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Functional Programming 2

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Session 1 – Introduction

IN4043: Functional Programming

Session 1 – Introduction

Ross Paterson

Department of Computer Science

City, University of London

Autumn term, 2020

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Session 1 – Introduction

This module: a different kind of programming

“Language shapes the way we think, and determines what

we can think about.”
— Benjamin Lee Whorf

Procedural programming (e.g. C, Java, etc)

closely mirrors the underlying architecture.
focusses on how something is done (the steps).
Declarative programming including functional programming,
focusses on what is the answer (the values).
provides powerful abstraction (generalization)
is concise, expressive, and fun.

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Session 1 – Introduction

This session

What is functional programming?

programming with functions
using and defining functions
a look ahead
Getting started with the GHCi system.
evaluating expressions
loading definitions

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Session 1 – Introduction Background

The von Neumann architecture

As described by John von Neumann in 1945:

Bus Memory
(instructions + data)
Registers PC

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Session 1 – Introduction Background

The von Neumann bottleneck

John Backus (the inventor of F ORTRAN), used this term in his 1977
ACM Turing award lecture:
“Surely there must be a less primitive way of making big
changes in the store than by pushing vast numbers of words
back and forth through the von Neumann bottleneck. Not only
is this tube a literal bottleneck for the data traffic of a problem,
but, more importantly, it is an intellectual bottleneck that has
kept us tied to word-at-a-time thinking instead of encouraging
us to think in terms of the larger conceptual units of the task
at hand. Thus programming is basically planning and detailing
the enormous traffic of words through the von Neumann bot-
tleneck, and much of that traffic concerns not significant data
itself, but where to find it.”

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Session 1 – Introduction Background

Procedural programming

Problem: factorial of n = 1 ∗ . . . ∗ n
Solution: in Java:
public int factorial(int n) {
int fact = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
fact = fact * i;
return fact;

The procedural solution reflects the “von Neumann bottleneck”.

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Session 1 – Introduction Background

What is functional programming?

Basic component is a function:

inputs output

Recall that a function determines a unique output for each combination

of inputs:
inputs output
True True True
True False True
False True True
False False False

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Session 1 – Introduction Background

Building new functions from old

+ sqrt

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Session 1 – Introduction Background

Prehistory of functional programming languages

Functional programming languages have pioneered new forms of

abstraction, which eventually became mainstream.
The story begins with logic:
1924 Combinatory logic: functions as data
S(S(KS)(S(KK )(S(KS)(S(S(KS)(S(KK )I))(KI)))))
(K (S(KK )(S(KK )I)))
1933 The λ-calculus: parameters
λl. λf . λv . l v (λx. λu. f u)
1958 LISP: an implemented language, with automatic garbage
(define (length l)
(if (null? l) 0
(+ 1 (length (tail l)))))

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Session 1 – Introduction Background

Modern functional programming languages

1980 ML: polymorphism, algebraic data types

fun length [] = 0
| length (x::xs) = 1 + length xs;
1985 Miranda: a pure functional language
length :: [*] -> Int
length [] = 0
length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs
1990 Haskell: constrained polymorphism
length :: [a] -> Int
length [] = 0
length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs
A standard language, Haskell 2010
A vehicle for language experimentation

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Session 1 – Introduction Haskell and the GHCi interpreter

Using the GHCi interpreter

Type expressions into the GHCi window. GHCi will respond with their
values. interpreter

Does whitespace matter? Do expressions behave the way you expect?

A function f applied to an expression e is written f e: interpreter
sqrt 2
sqrt 2 + 3
sqrt (sqrt 2)

What are the rules with parentheses?

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Session 1 – Introduction Haskell and the GHCi interpreter

More things to try

Functions with two arguments: interpreter

max 4 8
div 13 5
mod 13 5

Infix functions: interpreter

13 ‘div‘ 5
13 ‘mod‘ 5

Make sure you use the right quotes here.

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Session 1 – Introduction Haskell and the GHCi interpreter

Another kind of data: lists

Lists of integers: interpreter

[1, 1+3, 1+3+5]

The value of [a..b] is a list of integers, from a up to b: interpreter


If e is a list of integers, product e is their product. interpreter

product [3,4,5]
product [1..7]
product []

If e is a list of integers, sum e is their sum.

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Session 1 – Introduction Haskell and the GHCi interpreter

More lists

Some list functions: interpreter

length [1,3,5,7]
replicate 5 2
reverse [1,3,5]
[1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6,7]

In Haskell, strings are just lists of characters: interpreter

[’H’, ’e’, ’l’, ’l’, ’o’]
length "Hello"
replicate 5 ’.’
reverse "Hello"
"cup" ++ "board"

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Session 1 – Introduction Haskell and the GHCi interpreter

Asking GHCi for the types of expressions

We can ask for the type of an expression with the :type command:

:type ’a’
:t [’a’, ’b’, ’c’]
:t "abc"

Some functions work for many types: interpreter

:t replicate
:t reverse
:t (++)

Here “a” is a type variable: it can stand for any type. These functions
are polymorphic (details in session 3).

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Session 1 – Introduction Haskell and the GHCi interpreter

Constrained polymorphism
Numeric functions also work for multiple types: interpreter

but not just anything, as we can see from its type: interpreter
:t (+)
:t mod
:t sqrt

Here Num a => is a constraint on the type. The type a must belong to
the set of types (or class) Num of numeric types, which includes
including Int, Integer and Double.
Even numeric literals can have multiple types: interpreter
:t 3

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Session 1 – Introduction Haskell and the GHCi interpreter

More numeric classes

Some numeric expressions are more tightly constrained: interpreter

:t 13 ‘mod‘ 5
:t mod

The Integral types include Int and Integer. interpreter

:t sqrt
:t sqrt 5

The Floating types include Double.

Other type classes:
Eq types that support equality testing
Show types whose values can be shown as strings
We shall return to constrained types in later sessions.

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Session 1 – Introduction Haskell and the GHCi interpreter

Syntax errors interpreter

Type errors interpreter

:t ’x’
:t (++)
’x’ ++ ’y’

Another kind of type error: interpreter

1 + ’x’

execution errors interpreter

1 ‘div‘ 0

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Session 1 – Introduction Themes

Value-oriented programming

An expression is just its value:

Expressions that have the same value are interchangeable.
(simplifies refactoring)
Think about the value you want to produce, and how it is related to
the value you are given.
Consider what intermediate values might be useful.
Thing big:
Where possible, operate on whole data structures rather than
individual elements.
Sometimes a more general solution would be simpler.

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Session 1 – Introduction Themes

What’s missing

modifiable variables
loops (but we will get to recursion later)
side effects, such as printing things from the middle of a program

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Session 1 – Introduction Themes

Static types
Every expression in Haskell has a type:
3 has type Integer – we write 3 :: Integer, pronouncing ::
as “has type”.
2+3 :: Integer
[1,2,3] :: [Integer] (list of Integer)
product :: [Integer] -> Integer
product [1,2,3] :: Integer
(Later we will see that these have more general types.)
Other basic types: Int (fixed size integers), Double, Char, Bool.

Basic rule of function types

f :: a -> b
⇒ f e :: b
e :: a

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Session 1 – Introduction Themes

Typeful programming

Write down the types first:

clarify your design
basic documentation
more helpful error messages

Type errors are your friends:

much better than runtime errors
facilitate aggressive refactoring

Define your own types:

more precisely express your design
more type errors (see above)

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Session 1 – Introduction Themes


“Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) is a useful principle whatever

language you’re programming in.
We achieve this through abstraction: factoring out the common
parts of repetitious code, e.g. Java methods, classes and
Functional languages like Haskell are particularly good at
abstraction: functions, higher-order functions, parametric
polymorphism, type classes

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Session 1 – Introduction Themes

Lazy evaluation

In Haskell, expressions are not evaluated until their results are needed.

Some consequences:
We can compose functions together without feeling guilty about
large intermediate values, because they are constructed on
We can have intermediate values that are infinite (provided we
only look at part of them).
Things that must be built-in to other languages are just functions.

Drawback: working out time and (especially) space usage is harder.

(We won’t worry about that here.)

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Session 1 – Introduction Themes

Small functions operating on big values

Decompose the program into lots of small, non-recursive, top-level

functions, each performing a simple, meaningful transformation.
can be independently tested
easy to combine in different ways
focusses attention on whole values rather than piecemeal
recursive functions are harder to reason about, and you can’t
examine intermediate values to see what’s going wrong.
more powerful approach: pass simple functions as arguments to
higher-order library functions (session 5)

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Session 1 – Introduction Themes

Structure of this module

We will consider increasingly elaborate kinds of values, with the kinds

of code used to operate on them:

Values Code
1. simple functions
2. scalar values conditionals, cases
3. composite values pattern matching
4. lists list comprehensions
5. higher-order functions
6. containers
7. recursion
8. recursive datatypes
10. actions do-expressions

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Session 1 – Introduction Source files

GHCi commands

An addition to expressions (which must be on a single line), GHCi

accepts a number of commands, each starting with a colon, including:

:load filename . . . load modules from specified files

:reload repeat last load command
:type exp print type of expression
:? display a full list of commands
:quit exit the interpreter

Each command may be abbreviated to a single letter.

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Session 1 – Introduction Source files

Function syntax
We can also define functions:
square :: Integer -> Integer
square n = n*n

Note: definitions go in program files; you can’t type them at the GHCi
command line.
Using a function in an expression:

f exp1 · · · expn

Type signature:

: type1 -> · · · typen -> type

f |::


f x1 · · · xn = exp
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Session 1 – Introduction Source files

Week1.hs: a simple Haskell module

module Week1 where

size :: Integer
size = 12+13

-- The square of an integer.

square :: Integer -> Integer
square n = n*n

-- Triple an integer.
triple :: Integer -> Integer
triple n = 3*n

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Session 1 – Introduction Source files

Language details: layout is significant

Haskell uses indentation to decide where another definition starts, so
all definitions must have the same indentation.
Legal: two definitions
:: Integer -> Integer
square n = n*n

Illegal: one definition?

square :: Integer -> Integer
square n = n*n

Illegal: two definitions?

:: Integer -> Integer

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Session 1 – Introduction Source files

Language details: identifiers

Haskell is case-sensitive.
Moreover, identifiers are divided into two sorts:
identifiers starting with a capital letter:
module names, like Week1.
type names, like Integer.
identifiers starting with a lower case letter:
variables, like n or function names, like square.
type variables, like a (see later).

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Session 1 – Introduction Source files

Things to try
Load Week1.hs into GHCi and type: interpreter
square size
triple (square 2)
square (triple 2)
23 - triple (3+1)
23 - triple 3+1

Use the GHCi command “:type” (“:t” for short) to tell you the types
of each of these, and also triple. interpreter
:type triple
:t square size

What is wrong with the following? interpreter

triple square 2

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Session 1 – Introduction Source files

Calling functions we’ve defined

Edit the file Week1.hs to add a definition of a function that triples its
input and returns the square of that:
squareOfTriple :: Integer -> Integer
squareOfTriple n = square (triple n)

Reload your script and try out the function: interpreter

squareOfTriple 1
squareOfTriple 3

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Session 1 – Introduction Source files

Looking ahead

Functional languages provide powerful abstraction mechanisms:

parametric polymorphism (session 3, 4, . . . ) Prelude
length :: [a] -> Int
reverse :: [a] -> [a]

constrained polymorphism Prelude

elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool

functions as data (higher-order functions: session 5) Prelude

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

Next session: primitive types and enumerated types in Haskell.

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