises, injury, work, prevention, safety, occupation, and
ergonomics. Studies that do not focus on the benefits of stretching exercise were excluded simply because the
present study examines prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders through stretching exercises. Results:
Whilst majority of the literature examined in this study may not completely explain that stretching at the office will
prevent work-related musculoskeletal accidental injuries, some studies have shown that performing stretching
exercises can lead to reducing discomfort/pain and raising range of motion (ROM). Conclusion: Majority of the
literature reviewed in this study might not fully explain that stretching at work prevents work-related
musculoskeletal injuries. Some studies have shown that performing stretching exercises can contribute to reducing
discomfort/pain and increasing range of motion (ROM). Particularly, construction workers who participated in
stretching exercise programs reported significant positive effects including reduction in pains/disability, increase in
muscle flexibility and endurance. These exercises are recommended to be performed during breaks throughout,
depending on the type of occupation. All the exercises suggested could be performed at the workstation, and only
require a few seconds to perform.
Keywords: stretching program, musculoskeletal disorders, workplace stretching
Cite This Article: Qais Gasibat, Nordin bin Simbak, and Aniza Abd Aziz, “Stretching Exercises to Prevent
Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders – A Review Article.” American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine,
vol. 5, no. 2 (2017): 27-37. doi: 10.12691/ajssm-5-2-3.

pathological conditions affecting the muscles, muscles,

ligaments, joints, peripheral nerve fibres, and supporting
1. Background blood vessels. These also include clinical syndromes, such
as tendons inflammations and related circumstances
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) have become (tenosynovitis, epicondylitis, bursitis), lack of
increasingly prevalent worldwide during the past decades. compression disorders (carpal canal syndrome, sciatica),
It is just a common cause of work-related impairment and osteoarthrosis, as well as less standardised conditions
among workers with considerable financial consequences such as myalgia, mid back pain and other regional pain
due to workers' compensation and medical expenditures marque not attributable to known diagnosis. Although
[1]. Several work-related factors have been recognized to lower extremity has recently received more attention, parts
predispose the disorders. In addition, overstrained and of body that are most frequently included are the lower
uncomfortable back constitutes lower back pain (LBP), back, throat, shoulder, forearm, and hands. MSDs are
persistent neck and shoulder disorders, and psychological prevalent in various countries, with considerable costs and
stressors for back, throat and shoulder [2]. According to effects on quality of life. Though not uniquely caused by
the 1995 survey on self reported work-related illness in work, they constitute an essential proportion of most
England, a person requires 13 days off work every year registered and/or compensable work-related diseases in
due to a work related upper limb disorder or neck disorder various countries. Precise facts on the occurrence and
[59]. MSDs combines various inflammatory and frequency of MSDs are difficult to obtain, and recognized
28 American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

statistics are difficult to evaluate across countries. repetitiously keying are considered to influence the
Nevertheless, MSDs are the single largest group of work- development of musculoskeletal symptoms among VDT
related illness, representing many registered work-related operators [20]. In particular, the etiologic significance of
diseases in the United States, the Nordic countries, and psychosocial factors impacting musculoskeletal problems
Japan [3,4,5,6]. Numerous surveys of operating has been reported [21,22,23].
populations have reported upper extremity symptom
prevalences of 20 to 30 percent and even higher. In the 1.3. Back Injuries
USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden, and England,
musculoskeletal disorders cause more work absenteeism Human back is the most frequently injured section of
or perhaps disability than any other types of disease [7-12]. the body (22 percent of 1 several million injuries) with
MSDs occur in particular sectors and occupations with overexertion being the most common cause of these types
frequency rates equal to three or four times above the of injuries [24]. Nevertheless, many back again injuries
overall frequency. High-risk industries include nursing develop over a lengthy period of time by a repetitive
facilities, air flow transportation, mining, food control, launching of the discs caused by incorrect lifting methods
leather tanning, and weighty and light manufacturing or additional exertions. In fact, 27 percent of most
(vehicles, home furniture, appliances, electrical and digital industrial back injuries are associated with some form of
products, textiles, apparel and shoes) [3]. Upper extremity lifting or perhaps manual material handling. These types
MSDs are extremely common in manual-intensive of injuries are generally repetitive and result after months
occupations, such as clerical function, postal service, or perhaps years of task performance. Frequently, injuries
cleaning, commercial inspection and packaging [11]. Back that appear to be severe are actually the result of long-term
and lower arm or leg disorders occur mostly amongst effect. The discs of the back again vary in size, rubber-like
truck drivers, warehouse employees, airplane baggage pads filled with solid fluid, which serve as shocks. All the
handlers, building trades, nurses, nursing helps and other forces that come over the spine compress these disks, as a
patient-care workers, as well as operators of cranes and result of continuous and repeated squeezing. In some
other large vehicles [10]. circumstances, devices can rupture and stick out
producing pressure on the vertebral nerve resulting in back
1.1. Types of Musculoskeletal Disorders pain [24].

The types of MSDs include upper extremity 1.4. Lower Limbs WMSDs
musculoskeletal disorders, back Injuries, and Lower limbs.
These are explained as follows. Lower limb WMSDs are currently an issue in various
occupations. They tend to become related with disorders
1.2. Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal in other parts of the body. Though the epidemiology of
these WMSDs has received modest consciousness, there is
Disorders (UEMSDs) appreciable proof that some activities (kneeling/squatting,
UEMSDs refer to soft tissue disorders in the neck, rising stairs or ladders, weighty lifting, walking/standing)
shoulders, arms, wrists, hands and fingers. The soft tissues are essential risk factors for their advancement. Other
include nerves, tendons, ligaments, muscle and fascia. The causes for extreme lower limb WMSDs are related to slip
disorders are frequently documented as carpal tunnel and trip hazards [25]. Regardless of the short awareness
syndrome, epicondylitis, neck tension syndrome, given to this kind of WMSDs, they deserve significant
tendinitis, tenosynovitis, thoracic outlet syndrome, or concern, since they are mostly sources of high degrees of
white finger [18,19,20]. The symptoms of UEMSDs are immobility and thereby can considerably reduce the
generally characterized by pain aches, discomfort, quality of life [25].
numbness, stiffness, and/or weakness, depending on the
type of disorders. UEMSDs are prevalent in jobs such as a 1.5. Risk Factors of WMSDs
video display terminal (VDT) operators, food processors,
automobile and electronics assemblers, carpenters, At least reasonable proof for causing WMSDs include
garment workers, and grocery store cashiers. For example, heavy physical function, smoking, high body mass index,
VDT operators have often reported musculoskeletal high psychosocial job demands, and the presence of
symptoms primarily in the upper extremities, neck and comorbidities. The most commonly reported biomechanical
shoulders [21]. risk factors with at least reasonable proof for causing
Furthermore, highest occurrence rates of UEMSDs WMSDs include extreme repetition, awkward postures,
have arisen in industries where a substantial amount of and heavy lifting. Additional large methodological quality
repetitive, monotonous, and forceful exertion exists at studies are needed to further understand and provide stronger
work [19]. UEMSDs affect the soft tissues of the upper evidence of the relationship between risk elements and
extremity in different ways. UEMSDs can be temporary if WMSDs [14]. The primary factors that contribute to
a rate of work vs. rest is appropriately provided. MSDs as with most chronic illnesses have multiple risk
Nevertheless, they can become permanently disabling factors; both occupational and nonoccupational. In
when exposures to ergonomic risk factors or poor work addition to function demands, other aspects of everyday
conditions are prolonged. Repetitive exertions, awkward life, such as sports and household routines, may cause
posture, and mechanical pressure have been recognized as physical tensions to the musculoskeletal tissues. The
important etiological factors for chronic UEMSDs. For musculoskeletal and peripheral lack of tissues are affected
instance, long hours of sitting in a static posture and by systemic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout,
American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 29

and diabetes. Risk differs by age, gender, socioeconomic programs recommend PNF stretching out [39]. PNF stretching
status, and ethnicity. Additional suspected risk factors out allows the muscle to become stretched to a greater
consist of obesity, smoking, muscle power and other level by increasing the receptor signals through a 5-10-second
aspects of work capability [13]. voluntary muscle compression followed by a 5-10-second
voluntary muscle rest. With the hold-relax PNF technique,
1.6. Cost of Occupational WMSDs the muscle is placed right into a static stretch. The person
is usually instructed to “hold” and contract the muscle
The actual cost of occupational MSDs is usually not against resistance from a partner intended for 10 seconds.
known. Estimates vary with respect to the method used. A The person can now be instructed to “relax”, as well as the
traditional estimate previously published by NIOSH is $13 partner slowly moves the muscle to a new stationary position.
billion dollars annually [14]. Other folks have estimated The technique is repeated two to three times. If improperly
the cost at $20 billion annually [16]. Regardless of the performed, stretches may also cause or worsen injuries [40].
estimate utilized, the problem is large both in health Stretching out programs are intended to reduce the
insurance and economic terms. WMSDs are a major occurrence and/or severity of accidental injuries by
component of the frequency of work-related illness in the increasing flexibility. Versatility is commonly defined as
United States. The California Workers’ Compensation the range of motion possible around a specific joint or
Company (a nonprofit research institute) estimates that series of joints, which is applied in many clinical studies.
upper extremity MSDs claims by workers are averagely In terms of function, flexibility refers to modifications in
estimated to be $21, 453 each [17]. Back pain is by far one our length of a muscle tendons unit brought about by
of the most prevalent and costly MSDs among United alterations of its viscoelastic properties. Viscoelasticity is
States sectors today. Recent analysis from the 1988 a measure of a tissue’s ability to deform or modify length
Occupational Health Supplement in the National Health when a load is usually applied over time and to continue
Interview (an ongoing household based survey) shows that its original size and shape if the force is removed, very
the overall prevalence of self reported back pain from much like stretching and liberating a rubber band. Several
repeated activities on the most recent work was 4.5 laboratory researches have demonstrated that stretching
percent, or perhaps 4.75 million workers in the US [17]. leads to elongation of the muscle tendons unit, reductions
The mean cost per occurrence of compensable low-back in maximum force, rate of pressure production, and tensile
discomfort was reported to be $8, 321 in 1989 [15]. tension on the muscle tendon device [41,42]. Therefore,
Stretching refers to the act of performing a certain stretching seems to alter the viscoelasticity from the
exercise to enhance joint range of motion, while versatility muscle tendon unit, leading to less stiff tissues. These
is traditionally considered the joint range of motion that types of changes increase the distance the tissue can
can be measured [38]. There are three prevalent types stretch and also the force required to tear the muscle
of stretching; proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation tendon unit, producing injury less likely. The supposition
(PNF), stationary and isometric stretching. Proprioceptive is that, for individuals with brief or “tight” muscles,
neuromuscular facilitation stretching combines fixed and stretching out increases flexibility by lengthening the
isometric stretching methods. Most advocates of extending tissues to a more physiologically normal range, promoting
ideal function and reducing the chance of musculoskeletal
injury [41,42].
Table 1. Symptoms of different types of MSDs [25,26]
Type of musculoskeletal disorders Symptoms
Neck and Shoulder disorders
Myofascial pain disorder Discomfort and tenderness in the throat, shoulder and arm muscle mass. Painful trigger points after touch.
Intermittent/chronic neck and shoulder discomfort or stiffness, headache, hands and arm pain, tingling,
Cervical spondylosis
tingling and clumsiness.
Thoracic outlet syndrome Pain in shoulder, arm or hand, numbness, tingling of fingers, muscle weakness/fatigue, cold arm or hand.
Discomfort and stiffness in shoulder blades associated with backward and upwards arm movements. Weakness
Rotator cuff tendinitis/tears
of rotator cuff muscle.
Hand and wrist disorders De
Quervain’s disease
Soreness in thumb and arm area when grasping, pinching, twisting.
Carpal tunnel syndrome Hand or finger numbness, pain, tingling, burning, clumpiness. Eventual muscle weakness and atrophy.
Symptoms often worse with increased activity.
Guyon’s syndrome Symptoms begin with a feeling of pins and needles in the ring and index fingers.
Back disorders
As well as leg numbness, tingling discomfort, weakness. Worsens with breathing problems, sneezing, sitting,
Herniated spinal disk
driving, twisting forward.
Lower back pain Pain, stiffness in lower spine and surrounding tissues.
Pain from lower back or hip radiating to the buttocks and legs. Leg weakness, numbness or tingling. Possible
Sciatica causes are prolapsed intervertebral disc pressuring the sciatic nerve, worsened with prolonged sitting or
excessive bending/lifting.
Lower limbs
Hip/thigh conditions Osteoarthritis (most frequent), Piriformis Syndrome, Trochanteritis, Hamstring strains, Sacroiliac Joint Pain;
Osteoarthritis, Bursitis, Beat Knee/Hyperkeratosis, Meniscal Lesions, Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Pre-
Knee / lower leg
patellar Tendonitis, Shin Splints, Infrapatellar Tendonitis, Stress Fractures;
Achilles Tendonitis, Blisters, Foot Corns, Halux Valgus (Bunions), Sludge hammer Toes, Pes Traverse Planus,
Plantar Fasciitis, Sprained Ankle, Tension fractures, Varicose veins, Venous disorders.
30 American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

2. Method prevention, safety, occupation, and ergonomics. Printed

materials, including industry magazines and professional
Specific keywords on work related Electronic databases journals were also searched. Studies that do not focus on
including PubMed, Sciencedirect, Safety Article Archive, the benefits of stretching exercise were excluded simply
and Google Scholar, (from 1990 to 2017) were searched because the present study examines prevention of work-
for the following keywords and combinations of these related musculoskeletal disorders through stretching
words: workplace, stretching, exercises, injury, work, exercises.

Figure 1. Illustration

3. Result and Discussion than a 12 months, the likelihood drops to 25 percent. In

this regard, minimizing time loss and damage severity is
Three studies that evaluated stretching programs at meaningful to workers and employers being injury
places of work demonstrated that this kind of exercise prevention. If decreased severity is indeed a product of
improves flexibility. Nevertheless, one study lacked a stretching programs, this may perhaps be as important a
control group, [44] whilst two studies failed to associate result as decrease of injury occurrence [43].
improvements in flexibility with meaningful outcome Studies on industry based stretching programs to
measures including injury incidence or intensity [44,45]. mitigate Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders
Further studies are needed to define more clearly the (WMSDs) are discussed in the following: stretches in
contributions of stretching programs to injury prevention. computer work, heavy work being the the most common
The enhanced power demonstrated by manual managing complaints. Function extensive use of computers boosts
workers who stretch is a crucial finding in the real world the risk of developing several types of symptoms,
of workers who bend, lift up, carry, pull, and doormat including musculoskeletal discomfort, exhaustion,
many hours a day [45]. The current narrow concentrate on eyestrain, and mood disruptions [49,50,51,52]. Growing
flexibility might be overlooking this unique aspect of concerns over disabling upper-extremity injuries coming
stretching that could lead to reducing injuries related to from computer intensive work have been well-publicized.
employee fatigue. The reductions in injury severity and Nevertheless, symptoms in the neck, shoulder blades, back,
connected costs found in firefighters is surely an important and eyes are more prevalent. Matias, Salvendy and
aspect of stretching at the office [46]. Others explained the Kuczek [53] referred to an 8-38 percent incidence and
cost savings coming from decreasing injury severity and predicted a 40 percent probability of hand injuries in
time loss. A review of worksite physical therapy exercise computer employees. Nainzadeh, Malantic-Lin, Alvarez
applications indicates that the greatest expenses associated and Loeser [52] reported an 80 percent prevalence of
with work injuries are by worker absence and time-loss tension neck syndrome in computer (office) workers.
compensation rather than medical care [47]. Waddell, Visible symptoms occur in 50-90 percent of computer
Hess and Hecker [43,48] further noted that workers with workers [51,54]. The prevalence and severity of
back again injuries have a reduced likelihood of returning symptoms are significantly correlated with the amount of
to work if they happen to be off work for longer than six period spent performing computer jobs [53].
weeks. All those off work for longer than six months have Jepsen and Thomsen [57] examined the effects of
less than a 50-percent chance of ever returning to effective stretching on the prevention of upper limb disorders in the
employment, and for those in whose disability lasts longer right arm among computer providers. They conducted a
American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 31

controlled study of 184 personal computer PC operators, periostitis, and anterior tibial area syndrome. The second
within two diverse divisions that spend their particular study evaluated the effect of stretching half a dozen
workday at computer work stations. All participants spent muscle groups in the lower branches (legs) on the risk of
at least 20 percent of their time for computer workstations. any kind of injuries to the lower legs. The subjects were
To set up a reference point, all of the subjects completed a defined as injury free of charge if they were able to go
questionnaire and a nerve examination. The stretching back to full duty without a sign on the following day. The
treatment consisted of a physiotherapist teaching aforementioned studies produced similar evaluations of
stretching exercises based on neurodynamic concepts. The risk reduction. A total of 2630 subjects participated in the
physiotherapist prescribed four different stretching two studies. The authors reported that there was a
exercises for the intervention subjects. Each of the several inconsistency in the sample size since military personnel
stretches focused on a different area of the right arm; the allocated subjects to different platoons during the test. A
volar forearm flexors, the pronator muscle, the typical total of 181 accidental injuries occurred in the two
nerve and the radial lack of. The control group would not stretching organizations, and 200 injuries happened in the
engage in any stretching. The experiment lasted for six control group. Both studies revealed that stretching just
consecutive months. Toward the completion of the decreased the risk of injury simply by 5 percent, which is
experiment, all of the subjects took part in a follow up not significant. The authors concluded that stretching prior
neurological test and a questionnaire. The end result data to exercise does not prevent post-exercise muscle soreness.
consisted of self reported discomfort levels and They also discovered little support for the idea that
neurological results. The researchers found a substantial stretching immediately just before exercise can prevent
improvement with regard to the function of the pronator possibly extreme or acute workplace injuries.
muscle. Mechanosensativity was significantly improved A study of 469 city and county firefighters evaluated
intended for the median nerve. They finally concluded that the effectiveness of a flexibility program on function
stretching alone could hardly be identified as a single way related injuries [56]. Specifically, researchers analyzed the
of preventing upper extremity disorders among people incidence, cost and severity of joint accidents between
who work at computer system workstations [57]. The groups of firefighters that stretched and groups that did
influence of rest breaks and stretches on symptoms and not stretch. The stretching program consisted of one
performance of data-entry workers has been examined in a regularly 30-minute session during a six month period.
jointly conducted study by researchers at the Countrywide Each extending session included twelve diverse exercises.
Institute of Occupational Security and Health (NIOSH) The subjects that participated in the stretching out
and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The subjects were program were more flexible than subjects who did not
randomly divided into two groups. One group was participate. Throughout two years, the group of medical
instructed to perform brief flexibility exercises during personnel that participated in stretching out incurred 48
breaks. The other group, which is the control group, did injuries while the non-stretching group experienced 52
not perform stretching. In the group that performed the injuries. The injury types were not described. The cost of
stretching, workers reported stretching during only 25 the injuries was significantly distinct between the two
percent of the conventional breaks and 39 percent of groups. The entire cost of injuries (medical and indemnity)
supplementary fractures. The study found no significant for the number of subjects that stretched was $85, 371,
effects of stretching out on discomfort or overall while the expense of injuries for the subjects of non-
performance. The researchers concluded that since the stretchers were $235, 131. This suggests that injuries
study subjects had a low compliance in performing the suffered by the firefighters that took part in the workplace
stretching, the influence of the assessment could not be stretching program was less expensive than injuries
decided. They also suggested that further research on incurred by non-stretchers [56].
stretching and exercise compliance is necessary [58].
Herbert and Noronha [55] used meta-analysis to group 3.1. The Benefit of Workplace Exercises
the outcomes of comparable studies. The analysis contains Program
five studies that looked into the effects of stretching on
suspended onset of muscle soreness. An overall total of 77 There is certainly an acceptance that currently there is
subjects took part in the study (27 had been allocated to little or no statistically significant empirical evidence of
the stretching organizations, 20 subjects were invested in exercises for decreasing MSDs symptoms. Nevertheless,
control groups, and 35 were allocated to both stretch out there is anecdotal evidence [30]. In this situation, coupled
and control groups). The stretch times for subjects varied with some requests for information upon exercises that
between 300 mere seconds and 600 seconds (five to ten might be beneficial, the decision was made to perform this
minutes respectively). The results showed that stretching analysis, which is a review of related literature to identify
before and after exercise decreases muscle mass soreness reportedly potentially helpful exercise examples.
within 72 hours. The authors felt that as this was so There is limited information in studies by HSE Books
insignificant, virtually all athletes would not use stretching [29] provided to those who suffer from musculoskeletal
out to prevent muscle soreness. Herbert and Noronha [55] discomfort during repeated or static utilization of upper
reviewed two studies that evaluated the influence of limbs [29]. HSE books [29] advised that taking breaks is
stretching on the risk of damage in new military helpful, but there is no additional information on what
employees. The first study analyzed the effect of employees can carry out during these breaks to maximise
stretching leg muscles and the risk of injury to specific leg the advantages in terms of reducing musculoskeletal pain.
injuries; lesions to the Achilles tendon, lateral ankle joint Therefore, there is need to explore this area and identify
sprains, stress fractures towards the foot and tibia, exercises that are reported to be beneficial to society.
32 American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

A study conducted by Fenety and Walker [27] reported experiences of MSDs pain and level of
determined the impact of regular workout at a workstation depression within participants in the short term. The
upon musculoskeletal discomfort among workers. The methods used by companies to reduce the occurrence of
subjects of the study reported an immediate reduction of WMSDs and injuries are stretching and adaptability
musculoskeletal pain. This result exactly supports that of exercise programs [36]. There is a developing interest in
Henning, Jacques, Sullivan and Alteras-Webb [31], where stretching exercises to reduce the dangers of WMSDs and
it was determined that brief rest breaks combined with injuries at office. Presently, very little is known regarding
workout were more effective than unaggressive rest the industry-specific outcomes of stretching programs.
breaks for personally computer workers. This indicates
that active recovery is more effective in reducing 3.2. Criteria for an Effective Workplace
musculoskeletal discomfort than passive recovery. The Stretching Program
aforementioned studies [31] did not specify the kinds of
exercises used and whether stretching was included. Stretching is a form of physical activity in which a
The research found that supplementary fractures that specific skeletal muscle mass is deliberately elongated to
were intended to include extending breaks reliably its fullest length to be able to improve the muscle’s felt
minimized pain and eyestrain without impairing flexibility. Benefits of stretching may include improved
productivity. Low compliance in performing stretches flexibility, improved range of motion inside joints,
prevented a legitimate assessment of stretching results improved circulation, increased posture, and stress relief.
[28]. Another study looked into the effect of exercise at It is generally believed that stretching prior to or after
the office (targeting neck, shoulders as well as the upper physical activity can decrease the chance of a strain or
back) on seventy-two computer operators over a period of twist injury by increasing the flexibleness of muscles,
four weeks. They concluded that most topics found the tendons and ligaments, which in turn increases the
resistance plus the stretching exercises easy to do, mobility in a joint or number of joints. Advocates of place
performed all of them 1 to 2 times daily and said they of work stretching programs claim that these types of
reduced distress. Kietrys, Galper and Verno [32] likewise programs have reduced and prevented sprain and stress
recommend further research to examine the optimal type injuries. While these reviews are frequently published in
and rate of recurrence of at-work exercise [32]. journals, they are typically depending on uncontrolled
Another study conducted by Lock and Colford [30] and quasi-experimental in house evaluations that rely on
clearly a analyzed international literature regarding the self-reported outcomes rather than objective methods [37].
benefits of limbering up exercise at work, including the According to Hess and Hecker [43], the following are
benefits of reducing symptoms of musculoskeletal considered the criteria for an effective stretching program
discomfort. Limbering up is known as moderate exercises, at workplace.
which may consist of warming up and/or stretching a) Warm-up for five minutes prior to stretching.
performed every day and regularly throughout the day. b) Exercises should be tailored to commonly
The study concluded that there was not enough proof to performed job duties.
recommend health and fitness programs, and that there c) Stretch regularly: a minimum of two–three days/week.
was also insufficient evidence to recommend limbering up d) Perform stretches correctly.
programmes to companies. This is because the evidence e) Hold stretch 15–30 seconds.
for the advantages of limbering up exercises had not been f) Two-three repetitions per muscle group.
specific or absolutely reliable [30]. A person can use a band or towel, which is helpful in
Omer, Ozcan, Karan and Ketenci [33] also carried out a moving the hand while performing the exercises.
study on the effectiveness of training and workout Moreover, a suitable exercise can be chosen depending on
programs in the management of MSDs. They trained the the person’s occupation. The following Table 2
participants in mobilisation, stretching out, strengthening summarizes the commonly performed exercises, which are
exercises, and found that these exercises decreased also mostly recommended [60-67].
Table 2. Upper limb stretching exercises
Name of exercise Description Picture

Sit up straight, face forward and repeat this sequence several times
without moving the head. Look up, then down. Look left, then right.

Pull head back as far possible and down slightly. Hold posture for 10 –
Neck stretches retraction
15 seconds. Return your head to the centre Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Slowly turn your head left as far as you can. Hold posture for 10 – 15
Rotate Head From Side To Side seconds. Return your head to the centre. Turn your head in the
opposite direction and hold for 10 – 15 seconds. Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Tilt your head slowly back, far enough so you can look up. Hold
posture for 10-15 seconds. Return slowly to a normal position, then tilt
Tilt head From Front To Back
forward to stretch the back of your neck and hold for 10 – 15 seconds.
Repeat 2 or 3 times.
American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 33

Name of exercise Description Picture

Keep your face looking forward as you slowly tilt your head over to
your shoulder. Don't go so far that you touch your ear with your
Tilt head From Side To Side shoulder. Hold posture for 10 – 15 seconds. Return your head to centre
position. Move your head to your opposite shoulder and hold for 10 –
15 seconds. Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Push head forward as far possible and. Hold posture for 10 – 15

Neck protraction
seconds. Return your head to the centre Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Raise the head to straighten the neck. Tuck the chin in and downwards,
Chin Tuck
creating a double chin. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat several times.

Pull your left arm across your chest and push on your elbow close to
Cross-Chest Stretch your chest with your right hand. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds. Repeat 2 or
3 times.

Raise right arm over your head with elbow pointing towards the
Triceps Stretch ceiling. Pull down to elbow with opposite arm and lean arm towards
the opposite side. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds. Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Reach arms behind your back and interlock fingers Slightly raise arms
Biceps Stretch and pull them away from your trunk. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds. Repeat
2 or 3 times.

Raise hands over head, stretching as high as possible.Then bring arms

Reach for the Sky
back down. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds. Repeat 2 or 3 times.

-While standing, slowly take your shoulders forward as far as possible,

as if you were trying to make them touch one another in front of your
Protracting and Retracting the
chest hold for 10 – 15 seconds. Then take them back as far as possible,
squeezing the shoulder blades together and hold for 10 – 15 seconds.
Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Slowly lift your shoulders up as if you were attempting to touch them

Shoulder Shrugs to your ears. Lift as high as you can and hold for 10 – 15 seconds.
Repeat 2 or 3 times

Place palms together, point fingers toward ceiling. Keeping palms

Palm Press together, try to push heels of hands towards the floor. Hold for 10 – 15
seconds Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Keeping elbow straight, grasp the hand and slowly bend wrist back
Wrist Flexor Stretch
until stretch is felt. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Keeping elbow straight, grasp injured hand and slowly bend wrist
Wrist Extensor Stretch forward until a stretch is felt. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2 or 3

Grasp injured hand with the other hand and gently stretch the hand and
Wrist Radial / Ulnar Deviation wrist from side to side as far as possible. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds
seconds. Repeat 2 or 3 times.

With an injured hand in a handshake position, grasp and slowly turn to

Forearm Pronation Stretch palm up until stretch is felt hold for 10 – 15 seconds and Repeat 2 or 3

Actively bend the fingers of the injured hand. Start with knuckles
Finger Flexion / Extension furthest from palm, and slowly makes a fist. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds
and Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Place both arms directly behind you against a flat surface with arms
Pectoralis Major Stretch parallel to the floor. Push against a flat surface until stretch is felt in
chest Hold for 10 – 15 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
34 American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Name of exercise Description Picture

Lie on front side and push upper torso upwards with arms until stretch
Lying Abdominal Stretch
is felt. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

From a neutral standing position slowly bend to the left or right Hold
Side stretching
for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

From a standing neutral position, cross your arms across your chest.
Oblique muscle stretch Keep your back straight and slowly rotate your shoulders to each side.
Repeat 10-15 times.

Table 3. Back stretching exercises

Name of exercises Description Pictures

On all fours, assume a “hump” back position by arching the backup.

Cat and Camel Hold briefly and then slowly lower the back into a sagging position
Repeat 10-15 times.

Slowly rock knees from side to side in a pain free range of motion.
Lumbar Rotation
Allow back to rotate slightly. Repeat 10-15 times.

On all fours with back maintained in a neutral position, gently move

Tail Wag hips toward the rib cage to side bend trunk. Hold briefly, then
alternate and do the other side. Repeat 10-15 times.

Begin by kneeling and extending forward until a stretch is felt. Slide

Latissimus Dorsi Stretch hands forward and push buttocks backward Hold for 10 – 15 seconds
Repeat 2-3 times.

With hands on the small of the back, slightly bend back until stretch
Mid Back Stretch
is felt Hold for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

Table 4. Lower limb stretching exercises

Name of exercise Description Pictures
Pull heel toward buttocks until a stretch is felt in front of the thigh. Keep
Standing Quadriceps Stretch leg close to body with knee pointing to the floor. Hold for 10 – 15
seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

Lie on your side. Pull heel toward buttocks until a stretch is felt in front
Lying Quadriceps Stretch
of the thigh Hold for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

Slowly bring the knee towards the chest. Gently extend leg with knee
Lying Hamstring Stretch slightly bent and hold when in a comfortable stretch. Hold for 10 – 15
seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

Bend knee of left leg and keep right leg extended with the knee slightly
Sitting Hamstring Stretch bent. Bend at the waist towards your left foot. Hold your lower leg for
support. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

Left leg in front of you. Bend right knee. Lean forward, placing hands on
Standing Hamstring Stretch
bent leg. Keep back straight. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

Hands against the wall. Keep the back leg straight, bend knees of both
Soleus (Lower calf) legs. Push heels down and slowly lean forward until a stretch is felt in the
back of the calf Hold for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

Hands against the wall. Keep back leg straight Push heels down and
Gastrocnemius (Upper calf) slowly lean forward until a stretch is felt in the back of the calf Hold for
10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

Gently push knees to floor until a stretch is felt. Keep back straight. Hold
Hip Adductors stretching
for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

Cross your right leg over your left leg. Look over your right shoulder
Hip Abductors stretching while turning your trunk and pushing back on knee with left elbow Hold
for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times.
American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 35

Name of exercise Description Pictures

Slowly lean and push hip to floor until a stretch is felt in front of hip Hold
Hip Flexors/Extensors
for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times

Place right foot above left knee. Slowly lift left leg towards the chest.
Gluteal Muscles stretching
Keep arms flat on floor Hold for 10 – 15 seconds Repeat 2-3 times.

Sit in a chair and cross your right leg onto your left thigh. Your
malleolus, or ‘ankle bone’, should be about 2 inches off your thigh. With
your left hand, grasp the top of your foot and pull your foot towards your
Anterior Tibialis Stretch
left side, making sure movement occurs at the ankle joint. A stretch
should NEVER HURT! Attain a good, pain free stretch and hold for 15
seconds, then switch and stretch left leg,. Repeat that 2-3 times.
Point the foot down against resistance of the tubing. Let up slowly Repeat
Plantar flexion stretches
2-3 times.
Pull the foot towards the face against the resistance of the tubing. Lower
Dorsiflexion stretches
slowly Hold for Repeat 2-3 times.

Turn the sole of the foot inward against resistance of the tubing. Let out
Inversion stretches
slowly. Keep knee pointed up. Repeat 2-3 times.

Turn the sole of the foot outward against resistance of the tubing. Let in
Eversion stretches
slowly. Keep knee pointed up. Repeat 2-3 times.

In a sitting position, loop a towel around the ball of your foot. Gently pull
Seated Calf Stretch back on the towel. The knee should be straight. Hold for 10 – 15 seconds
Repeat 2-3 times.

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