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Daikin Field Settings

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Field settings table

Applicable indoor units



(*1) *04/08*
(*2) *11/16*

4P449983-1 - 2016.06

Field settings table Installer setting at variance with

default value
Breadcrumb Field code Setting name Range, step Date Value
Default value
User settings
└─ Preset values
└─ Room temperature Comfort (heating) R/W [3-07]~[3-06], step: A.3.2.4
21°C Eco (heating) R/W [3-07]~[3-06], step: A.3.2.4
└─ LWT main [8-09] Comfort (heating) R/W [9-01]~[9-00], step: 1°C
35°C [8-0A] Eco (heating) R/W [9-01]~[9-00], step: 1°C
33°C Comfort (heating) R/W -10~10°C, step: 1°C
0°C Eco (heating) R/W -10~10°C, step: 1°C
└─ Tank temperature [6-0A] Storage comfort R/W 30~[6-0E]°C, step: 1°C
60°C [6-0B] Storage eco R/W 30~min(50, [6-0E])°C, step: 1°C
45°C [6-0C] Reheat R/W 30~min(50, [6-0E])°C, step: 1°C
└─ Quiet level
7.4.4 R/W 0: Level 1 (*2)
1: Level 2 (*1)
2: Level 3
└─ Electricity price [C-0C] High R/W 0,00~990/kWh
[D-0C] 0/kWh [C-0D] Medium R/W 0,00~990/kWh
[D-0D] 0/kWh [C-0E] Low R/W 0,00~990/kWh
[D-0E] 0/kWh
└─ Fuel price
7.4.6 R/W 0,00~990/kWh
└─ Set weather dependent
└─ Main [1-00] Set weather-dependent heating Low ambient temp. for LWT main zone heating R/W -40~5°C, step: 1°C
WD curve. -10°C [1-01] Set weather-dependent heating High ambient temp. for LWT main zone heating R/W 10~25°C, step: 1°C
WD curve. 15°C [1-02] Set weather-dependent heating Leaving water value for low ambient temp. for R/W [9-01]~[9-00], step: 1°C
LWT main zone heating WD curve. 40°C [1-03] Set weather-dependent heating Leaving water value for high ambient temp. for R/W [9-01]~min(45, [9-00])°C , step: 1°C
LWT main zone heating WD curve. 25°C
└─ Additional [0-00] Set weather-dependent heating Leaving water value for high ambient temp. for R/W [9-05]~min(45,[9-06])°C, step: 1°C
LWT add zone heating WD curve. 35°C [0-01] Set weather-dependent heating Leaving water value for low ambient temp. for R/W [9-05]~[9-06]°C, step: 1°C
LWT add zone heating WD curve. 45°C [0-02] Set weather-dependent heating High ambient temp. for LWT add zone heating R/W 10~25°C, step: 1°C
WD curve. 15°C [0-03] Set weather-dependent heating Low ambient temp. for LWT add zone heating R/W -40~5°C, step: 1°C
WD curve. -10°C
Installer settings
└─ System layout
└─ Standard
A.2.1.1 [E-00] Unit type R/O 0~5
0: LT split
A.2.1.2 [E-01] Compressor type R/O 0: 8
1: 16
A.2.1.3 [E-02] Indoor software type R/O 0~1
1: Type 2
A.2.1.4 [E-03] Backup heater steps R/O 0: No BUH
1: 1 step
2: 2 steps
A.2.1.5 [5-0D] BUH type R/W 0~5
1: 1P,(1/1+2)
3: 3P,(1/1+2)
4: 3PN,(1/2)
A.2.1.6 [D-01] Forced off contact R/W 0: No
1: Open tariff
2: Closed tariff
3: Thermostat
A.2.1.7 [C-07] Unit control method R/W 0: LWT control
1: Ext RT control
2: RT control
A.2.1.8 [7-02] Number of LWT zones R/W 0: 1 LWT zone
1: 2 LWT zones
A.2.1.9 [F-0D] Pump operation mode R/W 0: Continuous
1: Sample
2: Request
A.2.1.A [E-04] Power saving possible R/O 0: No
1: Yes
A.2.1.B User interface location R/W 0: At unit
1: In room
└─ Options
A.2.2.1 [E-05] DHW operation R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.2.2.3 [E-07] DHW tank type R/O 2: Type 3
A.2.2.4 [C-05] Contact type main R/W 1: Thermo ON/OFF
2: C/H request
A.2.2.5 [C-06] Contact type add. R/W 1: Thermo ON/OFF
2: C/H request
A. [C-02] Digital I/O PCB Ext. backup heat src R/W 0: No
1: Bivalent
2: -
3: -
A. [D-07] Digital I/O PCB Solar kit R/W 0: No
1: Yes

4P449983-1 - 2016.06 (*1) *04/08*_(*2) *11/16*


Field settings table Installer setting at variance with

default value
Breadcrumb Field code Setting name Range, step Date Value
Default value
A. [C-09] Digital I/O PCB Alarm output R/W 0: Normally open
1: Normally closed
A. [F-04] Digital I/O PCB Bottom plate heater R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.2.2.7 [D-04] Demand PCB R/W 0: No
1: Pwr consmp ctrl
A.2.2.8 [D-08] External kWh meter 1 R/W 0: No
1: 0,1 pulse/kWh
2: 1 pulse/kWh
3: 10 pulse/kWh
4: 100 pulse/kWh
5: 1000 pulse/kWh
A.2.2.9 [D-09] External kWh meter 2 R/W 0: No
1: 0,1 pulse/kWh
2: 1 pulse/kWh
3: 10 pulse/kWh
4: 100 pulse/kWh
5: 1000 pulse/kWh
A.2.2.A [D-02] DHW pump R/W 0: No
1: Secondary rtrn
2: Disinf. Shunt
3: Circul. Pump
4: CP & disinf. Sh
A.2.2.B [C-08] External sensor R/W 0: No
1: Outdoor sensor
2: Room sensor
└─ Capacities
A.2.3.1 [6-02] Booster heater R/W 0~10 kW, step: 0,2 kW
2,4 kW
A.2.3.2 [6-03] BUH: step 1 R/W 0~10 kW, step: 0,2 kW
3 kW
A.2.3.3 [6-04] BUH: step 2 R/W 0~10 kW, step: 0,2 kW
3 kW
A.2.3.6 [6-07] Bottom plate heater R/W 0~200W, step: 10W
Space operation
└─ LWT settings
└────────────────── Main
A. LWT setpoint mode R/W 0: Fixed
1: Weather dep.
2: Fixed + scheduled
3: WD + scheduled
A. [9-01] Temperature range Minimum temp (heating) R/W 15~37°C, step: 1°C
A. [9-00] Temperature range Maximum temp (heating) R/W 37~depending on outdoor unit, step: 1°C

A. [8-05] Modulated LWT R/W 0: No

1: Yes
A. [F-0B] Shut-off valve Thermo On/OFF R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A. [9-0B] Emitter type R/W 0: Quick
1: Slow
└────────────────── Additional
A. LWT setpoint mode R/W 0: Fixed
1: Weather dep.
2: Fixed + scheduled
3: WD + scheduled
A. [9-05] Temperature range Minimum temp (heating) R/W 15~37°C, step: 1°C
A. [9-06] Temperature range Maximum temp (heating) R/W 37~depending on outdoor unit, step: 1°C

└────────────────── Delta T source

A. [9-09] Heating R/W 3~10°C, step: 1°C
└─ Room thermostat
A. [3-07] Room temp. range Minimum temp (heating) R/W 12~18°C, step: A.3.2.4
A. [3-06] Room temp. range Maximum temp (heating) R/W 18~30°C, step: A.3.2.4
A.3.2.2 [2-0A] Room temp. offset R/W -5~5°C, step: 0,5°C
A.3.2.3 [2-09] Ext. room sensor offset R/W -5~5°C, step: 0,5°C
A.3.2.4 Room temp. step R/W 0: 0,5 °C
1: 1 °C
└─ Operation range
A.3.3.1 [4-02] Space heating OFF temp R/W 14~35°C, step: 1°C
25°C (*1)
14~35°C, step: 1°C
35°C (*2)
└─ Domestic hot water (DHW)
└─ Type
A.4.1 [6-0D] R/W 0: Reheat only
1: Reheat + sched.
2: Scheduled only
└─ Disinfection
A.4.4.1 [2-01] Disinfection R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.4.4.2 [2-00] Operation day R/W 0: Each day
1: Monday
2: Tuesday
3: Wednesday
4: Thursday
5: Friday
6: Saturday
7: Sunday
A.4.4.3 [2-02] Start time R/W 0~23 hour, step: 1 hour
A.4.4.4 [2-03] Temperature target R/O 60°C
A.4.4.5 [2-04] Duration R/W 40~60 min, step: 5 min
40 min

(*1) *04/08*_(*2) *11/16* 4P449983-1 - 2016.06


Field settings table Installer setting at variance with

default value
Breadcrumb Field code Setting name Range, step Date Value
Default value
└─ Maximum setpoint
A.4.5 [6-0E] R/W 40~65°C, step: 1°C
└─ SP mode
A.4.6 R/W 0: Fixed
1: Weather dep.
└─ Weather dependent curve
A.4.7 [0-0B] Weather-dependent curve Leaving water value for high ambient temp. for R/W 35~[6-0E]°C, step: 1°C
DHW WD curve. 55°C
A.4.7 [0-0C] Weather-dependent curve Leaving water value for low ambient temp. for R/W 45~[6-0E]°C, step: 1°C
DHW WD curve. 65°C
A.4.7 [0-0D] Weather-dependent curve High ambient temp. for DHW WD curve. R/W 10~25°C, step: 1°C
A.4.7 [0-0E] Weather-dependent curve Low ambient temp. for DHW WD curve. R/W -40~5°C, step: 1°C
└─ Heat sources
└─ Backup heater
A.5.1.1 [4-00] Operation mode R/W 0~2
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
A.5.1.3 [4-07] Enable BUH step 2 R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.5.1.4 [5-01] Equilibrium temp. R/W -15~35°C, step: 1°C
└─ System operation
└─ Auto restart
A.6.1 [3-00] R/W 0: No
1: Yes
└─ Preferential kWh rate
A.6.2.1 [D-00] Allowed heaters R/W 0: None
1: BSH only
2: BUH only
3: All heaters
A.6.2.2 [D-05] Forced pump OFF R/W 0: Forced off
1: As normal
└─ Pwr consumpt. Control
A.6.3.1 [4-08] Mode R/W 0: No limitation
1: Continuous
2: Digital inputs
A.6.3.2 [4-09] Type R/W 0: Current
1: Power
A.6.3.3 [5-05] Amp. value R/W 0~50 A, step: 1 A
50 A
A.6.3.4 [5-09] kW value R/W 0~20 kW, step: 0,5 kW
20 kW
A. [5-05] Amp. limits for DI Limit DI1 R/W 0~50 A, step: 1 A
50 A
A. [5-06] Amp. limits for DI Limit DI2 R/W 0~50 A, step: 1 A
50 A
A. [5-07] Amp. limits for DI Limit DI3 R/W 0~50 A, step: 1 A
50 A
A. [5-08] Amp. limits for DI Limit DI4 R/W 0~50 A, step: 1 A
50 A
A. [5-09] kW limits for DI Limit DI1 R/W 0~20 kW, step: 0,5 kW
20 kW
A. [5-0A] kW limits for DI Limit DI2 R/W 0~20 kW, step: 0,5 kW
20 kW
A. [5-0B] kW limits for DI Limit DI3 R/W 0~20 kW, step: 0,5 kW
20 kW
A. [5-0C] kW limits for DI Limit DI4 R/W 0~20 kW, step: 0,5 kW
20 kW
A.6.3.7 [4-01] Priority R/W 0: None
1: BSH
2: BUH
└─ Averaging time
A.6.4 [1-0A] R/W 0: No averaging
1: 12 hours
2: 24 hours
3: 48 hours
4: 72 hours
└─ Ext amb. sensor offset
A.6.5 [2-0B] R/W -5~5°C, step: 0,5°C
└─ Boiler efficiency
A.6.A [7-05] R/W 0: Very high
1: High
2: Medium
3: Low
4: Very low
└─ Emergency
A.6.C R/W 0: Manual
1: Automatic
└─ Overview settings
A.8 [0-00] Leaving water value for high ambient temp. for LWT add zone heating WD curve. R/W [9-05]~min(45,[9-06])°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [0-01] Leaving water value for low ambient temp. for LWT add zone heating WD curve. R/W [9-05]~[9-06]°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [0-02] High ambient temp. for LWT add zone heating WD curve. R/W 10~25°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [0-03] Low ambient temp. for LWT add zone heating WD curve. R/W -40~5°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [0-04] -- 8
A.8 [0-05] -- 12
A.8 [0-06] -- 35
A.8 [0-07] -- 20
A.8 [0-0B] Leaving water value for high ambient temp. for DHW WD curve. R/W 35~[6-0E]°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [0-0C] Leaving water value for low ambient temp. for DHW WD curve. R/W 45~[6-0E]°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [0-0D] High ambient temp. for DHW WD curve. R/W 10~25°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [0-0E] Low ambient temp. for DHW WD curve. R/W -40~5°C, step: 1°C

4P449983-1 - 2016.06 (*1) *04/08*_(*2) *11/16*


Field settings table Installer setting at variance with

default value
Breadcrumb Field code Setting name Range, step Date Value
Default value
A.8 [1-00] Low ambient temp. for LWT main zone heating WD curve. R/W -40~5°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [1-01] High ambient temp. for LWT main zone heating WD curve. R/W 10~25°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [1-02] Leaving water value for low ambient temp. for LWT main zone heating WD curve. R/W [9-01]~[9-00], step: 1°C
A.8 [1-03] Leaving water value for high ambient temp. for LWT main zone heating WD curve. R/W [9-01]~min(45, [9-00])°C , step: 1°C
A.8 [1-04] -- 1
A.8 [1-05] -- 1
A.8 [1-06] -- 20
A.8 [1-07] -- 35
A.8 [1-08] -- 22
A.8 [1-09] -- 18
A.8 [1-0A] What is the averaging time for the outdoor temp? R/W 0: No averaging
1: 12 hours
2: 24 hours
3: 48 hours
4: 72 hours
A.8 [2-00] When should the disinfection function be executed? R/W 0: Each day
1: Monday
2: Tuesday
3: Wednesday
4: Thursday
5: Friday
6: Saturday
7: Sunday
A.8 [2-01] Should the disinfection function be executed? R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.8 [2-02] When should the disinfection function start? R/W 0~23 hour, step: 1 hour
23 hours
A.8 [2-03] What is the disinfection target temperature? R/O 60°C
A.8 [2-04] How long must the tank temperature be maintained? R/W 40~60 min, step: 5 min
40 min
A.8 [2-05] Room antifrost temperature R/W 4~16°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [2-06] Room frost protection R/W 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
A.8 [2-09] Adjust the offset on the measured room temperature R/W -5~5°C, step: 0,5°C
A.8 [2-0A] Adjust the offset on the measured room temperature R/W -5~5°C, step: 0,5°C
A.8 [2-0B] What is the required offset on the measured outdoor temp.? R/W -5~5°C, step: 0,5°C
A.8 [3-00] Is auto restart of the unit allowed? R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.8 [3-01] -- 0
A.8 [3-02] -- 1
A.8 [3-03] -- 4
A.8 [3-04] -- 2
A.8 [3-05] -- 1
A.8 [3-06] What is the maximum desired room temperature in heating? R/W 18~30°C, step: A.3.2.4
A.8 [3-07] What is the mimimum desired room temperature in heating? R/W 12~18°C, step: A.3.2.4
A.8 [3-08] -- 35
A.8 [3-09] -- 15
A.8 [4-00] What is the BUH operation mode? R/W 0~2
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
A.8 [4-01] Which electric heater has priority? R/W 0: None
1: BSH
2: BUH
A.8 [4-02] Below which outdoor temperature is heating allowed? R/W 14~35°C, step: 1°C
25°C (*1)
14~35°C, step: 1°C
35°C (*2)
A.8 [4-03] Operation permission of the booster heater. R/W 0: Limited
1: No limit
2: Most optimum
3: Optimum
4: Only legionella
A.8 [4-04] -- 2
A.8 [4-05] -- 0
A.8 [4-06] -- (Do not change this value) 0/1
A.8 [4-07] Enable the second step of the backup heater? R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.8 [4-08] Which power limitation mode is required on the system? R/W 0: No limitation
1: Continuous
2: Digital inputs
A.8 [4-09] Which power limitation type is required? R/W 0: Current
1: Power
A.8 [4-0A] -- 0
A.8 [4-0B] Automatic cooling/heating changeover hysteresis. R/W 1~10°C, step: 0,5°C
A.8 [4-0D] Automatic cooling/heating changeover offset. R/W 1~10°C, step: 0,5°C
A.8 [4-0E] Is the installer on site? R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.8 [5-00] Is backup heater operation allowed above equilibrium temperature during space R/W 0: Allowed
heating operation? 1: Not allowed
A.8 [5-01] What is the equilibrium temperature for the building? R/W -15~35°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [5-02] Space heating priority. R/W 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
A.8 [5-03] Space heating priority temperature. R/W -15~35°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [5-04] Set point correction for domestic hot water temperature. R/W 0~20°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [5-05] What is the requested limit for DI1? R/W 0~50 A, step: 1 A
50 A
A.8 [5-06] What is the requested limit for DI2? R/W 0~50 A, step: 1 A
50 A

(*1) *04/08*_(*2) *11/16* 4P449983-1 - 2016.06


Field settings table Installer setting at variance with

default value
Breadcrumb Field code Setting name Range, step Date Value
Default value
A.8 [5-07] What is the requested limit for DI3? R/W 0~50 A, step: 1 A
50 A
A.8 [5-08] What is the requested limit for DI4? R/W 0~50 A, step: 1 A
50 A
A.8 [5-09] What is the requested limit for DI1? R/W 0~20 kW, step: 0,5 kW
20 kW
A.8 [5-0A] What is the requested limit for DI2? R/W 0~20 kW, step: 0,5 kW
20 kW
A.8 [5-0B] What is the requested limit for DI3? R/W 0~20 kW, step: 0,5 kW
20 kW
A.8 [5-0C] What is the requested limit for DI4? R/W 0~20 kW, step: 0,5 kW
20 kW
A.8 [5-0D] What type of backup heater installation is used? R/W 0~5
1: 1P,(1/1+2)
3: 3P,(1/1+2)
4: 3PN,(1/2)
A.8 [5-0E] -- 1
A.8 [6-00] The temperature difference determining the heat pump ON temperature. R/W 2~20°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [6-01] The temperature difference determining the heat pump OFF temperature. R/W 0~10°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [6-02] What is the capacity of the booster heater? R/W 0~10 kW, step: 0,2 kW
2,4 kW
A.8 [6-03] What is the capacity of the backup heater step 1? R/W 0~10 kW, step: 0,2 kW
A.8 [6-04] What is the capacity of the backup heater step 2? R/W 0~10 kW, step: 0,2 kW
3 kW
A.8 [6-05] -- 0
A.8 [6-06] -- 0
A.8 [6-07] What is the capacity of the bottom plate heater? R/W 0~200 W, step: 10 W
A.8 [6-08] What is the hysteresis to be used in reheat mode? R/W 2~20°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [6-09] -- 0
A.8 [6-0A] What is the desired comfort storage temperature? R/W 30~[6-0E]°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [6-0B] What is the desired eco storage temperature? R/W 30~min(50, [6-0E])°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [6-0C] What is the desired reheat temperature? R/W 30~min(50, [6-0E])°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [6-0D] What is the desired DHW production type? R/W 0: Reheat only
1: Reheat + sched.
2: Scheduled only
A.8 [6-0E] What is the maximum temperature setpoint? R/W 40~65°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [7-00] Domestic hot water booster heater overshoot temperature. R/W 0~4°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [7-01] Domestic hot water booster heater hysteresis. R/W 2~40°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [7-02] How many leaving water temperature zones are there? R/W 0: 1 LWT zone
1: 2 LWT zones
A.8 [7-03] -- 2,5
A.8 [7-04] -- 0
A.8 [7-05] Boiler efficiency R/W 0: Very high
1: High
2: Medium
3: Low
4: Very low
A.8 [8-00] -- 1 min
A.8 [8-01] Maximum running time for domestic hot water operation. R/W 5~95 min, step: 5 min
30 min
A.8 [8-02] Anti-recycling time. R/W 0~10 hour, step: 0,5 hour
3 hours
A.8 [8-03] Booster heater delay timer. R/W 20~95 min, step: 5 min
50 min
A.8 [8-04] Additional running time for the maximum running time. R/W 0~95 min, step: 5 min
95 min
A.8 [8-05] Allow modulation of the LWT to control the room temp? R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.8 [8-06] Leaving water temperature maximum modulation. R/W 0~10°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [8-07] -- 18
A.8 [8-08] -- 20
A.8 [8-09] What is the desired comfort main LWT in heating? R/W [9-01]~[9-00], step: 1°C
A.8 [8-0A] What is the desired eco main LWT in heating? R/W [9-01]~[9-00], step: 1°C
A.8 [8-0B] -- 13
A.8 [8-0C] -- 10
A.8 [8-0D] -- 16
A.8 [9-00] What is the maximum desired LWT for main zone in heating? R/W 37~depending on outdoor unit, step: 1°C

A.8 [9-01] What is the mimimum desired LWT for main zone in heating? R/W 15~37°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [9-02] -- 22
A.8 [9-03] -- 5
A.8 [9-04] Leaving water temperature overshoot temperature. R/W 1~4°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [9-05] What is the mimimum desired LWT for add. zone in heating? R/W 15~37°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [9-06] What is the maximum desired LWT for add. zone in heating? R/W 37~depending on outdoor unit, step: 1°C

A.8 [9-07] -- 5
A.8 [9-08] -- 22
A.8 [9-09] What is the desired delta T in heating? R/W 3~10°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [9-0A] -- 5
A.8 [9-0B] What emitter type is connected to the main LWT zone? R/W 0: Quick
1: Slow
A.8 [9-0C] Room temperature hysteresis. R/W 1~6°C, step: 0,5°C
1 °C

4P449983-1 - 2016.06 (*1) *04/08*_(*2) *11/16*


Field settings table Installer setting at variance with

default value
Breadcrumb Field code Setting name Range, step Date Value
Default value
A.8 [9-0D] Pump speed limitation R/W 0~8, step:1
0 : 100%
1~4 : 80~50%
5~8 : 80~50%
A.8 [9-0E] -- 6
A.8 [A-00] -- 0
A.8 [A-01] -- 0 (*1)
3 (*2)
A.8 [A-02] -- 0 (*1)
1 (*2)
A.8 [A-03] -- 0
A.8 [A-04] -- 0
A.8 [B-00] -- 0
A.8 [B-01] -- 0
A.8 [B-02] -- 0
A.8 [B-03] -- 0
A.8 [B-04] -- 0
A.8 [C-00] Domestic heating water priority. R/W 0: Solar priority
1: Heat pump priority
A.8 [C-01] -- 0
A.8 [C-02] Is an external backup heat source connected? R/W 0: No
1: Bivalent
2: -
3: -
A.8 [C-03] Bivalent activation temperature. R/W -25~25°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [C-04] Bivalent hysteresis temperature. R/W 2~10°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [C-05] What is the thermo request contact type for the main zone? R/W 1: Thermo ON/OFF
2: C/H request
A.8 [C-06] What is the thermo request contact type for the add. zone? R/W 0: -
1: Thermo ON/OFF
2: C/H request
A.8 [C-07] What is the unit control method in space operation? R/W 0: LWT control
1: Ext RT control
2: RT control
A.8 [C-08] Which type of external sensor is installed? R/W 0: No
1: Outdoor sensor
2: Room sensor
A.8 [C-09] What is the required alarm output contact type? R/W 0: Normally open
1: Normally closed
A.8 [C-0A] -- 0
A.8 [C-0C] High electricity price decimal (Do not use) R/W 0~7
A.8 [C-0D] Medium electricity price decimal (Do not use) R/W 0~7
A.8 [C-0E] Low electricity price decimal (Do not use) R/W 0~7
A.8 [D-00] Which heaters are permitted if prefer. kWh rate PS is cut? R/W 0: None
1: BSH only
2: BUH only
3: All heaters
A.8 [D-01] Forced off contact type R/W 0: No
1: Open tariff
2: Closed tariff
3: Thermostat
A.8 [D-02] Which type of DHW pump is installed? R/W 0: No
1: Secondary rtrn
2: Disinf. Shunt
3: Circul. Pump
4: CP & disinf. Sh
A.8 [D-03] Leaving water temperature compensation around 0°C. R/W 0: Disabled
1: Enabled, shift 2°C (from -2 to 2°C)
2: Enabled, shift 4°C (from -2 to 2°C)
3: Enabled, shift 2°C (from -4 to 4°C)
4: Enabled, shift 4°C (from -4 to 4°C)
A.8 [D-04] Is a demand PCB connected? R/W 0: No
1: Pwr consmp ctrl
A.8 [D-05] Is the pump allowed to run if prefer. kWh rate PS is cut? R/W 0: Forced off
1: As normal
A.8 [D-07] Is a solar kit connected? R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.8 [D-08] Is an external kWh meter used for power measurement? R/W 0: No
1: 0,1 pulse/kWh
2: 1 pulse/kWh
3: 10 pulse/kWh
4: 100 pulse/kWh
5: 1000 pulse/kWh
A.8 [D-09] Is an external kWh meter used for power measurement? R/W 0: No
1: 0,1 pulse/kWh
2: 1 pulse/kWh
3: 10 pulse/kWh
4: 100 pulse/kWh
5: 1000 pulse/kWh
A.8 [D-0A] -- 0
A.8 [D-0B] -- 2
A.8 [D-0C] What is the high electricity price (Do not use) R/W 0~49
A.8 [D-0D] What is the medium electricity price (Do not use) R/W 0~49
A.8 [D-0E] What is the low electricity price (Do not use) R/W 0~49
A.8 [E-00] Which type of unit is installed? R/O 0~5
0: LT split
A.8 [E-01] Which type of compressor is installed? R/O 0: 8
1: 16
A.8 [E-02] What is the indoor unit software type? R/O 0~1
1: Type 2
A.8 [E-03] What is the number of backup heater steps? R/O 0: No BUH
1: 1 step
2: 2 steps

(*1) *04/08*_(*2) *11/16* 4P449983-1 - 2016.06


Field settings table Installer setting at variance with

default value
Breadcrumb Field code Setting name Range, step Date Value
Default value
A.8 [E-04] Is the power saving function available on the outdoor unit? R/O 0: No
1: Yes
A.8 [E-05] Can the system prepare domestic hot water? R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.8 [E-06] Is a DHW tank installed in the system? R/O 0: No
1: Yes
A.8 [E-07] What kind of DHW tank is installed? R/O 2: Type 3
A.8 [E-08] Power saving function for outdoor unit. R/W 0: Disabled (*2)
1: Enabled (*1)
A.8 [E-09] -- 0
A.8 [E-0A] -- 0
A.8 [E-0B] -- 0
A.8 [E-0C] -- 0
A.8 [E-0D] -- 0
A.8 [F-00] Pump operation allowed outside range. R/W 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
A.8 [F-01] -- 20°C
A.8 [F-02] Bottom plate heater ON temperature. R/W 3~10°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [F-03] Bottom plate heater hysteresis. R/W 2~5°C, step: 1°C
A.8 [F-04] Is a bottom plate heater connected? R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.8 [F-05] -- 0
A.8 [F-06] -- 0
A.8 [F-09] Pump operation during flow abnormality. R/W 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
A.8 [F-0A] -- 0
A.8 [F-0B] Close shut-off valve during thermo OFF? R/W 0: No
1: Yes
A.8 [F-0C] -- 1
A.8 [F-0D] What is the pump operation mode? R/W 0: Continuous
1: Sample
2: Request

4P449983-1 - 2016.06 (*1) *04/08*_(*2) *11/16*

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