1.4 (Nabor Family) FNCP
1.4 (Nabor Family) FNCP
1.4 (Nabor Family) FNCP
Disclaimer: This FNCP addresses heart failure, liver cirrhosis, disturbed sleeping patterns, and inadequate nutritional intake of CDN. Liver cirrhosis is only subsumed
under Heart Failure as it is a complication of the latter. Symptoms of liver cirrhosis can also be alleviated with the interventions for heart failure.
Heart Failure of CDN as a Health Deficit
Other problems addressed in this FNCP:
● Liver Cirrhosis of CDN as a Health Deficit
● Disturbed Sleeping Patterns of CDN as a Health Threat
● Inadequate Nutritional Intake of CDN as a Health Threat
● Obtain vital signs. Vital Signs Stable vital Vital signs Vital Signs
● Check the patient's respiratory rate, rhythm, and signs checking Paraphernal
quality if in cardiorespiratory distress. ia
● Monitor cardiovascular status.
● Monitor the patient’s activity tolerance.
● Monitor O2 Saturation.
● Monitor for dyspnea, fatigue, tachypnea, and
Inability to make 1. Verbalize her ● Assess the client’s overall psychosocial Verbal Personal Interview;
decisions with respect personal perception well-being. feedback verbalization Discussion
to taking appropriate of current health ○ Kamusta po tayo ngayon? of her
health action due to: status. ○ Ano pong nararamdaman natin? personal
- Feeling of ● Alleviate the client’s anxiety and restlessness by perception of
helplessness therapeutic communication. current health
brought about by ● Identify the patient’s methods of handling stress status
perceived ○ Kapag po naiisip ninyo ang sakit ninyo, ano
magnitude/ pong madalas niyong ginagawa?
severity of the ○ Ano po ang mga epektibong paraan para
problem mapagaan ang inyong pakiramdam
- Lack of/ ● Promote effective techniques for reducing stress How to
inadequate ○ How to reduce stress with the 2:1 breathing reduce
knowledge/ technique: stress with
insights to ○ Diversion of attention the 2:1
alternative courses ○ Guided Imagery breathing
of action open to ○ Alam ko po mga simpleng pamamaraan technique
them lamang ito na sa palagay ko tingin niyo ay (Tufts
hindi epektibo. Ngunit, nagbibigay po ako ng Medical
mga paraan para makapili kayo kung ano Center,
ang angkop para sa inyo. 2019)
Inability to provide 2. Report decreased ● Educate client about methods to decrease Verbal Likert scale Interview; Likert scale
adequate nursing care dyspnea with a dyspnea. feedback for Dyspnea Discussion for Dyspnea
to the sick, disabled, rating of 2 or less ○ Current therapies for heart failure (HF) are rating of 2 or
dependent, or using the 5-point followed by strategies to improve comfort less 1-Absence of
vulnerable / at risk Likert Scale for and activity tolerance, besides reducing 2-Mild shortness
family member due to: Dyspnea morbidity and mortality. Cardiorespira No Observation; of breath
- Disability tory distress cardiorespirato O2 3- Moderate
○ Home Oxygen therapy shortness of
progression which ■ Oxygen therapy increases the amount ry distress as saturation
exhausts of oxygen sent to your body's tissues. evidenced by checking 4-Severe
O2 saturation shortness of
supportive This helps reduce your heart's breath
of 90% and
capacity of family workload. above 5-Worst possible
members ■ Encourage patient to consult with a shortness of
- Inadequate family healthcare professional, specifically a
resources for care, cardiologist, to determine the
specifically appropriate amount of oxygen needed.
financial ○ Breathing training
constraints Diaphragmatic Deep Breathing
■ Sit in a relaxed position and put one
hand on your stomach, near your belly
button and put your other hand on your
upper chest. Relax your upper chest and
shoulders. Now take a gentle breath in
by gently pushing out your stomach.
Try to keep your chest muscles and
shoulders relaxed.
■ As you breathe out, try to relax. You
3. Report a decreased ● Explain the mechanism of edema formation in Edema Decreased Observation; Pitting
grade of bilateral heart failure. Rating pitting edema Palpation; Edema
pitting edema to ○ Edema in congestive heart failure is the result rating to Discussion Grading
Grade 3 or less. of the activation of a series of humoral and Grade 3 or Scale
neurohumoral mechanisms that promote less (Healthline,
4. Discuss at least 3 ● Explain significant findings from the nutrient Verbal Enumeration Interview Heart
important dietary analysis: feedback of at least 3 Failure
guidelines for ○ Nutrient Analysis: important Nutrition:
patients with heart dietary Eating for a
Excessive Inadequate
failure. guidelines for Healthy
Na (mg) Energy (kcal)
patients with Heart
CHON (g)
heart failure
Fat (g)
CHO (g)
Ash (g)
Fiber (g)
Ca (mg)
P (mg)
Fe (mg)
Retinol (µg)
B-carotene (µg)
Thiamin (mg)
Riboflavin (mg)
Niacin (mg)
Vit. C (mg)
5. Express adherence ● Discuss the importance of regular monitoring of Verbal Regular Interview; Importance
to regular weight. feedback monitoring Discussion of weight
monitoring of ○ Weight is the most sensitive indicator of and recording monitoring
weight. worsening heart failure. of weight in patients
○ HF patients are required to monitor their daily with heart
weight fluctuations. If the fluctuations were failure
extremely large, the patient should
6. Utilize a weight ● Provide a weight monitoring sheet with a record Verbal Accurate Interview;
monitoring record/ of date and time, and weight per day. feedback; daily Record
sheet. Record recording of review
checking weight
7. Express increased ● Assess when the client takes her medications. Verbal Personal Interview
quality and duration ○ Kailan niyo po iniinom ang mga gamot na feedback expression of
of sleep. Furosemide and Spironolactone? sleep that is
● Facilitate the change of the timing of medications undisturbed,
to minimize nocturia. and increased
● Reiterate proper positioning and frequent turning in quality
to promote comfort. and duration
8. Report increased ● Determine client’s thoughts and feelings about the Verbal Report of a Interview Likert scale
comfort as palliative approach to her condition. feedback score of 1-3 for comfort
evidenced by a ● Determine current comfort level after the in the Likert level
score of 1-3 in the implementation of interventions. scale of 1-Totally
Likert scale for Comfort level 2-Very
Comfort level. comfortable
3-More or less
9. Express adherence ● Determine client’s thoughts and feelings about Verbal Personal Interview 4-Not very
to the planned adherence to the planned nursing interventions to feedback expression of 5-No
nursing improve quality of life. adherence to comfortable at
interventions to the planned all
Failure to utilize 10. Determine at least 1 ● Educate the client about community resources Verbal Verbalization Interview; Information
community resources community accessible to her. feedback of 1 Discussion about the
for healthcare due to: resource for ○ UP-PGH community resources
- Lack / healthcare that can ○ Sta. Ana Hospital resource for and
inadequate be utilized. ○ Philippine Heart Center healthcare financial
knowledge of ● Discuss with the client resources on financial that can be assistance
community assistance. utilized offered by
resources for ● Encourage the client to visit a healthcare each
healthcare professional as soon as possible to determine the institution
- Inaccessibility right course of action.
of required
care/ service
due to cost
- Lack or
Adler, E.D., Goldfinger, J. Z. Kalmaan, J., Park, M. E., & Meier, D. E. (2009). Palliative care in the treatment of advanced heart failure. Circulation,
120:2597–2606. https://doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.869123
Aponte, E. M., Katta, S.K., O'Rourkem, M.C. Paracentesis. National Library of Medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK435998/
Heart Foundation. (n.d.). Relaxation techniques. https://www.heartfoundation.org.nz/your-heart/post-heart-attack/relaxation-techniques
Johns Hopkins Rheumatology. (2018, January 31). Reduce stress through guided imagery (2 of 3). YouTube.
Martin-Du Pan, R.C., Benoit, R., Girardier, L. (2004). The role of body position and gravity in the symptoms and treatment of various medical diseases. Swiss
Med Weekly, 134(37-38):543-51.
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. (2020, June 3). Diaphragmatic breathing. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg2ar-7_HfA
Nutrition Education Materials Online (2018). Heart failure nutrition.: Eating for a healthy heart.
Tufts Medical Center. (2019, April 3). How to reduce stress with the 2:1 breathing technique. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQjGqtH-2YI
Weber, C.K., Miglioranza, M.H., de Moraes, M.A.P., Sant’anna, R.T., Rover, M.M., Kalil, R.A.K, & Leiria, T.L. (2014). The five-point Likert scale for
dyspnea can properly assess the degree of pulmonary congestion and predict adverse events in heart failure outpatients. Clinics (Sao Paulo), 69(5),
341–346.doi: 10.6061/clinics/2014(05)08
WebMD Editorial Contributors. (2022). Treating heart failure with diuretics.
2 hours after the The nurse will:
implementation of nursing
interventions, RRN will:
Inability to 1. Discuss hypertension ● Reiterate to the client the BP reading during the Verbal Verbalization Interview; Hypertensio
provide adequate in his own words. previous house visits. feedback of Discussion n: Ang
nursing care to ○ (10/11/2022) BP: 140/120 mmHg hypertension mataas na
the sick, ○ (10/13/2022) BP: 160/100 mmHg using his own presyon ng
disabled, ● Conduct a health teaching about hypertension. words (BP > dugo
dependent, or ○ Ano ang hypertension? 120/80 (RiteMed,
vulnerable/ at ■ Labis na taas ng blood pressure na mmHg) n.d.)
risk family dumadaloy sa mga ugat.
member due to: ■ Ang malakas na pwersa ng dugo ay
- Lack of/ maaaring makapinsala sa mga ugat at
inadequate makaapekto sa takbo ng puso. Ito ay
knowledge maaaring magdulot ng malubhang
about the komplikasyon tulad ng atake sa puso,
disease/ stroke at sakit sa bato.
health ○ Ano ang mga sanhi ng pagtaas ng BP?
condition ■ Sobrang pag-konsumo maalat na pagkain
- Inadequate ■ Paninigarilyo at pag-inom ng alak
family ■ Katandaan (Edad 55 pataas)
resources for ■ Kakulangan sa calcium, magnesium, at
care, potassium
specifically ■ Pagiging overweight at kakulangan sa
financial ehersisyo
constraints ■ Laging stressed at pagod
■ Namana sa pamilya
○ Negatibong epekto ng labis na pagtaas ng BP
■ Atake sa puso
■ Heart Failure
■ Stroke
■ Hypertensive na krisis
3. Explain at least 3 ● Reiterate the results of the nutrient analysis of RRN’s Verbal Enumeration Interview; Tulungan
important dietary 24-hour food recall. feedback of at least 3 Question ang Iyong
modifications in ● Nutrient Analysis: important and answer Puso:
patients with Excessive Inadequate dietary Discussion Kontrolin
hypertension Fat (g) Energy (kcal) modifications ang Iyong
consistent with the CHO (g) CHON (g) in patients Altapresyon
DASH Diet. Na (mg) with (National
Ash (g), Fiber (g) hypertension Heart,
Ca (mg), P (mg), Fe consistent Lung, and
(mg), Retinol (µg),
with the Blood
B-carotene (µg),
Thiamin (mg), DASH Diet Institute,
Riboflavin (mg), 2008)
Niacin (mg), Vit. C
4. Explain what a ● Discuss and provide materials about Pinggang Pinoy. Verbal Accurate Interview; Pinggang
balanced diet is and ○ Para po sa inyo, ano ang isang balanseng feedback explanation Question Pinoy
its importance to nutrisyon? of a well- and answer (DOST-FN
one’s health, using ○ Pinggang Pinoy balanced diet RI, 2016)
their own words. ■ A new, easy-to-understand food guide that and its
uses a familiar food plate model to convey importance to
the right food group proportions on a one’s health
per-meal basis to meet the body's energy
and nutrient needs of adults.
■ Pinggang Pinoy serves as a visual tool to
help Filipinos adopt healthy eating habits at
meal times by delivering effective dietary
and healthy lifestyle messages.
○ Pinggang Pinoy (Adults 15-59 yo)
● Emphasize the importance of Pinggang Pinoy and of
conforming with the national guidelines related to
○ Mahalaga po ang Pinggang Pinoy dahil ito ang
nagsisilbing gabay natin sa tamang proporsyon
ng pagkain na angkop sa edad ng isang tao.
○ Sa isang tingin mo pa lamang ay kaya mo nang
sabihin na tama ang naging preparasyon ng dami
ng pagkain para sa bawat miyembro ng pamilya.
Go, Glow,
and Grow
● Discuss the food proportion sufficient for
6. Determine the RRN’s nutritional needs according to his age, Verbal Accurate Question Pinggang
sufficient amount per as per Pinggang Pinoy. feedback verbalization and answer Pinoy
food category of (DOST-FN
recommended for Food options for RRN: understandin RI, 2016)
their age. g of the
Go ● ¾ cup of cooked rice amount per
● 3 pcs. small pandesal food category
● 3 slices of small loaf bread recommende
● ¾ cup of cooked noodles (ex. d for their
Pansit) age
● ¾ medium pc. of root crop (ex.
Department of Health. (2011). Manual on the PEN Protocol on the Integrated Management of Hypertension and Diabetes.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2021). DASH eating plan. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/education/dash-eating-plan
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2008). Tulungan ang iyong puso: Kontrolin ang iyong altapresyon.
RiteMed. (n.d.). Hypertension: Ang mataas na presyon ng dugo. https://www.ritemed.com.ph/tamang-kaalaman/hypertension
United Healthcare Community Plan. (2019). Pamamahala sa iyong presyon ng dugo.
Inability to 1. Identify at least 2 ● Educate the client about various precautionary Verbal Accurate Question Falls and
provide adequate precautionary measures he can utilize to reduce risk for falls. feedback verbalization and Fractures in
nursing care to measures to reduce ● Stand up slowly. Getting up too quickly can of 2 answer; Older
the sick, risk for falls. cause your blood pressure to drop. That can precautionary Interview Adults:
disabled, make you feel wobbly. Get your blood pressure measures to Causes and
dependent, or checked when lying and standing. reduce risk Prevention
vulnerable / at ● Use an assistive device if you need help feeling for falls (National
risk family steady when you walk. Using canes and Institute on
member due to walkers correctly can help prevent falls. Aging)
lack of/ ● Utilize handrails and bars when necessary.
inadequate ● Take extra caution when walking on wet
knowledge and surfaces.
GUTIERREZ, AKL | 2019-00658 | Group 5 | 10/2022 21
University of the Philippines Manila
The Health Sciences Center
WHO Collaborating Center for Leadership in Nursing Development
Sotejo Hall, Pedro Gil St., Ermita, Manila
Tel.: (632)523-1472 / Telefax: (632)523-1485
2. Express adherence to ● Explore client’s thoughts and feelings about Verbal Expression of Interview
the use of adherence to the use of precautionary measures to feedback adherence on
precautionary reduce risk for falls. the use of
measures to reduce ○ Kaya po bang masunod ang mga nabanggit? precautionary
risk for falls. measures to
reduce risk
for falls
National Institute on Aging. (n.d.). Falls and fractures in older adults: Causes and prevention.
Mayo Clinic Staff. (n.d.). Fall prevention: Simple tips to prevent falls.