STEMI Guidline 23.11.2022
STEMI Guidline 23.11.2022
STEMI Guidline 23.11.2022
National Programme for Prevention and
Control of Non-communicable Diseases
1. Introduction....................................................................................... 1
2. Magnitude of STEMI burden.............................................................. 2
3. Risk Factors for STEMI..................................................................... 3
4. Objectives......................................................................................... 4
5. Operational Strategies...................................................................... 5
6. Implementation Details..................................................................... 6
7. Management of STEMI.................................................................... 11
8. Hub & Spoke Model for STEMI Management Services.................... 14
9. Conclusion...................................................................................... 16
References.......................................................................................... 17
List of Experts & Contributors.............................................................. 18
Annexures........................................................................................... 19
1 Introduction
Myocardial infarctions are generally clinically classified into ST elevation MI (STEMI) and
non-ST elevation MI (NSTEMI), based on changes in ECG. When blood flow to a part
of the heart stops or the heart is injured and fails to receive enough oxygen required for
its adequate functioning the condition is termed as STEMI or the ‘heart-attack’ in laymen
language. Patients with elevated cardiac troponin levels but negative CK-MB who were
formerly diagnosed with unstable angina or minor myocardial injury are now reclassified
as non-ST-segment elevation Myocardial Infarction (non-STEMI) even in the absence of
diagnostic changes.1
Magnitude of STEMI burden
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an
estimated 17.9 million lives (32% of global deaths) each year (WHO, 2022). Heart
attacks and Stroke account for 85% of these deaths. The mortality and morbidity due to
Myocardial Infarction accounts for more than 15% mortality per year among STEMI and
Non-STEMI patients.2 The ischemic heart disease/ STEMI is the highest-ranking cause
of premature death in terms of number of years of life lost.
In India, CVDs are estimated to account for about 28.1% of deaths. Ischemic Heart
Diseases and Strokes account for 80% of all CVDs. Contribution of CVDs to Disability
Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) is also highest at 14.1%, including 8.7% DALYs caused by
Ischemic Heart Diseases (IHD) alone.3 STEMI is estimated to account for more than 2.5
million cases annually in India (approximately 40% of myocardial infarctions).4
Risk Factors for STEMI
There are many risk factors leading to STEMI which may be modifiable or non-modifiable.
Risk factors are listed below:
1. Behavioral Risk Factors:
a. Harmful consumption of Alcohol
b. Smoking
c. Lack of physical activity
d. Unhealthy diet
e. Psychological Stressors
2. Intermediate Risk Factors:
2.1. High blood pressure/Hypertension
2.2. High blood sugar/diabetes
2.3. High blood cholesterol levels
2.4. Overweight/obesity
3. Non – modifiable:
a. Age (older age increases risk)
b. Gender (males are at comparatively greater risk)
c. Family history
d. Racial ethnicity
e. Others
These “intermediate risks factors” can be measured in primary care facilities and indicate
an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure and other complications. Modifiable
risk factors account for more than 90% of the risk of MI.
The guideline for management of STEMI under National Programme for Prevention &
Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NP-NCD) tries to enhance the awareness
regarding it. The broad guiding principle of the document is to provide reperfusion
therapy closer to the community, within the acceptable framework, with proper linkages
with referral centres to reduce preventable morbidity and mortality.
It would facilitate in reducing the delays in providing the reperfusion therapy to STEMI
patients due to non-availability of a Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) performing
health facility nearby. The document would help to curtail the system related delays
by enabling the non-PCI performing health facilities to administer thrombolytic agents
as an emergency procedure. It would establish the thrombolytic capacity at non-PCI
health facilities (PHCs/CHCs/SDH/DH), fulfilling the criteria for availability of resources
as required for the implementation of the programme, with referral linkages with PCI
enabled facilities for further management and care.
Operational Strategies
To facilitate the provision of thrombolysis to the patients closer to community with
adequate safeguards the strategy of the STEMI management services at any public
healthcare facility will depend on the infrastructure availability. This can be achieved in a
graded manner initially providing thrombolysis at the secondary level healthcare facilities
i.e., Sub District Hospital (SDH)/ District Hospital (DH) level where emergency care is
well established. The implementation of the services for STEMI is advised in phased
manner with gradual expansion to the lower-level health facilities i.e., Community Health
Centres (CHCs)/ Primary Health Centres (PHCs) depending upon the availability of
required resources.
Implementation Details
The healthcare facility level at which to start with the implementation of STEMI management
services will depend on the gap analysis* performed by the States/UTs. Facility and HR
mapping should be undertaken by the States/UTs for all the health facilities. It includes
trained HR (MD Medicine/MBBS, ECG technician & Staff Nurse), essential medical
equipment, emergency drugs & capability for undertaking thrombolysis at the health
facility. For States/UTs which do not have these services functional as on date, it would
be a prudent strategy to pilot the STEMI management services implementation first in
2-3 districts at the DH/CHC level and expand later in all the districts proceeding gradually
to include all PHCs under the programme. Each State/UT desirous of starting a STEMI
management services is required to be well equipped before employing it state-wide.
6.2. Implementation Framework
The resources/ services required at various health facility level for management of STEMI
patients are as follows:
d) Equipment: A functional 12-lead ECG machine with PC port, Troponin point of
care device, Multi Para Monitor (To consider Biosensors), Defibrillator (Manual &
Automatic External Defibrillator mode), GPS enabled smartphone. The indicative
list of medical equipment & consumables required is given in Appendix ‘D’.
e) Teleconsultation: States/UTs are encouraged to use the tele-consultation
module of e-Sanjeevni platform for ECG interpretation & tele-consultation.
Centralized 24X7 Command Centre to be set up at the State or the District Level
with cardiologist and/or MD Medicines for tele ECG support and consultation
for STEMI management through e-Sanjeevni portal. This may be required only
in a L1 or L2 grade facility, and occasionally in a L3 grade facility for remote
interpretation of ECG. To enable every MBBS doctor to thrombolyse patients with
STEMI at public healthcare facility, a system of immediate ECG transmission
and remote interpretation by a trained MD Medicine or a cardiologist should be
For engaging service providers in PPP mode mapping of the district wise health
facilities can be done to provide support in digitalizing the ECG recordings
and transmitting the same to the nearest PCI capable hospital’s MD Medicine/
Cardiologist for reporting ECGs and providing teleconsultation. The tele-
consultation can be held using the already established e-Sanjeevni doctor-to-
doctor module.
f) Referral system: The suspected STEMI cases are referred to higher health
facilities for further diagnosis and management. The linkages with 108-ambulance
to transport the patients to the nearest secondary/ tertiary level healthcare facility
with reperfusion services for further management of the patients as required.
Trained paramedical staff (EMT) in ALS ambulance has to be provided while
transportation. The facility wise linkages from L1 to L5 grade may be ensured in
advance to reduce the referral delays.
The success of the STEMI implementation depends upon the linkages built
within the implementation framework. States can implement their own model for
building linkages with electronic data communication (Patient data, test results &
ECG recording), treatment/ management protocols, Insurance re-imbursement
models and dedicated transport system. The existing 104 Health Helpline and
108 Ambulance (National Ambulance Service) Central call center can be linked
with the programme.
To have a successful programme it is important to must have a robust ambulance
network either (in-house) or PPP model with a 24 X 7 (round the clock) Central
Call facility for providing Ambulance support to convey patient to nearest health
facility. The Ambulance should be equipped with Vital parameter Monitor, AED,
oxygen, and trained Emergency Medicine Technician (EMT). The National Health
Mission, MoHFW supports the National Ambulance Services as part of Health
systems strengthening.
g) Supply Chain Management: Robust system using DVDMS (Drugs and Vaccine
Distribution Management System) platform for uninterrupted supply of thrombolytic
agents and other listed medications & life-saving drugs; Oxygen Cylinder with
oxygen delivery system; emergency medicines for managing cardiac arrest, etc.
should be ensured.
h) Information Education and Communication (IEC): Public education efforts are
the hall mark of any programme including STEMI. Following measures could be
taken under the IEC components under NP-NCD to improve the awareness and
utilization of the services under the programme:
• Sustained IEC campaign focusing on Behavior Change Communication (BCC)
for lifestyle modification & CVDs prevention by creating mass awareness
regarding risk factors for STEMI.
• Educating public towards recognizing the symptoms of STEMI/ heart attack
e.g., chest discomfort with or without radiation to the arms[s], back, neck, jaw,
or epigastrium; shortness of breath; weakness; diaphoresis; nausea; light
• Educating public about the concept of “Time is Muscle’ for early presentation
to STEMI-ready healthcare facility nearest to their home/ workplace.
• Awareness efforts should also be directed toward pre-hospital use of soluble/
chewable aspirin before transport to an appropriate healthcare facility.
The facilities available for management of STEMI need to be listed by the State/
district and prominently displayed at common places.
i) Monitoring & Evaluation – State Nodal Officer for NP-NCD will be responsible
for implementation of the STEMI services. Regular review meetings should be
conducted once in six months at State level. Frequent supervisory visits should
be made by NCD officers to various health facilities for supportive supervision of
the programme under NP-NCD.
The key metrics that will be collected during the monitoring and evaluation at the
facility level. It includes the following –
• Time from symptom onset to doctor at health facility.
• Time from doctor at health facility to ECG (the ECG should have a time stamp
• Door-to-needle (Thrombolysis) time (if facility is lysis capable)
• For transfers, facility (non-lysis) to lysis/device time (Door into Door Out Time
(DIDO), transfer time, and door to lysis/device time at receiving hospital
should be captured separately).
• Complications
• Death & cause of death
j) Recording, Reporting and Data Management - An analysis of the data related
to STEMI incidences, morbidity & mortality during the past is required, prior
implementing a STEMI program in the State/UTs. A three-to- four-month pre-
implementation data collection from the hospitals having Cardiology OPD/
Cath Lab Centre would help to understand the current case load and treatment
practices. This would help in planning the program as well as estimating the
resource and manpower allocation requirements for the program by the States/
UTs. States/UTs are advised to enter data in CPHC-NCD application.
The programme data and reports should be compiled and analysed at facility,
district and state level to generate quarterly reports and send it to national
NCD division. Regular review meetings may be conducted at State/UTs on a
regular basis, to understand the service delivery requirements and performance
assessment of STEMI services.
Management of STEMI
Goal is to move towards reducing the time taken from symptom onset to presentation,
as much as possible (a 2 hours or less target may be aimed for). The patient should be
transferred to a nearby appropriate hospital for further management as soon as possible.
The registered medical practitioner (MBBS doctor) posted in public healthcare system who
is trained to diagnose & manage post thrombolysis complications, relative and absolute
contraindications to thrombolysis therapy, and follow-up requirements in consultation
can perform thrombolysis. The support from the MD Medicines/Cardiologists at linked
Centralized 24X7 Command Centre can be taken to prescribe and perform thrombolysis
at the given health facility.
• ≥ 2.5 mm (0.25 mV) in men younger than 40 years, ≥ 2 mm (0.2 mV) in men
older than 40 years or ≥ 1.5 mm (0.15 mV) in women in leads V2– V3 and/or
• ≥ 1 mm (0.1 mV) in other contiguous chest leads or the limb leads in the
absence of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy or left bundle-branch block
(Details in Appendix B)
Treatment - As per the ICMR’s Standard treatment workflow (STW) (Appendix ‘A’):
• Thrombolyse STEMI patient at the non-PCI health facility having emergency
care capability.
• Transport STEMI patients after thrombolysis to PCI enabled facility for
pharmaco-invasive approach.
• Reperfuse the patients at PCI enabled facilities
According to the type of facility grade as per the mapping with the availability of resources,
following package of services are recommended for management of STEMI:
A. (L-1) - Facility having medical officer with No ECG facility and not capable of
• Record pulse rate, BP, SpO2 & respiration rate.
• Pain relief by NTG spray (in case angina) and Inj. Morphine Intravenous if
available (2-4 mg).
• Supplemental Oxygen inhalation if SpO2 is <90%
• Tab Aspirin 325 mg + Tab Clopidogrel 300 mg + Tab Atorvastatin 80 mg orally
• Transport patient as lying case in ambulance (108) with oxygen accompanied
by a MO.
• Inform the higher centre where the patient is being transferred.
B. (L-2) - Facility having Medical Officer with ECG facility and capable of Thrombolysis
• Record pulse rate, BP, SpO2 & respiration rate.
• Take ECG and diagnose ST changes
• Consult MD Medicine/Cardiologist through tele-consultation and transmit
• Quickly check for contra-indications or other risk factors.
• Thrombolyse with a bolus thrombolytic agent after approval by the MD
Medicine /Cardiologist
• Repeat ECG at 60-90 min after start of thrombolysis to assess whether
thrombolysis is successful (Less than 50% ST settlement with pain relief) or
• If ongoing pain even after thrombolysis, transfer immediately.
• Hold at the facility for observation and transfer to nearest facility having MD
Medicine/Cardiologist with ICU/HDU facility on stabilization within 24 hours.
• Monitor patient for any complications.
• Transport patient as lysing case in ambulance (108) with oxygen support
(SpO2<90%) & defibrillator within 24 hours accompanied by a MO (may not
be possible), if possible, upon stabilization.
• Inform the higher center where the patient is being transferred.
C. (L-3) - Facility with Medical Officer & MD Medicine, Technician, Nurse and having
emergency care (ICU/HDU) set up with thrombolysis capability
• Admit patient in ICU/HDU equipped with continuous ECG monitoring &
De-fibrillation for observation & monitor patient for any complications.
• Conduct routine biochemistry tests and serial cardiac enzymes (Troponin)
• Assessment by MD Medicine/Cardiologist
• Repeat ECG at 60-90 min after start of thrombolysis to assess whether
thrombolysis is successful (Less than 50% ST settlement with pain relief)
or not.
• Start Pharmaco-invasive treatment for patients transferred from L1 or L2
facilities as per STW protocol (Unfractionated heparin - Bolus of 60 U/Kg max
up to 5000 Units followed by 12U/kg hourly infusion to maintain APTT at 50-
70 sec alternatively Inj. Enoxaparin 1mg/kg subcutaneous 12 hourly).
• Echocardiography if available, for mechanical complication if any.
• Inform the PCI capable centre for further management and transfer patient on
stabilization within 3-24 hours for angiography.
D. (L4 & L5) - In hospitals where thrombolysis/ PCI for STEMI is already happening
• The data regarding STEMI presentation, treatment strategy and outcomes
need to be captured. Protocol for early triage & hospitalization is placed as
Appendix ‘C’.
Hub & Spoke Model for
STEMI Management Services
The Hub and Spoke Model arranges service delivery assets into a network consisting
of an anchor establishment (Hub), which offers a full array of services, complemented
by secondary establishments (Spokes), which offer more limited-service arrays, routing
patients needing more intensive services to the hub for treatment.
“Hub & Spoke Model” for STEMI-cardiac patients in the country can be developed in a
way where Hub hospitals are established preferably at State Capital and at some of super
district administrative divisions (here called Divisions where such divisions exist in States/
UTs)/ big sized districts or group of districts (where division does not exist) according to the
choice of the States/ UTs. The spoke hospitals have to be developed at district and CHC
hospitals and then may be scaled up to PHCs. This should ensure that one can get access
to a spoke hospital at least within 50-60 km of their residence.
To treat the STEMI cases in ‘Golden Hours’ (within 2 hours or less from the onset of
STEMI) the implementation of the STEMI management services may be provided
through the Hub and Spoke models. A hub-and-spoke model has to be designed with
thrombolysis arrangements to be provided by the Spoke hospitals throughout 24*7
and cover provided by the Hub hospitals. The Hub hospitals are supposed to provide a
24-hour service at State/ UT capital first and then to be scaled up to Divisions/ Districts
as part of a planned rollout of the regional thrombolysis and PCI (Cath lab)/ Mechanical
thrombectomy service. An out-of-hours service is to be provided in the spoke hospitals
for patients assessed as being potentially eligible for thrombolysis. Patients need to be
thrombolysed within 2 hours in case of onset of development of STEMI. Patients are to
be transported in ALS ambulance, investigated and treated as appropriate.
Confirmation for the STEMI: After receiving the patient at the spoke hospital doctors
seek confirmation for the STEMI case from the MD Medicine/Cardiologists of the hub-
hospital. Once the patient reached the spoke hospital, doctors have to take the CT scan
or ECG.
Thrombolising: Once the doctors at the hub hospital confirmed the Stroke/STEMI
case then the medical officer at the spoke hospital start the intervention by initiating
the thrombolising process. The thrombolising process need to get confirmation at the
spoke hospital again after considering the medical history of the patient as it is life-
threatening process. Patient with previous history of thrombolising and other chronic
health conditions/ diseases such as stroke, heart diseases etc. are not thrombolize
at spoke hospital instead they are referred to the hub hospital. This whole process of
confirmation STEMI from hub hospital takes a maximum of 15-45 min. After thrombolising
and stabilizing the patient, the ALS ambulance transfer that patient to the hub hospital for
further treatment
Treatment at Hub hospital: The cardiology department proceed for further treatment as
per the patient health status and time. Almost all the patient reached the hub hospital with
thrombolising undergone with the MRI/ Angiography followed by Angioplasty/ Mechanical
Thrombectomy if required.
Follow-up of the patient: The Hub hospital follow-up the patients after angioplasty/
Mechanical Thrombectomy treatment. Few spokes also have their patient follow-up a
system where they informed to Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANM) in that area to follow-up
the patients treated for the STEMI.
STEMI management services in the country will obviously require a robust organized
system of care to address the inherent challenges and improve key processes. To
achieve the goal of door to needle time (Thrombolysis) within 2 hours, at the community
level will require executing and adherence to the guideline-based treatment protocols,
with efficient and rapid inter hospital transfer within the designated hub and spokes health
facilities, and most importantly capacity building of healthcare staff at the peripheral health
facilities (HWCs & PHCs) to interpret ECGs and facilitate early diagnosis for appropriate
Addressing appropriate STEMI care in the country, is the need of the hour. In addition to
patient awareness and education for early symptom identification, extensive education is
required for general practitioners and MD Medicines/intensivists to implement early time
dependent STEMI management. The STEMI management services needs to be linked
with CCUs and Cardiac Cath labs and a graded approach for appropriate management
of all patients needs to be planned by all States/ UTs.
i. Alexander T, Mullasari A, Kaifoszova Z, Khot U, Nallamothu B, Ramana R et al.
Framework for a National STEMI Program: Consensus document developed by
STEMI INDIA, Cardiological Society of India and Association Physicians of India.
Indian Heart Journal. 2015;67(5):497-502.
ii. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) [Internet]. 2022 [cited 27 September
2022]. Available from:
iii. India: Health of the Nation’s State. New Delhi: ICMR, PHFI & IHME; 2017.
iv. Salve P, Vatavati S, Hallad J. The hub-and-spoke model of national STEMI
programme of India: An investigation of STEMI-Goa project. Indian Heart Journal.
v. Yunyun W, Tong L, Yingwu L, Bojiang L, Yu W, Xiaomin H et al. Analysis of risk
factors of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in young patients. BMC
Cardiovascular Disorders. 2014;14(1).
Appendix ‘A’
Appendix ‘B’
1. Acute chest pain is the most common presenting symptom of acute myocardial
ischemia. STEMI encompasses all acute chest pain syndromes resulting from
myocardial ischemia. Only 20–30% of patients presenting with acute chest pain
are ultimately confirmed to have STEMI upon detailed evaluation. ST segment
elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is characterized by myocardial ischemia
that results in persistent ST segment elevation on electrocardiogram (ECG) and
subsequent release of biomarkers of myocardial damage.
2. Increased biomarkers alone in the absence of ST segment elevation constitute
non- ST segment elevation MI (NSTEMI). NSTEMI may manifest with transient/
persistent ST segment depression and/or T wave inversion in ECG. Prolonged
ischemic chest pain without elevation of markers of myocardial necrosis constitutes
unstable angina. STEMI is the most common form of STEMI in India, accounting
for 40–60% of STEMI cases.
3. For the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, the presence of any two of the
following three features is essential: characteristic chest pain, ECG changes
and elevated cardiac enzymes. However, patient’s interpretation of symptoms,
availability of ECG and its interpretation, and widespread non-availability of
Troponin testing are among the major recognized challenges in the diagnosis of
STEMI in India.
4. The diagnosis and early risk stratification are usually done at the facility having
doctor (first responder).
ECG Diagnosis
5. The task force for the universal definition of MI defines “STEMI as new ST elevation
at the J point in at least 2 contiguous leads of 2mm (0.2 mV) in men or 1.5mm
(0.15mV) in women in leads V2– V3 and/or of 1 mm (0.1mV) in other contiguous
chest leads or the limb leads in the absence of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy
or left bundle-branch block (LBBB)”. A concordant ST elevation in a lead with the
positive QRS complex is the best indicator of STEMI in the presence of LBBB. A
score of more than or equal to 3 has a specificity of 98% for diagnosing STEMI.
6. However, STEMI may not be ruled out even when none of the features are
identified. Cases of acute ischemic chest pain with LBBB not accompanied by
other ECG evidence of STEMI poses serious management challenge. In such
patients Troponin levels and regional wall motion abnormalities may guide
reperfusion therapy. If the index of suspicion of STEMI is high, such patients
may be taken up for coronary angiogram. Right bundle branch block (RBBB) left
anterior fascicular block (LAFB) and left posterior fascicular block do not interfere
with the interpretation of ST segment elevation. Cases of acute ischemic chest
pain with LBBB not accompanied by other ECG evidence of STEMI poses serious
management challenge. In such patients Troponin levels and regional wall motion
abnormalities may guide reperfusion therapy. If the index of suspicion of STEMI
is high, such patients may be taken up for coronary angiogram.
7. Patients may have a first ECG that is not diagnostic of STEMI. In such a situation,
a repeat ECG must be obtained at 10–15 min, and at 30 min intervals (Table
3). The ECGs should be carefully looked for even subtle changes. Cardiac
biomarkers and echocardiogram may be useful guides to reperfusion therapy in
such patients. If the suspicion of ongoing serious myocardial ischemia is high, the
patient should be taken for a coronary angiogram to demonstrate coronary artery
occlusion or intracoronary thrombus. A CT angiogram is usually reserved for
patients with persistent symptoms with low to intermediate likelihood of ischemia
or in patients with suspected aortic dissection or pulmonary embolism.
Table 3: Recommendation for ECG
Indication Recommendation Recommendation
1. Chest pain 1. A 12-lead ECG to be 1. Repeat ECG – 10 min, 30
2. Acute pain anywhere performed in all patients min and as needed
from jaw to umbilicus with suspected STEMI 2. Compare with previous
(beyond 20 years 2. Presentation to ECG ECGs for even subtle
of age) diagnosis of STEMI – < 10 changes
3. Atypical symptoms of min 3. Troponin I or T to guide
STEMI 3. A low threshold for therapy
4. Unexplained acute performance of ECG in 4. Echocardiogram for
breathlessness, patients likely to present regional wall motion
hypotension, and with atypical symptoms abnormalities.
hemodynamic collapse 4. Continuous ECG monitoring 5. Emergency coronary
should be started as soon angiography if high index
as possible of suspicion of STEMI
5. Right precordial leads (V3R, 6. CT angiogram only
V4R) must be recorded in if aortic dissection or
patients with inferior wall MI pulmonary embolism to
6. True posterior wall MI be ruled out
may be diagnosed as
ST elevation (>1 mm) in
additional lateral chest
leads V7 – V9
Appendix ‘C’
1. Timely delivery of reperfusion therapy (whether pharmacological or mechanical)
in patients with STEMI is more important than the choice of therapy and the
entire emphasis should be to deliver reperfusion therapy to a patient of STEMI as
rapidly as possible. Efficient protocols of early triage of patients with STEMI should
primarily aim to reduce time delays in patient care since these are associated
with adverse outcomes. Delay in patient care in our country often occur at the
following levels of care.
2. The time delay from the patient side may be due to delay in recognizing symptoms
and therefore in seeking timely medical help. On reaching the hospital, financial
issues, lack of consensus amongst patient relatives and consent regarding
procedure, system delays in hospitals (e.g. registration, transport to emergency
department, coronary care units, cardiac catheterization lab etc.) are the common
cause of delay associated with adverse outcomes.
Identification of Patients at Risk of STEMI
6. Cardiovascular diseases result from a complex interplay of multiple genetic,
environmental, and lifestyle factors. Primary care providers should evaluate
the presence and status of control of major risk factors for coronary heart
disease (CHD) for all patients at regular intervals (approximately every 3 to 5
years). Patients with established CHD should be identified for secondary
prevention, and patients with a CHD risk equivalent (e.g., diabetes mellitus,
chronic kidney disease, or 10-year risk greater than 20% as calculated by
Framingham equations) should receive equally intensive risk factor intervention
as those with clinically apparent CHD.
7. Many methods for CVD screening have insufficient evidence to currently
recommend use in a general, asymptomatic adult population. This corresponds
well with a 2012 Cochrane Review evaluating the impact of general health checks
(including screening measures) that found general health checks did not improve
either overall health or cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Nonetheless, there
is good evidence for some specific CVD screening modalities when used in the
proper risk setting. Lipid measurement and abdominal aortic ultrasound, for
example, are two screening techniques with strong data regarding who benefits
from screening and the impact of screening on outcomes. While current evidence
does not support the use of other newer screening modalities for primary
prevention of CVD, this may very well change as more high-quality trials are
completed in the future.
MD Medicine Education
10. The doctor must be aware/trained for the following:
• Time dependent decision taking.
• Immediate ECG in patients of suspected AMI and confirmation of STEMI.
• To avoid delay in reperfusion and importance of early reperfusion.
• Systematic protocol, guideline adherence and knowledge of newer fibrinolytic
agents and their advantages.
• Pharmaco-invasive concept in STEMI management
TIMI risk scoring tool
11. The thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) risk score is a tool used to predict
the chances of having or dying from a heart event for people with:
• Unstable Angina, a heart condition that causes chest pain
• Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI).
12. The TIMI risk score is calculated by taking seven factors into account. Some
of these are determined by performing specialized heart tests or asking about
a person’s medical history. One point is given for each of the following trusted
• Age more than 65 years.
• Using aspirin within the last week.
• Having at least two angina episodes in the last 24 hours
• Having elevated serum cardiac biomarkers
• Having ST-segment deviation on an electrocardiogram
• Having known coronary artery disease
• Having at least three risk factors for heart disease, which include:
o high blood pressure (greater than 140/90)
o smoking (being a current smoker)
o low HDL cholesterol (less than 40 mg/dL)
o Diabetes Mellitus.
o Family history of heart disease
13. TIMI score can help doctors to accurately assess the chances of having or dying
from a heart-related event in the next 14 days. The scores are calculated and
matched with a predicted risk. A study published in JAMA found that TIMI risk
scores are useful and accurate at predicting a future heart event. The following
chart includes possible scores and their corresponding risk percentages:
Score Risk of Heart Event
0-1 4-7%
2 8.3%
3 13.2%
4 19.9%
5 26.2%
6-7 At least 40.9%
14. The TIMI risk score for a heart-related event can be lowered, by lifestyle
modification as follows:
• Eating healthy, whole foods
• Exercising daily
• Maintaining a healthy weight
• Avoiding cigarette smoking and limiting alcohol consumption
• Keeping cholesterol and blood pressure levels in check
• Managing diabetes (if you’re diabetic)
• Lowering stress levels
15. Several tools and scores have been developed to assist in the workup of STEMI.
These tools must be used with caution and in the appropriate context as none
have been definitively shown to be superior to clinician judgment. Some common
tools available are the TIMI (Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction) risk score
as discussed above, the GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events)
risk score, the SANCHIS score, the Vancouver rule, HEART (History, ECG,
Age, Risk Factors, and Troponin) score, HEARTS3 score, and Hess prediction
rule. The HEART score was specifically developed for emergency department
patients and has gained popularity in this setting.
Initial delay is by the patient due to lack of awareness. Next delay is due to lack of
transfer facilities or unavailability of hospital with PCI capabilities. The third delay
is possible within a tertiary care PCI capable hospital were reaching from casualty/
emergency department to establishing Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction
(TIMI) grade 3 flow has delays due to various factors viz. finances, obtaining
consent, round the clock man power (cardiologist and staff) and availability of PCI
lab in busy hours. However, early patient presentation, rapid diagnosis and early
reperfusion in patients presenting with acute chest pain constitute the pillars of
success in STEMI management.
20. Fibrinolytic therapy and primary PCI are two commonly used reperfusion strategies
in its management, and they are conventionally viewed as mutually exclusive
alternative therapeutic modalities”. However, well established principles and a
great deal of recently acquired clinical evidence support the view that the two
in combination are synergistic and their combination is referred as “pharmaco-
invasive therapy”.
21. Pharmaco-invasive therapy means first administering early fibrinolysis and then
systematically performing an angiography (and a PCI if needed) within 3 to 24 hours
after the start of fibrinolytic therapy, regardless of whether fibrinolysis results in
successful reperfusion or not. In the event of fibrinolytic failure, a rescue PCI should
be immediately performed where one need not wait for the initial 3-hour window.
22. Outcome of patients with STEMI is strongly influenced by the time from symptom
onset to successful re-perfusion. A study has found that 1 year mortality is
increased by 7.5% for each 30 min delay in treatment. Early fibrinolytic therapy
can compensate for PCI related delay. PI approach could possibly improve
myocardial salvage and ultimately improve clinical outcomes. Prompt fibrinolytic
treatment improved the likelihood of aborted myocardial infarction and the greatest
incidence occurred in those patients treated within 1 hour of symptom onset, with
a sharp drop off after 3 hours.
23. Pharmaco-invasive approach is appropriate for patients with STEMI who are
eligible for treatment with fibrinolytic drugs and in whom “transfer time” ≥ 30 min
or door- balloon time > 90 min [Door into Door out time is ≥ 120 min]. The other
indication being PCI related delay: (door-to-balloon) minus (door to needle) > 60
minutes. The key characteristics of various thrombolytic agents in use is as follows:
Characteristics Streptokinase Alteplase Reteplase Tenecteplase
Allergic reactions Yes No No No
Indirect Direct Direct Direct
Fibrin specificity - ++ + +++
Dose 1.5 MU 15 mg bolus 10 + 10 units 0.53 mg/kg
/administration infusion over plus 90-min double bolus single bolus
60 infusion up to given over 2 given over 5
min 85mg min with 30 seconds
minutes apart
Plasma half life 18 5 18 20
Resistance to PAI-I No No No Yes
Characteristics Streptokinase Alteplase Reteplase Tenecteplase
Activity on platelet
- ++ + +++
rich clot
Patency at
+ +++ +++(+?) +++ (+?)
90 min
TIMI grade 3 flow
32 54 60 63
Systemic fibrinogen marked mild moderate minimal
28. Prehospital fibrinolysis is reasonable in those settings in which MD
Medicines are present in the ambulance or prehospital transport times are
more than 60 minutes in high-volume (more than 25,000 runs per year) EMS
systems. Other considerations for implementing a prehospital fibrinolytic service
include the ability to transmit ECGs, paramedic initial and ongoing training in ECG
interpretation and myocardial infarction (MI) treatment, online medical command,
a medical director with training/experience in management of STEMI, and full-
time paramedics.27
29. Almost all of the pharmaco-invasive strategies have been clinically evaluated with
IV bolus agents only. Fibrinolytic therapy with contemporary adjunctive medical
therapy is recommended in patients presenting with symptom onset less than 6
hours. The fibrinolytic agents recommended as per level of evidence (LOE) is as
LOE Recommended Dosage
Grade 1A Tenecteplase 0.53 mg/kg single bolus IV over 5 seconds.
Grade 1B Reteplase 10-MU bolus-30 min + 10-MU bolus 30 min later.
Grade 1C Alteplase 15mg IV bolus, 0.75 mg/kg over 30 min then 0.5 mg/
kg over 60 min IV.
Grade 2B Streptokinase 1.5 million units over 30-60 min. To be considered
only in those patients where newer fibrin specific
fibrinolytics are unaffordable or unavailable.
- History of severe and poorly controlled hypertension
- Severe hypertension at presentation (systolic blood pressure more
than 180 mm Hg
or diastolic blood pressure more than 110 mmHg
- Prolonged (>10 min) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or major
surgery within
three weeks
- History of Ischemic Stroke
- Dementia
- Internal bleeding within 2 to 4 weeks
- Noncompressible vascular punctures
- Pregnancy
- Active peptic ulcer
- Current therapy of anticoagulant associated with an elevated
international normalized ratio higher than 1.7 or a prothrombin time (PT)
longer than 15 seconds.
Appendix ‘D’
Categories Remarks
Equipment (Capex)
Gap Analysis is
Equipment Maintenance (Opex) (7% of Capex) applicable after recommended for
warranty period procurement planning
ECG Training per Facility for MOs per facility (Lump sum per annum) of medical equipment
for STEMI based
IT Dashboard per Facility per annum (Capex + Opex) on the Availability
Total Cost-Capex One Time (INR) (@Funding from XVFC PHC of Equipment at the
Health Grant) public health facility to
avoid duplication.
Total Cost-Opex per Annum (INR)
Sl. No. Name of the Equipment Level of Health care
1. ECG machine Single Channel with PC compatibility PHC
12 Channel ECG Machine with all accessories PC
3. Multipara Monitor (with 5 parameter) CHC, SDH/DH
4. Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) At all levels
5. SpO2 (Finger probe) PHC
6. Syringe infusion pump At all levels
7. Crash Cart Trolley At all levels
8. Suction machine (Foot & Electric operated) At all levels
9. Oxygen Cylinder At all levels
10. Hospital Bed (Fowler) At all levels
Sl. No. Name of the Drug A/U
1. Troponin-I rapid test kit (10 piece) Kit
2. ECG Paper Roll Roll
3. ECG gel 250 ml Tube
4. Disposable ECG Electrodes Piece