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Creating Audio

Chapter Video Communication


In the last chapter, we learnt how to create still images

and enhance them, now it will be interesting to see how
to create audio and video resources.
The use of more than one medium of expression or
communication is called multimedia. Multimedia uses
a combination of text, audio, images, animation, videos mean a two-way
and interactives. This is different from traditional forms communication
of printed or hand produced material. where the user
Content means something that can be expressed interacts with the
content and gets
through some media like speech, writing or any other
form of art.
Students in a class are discussing about the activity
they have performed on purification of water.
Neer: Why is this activity necessary? List of waterborne
Nancy: What is the use of this activity? diseases
• Diarrhoea
Raima joins the school after a long gap. She is surrounded
• Dysentery
by her friends, everyone is curious to know the reason
for her long absence from the school. • Typhoid Fever
• Cholera
Neer: Raima, you were always very regular in attending
• Hepatitis A
school, why were you absent for a week?
• Jaundice etc
Raima: I was suffering from diarrhoea and fever.
Nancy: Oh! What did the doctor say?


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Raima: The doctor said it was due to drinking
contaminated water. The doctor also told me that
many people are dying because of water pollution and
waterborne diseases every year.
Neer: Oh, it is a very serious issue.
Nancy: You know Raima, yesterday only, we did an
activity on water purification.
Raima: Oh! It is good that you performed such a relevant
activity. Can you explain me what you learnt.
Neer and Nancy explained all the activities they
performed yesterday.
Raima: Had I performed the activity myself, I would
have learnt better by performing the activity.
Neer: Let us do something, so that you may not miss
out the learning.
Nancy: Specially this water purification activity is very
useful for everyone.
Neer: We can create posters to generate awareness on
the importance of water purification.
Raima: Let us make something which can be more
impactful and interesting than a printed material.

Activity 1
Imagine yourself as a part of this activity, what media will
you use to explain this?

Nancy: Can we record an audio?

Raima: It is similar to what you explained to me but I
did not understand it. I think we need to demonstrate
the process.
Neer: So, you want us to do the activity all over again.
Raima: Yes, and this time we will record it. We will also
add posters, text, images, audios and may be some
more materials and create a small video film.
Nancy: Yes, it will help us understand the concept better
and we can also share it with others.
Neer: What all do we need to do for making this video film?

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Raima: We already have a topic, the title of our video
film will be ‘Waterborne diseases and their prevention.’

Activity 2
Think about what content should be included to make a
video film on Water Pollution.

Nancy: So we need to have information on water pollution,

causes of water pollution, effects of water pollution,
waterborne diseases and methods of purification of
contaminated water.
Raima: So first of all, we had to collect all relevant
information to make this video film, we also need to
know sources of information.
Neer: We can use books in the library to collect
information about Water Pollution and its effects and
present it through images and audio narration.
Nancy: We can talk to a doctor to learn more about
waterborne diseases and then present it through text
and audio narration.
Raima: We will request our science teachers to help us
in identifying more activities for water purification. We
will record a video of water purifying techniques.
Nancy: So now we have to decide who will do what.
Raima: I can go to the doctor and collect more information
on waterborne diseases.
Neer and Nancy: Raima can learn more water purifying
techniques form the science teacher then we will record
a video on the techniques of purifying water.
Nancy: I can search information from the library.
The students have collected all the information in the
form of text and images. They have also recorded a video
showing the techniques of water purification.
Neer: Now we have to write the audio script based on
the information we have collected from various sources.
Raima: But how are we going to record an audio?
Neer: Let's record it in the evening through my mom's smartphone.

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In the evening, they all gathered at Neer's house to record
How to record an
the narration. But while playing back they noticed some
disturbance in the audio.
There are two types
of recording devices: Nancy: How to remove this disturbance from the audio?
analog and digital.
Raima: We can use software to edit the audio narration.
It has its own merits So, let’s first get familiar with the Audacity interface.
and demerits and
(Refer Fig. 4.1).
they may be used as
per need of the task.
List of recording
• Mini Disc
• DAT Recorder
• Desktop and
• Laptop Audio
• Smartphone
List of audio tools
• Audacity Fig. 4.1 : Audacity Interface

• Mixxx Let’s begin with Audacity and Record Narration.

• Ardour 1. Go to file and click “New”. A new window will appear
(Refer Fig. 4.2).
Raima: Let us start creating our audio resource.

• Audacity is a free
open source digital
audio editor to
record computer
available for
Windows, macOS/
OS X, Linux and
other operating
• Interestingly, you
do not need sound
mixer or any other Fig. 4.2 : Getting started

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Raima: Let us add a new track (Refer Fig. 4.3).
device to use it.

Using Audacity you

1. record by default
or by external
2. edit, import and
export audio files.
3. mix tracks by
using envelop.
4. create effects and
even increase
Fig. 4.3 : Adding a new track
A new track will appear in which you can record your
voice or sound using either default microphone or the 5. use multiple
external microphone. Ensure that proper silence is
maintained while recording. To start the recording click
on the Red recording button (Fig. 4.4) and speak. To
finish recording, press the Stop button or the Space Bar
on your computer. You can insert more tracks in a
similar fashion.

Fig 4.4 : Recording an audio

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Nancy: While recording, you have coughed a couple of
times. How can it be removed?
Raima: After recording, editing can be done to remove
unwanted sounds, such as fumble, repeated sentences,
coughing, pops, etc. Using the selection tool we can
select the portions to be deleted, as shown in Fig. 4.5.

Once selected, press Delete on your keyboard or delete using the Edit menu.

Fig. 4.5 Editing the track

Neer: Can we add music and sound effects?

Raima: Add a new Track to put Music or Sound effects.
Make sure that you already have the required music
file on your computer. Click on the File in the menu
bar and choose the Import option. After clicking on the
Import option, browse and select the audio file.
It will be imported on the new track.
Neer: How do we mix these tracks?
Raima: You can mix tracks using the Tracks
Menu option.

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Fig. 4.6 Mixing of tracks
The software will mix your narration and other sound
tracks effects, as shown in Fig. 4.6.
Raima: Before going further, lets save our file. The final
track can be saved in the default .aup format (Audacity
Project) which is an editable format.
Nancy: Is it possible to add this track in my presentation?
Raima: For this you have to convert it into a suitable format
like .mp3 or .ogg using the Export option. Refer Fig. 4.7.

Fig. 4.7 Exporting the audio

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Nancy and Neer: Now we have learnt the creation and
Types of Video
editing software
editing of audio file. Let’s now learn about the Video
editing tool.
• Openshot video
Raima: I know an editing tool OpenShot video editor for
• Blender editing videos, as shown in Fig. 4.8.
• DScaler
• Pitivi shortcut Nancy: Let’s try and edit the video showing the techniques
• Videolan movie of water purification that we have recorded earlier.
• Video Editor
• Avidemux, etc.

Fig. 4.8 Openshot Interface

Neer: I am sure the first

step is to compile all the
information and organise
the video files and record
audio narration in a folder.
Raima: You are very right
Neer. Once, you complete
organizing the information,
you need to import all
images and video files to
the openshot video editor,
as shown in Fig. 4.9(A) &
Fig. 4.9(B).

Fig. 4.9 (A) Importing files (Method 1)

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Raima: Interestingly, there are two ways to
add images on the timeline. One of them is
to drag the three pictures one after the
other to “Track 2”, as shown in Fig. 4.10.
Remember that it is possible to change the
sequence in which these images will appear
in the slide show by dragging and
Fig 4.9 (B) : Importing files (Method 2)
re‑arranging them in the timeline.

Fig. 4.10: Adding images on the timeline (Method 1)

Raima: The other way is to select one image at a time by

using the Add to Timeline option, as shown in Fig.
4.11(A) and Fig. 4.11(B).

Image and audio files

can also be imported
using the shortcut
key “Ctrl+F”.
Fig 4.11 (A) : Adding images on the timeline (Method 2)

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Fig. 4.11 (B): Adding images on the timeline (Method 2)

Neer : Can we add some background music to the

slideshow to make it more interesting?
Raima: Yes, you can easily add an audio file by dragging
it from “Project File” window and dropping it in “Track
1” of the timeline, as shown in Fig. 4.2.

Fig. 4.12: Adding sound to the timeline

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Nancy: Does this “♫” mean that an audio has been Click on the save Icon
added on Track 1? in the toolbar or use
Raima: Good observation Nancy. shortcut key Ctrl+S
to save your project.
Nancy: Can I now preview the project?
Raima: Yes. You can do that by
clicking on the “Play” button in the
preview window. Refer Fig. 4.13.
Remember, if you need to re-arrange
any clips, just drag and drop the
clips to move them.
Neer: Can I use this video in my
Raima: First let’s save this video in
the default .osp format (as shown in
Fig. 4.14) which will allow us to edit
it later. But to use this video in our
presentation, we will have to export
it in a suitable format like .mp4 or Fig. 4.13: Project Preview

.ogg., as shown in Fig. 4.15.

Fig. 4.14: Save the project

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Fig. 4.15: Export the project

1. Prepare a narrative on the following topics:
a. A story you heard from your grandparents or parents
b. Mimicry of different cartoons
c. Collection of animal sounds
2. Prepare a video on the following topics:
a. A tree speaking to our citizens to safeguard its life
b. Different sources of water like river, sea, lake,
groundwater, etc., speaking to each other on how
various pollutants affect them.
c. Advertisement for implementing rainwater
harvesting at home and school

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3. Test yourself
a. Match the following

Audacity Recording Device

Smart Phone Audio Tool

Open Shot File Format

.osp Video Editor

.aup Audacity

b. Identify whether the following statements are True

or False

i. .MP3 is the format in which video files can be saved.

ii. Blender is a video editing software. (T/F)
iii. Audacity is a free and open source digital audio
editor.  (T/F)
iv. Open Shot is a software used for audio editing.
v. Music files can be imported in Audacity to prepare
audio resource.  (T/F)

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