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Christmas in The Round
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CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND arranged by Robert W. Smith
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CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND arranged by Robert W. Smith
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Christmas in the Round
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CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND arranged by Robert W. Smith
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CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND arranged by Robert W. Smith
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2 CONCERT BAND CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP)@, CONCERT BAND Se Belwin A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) INSTRUMENTATION 1 Conductor 3° st Bb Trumpet 4. Percussion I (Triangle, Shaker, 3 Ist C Flute 3° Ind B Trumpet Congas, Snare Drum, Bass 3. Ind C Flute 3 3rd Bb Trumpet Drum. Wind Chimes) 2 Oboe 2 \stHorn in F 3° Percussion Il (Suspended 3° Ist Bb Clarinet 2. 2nd Horn in F ‘Cymbal, Crash Cymbals, 3. Ind B Clarinet 2. IstTrombone Sleigh Bells) 3° 3rd Bs Clarinet 2. nd Trombone 1B Alto Clarinet 2 Baritone Bass Clef WORLD PARTS 2 Bb Bass Clarinet 1 Baritone Treble Clef 20 Ist Horn in E> 2 Bassoon 4 Tuba 2 Ind Horn in E> 1 Ist Eb Alto Saxophone 4 Mallet Percussion (Chimes, 2 Ist Trombone in Bb Treble Clef f ae 5 a oer Bells [two players}, 2. 2nd Trombone in B> Treble Clef Tenor Saxophone Marimba [two players}, 2. Tuba in Bb Treble Clef 0 pl) Vibraphone) 2 Tuba in E> Treble Clef 2. Timpani and Chimes PROGRAM NOTES ‘Christmas in the Round (A Holidy Prism for Band) is 2 medley of traditional holiday favorites arranged in a prism or theaterin-the-round setting. Beginning with a full band statement, the medley progresses through ensemble features for percussion, fures, clarinets, saxophones, double reeds, trumpets, horns, and low brass. Traitional, contemporary, humorous, and stately, each choir brings a unique facet to this holiday prism! NOTE TO THE CONDUCTOR ‘The introduction should be as energetic and brillant as possible. Following this full ensemble statement, the per- cession begins the fist of the choir statements. During this percussion setting of "Ukrainian Bell Carol.” the winds should move to a position surraunding the audience. Each consecutive choie feature should draw the audience's actention toa different “stage” In che performance hall. The winds should move back to the concert band stage dur- ing the second percussion ensemble feature ("God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen” Please note that each choir statement should follow a brief pause at the conclusion of the previous feature, The length of the pause should vary based upon audience response. However, be sure that the momentum of the Arrangement is maintained by limiting the time between features. | have cued the bassoon, oboe, and horn features to give your ensemble the greatest flexibility of instrumentation. You may wish to have the bass clarinets, for exam ple, move to the double reed stage following the clarinet choir performance. In addition feel free co delete an indi- vidual choir feature if needed. | hope that you and your ensemble find Chisunes inthe Round {A Holiday Prism for Band) to be a rewarding musical experience. Best of luck in all of your musical endeavors. Best wishes for a great performance! >.CONDUCTOR CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) CFlater Ao Clarinet hae Cine Eb Ako Saophones [Bo Tenor Sexophone Eb Barone Saxophone Brtrumpes 2 Hori Dasione ‘The Mate reson (Chimes Beles oo pager ‘Maras -fwo paves, “Wbaphon) ‘Timpani and Chimes Percussion t (angle, Shaler, ‘Congas, Sere Dun, ‘es Dra, Wind Chines) Fervuson I (Suspended Cyt, : ; : Cath Cymbal Sigh els) ' 2 ‘Ts Argent © 209 BELYIN- MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EMT MILLS MUSE ING sed NVTERRATIONAL ROWS CORR so nwnsae AGphs Reseed acing Pc Prose fo PottConductor?‘Condor 3 2 Ac Ba. ASsxes TS Bar Soe, Tu Pec. ‘somos:Pers Mi Fee, Tip. Peet few. Peet ere ¥ CCondsctor- 4 (© 20 RELNIN-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP (ASCAP) » * »“lt Nate ran May JOSEP MONK FRAC GRUBER oct =96 (0209 BELLS PUBLISHING CORE (ASCAP) wanesCondueoe-6 pwnsConductor 7Conductor 6 us us w 150 i o (eat ys ro spose: (© 200 BELWIN MILLS PUBLISHING CORE.AASCAPYConductor 9 "Tet Dron Bey Mis KATHERINE DAS, [Bijseey Son Ha ON = ies —a 6 ™ m8 i» i ry ve (© 885 (Reeue 1986) EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC an INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORPConductor-10 us cy as 16 wr us ” 0 solo TTA Wr" Nan BANC WATTS 0) Ajeet J56" Mo: by ORE HANDEL 27 208 0 2 210 a 22 © 2m BLN LS PUBLISHING CORE AAPConductor 1 \ \ cares sano wm aor TSConductor 2 Sera ae 200 BELEN AALS PUBLISHING CORFASCAP)Conductor 13Condor Ht Cer tercr [Ceres perce [Uber Cercr |oerer Corer [eee Leper SSS, Tin. Pew ere.Conductor 15 Si pencua ack aa. Saves TS at Su. apmabosseConductor 16 mwConductor 19 + ———— F ava | “Solo tate ac Tika Mi Pes Tip. Pert erecs cea ac na. TS st Ss. ‘The Mi Pr. Tine. Pet Condueor-20|CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) wean oem Ist C FLUTE By “Utranan Bell Cra!” -By M.LEONTOVICH. T]prisk yg [45] 4p Ib’s IIb> s SF ‘molto ral. a) Sent Nigh” - Wer ané Masi by JOSEPH MOHR and FRANZ GRUBER, (5) Fowing dv. —— <=> “What Childs This?” - TRADITIONAL Cantabile 96| 8 ‘This Arangement © 2000 BELWIN.MILLS PUBLISHING CORP, EMI MILLS MUSIG INC, nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP Monn eneIst Flute - 2 “The Late Dranmer Boy". ors and Music by KATHERINE DA\ HENRY ONORAT and HARRY SIMEONE [179] steady ‘Cue: Ob. i 2 d a Jay To The Word” - rds by SAAC WATTS. TO] Majic! 5 MH CoHGEF Hao, div. > Nan _ “Deck The He -TRADIIONAL aia Bs Bi] Lively! fie les a "3 a "We Wish You A Mery Christmas” TRADITIONAL, [gag] Humorous wate 2s) 20 16 BbMOD0S0Flute -3 TRADITIONAL rall. to endCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) 2nd C FLUTE rantan Bell Carat” By M. LEONTOVICH. ih og (ss) Ip> 12 “Sie Night - Word and Music by JOSEPH MOHR aod FRANZ GRUBER [& Plowing = div, diy, ‘This Arangement © 200) BELWIN MILLS PUBLISHING CORP, [EMI MIL MUSIC, INC sd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP. BoMom050 {All Rips Reserved inclaing Pubic Perormnce or Poi2nd Flute -2 “Whe Chit Tis?” ‘TRADITIONAL 38] (96 [Cantabile Toa) With energy! (na 8 8 “Single Balls” - ors snd Mic by JAMES PIERFONT 128) 146) 18 156] ‘Comedie! 160] 4 “The Litt Drummer Boy” Bes ono at Steady OEE 235| + Wows and Music ty KATHERINE DAVIS, RY SIMEONE “hey Ts The Wer sch The Hale” "TRADITIONAL, Biter, We Wish You A Merry Chrismas” "TRADITIONAL, 265 Humorous waltz! DMOn0S02nd Flute -3 “Gad Rest We Merry, Gentlemen” TRADITIONAL [282] Wi ners g an ag motto alt.” mf ———_————— rall. 1 end ptt oeCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND OROR A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! “kreian Ball Carol” ByM. LEONTOVICH ——————_+ 2 [17] Brisk 28 molto rl“ aj Bioning's 7 oomENOM maemo HER 7 lowing pe eee a @ 23 a cco ——- + =p “ht CAs Ta?” TRADITIONAL . 8] Cantabile 96) og] When! “The Lite Drummer Boy" Words apd Masicby KATHERINE DAVIS, 8 [ies 773] Steady HENRY ONORAT and HARRY SIMEONE ‘This Amangement © 2000 BELWIN.MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC. an INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP.“Joy To The Worl” - Words by SAAC WATTS “Majestic! 3 Me tt a] i "Deck The Halls" “TRADITIONAT. [2H] tie nm "We Wik You A Mery Chrismas” “TRADITIONAL a (3qg] Humorous waltz! 265 16 oMOI0S0Oboe - 3 ste Yer, Geom” TEADEIONAL [282] With energy! (286) o rall. 10 end sb Mao0sCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) BASSOON (7) om “Uanian Ball Caro” By M LEONTOVICH [Brg ‘molto rail. “Senet Cantabile rit With energy’ ; “ONT “The Ltt Drummer Bay”- Word and Mosc by KATHERINE DANS, mas HENRY ONORATL and HARRY SIMEONE a This Amangemen! © 2000 BELWIN. MILLS PUBLISHING CORE. EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC. nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP. pMowes0 All ighs Reseres inclusing Pubic Performanes fr ProfBassoon - 2 “Jay To The Worle” rds by WAAC WATTS Masi by GEORGE P HANDEL, Majestic! Z 231) Lively! 245 | 265) [itive y te (2 “od Ret Ye Mery, Gentlemen” “TRADITIONAL ‘With energy! 3 [324] Majestic! ae 332] Soar! = - 3CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND fears A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! s Sent Nigh” ‘molto rall. for and Music by JOSEPH MOWR sae FRANZ GRUBER Flowing 23 a] a a at -TgDATONA (55) cantante [96 8 m2], ra o ‘This Arangement © 2000 BELWIN-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. [EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC. nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP spéo00s0 All Rights Reserved nladng Public Performance fr ProfIst Clarinet - 2 [reg ae i div, ys = “The Lite Drummer Bay” Words ard Masi by KATHERINE DAVIS, {Y ONORATI and HARRY SIMEONE 179] Stead ready 30. ingle eles en sib AMES PERPONT Comet! igo] [s a bMon0s0“Joy Vo The World” - Wonds by ISAAC WATTS {st Clarinet - 3 ‘Deck The Halls” ‘Music ty GEORGE F HAND “TRADTIONAL 0] Maes! 5 Galvani om a) on os a a “Wp Wik You A Merry Chritmas” TRADITIONAL Humorous waltz! om “God Rett Ye Merry, Gentlemen’ “TRADITIONAL 348) Brilliant! [2] With eer (1 SS rall. 10 endCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) 2nd Bb CLARINET Brilliant! oer! eens trian Bl Cr By MLEORTOVICHL BSE ta rz vnER 17] Brisk [as [og] “Oe wR 28 s] 12 6 ma 23 a fp a sit Cd Te? TRADITIONAL [ss] Cambie [96) [104] With energy! mssss mf “This Arcangement © 2000 BELWINNILLS PUBLISHING CORP. ‘anwweown EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC. nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP,2nd Clarinet - 2 vers :—7 me S33 “The Litle Drummer | ae “Joy To The World” Ree ee amma nave. see ee WATT eens esata EGTRRA METRE YS Eom 156] Comedic! [160] 168 179] Stead; [210] Majestic! 4 s ou * 30 a o BpMa00s02nd Clarinet - 3 225 “he Wit You A Merry Christmas” “TRADITIONAL With energy! ‘alto rall.CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) 3rd Bb CLARINET a “len Nghe ‘molto all “Ukranian Bel Caro” -By M. LEONTOVICH ee MON snd FRANZ GRUBER 17] Brisk 43 64] oe ce 28 12 6 a 23 a = rit hat CI The?” "TRADITIONAL, 88} Cantabile ith energy! ‘This Amagemert © 2000 BELWIN:-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC. nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP. BDMo00s0 All Rights Reserved inclaing Pui Performan for Poi3rd Clarinet - 2 2 ay single Beli” Wow ad Msc by JAMES PIERPONT Comedic! 156) 160] 4 8 _BDMa00s03rd Clarinet - 3 “eit rane tay” 168 | [179] steady [210] Majestic! 214 a * 30 aa 3 (eee ee “Deck The Halle” TRADITIONAL. (ai) Lively! aay ‘umorows wate apm at ete nen RADEON es) 29 16 a ae eo) Sa es mf ——$—————CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Eb ALTO CLARINET Brilliant! 7 a == Sy — oo “et J is es “nalio val =f = “Sen [Nor by Urania Bll Caro By M.LEONTOVICH SSH MOH so rnawz crue 17 lowing Brisk 45 64) 28 12 6 a 23, a “What Chl Is This?” TRADITIONAL Cantabile & ee 104] With energy! ‘This Arugerent © 2000 BELWIN.MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. [EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC. ad INTERNATIONAL KORWIN COR.Alto Clarinet - 8 = a> isi “tingle Beli Word and Masi by JAMES PIERPONT [754] Comedic!Alto Clarinet - 3 chy to1he “The Late Drummer Boy” ‘Words ané Muse by KATHERINE DAVIS, Words by BAAC WATTS [179] RESRYONORAT emARRY SiuzONe Fay] Mi ty GRORCE. Aon (240) Majestic! Steady 39 “ie Wisk ow A Merry Chrismas” “TRADITIONAL Humorous waltz! [363] “God Rest Ye Mery, Gentemen’” “TRADITIONAL [aa] Wien ners [286] [238] fo BDMOIOSDCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Bb BASS CLARINET Britian 7 LE seyeus “Ukranian Bell Caro By MLEONTOVICH 17] Brisk a 28 SSS ive a ‘molto “Suen Night” Words and Masi by e eo JOSEPH MOHR sad FRANZ GRUBER __ “What Child ls This eee ] a) Fwing Gontabie mf §] z 2 < sess nf “This Arangerent © 2000 BELWINMILLS PUBLISHING CORP. [EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC. sd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP. aD MOONS AIL Righs Reserved including Public Peformance for ProfitBass Clarinet - 2 4 nS em us ese? g a 2 2= "Age txts iy WMES ERGOT “the ie De Bo" Wa My EXTERNE AS, i] Com Yo 168 Ti] Beaay TESA ONOT at HA SORE — Cue! BsnCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND Ist Eb ALTO SAXOPHONE A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! = _F = poe rel [Met Msc by ofr Mol ac reanz oRUER a5 [4] Fowin, 12 6 a * 23, “What Chl Tht?” TRADITIONAL With energy! [88] Cantabie 96] SS 104) “Fingte Wet” -owds an Musi by JAMES PIERPONT 156] Core "i60) “This rangement © 2000 BELWIN.MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. [EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC. nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP.Ist Alto Saxophone - 2 Sti co —= If “the Litt Drummer B ‘Words and Muse by KATHERINE DAVIS, HENRY ONORATI snd HARRY SIMEONE [179] Steeay ey T The Wl” - Won y SAAC WATTS Maja -SO
[3] i “Deck The Hall” TRADITIONAL Lively! Cue: Hn. 1 a DMS2nd Alto Saxophone - 3 Ss div ‘TRADITIONAL a “id Rest Ve Mors, Gate” TRADITIONAL energy! Ws You Mery Christe lumorous waltz! f ral. to end ab MON0seCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND BORG OFrONE A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! oh — Z f “Sent Nigh” ‘molto rail Wer an Mase by JOSEPH MOH and FRANZ GRUBER a | Cambie i 3s ls With energy! 04] t 12 ingle Belle” - Works a Masi by JAMES PIERPONT Comedie! “This Arangement © 2000 BELWINMILLS PUBLISHING CORP, [EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC and INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP, ‘BDMo00s0 All Rights Reserved including Publi esterane or Po‘Tenor Saxophone - 2 “het DrannerBay HENRY ONORATH and HARRY SIMEONE Stead ears. ee “Joy To The Word” «Words by SAAC WATTS —_ Masi by GEORGE F HANDEL, [210] majestic 3 [214] n & AD “We Wisk Yu A Mery Chrismas” - TRADITION Humorous waltz! o™ 245} 265] bs 20 16 = div, ae God Res Ye Mery, Gentlemen" - TRADITIONAL, 282] ore (336) - [a] [324] Majestict rall. to endCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND FREE A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! [7] Joyous 3 nal poe: “iranian Bell Care” 17] Brisk [ss] a aa a oS ca —= f= ‘molto rll. “Set Ng Jt Mei fxg moron “What Ch Ue Te?" “TRADITIONAL wien rq) Flowing 88] ; foal [fog] With energy! [4 Cantabile 96 104) (23 s_ is M's ingle My AMES PERPONT in| 2] g (ii 186 [156] Comedie 7 if ‘This rangement © 2000 BELWIN. MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EMI MILLS MUSIC. INC. snd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP ‘All Rips Reserved inloing Pi Performan or Poi ‘AD Mo00s0Baritone Saxophone - 2 “The ite Dramer Boy” mp —————— | “TENRY.ONORATT ang HARRY SRMEONE_‘H To The Work” - Words by SAAC WATTS = ‘Mn by GEORGE E HANDEL = 79] Steady [210] Majestic: aa 3 dl 225) Am Soe eae oe neil silat was Fa 3 | 20 “God Res Ye Merry, Genter” TRADITIONAL Wien enerey! Gag] (286 = f ‘molto rall BD MO0050CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Ist Bb TRUMPET Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! a tase ot rl Words an Msi by JOSEPH MOH an FRANZ GRUBER “Uiranian Bell Caro” By M. LEONTONICH, [ea] Flowing 23 a 7] risk 1 fe 28 sy -What Cd TTAB, [38] camatie [36 s 7 5 is “The Lite Drommer Bay™ ‘Words and Misc by KATHERINE DAVIS, “Single Bale” - Weeds snd Mosc by AMES PIERPONT Words snd Mine by KATHERINE DAVES, 56] oe (1) 8 [68] 11 [179] Steaay 30 im 10 “ty Thee -Woty BAKC WATTS Bio] Nisan es eo on, > Ce > Seee— _ 7 “This Amangement © 2000 BELWINMILLS PUBLISHING CORE, -EMIMILLS MUSIC, INC. nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP. Al Righs Reserved incloing Public Performan for Profi -BDMO00s0Ist Trumpet -2 > ee: A = ‘Deck The Hall? TRADITIONAL. div. 2m wa = a =: We Wik Yu A Merry Christmas” TRADITIONAL God Res Ye Mery Gentlemen” With energy! 4 12 > [324] Majestic! [332] Soar! 3 T Solo Open, St. Mute tutti [340] oMoncs9CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND 2nd Bb TRUMPET A Holiday Prism for Band mf Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) = SSS : F “Vlrenlan Bell Carol” -By M. LEONTOVICHL (Bl aw ae” What Child fe This?” TRADITIONAL Canines ge With energy! 8 fe ep “stent Night” molto ral. Neb My JOSEPH MOHR sa FRANZ GRUBER Flowing 23 “Single Bells” - Words sod Mase by IAMES PIERPONT be 10 (isa) Comet [co] “Joy To The Word” . Wore by SAAC WATTS Masi by GEORGE F. HANDEL, 210] Majestic! Weed nd Most ty KATHERINE DAVIS, ony HENRY ONORAT and HARRY SIMEONE [179] Stead; mw y 30 6 phart ‘This Arangerneat © 2000 BELWIN MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. [EMI MILLS MUSIC INC. sd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN COR?2nd Trumpet - 2 Eze oe Soe m= ee ee Tomarou waka sit oe Ba a 2 Ea 9 as] | 16 4 R “dune 7 Ff molto ratt,CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND eo A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! motto ral easy SE Mot a re crunen a Flowing. 12 ee 23 5 it - PByM. LEONTOVICH 45| a TRADITIONAL. With energy! 96| i] “The Lite Drummer Boy" “Tingle Bes - Woes an Musi by MMES PIERPONT ‘Words and Mise by KATHERINE DAVIS, Comedie! fag HENRY ONORATI and HARRY SIMEONE ‘4. (259) Steady 39 a “Joy To The Word” - Words by BAAC WATTS [210] ‘Majestic! Musety GEORGE HANDEL ‘Tis Atungerent © 2000 BELWIN. MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EMI MILLS MUSIC INC. nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP BpMo00s0 All Rights Reserve ncatne Pubic Prarance for Prt3rd Trumpet - 2 225| > > “Deck The Hel” -TRADTIONAL az) Lively! ai Qian 3 "Me Wh You A Mery Cries” TRADITIONAL, foee ee Humorous waltz! ‘TRADITIONAL’ ‘With energy’ Pas) a2 Ps] no 2) 16 a 4Bass Clarinet -3 “Jay To The World” - Words by ISAAC WATTS | * “Deck The Halls” “TRADITIONAL Sear hk GEORGE Hao eer 10) Maiestic 214) 335 pays We Wi Yn A Merry Chita” “TRADITIONAL eee ee eee Humorous waltz! “TRADITIONAL 248] [263] aap] With energy! (396) 20 __ 16 a _4 12 332] Soar!CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Ist HORN IN F Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! a “Siem Nahe molto rall JOSEPH MOH and FRANZ GRUBER 12 6 a @ “3 “Uiranian Bell Carol -By M. LEONTOVICH T]Bsk 9g [8 oa fF ri « gy Rha msorTONA With energy! - = (S3) cantaiteg [96] Pel 120] 8 [rs 18 o “he Lite Dranmer By” “luge Be” es Mas by AMES PIEREONT Weds Mie by KATHERINE DAMS Comedie! ra 179] Steady. 11 2 3 ke “Joy To The Word - Wonts by BARC WATTS nena Tete ay sie i me . 3 on nO 5 aa div, a =——"s ‘This Arangemert © 2000 BELWIN-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP, EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP DMO All Rights Reserved including Public Performance fr PoiIst Hom in F-2 “We Wik Yn A Marry Christmas” “TRADITIONAL. Humorous waltz! div. o> ss > tk GES . od Rett Ye Mery, Gentlemen TRADITIONAL With energy! 59) aa a [324] Majestic!CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band 2nd HORN IN F Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! 2 Sen Nigh” ‘molto rall Wor ane si by “Ubranian Bell Carol-By M. LEONTOVICH JOSEPH MOF snd FRANZ GRUBER Flowing 23, a [i7}prisk 9g [5] yy 6 of rag) "Me Chis Tis? TRADITIONAL With energy! SS Camtabite g bs] g gs ml g [2 , [| ag “The Lee Drummer Bey” ny Words ant Musieby KATHERINE DAVIS, ra _ Teen Suan ona [156] Comediet caddy, 4 a i “Joy To The Wor? - Word ISAAC WATTS iol nares Mosc by GEORGE F, HANDEL “Deck The Halle “TRADITIONAL. nate 214) 225] 231] Lively! i 5 ™ —————— ff vel “This Amangoment © 2009 BELWIN-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC. a INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP aDMo00s0 All Righs Reserved iseloing Publi afore or Prot2nd Hom in F -2 a @ ee ge ; a Z 2 « « “We Wih Yu A Merry Christmas” “TRADITIONAL , aig SS = 4 2 ‘With energy! 318] Brilliant! es 19 ee ———| mf=f [324] Majestict [332] Soar!CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Ist TROMBONE Brilliant! % =" = stem ihe” alto rill tron Bel Cart -By M: ONTONIE EERE encom Brisk a8 eq How 23 6 nm 3 = har Ch TH-TRADTIONA _With energy? 88] Cantabile 96 104) 8 be] 8 ind 8 “The Lite Drummer Boy” - Word and Mosby KATHERINE DAVIS, “Fingle Beli” - Words vt Muse by JAMES PIERFONT Fe a OE OS Sie s ES yy E39 a fc [is] Comet {reo “Deck The Hall” “Joy To The Word” - Wosts by ISAAC WATTS A ‘Misieby GEORGE, HANDEL TRADITIONAL. 214 [210] Mtajestict ‘We Wisk Yow A Mery Oristmas” TRADITIONAL Humorous waltz! “This Arrangement © 2000 BELWIN-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EMMI MILLS MUSIC, INC and INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORPIst Trombone - 2 ar a 7 oH 3s 76 m7 a God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen” “TRADITIONAL = Dogg Wen eneres! Pa56 pn @ 19 [332] Soar! a ft all. to end ™ J “i ™ FeCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUN A Holiday Prism for Band 2nd TROMBONE Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) 7 | Joyous SS a i = ee Tt + ° 6 a a ff ‘molto rall. ‘Words and Music by JOSEPH MOHR and FRANZ. GRUBER a “What Cid Ie The?" “TRADITIONAL With energy! alcmaing Pl g OH g Hl g Bg BI ag The Lite Drone Boy” ‘Words and Music by KATHERINE DAVIS, “tingle Bel” - Wor and Music by JAMES PIERPONT [i5¢] Comedi f [i6] Comat! [io] g [aes] HENRY ONORATL and HARRY SIMEONE Steady 146| TR “Deck Theta” “oy To The Wold” - Wort y ISAAC WATTS, ‘TRADITIONAL Wa Seog nana re 210] Majestic [aaa] Hest “We Wich You A Mery Chrsteas® TRADITIONAL, [245] Humorous waltz! = SS “This Amangement © 2000 BELWIN-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP, EMIMILLS MUSIC, INC and INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP, BDMOO0S0 ‘AL Righs Reseed including Public Peruse Psi2nd Trombone - 2 a m7 7 me ca 76 m7 poe ee eared rn aee as ee 4 4) 2 [324] Majestic! E t ral, 0 end —= orCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) BARITONE Bass Clef “Ciranian Bell Caro! By M.LEONTOVICH, 5 ye azcmunek 17] fas] lowing, U7) Brisk (ss [4 28 23, Wha Ch Ti?” “TRADITIONAL With energy! 8 [88] cantabite [96] (ray ag “inl ets Wes a Msi by JAMES PRPONT 756] oe [fo a “eck he Halts” “Sep To The Word” Wor by SARC WH The as aa Msi by GEORGE. HANDEL Teaotions 210] Majestic! i as] ively! he Wich You A Merry Christa» TRADITIONAL. Humorous waltz! ‘is ragnen 200) ELINA PUBLISHING CORD EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC and INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP nuns Al igh Rese clung Pub arse fo PaiBaritone B.C. -2 God Rest Ye Mery Gentlemen” - TRADITIONAL ‘With energy! 282] 286] 298] 12 ho _19 318] Brilliant! 324] Majestic! f : Pe ‘molto rall. 332] Soar! fF wihwed * —___ v=CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND a A Holiday Prism for Band BARITONE Treble Clef Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! Brisk 28 son ch [88] ca ile, 8 “Uranian Bell ara” -By M.1LEONTONICH, | 12 rit TRADITIONAL, wit ch energy! "Word te Misc by Geer MOH anarmawz crue lowing na 12} 8 120] “Single Ble” - i ad Mai by JAMES PIERPONT 146] {ise} Comedic! [60] 168} 10 “Joy To The Wore” Majestic! 3 3] om 4 8 Words by SAAC WATTS “Mosiby GEORGE . HA 214 vey sl 225) 3s er af We Wish You Merry Chrismas” Humorous waltz! —= “Phe Lite Drummer Boy” ‘Words and Muse by KATHERINE DAVIS, —_—) HENRY ONORATT and HARRY SIMEONE [179] Steady 30 ty a “Deck The Hal” TRADITIONAL. Lively! a "3 TRADITIONAL, This Arangemert © 2000 BELWIN-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. [EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC ad INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP.Baritone T.C. -2 LS a ES iH “God Ret Ye Merry, Genlemen"” TRADITIONAL faa] Withenerey! Pag [233] _12 19 A [524] ataesier tf rall. tend — Lif —=CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) TUBA a ™ og 6 a $ ‘molto rall. wf ae Sy 64 lowing 88 Cantabile 96) 104 112, : 3 = » A sg 23 ” 1s 4 yy — “The Lint Drummer Bey” ‘Wordssnd Moc y KATHERINE DAVIS, joy Ty The Word” - Wors by ISAAC WATTS HEY OMG ay Shon ne by GEORGE HANDEL fae) Sten Majestic! ana} 23] — 30 a 3 AA bul il 5 am “Deck The Hale” “TRADITIONAL Fan] Lively! [245] Humorous waltz! “We Wich YouA Merry Chrismas” - TRADITIONAL, 9 a nf — 30 a 2 “This Anangement & 2000 BELWIN. ILLS PUBLISHING CORP, EMIMILLS MUSIG INC. od INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORE {Ai ions Retr inline Pai Performs or Poi“Got Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen’ “TRADITIONAL With energy! 4 [332] Soar! 340] ral. to endCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND : A Holiday Prism for Band PERCUSSION I (iangle, Shaker, Congss, Snare Drum, Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Bass Drum, Wind Chimes) “Ukranian Bell Carol” erctaan es Brisk Briiant! [77] Tianete @ Joyous “ste ig re chy ZOSEEH MOH sn FRANZ GRUBER What Ch Ti” TRADITIONAL, ; 64] Foe [88] Cantabile, 96) Toa] With energy! 6 33 8 g be) “the Ltt Dramomer Boy” Weer Maney KATHERINE DAVIS, jy ry Th Word” - Word by SAAC HENRY ONORATI and HARRY siuzone “207777 Mosety GOORGE HANDEL, Steady (aro) Maiestict Cal (210) 30 a 3 aA a — i ra) ‘This Aragemert © 2000 BELWIN.MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP BbMO0050 All RightsReserved including Pub Performance fr Poi,Percussion I- 2 “Deck Phe Hale" "TRADITIONAL [25] Lively! “We Wish You A Merry Chrismas” “TRADITIONAL Humorous waltz! 265) od Rest Merry, Gentlemen” - TRADITIONAL With cue! (286 f Pf v> 3 ‘Wind Chimes 2 Bl 3 rall. io end“ @ 6 ar} Pf - f=CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band PERCUSSION I (Suspended Cymbal, Crash Cymbals, Sleigh Bells) Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brant 7 SEE ttt nga rte Bljom | He a pe eet rr 17] Brisk Sleigh Bells, L 7 ma 16 ' 8 1s i amit Py | @) ps J J j— 1 G ) Jy p74, 11) 4» J J J 41,4 (4) 4 J dl J { y y | y y 1 y | @ Se rr 6 oO J | ey | A i . . _ —— ha Rt” TRADITIONAL svn —— ith energy! fiom |g Gag mH Ee) | —_| ‘Tis Anangement © 2000 BELWIN.MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. ‘EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC. ad INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP. DMON0S0 All Rights Reserved inlndng Publi Performance for ProfitPercussion Il - 2 “The Lite Drummer Bay” - Words and Musi by KATHERINE DAVIS, “Single Blt” - Words sé Mic by JAMES PIERPONT HENRY ONORAT and HARRY SIMEONE 156] Comedic! 160) 168} 179] Steady 4 b 8 t ll 30 ——— “Joy To Tha Word” - Wor by ISAAC WATTS Majestic! Mosk by GEORGE F- HANDEL 24 235| ll 5 a4 2 ID” | | | Deck The Hall” “TRADITIONAL a P| i a oy fa tf [at “ie Wh Yow A Merry Christmas” - TRADITIONAL. Rest Ye Mery, Gentlemen” TRADITIONAL. Humorous waltz! With energy! (245) 265) 282] Sleigh Bells ge oy oo Ea 26 =» —$—$—= 14 Seep Crm. (| Ve ee, 3 —e y {- —_| | 2 ed eerie tf 319 22 molto rall. [324] Majestic: soar - 6 4 - 6 i—-} 1? i———i1t \ pf = hp fp ‘ 340) ne | T T py —— f ralhoend *CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band MALLET PERCUSSION (Chimes, Bells - two players, Marimba - two players, Vibraphone) Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! Ca imseg ranian Bl Cart 83M. LEONTONICH (a7) brisk Bells 4 Taf 4,471 “af Vibes (opt Bells) 1 sy ty ay Je ie dele Ae (add 2nd set of Bells on lower part) ‘This Arrangement © 2000 BELWIN-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EMI MILLS MUSIC INC. nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP. sp Mo00s0 {All Righs Revered inclong Publ Perfermanse for PotMallet Percussion - 2 “rs L L r + ce a Fag pee eee own [B] Cantabite [56] 2 [i] Wi eget 8 8 3) 18 10 “the Lite Drummer Boy” ‘Words and Mane by KATHERINE DAVIS, HE "Jingle Rll” Wor an Mesicby JAMES PIERPONT {Y ONORATI and HARRY SIMEONE. comedic! {160} 8 (168) Tl Steady 39 The Worl” - Words by ISAAC WATTS jen MOS GEDROEE He, (ual 3] ‘Deck The Halls" “TRADITIONAL Liv pMov0s0SSeS ia # be AS =| Fs LE = "CECT Leer corer peor Lec reece ged 3 — ; ae = Crrercr tir CrEErer cer’ (ic eaecr TIE TE aaaqacare Lor Lares Ge Ee : WSFerrrat? LUorien Ler cece ab Mo00s0CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band ‘TIMPANI and CHIMES ‘Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! Joyous fae SEs v “tranian Bell Carel” -By M. LEONTOVICHL Brisk 42 Chimes ] a wy ‘This Aangerent © 2000 BELWEN-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC and INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORE nmnnnsn ‘All Bighs Reser including Pub Pevfrmance fr Pri,‘Timpani and Chimes - “Silent Nigh - Word nd Musi by TOSHPH MOH 1a FRANZ GRUBER a Ga] Flowing a Wha Ch I TH?” TRADITIONAL | Cantabile 96| Toa] Withenerey! iggy _ 8 [96] [Fal 8 (22) “Tingle Belle” Wor by SAAC WATTS. ‘Misi by GEORGE F HANDEL Comedie! “The Late Drum ‘Words and Mose by KATHERINE DAVIS. and HARRY SI ay To The Worl” - Words by SAAC WATTS 7 Fa Ni So on, “Deck The Hall” “TRADITIONAL, “ke Wik Yow Merry Christmas” TRADITIONAL (ias] es re “God Res Ye Mer Gentemen” - TRADITIONAL. [282] With energy! 286) epMon0S0‘Timpani and Chimes -3 [318] Brilliant! 3 [324] Majestic! = = PS all.toend pMoN0s0CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND _ A Holiday Prism for Band Ist HORN IN Eb Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! “Silent Nigh” ‘molto rail. Wo and sic by a “Uiranian Bel Caro” -By M, LEONTOVICH JOSEPH MOH and FRANZ GRUBER. 17] Brisk B 28 op “What Chile The?” TRADITIONAL, With energy! I [38] ‘! fl BS canabieg 96) (io) gi] og (8) og (gg “The iets Drummer. ‘Words a fase by KATHERINE DAVIS, HENRY ONORATI and HARRY SIMEONE Steady 160] 8 "Joy Yo The World” - Wort by SAAC WATTS ‘any GEORGE F- HANDEL 210] Majest 214] a 1 ‘This Arrangement © 2009 BELWIN.MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EI MILLS MUSIC, INC. nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP, Alig Reserved iolaing Publi Pertormanse for PoiIst Hom in Bb - 2 ‘We Wisk Yow A Merry Christus” TRADITIONAL Humorous waltz! a 9 PF 16 a ee ee
4 [324] Majestic! [332] Soar! 3CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band World Part 2nd Bb TROMBONE Treble Clef Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) Brilliant! Gre “What Cie Ths? TRADITIONAL. With energy! Cantabile g (95) 3 i 8 112} 8 120) 3 18 “The Litte Drummer Bay” . ‘Words and Mie by KATHERINE DAVIS, “Lingle Bells” - Woes and Music by JAMES PIERPONT poe erro Comate ico} ges) yy (EB) Sent a “Deck The Hal” ‘TRADITIONAL 5a) Lively! am Bal 3 “Jay To The Word” -Woets by ISAAC WATTS Mase by GEORGE MANDEL. fajestic! OR 5 Wisk ow A Merry Christmas” TRADITIONAL [243] Humorous waltz! om 3s ma 6 et ee nf “This Anangemeat © 2000 BELWIN-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. EMIMILLS MUSIC, INC and INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP. BpMo00s0 Al RightsReserved including Public Performance fr Profit2nd Bb Trombone T.C. -2 ee eee ‘wi energy |282| 286) 298] f ¢ 24 2 Pl [318] pritiane f oar [324] Majestic!CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band world Part Bb TUBA Treble Clef Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) brian! 3 [7] soyous Zi ree by ' TOUETH MOM Sot FRANZ GRURER_ ya hi TRA?” -TRADITONAL With energy’ Eas [88] Cantabite 96| [04] 23_ “Jingle Bel - Words 04 Music oy JAMES PIERPONT {128} 18 [146] 156] Comat 160] g [iss] hee Dram Boy? Ress eat RATHER DAVES, yy ry he r-xp SANCWATTS HENRY ONORAT os Hany Sbcone_H770 The More" Wodsy BAG WATTS, 179] Steady 210 Malestig 214 ms 2” TRADITIONAL "We Wish YouA Merry Chrismas” “TRADITIONAL im (2S) Humorous walt “This rangement © 2000 BELWIN: MILLS PUBLISHING CORP, [EMI MILLS MUSIC, INC ad INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP,Bb Tuba TC. -2 od Rest Y Me Gentlemen” TRADITIONAL With energy! F3gq) wi i 282 286) 298) 318] Brilliant! 2 8] 19 4 324] Majestic! aS ae. molto rall ral, to end eaCHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND A Holiday Prism for Band World Part EL TUBA Treble Clef Arranged by ROBERT W. SMITH (ASCAP) “ttranian Ball Carel” - By M, LEONTOVIC Wax 4g [5] yy c Frees vt =F Ff molto rall. wf Peacoat ma With ener! [64] Flowing 88) Cantabile [104] 112| 23 8 8 8 (i) 8 “The Lite Drummer Boy” ‘Words apd Muse by KATHERINE DAVIS, . |_——-HENRY ONORATI and HARRY SIMEONE_ "Yey o The World - Words by ISAAC WATTS 179] Steady al ae Masi by GEORGE F HANDEL i “Deck The Hala” “TRADITIONAL We ah Yuk Mery Crna” Lively! [TRADITIONAL 234) 245] Humorous waltz! Aa 3 a 9 a ‘This Arangernent © 2000 BELWIN-MILLS PUBLISHING CORP. -EMIMILLS MUSIC, INC. nd INTERNATIONAL KORWIN CORP.Eb Tuba TC. - 2 God Rest Ye Mere Gentlemen" TRADITIONAL, With energy! 282 286) 298] a 4 12 [318] Brilliant! wd. ? f 3 {324] Majestict [332] Soar! 3 | of = iw tf wall. 1 end
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