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Module 6 The Ministries of Jesus

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Desired Learning Outcomes: At the end of the module, the students would have:
1. named the different ministries of Jesus;
2. defined the kingdom of God and identified individual under its reign;
3. identified the different teachings of Jesus;
4. verbalized responses on how to live out of Jesus’ teachings;
5. cited the individual healings made by Jesus.

Jesus at 30, commenced a ministry of preaching, teaching, and healing after his baptism and Satan’s inducements to divert him from his calling. He
ministered mainly in Galilee (northernmost part of Palestine), in Judea (John 1-3), and visited Jerusalem towards his arrest and death at Passover time about 30
A.D. With him were primarily the twelve disciples who lived and learned from him how to minister (Search Map of Israel reflecting the major events and
ministries of Jesus). There were also a number of followers who joined Jesus in the ministry but the twelve were the mainstay. They walked and lived with
Jesus and witnessed the way he did his preaching, teaching, and healing ministries.
As a whole, the three-year ministry of Jesus was an expression of God’s love and God’s grace of service to people, to a Jew or a non-Jew. He himself
was an example of a servant as he came to serve and not to be served (Mark 10:45).

Module 6.1. The Preaching Ministry of Jesus

The Kingdom of God
The kingdom of God is the English translation of the Greek basileia tou theou. In the New Testament it has three meanings namely: 1) people – refers to
the redeemed people who share the reign of God (Rev. 1:5-6); 2) realm – the sphere in which God’s reign is experienced now and will be experienced later
where people may enjoy God’s blessings (Matt.21:31); 3) reign – the directive or rule of God among his people through his power in Jesus to break the power
of death and Satan (Matt. 12:28-29).

The main message of Jesus’ preaching centered on the Good News of the Reign of God/ Kingdom of God. This Reign of God was contrary to the hope
of the Old Testament prophets, that the Messiah or Christ belonging to the kingly line of David would be a warrior-king to deliver them from their Roman
enemies. Instead, God’s rule in Jesus the Christ (the “anointed”) was not in military victories but in mighty works of preaching, teaching, and healing, bringing
salvation to all people. Jesus, the Christ, delivered people from condemnation of sin by offering them forgiveness, and by calling them to become his disciples
as they confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
The Sermon on the Mount in Galilee brings about revolutionary views of Jesus. Take a look at the Beatitudes that outlines the very nature of individuals
under the reign/kingdom of God.
Attitudes required for entering the kingdom (Matt. 5:3-5) Corresponding Reward

1. The poor in spirit receive the Kingdom of God

2. Those who mourn receive comfort

3. The meek inherit the land

Attitudes characterizing those within the kingdom

4. Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be satisfied

5. The merciful will receive mercy

6. The pure in heart will see God

7. The peacemaker will become the children of God

8. Persecuted for Christ’s sake will receive the kingdom of God

Module 6.2 The Teaching Ministry of Jesus

The teaching ministry of Jesus had brought enlightenment and liberation to many. His teachings were very much differentiated from the teachings of the
learned during his time, such as the Pharisees and the Scribes among others. In fact, he taught to fulfill the law instead of break them (see Matthew Chapters 5
to 7). The following are some of the teachings of Jesus:

1. On influence (responsibility of Christians) Jesus’ teachings Matt. 5: 13-16

a. Salt of the earth Bring good/positive influence to people

b. Light of the world Be a witness/example to people

2.Dominant teachings of his day Matthew 5:21-48

a. Murder Do not be angry

b. Adultery Do not lust

c. Divorce Do not file contract for divorce

d. Trustfulness Don’t make vows or promise

e. Revenge Return good for evil

f. Toward enemies Love and pray for enemies

3. On Righteous Living Matthew 6:1-18

a. Charity (giving to the needy) Give secretly for mercy to the needy

b. Prayer Pray privately to God

c. Fasting Fast with joyful countenance

4. On Devotion to God Matthew 6: 19-34

a. Possession Invest wealth for the advancement of spiritual life

b. Anxiety Put God first, his provisions will follow

5. Various Admonitions of Jesus Matthew 7: 1-23

a. Judge not, be aware of your own limitations, for God alone judges
b. Motivations to prayer – if we ask, we receive.
c. Golden Rule – do what you would like others to do for you
d. Narrow vs. Wide Gate – The narrow/difficult gate leads to life but few people
find it; the wide gate is easy to find but leads to eternal damnation & many travel on it.

e. False prophets appear to be clever and wise; but God’s children possess genuine wisdom from God to discern them from others (Dais, 1996).
Note: Other teachings of Jesus are found in the parables. There are around 40 parables in the

Module 6.3. The Healing Ministry of Jesus

Jesus’ healing was holistic as he brought real restoration on the individual spiritually, physically, socially, morally, and mentally. Search the following
Scripture texts and find out the healing works of Jesus. Chart at least five healing works of Jesus and reflect common and uncommon occurrences in the way
Jesus healed people. Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 2:1-12, Mark 7:31-37, Mark 8:22-26, Luke 8:43-48

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