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Python Basics
• Python language introduction

• Python 3 basics

• Python The new generation language

• Important difference between python 2.x and python 3.x with example

• Keywords in Python | Set 1, Set 2

• Namespaces and Scope in Python

• Statement, Indentation and Comment in Python

• Structuring Python Programs

• How to check if a string is a valid keyword in Python?

• How to assign values to variables in Python and other languages

• How to print without newline in Python?

• Decision making

• Basic calculator program using Python

• Python Language advantages and applications


• Taking input in Python

• Taking input from console in Python

• Taking multiple inputs from user in Python

• Python Input Methods for Competitive Programming

• Vulnerability in input() function – Python 2.x

• Python | Output using print() function

• How to print without newline in Python?

• Python | end parameter in print()

• Python | sep parameter in print()

• Python | Output Formatting

Data Types

• Introduction to DataTypes

• Strings

• List

• Tuples

• Sets

• Dictionary

• Arrays


• Variables, expression, condition and function

• Maximum possible value of an integer in python?

• Global and local variables in python

• Packing and unpacking arguments in python

• Type conversion in python

• Byte objects vs string in python

• Print single and multiple variable

• Swap variable

• Private variables

• __name__ (A Special variable) in Python


• Basic operator in python

• Logical and bitwise not operator on boolean

• Ternary operator

• Division operator in python

• Operator Overloading in Python

• Any & all in python

• Inplace and standard operators in python

• Operator function in python | Set – 1

• Inplace operator | Set -1

• Logic Gates in Python

• Python | a += b is not always a = a + b

• Difference between == and is operator in Python

• Python Membership and Identity Operators | in, not in, is, is not

Control Flow

• Loops

• Loops and Control Statements (continue, break and pass) in Python

• Looping technique in python

• range vs xrange on python

• Programs for printing pyramid technique in python

• Chaining comparison in python

• else with for

• switch function

• Using iteration in python effectively

• Python Itertools

• Python __iter__() and __next__() | Converting an object into an iterator

• Python | Difference between iterable and iterator

• Generators in python
• Generators expression in python


• Functions in Python

• class method vs static method in Python

• Write an empty function in Python – pass statement

• Yield instead of Return

• Return Multiple Values

• Partial Functions in Python

• First Class functions in Python

• Precision Handling

• *args and **kwargs

• Python closures

• Function Decorators

• Decorators in Python

• Decorators with parameters in Python

• Memoization using decorators in Python

• Help function in Python

• Python | __import__() function

• Python | range() does not return an iterator

• Coroutine in Python

• Python bit functions on int (bit_length, to_bytes and from_bytes)

Object Oriented Concepts

• Python3 Intermediate Level Topics

• Class, Object and Members

• Data Hiding and Object Printing

• Inheritance, examples of object, issubclass and super

• Polymorphism in Python

• Class and static variable in python

• Class method and static method in python

• Changing class members

• Constructors in Python

• Destructors in Python

• First class function

• Metaprogramming with metaclasses

• Class and instance attribute

• Reflection

• Garbage collection

Exception Handling

• Exception handling

• User defined Exception

• Built-in Exception

• clean up action

• Nzec error

• try and except in Python

Python Collections

• Counters

• OrderedDict

• Defaultdict

• ChainMap

• NamedTuple
• DeQue

• Heap

• Collections.UserDict

• Collections.UserList

• Collections.UserString

Django Framework

• Django Tutorial

• Django Basics

• Django Introduction and Installation

• Django Forms

• Views In Django

• Django Models

• Django Templates

• ToDo webapp using Django

• Django News App

• Weather app using Django

Data Analysis

• Data visualization using Bokeh

• Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

• Data visualization with different Charts in Python

• Data analysis and Visualization with Python

• Data Analysis & Visualization with Python | Set 2

• Math operations for Data analysis

• Getting started with Jupyter Notebook | Python

• Python Numpy

• Numpy | ndarray

• Numpy | Array Creation

• Numpy | Data Type Objects

• Data type Object (dtype) in NumPy

• Numpy | Indexing

• Numpy | Basic Slicing and Advanced Indexing

• Numpy | Iterating Over Array

• Numpy | Binary Operations

• Numpy | Linear Algebra

• Numpy | Sorting, Searching and Counting


• Pandas Tutorial

• Python | Pandas DataFrame

• Creating a Pandas DataFrame

• Dealing with Rows and Columns in Pandas DataFrame

• Indexing and Selecting Data with Pandas

• Boolean Indexing in Pandas

• Conversion Functions in Pandas DataFrame

• Iterating over rows and columns in Pandas DataFrame

• Working with Missing Data in Pandas

• Python | Pandas Series

• Data analysis using Pandas

• Read csv using pandas.read_csv()

Machine Learning with Python

• Machine Learning Tutorial

• Linear Regression

• Understanding Logistic Regression

• K means Clustering

• Python | Image Classification using keras

• creating a simple machine learning model

• Python | Implementation of Movie Recommender System

• ML | Boston Housing Kaggle Challenge with Linear Regression

• Cancer cell classification using Scikit-learn

• Saving a machine learning Model

• Applying Convolutional Neural Network on mnist dataset

• Python | NLP analysis of Restaurant reviews

• Learning Model Building in Scikit-learn

• Implementing Artificial Neural Network training process

• A single neuron neural network in Python

• Python | How and where to apply Feature Scaling?

• Identifying handwritten digits using Logistic Regression in PyTorch

Python GUI

• Tkinter Tutorial

• Kivy Tutorial

• Python GUI – tkinter

• Simple GUI calculator using Tkinter

• Simple registration form using Tkinter

• Create a stopwatch using python

• Designing GUI applications Using PyQt

• Color game using Tkinter in Python

• Make Notepad using Tkinter

• Message Encode-Decode using Tkinter

• Real time currency convertor using Tkinter

Modules in Python

• Introduction of Modules

• OS module

• Calendar Module

• Python Urllib Module

• pprint

• Timit function

• Import module

Working With Database

• MongoDB and Python

• SQL using Python | Set 1

• SQL using Python and SQLite | Set 2

• SQL using Python | Set 3 (Handling large data)

• Inserting variables to database table using Python

• MYSQLdb Connection in Python

• Database management in PostgreSQL

• Oracle Database Connection in Python


• 10 Essential Python Tips And Tricks For Programmers

• Amazing hacks of Python

• Input method for comptetive programming

• Optimization Tips for Python Code

• Why import star in Python is a bad idea

• Why is python best suited for Competitive Coding?

• Python trics for Competitive Coding

Applications and Projects

• Python | Program to crawl a web page and get most frequent words

• Facebook login using python

• FB Chatting through python

• C/C++ code formating tool

• Find Live running status and PNR of any train using Railway API

• Fetching top news using News API

• Fetching text from Wikipedia’s Infobox in Python

• Get emotions of images using Microsoft emotion API in Python

• Website blocker

• Send SMS updates to mobile phone using python

• Python Desktop News Notifier in 20 lines

• Morse Code Translator In Python

• Performing Google Search using Python code

• Reading and generating qr code

• Birthday reminder application in python

• Program to display Astrological sign or Zodiac sign for given date of birth

• Track bird migration

• News notifier

• whatsapp using python

• Python | Automating Happy Birthday post on Facebook using Selenium

• Design a Keylogger in Python

• Python | Implementation of Movie Recommender System

Recommended Python Tutorials

• Python Tutorial

• Machine Learning Tutorial

• Django Tutorial

• Pandas Tutorial

• OpenCV Python Tutorial

• Selenium Python Tutorial

• Python Tkinter Tutorial

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