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Eş Anlam TEST6

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1- Since poorer countries did not cause much B) Melbourne is such an incredible city that it
pollution, they should not have to bear so is visited by many people from all over the
much of the burden in dealing with global world.
warming. C) Melbourne is one of the best places to visit
if you want to see something special in
A) No matter how little responsibility some some parts of the year.
poor countries have for pollution, they D) Unlike other holiday destinations,
should bear as much of the burden of Melbourne is famous for its tremendous
global warming as others. year-round calendar events.
B) Due to the fact that poor countries have E) Since Melbourne is full of tremendous
little responsibility for pollution, they should events throughout the year, there is always
bear less of the burden of global warming. something special to see whenever you
C) That some poor countries don't cause visit it.
much pollution doesn't mean they don't
have to bear the burden in dealing with
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global warming.
D) Global warming will mainly harm
developing countries, because they are 5- The same amount of alcohol has a greater
poorer and therefore more vulnerable to effect on a lighter person than on a heavier
the effects of pollution. person, because the blood alcohol
E) If poorer countries hadn't caused so much concentration is higher in the lighter person.
pollution, they wouldn't have to bear the
burden in dealing with it. A) Lighter people are less affected by the
same amount of alcohol than heavier
2- Only if we respect and value our children, people.
will they learn to respect and value us. B) Since heavier people have a higher blood
alcohol concentration than lighter people,
A) We must teach our children that respect is they are more affected by alcohol.
an important value so that they respect us. C) Due to their higher blood alcohol
B) It is not until children know what respect concentration, alcohol affects lighter
and value is they will respect us. people more than heavier people.
C) Respect and value are two important D) People with higher blood alcohol
aspects we have to teach our children as concentration are more affected by alcohol,
parents. no matter how much they weigh.
D) In order to teach our children to respect E) Smaller and lighter people are not as
and value us, first we must respect and susceptible to the effects of alcohol as
value them. larger and heavier people.
E) It is important that our children respect and
value us.

3- Good friends can be humans or animals, but

whichever they are, it is wonderful to have 6- As divorce has become more common,
them. more and more women seek economic
security in career instead of families.
A) Since animals are wonderful, they are often
good friends of human beings. A) Nowadays, many women chose career to
B) For humans, it is important to be friends family therefore the number of divorces has
with animals. increased significantly.
C) Whether they are human beings or B) Getting divorced is more common among
animals, it is great to have good friends. women with economic security.
D) Animals can be wonderful friends for C) Nowadays, the number of divorces has
human beings. decreased despite the fact that many
E) It is wonderful to have animals instead of women seek economic security in career
humans as good friends. over their families.
D) Since divorce is so common nowadays, the
4- Melbourne's incredible year-round calendar number of women who choose career to
of events means that no matter when you their families as economic security has
visit there's always something special to increased.
see. E) More and more women are getting
divorced but they find it difficult to start a
A) When you visit Melbourne and you want to career.
see something special, you should know
when the events take place.

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7- Nowadays the qualities of some films are so D) The ozone hole over Antarctica and the US
bad that as soon as the film begins, it is seems to have declined three times in size.
quite clear how it will end. E) The ozone hole over the US, which is
approximately three times bigger than
A) Though the quality of films is poor, it is not Antarctica, seems to be declining.
easy to predict the end of them.
B) The quality of some films has become so 11- You can learn the basics in a year or so but
poor that no sooner a film begins than we the style needed in ballet can take years to
can predict the end of it. get right unless you are born with the
C) Although the qualities of films have become natural talent.
so poor, there are still some films that are
enjoyable to watch. A) Even if you are talented, it is not possible to
D) Since the quality of the film was so bad, as learn the basics in ballet within a year.
soon as it began, it was quite clear for us B) You might learn the basics in ballet within a
how it would end. year but the style needed for it takes years
E) The reason why it was difficult to predict if you aren't a natural talent.
the end of the film was its exceptional C) It might be difficult even for the talented to
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quality. learn the basics and style in ballet.

D) If you learn the basics in ballet you can
8- During the winters when there is not enough learn the style needed for it in a year.
food for them to survive, some animals, E) You don't need to be a' natural talent to
such as bears, take a long nap until spring. learn the basics and the style needed in
ballet within a year.
A) In winter, when food is scarce to survive,
some animals, such as bears, sleep
through winter.
B) Very few animals sleep through winter, 12- Some people don't see themselves as
when they can't find enough food to criminals, even though they break the law
survive. on a constant basis.
C) Bears don't need much food to survive
while taking a long nap during winter. A) The reason why some people don't
D) While many animals take a winter sleep, consider themselves as criminals is that
bears don't sleep through the winter. they don't break the law on a regular basis.
E) Since bears don't need much food during B) No matter why some people break the law,
the winter, they take a long nap until if they don't it on a regularly basis, they
spring. should not be considered as criminals.
C) Breaking the law on a constant basis
9- In some countries, many teenagers have doesn't necessarily mean that we are
jobs while they are still students. criminals.
D) Although some people regularly break the
A) Many teenagers find it difficult to study and law, they don't consider themselves as'
work at the same time. criminals.
B) In some countries, many teenagers don't E) People should not be seen as criminals
have to work in order to finance their until they start to break the law on a regular
education. basis.
C) In some countries many young people work
and study at the same time.
D) In some countries, many teenagers prefer
their jobs to education. 13- Smokers get about the same amount of
E) In some countries, it is not allowed for nicotine and tar no matter what kind of
teenagers to work and study at the same cigarette they use.
A) The kind of cigarette, smokers use
determines the amount of nicotine and tar
they get.
10- Nearly three times the size of the United B) The amount of nicotine and tar remains the
States, the ozone hole over Antarctica same for smokers even if they use different
appears to be shrinking. kinds of cigarettes.
C) If every smoker smoked the same cigarette
A) Although the ozone hole over Antarctica they would get the same amount of
appears to be shrinking, it is still a problem. nicotine and tar.
B) If the ozone hole over Antarctica shrunk, it D) Smokers get the same amount of nicotine
would still be three times bigger than the and tar unless they use different kinds of
US. cigarettes.
C) Even if the ozone hole over Antarctica E) Even if smokers use the same cigarette,
appears to be shrinking, it is still three they don't get the same amount of nicotine
times the size of the US. and tar.

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14- The holiday season makes people do 18- No two people metabolise food at the same
strange things and I am no exception. rate therefore no two people have the same
A) It is really strange that people do very
bizarre things during the holiday season. A) Since each person's metabolism is unique,
B) Unlike others, I have never done something every individual metabolise food at
strange while on holiday. different rate.
C) The holiday season is the time when B) It is rare that two people metabolise food at
people do bizarre things, like me. the same rate because no two people have
D) I find it strange that so many people do the same metabolism.
bizarre thing when they are on holiday. C) Even if people don't have the same
E) I know a lot of people who do strange metabolism, sometimes it is possible to
things during the holiday season. metabolise the food at the same rate as
someone else.
15- Neither of my two older brothers has the D) Although many people have nearly the
sense to invest money wisely. same metabolism, they don't metabolise
food at the same rate.
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A) My two older brothers don't have enough E) Metabolism is unique like fingerprints, but
money to invest in their business. many people metabolise food at the same
B) Neither of my brothers lacks the potential to rate.
make sensible investments.
C) My two older brothers are becoming more
active in investing their money.
D) Both of my older brothers are incompetent
when it comes to making wise investments. 19- Almost ninety per cent of all American high
E) My two older brothers have the capacity to school students claim that they know how
make wise investment to read, yet this figure is probably somewhat
16- If someone disagrees with you, provide
good reasons why you think your opinion is A) Although nearly all of the American high
better. school students claim that they can read, it
is likely that the percentage is lower.
A) When you disagree with someone's idea, B) Studies have shown that ninety percent of
ask him to explain why his opinion is better. all American high school students don't
B) No matters how good reasons you provide, know how to read.
there is always someone who disagrees C) Ninety percent of all American high school
with you. students are able to read.
C) As long as you can provide good reasons D) In most American high schools, the number
why your idea is better, others will agree of students who can read is still below the
with you. average.
D) Some people will always disagree with you E) As in most American high schools, the
even if you give good reasons why you percentage of the students who claim to
think your opinion is better. know how to read is very low.
E) In case someone doesn't share your
opinion, offer him good reasons why your
attitude is better.

17- Many young people are leaving school 20- Sometimes we focus so much on what we
without the knowledge and skills they will have to say about a topic that we don't hear
need later in life. what others say.

A) Many young people learn the basic A) Sometimes, we should be concentrated

knowledge and skills after leaving the more on what we want to say.
school. B) Sometimes we focus on what others want
B) Many teenagers don't know that they will to hear instead of what we want to say.
need the knowledge and skills taught at C) Sometimes instead of being concentrated
school later in their lives. on our own comment about the topic, we
C) Many teenagers graduate from school listen to others.
without the knowledge and skills they will D) Even if we have to be focused on what to
need in their future. say about the topic we shouldn't forget to
D) There are so many young people who think listen what others are saying.
that school can't give them the knowledge E) From time to time we are so concentrated
and skills they will need later in life. on our own comment to the subject that we
E) No sooner teenagers leave school than don't listen what others say.
they realize that they don't have the
knowledge and skills they will face in the

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21- Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the 25- The work was almost complete when we
world, the overwhelming majority are received orders to proceed no further with
inactive. it.

A) There are thousands of known volcanoes A) By the time we were ordered not to go on
in the world, most of which are active. further with it, we had already completed
B) Only a minority of the many known most of the work.
volcanoes in the world are active. B) When we received orders not to proceed
C) A vast majority of volcanoes in the world further, we refused to stop working.
are still active. C) Since we were ordered not to proceed
D) Many of the extinct volcanoes in the world further, we stopped working.
have potential for future eruption. D) Although we received orders to stop the
E) Many of the known volcanoes in the world work, we went on with it.
are considered temporarily inactive. E) We wouldn't go on further with the work, if
we were ordered to stop it.
22- Classmates are a more important influence
than parents on a child's success in school. 26- Students should not try to write down
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everything they hear in a lecture, but just

A) Not only classmates but also parents play make a summary of the most important
an important role on a child's success in points.
B) Both the classmates and the parents are A) Because many students don't want to miss
important on a child's success in school. any important point, they write everything
C) Children who get on well with their down they hear in a lecture.
classmates are more successful in school B) Since it is difficult to write everything down
than those who don't. in a lecture, many students just make a
D) Children's success in school is affected summary of the most important points.
more by their classmates than by their C) Although it is easier to sum up the most
parents. important points, students try to write down
E) Parents have significant influence on their everything they hear in a lecture.
child's success in school. D) While some students write everything down
in a lecture, others only sum up the general
23- Most nurses are women, but in the higher points.
ranks of the medical profession women are E) Instead of writing down everything during a
in minority. lecture, students should try to sum up the
most important points.
A) Although the majority of nurses are women,
only a small number work in the higher 27- Except a few insurance professionals, there
ranks of the medical profession. is no one who understands completely what
B) The vast majority of nurses are women; insurance is.
however, the percentage of men in the field
has increased slightly. A) Knowing everything about insurance is
C) Since women were not allowed to work in impossible even if you are a professional.
the higher ranks of the medical profession, B) No one but some insurance professionals
they worked as nurses. completely understand what insurance is.
D) Despite the fact that there are higher C) If most of the people understood what
medical professions, women have to start insurance is, there wouldn't be any need
their career as a nurse. for insurance professionals.
E) More women serve in the field of nursing D) There are many insurance professionals
than in any other profession. who know everything about insurance.
E) Insurance is so complicated that even
24- Only those who can afford to lose their professionals can never know everything
money should make high-risk investments. about it.

A) Although many people make high-risk 28- You made the situation worse by blaming
investments, only a few actually make yourself.
B) Some investments are not so risky but A) You can't blame yourself whenever a
people might still lose their money easily. situation gets worse.
C) If people can't afford to lose money, they B) Blaming yourself will not make the situation
shouldn't make investments that are highly better.
risky. C) The situation will not change even if you
D) People could have lost all their money as a blame yourself.
result of high-risk investments. D) If you hadn't blamed yourself, the situation
E) Even those who can afford to lose their wouldn't have become worse.
money shouldn't make high-risk E) You shouldn't blame anyone for this bad
investments. situation.

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29- No one will guess what you want if you 33- The advertisement says this material
don't tell them, and nothing is going to doesn't shrink in the wash, but it has.
change if you do not propose a change.
A) No matter what advertisements say, most
A) Instead of trying to guess what others want, of the materials shrink in wash.
you should ask what they want. B) It was not mentioned in the advertisement
B) Even if you can't change anything, it is that this material shrinks in the wash.
worth telling what you want. C) As the advertisement says, this material
C) Neither is it possible to change anything doesn't shrink in the wash.
nor to be understood unless you tell what D) Despite what is advertised, this material
you want or what changes should be done. shrinks in the wash.
D) As long as you don't understand what E) Whether this material shrinks in wash or
others expect from you, there isn't a not is not mentioned in the advertisement.
chance to change yourself.
E) No matter what you tell or propose, nothing
is going to change.
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30- The doctor won't see anyone without an

appointment but you can still try.

A) Even if you have an appointment, the

doctor will not see anyone. 34- People who live in suburban houses have to
B) You couldn't see the doctor because you spend more money and time travelling to
didn't have an appointment. work every day.
C) Whether you have an appointment or not,
the doctor will not see you. A) Unlike suburban residents, city residents
D) If you had made an appointment, you could spend less time on commuting but more
have seen the doctor. money on housing costs.
E) Although it is not possible for anyone to B) Although getting downtown is time
see the doctor without an appointment, you consuming and expensive, many people
can try it. prefer living in the suburbs.
C) The cost in both money and time of
commuting to work for the suburban
31- Dreaming that they will find better chances residents is higher than the cost for city
of employment immigrants choose to settle residents.
in the U.S. D) Since most of the job opportunities are in
cities, many suburban residents have to
A) The reason why immigrants come to live in travel downtown to work every day.
the U.S. is the dream of having a better E) Many suburban residents use public
job. transportation to reduce the cost of
B) Although the chance of employment is little commuting to work.
in the U.S., many immigrants choose to
settle there.
C) Living and working in the U.S. is the dream
of many people.
D) The chance of getting a better job is higher
in the U.S. than anywhere else.
E) Many immigrants in the U.S. have low-
waged jobs and don't have a chance for a
better employment. 35- Advertising can persuade the consumer to
buy worthless products by appealing to his
32- But for the storm, the ship would have buying motives.
reached its destination on time.
A) Since most of the advertisements appeal to
A) The ship reached its destination on time in the buying motives of the customers, many
spite of the storm. people spend a lot of money in worthless
B) If there hadn't been a storm, the ship would products every day.
have arrived at its destination on time. B) A good advertisement is one that gets the
C) When the storm began, it was difficult to viewers' attention.
navigate the ship to its destination. C) No matter how effective an advertisement
D) It is difficult to navigate the ship, when is, it can't attract the customer's attention
there is a strong storm. unless he is willing to buy.
E) As the storm was really heavy, the ship D) Advertising can only be effective if the
couldn't reach its destination. message reaches the business' specific
E) Consumers may be convinced to buy a
useless product by effective advertising.

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36- Considering your salary, you should be able 39- Liquids are like solids in that they have a
to put aside at least twenty dollars a week. definite volume.

A) Your salary is high enough to save at least A) Liquids have indefinite shape but definite
twenty dollars a week. volume.
B) If your salary were high enough, you could B) Unlike liquids, solids have a definite
put aside at least twenty dollars a week. volume.
C) Considering your salary, you can't save C) Both liquids and solids maintain a definite
twenty dollars a week. volume.
D) Now that your salary is not high enough, D) It is unlikely that both liquids and solids
you should try to put aside not more than have the same volume.
twenty dollars a week. E) Liquids are not necessarily denser than
E) Although your salary is considerably high, solids.
you are not able to save at least twenty
dollars a week.
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40- The world is getting warmer largely due to

man-made causes.

A) The increase in the world's temperature is

a serious problem for human beings.
37- In order to recover their share of the world B) That the world is getting warmer can't be
market, U.S. automakers are improving attributed to man made causes.
product quality. C) Although global warming is getting worse, it
is not clear how much of the problem is
A) As long as the U.S. auto manufacturers caused by human activity.
don't improve the quality of their products, D) The world is getting warmer; however,
they will not be able to compete in the human beings have less impact on it.
world markets. E) Global warming is mostly caused by human
B) The U.S. auto manufacturers will not activities.
recover their share of the world market
unless they improve the product quality.
C) The U.S. auto manufacturers are improving
the quality of their products to remain
competitive in the world markets.
D) Regardless of the fact that U.S. auto
manufacturers have improved the product
quality, they can't recover the world
E) Since U.S. auto manufacturers have
improved the quality of their products, they
can compete in the world markets.

38- Without peace, Somalia will be unable to

pursue the development it so desperately

A) In countries, such as Somalia, the

possibility of establishing peace is little.
B) Unless peace prevails, Somalia will not be
able to continue with the necessary
C) After peace was restored, Somalia was
able to develop its economy.
D) While Somalia is trying to establish peace
in the country, it also makes the
desperately needed developments.
E) Due to the economic crisis it is difficult to
maintain peace in Somalia.

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1. B 2. D 3. C 4. E 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C

11. B 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. E 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. E

21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. E 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. E

31. A 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. E 36. A 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. E
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