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Building A Robust Quality Culture PDF

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Building a
robust quality
Quality World chats to Martin Davies, project quality director at smart
infrastructure solutions company Costain UK, to find out how its Quality Culture
Programme is making a difference to large complex infrastructure projects

W e live in a world where pressure to deliver value

for money on high-performing, complex infrastructure
projects is relentless. According to The construction
productivity imperative, a report published by McKinsey in
projects at a lower cost. In 2016, the Get It Right Initiative
(GIRI) was established with the aim of eliminating potential
risk to both the public and investors, by improving quality and
productivity, and reducing costs and waste.
2015, an estimated 98 per cent of megaprojects experience GIRI – comprised of the UK’s major construction companies
cost overruns of more than 30 per cent, and 77 per cent – adopted a multidisciplinary approach to raising awareness,
of projects are at least 40 per cent late. Additionally, a with a focus on changing culture and attitudes by improving
2017 research paper by Professor Bent Flyvbjerg, a Danish knowledge, decision-making powers and planning skills.
economic geographer, revealed that nine out of ten To support this approach, Costain – a GIRI member with a
megaprojects experience cost overruns. He added that representative on the board – developed a Quality Culture
overruns of up to 50 per cent in real terms are common and Programme to assist both project teams and stakeholders.
over 50 per cent are not uncommon, and overruns have Quality World talks to Martin Davies, Project Quality
remained high and constant for the past 70 years. Director at Costain, to find out how the programme is
The UK Government formed the Infrastructure and Projects being used to spearhead quality and productivity and,
Authority in 2016 as a response to the growing need to bring most importantly, change quality culture across multiple
together the financing, delivery and assurance of projects infrastructure projects.
ranging from large-scale infrastructure projects to major
transformation programmes. Of the major projects identified Quality World: What are your principal duties at Costain?
between 2013 and 2019, the number of projects classified as Martin Davies: I am primarily responsible for quality
“probable of a successful delivery” had fallen sharply from 48 management across multiple projects within our defence
per cent in 2013 to just 17 per cent in 2019. and energy sectors. I have been working at Costain for
Delivering to plan is of increasing importance on a political the best part of seven years, and in that time, I have been
and financial level. Projects running over estimated budgets fortunate to have been given the responsibility for managing
and timescales have knock-on effects on the client, customer quality on two of the largest and most complex civil and
and the supply chain. These issues have led to a plethora defence nuclear infrastructure projects in the UK.
of potential remedies being developed, where quality has
emerged as a key enabler for success – improving performance QW: Could you tell us more about your work in the civil and
and enhancing personal and organisational reputation. By defence sector and why you believe a robust quality culture is
investing in planning, integrating risk management and paramount to its success?
quality management early on, clients and their supply chains MD: We are working on several major infrastructure projects,
have the best opportunity to deliver faster, better and greener across both nuclear sectors (civil and defence) where the



and buy-in
to quality
is what drives
a leading


scope of our work ranges from decommissioning of existing The results of our investigation pointed to a review of the
plants to supporting major complex construction projects. culture, ie, what was the prevailing culture and how would
As with any project, the goal is to complete the project we find out?
on time, to the correct specification and leave a successful We had a light-bulb moment when we realised that one
legacy (which incorporates high standards of safety and of the core elements of the client’s management system
quality). Due to the complexity and scale of a large project, is “nuclear professionalism”. This includes six important
with its wide-ranging scope of supply, manufacture and attributes – leadership, communication, compliance,
construction, there are risks. We have a tried and tested competence, personal values and ethics.
management system to identify and address various After conducting a review of our management system
risks through defined processes. However, as with any on the project last year, we investigated those elements
good management system, people’s compliance with of nuclear professionalism and what they would look like
the requirements, ownership and engagement is vital to in the context of quality. This involved trying to identify
getting the desired outcome. At Costain, we identified the the expectations and behaviours that would support those
importance of culture, and specifically a quality culture, to elements as well as how the latter could be transposed into
the success of the project. other sectors.
This led to the development of our Costain Quality Culture
QW: What have been some of the main challenges you’ve Programme in June 2020.
identified on those large-scale projects and how did you We introduced a suite of behaviours and expectations for
overcome them? measuring the quality culture on this project and others in
MD: One of the recent projects we were working on was Costain’s portfolio.
data rich, which meant we had to spend time analysing the
quality assurance and quality control data, before we could QW: What steps have been introduced to measure the quality
decide on how we were going to approach it from a quality culture for this project correctly?
management perspective. MD: The Costain quality team decided that a survey was the
From our own inspection reports, observations and audits, best approach. Although we had some data, it was beneficial
we discovered there were several nonconformance issues for to us to find out more about the perspective of the
across the supply chain that were not being detected individuals and determine the cultural maturity at all levels
until further down the line. After a detailed investigation of the project team.
and speaking with our client’s project quality director The quality team identified and agreed the key leadership
(my counterpart), we found that the main cause of this attributes and expectations to explore through the survey.
issue was the perception from people that correcting We provided statements – things that people could easily
the nonconformity at source was enough, hence not see, believe or act upon and asked the participant to rate
communicating it to be actioned through root cause them in order of importance.
investigation and preventing recurrence elsewhere. Our We issued our Quality Culture Survey to circa 800 project
further investigation into this revealed that a possible root personnel in September 2020. A total of 14 companies
cause was the lack of engagement between leadership and participated in the survey with responses from senior leaders
their employees in the supply chain. and management through to technical leads, supervisors




3.7 2.0 4.1 +0.1 3.8 2.0 4.1


3.4 3.5
+0.2 3.5 3.7 +0.2

Each was rated a score of 1 to 5, where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree. Overall scores are the aggregated result (mean average).

The charts show a marked increase in engagement and scores from the first survey in September 2020 compared to the second in January 2021. The
Quality Culture Survey results are based on individual responses to a series of 40 statements.


“By investing in planning,
integrating risk management
and quality management
early on, clients and their
supply chains have the best
opportunity to deliver faster,
better, and greener projects
at a lower cost”

Costain and Balfour Beatty were the main

contractors for the London Bridge Station
redevelopment. The station received the RIBA
London Award 2019 and was also named RIBA
London Building of the Year 2019.

elements as well as the more routine compliance elements

that are critical to the project’s success.
Quality culture elements are the things that we collectively
decide we will measure to gauge the current culture, such
as leadership, competency and communication. In our case,
we used our client’s nuclear professionalism characteristics
and developed them in a quality context. For example, the
competency element became “Secure in your competency
in nuclear safety and have completed all SQEP (Suitably
Costain, together with Qualified Experienced Personnel) assessments”.
Skanska and Balfour The routine elements are those you would expect to
Beatty, delivered a new find on infrastructure projects, such as compliance with
and improved section of
the A14, eight months specifications and procedures.
ahead of schedule.
QW: How have you been maintaining cultural inputs and
outputs for this project and others through Costain’s Quality
and specialist experts. We had a 60 per cent response and Culture Programme?
completion rate, which was in part due to the survey MD: We introduced culture and desired behaviours from
being accessed in hard copy at site as well as online for the beginning, which included inductions with Costain
office-based personnel. employees and supply chain representatives for the projects
Independent data analysis was conducted by our partner that we work on. This included training on leading quality
INCIGHT Ltd to ensure impartial results. and behavioural management.
As part of our Quality Culture Programme, we have KPIs
QW: How does the culture survey tie in with Costain’s Quality that are regularly reviewed. The results are addressed at the
Culture Programme and your core expectations of leadership, organisation’s monthly Quality Leadership Forum to support
compliance, communication, competency, personal values and underpin the cultural aspects that we measure through
and ethics? the survey. The survey is updated and sent out every quarter.
MD: I hear leaders talking about quality daily. This top-level
commitment and buy-in to quality management is what QW: Could you tell us more about Costain’s Quality
drives a leading quality culture. Leaders need to be overtly Leadership Forum and the changes you’ve implemented
championing quality every day to keep it at the forefront of to improve business relationships across small- and
their projects and teams’ minds. The outcome of the survey large-scale projects?
directs the strategy for the year on our complex projects MD: In general, we found that we were working a little too
and is an inherent and vital part of Costain’s Quality independently within the confines of our projects, and that
Culture Programme. it would be beneficial to develop a common language,
When we set out our quality strategy with the client, we platform and areas of focus to improve the quality culture.
worked with them to incorporate the key quality culture This led to the launch of our Quality Leadership Forum


where we were able to start discussing quality at leadership allow us to benchmark performance, understand how we can
level. We already had Costain’s senior sponsors on board, improve (encompassing other tools that Costain use), and
who understood and supported a more coherent approach ensure we become the best we can be across all markets.
to quality management, and our client’s quality leader was For example, during the coronavirus pandemic, we were able
fully behind our approach as well. to utilise our technology capabilities to conduct remote
We now have other working groups in place, such as the inspections. This meant we were able to maintain and deliver
Project Quality Forum, which is a monthly meeting to review all inspections with 100 per cent completeness, ensuring
and discuss data derived from inspections and internal little or no impact to our schedule.
audits, as well as provide a platform for leaders to share
their experiences of quality management. QW: Why are other businesses interested in adopting
We also have a Director Quality Forum which takes place Costain’s Quality Culture Programme?
within each project. Costain has handed over the traditional MD: In the words of one of our key supply chain leaders:
project quality meetings to the project directors of the “Poor quality impacts the bottom line”. The excellent work
companies who are delivering the projects to further embed by GIRI suggests that 21 per cent of construction costs
and change the perception of quality being one team’s come from unnecessary costs (for example, reworks, poor
job – it is everyone’s responsibility. Costain’s quality team quality, etc). Continuous support and focus on quality not
continue to offer support to the quality directors as and only minimise risk, but can also reduce cost and time when
when required. proactively managed and prioritised by all on a project.
Some of the initiatives that have come out of Quality Comments gathered in our survey demonstrate the impact
Director Forums include behavioural training, rewards, an a good quality culture can have on a programme, such
improved SHEQ (safety, health, environmental and quality) as “it is an exceptional environment in a very challenging
card process to encourage better behaviours in identifying project” and “this project has the strongest leadership I have
potential hazards, large group engagements (socially experienced in 40 years in the construction industry”.
distanced) and feedback. Our data tells us that by focusing on the culture and not
just the procedures and processes, we can improve our “right
QW: What standards does Costain work to and how do they first time”delivery. Businesses can learn about their quality
tie in with Costain’s Quality Culture Programme? culture and understand not only the impact it has on the
MD: We work in accordance with the ISO 9001 and 14001 now, but also the potential positive impact an improved
series of standards. Costain’s Quality Culture Programme is quality culture could have.
very relevant because it has been developed and aligned to
the standards’ leadership, communication and competency QW: How are you taking the Quality Culture Programme
frameworks as well as the CQI’s core competencies forward this year?
(Governance, Leadership, Assurance, and Improvement). MD: Our aim is to ensure everyone understands what quality
culture is. The Costain Quality Culture Programme will act
QW: What are the main challenges facing the defence as a useful roadmap to help other businesses move towards
and energy sectors and how will Costain’s Quality Culture that goal of understanding and enforcing a robust
Programme help to address them? quality culture.
MD: As well as the ongoing challenges and impacts To do this, businesses need to agree what it is in their
of Covid-19, many organisations are adapting to the organisations that best describes their culture and what
biggest challenges in our changing world such as ageing they need to measure. I personally want to make as many
infrastructure assets, increased connectivity and use organisations aware of the initiative as possible, to help
of digital technology and the increasing impact of quality become a top priority. I believe the programme is
climate change. the first of its kind in the nuclear, defence and construction
Quality runs through everything we do, and it is the quality sector, so the opportunity to share this leading-edge
that largely determines the overall cost, where better quality approach and encourage others to adopt a similar process is
leads to better outcomes. A standard set of key criteria will again part of the culture of quality management.


Quality Culture Programme  Quality Forum established. Launch Quality Culture  ‘Leading Quality’ training  Quality Culture Survey 
developed. Survey. delivered. output feedback and actions. 
Launch systems approach to 
Quality behaviours and  inspections. SHEQ cards for quality issues  Quality Culture 
expectations defined. and improvement ideas. ‘dashboard’ 
metrics readout.




“We have
put other working
groups in place
to discuss quality
and ways to
improve, which
are action-

Above: The Thames

Tideway Tunnel is QW: What advice would you give to other businesses who are
a £3.8bn, 25 km trying to create and maintain a robust quality culture?
super sewer. Costain MD: Approach it like any project by identifying and involving
has been working
alongside client, your stakeholders. Engage leaders to gain commitment for
Tideway, and in joint change and action, be clear on the initial scope and agree
venture with VINCI what you want to see that defines the quality culture (there
Construction Grands
Projets and Bachy are many commonalties but some differences that you may
Soletanche on the east want to pull out).
section of tunnel. Leaders and leadership teams should set out a timeline of
Right: In a joint activities that build structure and capability. Measure what
venture with Skanska they deem as important to creating a strong quality culture
(CSJV) on behalf of
and then communicate, communicate, communicate!
National Grid, Costain
has constructed Additionally, by involving everyone in the process via
approximately training, surveys, submitting feedback cards, rewards,
32 km of a high toolbox talks, workshops, among other initiatives, will
voltage electricity
cable tunnel to create develop the expectations, routine, and over time, the
a new electricity behaviours and habits that support a strong quality culture.
superhighway deep We hope that our Quality Culture Programme will help
below London.
to drive positive change by reiterating the importance of
quality and ensuring that it is the central driving force for
any project that is undertaken.

Quality ‘Reward &  Weekly SHEQ Walk-rounds  Updated Quality induction.

Recognition’ Programme  established 
started. Routine Quality KPls in place. 
New audit process 
World Quality Day comms,  in place.  Quality Comms & LFE 
and focus on customer  Framework in place. Routine Quality Culture 
satisfaction. Quality Reps forum  framework activities, Survey 
established.  Next Quality Culture Survey. and 2021 quality objectives.



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