Sidewalk Project
Sidewalk Project
Sidewalk Project
Construct approximately 2,000 feet of sidewalk on New Street to Mill Street to Baltimore
Exhibit B – Project Schedule
Construct approximately 2,000 feet of sidewalk on New Street to Mill Street to Baltimore
Task Date
Date funding is made available or allocated to recipient 10/20/2022
Solicitation for Professional Engineering Services (advertised) 11/20/2022
Engineering Services Contract Approved 12/20/2022
Preliminary and Right-of-Way Plans Submittal 9/20/2023
(if Applicable)
Plans, Specifications & Estimate (PS&E) Submittal 2/20/2024
Plans, Specifications & Estimate (PS&E) Approval 4/20/2024
Advertisement for Letting 6/20/2024
Bid Opening 7/20/2024
Construction Contract Award or Planning Study completed 9/20/2024
*Note: the dates established in the schedule above will be used in the applicable ESC between the
sponsor agency and consultant firm.
**Schedule dates are approximate as the project schedule will be actively managed and issues
mitigated through the project delivery process. The Award Date or Planning Study Date
deliverable is not approximate and a Supplemental Agreement is required to modify this date.