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Ethics Report Lesson 3 and 4

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The dangers that cultural relativism present led thinkers such as ethics expert Dr.
James Rachels to reject cultural relativism because it is implausible. The empirical
basis of cultural relativism is that cultures are dramatically different in its views of
what is right or wrong. However, when it comes to important moral issues, three
are three are three values that are universal (Rachels, 2004).
The three universal values shared by all
cultures are:

1. Caring for the young

2. Murder is wrong
3. Tell the truth
Pre discussion: Observations of common
Filipino attitude

1. Kissing the hands or (MANO)

Pre discussion: Observations of common
Filipino attitude

2. Maniana habit (Later na)

Pre discussion: Observations of common
Filipino attitude

Selfless acts (Kabalyero)

Qualities of the Filipino Moral Indentify

The Filipino culture is a mix of both Eastern and Western cultures. The beliefs and
traditions of pre-colonial Philippines was mainly indigenous Malay heritage
(Baringer, 2006). Then the Spanish colonized the islands and the Hispanic culture
influenced the natives. In turn, the Americans shaped the modern Filipino culture
and this is primarily manifested by the wide use of the English language in the
Philippines today. It was from these influences that formed the Filipino characters.
The brief occupation of the British (1762 – 1764) and the Japanese (1942-1945)
however had no cultural influence in the Philippines at all.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Filipino
character are rooted in factors
By: Patricia B, Licuanan

1. The Home Environment

2. The Social Environment
3. Cultural and language
4. History
5. The educational system
6. Religion
7. The economic environment
8. The Political environment
9. Mass media
10. Leadership and role models.
Home Environment

Filipino children are taught to value family and give it primary

importance. The Filipino social environment is characterized by
depending on one another to survive. This dependence on one
another to survive. The dependence on relationships and the
struggle for survival make Filipinos group oriented. (1994)
Cultural and Language

It depict openness to foreign elements with no basic consciousness

of our cultural core. The Filipino colonial mentality such as the
importance of the English language in our educational system, the
wider following of Hollywood movies foreign soap operas/TV shows,
and foreign songs/singers over Filipino movies, shows, and music is a
manifestation of our attachment to foreign elements

Is regarded as the culprit

behind colonial mentality.
Unfortunately, most Filipino elite
are of no help in setting an
example of overcoming
colonial mentality because they
are even more westernized in
their ways. Present day media
on the other hand reinforced
these colonial influences
Educational System

Is also instrumental in molding the strengths and weakness

of the Filipino Characters. School are highly authoritarian.
Early on, children learn that well-behaved and obedient
students are praised and rewarded.

It taught us optimism and resilience however it also instilled in us a

fatalistic attitude. Since religious communities are also highly
authoritarian this further reinforced our being passive and a
Economic environment

The hard life drove Filipinos to work hard and take risks, such as
leaving our families to work abroad this further developed our
ability to survive.
Political Environment

Government structures and systems are fraught with problems. For

instance, the fact that political power is mainly in the hands of the
elite and the absence of a strong government presence enhanced
the Filipino’s already extreme family centeredness.
Mass Media

How did mass media reinforce our colonial mentality?

What did you notice with ads, the music, movies, fashion,
etc. shown on TV aired over the radio printed in the
newspaper/magazines or went viral online? These were
greatly based on American pop culture. The emphasis on
the superiority of an imported brand or product through
mass media is in fact part of a Filipino’s daily life.

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