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Thesis Vehicular Accidents

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Factors that Affects the Motorist that Causes Vehicular

Accidents along Calero , Morong, Rizal

An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Criminology

Morong, Rizal

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Aldrin C. Hilao

Virginia M. Aguilar

Carl T. Codamos
Chapter 1



We are all surrounded by modern vehicles that affect our daily living. These things were

made forthe improvement of our lives and make us do less while the output is higher

modernization of transportation have also made a great impact in history of conveyance,

transportation is the movement of people and goods from the place to another. Whether in sea,

air and land. A lot of transportation have been invented and introduce to provide the most

sufficient and efficient means of transportation to the people. In the Philippines, jeepneys,

buses,MRT,LRT,UV Express and tricycle are the most common kind of transportation vehicle.

One of the pillars of road safety strategies, in almost every country in the world, is training

and education. Due to the diversity and different extents of evaluation methods, the influence of

educational and training programs on traffic safety is still limited. The aim of this research is to

evaluate the effect of the Slovenian educational program I still drive, but I cannot walk. Weaker

Violations resulting in accidents.

Motorcycles are smaller in size and have less stability than a car or truck, they may be

more susceptible to unsafe road conditions than other vehicles on the road. Speeding and

Reckless Driving - Speeding and reckless driving are also common causes of motorcycle

accidents. A transport accident is any accident or incident that occurs during any type of

transportation, including accidents occurring during road transport, rail transport, marine

and air transport. A motor vehicle accident is the event in which a motor vehicle is involved in a

collision amongst another motor vehicle, pedestrian, animal, or stationary object. Motor vehicle
accidents can result in ranging severity of physical damage to the vehicle and bodily injuries of

those involved. Riding on a motorcycle is all about balance. Leaning too far to one side or the

other during a turn or even when riding straight down the road can result in your landing on your

side and injuring yourself. If you have any type of balance difficulty, such as an inner ear

or vertigo, avoid driving a motorcycle.

The social consequences of road traffic accidents include loss of productivity of the

the cost of the legal system, the cost of pain and suffering and loss of quality of life of the victim

and their family. The loss of productivity represents a significant proportion of the total social

costs. Lastly, the third insult or impact to the body occurs when the internal structures such as

organs and tissues collide with the body cavities. For example, the aorta may tear as it propels

into the thoracic cavity or ribs may puncture a lung or spleen. Road accidents are the product of

reckless driving without any road sense. We are well aware about that road accidents, injury

death has been very common now-a-days.

Visibility should be good enough for drivers to see hazards, and pedestrians to see

vehicles. Adequate visibility for drivers is related to vehicle speed and the distance needed to

or change direction safely. Consider having mirrors where sharp or blind bends cannot be


The strategic goal concerning safety and security is to promote the public health and

by working toward the elimination of transit-related deaths, injuries, property damage and the

improvement of personal security and property protection.

There were 14,870 persons injured in motorcycle-related crashes in 2021, for an average

of 41 individuals per day. Results showed that the significant variables are weather conditions,

age of the driver, and junction type. According to the Metro Manila Development Authority

MMDA,motorcycles are more prone to accidents as they expose the driver and passenger/s to
twice as much risk than in four-wheel vehicles. The Metro Manila Accident Reporting and

System reported 229 fatal motorcycle-related accidents in 2020, a 3.5% increase from the

previous year. Statistics from 2016 demonstrated that over 9% of motorcycle accidents were

caused by a bend in the road.



THEREFOR. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in

Congress assembled Section 1. Bong Revilla authored RA 10054 “An Act Mandating all

motorcycle riders to wear standard protective motorcycle helmets while driving and providing

penalties therefor.This law obliges all motorcycle riders, including back riders, to wear standard

protective helmets . Motorcycle riders and their back riders should always wear a helmet

whenever they travel. Failure to do so will warrant an applicable LTO fine First offense ₱1,500.

Second offense: ₱3,000.

R.A. 4136, declares driving a vehicle under a state of intoxication as reckless driving

irrespective of the fact whether it has caused any harm/damage or not, simply because people

and property on the road are under danger.

Always Watch For Potential Hazards. Your attention should always be on the road and

what is around you, whether that is other cars, a turn, road hazards, pedestrians, or anything

Paying close attention to your surroundings will allow you see obstacles right away, providing

the time you need to avoid them. Wyman and Weymouth recommend that riders wear a helmet,

a Kevlar longsleeved shirt,jacket and pants, sturdy closed-toe shoes or boots, Kevlar gloves,

a neck brace, especially if racing. When purchasing a helmet, it's important to ensure a snug,

comfortable fit.

Setting of the Study

The study is conducted at Morong Rizal it is chosen because of there were reports in

vehicular accident in the place which in focus on the study .

Morong is also known for featuring the side dish called balaw-balaw, as well as for having

education as its priority Una Ang Edukasyon Education first, that is why during the early 1970s

and early 1990s, Morong became the center of education. Students from nearby towns of Rizal

would come and study in Morong.

Morong was considered the province before it was called Rizal. Its original name was

Politico Militar Distrito de Morong, which included the towns that make up present day Rizal

province. In 1898, Antipolo became the capital of Morong. On June 11, 1901, the first Philippine

Commission united parts of the old province of Manila and the district of Morong to form a new

province named after Jose P. Rizal, the country´s national hero.

Morong is politically subdivided into 8 Barangays San pedro, Sanjose, San Juan,San

Gulliermo,Maybancal,Lagundi Calero ,Caniogan ,Lanang CCL and Bombongan. San Pedro is

the capital baranggay of morong Rizal. The seat of local government of morong rizal , different

establishments DRRM and municipal police station are located here

Conducting the study on Morong Rizal would be verry relevant considering the current

situation. The researcher chooses Morong Rizal because the road there has no streetlights to

see id someone is going to cross the road and if there is a road construction. Ther road also has

no CCTV to detect if there is any accident happen any time . CCTV is important because it can

reassure the public about community safety. It is located in public places to provide evidence to

relevant enforcement agencies.

Theoretical Framework

The causes of motor vehicle collisions are complex, but broadly depend on

of drivers. Skill level McGwin & Brown, 1999, inexperience McCartt 2003, and risk-taking

behaviors Rolison 2014 have been implicated in the collisions of young drivers compared to

drivers in other age ranges. Investigations of vehicle collision records have also implicated

excessive speed Gonzales 2005, 2003, driving recklessly 2003, and traffic violations Gonzales

2005 as well as drugs and alcohol Bingham 2008 in the collisions of young drivers. For

Braitman 2008 interviewed 16-year-old novice drivers who had been involved in a collision

eight months of receiving their driver license. Excessive speed, loss of control, and failure to

detect another vehicle or traffic control were reported by the teenagers as primary causes of

collisions Braitman 2008 Collectively, these findings support the role of inexperience, lack of

and risk-taking behaviors inyoung driver collisions. Further, these contributing factors appear to

be influenced by driver gender. Young maledrivers are more likely than young females to be

involved in collisions due to risk taking, such as excessive speeding and impairment by drugs

alcohol Begg & Langley, 2004 Clarke 2006 Curry 2012.

In contrast with young drivers, the collisions of older drivers more often involve driver

at intersections and when making turns Hakamies-Blomqvist, 1993 Langford & Koppel, 2006

McGwin and Brown1999 found that failure to yield right of way, failure to comply with signs and

signals, failure to see objects, and improper turns and lane changes were commonly reported in

road accident records for collisions of older drivers. Older driver errors may in part result from
age-related decline in visual, cognitive, and mobility functioning in older age 1993 Janke 1991 A

wealth of research has identified poor performance on measures of visual functioning and

cognitive abilities as risk factors for older driver involvement in road traffic collisions Ball 2010

2006 Owsley 1991 Owsley 1998 Medical conditions, such as heart disease and stroke, are

associated with increased risk of collision among older drivers McGwin 2000 Anstey 2005

psychoactive medications, commonly used by older drivers, can hamper their driving ability, and

place them at increased risk of crash involvement Hemmelgarn 1997 Meuleners 2011Ray 1992.

In sum, inexperience, and risk-taking behaviors, including excessive speed and drug and

alcohol use, have been associated with the collisions of young drivers. Conversely, as age

advances, increased prevalence of visual and cognitive impairments as well as medication use

have been associated with the collisions of older drivers. Most of the research investigating

the contributing factors of road accidents involving young and older drivers has used accident

data from police reports. In the United Kingdom, police officers attending road accident scenes

are required to provide a subjective assessment of the factors that they believe contributed to

collision. Thus, police officers who have first-hand experience reporting on road accidents are

likely to possess valuable insight into the causes of accidents involving young and older drivers.

Their views are likely to be more accurate than the views of the driving public, which should be

more reliant on stereotypic perceptions of young and older drivers. In fact, the views of police

officers about some accident causes may be more accurate than official reports based on road

accident records. This is because some factors are difficult to verify or substantiate at the

and thus may be underreported in accident records. For example, driver distraction due to

phone use can be difficult to verify, leading to underreporting in accident records NHTSA 2009

In 2008 reports of driver distraction in fatal collisions in the United States varied from 1% to 56%

of collisions across states, indicating considerable variability in reporting practices. Worryingly,

underreporting of factors contributing to road accidents could potentially lead to a misleading

picture of accident causation. This, in turn, may delay the provision of much needed

resources for tackling threats to public health.

Accident reporting practices may also differ depending on driver characteristics, such as

driver age and gender. In the United Kingdom, only 54% of drivers involved in road traffic

collisions were required to provide a breath test during years 2003 to 2015 This may imply

that there is variability in how drivers are approached by officers and asked to undergo testing.

2015 roadside drug screening was introduced in the United Kingdom, enabling police officers to

test for drug impairment for the first time. Thus, road accident statistics from previous years may

greatly underestimate the prevalence of drug impairment in crashes. Further, it is not


that the characteristics of the driver may be a determining factor in police officers’ decisions to

request drug testing.

Conceptual Framework

Based on theory presented, the study is guided by conceptual model utilizing the coombs

system approach which is the input, and Output Based on theory presented, the study is guided

by conceptual model utilizing the coombs system approach which is the input, and Output An
individual may disregards the risk of loses on their decision and focus only on the advancetage

or gains, shows the conceptual model which displays the inter-relationships of the defined

constructs with each other. Visual and manual distraction can or may affect the sensory

processing and attention resources of the driver. This turn can contribute to the information

processing of the driver and will dictate how the driver will behave.


1. Profile of the
 Age
 Sex
 Vehicle Driven  Development of the
2. Factors that Affects
the Motorist that
Causes Vehicular
Accidents along
Calero,Morong, Rizal
with respect to:
 Nature  Gathering of data
 Community
 Reckless Driver
can be proposed to
3. Is there a significant reduce the vehicular
difference on Factors accidents
that Affects the  Analysis and
Motorist that Causes Statistical Treatment
Vehicular Accidents of Data
Calero ,Morong,
Rizal when grouped
according to their
 Interpretation of Data
4. What
can be proposed to
improve the vehicular

Conceptual Model of the Factors that Affects the Motorist that Causes Vehicular
Accidents along Calero ,Morong, Rizal
Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the Factors that Affects the Motorist that Causes Vehicular
Accidents along Calero ,Morong, Rizal .

The respondents of the study are 50 Motorists. They are those individuals who with
transportation either public or private utility vehicle.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Vehicle driven

2. What are the Factors that Affects the Motorist that Causes Vehicular Accidents along

Calero, Morong, Rizal with respect to:

2.1 Nature

2.2 Community

2.3 Reckless driver

3. Is there a significant difference on Factors that Affects the Motorist that Causes Vehicular

Accidents along Calero ,Morong, Rizal when grouped according to their profile?

4. What recommendations can be proposed to improve the vehicular accidents

Hypothesis of the Study

The study tested the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference on the Factors

that Affects the Motorist that Causes Vehicular Accidents along Calero ,Morong, Rizal when

grouped according to their profile

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study deals mainly with Factors that Affects the Motorist that Causes Vehicular

Accidents along Calero ,Morong, Rizal only.

The researchers limited this research to the Motorists of Morong, Rizal.

The respondents will be described in terms of their sex, age and vehicle driven.

Descriptive survey research design will be employed utilizing a researcher the

questionnaire- checklist as the main instrument in gathering data.

Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to the following:

Local Government. The study will help to understand the causes of vehicular accidents

in Calero, Morong, Rizal

Community. The community will benefits on the recommendations to reduce vehicular


Criminology Students. The study benefits for them to have some knowledge

about the causes of vehicular accidents in Calero, Morong, Rizal

Future Researchers. The future researchers will be able to use this study as their

for their own investigatory endeavor

Definition of Terms
For better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined conceptually and

Nature. This refers the cause of accidents because of nature

Reckless Driver. This refers the cause of vehicular accidents because of Human Negligence

Vehicular Accidents. These are the accidents with the vehicles

PUV. The private utility vehicle

PUJ. The public utility jeepney

Motorists. This refers to the person who drives motorcycle

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