Patrick, Dale R. - Fardo, Stephen W. - Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems-Fairmont Press, Inc. (1997)
Patrick, Dale R. - Fardo, Stephen W. - Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems-Fairmont Press, Inc. (1997)
Patrick, Dale R. - Fardo, Stephen W. - Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems-Fairmont Press, Inc. (1997)
Rotating Electrical
Machines and Power
Second Edition
Dale R. Patrick
Stephen W. Fardo
Published by
700 Indian Trail
Lilburn, GA 30247
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Patrick, Dale R
Rotaung electrical machines and power systems / Dale R. Patrick,
Stephen W. Fardo. -2nd ed.
fn$?des index.
ISBN 0-88173-239-7
1. Electric machinery. 2. Electric transformers. I. Fardo, Stephen W.
11. Title.
TK2000.P35 1996 621.31‘042-dc20 96-9543
Rotatin Electrical Machines And Power Systems, Second Edition.
~ Fairmont Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of
0 1 9 9 7 %The
thts pubhcauon may be reproduced or transmtted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording,
or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in
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Published by The Fairmont Reaq Inc.
700 Indian Trail
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
I S B N 0-88373-237-7 FP
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While every effort is made to provide dependable information, the publisher, authors, and
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this instructional method in teaching classes dealing with rotating elec-
trical machines and power systems for many years in a large university
technical program.
Much of the artwork from this book has been made available
through a number of organizations and manufacturing concerns. In gen-
eral, this courtesy has been expressed with respective photographs and
The chapters of the book include an introductory section, important
terms, the main text, study questions, and problems. Many drawings,
photographs, and sample problems are used in the chapters to illustrate
key ideas, show important applications, and aid in students’ comprehen-
sion of material.
This edition has been updated and added material, such as Unit
Objectives and Important Terms for each chapter, have enhanced the
organization of the book.
Dale R. Patrick
Stephen W Fardo
Eastern Kentucky University
Richmond, KY 40475
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 . Introduction......................................................................... 5
Important Terms ......................................................................................... 5
Brief History of Electrical Machines ......................................................... 7
Review of Magnetism and Electromagnetic Principles............................. 8
Electrical Measurement ............................................................................ 21
Conversion of Electrical Units ................................................................. 23
Electrical Systems .................................................................................... 25
Vpes of Electrical Circuits...................................................................... 30
Power in DC Circuits ............................................................................... 31
Review of AC Circuits............................................................................. 34
Vector of Phasor Diagrams ...................................................................... 41
Power in AC Circuits ............................................................................... 52
Review ...................................................................................................... 54
Problems .................................................................................................. -55
Chapter 3 . Electrical Power Basicf .................................................... 79
Important Terms ....................................................................................... 79
Electrical Power Production Systems ...................................................... 80
Power Distribution Systems ..................................................................... 88
Power Distribution in Buildings .............................................................. 97
Electrical Power Control ........................................................................ 102
Electrical Power Conversion (Loads) .................................................... 102
Review .................................................................................................... 104
Problems ................................................................................................. 105
Unit ZZI .Power Distribution Equipment.............................................. 169
Chapter 9 . Single-Phase Alternating-Current Motors...................255
Important Terms ..................................................................................... 255
Universal Motors .................................................................................... 256
Induction Motors .................................................................................... 257
Single-Phase Synchronous Motors......................................................... 272
Motor Dimensions .................................................................................. 273
Motor Nameplate Data ........................................................................... 273
Review .................................................................................................... 276
Problems ................................................................................................. 277
Forward and Reverse Control ................................................................ 354
Dynamic Braking.................................................................................... 356
Universal Motor Speed Control ............................................................. 357
Motor Overload Protective Devices ....................................................... 358
Review .................................................................................................... 359
Power Power
Control and
(Chapter 1)
Machinery Construction
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
Upon completion of Chapter 1, Introduction to Electrical Machinery,
you should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Machinery History
- Direct Current (DC) Machinery
6 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
- Current (I)
- Resistance (R)
- Ohm’s Law
- Inductance (L)
- Counter electromotive force (CEMF)
- Capacitance (C)
- Electrostatic Field
- Farad (F)
- Microfarad (uF)
- In-phase
- Out-of-Phase
- Vector (Phasor) Diagram
- Phase Angle (a)
- Series AC Circuits
R-L Circuit
R-C Circuit
R-L-C Circuit
Impedance (2) Triangle
Voltage Triangle
Power Triangle
- Parallel AC Circuits
R-L Circuit
R-C Circuit
R-L-C Circuit
Current Triangle
Admittance (Y) Triangle
Power Triangle
- Apparent Power (VA)
- True Power (W)
- Reactive Power (VAR)
- Power Factor
earth, since the earth is like a large permanent magnet. The north pole
of a magnet will attract the south pole of another magnet. A north pole
repels another north pole and a south pole repels another south pole.
The two laws of magnetism are: (1) like poles repel; and (2) unlike
poles attract.
The magnetic field patterns when two permanent magnets are
placed end to end are shown in Figure 1-1. When the magnets are far-
ther apart, a smaller force of attraction or repulsion exists. A magnetic
BeZd, made up of lines of force or magnetic flux, is set up around any
, Unes of force
travel in same direction
Figure 1-1 Magnetic field patterns when magnets are placed end to end.
10 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
magnetic material. These magnetic flux lines are invisible but have a
definite direction from the magnet’s north to south pole along the out-
side of the magnet. When magnetic flux lines are close together. the
magnetic field is stronger than when they are farther apart. These basic
principles of magnetism are extremely important for the operation of
electrical machines.
Magnetic field around conductors. Current-carrying conduc-
tors, such as those in electrical machines, produce a magnetic field. It is
possible to show the presence of a magnetic field around a current-car-
rying conductor. A compass may be used to show that magnetic flux
lines around a conductor are circular in shape. The direction of the cur-
rent flow and the magnetic flux lines can be shown by using the left-
hand rule of magnetic flux. A conductor is held in the left hand as
shown in Figure 1-2. The thumb points in the direction of electron cur-
rent flow from negative to positive. The fingers then encircle the con-
ductor in the direction of the magnetic flux lines.
The circular magnetic field is stronger near the conductor and
becomes weaker at a greater distance. A cross-sectional end view of a
conductor with current flowing toward the observer is shown in Figure
1-3. Current flow toward the observer is shown by a circle with a dot in
the center. Notice that the direction of the magnetic flux lines is clock-
wise, as verified by using the left-hand rule.
When the direction of current flow through a conductor is reversed,
the direction of the magnetic lines of force is also reversed. The cross-
sectional end view of a conductor in Figure 1-4 shows current flow in a
direction away from the observer. Notice that the direction of the mag-
netic lines of force is now counterclockwise.
The presence of magnetic lines of force around a current-carrying
conductor can be observed by using a compass. When a compass is
moved around the outside of a conductor, its needle will align itself tun-
gent to the lines of force as shown in Figure 1-5.
When current flow is in the opposite direction, the compass polarity
reverses but remains tangent to the conductor.
Magnetic field around a coil. The magnetic field around one
loop of wire is shown in Figure 1-6. Magnetic flux lines extend around
the conductor as shown when current passes through the loop. Inside the
loop, the magnetic flux is in one direction, When many loops are joined
together to form a coil, the magnetic flux lines surround the coil as
shown in Figure 1-7. The field around a coil is much stronger than the
field of one loop of wire. The field around a coil is similar in shape to
lntroductlon 11
Conductor flow
Figure 1-4 Cross section of con- Figure 1-5 Compass aligns tangent
ductor with current flow away from to magnetic force lines.
the observer.
+ <
Figure 1-7 Magnetic field around a coil; (a) coil of wire showing current flow;
(b) lines of force combine around two loops that are parallel;
(c) cross section of coil showing lines of force.
the field around a bar magnet. A coil that has an iron or steel core
inside it is called an electromagnet. The purpose of a core is to increase
the magnetic flux density of a coil, thereby increasing its strength.
Electromagnets. Electromagnets are produced when current
flows through a coil of wire as shown in Figure 1-8. Almost all electri-
cal machines have electromagnetic coils. The north pole of a coil of
wire is the end where the lines of force exit, while the south polarity is
Introduction 13
- +
the end where the lines of force enter the coil. To find the north pole of
a coil, use the left-hand rlrle for polarity, as shown in Figure 1-9. Grasp
the coil with the left hand. Point the fingers in the direction of current
flow through the coil, and the thumb will point to the north polarity of
the coil.
14 Rotating Elootrlcal Machines and Power Syrtemo
More magnetic
flux lines
Figure 1-11 Effect of ampere-turns on magnetic field strength; (a) five turns,
2 amperes = 10 ampere-turns; (b) eight turns, 2 amperes = 16 ampere-turns.
m ~ m m m a a o
Figure 1-14 Domain theory of magnetism; (a) unmagnetized; (b) slightly magnetized
(c) fully magnetized -saturation.
18 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnw and Power Systems
, Conductor
Magnellc fleld
Figure 1-15 Faraday'slaw: Electrical current is produced when there is relative motion
between a conductor and a magnetic field.
be moved past it. Thus current will be induced whenever there is a rela-
tive motion between the conductor and magnetic field.
If the conductor shown in Figure 1-15 is moved upward, the needle
of the meter will move in one direction. However, if the conductor is
move downward, tile needle of the meter will deflect in the other direc-
tion. This shows that the direction of movement of the conductor within
the magnetic field determines the direction of current now. In one case,
the current flows through the conductor from the front of the illustration
to the back. In the other situation, the current travels from the back to
the front. The direction of current flow is indicated by the direction of
the meter deflection. The principle demonstrated here is the basis for
large-scale electrical power generation.
In order for an induced current to be developed, the conductor must
have a complete path or closed circuit. The meter in Figure 1-15 was
connected to the conductor to make a complete current path. If there is
no closed circuit, electromagnetic induction cannot take place. It is
20 Rotating Eiectrfcal Machine8 and Power Systems
Magnetizing tom, H
Most nations today use the metric system of measurement. In the
United States, the National Bureau of Standards began a study in 1968
to determine the feasibility and costs of converting industry and every-
day activity to the metric system. Today, this conversion is still taking
place. English units of measurement are used for many electrical
machinery applications in the United States today.
The units of the metric system are decimal measures based on the
kilogram and the meter. Although this system is very simple, several
countries have been slow to adopt it. The United States has been one of
these reluctant countries due to the complexity of a complete change-
over of measurement systems.
Most measurement is based on the International System of Units (SI).
The basic units of this system are the meter, kilogram, second, and
ampere (MKSA). These are the units of length, mass, time, and electrical
current. Other systems, such as the meter-kilogram-second ( M U ) and
centimeter-gram-second(CGS), recognize only three base units. However,
these two systems are closely associated with the metric system.
There are several derived units that are used extensively for electri-
cal and other related measurements. The electrical units that are now
used are part of the International System of Units (SI) based on the
meter-kilogram-second-ampere (MKSA) system. The International
System of Derived Units is shown in Figure 1-17.
The coordination necessary to develop a standard system of electri-
cal units is very complex. An International Advisory Committee on
Electricity makes recommendations to the International Committee on
22 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
M o a s u r r m r n t Quantity St Unit
The organization of this text is based on a simplified model of an
electrical “system.” Rotating electrical machinery and associated sys-
tems are used primarily for applications which require large quantities
of electrical power. The study of rotating electrical machinery will be
developed using the framework of an “electrical system” model shown
in Figure 1-20.
sources - Distribution
systems - r
Measurement systems
Each block of a basic system has a specific role to play in the oper-
ation of the system. Hundreds of components are sometimes needed to
achieve a specific block function. Regardless of the complexity of the
system, each block must achieve its function in order for the system to
be operational.
The energy source of a system is responsible for converting energy
of one form into another form. Heat, light, sound, chemical, nuclear,
and mechanical energy are typical sources of energy.
The distribution system is somewhat simplified compared with
other system functions. This part of the system provides a path for the
transfer of energy. It starts with the energy source and continues through
the system to the load. In some cases, the distribution system may be a
single feed line or electrical conductor connected between the source
and the load. In other systems, there may be a supply line between the
source and the load, and a return line from the load to the source. There
may also be a number of alternative paths within a complete system.
These paths may be series connected to a number of load devices, or
parallel connected to many independent devices. Transformers play a
key role in power distribution systems.
The control system is the most complex part of the electrical sys-
tem. In its simplest form, control is achieved when a system is turned
on or off. Control of this type can take place anywhere between the
source and the load device. ?he termfull control is used to describe this
operation. In addition to this type of control, a system may also employ
some type of partial control. Partial control usually causes some type of
an operational change in the system other than an on or off condition.
Changes in electric current, hydraulic pressure, and airflow are some of
the system alterations achieved by partial control.
The system load refers to a specific part or number of parts
designed to produce some form of work. Work occurs when energy goes
through a conversion from one form to another. Heat, light, chemical
action, sound, and mechanical motion are some of the forms of work
produced by a load device. As a general rule, a large portion of the
energy produced by the source is consumed by the load during its oper-
ation. The load is typically a prevalent part of the entire system because
of its work function.. Electrical motors are a most important type of sys-
tem load,
The measurement system is designed primarily to display certain
operating conditions at various points throughout the system. In some
systems the measurement system is an optional part, while in others it is
an essential part in the operation of the system. A measurement system
Introduction 27
(energy source)
Distribution wths
H 1
Basics Power
Machinery Equipment
P = V X I = 120 V x 4 A = 480 W
This formula is used when voltage and resistance are known but
current is not known, The formula P = Z2 x R is used when current and
resistance are known.
DC circuit formulas are summarized in Figure 1-23. The quantity in
the center of the circle may be found by any of the three formulas along
the outer part of the circle in the same part of the circle. This circle is
handy to use for making electrical calculations for voltage, current,
resistance, or power in dc circuits.
200 v z- R?
30 11
P, = I2 x R, = 22 x 20 52 = 80 W
Pz = I2 x 4 = 22 x 30 52 = 120 W
P, = Z2 x R3 = 22 x 50 52 = 200 W
P, = V , x I = 200 V x 2 A = 400 W
Power in parallel circuits is found in the same way as for series cir-
cuits. In the example of Figure 1-25, the power converted by each of the
resistors and the total power of the parallel circuit is found as follows:
V2 - 30, -- -900
Pl = jq --5 =
p = -v 2 = -302 -- =gow
R, 10 10
V2 -- -30,- - -900 = 45
p3 = q 20 20
PT = PI + P2 + P3 = 180 W + 90 W + 45 W = 315 W
The watt is the basic unit of electrical power. To determine an actu-
al quantity of electrical energy, a factor that indicates how long a power
value continued must be used. Such a unit of electrical energy is called
a watt-second. It is the product of watts (W) and time (in seconds). The
watt-second is a very small quantity of energy. It is more common to
measure electrical energy in kilowatt-hours (kWh). It is the kWh quantity
of electrical energy which is used to determine the amount of electric
34 Rotetlng Electrlcel Mechlnes and Power Systems
1. V2
p= - 1202
R 20R 20R
= 720 W = 0.72 kW.
Alternating-current (ac) circuits are ordinarily more complex than
direct-current (dc) circuits. Altemating-current circuits also have a
source of energy and a load in which power conversion takes place.
There are three important characteristics present in ac circuits: (1) resis-
tance, (2) inductance, and (3) capacitance. Also, there are two common
types of ac voltage: (1) single-phase and (2) three-phase.
Phase relationship In ac clrcults. The term phase refers to
time of the angular difference between one point and another. If two ac
sine-wave voltages reach their zero and maximum values at the same
time, they are considered to be in phase.
Figure 1-26 shows two ac voltages that are in phase. If two voltages
reach their zero and maximum values at different times, they are out of
phase. Figure 1-27 shows two ac voltages that are out of phase. Phase
difference is given in degrees; thus the voltages shown are out of phase
an angle of 90'. Phase relationships are affected by the amount of resis-
tance, inductance, and capacitance in ac circuits.
lntroductlon 35
, Voltage 1
Voltage 2
0 I i
90" 180°\ 270" 360"
Flgure 1-27 Two ac voltages that are out of phase by an angle of 90".
36 Rdatlng Electrlcal Maohlneo and Power Systems
Figure 1-28 Resistive ac circuit: (a) resistive circuit; (b) phase relationship;
(c) power curves.
Figure 1-29 Purely inductive ac circuit: (a) circuit: (b) phase relationship;
(c) power curves.
x,= 2.n x f x L
where 2n = 6.28
f = applied frequency in hertz
L = inductance in henrys
lntroductlon 39
Figure 1-30 Purely capacitive ac circuit: (a) circuit; (b) phase relationship;
(c) power curves.
Flgure 1-31 Vector (phasor) diagrams showing voltage and current relationshipsin ac
circuits: (a) resistive circuit; (b) purely inductive circuit; (c) purely capacitive circuit.
42 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnee and Power Systems
- V
Flgure 1-33 Resistive-capacitive (RC) circuit; (a) circuit; (b) power curves;
(c) vector diagram.
z = -V or z=d=
44 Rotatlng Electrlcal Mrchlnea and Power Systems
oltape across R, V,
v, = JvFvT
True power (WI
Figure 1-34 Triangles used to solve series RL circuit problems: (a) impedance triangle;
(b) voltage triangle; (c) power triange.
=amx 80 x as
301.44 Sa
(21 Find imprdrmr, (21:
-- +J(MOI2
+ ao,se5
-m381.76 Sa
(3) Check to be sure that 2 is lsrpar
than R or X,.
(4) Find total w m n t lITl:
I~-: - - 0.0553~
v, --
(6)Find thevoltage acron R(VR):
40663 A X 200 Sa
(81 Find the v o l t a ~ a m nL(VLl:
= ao~& A x 301.44
= 16.68 v
(7) Checktobethat
impedanw triangle
v, = JWL
= J(1112
* 2 0 V -1Q.WV
itw COI a55
5 = 2ov
v, - a66
= 68.830
Method 2
Voltage triawdie
reactance, X c
across C, V,
(a) @)
Series RLC circuits. Series RLC circuits such as the one shown
in Figure 1-38 have resistance (R), inductance (L), and capacitance (0.
The total reactance (XT)is found by subtracting the smaller reactance
(XLor X c ) from the larger one. Reactive voltage (Vx)is found by
obtaining the difference between V, and V,. The effects of the capaci-
tance and inductance are 180' out of phase with each other. Right trian-
gles, as shown in Figure 1-39, are used to show the simplified relation-
ships of the circuit values.
lntroductlon 47
- in farads
6.28 X 80 X 10
in pF
- 400.64 52
(3) Check to be sure that 2 is larger than
R or X.,
(41 Find total current (I1]:
Impedana, trbngle
0.012%A X 265.38 52
3.31 V
(7) Check to sea that
v, 3.31
(81 Find the clrcuit p b rngie (01:
e - invane tangent 2
Voltage triangle
(c) (b)
AcSUUTCB f-;qL Residence
Figure 1-38 Series RLC circuit.
X,=X, - X, or X, - Xc
Rolatlng Electrlcal Machlnea and Power Systems
v, - J v m
),( varc t t
Finding circuit vah~er:
1. Find indxthrs m r t m w (XL): h Check to (..that I, ir lw@w
t h M 1, or I,.
XL-2r*f *L
6.28 X 60 X 1
370.8 n z.1. wv
I, 4 1 4 2 ~ ~ ~ ’ ~ ~
7. Check to w8 that 2 ir Ian thm
8. Find cimrlt phase J@O (el:
Conductance ( G ) = 1= 1
I, a142A
Current triangle Admltunce triangh
S iimsrn mS mllllriemenr
pS mkmriemtnr
Finding circuit values:
-- d i m
Qo ' I,oM)
6.28 X 60 X 50
- + 0.3772
+ 0.142
I, * 0 377 A
A -
lP 0.2 A
Current triangle
- 0.427 A
= 0.427 A
5. Check 10 in that I, is larger
than 1. or I,.
6. Find impcdanco I Z I !
2.; .a+A.46.84n
7. C h k k 10 we that 2 13 leu
than R 01 Xc G - 1- 1
A 10011
= 0.01s - 10 mS
8. Find cIrcuIt phase anple 10):
co,lnB adiac*nt
a 0
Admttana, triangle
= 0.469 (c)
0 * Inversa colinn 0.469
Power quantities of ac circuits are found by using power triangles.
Power triangles are the same for series and parallel ac circuits [see
Figures 1-34(c), 1-36(c), and 1-39(c)]. The power delivered to an ac cir-
cuit is called apparent power and is equal to voltage multiplied by cur-
rent (V x I). The unit of measurement of apparent power is the voltam-
pere (VA)or kilovoltampere (kVA). A voltmeter and ammeter may be
used to measure apparent power in ac circuits. The values of voltage and
current are multiplied to determine the apparent power of a circuit. The
actual power converted to another form of energy by the load is mea-
sured with a wattmeter and is called true powex The ratio of true power
converted in a circuit to apparent power delivered to an ac circuit is
called the paver factot: The power factor is found by using the formula
var, 1
V A = V A X I T = I + X v:
Z E ~
(b) (C)
Figure 1-42 Calculation of values for a power triangle: (a) power triangle for an RLC
circuit; (b) abbreviationsused; (c) formulas for calculating true power, apparent power,
and reactive power.
voltage triangles for series ac circuits and current triangles and admit-
tance triangles for parallel ac circuits. Circuit phase angle may be found
by using power triangles also. Each type of circuit triangle has a hori-
zontal line used to show the resistive part of the circuit. The vertical
lines are used to show the reactive part of the circuit. The hypotenuse of
each right triangle is used to show total values of the circuit. The length
of the hypotenuse of a triangle depends on the relative amounts of resis-
tance and reactance in a circuit. Circuit triangles are extremely helpful
for analyzing ac circuits. An understanding of basic trigonometry and
right triangles is necessary in analyzing ac circuits. Refer to Appendix 2
for a review of trigonometry and right triangles.
54 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
1.1. Why is the study of electrical machinery so important?
1.2. How have the applications of electrical machines expanded in
recent years?
1 3 . How did widespread alternating-current (ac) power distribution
systems come into existence?
1.4. List several applications of electric motors.
1.5. Why are magnetism and electromagnetism important topics in
the study of electrical machinery?
1.6. What are the “laws of magnetism?”
1.7. What is a magnetic field?
1.8. Draw a cross-sectional view of two conductors to show how a
magnetic field is developed around current-carrying conductors.
1.9. How is an electromagnet produced?
1.10. How is the magnetic strength of an electromagnet affected?
1.11. What is residual magnetism?
1.12. Define the following magnetic terms: (a) magnetomotive force,
(b) magnetic flux, and (c) reluctance.
1.13. Briefly explain the domain theory of magnetism.
1.14. What is Faraday’s law, and why is it important in the study of
electrical machines?
1.15. What is electromagnetic induction?
1.16. Discuss the following magnetic terms: (a) permeability, (b) reten-
tivity, (c) magnetic saturation, and (d) B-H curve.
1.17. Discuss the use of English and SI units of measurement.
1.18. Discuss the electrical system model used in the organization of
this book (see Figure 1-20).
1.19. What are the five parts of a basic electrical system and their
1.20. What is meant by ac values that are in phase” Out of phase?
1.21. Discuss ac voltage and current characteristics in resistive, induc-
tive, and capacitive circuits.
1.22. Discuss the use of vector or phasor diagrams for ac circuits.
1.23. How is impedance calculated in series ac circuits? In parallel ac
lntroductlon 55
1.24. Define the following ac power term: (a) apparent power, (b) true
power. (c) reactive power, and (d) power factor.
1.25. How does the phase angle of an ac circuit affect the power factor?
1.1. Perform each of the following unit conversions.
(a) 5.31 megohms to ohms
(b) 6320 watts to kilowatts
(c) 2180 milliamperes to amperes
(d) 926 microvolts to volts
(e) 8520 volts to kilovolts
(f) 50 microamperes to milliamperes
(8) 2,526,000 ohms to megohms
(h) 8200 watts to kilowatts
(i) 6.38 volts to millivolts
(i) 3160 microamperes to amperes
(k) 15,500 ohms to kilohms
(1) 0.053 ampere to milliamperes
1.2. Perform the following conversions using the tables in Appendix 1.
(a) 3 cubic feet to cubic meters
(b) 8 cubic centimeters to cubic inches
(c) 30 miles to kilometers
(d) 12 cups to liters
(e) 6 gallons to liters
(0 8 liters to quarts
(8) 3 kilograms to pounds
(h) 40 ounces to grams
(i) 5 grams to ounces
(i) 3 kilometers to miles
(k) 2 centimeters to inches
(1) 6 meters to inches
(m) 3 liters to milliliters
(n) 5200 grams to kilograms
(0)2 centimeters to millimeters
(p) 3 meters to centimeters
(4) 62°F to OC
(r) 39°C to O F
56 Rolatlng Eloctrlcal Machlnw and Power Sy.tem8
Power Power
Control and
(Chapter 1)
Machinery Construction
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
Upon completion of Chapter 1, Introduction to Electrical Machinery,
you should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Machinery History
- Direct Current (DC) Machinery
6 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
- Current (I)
- Resistance (R)
- Ohm’s Law
- Inductance (L)
- Counter electromotive force (CEMF)
- Capacitance (C)
- Electrostatic Field
- Farad (F)
- Microfarad (uF)
- In-phase
- Out-of-Phase
- Vector (Phasor) Diagram
- Phase Angle (a)
- Series AC Circuits
R-L Circuit
R-C Circuit
R-L-C Circuit
Impedance (2) Triangle
Voltage Triangle
Power Triangle
- Parallel AC Circuits
R-L Circuit
R-C Circuit
R-L-C Circuit
Current Triangle
Admittance (Y) Triangle
Power Triangle
- Apparent Power (VA)
- True Power (W)
- Reactive Power (VAR)
- Power Factor
earth, since the earth is like a large permanent magnet. The north pole
of a magnet will attract the south pole of another magnet. A north pole
repels another north pole and a south pole repels another south pole.
The two laws of magnetism are: (1) like poles repel; and (2) unlike
poles attract.
The magnetic field patterns when two permanent magnets are
placed end to end are shown in Figure 1-1. When the magnets are far-
ther apart, a smaller force of attraction or repulsion exists. A magnetic
BeZd, made up of lines of force or magnetic flux, is set up around any
, Unes of force
travel in same direction
Figure 1-1 Magnetic field patterns when magnets are placed end to end.
10 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
magnetic material. These magnetic flux lines are invisible but have a
definite direction from the magnet’s north to south pole along the out-
side of the magnet. When magnetic flux lines are close together. the
magnetic field is stronger than when they are farther apart. These basic
principles of magnetism are extremely important for the operation of
electrical machines.
Magnetic field around conductors. Current-carrying conduc-
tors, such as those in electrical machines, produce a magnetic field. It is
possible to show the presence of a magnetic field around a current-car-
rying conductor. A compass may be used to show that magnetic flux
lines around a conductor are circular in shape. The direction of the cur-
rent flow and the magnetic flux lines can be shown by using the left-
hand rule of magnetic flux. A conductor is held in the left hand as
shown in Figure 1-2. The thumb points in the direction of electron cur-
rent flow from negative to positive. The fingers then encircle the con-
ductor in the direction of the magnetic flux lines.
The circular magnetic field is stronger near the conductor and
becomes weaker at a greater distance. A cross-sectional end view of a
conductor with current flowing toward the observer is shown in Figure
1-3. Current flow toward the observer is shown by a circle with a dot in
the center. Notice that the direction of the magnetic flux lines is clock-
wise, as verified by using the left-hand rule.
When the direction of current flow through a conductor is reversed,
the direction of the magnetic lines of force is also reversed. The cross-
sectional end view of a conductor in Figure 1-4 shows current flow in a
direction away from the observer. Notice that the direction of the mag-
netic lines of force is now counterclockwise.
The presence of magnetic lines of force around a current-carrying
conductor can be observed by using a compass. When a compass is
moved around the outside of a conductor, its needle will align itself tun-
gent to the lines of force as shown in Figure 1-5.
When current flow is in the opposite direction, the compass polarity
reverses but remains tangent to the conductor.
Magnetic field around a coil. The magnetic field around one
loop of wire is shown in Figure 1-6. Magnetic flux lines extend around
the conductor as shown when current passes through the loop. Inside the
loop, the magnetic flux is in one direction, When many loops are joined
together to form a coil, the magnetic flux lines surround the coil as
shown in Figure 1-7. The field around a coil is much stronger than the
field of one loop of wire. The field around a coil is similar in shape to
lntroductlon 11
Conductor flow
Figure 1-4 Cross section of con- Figure 1-5 Compass aligns tangent
ductor with current flow away from to magnetic force lines.
the observer.
+ <
Figure 1-7 Magnetic field around a coil; (a) coil of wire showing current flow;
(b) lines of force combine around two loops that are parallel;
(c) cross section of coil showing lines of force.
the field around a bar magnet. A coil that has an iron or steel core
inside it is called an electromagnet. The purpose of a core is to increase
the magnetic flux density of a coil, thereby increasing its strength.
Electromagnets. Electromagnets are produced when current
flows through a coil of wire as shown in Figure 1-8. Almost all electri-
cal machines have electromagnetic coils. The north pole of a coil of
wire is the end where the lines of force exit, while the south polarity is
Introduction 13
- +
the end where the lines of force enter the coil. To find the north pole of
a coil, use the left-hand rlrle for polarity, as shown in Figure 1-9. Grasp
the coil with the left hand. Point the fingers in the direction of current
flow through the coil, and the thumb will point to the north polarity of
the coil.
14 Rotating Elootrlcal Machines and Power Syrtemo
More magnetic
flux lines
Figure 1-11 Effect of ampere-turns on magnetic field strength; (a) five turns,
2 amperes = 10 ampere-turns; (b) eight turns, 2 amperes = 16 ampere-turns.
m ~ m m m a a o
Figure 1-14 Domain theory of magnetism; (a) unmagnetized; (b) slightly magnetized
(c) fully magnetized -saturation.
18 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnw and Power Systems
, Conductor
Magnellc fleld
Figure 1-15 Faraday'slaw: Electrical current is produced when there is relative motion
between a conductor and a magnetic field.
be moved past it. Thus current will be induced whenever there is a rela-
tive motion between the conductor and magnetic field.
If the conductor shown in Figure 1-15 is moved upward, the needle
of the meter will move in one direction. However, if the conductor is
move downward, tile needle of the meter will deflect in the other direc-
tion. This shows that the direction of movement of the conductor within
the magnetic field determines the direction of current now. In one case,
the current flows through the conductor from the front of the illustration
to the back. In the other situation, the current travels from the back to
the front. The direction of current flow is indicated by the direction of
the meter deflection. The principle demonstrated here is the basis for
large-scale electrical power generation.
In order for an induced current to be developed, the conductor must
have a complete path or closed circuit. The meter in Figure 1-15 was
connected to the conductor to make a complete current path. If there is
no closed circuit, electromagnetic induction cannot take place. It is
20 Rotating Eiectrfcal Machine8 and Power Systems
Magnetizing tom, H
Most nations today use the metric system of measurement. In the
United States, the National Bureau of Standards began a study in 1968
to determine the feasibility and costs of converting industry and every-
day activity to the metric system. Today, this conversion is still taking
place. English units of measurement are used for many electrical
machinery applications in the United States today.
The units of the metric system are decimal measures based on the
kilogram and the meter. Although this system is very simple, several
countries have been slow to adopt it. The United States has been one of
these reluctant countries due to the complexity of a complete change-
over of measurement systems.
Most measurement is based on the International System of Units (SI).
The basic units of this system are the meter, kilogram, second, and
ampere (MKSA). These are the units of length, mass, time, and electrical
current. Other systems, such as the meter-kilogram-second ( M U ) and
centimeter-gram-second(CGS), recognize only three base units. However,
these two systems are closely associated with the metric system.
There are several derived units that are used extensively for electri-
cal and other related measurements. The electrical units that are now
used are part of the International System of Units (SI) based on the
meter-kilogram-second-ampere (MKSA) system. The International
System of Derived Units is shown in Figure 1-17.
The coordination necessary to develop a standard system of electri-
cal units is very complex. An International Advisory Committee on
Electricity makes recommendations to the International Committee on
22 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
M o a s u r r m r n t Quantity St Unit
The organization of this text is based on a simplified model of an
electrical “system.” Rotating electrical machinery and associated sys-
tems are used primarily for applications which require large quantities
of electrical power. The study of rotating electrical machinery will be
developed using the framework of an “electrical system” model shown
in Figure 1-20.
sources - Distribution
systems - r
Measurement systems
Each block of a basic system has a specific role to play in the oper-
ation of the system. Hundreds of components are sometimes needed to
achieve a specific block function. Regardless of the complexity of the
system, each block must achieve its function in order for the system to
be operational.
The energy source of a system is responsible for converting energy
of one form into another form. Heat, light, sound, chemical, nuclear,
and mechanical energy are typical sources of energy.
The distribution system is somewhat simplified compared with
other system functions. This part of the system provides a path for the
transfer of energy. It starts with the energy source and continues through
the system to the load. In some cases, the distribution system may be a
single feed line or electrical conductor connected between the source
and the load. In other systems, there may be a supply line between the
source and the load, and a return line from the load to the source. There
may also be a number of alternative paths within a complete system.
These paths may be series connected to a number of load devices, or
parallel connected to many independent devices. Transformers play a
key role in power distribution systems.
The control system is the most complex part of the electrical sys-
tem. In its simplest form, control is achieved when a system is turned
on or off. Control of this type can take place anywhere between the
source and the load device. ?he termfull control is used to describe this
operation. In addition to this type of control, a system may also employ
some type of partial control. Partial control usually causes some type of
an operational change in the system other than an on or off condition.
Changes in electric current, hydraulic pressure, and airflow are some of
the system alterations achieved by partial control.
The system load refers to a specific part or number of parts
designed to produce some form of work. Work occurs when energy goes
through a conversion from one form to another. Heat, light, chemical
action, sound, and mechanical motion are some of the forms of work
produced by a load device. As a general rule, a large portion of the
energy produced by the source is consumed by the load during its oper-
ation. The load is typically a prevalent part of the entire system because
of its work function.. Electrical motors are a most important type of sys-
tem load,
The measurement system is designed primarily to display certain
operating conditions at various points throughout the system. In some
systems the measurement system is an optional part, while in others it is
an essential part in the operation of the system. A measurement system
Introduction 27
(energy source)
Distribution wths
H 1
Basics Power
Machinery Equipment
P = V X I = 120 V x 4 A = 480 W
This formula is used when voltage and resistance are known but
current is not known, The formula P = Z2 x R is used when current and
resistance are known.
DC circuit formulas are summarized in Figure 1-23. The quantity in
the center of the circle may be found by any of the three formulas along
the outer part of the circle in the same part of the circle. This circle is
handy to use for making electrical calculations for voltage, current,
resistance, or power in dc circuits.
200 v z- R?
30 11
P, = I2 x R, = 22 x 20 52 = 80 W
Pz = I2 x 4 = 22 x 30 52 = 120 W
P, = Z2 x R3 = 22 x 50 52 = 200 W
P, = V , x I = 200 V x 2 A = 400 W
Power in parallel circuits is found in the same way as for series cir-
cuits. In the example of Figure 1-25, the power converted by each of the
resistors and the total power of the parallel circuit is found as follows:
V2 - 30, -- -900
Pl = jq --5 =
p = -v 2 = -302 -- =gow
R, 10 10
V2 -- -30,- - -900 = 45
p3 = q 20 20
PT = PI + P2 + P3 = 180 W + 90 W + 45 W = 315 W
The watt is the basic unit of electrical power. To determine an actu-
al quantity of electrical energy, a factor that indicates how long a power
value continued must be used. Such a unit of electrical energy is called
a watt-second. It is the product of watts (W) and time (in seconds). The
watt-second is a very small quantity of energy. It is more common to
measure electrical energy in kilowatt-hours (kWh). It is the kWh quantity
of electrical energy which is used to determine the amount of electric
34 Rotetlng Electrlcel Mechlnes and Power Systems
1. V2
p= - 1202
R 20R 20R
= 720 W = 0.72 kW.
Alternating-current (ac) circuits are ordinarily more complex than
direct-current (dc) circuits. Altemating-current circuits also have a
source of energy and a load in which power conversion takes place.
There are three important characteristics present in ac circuits: (1) resis-
tance, (2) inductance, and (3) capacitance. Also, there are two common
types of ac voltage: (1) single-phase and (2) three-phase.
Phase relationship In ac clrcults. The term phase refers to
time of the angular difference between one point and another. If two ac
sine-wave voltages reach their zero and maximum values at the same
time, they are considered to be in phase.
Figure 1-26 shows two ac voltages that are in phase. If two voltages
reach their zero and maximum values at different times, they are out of
phase. Figure 1-27 shows two ac voltages that are out of phase. Phase
difference is given in degrees; thus the voltages shown are out of phase
an angle of 90'. Phase relationships are affected by the amount of resis-
tance, inductance, and capacitance in ac circuits.
lntroductlon 35
, Voltage 1
Voltage 2
0 I i
90" 180°\ 270" 360"
Flgure 1-27 Two ac voltages that are out of phase by an angle of 90".
36 Rdatlng Electrlcal Maohlneo and Power Systems
Figure 1-28 Resistive ac circuit: (a) resistive circuit; (b) phase relationship;
(c) power curves.
Figure 1-29 Purely inductive ac circuit: (a) circuit: (b) phase relationship;
(c) power curves.
x,= 2.n x f x L
where 2n = 6.28
f = applied frequency in hertz
L = inductance in henrys
lntroductlon 39
Figure 1-30 Purely capacitive ac circuit: (a) circuit; (b) phase relationship;
(c) power curves.
Flgure 1-31 Vector (phasor) diagrams showing voltage and current relationshipsin ac
circuits: (a) resistive circuit; (b) purely inductive circuit; (c) purely capacitive circuit.
42 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnee and Power Systems
- V
Flgure 1-33 Resistive-capacitive (RC) circuit; (a) circuit; (b) power curves;
(c) vector diagram.
z = -V or z=d=
44 Rotatlng Electrlcal Mrchlnea and Power Systems
oltape across R, V,
v, = JvFvT
True power (WI
Figure 1-34 Triangles used to solve series RL circuit problems: (a) impedance triangle;
(b) voltage triangle; (c) power triange.
=amx 80 x as
301.44 Sa
(21 Find imprdrmr, (21:
-- +J(MOI2
+ ao,se5
-m381.76 Sa
(3) Check to be sure that 2 is lsrpar
than R or X,.
(4) Find total w m n t lITl:
I~-: - - 0.0553~
v, --
(6)Find thevoltage acron R(VR):
40663 A X 200 Sa
(81 Find the v o l t a ~ a m nL(VLl:
= ao~& A x 301.44
= 16.68 v
(7) Checktobethat
impedanw triangle
v, = JWL
= J(1112
* 2 0 V -1Q.WV
itw COI a55
5 = 2ov
v, - a66
= 68.830
Method 2
Voltage triawdie
reactance, X c
across C, V,
(a) @)
Series RLC circuits. Series RLC circuits such as the one shown
in Figure 1-38 have resistance (R), inductance (L), and capacitance (0.
The total reactance (XT)is found by subtracting the smaller reactance
(XLor X c ) from the larger one. Reactive voltage (Vx)is found by
obtaining the difference between V, and V,. The effects of the capaci-
tance and inductance are 180' out of phase with each other. Right trian-
gles, as shown in Figure 1-39, are used to show the simplified relation-
ships of the circuit values.
lntroductlon 47
- in farads
6.28 X 80 X 10
in pF
- 400.64 52
(3) Check to be sure that 2 is larger than
R or X.,
(41 Find total current (I1]:
Impedana, trbngle
0.012%A X 265.38 52
3.31 V
(7) Check to sea that
v, 3.31
(81 Find the clrcuit p b rngie (01:
e - invane tangent 2
Voltage triangle
(c) (b)
AcSUUTCB f-;qL Residence
Figure 1-38 Series RLC circuit.
X,=X, - X, or X, - Xc
Rolatlng Electrlcal Machlnea and Power Systems
v, - J v m
),( varc t t
Finding circuit vah~er:
1. Find indxthrs m r t m w (XL): h Check to (..that I, ir lw@w
t h M 1, or I,.
XL-2r*f *L
6.28 X 60 X 1
370.8 n z.1. wv
I, 4 1 4 2 ~ ~ ~ ’ ~ ~
7. Check to w8 that 2 ir Ian thm
8. Find cimrlt phase J@O (el:
Conductance ( G ) = 1= 1
I, a142A
Current triangle Admltunce triangh
S iimsrn mS mllllriemenr
pS mkmriemtnr
Finding circuit values:
-- d i m
Qo ' I,oM)
6.28 X 60 X 50
- + 0.3772
+ 0.142
I, * 0 377 A
A -
lP 0.2 A
Current triangle
- 0.427 A
= 0.427 A
5. Check 10 in that I, is larger
than 1. or I,.
6. Find impcdanco I Z I !
2.; .a+A.46.84n
7. C h k k 10 we that 2 13 leu
than R 01 Xc G - 1- 1
A 10011
= 0.01s - 10 mS
8. Find cIrcuIt phase anple 10):
co,lnB adiac*nt
a 0
Admttana, triangle
= 0.469 (c)
0 * Inversa colinn 0.469
Power quantities of ac circuits are found by using power triangles.
Power triangles are the same for series and parallel ac circuits [see
Figures 1-34(c), 1-36(c), and 1-39(c)]. The power delivered to an ac cir-
cuit is called apparent power and is equal to voltage multiplied by cur-
rent (V x I). The unit of measurement of apparent power is the voltam-
pere (VA)or kilovoltampere (kVA). A voltmeter and ammeter may be
used to measure apparent power in ac circuits. The values of voltage and
current are multiplied to determine the apparent power of a circuit. The
actual power converted to another form of energy by the load is mea-
sured with a wattmeter and is called true powex The ratio of true power
converted in a circuit to apparent power delivered to an ac circuit is
called the paver factot: The power factor is found by using the formula
var, 1
V A = V A X I T = I + X v:
Z E ~
(b) (C)
Figure 1-42 Calculation of values for a power triangle: (a) power triangle for an RLC
circuit; (b) abbreviationsused; (c) formulas for calculating true power, apparent power,
and reactive power.
voltage triangles for series ac circuits and current triangles and admit-
tance triangles for parallel ac circuits. Circuit phase angle may be found
by using power triangles also. Each type of circuit triangle has a hori-
zontal line used to show the resistive part of the circuit. The vertical
lines are used to show the reactive part of the circuit. The hypotenuse of
each right triangle is used to show total values of the circuit. The length
of the hypotenuse of a triangle depends on the relative amounts of resis-
tance and reactance in a circuit. Circuit triangles are extremely helpful
for analyzing ac circuits. An understanding of basic trigonometry and
right triangles is necessary in analyzing ac circuits. Refer to Appendix 2
for a review of trigonometry and right triangles.
54 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
1.1. Why is the study of electrical machinery so important?
1.2. How have the applications of electrical machines expanded in
recent years?
1 3 . How did widespread alternating-current (ac) power distribution
systems come into existence?
1.4. List several applications of electric motors.
1.5. Why are magnetism and electromagnetism important topics in
the study of electrical machinery?
1.6. What are the “laws of magnetism?”
1.7. What is a magnetic field?
1.8. Draw a cross-sectional view of two conductors to show how a
magnetic field is developed around current-carrying conductors.
1.9. How is an electromagnet produced?
1.10. How is the magnetic strength of an electromagnet affected?
1.11. What is residual magnetism?
1.12. Define the following magnetic terms: (a) magnetomotive force,
(b) magnetic flux, and (c) reluctance.
1.13. Briefly explain the domain theory of magnetism.
1.14. What is Faraday’s law, and why is it important in the study of
electrical machines?
1.15. What is electromagnetic induction?
1.16. Discuss the following magnetic terms: (a) permeability, (b) reten-
tivity, (c) magnetic saturation, and (d) B-H curve.
1.17. Discuss the use of English and SI units of measurement.
1.18. Discuss the electrical system model used in the organization of
this book (see Figure 1-20).
1.19. What are the five parts of a basic electrical system and their
1.20. What is meant by ac values that are in phase” Out of phase?
1.21. Discuss ac voltage and current characteristics in resistive, induc-
tive, and capacitive circuits.
1.22. Discuss the use of vector or phasor diagrams for ac circuits.
1.23. How is impedance calculated in series ac circuits? In parallel ac
lntroductlon 55
1.24. Define the following ac power term: (a) apparent power, (b) true
power. (c) reactive power, and (d) power factor.
1.25. How does the phase angle of an ac circuit affect the power factor?
1.1. Perform each of the following unit conversions.
(a) 5.31 megohms to ohms
(b) 6320 watts to kilowatts
(c) 2180 milliamperes to amperes
(d) 926 microvolts to volts
(e) 8520 volts to kilovolts
(f) 50 microamperes to milliamperes
(8) 2,526,000 ohms to megohms
(h) 8200 watts to kilowatts
(i) 6.38 volts to millivolts
(i) 3160 microamperes to amperes
(k) 15,500 ohms to kilohms
(1) 0.053 ampere to milliamperes
1.2. Perform the following conversions using the tables in Appendix 1.
(a) 3 cubic feet to cubic meters
(b) 8 cubic centimeters to cubic inches
(c) 30 miles to kilometers
(d) 12 cups to liters
(e) 6 gallons to liters
(0 8 liters to quarts
(8) 3 kilograms to pounds
(h) 40 ounces to grams
(i) 5 grams to ounces
(i) 3 kilometers to miles
(k) 2 centimeters to inches
(1) 6 meters to inches
(m) 3 liters to milliliters
(n) 5200 grams to kilograms
(0)2 centimeters to millimeters
(p) 3 meters to centimeters
(4) 62°F to OC
(r) 39°C to O F
56 Rolatlng Eloctrlcal Machlnw and Power Sy.tem8
Upon completion of Chapter 2, Construction and Basic Charac-
teristics of Electrical Machines, you should have an understanding of
the following terms:
- Generator
- Motor
- Stator
58 Rotating Electrical Machlnee and Power Syetems
- Yoke (frame)
- Field Poles
- Field Windings
- Concentrated Windings
- Distributed Windings
- Wound Rotor
- Squirrel Cage Rotor
- Slip Ring Commutator
- Split Ring Commutator
- Brushes
- Rotor Shaft
- Bearings
- Rotor Core
- winding Polarity
- Multiple Field Windings
- Armature
- Series Connection
- Parallel Connection
- Armature Rating
- Average Induced Voltage
- Full-Pitch Coil
- Fractional-Pitch Coil
- Pitch Factor
- Lap Windings
- Wave Windings
- Simplex Windings
- Multiplex Windings
- Chorded Windings
- Multiplicity
- Triplex Windings
- Generated Voltage
The construction of most rotating electrical machines is somewhat
similar. Most machines have a stationary part called the stator and a rotat-
ing set of conductors called the rotox The stator consists of a yoke or
frame which serves as a support and a metallic path for magnetic flux
developed in a machine. Machine stator assemblies are shown in Figure
2-1. Figure 2-l(a) shows a cutaway view of a small gear-reduction motor.
Larger motor stator assemblies are shown in Figure 2-l(b) and (c). Notice
the design of the mounting brackets on the stator of each type.
Construction and Bask Characterlstics of Electrlcal Machlnes 59
Figure 2-1 Machine stator assemblies. [(a) and (b) courtesy Bodine Co.
(c) courtesy Louis-Allis Co.]
60 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Figure 2-3 Coil windings: (a)concentrated or salient type: (b) distributive type.
Constructlon and Bask Characterlstlcs of Electrical Machlnes 61
Figure 2-4 (a) and (b): distributive windings used on machine stator assemblies (cour-
tesy Louis-Allis Co.). (c) Heavily-insulated distributive wound stator (courtesy Bodine
Electric Co.). (d) Stator assembly with distributive windings (courtesy Lima Electric Co.).
62 Rotatlng Eloctflcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Figure 2-5 Machine rotor assemblies: (a) with windings and split ring cornmutator/
brush assembly (courtesy of Litton Industrial Products, Inc.-Louis-Allis Div.;
(b) with laminated solid rotor (courtesy of Bodine Electric Co.).
Constructlonand Bask Characterlstlcs of Electrical Machlnee 63
Load Load
(a) (b)
S pl it-r i n g corn rn u t at o r Sh a ft
Ball bearings
Brushes F ie ld windings \
/ L a m i n a t e d ' f i e l d poles
A r m a t u r e windings
Other machine parts. There are several other arts used in the
construction of rotating machines. Among these are the rotor shuft,
which rotates between a set of bearings. Bearings may be either the
ball, roller, or sleeve type. Bearing seals, often made of felt material,
are used to keep lubricant around the bearing and keep dirt out. A rotor
core is usually constructed of laminated steel to provide a low-reluc-
tance magnetic path between the field poles of a machine and to reduce
eddy currents. Internal and external electrical connections provide a
means of delivering or extracting electrical energy. Several of the con-
struction features of electrical machines are shown in Figure 2-8.
Magnetic flux coils
Voltage source
- N
Compass Dc
Dc voltage source
Figure 2.17 Four-pole wound rotor assembly. Courtesy of Lima Electric Co., inc.
70 Rotatlng Electrlcal Mechlnes end Power Systems
Coil connections
on armature
Coil connections
on armature
Lap windings [see Figure 2-18(a)] are wound so that one coil over-
laps the previous coil. The beginning and end of a lap-wound coil con-
nect to adjacent split-ring commutator segments. The commutator seg-
ments make connection to adjacent coils. The result is to place the coils
in a parallel connection. In lap-wound armatures, there are the same
number of parallel paths through the winding circuit as there are field
poles. For each two parallel paths, there is one set of brushes. Lap
windings are used where current capacity, rather than voltage, is the
main consideration.
Wave windings [see Figure 2-18(b)] have the beginning of one coil
connected to a split-ring commutator segment a distance equal to two
poles away from the segment where the end of the coil is connected.
The result is to place the coils in a series connection. In wave-wound
armatures, there are only two parallel paths for current flow regardless
of the number of field poles. Wave windings are used where high volt-
age, rather than current capacity, is the primary design factor.
Armature Ratings
Armature windings of electrical machines have two or more parallel
paths in an even-numbered arrangement. Each path has a series-connect-
ed group of coils, in both lap-wound and wave-wound armatures. The
voltage rating of the armature circuit is determined by the number of
seriescomected coils per path. The current rating of the armature cir-
cuit is dependent on the current-carrying capacity of the conductors in a
seriesconnected group of coils. Increasing the number of parallel paths
causes the current rating to increase. Since an armature circuit has a
fixed number of coils, current rating is increased at the expense of volt-
age rating. This relationship is analogous to a group of batteries con-
nected together. Connecting batteries in series increases voltage and
connecting them in parallel increases current capacity (see Figure 2-19).
Notice in Figure 2-19 that the power rating of each circuit arrangement
is the same. Since power equals the product of voltage and current
(V x 0, power rating is the same regardless of circuit configuration.
This same relationship is true for armature winding connections. The
power rating is determined by the voltage and current ratings of individ-
ual coils in a path. The only method that can be used to increase power
rating of an armature winding is to design an armature that has more
conductors and is larger in physical size. Thus higher power ratings
require armatures that are larger in physical size.
72 Rotatlng ElectdcalMrchlnos and Power Systems
V, -6V
I,,, = 0.5A
"ma, = 3 W
Flgure 2-19 Analogy of armature windings and batteries in (a) series and (b) parallel
connections. Each battery is rated at 1.5 V, 0.5 A.
0 x
Xv* = - v
The average induced voltage per coil (V,/coil) for a complete revo-
lution (four quarter-revolutions) may be founcfby applying the equation
V,,,/coil= 4 0 N ~x lo-' V
Constructlon and Bask Characterlstlcs of Electrlcal Machlnes 73
For exam le, assume that the number of magnetic flux lines per
pole is 5 x 10g lines, the number of turns per coil is two, and the speed
is 100 r/ min. The average voltage per coil is
5 = 6O(number of paths)
where 0 = magnetic flux per pole
Z = number of armature conductors (2 x number of turns)
S = speed of rotation in r/ min
P = number of poles
= 83.33 V
Constructlonand Bask Characterlstlcs of Electrlcal Machlnes 75
Figure 2-20 Lap-wounddc generator armature circuit: (a) simplified armature circuit;
(b) equivalent circuit.
-I -
v, 2 x v,
Figure 2-21 Wave-wound dc generator armature circuit: (a) simplified armature circuit;
(b) equivalent circuit.
2.1. What is the basic difference between a generator and a motor?
2.2. Define the following parts of rotating machines: (a) stator, (b)
rotor, (c) yoke, (d) field poles, and (e) field windings.
23. What is the difference between concentrated windings and dis-
tributive windings?
2.4. What two basic types of rotors are commonly used in rotating
electrical machines?
2.5. Discuss the construction and uses of slip rings and split-ring
Constructlon end Beelc Cheracterlstlcs of Electrlcal Yachtnee 77
2.1. A dc generator has 8 x lo5 flux lines per pole, two turns per
coil, and rotates at a speed of 1000 rM n. What is the average
voltage induced per coil?
2.2. A six-pole dc generator has a tri lex lap-wound armature. The
magnetic flux per pole is 6 x 10? lines, the speed of rotation is
500 r/min, and there are 250 coils, each having two turns of
wire. Calculate the generated voltage.
23. A dc generator has 6 x lo4 magnetic flux lines per pole, two turns
per coil, and a speed of 2000 r/min. What is the xvg
per coil?
2.4. A duplex wave-wound armature is used in a four-pole dc genera-
tor. The magnetic field flux per pole is 2.4 x lo5 lines, the speed
of rotation is 1000 r/min, and there are 200 coils, each having
two turns. What is the generated voltage?
2.5. A dc generator has 5 x lo6 flux lines per coil and rotates at a
speed of 600 r/min. Calculate the average voltage induced per coil.
7a Rolatlng Eloctrlcsl Machlnea and Power Systems
Electrical power is the energy source for many machines and appli-
ances used today. Electrical power has thus become a necessity of life.
An understanding of electrical power basics is fundamental to the study
of rotating electrical machines and power systems.
A block diagram of an elechical system model was shown in Figure I.
Electrical power generation is an important part of the electrical system
model used in this book. Once electrical power is produced, it must be
distributed to the location where it is used. Electrical distribution equip-
ment transfers electrical power from one location to another. Electrical
machinery control systems are probably the most complex of all the
parts of the system model. ?here are many types of devices and equip-
ment used ton control electrical power. Electrical conversion machinery,
also called loads, converts electrical power into some other form of
energy. Other forms of energy include heat, light, and mechanical ener-
gy. Conversion systems, such as electric motors, are very important
when dealing with energy use.
Each of the blocks shown in the electrical system model (Figure I)
represents one part of the electrical system. It is important to understand
each part of the electrical system as it relates to rotating electrical
machines and associated systems. By using the system model, a better
understanding of electrical machinery technology can be gained.
Upon completion of Chapter 3, Electrical Power Basics, you should
have an understanding of the following terms:
80 Rotatlng Electrfcal Machlnes and Power Syetems
Power Factor
Demand Factor
Power Factor Correction
Generator -
Ekctrical energy
Water muroe
for woling
into water
connected together
Steam turbine
T t
heat 2,
Water pump
E M r k a l energy
Water source
fa w l i n g
Water release
Water w
converted to
steam Steam
converted to
Various other methods may be used in the future for power produc-
tion. These alternative methods include solar cells, geothermal systems,
w ind-powered systems, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) systems, nuclear-
fusion systems, and fuel cells. Many of these methods are now being
researched as future power sources. Some alternative power production
methods are shown in Figure 3-2.
Electrical power is ordinarily produced at power plants that are fos-
sil-fuel steam plants, nuclear-fission steam plants, or hydroelectric
plants. Fossil-fuel and nuclear-fission plants use steam turbines to pro-
duce mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is used to rotate large
three-phase alternators. Hydroelectric plants ordinarily use hydraulic tur-
bines to convert the force of flowing water into mechanical energy
which rotates three-phase generators. The types of generators used to
produce electrical power are discussed in Chapters 4 and 5.
The supply and demand situation for electrical power is very differ-
ent from that for most other products. Most products are produced and
then sold to consumers at a later time. However, electrical power must
be supplied at the same time that it is demanded by consumers. There is
no simple storage system that may be used to supply additional electri-
cal energy at times of high demand. Enough electrical power must be
produced to meet the demand of the consumers at any time. Power com-
panies must predict the electrical power output needed for a particular
time of the year, week, or day.
Electrlcal Power Baelce
- Solar colledor
- Solar collector
- J-
- I
Heat exchanger
1 Steam turbine
- I
0 Generator
Figure 3-2 Alternative power systems: (a) solar electrical energy system; (b) geother-
mal power system; (c) wind-energy system; (d) MHD energy system; (e) fuel cell.
86 Rolatlng Electrical Mrchlnor and Power Systems
steam turblne
Generator - Eledrlcal power
4- Seam line
i 2
L '
n i1 -t 31 - Condenser and water
purlllcation system
Heated gas
Addnlves to
Electrical energy
MHD energy system.
Hydrogen Oxygen
Input line Input llne
I Potasslum hydroxlde
electrotyte solutbn
Flgure 3-2 ( a n t . )
88 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnea and Power Systems
Figure 3-4 Electrical distribution substation. Courtesy of Lapp Insulator, Leroy, N.Y.
Electrical Conductors
Conductors, such as those shown in Figure 3-5,are used to distrib-
ute electrical current from one location to another. The unit of measure-
ment for conductors is the circular mil (cmil) since most conductors are
round. One mil is equal to a circle whose diameter is 0.001 in. The
cross-sectional area of a conductor (in circular mils) is equal to its
diameter (D)in mils squared (cmil = d). For example, if a conductor is
1/8 in. in diameter, its circular-mil area is found as follows:
1. 1/8 in. written as a decimal is 0.125.
2. 0.125 equals 125 mils.
3. Area = D2 (in mils)
= (125)'
= 15,625 cmils
90 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Figure 3-5 Electrical conductors: (a) three-phase aluminum conductor group, with
grounds; (b) three-phase aluminum conductors; (c) aluminum highcurrent conductor;
(d) copper 69-kV conductor.
a1200 C
Conductor ( f l {cmil-ft)
Silver 9.8
Copper 10.4
Aluminum 17.0
Tungsten 33.0
- -3400
- 15,625
= 0.22 R
Conductor sizes. Table 3-2 lists the sizes of copper and alu-
minum electrical conductors. The American Wire Gage (AWG) is used
to measure the diameter of conductors. The sizes of conductors range
from No. 40 AWG (smallest) to No. 0000 AWG. Larger conductors are
measured in thousand circular mil (MCM) units. Notice in Table 3-2
that as the AWG size numbers become smaller, the conductor is larger.
92 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
Dc resistance ar 25' C
Size Number Diamerer
(A WG or Area or o f each
(ni 1000 rt)
MCM) (cmil) wires wire (in.) Copper Aluminum
18 1,620 I 0.0403 6.5I 10.7
16 2,580 I 0.0508 4.10 6.72
14 4,110 I 0.0641 2.57 4.22
12 6,530 I 0.0808 I .62 2.66
10 10,380 1 0.1019 1.018 I .67
8 16,510 1 0.I285 0.6404 I .05
AWG 6 26,240 7 0.06I2 0.410 0.674
sizes 4 4 1,740 7 0.0772 0.259 0.424
3 52,620 7 0.0867 0.205 0.336
2 66,360 7 0.0974 0.I62 0.266
I 83.690 19 0.0664 0.129 0.21 I
0 105,600 19 0.0745 0.102 0.168
00 133,100 19 0.0837 0.08I 1 0.133
000 167.800 19 0.0940 0.0642 0.I05
)000 21 1,600 19 0.1055 0.0509 0.0836
250 250,000 37 0.0822 0.043I 0.0708
300 300.000 37 0.0900 0.0360 0.0590
350 350,000 37 0.0973 0.030~ 0.0505
400 400,000 37 0.1040 0.0270 0.0442
500 500,000 37 0.I I62 0.0216 0.0354
MCM 600 600.000 61 0.0992 0.0180 0.0295
sizes 700 700,000 61 0.1071 0.0 I54 0.0253
750 750,000 61 0.I 109 0.0I44 0.0236
800 800,000 61 0.I 1'45 0.0135 0.022I
900 900,000 61 0.1215 0.0I20 0.0197
' 000 1 .000,000 61 0.I280 0.0108 0.0177
Sizes up to No. 8 AWG are solid conductors. Larger wires have from 7
to 61 strands of wire. Table 3-2 also lists the resistance (in ohms per
1000 ft) of copper and aluminum conductors. Notice that smaller con-
ductors have higher resistance.
Ampacity of conductors. The amount of current a conductor
can carry is called its ampacity. All metal materials will conduct electri-
cal current, however, copper and aluminum are the two most widely
used conductors. Copper is used more frequently since it is the better
conductor of the two and is physically stronger. Aluminum is used
where weight is a factor, such as for long-distance outdoor power distri-
bution lines. The weight of copper is almost three times that of the same
Eloctrlcal Power Baslcs 93
Copper Aluminum
With With
With RH, RHW. With RH, RH W,
insulation insulation insulation insulation
‘ 14 I5
20 I5
12 I5
10 30 30 25 25
8 40 45 30 40
6 55 65 40 50
AWG 4 70 85 55 65
sizes ‘ 3 80 loo 65 75
2 95 I I5 75 90
I I10 130 85 100
0 I25 I50 100 I20
00 I45 175 I I5 I35
000 165 200 130 I55
195 230 155 I80
215 255 I70 205
240 285 I90 230
260 310 210 250
280 335 225 270
320 380 260 310
355 420 285 340
385 460 310 375
750 400 475 3 20 385
800 410 490 330 395
435 520 355 425
455 545 375 445
94 Rdatlng Electrlcal Machlnee and Power Systems
Synthetic insulation for electrical conductors is classified into two
broad categories: thermosetting and thermoplastic. The mixtures of
materials makes the number of insulations available almost unlimited.
Most insulation is made of synthetic materials combined to provide the
necessary physical and electrical characteristics. The operating condi-
tions in which conductors are used determine the type of insulation
required. Insulation must withstand the heat of the surrounding atmos-
phere and the heat produced by current flow through the conductor.
Large currents produce excessive conductor heat, which can cause insu-
lation to melt or bum. This is why overcurrent protection (fuses or cir-
cuit breakers) is required as a safety factor to prevent fires. The ampaci-
ty of a conductor is affected by the type of insulation used. The NEC
has developed a system of abbreviations for identifying types of insula-
tion. Some of the abbreviations are listed in Table 3-4.
Figure 3-6 Common types of fuses: (a) cartridge fuse; (b) plug fuses; (c) renewable-
element fuse; (d) miniature plug-in fuse for printed circuit boards; (e) “sockel“ fuses.
Courtesy Littlefuse, Inc.
96 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Three-phase service
entrance lines
branch circuls
Figure 3-9 Relationship of feeders and branch circuits.
Electrlcal Power Basics 99
Service entrance
Location of power
Power distribution
panel inside house
circuit breakers which provide overload protection for the entire build-
ing. Several branch circuits may be wired from the power distribution
panel, each with its own protective fuse or circuit breaker. Overload
protection either by fuses or circuit breakers is important to prevent pos-
sible fiies caused by the heating effect of excessive electrical current
flowing through conductors. Fuses or circuit breakers are placed in
series with all hot conductors of the branch circuits in buildings.
Power distribution panels are rated according to the amount of elec-
trical energy they will distribute to a building. A common panel used for
residential buildings is rated at 200 A, with voltages of 120 and 240 V.
Larger distribution panels may be used for industrial and commercial
buildings. Two types of distribution panels are shown in Figure 3-11.
Distribution systems are discussed in detail in Chapter 6.
entrance circuit breakers
branch circuit branch circuit
1204 120-v
branch circuit branch circuit
H ti
120-v 1204
branch circuit N branch circuit
~~~ N
branch circuit
M H, Hot line
N, Neutral line
I I ' I
Power distribution panel
Figure 3-11 Power distribution panels: (a) single-phase 120/240 V; (b) three-phase
120/208 V.
Eiectrlcal Power Basics 101
entrance- B
Main circuit
120 v A connection
20 A (solid neutral)
120 v B
20 A N
120 v C
20 A N
208 v 6
30 A C
208 v 6
30 A C
8:OO 1O:OO 12:OO 2:OO 4:OO
0 2 " ' ~ ' " " "
7:OO 9:00 1:00 1:00 3:OO 5:OO
Time of dav
2200 kw = 0.745
2950 kW
The average demand for a building is the average electrical power used
over a period of time, The peak demand is the maximum amount of
power used during the same time period. The load profile shown in
Figure 3-12 shows how a typical industrial power demand varies during
a working day. A peak demand that is far higher than average demand
causes a poor demand factor. Low demand factors cause high electric
bills for industries and commercial buildings. Utility companies must
design power distribution systems and provide generating capacity
which is capable of meeting this peak demand.
Power-factor correction. Most industries use many electric
motors (inductive loads), which cause the power system to operate at a
power factor of less than 1. Power systems for industries should not
operate at low power factors. This situation would cause the electrical
power system to have much greater capacity than is actually needed.
A specific value of voltamperes (voltage x current or VA) is sup-
plied to industries by electrical power systems. If the power factor (PF)
of the industry's system is low, the current draw from the system is
higher than necessary. The power converted by the total industrial
power system is equal to VA x PF. Power factor decreases as reactive
power (unused power associated with motor use) increases. Thus, when
reactive power draw by electric motors increases, more voltamperes
104 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
(VA) are drawn from the power system. The voltage of the system
remains constant; thus the current value must increase since P = V x A.
An increase in reactive power draw by motors causes a decrease in the
power factor. Power factor is found as follows:
PF = - = 500 = 0.833 or 83.3%
VA 240V x 25 A
3.1. What are the five parts of an electrical power system, and what
is the primary purpose of each of these parts?
3.2. Describe the major methods used to produce electrical power.
3.3. What are some possible methods of producing electrical power in
the future?
3.4. Discuss the operation of the power distribution system shown in
Figure 3-3.
3.5. What is a circular mil?
3.6. How may the resistance of a conductor be found?
3.7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of copper and alu-
minum conductors.
3.8. What is the difference between a feeder line and a branch cir-
Electrlcal Power B a s h 105
3.1. Convert the following diameters of electrical conductors into cir-
cular mils.
(a) 0.65 in. (b) 0.32 in.
(c) 0.3 in. (d) 1/2 in.
(e) 1/4in. (f) 5/16 in.
(8) 118 in. (h) 3/4 in.
(i) 0.91 in. 0 ) 0.8 in.
3.2. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the following electrical con-
(a) 3/4 inch x 3/8 in. (b) 0.33-in. diameter
(c) 3/16-in. diameter (d) 0.4-in.square
(e) 1/2 inch x 5/8 in.
33. Calculate the resistance of the following electrical conductors.
(a) 250 ft of No. 10 aluminum (b) 1500 ft of No. 8 aluminum
(c) 280 ft of 500 MCM copper (d) 3100 ft of No. 00 copper
(e) 350 ft of No. 12 copper (f) 520 ft of No. 1 aluminum
(g) 1850 ft of No. 6 copper
3.4. Determine from Table 3-3 the minimum sizes of conductors
needed to carry the following currents.
(a) 85 A using TH aluminum (b) 520 A using T copper
(c) 680 A using RHW copper (d) 220 A using R copper
(e) 290 A using TW copper (f) 150 A using RH copper
(8) 92 A using THW aluminum (11) 360 A using THW copper
106 Rotating Electrical Machlnea and Power Systems
Upon completion of Unit 11, you should be able to:
1. Describe basic generator operation.
2. Apply the left-hand generator rule.
3. Describe voltage development in a generator.
4.List the three conditions for power generation.
108 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Generators (Alternators)
The vast majority of the electrical power used in the United States
is alternating current (ac) produced by mechanical generators at power
plants. These power plants, located throughout our country, provide the
necessary electrical power to supply our homes and industries. Most
generators or alternators produce three-phase alternating current; how-
ever, single-phase generators are also used for certain applications with
smaller power requirements. ?he operation of all mechanical generators
relies on the fundamental principle of electromagnetic induction which
was discussed in Chapter 1. Ac generators are commonly called alterna-
tors, since they produce alternating-current electrical power. This chap-
ter provides an overview of the basic characteristics and types of ac
Upon completion of Chapter 4, Alternating Current Generators
(Alternators), you should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Alternating Current (AC) Generator
- Alternator
- Left-Hand Rule of Current Flow
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Single Phase AC Generator
- Rotor
- Stator
112 Rdatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
- Field Poles
- Prime Mover
- Slip RingiBrush Assembly
- Voltage Regulation
- Positive Alternation
- Negative Alternation
- Sine Wave
- Instantaneous Voltage
- Phase Angle (0)
- Rotating Armature Method
- Rotating Field Method
- Excitation
- Lenz’s Law
- Average Induced Voltage
- Three Phase Alternating Current (AC) Generator
- Wye Connection
- Delta Connection
- Line Voltage (V,)
- Phase Voltage (V,)
- Line Current (I,)
- Phase Current (Ip)
- Total Three Phase Power (PT)
- Power Factor (PF)
- High Speed Generator
- Low Speed Generator
- Generator Frequency
- Speed of Rotation (r/min)
- Voltage Regulation (VR)
- No-Load Voltage (V,)
- Full-Load Voltage (V,)
- Efficiency
- Power Input
- Power Output
- Horsepower
- Parallel Operation
- Brushless Generator
- Steam Turbine
- Portable Generator
- Diesel-Electric Generator
Alternatlng-CurrentQenerators(Alternators) 113
Single-phase electrical power is produced by mechanical generators
which are commonly called alternators. The principle of operation of a
single-phase alternator relies on electromagnetic induction. In order for
a generator to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, three
conditions must exist:
1. There must be a magnetic field.
2. There must be a group of conductors adjacent to the magnetic field.
3. There must be relative motion between the magnetic field and the
These conditions are necessary in order for electromagnetic induc-
tion to occur.
Generator construction. Generators used to produce electrical
energy require some form of mechanical energy input. This mechanical
energy is used to produce relative motion between the electrical conduc-
tors and the magnetic field of the generator. Figure 4-2 shows the basic
parts and construction of an ac generator. Mechanical generators have a
stationary part and a rotating part. The stationary part is called the stator
and the rotating part is called the rotot: A generator has magnetic field
poles which produce north and south polarities. Also, a generator must
have a method of producing mechanical energy in the form of rotary
motion. A prime mover used for this purpose is connected to the rotor
shaft of a generator. There must be a method of electrically connecting
the conductors of the rotor to the external circuit. This is done by a slip-
ringbrush assembly with stationary brushes made of carbon and
graphite. The slip rings used on ac generators are ordinarily made of
copper and are permanently mounted on the generator shaft. The two slip
Alternatlng-Current Generators (Alternators) 115
Rotating part
Stationary part
Shaft Prime 1
Electrical energy
Figure 4-2 Basic generator construction. A generator must have (1) a magnetic field,
(2) conductors, and (3) a source of mechanical energy (rotation).
rings connect to the ends of the conductor loops or rotor windings. When
an external load is connected to the generator, a closed circuit is com-
pleted. With all of these generator parts functioning together, electromag-
netic induction can take place and electrical energy can be produced.
Generating ac voltage. Figure 4-3 shows a magnetic field
developed by permanent magnets used to illustrate the operational prin-
ciple of a mechanical generator, Conductors that can be rotated on a
center axis are placed within the magnetic field, They are connected to
the external load by means of a slip-ring/ brush assembly. The 0” refer-
ence position shown on the diagram is used as a starting point for the
following discussion of ac voltage generation.
Figure 4 4 illustrates the basic operation of an ac generator. In posi-
tion A [Figure 44(a)], the conductors are positioned so that the mini-
mum amount of magnetic lines of force are “cut” by the conductors as
they rotate. This is the Oo reference position. Minimum (zero) current is
induced into the conductors at position A. Observe position A of the
resulting output waveform [Figure 44(f)]. The resulting current flow
through the load at position A is zero.
116 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
- 0'
(a) (b)
(c) (dl
i i i b l
(el Q)
Flgute 4-4 Basic parts and operational principle of a mechanical generator:
(a) position A; (b) position B; (c) position C; (d) position D; (e) position E;
(9 resulting output waveform.
Altornatlng-Current Qenerators (Alternators) 117
For example, at the 30' position (Figure 4-5),if the maximum volt-
age is 100 V, then = 100 x sin 8. Use the Trigonometric functions of
your calculator to find that the sine of 30' = 0.5.Then
= 100 x 0.5
= 50V
Refer to Appendix 2 to observe that sine values are positive in
quadrant 1 (0-90') and quadrant 2 (90-180') and negative in quadrant 3
(180-270') and quadrant 4 (270-360'). Thus, at the 240' position,
Dc excitation
AC output
Figure 4-6 Rotating-armature method.
120 Rotetlng Electrlcal Machlnes end Power Systems
Prime mover Generator b
Stator Rotor
windings conductors
Dc exctation
Acoutput +
= 7 BLV x
-BLV x lo-*
- x (30,000 lines/in2) x (24 in.) x (600 in./s x 60 s/min x 1 W l 2 in.) x lo-*
(0.2)(30,000)(24)(600 x 60 x 0.0833)(10-8)
4.32 V
N= CNc
A typical armature could have 100 armature coils (C) and two turns
per coil (Nc). Therefore, the total number of turns of wire on the arma-
ture would be
xvs= 4OqNf x V
xff=4.444)NfX lo-*
= (4.44)(5 x104 )(200)(60)(10-*)
= 266.4 V
C x N,
Np =
124 Rotating Electrical Machlnee and Power Systems
C x N, - 120x
- 2 = 240 = 80 turndphase
Np =
P - 3 3
V, = 4.44@N$ x
= (4.44)(6 x104 )(80)(60)(10-8>
= 127.8 V
The vast majority of electrical power produced in the United States
is three-phase power. A steam turbine generator used at a power plant is
shown in Figure 4-9). most generators that produce three-phase power
look similar to this one. Due to their large power ratings, three-phase
generators utilize the rotating field method. A typical three-phase genera-
tor in a power plant might have 250 to 500 V dc excitation applied to the
rotating field through the slip-ring/ brush assembly. The typical output of
13.8 kV ac is induced into the stationary conductors of the machine.
Steam Turbine
~ ~~
Hydrogen cooled Rating Capability Capability
Type ATE 2poler Wcycl- Gaspressure 3Oprig 15Wg R5prig
3 ph. Y Connected for 13,800V kVA 88,235 81,176 70.588
Excitation 25OV Kilowatts 75.OOo moo0
Phase B
t t
Phase C
Phase A
Power output
PhEseB f
Power output
V, = V, x 1.73
The line currents (Z,) are equal to the phase currents (ZJ, or
ZL = I,
In the schematic of a three-phase delta connection of Figure 4-16,
the end of one phase winding is connected to the beginning of the adja-
cent phase winding. The line voltages V’( are equal to the phase volt-
age (V,). The line currents (Z,) are equal to the phase currents (Ip) mul-
tiplied by 1.73.
130 Rotating Electrical Machlnw and Power Systems
/ Power output
Power output
Pp = V, x I p x PF
where PF is the power factor (phase angle between voltage and current)
of the load. Other three phase quantities are listed below:
Line current: I L = Zp
= 20A
132 Rotating Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
Power factor: PF = - - -
6ooo = 0.83 or 83%
VAT 7200
Power per phase: P,= V, x I, x PF
= 120 x 20 x 0.83
= 1992 W
Total power: PT = 3 x V, x I, x PF
= 3 x 120 x 20 x 0.83
= 5976 W
Power factor: PF = - = -
6ooo = 0.83 or 83%
VAT 7200
Alternatlng-Current Generators (Alternators) 133
(al (bl
Nx5 -
f= - 12/3 x 1800 -
- 4 x 1800 = 6o HZ
120 120 120
vR= v ~ - v ~ x l o o
-- 125 V - 120 V = 5
120 v 120
= 4.16%
Generator efficiency is the ratio of the power output in watts to the
power input in horsepower. The efficiency of a generator may be
expressed as
efficiency (%) = -
x 100
5000W 5000W
efficiency = - = 0.837 or 83.7%
4, - 8 x W = 5968W
136 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
Illustrations of some example types of ac generators or alternators
are shown in this section. There are several applications of ac generators
other than in power plants for large-scale power generation.
The ac generators shown in Figure 4-18 are called brushless genera-
tors. These types are typically manufactured in 50- through 1200-kW
units. The primary advantage of this type of generator is that it uses an
exciter and rotating rectifier unit rather than slip rings and brushes to
energize the rotor. Generating units such as this can be used for emer-
gency or standby power generation in buildings or for small-scale power
generation for various applications.
Large generator unit with cutaway of rotor and stator assembly.
Figure 4-19 (a) Assembled automobile three-phase alternator, (b) stator assembly of
automobile three-phase alternator; (c) rotor assembly of automobile three phase alter-
nator. Courtesy Delco-Remy.
Alternating-Current Generators (Alternators) 139
Figure 4-21 Portable generator units: (a) generator mounted on pads to reduce vibra-
tion; (b) generator mounted on mobile wheeled cart. Courtesy Ag-Tronic, Inc.
140 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
Diesel electric generator sets, such as the one shown in Figure 4-22
typically come in sizes of 100 to 1000 kW.Units such as this may be
used for industries that are remote from utility power lines, for emer-
gency standby power when electricity goes off in a building, for marine
applications, or for peak power shaving during daily peak electrical
usage. Peak power shaving reduces electrical demand charges for indus-
tries and businesses.
Some other portable generator units are shown in Figure 4-23.
Portable generator units may use either gasoline, diesel fuel, liquefied
petroleum gas, or natural gas as fuel for their prime movers.
Alternatlng-Current Generators (Alternators) 141
Figure 4-22 Large diesel engine-driven generator unit. Courtesy Cummins Engine Co.
Figure 4-23 (a) and (b) Generator units. Courtesy Kohler Co.
142 Rotating Electrical Machlner, and Power Systems
4.1. Discuss the basic operational principle of mechanical generators.
4.2. What is the left-hand rule for induced current flow in a genera-
4.3. What three conditions must exist for a mechanical generator to
4.4. Discuss the basic construction features of a mechanical generator.
4.5. Discuss the generation of an ac sine-wave voltage starting with a
0" reference position and progressing through one complete revo-
lution of a conductor.
4.6. How is the instantaneous induced voltage developed in a conduc-
tor calculated?
4.7. What are the two types of ac generators?
Alternatlng-Current Qeneratore (Alternators) 143
4.8. Discuss the basic differences between the two types of ac genera-
4.9. What is a general statement of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic
4.10. How can the magnitude of instantaneous voltage (Vi)induced
into a conductor be calculated?
4.11. What is Lenz’s law in relation to ac generators?
4.12. How can average induced voltage (V& of an ac generator be
4.13. Discuss the generation of three-phase ac voltage.
4.14. Discuss the wye and delta methods of connecting the stator
windings of a three-phase ac generator.
4.15. What are the advantages of using three-phase ac power?
4.16. Discuss the voltage, current, and power relationships in three-
phase wye- and delta connected ac generators.
4.17. Name some applications of high- and low-speed generators.
4.18. How is the frequency of an ac generator calculated?
4.19. How is the required speed of an ac generator calculated?
4.20. How is voltage regulation of an ac generator calculated?
4.21. How is efficiency of an ac generator calculated?
4.22. What are the advantages of operating alternators in parallel?
4.23. What are some applications of ac generators?
4.1. The meter connected to a single-phase ac generator indicates the
following values:
voltage output = 120 V
current output = 12 A
power output = 1 kW
frequency = 60Hz
(a) VA (b) PF
144 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Upon completion of Unit 11, you should be able to:
1. Describe basic generator operation.
2. Apply the left-hand generator rule.
3. Describe voltage development in a generator.
4.List the three conditions for power generation.
108 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Generators (Alternators)
The vast majority of the electrical power used in the United States
is alternating current (ac) produced by mechanical generators at power
plants. These power plants, located throughout our country, provide the
necessary electrical power to supply our homes and industries. Most
generators or alternators produce three-phase alternating current; how-
ever, single-phase generators are also used for certain applications with
smaller power requirements. ?he operation of all mechanical generators
relies on the fundamental principle of electromagnetic induction which
was discussed in Chapter 1. Ac generators are commonly called alterna-
tors, since they produce alternating-current electrical power. This chap-
ter provides an overview of the basic characteristics and types of ac
Upon completion of Chapter 4, Alternating Current Generators
(Alternators), you should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Alternating Current (AC) Generator
- Alternator
- Left-Hand Rule of Current Flow
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Single Phase AC Generator
- Rotor
- Stator
112 Rdatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
- Field Poles
- Prime Mover
- Slip RingiBrush Assembly
- Voltage Regulation
- Positive Alternation
- Negative Alternation
- Sine Wave
- Instantaneous Voltage
- Phase Angle (0)
- Rotating Armature Method
- Rotating Field Method
- Excitation
- Lenz’s Law
- Average Induced Voltage
- Three Phase Alternating Current (AC) Generator
- Wye Connection
- Delta Connection
- Line Voltage (V,)
- Phase Voltage (V,)
- Line Current (I,)
- Phase Current (Ip)
- Total Three Phase Power (PT)
- Power Factor (PF)
- High Speed Generator
- Low Speed Generator
- Generator Frequency
- Speed of Rotation (r/min)
- Voltage Regulation (VR)
- No-Load Voltage (V,)
- Full-Load Voltage (V,)
- Efficiency
- Power Input
- Power Output
- Horsepower
- Parallel Operation
- Brushless Generator
- Steam Turbine
- Portable Generator
- Diesel-Electric Generator
Alternatlng-CurrentQenerators(Alternators) 113
Single-phase electrical power is produced by mechanical generators
which are commonly called alternators. The principle of operation of a
single-phase alternator relies on electromagnetic induction. In order for
a generator to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, three
conditions must exist:
1. There must be a magnetic field.
2. There must be a group of conductors adjacent to the magnetic field.
3. There must be relative motion between the magnetic field and the
These conditions are necessary in order for electromagnetic induc-
tion to occur.
Generator construction. Generators used to produce electrical
energy require some form of mechanical energy input. This mechanical
energy is used to produce relative motion between the electrical conduc-
tors and the magnetic field of the generator. Figure 4-2 shows the basic
parts and construction of an ac generator. Mechanical generators have a
stationary part and a rotating part. The stationary part is called the stator
and the rotating part is called the rotot: A generator has magnetic field
poles which produce north and south polarities. Also, a generator must
have a method of producing mechanical energy in the form of rotary
motion. A prime mover used for this purpose is connected to the rotor
shaft of a generator. There must be a method of electrically connecting
the conductors of the rotor to the external circuit. This is done by a slip-
ringbrush assembly with stationary brushes made of carbon and
graphite. The slip rings used on ac generators are ordinarily made of
copper and are permanently mounted on the generator shaft. The two slip
Alternatlng-Current Generators (Alternators) 115
Rotating part
Stationary part
Shaft Prime 1
Electrical energy
Figure 4-2 Basic generator construction. A generator must have (1) a magnetic field,
(2) conductors, and (3) a source of mechanical energy (rotation).
rings connect to the ends of the conductor loops or rotor windings. When
an external load is connected to the generator, a closed circuit is com-
pleted. With all of these generator parts functioning together, electromag-
netic induction can take place and electrical energy can be produced.
Generating ac voltage. Figure 4-3 shows a magnetic field
developed by permanent magnets used to illustrate the operational prin-
ciple of a mechanical generator, Conductors that can be rotated on a
center axis are placed within the magnetic field, They are connected to
the external load by means of a slip-ring/ brush assembly. The 0” refer-
ence position shown on the diagram is used as a starting point for the
following discussion of ac voltage generation.
Figure 4 4 illustrates the basic operation of an ac generator. In posi-
tion A [Figure 44(a)], the conductors are positioned so that the mini-
mum amount of magnetic lines of force are “cut” by the conductors as
they rotate. This is the Oo reference position. Minimum (zero) current is
induced into the conductors at position A. Observe position A of the
resulting output waveform [Figure 44(f)]. The resulting current flow
through the load at position A is zero.
116 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
- 0'
(a) (b)
(c) (dl
i i i b l
(el Q)
Flgute 4-4 Basic parts and operational principle of a mechanical generator:
(a) position A; (b) position B; (c) position C; (d) position D; (e) position E;
(9 resulting output waveform.
Altornatlng-Current Qenerators (Alternators) 117
For example, at the 30' position (Figure 4-5),if the maximum volt-
age is 100 V, then = 100 x sin 8. Use the Trigonometric functions of
your calculator to find that the sine of 30' = 0.5.Then
= 100 x 0.5
= 50V
Refer to Appendix 2 to observe that sine values are positive in
quadrant 1 (0-90') and quadrant 2 (90-180') and negative in quadrant 3
(180-270') and quadrant 4 (270-360'). Thus, at the 240' position,
Dc excitation
AC output
Figure 4-6 Rotating-armature method.
120 Rotetlng Electrlcal Machlnes end Power Systems
Prime mover Generator b
Stator Rotor
windings conductors
Dc exctation
Acoutput +
= 7 BLV x
-BLV x lo-*
- x (30,000 lines/in2) x (24 in.) x (600 in./s x 60 s/min x 1 W l 2 in.) x lo-*
(0.2)(30,000)(24)(600 x 60 x 0.0833)(10-8)
4.32 V
N= CNc
A typical armature could have 100 armature coils (C) and two turns
per coil (Nc). Therefore, the total number of turns of wire on the arma-
ture would be
xvs= 4OqNf x V
xff=4.444)NfX lo-*
= (4.44)(5 x104 )(200)(60)(10-*)
= 266.4 V
C x N,
Np =
124 Rotating Electrical Machlnee and Power Systems
C x N, - 120x
- 2 = 240 = 80 turndphase
Np =
P - 3 3
V, = 4.44@N$ x
= (4.44)(6 x104 )(80)(60)(10-8>
= 127.8 V
The vast majority of electrical power produced in the United States
is three-phase power. A steam turbine generator used at a power plant is
shown in Figure 4-9). most generators that produce three-phase power
look similar to this one. Due to their large power ratings, three-phase
generators utilize the rotating field method. A typical three-phase genera-
tor in a power plant might have 250 to 500 V dc excitation applied to the
rotating field through the slip-ring/ brush assembly. The typical output of
13.8 kV ac is induced into the stationary conductors of the machine.
Steam Turbine
~ ~~
Hydrogen cooled Rating Capability Capability
Type ATE 2poler Wcycl- Gaspressure 3Oprig 15Wg R5prig
3 ph. Y Connected for 13,800V kVA 88,235 81,176 70.588
Excitation 25OV Kilowatts 75.OOo moo0
Phase B
t t
Phase C
Phase A
Power output
PhEseB f
Power output
V, = V, x 1.73
The line currents (Z,) are equal to the phase currents (ZJ, or
ZL = I,
In the schematic of a three-phase delta connection of Figure 4-16,
the end of one phase winding is connected to the beginning of the adja-
cent phase winding. The line voltages V’( are equal to the phase volt-
age (V,). The line currents (Z,) are equal to the phase currents (Ip) mul-
tiplied by 1.73.
130 Rotating Electrical Machlnw and Power Systems
/ Power output
Power output
Pp = V, x I p x PF
where PF is the power factor (phase angle between voltage and current)
of the load. Other three phase quantities are listed below:
Line current: I L = Zp
= 20A
132 Rotating Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
Power factor: PF = - - -
6ooo = 0.83 or 83%
VAT 7200
Power per phase: P,= V, x I, x PF
= 120 x 20 x 0.83
= 1992 W
Total power: PT = 3 x V, x I, x PF
= 3 x 120 x 20 x 0.83
= 5976 W
Power factor: PF = - = -
6ooo = 0.83 or 83%
VAT 7200
Alternatlng-Current Generators (Alternators) 133
(al (bl
Nx5 -
f= - 12/3 x 1800 -
- 4 x 1800 = 6o HZ
120 120 120
vR= v ~ - v ~ x l o o
-- 125 V - 120 V = 5
120 v 120
= 4.16%
Generator efficiency is the ratio of the power output in watts to the
power input in horsepower. The efficiency of a generator may be
expressed as
efficiency (%) = -
x 100
5000W 5000W
efficiency = - = 0.837 or 83.7%
4, - 8 x W = 5968W
136 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
Illustrations of some example types of ac generators or alternators
are shown in this section. There are several applications of ac generators
other than in power plants for large-scale power generation.
The ac generators shown in Figure 4-18 are called brushless genera-
tors. These types are typically manufactured in 50- through 1200-kW
units. The primary advantage of this type of generator is that it uses an
exciter and rotating rectifier unit rather than slip rings and brushes to
energize the rotor. Generating units such as this can be used for emer-
gency or standby power generation in buildings or for small-scale power
generation for various applications.
Large generator unit with cutaway of rotor and stator assembly.
Figure 4-19 (a) Assembled automobile three-phase alternator, (b) stator assembly of
automobile three-phase alternator; (c) rotor assembly of automobile three phase alter-
nator. Courtesy Delco-Remy.
Alternating-Current Generators (Alternators) 139
Figure 4-21 Portable generator units: (a) generator mounted on pads to reduce vibra-
tion; (b) generator mounted on mobile wheeled cart. Courtesy Ag-Tronic, Inc.
140 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
Diesel electric generator sets, such as the one shown in Figure 4-22
typically come in sizes of 100 to 1000 kW.Units such as this may be
used for industries that are remote from utility power lines, for emer-
gency standby power when electricity goes off in a building, for marine
applications, or for peak power shaving during daily peak electrical
usage. Peak power shaving reduces electrical demand charges for indus-
tries and businesses.
Some other portable generator units are shown in Figure 4-23.
Portable generator units may use either gasoline, diesel fuel, liquefied
petroleum gas, or natural gas as fuel for their prime movers.
Alternatlng-Current Generators (Alternators) 141
Figure 4-22 Large diesel engine-driven generator unit. Courtesy Cummins Engine Co.
Figure 4-23 (a) and (b) Generator units. Courtesy Kohler Co.
142 Rotating Electrical Machlner, and Power Systems
4.1. Discuss the basic operational principle of mechanical generators.
4.2. What is the left-hand rule for induced current flow in a genera-
4.3. What three conditions must exist for a mechanical generator to
4.4. Discuss the basic construction features of a mechanical generator.
4.5. Discuss the generation of an ac sine-wave voltage starting with a
0" reference position and progressing through one complete revo-
lution of a conductor.
4.6. How is the instantaneous induced voltage developed in a conduc-
tor calculated?
4.7. What are the two types of ac generators?
Alternatlng-Current Qeneratore (Alternators) 143
4.8. Discuss the basic differences between the two types of ac genera-
4.9. What is a general statement of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic
4.10. How can the magnitude of instantaneous voltage (Vi)induced
into a conductor be calculated?
4.11. What is Lenz’s law in relation to ac generators?
4.12. How can average induced voltage (V& of an ac generator be
4.13. Discuss the generation of three-phase ac voltage.
4.14. Discuss the wye and delta methods of connecting the stator
windings of a three-phase ac generator.
4.15. What are the advantages of using three-phase ac power?
4.16. Discuss the voltage, current, and power relationships in three-
phase wye- and delta connected ac generators.
4.17. Name some applications of high- and low-speed generators.
4.18. How is the frequency of an ac generator calculated?
4.19. How is the required speed of an ac generator calculated?
4.20. How is voltage regulation of an ac generator calculated?
4.21. How is efficiency of an ac generator calculated?
4.22. What are the advantages of operating alternators in parallel?
4.23. What are some applications of ac generators?
4.1. The meter connected to a single-phase ac generator indicates the
following values:
voltage output = 120 V
current output = 12 A
power output = 1 kW
frequency = 60Hz
(a) VA (b) PF
144 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Direct-Current (DC)
Upon completion of Chapter 5, Direct Current (DC) Generators,
you should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Direct Current (DC) Generator
- Split RingBrush Assembly
- Polarity
- Neutral Plane
- Permanent Magnet DC Generator
- Magneto
- Separately-Excited DC Generator
- Excitation
- Self-Excited DC Generator
- Residual Magnetism
- Series Wound DC Generator
- Armature Current (IA)
- Field Current (IF)
- Load Current (IL)
146 Rotating Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
The principle of operation of the dc generator is similar to single-
phase ac generators discussed in Chapter 4. A rotating armature coil
passes through a magnetic field developed between north and south
polarities of permanent magnets or electromagnets (see Figure 5-1). As
the coil rotates, electromagnetic induction causes a current to be induced
into the coil. The current produced is an alternating current, however, it
is possible to convert this alternating current into a form of direct cur-
rent. The conversion of ac to dc is accomplished through the use of a
split-ring commutator. The split-ring commutator shown in Figure 5-1
has two segments. These segments are insulated from- one another and
from the shaft of the machine on which the commutator rotates. An end
of each armature conductor is connected to each commutator segment.
The purpose of the split-ring commutator is to reverse the armature coil
connection to the external load circuit at the same time that the current
induced in the armature coil reverses. This causes direct current of the
correct polarity to be applied to the load circuit at all times.
The voltage developed by the single-coil example used here would
appear as illustrated in Figure 5-2. This pulsating direct current is not
suitable for most applications. However, by using many turns of wire
around the armature, and many split-ring commutator segments, the
voltage developed will be a smooth or "pure" direct current such as that
produced by a battery. This type of output is shown in Figure 5-3.The
voltage developed by a dc generator depends on the strength of the
magnetic field, the number of coils in the armature, and the speed of
rotation of the armature. By increasing any of these factors, the voltage
output of a dc generator can be increased.
00 900 180" 270' 360"
The voltage induced into the conductors of a dc generator armature
is an ac sine-wave voltage. The sine-wave ac voltage is converted to
pulsating dc voltage by the split-ring commutator. One cycle of ac volt-
age is generated during each 360" rotation of a conductor. The split-ring
commutator also serves as a means of connecting the rotating armature
conductors to the brushes and external circuit. The brushes of a dc gen-
erator are placed directly across from one another. Each brush connects
to one side of the commutator to make contact with the armature con-
ductors. The commutator rotates and the brushes are stationary; thus a
brush is first in contact with one end of a conductor and then the other
(see Figure 5 4 ) . A brush switches from one commutator segment to the
other when the conductor reaches a point in its rotation where the
induced voltage reverses polarity. This point is called a neutral plane.
The voltage generated across the brushes changes from minimum to
maximum, but always in the same relative direction as shown in Figure
5-4.Figure 5-4 shows five points along the axis of rotation of a conduc-
tor within a magnetic field. The position of the brushes in relation to the
split-ring commutator is shown in the center of the figure. The lower
portion of the figure shows the resulting dc voltage output at each com-
mutator position. Positions 1, 3, and 5 are along the neutral plane (zero
induced voltage) of the brush-commutator. Positions 2 and 4 show cur-
rent flow out of the negative brush, producing a pulsating dc output.
Direct-current generators are classified according to the way in
which a magnetic field is developed in the stator of the machine. One
method is to use a permanent-magnet field. It is also possible to use
electromagnetic coils to develop a magnetic field by applying a separate
source of direct current to the electromagnetic coils. However, the most
common method of developing a magnetic field is for part of the gener-
Direct-Current(DC) Generators 149
Figure 5-4 Voltage development in a dc generator: (a) rotor conductor placed inside a
magnetic field; (b) position of split-ring commutator; (c) resulting dc voltage output at
each conductor position.
Conductors Shafl
cornrnutatorhtush assernbiy)
and brush Fleid pole
I1 , Dc
I I +
Armature To load
very stable output voltage. Changes in load, which affect the armature
current, do not vary the strength of the field. The terminal voltage of a
separately excited dc generator can be varied by adjusting the current
through the field windings. A high-wattage rheostat in series with the
field windings will accomplish field control.
Separately excited dc generators are used only in certain applications
where precise voltage control is essential. Automatic control processes in
industry sometimes require such precision. However, the cost of a sepa-
rately excited dc generator is somewhat prohibitive, and other means of
obtaining dc electrical energy are used in certain situations.
Selfexcited series-wound dc generator. Since dc generators
produce dc energy, it is possible to extract part of a generator’s output
to obtain exciting current for the field coils. Generators that use part of
their own output to supply exciting current for the electromagnetic field
152 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
r ,
Armature To load
IulCload -
Voltage decreases
due to energy
losses after
magnetic saturation
Voltage increases
as load current
Load current
Figure 5-8 Output voltage versus load current curve of a self-excited
series-wound dc generator.
nal voltage will rise in proportion to the increases in current. The output
curve of a series-wound dc generator is shown in Figure 5-8. When the
peak of the curve is reached, magnetic saturation of the field has
occurred, prohibiting an increase in terminal voltage. At this point, an
increase in load current will cause a rapid decline in terminal voltage
due to circuit losses.
The output of a self-excited series-wound dc generator varies appre-
ciably with changes in load current. However, beyond the peak of the
output curve, the load current remains fairly stable with large variations
in voltage. There are specific applications, such as arc welding, that
require stable load current as the voltage changes. However, the self-
excited series-wound generator has only a few industrial applications.
Self-exclted shunt-wound dc generator. By connecting the
field coils, the armature circuit, and a load circuit in parallel, a shunt-
wound dc generator configuration is obtained. Figure 5-9 illustrates this
type of generator. The output current developed by the generator (4)has
one path through the (I,) and another through the field coils (I,). The
generator is usually designed so that the field current is not more than
5% of the total armature current (ZJ. The relationship of the currents in
a shunt-wound dc generator is 4 = I, + IF.
154 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machines end Power Systems
Serles field
(few turns of large
diameter wire)
To load
To load
Short shunt Long shunt
1 Rated, full-load
> Undercompounded
n I
I Figure 5-12 Output voltage
I versus load current curve of
I a self-excited compound-
wound dc generator.
Dlrect-Current (DC) Generators 157
Whenever a brush makes contact with two commutator segments
having a coil connected between them the brush short-circuits (R = 0)
the coil. If a voltage is being induced in the coil at this time, a large
current will flow through the coil and possibly damage it. To prevent
this, a coil must only be shorted by a brush when its induced voltage is
zero. The points in its rotation where a coil has zero induced voltage lie
along what is called the neutral plane. As shown for a two-pole genera-
tor in Figure 5-14, the neutral plane is perpendicular to the flux lines
and midway between the pole pieces. The neutral plane is theoretically
where the armature coils cut no flux lines and so have no voltage
induced in them.
Figure 5-15 Armature reaction: (a) main magnetic flux with no current in the armature
windings; (b) distortion of main magnetic flux with current in the armature windings.
tion of the neutral plaue, or something else must be done to prevent the
plane from shifting. The two causes of this shifting of the neutral plane
are armature reaction and self-induction of the armature coils.
When a generator supplies current to a load, the same current that
flows through the load also flows through the armature windings. This
causes a magnetic field to be built up around the conductors of the
armature winding, since current through any conductor will produce a
magnetic field. The magnetic fields around the individual conductors of
the armature winding combine to produce an overall magnetic field.
There are thus two magnetic fields in the space between the generator
pole pieces. One is the field caused by the current through the armature,
and the other is the main magnetic field produced by the field winding.
A characteristic of magnetic fields is that their flux lines cannot
cross. They combine to produce a new, total magnetic field. The total
field of the two individual fields between the generator pole pieces has
a direction as shown in Figure 5-15. This is the actual field cut by the
armature coils as the armature rotates. Zero voltage is still induced in
each coil when it cuts no lines of flux, but the two points at which this
occurs are no longer in the same place as they were when only the mag-
netic field of the field winding was considered. The two points have
both been shifted in the direction of armature rotation. This means,
therefore, that the neutral plane had been shifted in the direction of
armature rotation. Compare Figures 5-14 and 5-15.
The neutral plane of a generator is shifted in the direction of rota-
tion by the effect of armature reaction. If you know the exact amount of
this shift, and were to set the generator brushes accordingly, you would
actually still not get perfect commutation. This is because of self-induc-
tion of the armature coils.
When the current through a coil tends to drop to zero at the point
where the coil is cutting no flux lines, the magnetic field around the coil
collapses. This causes a self-induced voltage, which has a polarity that
keeps the current flowing, instead of allowing it to drop instantly to
zero. This self-induced voltage, then, appears between the commutator
segments when the coils are in what is supposedly the neutral plane.
Although the self-induced voltage is small it can cause a large current
because of the low resistance of the commutator segments, the brushes,
and the coil. This means that the voltage in a coil is not zero until
sometime after the coil has passed the point in its rotation where it is
162 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
cutting no flux lines. The self-induced voltage further shifts the neutral
plane in the direction of rotation.
If the generator brushes are located in the running neutral plane,
good commutation will result. Like armature reaction, the shift in the
neutral plane caused by self-induction of the armature coils is propor-
tional to the load current. Therefore, good commutation can only be
obtained if the load current is constant, or if the position of the brushes
is changed every time the load current changes
direction of
field pole
Figure 5-16 Two-pole dc generator with interpoles.
Dlrect-Current (DC) Generators 163
winding conductor
(current flow
toward observer)
Armature conductor
(current flow away
from observer)
Figure 5-17 Compensating
sindings to reduce armature
164 Rotatlng Eledrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
A type of rotating machine used to convert alternating current to
direct current is called a rotary converter. Rotary ac-to-dc converters are
used for limited applications. A motor-driven generator unit is illustrat-
ed in Figure 5-18. Motor-generator units may also be used to convert
direct current to alternating current. This function is referred to as an
invertet: When operated as a converter to produce dc, the machine is
run off an ac line. This process is shown in Figure 5-18. The ac is trans-
ferred to the machine windings through slip rings, and converted to dc
by a split-ring commutator located on the same shaft. The amount of dc
voltage output is determined by the magnitude of the ac voltage applied
to the machine and the winding ratio of the rotor. Converters may be
designed as two units, with motor and generator shafts coupled together
or as one unit housing both the motor and generator. Two typical motor-
generator assemblies are shown in Figure 5-19.
Dlrect-Current(DC) Qenerators 165
Motor Generator
Figure 5-18 Rotary ac-to-dc converter: (a) block diagram; (b) schematic diagram.
Figure 5-19 (a) and (b): Typical motor-generator assemblies. Courtesy Kinetics
166 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Typical motor-generator assembly.
5.1. What is the purpose of the split-ring commutator of a dc generator?
5.2. Discuss the production of a pulsating dc voltage in a conductor
rotated inside a magnetic field.
53. How can the voltage output of a dc generator be increased?
5.4. What are the three basic classifications of dc generators?
5.5. Discuss the operation of the following types of dc generators:
(a) permanent magnet, (b) separately excited, (c) series-wound,
(d) shunt-wound, and (e) compound-wound.
5.6. What is meant by the following terms relating to dc compound-
wound generators: (a) flat-compounded, (b) overcompounded,
(c) undercompounded, (d) cumulatively wound, (e) differentially
wound, (f) short-shunt connection, and (8) long-shunt connection?
5.7. Discuss voltage buildup in dc generators.
5.8. What is meant by “flashing the field” of a dc generator?
Direct-Current (DC) Qenerators 167
5.1. A series-wound dc generator has an armature resistance of 1.5 R
and a field resistance of 4.5 R. The voltage across a 12-R load is
100 V, What are the values of:
(a) Armature current? (b) Power output?
5.2. A shunt-wound dc generator has an armature resistance of 2.5 R
and a field resistance of 40 SZ. Its output voltage is 120 V.
(a) Armature current (b) Field current
(c) Load current (d) Power output
53. A 120-V dc generator is rated at 20 kW. What is its maximum
load current?
5.4. A 100-kW, 240-V shunt-wound dc generator has a field resis-
tance of 60 R and an armature resistance of 0.1 insert. Calculate:
(a) Rated load current (b) Field current
(c) Armature current (d) Generated voltage(5) = output
voltage: ZA x RA
5.5. A long-shunt compound-wound dc generator is rated at 150 kW
and 480 V. Its armature resistance is 0.05 R, shunt-field resis-
tance 100 R, and series field resistance 0.02 SZ.
(a) Rated load current (b) Field current (c) Armature current
5.6. The no-load voltage of a dc generator is 130 V and the full-load
voltage is 120 V. Calculate the voltage regulation (%) of the gen-
168 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
Unit I11 consists of two chapters which present the basic concepts of
power distribution. Chapter 6, Transformers, covers the operation and
characteristics of transformers. Transformers are the most important type
of equipment used with power distribution systems. You should gain a
thorough understanding of transformers and their function in power dis-
tribution. Figure I11 shows the electrical machinery technology model
used in this textbook and the topics of Unit 111.
Chapter 7, Power Distribution Systems, provides an overview of the
types of power distribution systems and the equipment used to allow
power to be distributed from the source to the load of the system.
Substations, high voltage equipment, grounding and circuit breakers are
among the topics of this chapter.
170 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Upon completion of Chapter 6, Transformers, you should have an
understanding of the following terms:
- Power Distribution
- Transformer
- Mutual Inductance
- Primary Winding
- Secondary Winding
- Iron Core
- AC Source
- Load Device
- Flux Leakage
- Closed-Core Transformer Design
- Shell-Core Transformer Design
- Magnetic Coupling
- Efficiency
- Power Output
- Power Input
- Primary Power (P,)
- Secondary Power (Ps)
- Copper Loss
172 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Figure 6-1 (a) Small pulse transformers; (b) small single-phase transformers;
(c) three-phase distribution transformer. (a) and (b), courtesy of TRWIUTC
Transformers; (c) Courtesy Basler Electric.
- Iron Loss
- Step Down Transformer
- Step Up Transformer
- Primary Voltage (V,)
- Secondary Voltage (V,)
- Primary Turns (N,)
- Secondary Turns (N,)
- Voltage Ratio
- Primary Current <I,>
- Secondary Current (Z,)
- Current Ratio
- Multiple Secondary Transformer
- Autotransformer
- Power Distribution Transformer
- 120/240 Volt System
- Substation
- Line Loss
- Transformer Polarity
174 Rotating Electrlcal Machines and Power Systems
- Primary Marking (Hl, H,, H, )
- Secondary Marking (Xl, &, ,.......
X, .)
- Transformer Volt-Amp (VA) Rating
- Transformer Cooling
- Liquid-Immersed Transformer
- Three Phase Power Transformers
Delta-Delta Connection
Delta-Wye Connection
Wye-Wye Connection
Wye-Delta Connection
Open Delta Connection
- Three Phase Power Distribution Systems
Three Phase, Three Wire System
Three Phase, Three Wire with Neutral System
Three Phase, Four Wire System
- Insulation Color Codes
- Single Phase Power Distribution Systems
Single Phase, Two Wire System
Single Phase, Three Wire System
- Transformer Fault Current
Transformers provide a means of converting an ac voltage from one
value to another. The basic construction of a transformer is illustrated in
Figure 6-2. Notice that the transformei consists of two sets of windings
that are not physically connected. The only connection between the pri-
mary and secondary windings is the magnetic coupling effect, known as
mutual induction, which takes place when the circuit is energized an ac
source. The metallic core plays an important role in transferring magnet-
ic flux from the primary winding to the secondary winding.
If an alternating current, which is constantly changing in value,
flows in the primary winding circuit, the magnetic flux produced around
the primary will transferred to the secondary winding. Thus an induced
voltage is developed across the secondary winding. In this way, electri-
cal energy is transferred from the source to the load circuit.
The efficient transfer of energy from primary windings to secondary
windings depends on the flux linkage of the magnetic field between
these sets of windings. Ideally, all magnetic flux lines developed around
the primary would be transferred by flux linkage to the secondary.
However, a certain amount of flux leakage takes place as some lines of
force escape to the surrounding air.
Transformers 175
efficiency (%) = - x 100
Flgure 6-3 Types of iron core transformers: (a) closed-core type: (b) shell-core type.
The losses that reduce efficiency, in addition to flux leakage, are copper
and iron losses. Copper loss is the heat (Z2R) loss of the windings, while
iron losses are those caused by the metallic core material. The insulated
laminations of the iron core help to reduce iron losses.
Step-up and step-down transformers. Transformers are func-
tionally classified as step-up or step-down types. These types are illus-
trated in Figure 6 4 .
The step-up transformer of Figure 6-4(a) has fewer turns of wire on
the primary than on the secondary, If the primary winding has 50 turns
of wire and the secondary has 500 turns, a turns ratio of 1:lO is devel-
oped. Therefore, if 12 V ac is applied to the primary from the source,
10 times that voltage, or 120 V ac, will be transferred to the secondary
load circuit (assuming no losses).
The example of Figure 64(b) is a step-down transformer. The step-
down transformer has more turns of wire on the primary winding than
on the secondary winding. The primary winding of the example has 200
turns while the secondary winding has 100 turns, or a 2:l ratio. If 120
V ac is applied to the primary from the source, then one-half that
amount, or 60 V ac,will be transferred to the secondary load.
Ill[ v/:
12 V AC 50
m I-
Pp = P, + losses
where Pp = primary power
Ps = secondary power
and the losses are those that ordinarily occur in a transformer. In trans-
former theory, an ideal device is usually assumed, and losses are not
considered. Thus, since Pp = P, and P = V x I , then
v, x I p = v, x I ,
where I p = primary current
Is = secondary current
Note that whereas the voltage ratio is a direct relationship, the current
ratio is an inverse relationship.
Transformers 179
Figure 6-6 Autotransformers: (a) schematic diagrams; (b) cutaway view of a variable
autotransformer. [(b), courtesy of Superior Electric Co.)]
I80 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
120 v
50 1URtiS
Parallel-connectedprimary, series-connectedsecondary
Parallel-connected primary and secondary
liquid that is used extensively. Some transformers, called dry types, use
forced air or inert gas as coolants. Some locations, particularly indoors,
are considered hazardous for the use of liquid immersed transformers.
However, most transformers rated at over 500 kVA are liquid filled.
240 V
240 V
4 240 v
I20 Y
120 v
*dv I
noi LINE
Figure 6-1 1 Three-phase industrial power distribution systems: (a) three-wire system;
(b) three-wire system with neutral; (c) four-wire system.
188 Rotating Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
I 1
1 2O.kVA
240 V
120 v
- ? .
1WA 1W A 1WA
lZOn40 V IMn40 V
12(M40 V
Figure 6-12 Transformers used in a typical power distribution system.
190 Rotetlng Electrlcal Mechlnes and Power Systems
ments is available. Across the hot lines, 240 V is supplied for high-
power requirements. Therefore, the current requirement for large-power-
consuming equipment is cut in half, since 240 V rather than 120 V is
used. Either the single-phase two-wire system or the single-phase three-
wire system could be used to supply single-phase power to industry.
However, these single-phase systems are used mainly for residential
power requirements.
Transformer malfunctions result when a circuit problem causes the
insulation to break down. Insulation breakdown permits electrical arcs
to flow from one winding to an adjacent winding. n e s e arcs, which
may be developed throughout the transformer, cause a decomposition of
the winding insulation. This can be a particularly hazardous problem for
larger power transformers, since a gas may be produced due to the reac-
tion of the electric arc and the insulation. For this reason, it is very
important for circuit protection to be provided for transformers. They
should have power removed promptly whenever some type of fault
develops. Current-limiting fuses may also be used to respond rapidly to
a circuit malfunction.
Transformers 191
6.1. What are the basic parts of a transformer?
6.2. Discuss the operation of a transformer.
63. What is the purpose of using a laminated metal transformer core?
6.4. Discuss the two types of core construction used for transformers.
6.5. How is transformer efficiency calculated?
6.6. What is a step-up transformer? A step-down transformer?
6.7. What is the voltage ratio of a transformer?
6.8. What is the current ratio of a transformer?
6.9. What is the relationship of primary and secondary power in an
“ideal” transformer?
6.10. What are the following types of transformers: (a) multiple sec-
ondary, (b) autotransformer, and (c) variable autotransformer?
6.11. Why is ac power distributed over long distances rather than dc?
6.12. Why is transformer polarity important?
6.13. What type of power rating is used for transformers?
6.14. What types of cooling methods are used for power transformers?
6.15. What are the five methods used to connect the primary and sec-
ondary windings of three-phase transformers?
6.16. What are the three classifications of three-phase power distribu-
tion systems?
6.17. Discuss the three-phase four-wire system used for industrial
power distribution.
6.18. What are the two types of single-phase distribution systems?
6.19. Discuss the single-phase three-wire system used for residential
power distribution.
6.20. What ordinarily causes a transformer malfunction?
6.1. A 1500-turn primary windmg has 120 V applied. The secondary
voltage is 20 V. How many turns of wire does the secondary
winding have?
6.2. When a 20042 resistance is placed across a 240-V secondary
winding the primary current is 30 A. What is the value of the
primary voltage of the transformer?
192 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
63. A transformer has a 20:l turns ratio. The primary voltage is 4800
V. What is the secondary voltage?
6.4. A transformer has a 2400-V primary winding and a 120-V sec-
ondary. The primary winding has 1000 turns. How many turns of
wire does the secondary winding have?
6.5. A 240- to 4800-V transformer has a primary current of 95 A and
a secondary current of 4 A. What is its efficiency?
6.6. A transformer has a 20-kVA power rating. Its primary voltage is
120 V and its secondary voltage is 480 V. What are the values of
its maximum:
(a) Primary current? (b) Secondary current?
6.7. A single-phase transformer with two primary and two secondary
windings with an equal number of turns is connected as follows
to a 480-V source. Primary windings are in series and secondary
windings are in parallel. What is the secondary voltage?
6.8. A three-phase transformer is connected in a wye-delta configura-
tion. The primary voltage is 4800 V, the primary current is 100
A, and the turns ratio is 10:1. Calculate:
(a) Secondary voltage (b) Secondary current
(c) Primary power (d) Secondary power
6.9. A three-phase transformer is connected in a delta-wye configura-
tion. The primary voltage is 4160 V, the primary current is 40 A,
and the turns ratio is 1O:l. Calculate:
(a) V, (b) 1,
(c) pp (d) p,
UNIT 111
Unit I11 consists of two chapters which present the basic concepts of
power distribution. Chapter 6, Transformers, covers the operation and
characteristics of transformers. Transformers are the most important type
of equipment used with power distribution systems. You should gain a
thorough understanding of transformers and their function in power dis-
tribution. Figure I11 shows the electrical machinery technology model
used in this textbook and the topics of Unit 111.
Chapter 7, Power Distribution Systems, provides an overview of the
types of power distribution systems and the equipment used to allow
power to be distributed from the source to the load of the system.
Substations, high voltage equipment, grounding and circuit breakers are
among the topics of this chapter.
170 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Upon completion of Chapter 6, Transformers, you should have an
understanding of the following terms:
- Power Distribution
- Transformer
- Mutual Inductance
- Primary Winding
- Secondary Winding
- Iron Core
- AC Source
- Load Device
- Flux Leakage
- Closed-Core Transformer Design
- Shell-Core Transformer Design
- Magnetic Coupling
- Efficiency
- Power Output
- Power Input
- Primary Power (P,)
- Secondary Power (Ps)
- Copper Loss
172 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Figure 6-1 (a) Small pulse transformers; (b) small single-phase transformers;
(c) three-phase distribution transformer. (a) and (b), courtesy of TRWIUTC
Transformers; (c) Courtesy Basler Electric.
- Iron Loss
- Step Down Transformer
- Step Up Transformer
- Primary Voltage (V,)
- Secondary Voltage (V,)
- Primary Turns (N,)
- Secondary Turns (N,)
- Voltage Ratio
- Primary Current <I,>
- Secondary Current (Z,)
- Current Ratio
- Multiple Secondary Transformer
- Autotransformer
- Power Distribution Transformer
- 120/240 Volt System
- Substation
- Line Loss
- Transformer Polarity
174 Rotating Electrlcal Machines and Power Systems
- Primary Marking (Hl, H,, H, )
- Secondary Marking (Xl, &, ,.......
X, .)
- Transformer Volt-Amp (VA) Rating
- Transformer Cooling
- Liquid-Immersed Transformer
- Three Phase Power Transformers
Delta-Delta Connection
Delta-Wye Connection
Wye-Wye Connection
Wye-Delta Connection
Open Delta Connection
- Three Phase Power Distribution Systems
Three Phase, Three Wire System
Three Phase, Three Wire with Neutral System
Three Phase, Four Wire System
- Insulation Color Codes
- Single Phase Power Distribution Systems
Single Phase, Two Wire System
Single Phase, Three Wire System
- Transformer Fault Current
Transformers provide a means of converting an ac voltage from one
value to another. The basic construction of a transformer is illustrated in
Figure 6-2. Notice that the transformei consists of two sets of windings
that are not physically connected. The only connection between the pri-
mary and secondary windings is the magnetic coupling effect, known as
mutual induction, which takes place when the circuit is energized an ac
source. The metallic core plays an important role in transferring magnet-
ic flux from the primary winding to the secondary winding.
If an alternating current, which is constantly changing in value,
flows in the primary winding circuit, the magnetic flux produced around
the primary will transferred to the secondary winding. Thus an induced
voltage is developed across the secondary winding. In this way, electri-
cal energy is transferred from the source to the load circuit.
The efficient transfer of energy from primary windings to secondary
windings depends on the flux linkage of the magnetic field between
these sets of windings. Ideally, all magnetic flux lines developed around
the primary would be transferred by flux linkage to the secondary.
However, a certain amount of flux leakage takes place as some lines of
force escape to the surrounding air.
Transformers 175
efficiency (%) = - x 100
Flgure 6-3 Types of iron core transformers: (a) closed-core type: (b) shell-core type.
The losses that reduce efficiency, in addition to flux leakage, are copper
and iron losses. Copper loss is the heat (Z2R) loss of the windings, while
iron losses are those caused by the metallic core material. The insulated
laminations of the iron core help to reduce iron losses.
Step-up and step-down transformers. Transformers are func-
tionally classified as step-up or step-down types. These types are illus-
trated in Figure 6 4 .
The step-up transformer of Figure 6-4(a) has fewer turns of wire on
the primary than on the secondary, If the primary winding has 50 turns
of wire and the secondary has 500 turns, a turns ratio of 1:lO is devel-
oped. Therefore, if 12 V ac is applied to the primary from the source,
10 times that voltage, or 120 V ac, will be transferred to the secondary
load circuit (assuming no losses).
The example of Figure 64(b) is a step-down transformer. The step-
down transformer has more turns of wire on the primary winding than
on the secondary winding. The primary winding of the example has 200
turns while the secondary winding has 100 turns, or a 2:l ratio. If 120
V ac is applied to the primary from the source, then one-half that
amount, or 60 V ac,will be transferred to the secondary load.
Ill[ v/:
12 V AC 50
m I-
Pp = P, + losses
where Pp = primary power
Ps = secondary power
and the losses are those that ordinarily occur in a transformer. In trans-
former theory, an ideal device is usually assumed, and losses are not
considered. Thus, since Pp = P, and P = V x I , then
v, x I p = v, x I ,
where I p = primary current
Is = secondary current
Note that whereas the voltage ratio is a direct relationship, the current
ratio is an inverse relationship.
Transformers 179
Figure 6-6 Autotransformers: (a) schematic diagrams; (b) cutaway view of a variable
autotransformer. [(b), courtesy of Superior Electric Co.)]
I80 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
120 v
50 1URtiS
Parallel-connectedprimary, series-connectedsecondary
Parallel-connected primary and secondary
liquid that is used extensively. Some transformers, called dry types, use
forced air or inert gas as coolants. Some locations, particularly indoors,
are considered hazardous for the use of liquid immersed transformers.
However, most transformers rated at over 500 kVA are liquid filled.
240 V
240 V
4 240 v
I20 Y
120 v
*dv I
noi LINE
Figure 6-1 1 Three-phase industrial power distribution systems: (a) three-wire system;
(b) three-wire system with neutral; (c) four-wire system.
188 Rotating Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
I 1
1 2O.kVA
240 V
120 v
- ? .
1WA 1W A 1WA
lZOn40 V IMn40 V
12(M40 V
Figure 6-12 Transformers used in a typical power distribution system.
190 Rotetlng Electrlcal Mechlnes and Power Systems
ments is available. Across the hot lines, 240 V is supplied for high-
power requirements. Therefore, the current requirement for large-power-
consuming equipment is cut in half, since 240 V rather than 120 V is
used. Either the single-phase two-wire system or the single-phase three-
wire system could be used to supply single-phase power to industry.
However, these single-phase systems are used mainly for residential
power requirements.
Transformer malfunctions result when a circuit problem causes the
insulation to break down. Insulation breakdown permits electrical arcs
to flow from one winding to an adjacent winding. n e s e arcs, which
may be developed throughout the transformer, cause a decomposition of
the winding insulation. This can be a particularly hazardous problem for
larger power transformers, since a gas may be produced due to the reac-
tion of the electric arc and the insulation. For this reason, it is very
important for circuit protection to be provided for transformers. They
should have power removed promptly whenever some type of fault
develops. Current-limiting fuses may also be used to respond rapidly to
a circuit malfunction.
Transformers 191
6.1. What are the basic parts of a transformer?
6.2. Discuss the operation of a transformer.
63. What is the purpose of using a laminated metal transformer core?
6.4. Discuss the two types of core construction used for transformers.
6.5. How is transformer efficiency calculated?
6.6. What is a step-up transformer? A step-down transformer?
6.7. What is the voltage ratio of a transformer?
6.8. What is the current ratio of a transformer?
6.9. What is the relationship of primary and secondary power in an
“ideal” transformer?
6.10. What are the following types of transformers: (a) multiple sec-
ondary, (b) autotransformer, and (c) variable autotransformer?
6.11. Why is ac power distributed over long distances rather than dc?
6.12. Why is transformer polarity important?
6.13. What type of power rating is used for transformers?
6.14. What types of cooling methods are used for power transformers?
6.15. What are the five methods used to connect the primary and sec-
ondary windings of three-phase transformers?
6.16. What are the three classifications of three-phase power distribu-
tion systems?
6.17. Discuss the three-phase four-wire system used for industrial
power distribution.
6.18. What are the two types of single-phase distribution systems?
6.19. Discuss the single-phase three-wire system used for residential
power distribution.
6.20. What ordinarily causes a transformer malfunction?
6.1. A 1500-turn primary windmg has 120 V applied. The secondary
voltage is 20 V. How many turns of wire does the secondary
winding have?
6.2. When a 20042 resistance is placed across a 240-V secondary
winding the primary current is 30 A. What is the value of the
primary voltage of the transformer?
192 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
63. A transformer has a 20:l turns ratio. The primary voltage is 4800
V. What is the secondary voltage?
6.4. A transformer has a 2400-V primary winding and a 120-V sec-
ondary. The primary winding has 1000 turns. How many turns of
wire does the secondary winding have?
6.5. A 240- to 4800-V transformer has a primary current of 95 A and
a secondary current of 4 A. What is its efficiency?
6.6. A transformer has a 20-kVA power rating. Its primary voltage is
120 V and its secondary voltage is 480 V. What are the values of
its maximum:
(a) Primary current? (b) Secondary current?
6.7. A single-phase transformer with two primary and two secondary
windings with an equal number of turns is connected as follows
to a 480-V source. Primary windings are in series and secondary
windings are in parallel. What is the secondary voltage?
6.8. A three-phase transformer is connected in a wye-delta configura-
tion. The primary voltage is 4800 V, the primary current is 100
A, and the turns ratio is 10:1. Calculate:
(a) Secondary voltage (b) Secondary current
(c) Primary power (d) Secondary power
6.9. A three-phase transformer is connected in a delta-wye configura-
tion. The primary voltage is 4160 V, the primary current is 40 A,
and the turns ratio is 1O:l. Calculate:
(a) V, (b) 1,
(c) pp (d) p,
Chapter 7
Upon completion of Chapter 7, Power Distribution Systems, you
should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Power Distribution System
- Power Transmission
- Power Distribution
- Industrial Distribution
- Commercial Distribution
- Residential Distribution
- Overhead Transmission Lines
- Underground Transmission Lines
- Parallel Operation
- Radial Distribution System
- Network Distribution System
- Ring Distribution System
- Substation
194 Rdatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
require much planning to assure the best use of our land. The location
of overhead transmission lines is limited by zoning laws and by populated
areas, highways, railroads, and waterways, as well as other topographi-
cal and environmental factors. Today, an increased emphasis is being
placed on environmental and aesthetic factors. Overhead power trans-
mission lines ordinarily operate at voltage levels from 12 to 500 kV.
Common transmission line voltages are in the range 50 to 150 k V.
Underground power transmission. Underground transmission
methods for urban and suburban areas must be considered since the
right-of-way for overhead transmission lines is limited. One advantage of
overhead cables is their ability to dissipate heat. The use of underground
cable is ordinarily confined to the short distance required in congested
urban areas. The cost of underground cable is much more than for over-
head cable. To improve underground cable power-handling capability,
research is being done in forced-cooling techniques, such as circulating-
oil and with compressed-gas insulation. Another possible method is the
use of cryogenic cables or superconductors which operate at extremely
low temperatures and have a large power-handling capability.
Power Dlstrlbutlon Systems 197
NO. 1
(TO ROTATE Figure 7-3 Parallel oper-
A B C AITERNAToRJ ation of two three-phase
Load 1 Load 4
- Distr0utlon -
Power llms
Load 3
1 1
Load 4
Load 1 Load 2 Load 3
I 1
Load 1 Load 2 Load 4
Openings (“Knock-outs”)
Figure 7-10 (a) safety switch (interior); (b) safety switch (exterior).
Courtesy of Square-D Co.
204 Rotating Electrlcal Machines and Power Systems
control center to house the circuit breakers, bus bars, and terminal con-
nections that are part of the industrial distribution systems. Or&narily, a
combination of switchgear and distribution transformers is placed in
adjacent metal enclosures, such as that shown in Figure 7-11. Such a
combination is referred to as a loud center unit substation since it is the
central control for several loads. The rating of these load centers is usu-
ally 15,000 V or less for the high-voltage section, and 600 V or less for
the low-voltage section. Load centers provide flexibility in the electrical
power distribution design of industrial and commercial buildings.
Figure 7-13 Ground fault interrupter (GFI) - mounts in a duplex power outlet to
allow power cords to be plugged in. Courtesy Leviton Co.
x o c
-2 0 L
- VS
Resistance of wire
Voltage source,
v, = v, -+ v,
Voltage across
load, V,
(100-W lamp)
= -4.8 V
200 A
- ft - 0.024 i2
1000 ft R
800 R = (1000)(0.024)
R = 0.030 SZ
4. Use Table 3-2 to find the size of copper conductor which has the
nearest dc resistance (SZ/lOOO ft) value that is equal to or less than
the value calculated in step 3. The conductor chosen is conductor
size 350 MCM, RH copper.
5. Check this conductor size in an ampacity table to assure that it is
large enough to carry 200 A. Table 3-3 shows that a 350-MCM RH
copper conductor will handle 310 A of current; therefore, use 350-
MCM conductors.
(Always remember to use the largest conductor when steps 4 and 5
produce different values.)
Alternative method of voltage-drop calculation. In some cases,
an easier method method to determine the conductor size for limiting
the voltage drop is to use one of the following formulas to find the
cross-sectional (cmil) area of the conductor:
cmil = 1*73d(three-phasesystems)
Power Dlstrlbutlon Systems 213
cmil =
-- 10.4 x 200 x 2 x 400
240 x 0.02
-- 1,664,000
= 346,666
= 347 MCM
120 v
20 ft -
--- R
1000 ft 2.57 c;Z
lo00 R = (20)(2.57)
R = 0.0514 c;Z
= 12A x 0.0514
= 0.6168 V ac
V, 1 = 120 V - 0.6168 V
= 119.383 V
= 9A x 0.0514
= 0.4626 V ac
VL 2 =119.383 V - 0.4626 V
= 118.920V
= 6Ax0.0514
= 0.3084 V ac
V, 3 = 118.920 V - 0.3084 V
= 118.612V
= 3A x 0.0514
= 0.1542 V ac
V, 4 = 118.612 V - 0.1542 V
= 118.458 V
216 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
N "
plies. Each power distribution panel will have a separate feeder circuit.
Also, each feeder circuit must have its own overload protection.
The following problem is an example of conductor size calculation
for a feeder circuit.
Given: Three 15-kW fluorescent lighting units are connected to a three-
phase four-wire (277/480-V) system. The lighting units have a power
factor of 0.8.
Find: The size of aluminum feeder conductors with THW insulation
required to supply this load.
So1utio n:
1. Find the line current:
1.73 x V, x PF
- 45,000
1.73 x 480 V x 0.8
= 67.74 A
2. From Table 3-3, find that the conductor size which will carry 67.74
A of current is a No. 3 AWG THW aluminum conductor.
Voltage-drop calculation for a feeder circuit. Feeder circuit
design must take the conductor voltage drop into consideration. The
voltage drop in a feeder circuit must be kept as low as possible so that
maximum power can be delivered to the loads connected to the feeder
system. The NEC allows a maximum 5% voltage drop in the combina-
tion of a branch and a feeder circuit; however, a 5% voltage reduction
represents a significant power loss in a circuit. Power loss due to volt-
age drop can be calculated as V2/R,where V is the voltage drop of the
circuit and R is the resistance of the conductors of the circuit.
The calculation of feeder conductor size is similar to that for a
branch circuit voltage drop. The size of the conductors must be large
enough to (1) have the required ampacity and (2) keep the voltage drop
below a specified level. If the second requirement is not met, possibly
due to a long feeder circuit, the conductors chosen must be larger than
the required ampacity rating.
The following problem illustrates the calculation of feeder conduc-
tor size based on the voltage drop in a single-phase circuit.
220 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
VD= % x load
= 0.02 x 240
= 4.8 V
I = - power
-- 85,000 W
240 V
= 354.2 A
3. Find the minimum circular-mil conductor area required. Use the for-
mula given for finding the cross-sectional area of a conductor in
single-phase systems.
cmil =
= 399,065.33 cmil
4. Determine the feeder conductor size. The next larger size conductor
in Table 3-2 is 400 MCM. check Table 3-3 and see that a 400-
MCM RHW copper conductor will carry 335 A. This is less than
the required 354.2 A, so use the next larger size, which is a 500-
MCM conductor.
Power DlstrlbutlonSystem 221
V, = 0.01 x 480
= 4.8 V
lL =
1.73 x V x PF
-- 45,000
1.73 x 480 x 0.75
= 72.25 A
3. Find the minimum circular-mil conductor area required. Use the for-
mula for finding cmil in three-phase systems.
p x I x 1.73d
4. Determine the feeder conductor size. The closest and next larger
conductor size in Table 3-2 is No. I AWG. Check Table 3-3 and see
that a No. I AWG RH copper conductor will carry 130 A. This is
much more than the required 72.25 A. Therefore, use No. I AWG
RH copper conductors for the feeder circuit.
222 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Conduclor Size (Hol Line) Conductor Size
Copper Aluminum
Copper Aluminum (AWG) (AWG)
No. 2 AWG or No. 0 AWG or
smaller smaller 8 6
No. 1 or 0 No. 00 or 000
No. 00 or 000 No. 0000 AWG or
AWG 250 M C M 4 2
No. 000 AWG 250 M C M lo
lo 350 M C M 500 M C M 2 0
350 M C M to 500 M C M lo
600 M C M 900 M C M 0 000
600 M C M to 900 M G M 10
1100 M C M 1750 M C M 00 0000
The designation No. 12-2 WG means that (1) the copper conductors
used are No. 12 AWG as measured by an American Wire Gage (AWG),
(2) there are two current-carrying conductors, and (3) the cable comes
with a ground (WG) wire. A No. 14-3 WG cable, in comparison, would
have three No. 14 conductors and a grounding conductor. NMC ranges
in size from No. 14 to No. I AWG copper conductors and from No. 12
to No. 2 AWG aluminum conductors.
Metal-clad cable. Metal-clad cable is similar to NMC except that
it has a flexible spiral metal covering rather than a plastic covering. A
common type of metal-clad cable is called BX cable. Like NMC, BX
cable contains two or three conductors. There are also several sizes of
connectors and bushings used in the installation of BX cable. The pri-
mary advantage of this type of metal-clad cable is that it is contained in
a metal enclosure that is flexible so that it can be bent easily. Other
metal enclosures are usually more difficult to bend.
Rigid conduit. The exterior of rigid conduit looks like water pipe.
It is used in special locations for enclosing electrical conductors. Rigid
conduit comes in 10-ft lengths which must be threaded for joining the
pieces together. The conduit is secured to metal wiring boxes by locknuts
and bushings. It is bulky to handle and takes a long time to install.
Electrical metallic tubing (EMT). EMT or thin-wall conduit is
somewhat like rigid conduit except that it can be bent with a special
conduit-bending tool. EMT is easier to install than rigid conduit, since
no threading is required. It also comes in 10-ft lengths. EMT is installed
by using compression couplings to connect the conduit to metal wiring
boxes. Interior electrical wiring systems use EMT extensively since it
can be connected to metal wiring boxes.
Power DistributionSystems 225
7.1. What is the purpose of a power distribution system?
7.2. What are the applications of single-phase power? Of three-phase
73. How are electrical power transmission systems interconnected?
7.4. Why is underground power transmission used?
7.5. Discuss parallel operation of power systems.
7.6. Discuss the three general classifications of power distribution
7.7. What is the purpose of an electrical distribution substation?
7.8. How do high-voltage fuses differ from low-voltage fuses?
7.9. What special design features do high-voltage circuit breakers
7.10. What is the purpose of a lightning arrestor?
7.11. What types of conductors are ordinarily used for long-distance
power transmission?
7.12. What are some types of distribution switching equipment?
7.13. Define the following terms relating to electrical distribution
systems: (a) raceway, (b) feeder circuit, (c) branch circuit,
(d) system ground, and (e) equipment ground.
7.14. What is the purpose of ground-fault interrupters?
7.15. What is the National Electrical Code@?
7.16. Why is voltage drop important in electrical distribution systems?
7.17. How is the circular-mil area of a conductor of a three-phase dis-
tribution system calculated?
7.18. What are the typical ampacity ratings of branch circuits?
7.19. Discuss the following equipment which is used with interior
electrical distribution systems: (a) NMC, (b) BX cable, (c) rigid
conduit, and (d) EMT.
7.1. Find the proper size of THW copper conductor needed to limit to
2% the voltage drop of a 400-A load that is connected 150 ft
from a 480-V single-phase source. Use Table 3-2 to find the con-
nector size.
226 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
7.2. Three 20,OOO-W loads are connected in a system. The power fac-
tor of the system is 0.9. Find the minimum size of RH copper
feeder conductors needed to supply this load.
73. Determine the branchcircuit rating and size of conductors need-
ed for the following systems (based on 80% branch-circuit cur-
rent requirement):
(a) 2500-W 240-V heater (b) 1800-W 120-V washer
(c) 12,000-W 240-V range (d) 180-W 120-V toaster
7.4. Calculate the maximum distance a 120-V 30-A branch circuit can
extend from the power source when a 3-kW appliance is connect-
ed to the circuit. The voltage drop should be limited to 2%.
7.5. A 120-V 20-A branch circuit (using No. 12 copper conductors)
extends 150 ft. Loads connected at 30-ft intervals each draw 3.5 A.
With all loads connected, calculate the voltage at the last outlet.
7.6. Calculate the longest distance a single-phase 20-A 120-V branch
circuit can extend from the power source. Use No. 12 AWG cop-
per conductors and limit the voltage drop to 2%.
7.7. A single-phase 120-V load is rated at 40 kW. The feeder circuit
will be 400 ft of RH copper conductors. Find the minimum con-
ductor size necessary to supply this load and still limit the volt-
age drop to 1%.
7.8. A 240-V three-phase delta system converts 30 kW of power per
phase (balanced). The system power factor is unit (1.0). The
feeders will be 400 ft of RHW copper conductors. Find the mini-
mum conductor size necessary to limit the voltage drop to 2%.
7.9. Find the minimum size of copper grounding conductor needed
for the following situations.
(a) No. 10 AWG copper service entrance
(b) 250-MCM aluminum service entrance
(c) 200-A service entrance
(d) 500-MCM copper service entrance
(e) 600-A service entrance
7.10. Find the sizes of copper equipment grounding conductor to be
used for the following distribution panel current ratings.
(a) 100 A
(b) 200 A
(c) 1000 A
228 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
Direct Current
(DC) Motors
(Chapter 8)
AC Motors
(Chapter 9)
AC Motors
(Chapter 10)
Servo Systems
and Special
Purpose Motors
(Chapter 11)
Direct-Current Motors
Upon completion of Chapter 8, Direct Current Motors, you should
have an understanding of the following terms:
- Direct Current (DC) Motor
- Motor Action
- Stator
- Rotor
- Split RingBrush Assembly
- Torque
- Counterelectromotive Force (CEMF)
- Generator Action
- Generated Voltage (V )
- Generated CEMF (V,$
- Applied Voltage (V,)
- Armature Current (I,)
- Armature Voltage Drop (IARA)
- Force Per Conductor (F,)
230 Rotating Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Dc voltage
nents; (2) a rotor, which is the rotating shaft and its associated parts; and
(3) auxiliary equipment, such as a brushkommutator assembly for dc
motors and a starting circuit for single-phase ac motors. The basic parts
of a dc motor are shown in Figure 8-1. A simple dc motor is constructed
in the same way as a dc generator. Their basic parts are the same.
The motor principle (motor action) is illustrated in Figure 8-2. In
Figure 8-2(a) no current is flowing through the conductors due to the
position of the brushes in relation to the commutator. During this condi-
tion, no motion is produced. When current flows through the conductor,
a circular magnetic field is developed around the conductor. The direc-
tion of the current flow determines the direction of the circular magnetic
fields, as shown in the cross-sectional diagram of Figure 8-2(c).
When current flows through the conductors within the main mag-
netic field, this field interacts with the main field. The interaction of
these two magnetic fields results in motion being produced. The circular
magnetic field around the conductors causes a compression of the main
magnetic flux at points A and B in Figure 8-2(b). This compression
causes the magnetic field to produce a reaction in the opposite direction
of the compression. Therefore, motion is produced away from points A
and B. In actual motor operation, a rotary motion in a clockwise direc-
tion would be produced. The right-hand motor rule shown in Figure 8-
2(d) is used to predict the direction of motion. To change the direction
232 Rotating Electrical Machine8 and Power Systems
split rings
Brush position
Dc source
Dc source
magnetic ,?
Q, @ Coun!!g~~iwke
field field
Current flowing Current flowing away
toward observer from observer
Figure 8-2 Motor principle
(motor action): (a) condition
with no current flowing
-4 through conductors;
(b) condition with current
Magneti, ‘ield
flowing through conductors;
(c) direction of current flow
through conductors deter-
mines direction of magnetic
field around conductors;
Current flow Right hand (d) right-hand motor rule.
Direct-Current Motors 233
F=- Bzl x lb
Fc = Bzl 10-7
- 30,000 lines/in2 x 10 x 12
Favg = Fc c*
= 3.18 x (200 x 0.75)
= 477 Ib
Cvg= F,
= 47f Ib x 0.25 ft (3 in. = 1/2 of 6 in. = 0.25 ft)
= 119.25 ft-lb
T = K $ IA ft-lb
hp = -
Motors that operate from dc power sources have many applications
in industry when speed control is desirable. Dc motors are almost iden-
tical in construction to dc generators. They are also classified in a simi-
lar manner as series, shunt, or compound machines, depending on the
method of connecting the armature and field windings. Also, permanent-
magnet dc motors are used for certain applications. A typical dc motor
is shown in Figure 8-3. The operational characteristics of all dc motors
can be generalized by referring to Figure 8-4. Most electric motors
exhibit characteristics similar to those shown in the block diagram.
When discussing dc motor characteristics, it is necessary to be familiar
with the following terms: load, speed, counter-electromotive force
(CEMF), armature current, and torque. The amount of mechanical load
applied to the shaft of a motor determines its operational characteristics.
As the mechanical load is increased, the speed of a motor tends to
decrease. As the speed decreases, the voltage induced into the conduc-
tors of the motor due to generator action (CEMF) decreases. The gener-
ated voltage, or counterelectromotive force, depends on the number of
rotating conductors and the speed of rotation. Therefore, as the speed of
rotation decreases, so does the CEMF.
The counterelectromotive force generated by a motor is in opposi-
tion to the supply voltage. Since the CEMF is in opposition to the sup-
ply voltage, the actual working voltage of a motor will increase as the
CEMF decreases. When the working voltage increases, more current
Dlrect-CurrentMotors 237
Load 2 Torque
- - -
- - - - Decrease
Decrease ___e
will flow through the armature windings. Since the torque of a motor is
directly proportional to the armature current, the torque will increase as
the armature current increases.
To discuss briefly the opposite situation, if the mechanical load con-
nected to the motor decreases, speed tends to increase. An increase in
speed causes an increase in the CEMF. Since the CEMF is in opposition
to the supply voltage, as the CEMF increases, the armature current
decreases. A decrease in armature current causes a decrease in torque.
Torque varies directly with changes in load. As the load on a motor is
increased, its torque also increases to try to meet the increased load
requirement. However, the current drawn by a motor also increases
when the load is increased.
The presence of a CEMF to oppose the armature current is very
important in motor operation. The lack of any CEMF when a motor is
being started explains why motors draw a very large initial starting cur-
238 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnee and Power Systems
The types of commercially available dc motors basically fall into
four categories: (1) permanent-magnet dc motors, (2) series-wound dc
motors, (3) shunt-wound dc motors, and (4) compound-wound dc
motors. Each of these motors has different characteristics due to its
basic circuit arrangement and physical properties.
Permanent-magnet dc motors. The permanent-magnet dc
motor, shown in Figure 8-5, is constructed in the same manner as its dc
generator counterpart that was discussed in Chapter 5. The permanent-
magnet motor is used for low-torque applications. When this type of
motor is used, the dc power supply is connected directly to the armature
conductors through the brushkommutator assembly. The magnetic field
is produced by permanent magnets mounted on the stator. ?he rotor of
permanent magnet motors is a wound armature.
This type of motor ordinarily uses either alnico or ceramic perma-
nent magnets rather than field coils. The alnico magnets are used with
high-horsepower applications. Ceramic magnets are ordinarily used for
low-horsepower slow-speed motors. Ceramic magnets are highly resis-
tant to demagnetization, yet they are relatively low in magnetic-flux
level. The magnets are usually mounted in the motor frame and then
magnetized prior to the insertion of the armature. l k o permanent-magnet
dc motors are shown in Figure 8-6.
Permanent magnet
(a) (b)
Figure 8-5 Permanent-magnetdc motor: (a) pictorial diagram; (b) schematic diagram.
240 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Figure &7 Typical direct-current motor. Courtesy of General Electric Co., DC Motor
and Generator Dept.
Low resistance
Figure 8-8 Series-wound dc motor: (a) pictorial diagram; (b) schematic diagram.
Flgure 8-9 Shunt-wound dc motor: (a) pictorial diagram; (b) schematic diagram.
I /
/ I
1 I
cumulative compound motor has series and shunt fields that aid each
other. Differential compound dc motors have series and shunt fields that
oppose each other. There are also two ways in which the series wind-
ings are placed in the circuit. One method is called a short-shunt (see
Figure 8-10), in which the shunt field is placed across the armature. The
long-shunt method has the shunt field winding placed across both the
armature and the series field (see Figure 8-10).
Compound motors have high torque similar to a series-wound
motor, together with good speed regulation similar to a shunt motor.
Therefore, when good torque and good speed regulation are needed, the
compound-wound dc motor can be used. A major disadvantage of a
compound-wound motor is its expense.
Armature current
I Differential
I \ I compound
I_ Rated load
I current
Armature cunent
field windings is proportional to the armature current (IA). The torque pro-
duced by a series-wound motor with low values of ZA is less than other
motors due to lack of field flux development. However, at rated full-load
armature current the torque is greater than other types of dc motors.
Shunt-wound dc motors have a fairly constant magnetic field flux
due to the high-resistant field circuit. an almost linear torque versus
armature current curve is a characteristic of shunt-wound dc motors.
Since torque is directly dependent on armature current, as ZA increases,
torque increases in direct proportion.
Compound-wound dc motors are of two general types: cumulative
and differential. Cumulative compound dc motors have series and shunt
field windings which aid each other in the production of an overall
magnetic field. In this type of motor circuit the general torque equation
is: T = K (Cps + C p p ) ZA, where Cps is the series field flux and q p is the
parallel (shunt) field flux. The series field flux increases as ZA increases
and the shunt field flux remains fairly constant. Therefore, the torque
curve (see Figure 8-1 1) for a cumulative compound dc motor is always
higher than that of a similar shunt-wound dc motor.
The differential compound dc motor has series and shunt fields
which oppose each other in the production of an overall magnetic field.
The general torque equation for this type of motor is T = K (Cps + C p p )
ZA. The value of Cp depends primarily on armature current and q p is fair-
ly constant. Since these magnetic flux values oppose each other, the
Direct-Current Motors 247
Another type of dc motor is called a dynamotot: This motor, depict-
ed in Figure 8-13, converts dc voltage of one value to dc voltage of
another value. It is actually a motor generator housed in one unit. The
armature has two separate windings. One winding is connected to the
commutator of the motor section and the other winding is connected to
the commutator of a generator unit. A magnetic field, developed by
either permanent magnets or electromagnetic windings, surrounds the
armature assembly. Since the magnetic field remains relatively constant,
the generator voltage output depends on the ratio of the number of
motor windings to the number of generator windings. For instance, if
there are twice as many generator windings as motor windings, the gen-
erated dc voltage output will be twice the value of the dc voltage that is
input to the motor section of the dynamotor.
Dlrect-Current Motors 249
,, \
. \
-c DC
The use of transistors has resulted in the development of brushless dc
motors that have neither brushes nor commutator assemblies. Instead, they
make use of solid-state switching circuits. The major problem with most
dc motors is the low reliability of the commutatorbrush assembly. The
brushes have a limited life and cause the commutator to wear. This wear-
ing produces brush dust which can cause other maintenance problems.
Although some brushless dc motors use other methods, the transis-
tor-switched motor is the most common (see Figure 8-14). The motor
itself is actually a single-phase ac permanent-capacitor induction motor
with a center-tapped main winding. Transistors, which are operated by an
oscillator circuit, conduct alternately through the paths of the main wind-
ing. The oscillator circuit requires a feedback winding wound into the
stator slots, which generates a control voltage to determine the frequency.
A capacitor (C2) is placed across the main winding to reduce voltage
peaks and to keep the frequency of the circuit at a constant value.
240 V
zs = = - = 120 A (with cEMF = o v)
A 0.2 sz
% full-load = -
120 A x 100 = 400%
30 A
Varlable starting
Armature source
4 v,
240 V - -240 V = 5.33 a
Otal I,., 150% of 30 A 45 A
RST = Rtoial - RA
= 5.33 c-2 - 0.2 a
= 5.13
8.1. List some applications of electric motors.
8.2. Discuss “motor action” or torque development in a motor.
8.3. What is the “right-hand motor rule”?
8.4. What is the relationship of applied voltage and generated voltage
in dc motors and generators?
8.5. How is force developed by motor action calculated?
8.6. How is the average torque of a motor calculated?
8.7. How is the horsepower of a motor calculated?
8.8. What is the relationship of load, speed, CEMF, armature current,
and torque of a dc motor?
8.9. How does armature reaction affect dc motor operation?
8.10. What is speed regulation of a motor?
8.11. What are the types of dc motors?
8.12. Discuss the construction of each of the major types of dc motors.
8.13. What are the major operational characteristics of each major type
of dc motor?
8.14. How is speed calculated for the following types of dc motors: (a)
series-wound, (b) shunt-wound, and (c) cumulative compound?
8.15. Discuss the operation of a dynamotor.
8.16. Discuss the operation of a brushless dc motor.
8.17, What is the main problem of starting dc motors?
8.18. What method is ordinarily used to start dc motors?
8.1. A dc motor has 100 V applied, armature resistance of 1.8 S Z , and
an armature current of 32 A. What is the value of the CEMF
8.2. A dc motor has 90 V applied, a CEMF of 33 V, and an armature
resistance of 3.2 SZ. What is the value of the armature current?
8.3. An armature conductor of a dc motor is 8 in. long, draws 7.5 A
of current, and has a surrounding magnetic field strength of
24,000 lines/in2. What is the force developed by the conductor?
Dlrect-Current Motors 253
228 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
Direct Current
(DC) Motors
(Chapter 8)
AC Motors
(Chapter 9)
AC Motors
(Chapter 10)
Servo Systems
and Special
Purpose Motors
(Chapter 11)
Direct-Current Motors
Upon completion of Chapter 8, Direct Current Motors, you should
have an understanding of the following terms:
- Direct Current (DC) Motor
- Motor Action
- Stator
- Rotor
- Split RingBrush Assembly
- Torque
- Counterelectromotive Force (CEMF)
- Generator Action
- Generated Voltage (V )
- Generated CEMF (V,$
- Applied Voltage (V,)
- Armature Current (I,)
- Armature Voltage Drop (IARA)
- Force Per Conductor (F,)
230 Rotating Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Dc voltage
nents; (2) a rotor, which is the rotating shaft and its associated parts; and
(3) auxiliary equipment, such as a brushkommutator assembly for dc
motors and a starting circuit for single-phase ac motors. The basic parts
of a dc motor are shown in Figure 8-1. A simple dc motor is constructed
in the same way as a dc generator. Their basic parts are the same.
The motor principle (motor action) is illustrated in Figure 8-2. In
Figure 8-2(a) no current is flowing through the conductors due to the
position of the brushes in relation to the commutator. During this condi-
tion, no motion is produced. When current flows through the conductor,
a circular magnetic field is developed around the conductor. The direc-
tion of the current flow determines the direction of the circular magnetic
fields, as shown in the cross-sectional diagram of Figure 8-2(c).
When current flows through the conductors within the main mag-
netic field, this field interacts with the main field. The interaction of
these two magnetic fields results in motion being produced. The circular
magnetic field around the conductors causes a compression of the main
magnetic flux at points A and B in Figure 8-2(b). This compression
causes the magnetic field to produce a reaction in the opposite direction
of the compression. Therefore, motion is produced away from points A
and B. In actual motor operation, a rotary motion in a clockwise direc-
tion would be produced. The right-hand motor rule shown in Figure 8-
2(d) is used to predict the direction of motion. To change the direction
232 Rotating Electrical Machine8 and Power Systems
split rings
Brush position
Dc source
Dc source
magnetic ,?
Q, @ Coun!!g~~iwke
field field
Current flowing Current flowing away
toward observer from observer
Figure 8-2 Motor principle
(motor action): (a) condition
with no current flowing
-4 through conductors;
(b) condition with current
Magneti, ‘ield
flowing through conductors;
(c) direction of current flow
through conductors deter-
mines direction of magnetic
field around conductors;
Current flow Right hand (d) right-hand motor rule.
Direct-Current Motors 233
F=- Bzl x lb
Fc = Bzl 10-7
- 30,000 lines/in2 x 10 x 12
Favg = Fc c*
= 3.18 x (200 x 0.75)
= 477 Ib
Cvg= F,
= 47f Ib x 0.25 ft (3 in. = 1/2 of 6 in. = 0.25 ft)
= 119.25 ft-lb
T = K $ IA ft-lb
hp = -
Motors that operate from dc power sources have many applications
in industry when speed control is desirable. Dc motors are almost iden-
tical in construction to dc generators. They are also classified in a simi-
lar manner as series, shunt, or compound machines, depending on the
method of connecting the armature and field windings. Also, permanent-
magnet dc motors are used for certain applications. A typical dc motor
is shown in Figure 8-3. The operational characteristics of all dc motors
can be generalized by referring to Figure 8-4. Most electric motors
exhibit characteristics similar to those shown in the block diagram.
When discussing dc motor characteristics, it is necessary to be familiar
with the following terms: load, speed, counter-electromotive force
(CEMF), armature current, and torque. The amount of mechanical load
applied to the shaft of a motor determines its operational characteristics.
As the mechanical load is increased, the speed of a motor tends to
decrease. As the speed decreases, the voltage induced into the conduc-
tors of the motor due to generator action (CEMF) decreases. The gener-
ated voltage, or counterelectromotive force, depends on the number of
rotating conductors and the speed of rotation. Therefore, as the speed of
rotation decreases, so does the CEMF.
The counterelectromotive force generated by a motor is in opposi-
tion to the supply voltage. Since the CEMF is in opposition to the sup-
ply voltage, the actual working voltage of a motor will increase as the
CEMF decreases. When the working voltage increases, more current
Dlrect-CurrentMotors 237
Load 2 Torque
- - -
- - - - Decrease
Decrease ___e
will flow through the armature windings. Since the torque of a motor is
directly proportional to the armature current, the torque will increase as
the armature current increases.
To discuss briefly the opposite situation, if the mechanical load con-
nected to the motor decreases, speed tends to increase. An increase in
speed causes an increase in the CEMF. Since the CEMF is in opposition
to the supply voltage, as the CEMF increases, the armature current
decreases. A decrease in armature current causes a decrease in torque.
Torque varies directly with changes in load. As the load on a motor is
increased, its torque also increases to try to meet the increased load
requirement. However, the current drawn by a motor also increases
when the load is increased.
The presence of a CEMF to oppose the armature current is very
important in motor operation. The lack of any CEMF when a motor is
being started explains why motors draw a very large initial starting cur-
238 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnee and Power Systems
The types of commercially available dc motors basically fall into
four categories: (1) permanent-magnet dc motors, (2) series-wound dc
motors, (3) shunt-wound dc motors, and (4) compound-wound dc
motors. Each of these motors has different characteristics due to its
basic circuit arrangement and physical properties.
Permanent-magnet dc motors. The permanent-magnet dc
motor, shown in Figure 8-5, is constructed in the same manner as its dc
generator counterpart that was discussed in Chapter 5. The permanent-
magnet motor is used for low-torque applications. When this type of
motor is used, the dc power supply is connected directly to the armature
conductors through the brushkommutator assembly. The magnetic field
is produced by permanent magnets mounted on the stator. ?he rotor of
permanent magnet motors is a wound armature.
This type of motor ordinarily uses either alnico or ceramic perma-
nent magnets rather than field coils. The alnico magnets are used with
high-horsepower applications. Ceramic magnets are ordinarily used for
low-horsepower slow-speed motors. Ceramic magnets are highly resis-
tant to demagnetization, yet they are relatively low in magnetic-flux
level. The magnets are usually mounted in the motor frame and then
magnetized prior to the insertion of the armature. l k o permanent-magnet
dc motors are shown in Figure 8-6.
Permanent magnet
(a) (b)
Figure 8-5 Permanent-magnetdc motor: (a) pictorial diagram; (b) schematic diagram.
240 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Figure &7 Typical direct-current motor. Courtesy of General Electric Co., DC Motor
and Generator Dept.
Low resistance
Figure 8-8 Series-wound dc motor: (a) pictorial diagram; (b) schematic diagram.
Flgure 8-9 Shunt-wound dc motor: (a) pictorial diagram; (b) schematic diagram.
I /
/ I
1 I
cumulative compound motor has series and shunt fields that aid each
other. Differential compound dc motors have series and shunt fields that
oppose each other. There are also two ways in which the series wind-
ings are placed in the circuit. One method is called a short-shunt (see
Figure 8-10), in which the shunt field is placed across the armature. The
long-shunt method has the shunt field winding placed across both the
armature and the series field (see Figure 8-10).
Compound motors have high torque similar to a series-wound
motor, together with good speed regulation similar to a shunt motor.
Therefore, when good torque and good speed regulation are needed, the
compound-wound dc motor can be used. A major disadvantage of a
compound-wound motor is its expense.
Armature current
I Differential
I \ I compound
I_ Rated load
I current
Armature cunent
field windings is proportional to the armature current (IA). The torque pro-
duced by a series-wound motor with low values of ZA is less than other
motors due to lack of field flux development. However, at rated full-load
armature current the torque is greater than other types of dc motors.
Shunt-wound dc motors have a fairly constant magnetic field flux
due to the high-resistant field circuit. an almost linear torque versus
armature current curve is a characteristic of shunt-wound dc motors.
Since torque is directly dependent on armature current, as ZA increases,
torque increases in direct proportion.
Compound-wound dc motors are of two general types: cumulative
and differential. Cumulative compound dc motors have series and shunt
field windings which aid each other in the production of an overall
magnetic field. In this type of motor circuit the general torque equation
is: T = K (Cps + C p p ) ZA, where Cps is the series field flux and q p is the
parallel (shunt) field flux. The series field flux increases as ZA increases
and the shunt field flux remains fairly constant. Therefore, the torque
curve (see Figure 8-1 1) for a cumulative compound dc motor is always
higher than that of a similar shunt-wound dc motor.
The differential compound dc motor has series and shunt fields
which oppose each other in the production of an overall magnetic field.
The general torque equation for this type of motor is T = K (Cps + C p p )
ZA. The value of Cp depends primarily on armature current and q p is fair-
ly constant. Since these magnetic flux values oppose each other, the
Direct-Current Motors 247
Another type of dc motor is called a dynamotot: This motor, depict-
ed in Figure 8-13, converts dc voltage of one value to dc voltage of
another value. It is actually a motor generator housed in one unit. The
armature has two separate windings. One winding is connected to the
commutator of the motor section and the other winding is connected to
the commutator of a generator unit. A magnetic field, developed by
either permanent magnets or electromagnetic windings, surrounds the
armature assembly. Since the magnetic field remains relatively constant,
the generator voltage output depends on the ratio of the number of
motor windings to the number of generator windings. For instance, if
there are twice as many generator windings as motor windings, the gen-
erated dc voltage output will be twice the value of the dc voltage that is
input to the motor section of the dynamotor.
Dlrect-Current Motors 249
,, \
. \
-c DC
The use of transistors has resulted in the development of brushless dc
motors that have neither brushes nor commutator assemblies. Instead, they
make use of solid-state switching circuits. The major problem with most
dc motors is the low reliability of the commutatorbrush assembly. The
brushes have a limited life and cause the commutator to wear. This wear-
ing produces brush dust which can cause other maintenance problems.
Although some brushless dc motors use other methods, the transis-
tor-switched motor is the most common (see Figure 8-14). The motor
itself is actually a single-phase ac permanent-capacitor induction motor
with a center-tapped main winding. Transistors, which are operated by an
oscillator circuit, conduct alternately through the paths of the main wind-
ing. The oscillator circuit requires a feedback winding wound into the
stator slots, which generates a control voltage to determine the frequency.
A capacitor (C2) is placed across the main winding to reduce voltage
peaks and to keep the frequency of the circuit at a constant value.
240 V
zs = = - = 120 A (with cEMF = o v)
A 0.2 sz
% full-load = -
120 A x 100 = 400%
30 A
Varlable starting
Armature source
4 v,
240 V - -240 V = 5.33 a
Otal I,., 150% of 30 A 45 A
RST = Rtoial - RA
= 5.33 c-2 - 0.2 a
= 5.13
8.1. List some applications of electric motors.
8.2. Discuss “motor action” or torque development in a motor.
8.3. What is the “right-hand motor rule”?
8.4. What is the relationship of applied voltage and generated voltage
in dc motors and generators?
8.5. How is force developed by motor action calculated?
8.6. How is the average torque of a motor calculated?
8.7. How is the horsepower of a motor calculated?
8.8. What is the relationship of load, speed, CEMF, armature current,
and torque of a dc motor?
8.9. How does armature reaction affect dc motor operation?
8.10. What is speed regulation of a motor?
8.11. What are the types of dc motors?
8.12. Discuss the construction of each of the major types of dc motors.
8.13. What are the major operational characteristics of each major type
of dc motor?
8.14. How is speed calculated for the following types of dc motors: (a)
series-wound, (b) shunt-wound, and (c) cumulative compound?
8.15. Discuss the operation of a dynamotor.
8.16. Discuss the operation of a brushless dc motor.
8.17, What is the main problem of starting dc motors?
8.18. What method is ordinarily used to start dc motors?
8.1. A dc motor has 100 V applied, armature resistance of 1.8 S Z , and
an armature current of 32 A. What is the value of the CEMF
8.2. A dc motor has 90 V applied, a CEMF of 33 V, and an armature
resistance of 3.2 SZ. What is the value of the armature current?
8.3. An armature conductor of a dc motor is 8 in. long, draws 7.5 A
of current, and has a surrounding magnetic field strength of
24,000 lines/in2. What is the force developed by the conductor?
Dlrect-Current Motors 253
SingIe- Phase
Alternating-Current Motors
Upon completion of Chapter 9, Single Phase Alternating Current
Motors, you should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Single Phase AC Motor
- Universal Motor
- Concentrated Windings
- Distributed Windings
- Induction Motor
- Squirrel Cage Rotor
- Synchronous Speed (S,)
- Rotor Speed (S,)
- Slip
- Rotor Frequency
- Split Phase AC Induction Motor
- R u Windings
- Start Windings
- Centrifugal Switch
- Single Phase Voltage
- Two Phase Voltage
256 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machines and Power Systems
+ Armature
To ac or dc
Figure 9-1 Universal motor: (a) pictorial diagram; (b) schematic diagram.
‘transformer action‘:
stator acts as primary ,
Figure 9-2 Single-phaseac induction motor: (a) schematic diagram; (b) assembly of a
single-phaseAC induction motor. [(b), courtesy of Leeson Electric Cop.]
/ Laminated iron
A Copper conducts
ng tins
End pieces
SquirrelCage Rotor
Figure 9-3 (a) Pictorial representation of a squirrel-cage rotor; (b) cutaway of an induc-
tion motor showing a squirrel-cage rotor; (c) squirrel-cage rotor and stator of a single-
phase ac induction motor. [(b), courtesy of Franklin Electric Co.; (c) courtesy of Leeson
Electric Cop.]
s = f-
x 120
- 6 0 x 120 7200
= -= 1800 r/min
N 4 4
f, = f, x slip
where f,= frequency of the rotor current in r/min
f, = frequency of the stator current in r/min
and slip is expressed as a decimal. Rotor frequency affects the opera-
tional characteristics of induction motors.
Single-phase ac induction motors are classified according to the
method used for starting. Common types of single-phase ac induction
motors include: split-phase motors, capacitor motors, shaded-pole
motors, and repulsion motors.
Split-phase motors. The split-phase ac induction motor, illus-
trated in Figure 9-4, has two sets of stator windings. One set, called the
run windings, is connected directly across the ac line. The other set,
called the start windings, is also connected across the ac line. However,
the start windings are connected in series with a centrifugal switch
mounted on the shaft of the motor. The centrifugal switch is in the
closed position when the motor is not rotating.
Before discussing the functional principle of the split-phase ac
motor, an understanding of how rotation is developed by an ac motor is
important. Refer to Figure 9-5. In Figure 9-5(a), a two-pole stator with
single-phase ac applied is shown. For purposes of this discussion, a per-
manent magnet is placed inside the stator to represent the squirrel-cage
rotor of an induction motor. At time to of the ac sine wave, no stator
field is developed. Time interval tl will cause a stator field to be pro-
duced. Assume a north polarity on the right pole of the stator and a
south polarity on the left pole. These polarities will cause the rotor to
align itself horizontally based on the laws of magnetic attraction. At
time t2, the stator poles become demagnetized and then begin to magne-
tize in the opposite direction. At time interval t3, the stator poles are
magnetized in the opposite direction. The rotor will now align itself hor-
izontally in the opposite direction. This effect will continue at a rate of
120 polarity changes per second if 60-Hz ac is applied to the stator. The
rotor would not start unless it was positioned initially to be drawn
toward a pole piece. Therefore, some starting method must be used for
single-phase ac motors, since they are not self-starting.
Assume that we have a two-phase situation as shown in Figure 9-
5(b). We now have two sets of stator windings with one phase connected
262 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlneo and Power Systems
3' "R' RI
Figure 9-4 Split-phaseac induction motor: (a) pictorial diagram; (b) schematic dia-
gram; (c) cutaway view. [(c) courtesy of Marathon Electric.]
Slngle-Phase AlternatlngCurrent Motors 263
Single-phase ac source
I Phase 2
tl t2 f I I t4
to each set. Two-phase voltage is, of course, not produced by power com-
panies in the United States; however, this example will show the opera-
tional principle of a split-phase motor. In the two-phase voltage diagram,
when one phase is at minimum value, the other is at maximum value.
At time interval ti, phase 1 is maximum while phase 2 is minimum.
Assume that the right stator pole becomes a north polarity and the left
stator pole becomes a south polarity. The rotor will align itself horizon-
tally since no polarity is developed in the vertical poles at this time.
Now, as we progress to time tz, phase 1 is minimum and phase 2 is
maximum. Assume that the upper stator pole becomes a south polarity
and the bottom stator pole becomes a north polarity. The rotor will now
align itself vertically, by moving 90". At time t3, phase 1 becomes maxi-
mum in the opposite direction and phase 2 is minimum. This time inter-
val results in a north pole on the left and a south pole on the right. Thus
the rotor moves 90" farther in a clockwise direction. This effect will
continue as two-phase voltage is applied to the stator poles. We can see
from the two-phase situation that a direction of rotation is established by
the relationship of phase 1 and phase 2, and that an ac motor with two-
phase voltage applied would be self-starting. The same is true for a
three-phase situation, which is illustrated in Figure 9-5(c). Rotation of
the rotor would result due to the 120' phase separation of the three-
phase voltage applied to the stator poles. Three-phase induction motors
are therefore self-starting with no auxiliary starting method required.
Referring back to the split-phase motor of Figure 9-4, it can be seen
that the purpose of the two sets of windings is to establish a simulated
two-phase condition to start the motor. The single-phase voltage applied
to this motor is said to be "split" into a two-phase current. A rotating
magnetic field is created by phase splitting. The start winding of the
split-phase motor is made of relatively few turns of small-diameter wire,
giving it a high resistance and a low inductance. The run winding is
wound with many turns of large-diameter wire, causing it to have a
lower resistance and a higher inductance. We know that inductance in
an ac circuit causes the current to lag the applied ac voltage. The more
inductance present, the greater is the lag in current.
When single-phase ac is applied to the stator of a split-phase induc-
tion motor, the situation illustrated in Figure 9-6 will result. Notice that
the current in the start winding lags the applied voltage due to its induc-
tance. However, the current in the run winding lags by a greater amount
due to its higher inductance. The phase separation of the currents in the
start and run windings creates a two-phase situation. The phase dis-
placement, however, is usually around 30" or less, which gives the
Slngle-Phase Alternatlng-Current Motors 265
motor a low starting torque since this phase separation does not nearly
approach the 90" separation of two-phase voltage.
When the split-phase ac induction motor reaches about 80% of its
normal operating speed, the centrifugal switch will open the start wind-
ing circuit, since it is no longer needed. The removal of the start winding
minimizes energy losses in the machine and prevents the winding from
overheating. When the motor is turned off and its speed reduces, the cen-
trifugal switch closes to connect the start winding back into the circuit.
Split-phase motors are fairly inexpensive compared to other types of
single-phase motors. They are used where low torque is required to
drive mechanical loads such as small machinery. Figure 9-7 shows the
classes of induction motors according to starting characteristics.
Applied voltage
Current through start winding
/ Current throuoh run windina
Small-value capacNor
Figure 9-10 Schematic
of a capacitor-start,
capacitor-ntn ac
induction motor.
Shading coil
Field winding
i E
There are many different sizes of electric motors. Fractional-horse-
power motors are those less than 1 hp in size, while integral-horsepower
motors are larger than 1 hp. When specifying types of electric motors,
one must know the dimensions of a motor to be used for a specific
application. Dimensions are usually listed in manufacturer's catalog. For
several applications, motor method is also important. The major types of
motor mountings are resilient, rigid, and flange methods. Resilient
mountings provide a vibration-reducing insulated contact between the
motor and the mounting surface. Rigid and flange mounting methods
are used to attach a motor directly to a machine. These methods are
illustrated in Figure 9-16. The dimensions of a typical motor are shown
in Figure 9-17.
Figure 9-16 Types of motor frame mountings side and end views with dimensions:
- -
(a) resilient mounting capacitor-startmotor; (b) rigid mounting three-phase ac motor:
(c) flange mounting split-phase ac motor. Courtesy of Marathon Electric.
Single-Phase Alternating-Current Motors 275
'C cE L E AGiounding
- -- -
Dimensions' (in.)
E F I N 1 0 P U
Figure 9-17 Typical ac motor: (a) resilient mounting - split-phase ac motor; side and
end views with dimensions lettered; (b) sample dimensions for the motor.
(Courtesy of Marathon Electric.)
276 Rotatlng Electrical Machines and Power Systems
9.1. What are the three basic types of single-phase ac motors?
9.2. Discuss the construction and operation of a universal motor.
93. What are some applications of universal motors?
9.4. Discuss the operation of single-phase ac induction motors.
9.5. How is the speed of a single-phase ac induction motor deter-
9.6. What is meant by the term “slip”?
9.7. How is rotor frequency of a single-phase ac induction motor
9.8. What are some common types of single-phase ac induction
9.9. Discuss the construction and operation of a split-phase ac induc-
tion motor.
9.10. What is the purpose of a centrifugal switch in a single-phase ac
induction motor?
9.11. What are the classes of induction motors according to starting
9.12. Discuss the construction and operation of a capacitor-start ac
induction motor.
9.13. What is a capacitor-start, capacitor-run motor?
9.14. What is a permanent capacitor motor?
9.15. Discuss the construction and operation of a shaded-pole ac
induction motor.
9.16. Discuss the construction and operation of a repulsion motor.
9.17. Discuss the construction and operation of a single-phase synchro-
nous motor.
9.18. How is the direction of rotation of each of the following single-
phase motors reversed
(a) split-phase motor, (b) capacitor-start motor, (c) shaded-pole
motor, (d) repulsion motor, and (e) synchronous motor?
9.19. What is a fractional-horsepower motor? An integral-horsepower
9.20. What are the major types of motor mountings?
Single-Phase Alternatlng-Current Motors 277
9.1. Calculate the synchronous speeds of the following single-phase
ac motors.
(a) Two-pole, 50 Hz (b) Four-pole, 60 Hz
(c) Eight-pole, 60 Hz (d) Six-pole, 50 Hz
9.2. What is the percent slip of a single-phase ac induction motor with
a synchronous speed of 3600 r/min and a rotor speed of 3450
93. What is the rotor frequency of the motor of Problem 9.2?
9.4. What is the percent slip of a four-pole ac induction motor operat-
ing at a speed of 1725 r/min on a 60-Hz power line?
9.5. What is the rotor frequency of the motor of Problem 9.4?
9.6. What is the efficiency of a 240-V single-phase ac induction
motor which is rated at 3 hp and converts 2650 W of true
9.7. What is the efficiency of a 1/2-hp 120-V single-phase ac induc-
tion motor which converts 500 W of true power?
Chapter 10
Alternating-Current Motors
Upon completion of Chapter 10, Three Phase Alternating Current
Motors, you should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Three Phase AC Induction Motor
- Wye Connection
- Delta Connection
- Revolving Stator Field
- Voltage Characteristics
- Current Characteristics
- Squirrel Cage Rotor
- Rotation Reversal
- Three Phase AC Synchronous Motor
- Wound Rotor
- Slip RingBrush Assembly
- Speed Calculation
- Synchronous Speed
280 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
- Auxiliary DC Starter
- Damper Windings
- Power Factor
- Power Factor Correction
- Apparent Power (VA)
- True Power (W)
- Reactive Power (VAR)
- Phase Angle (0)
- Synchronous Capacitor
- Normal Excitation
- Under Excitation
- Over Excitation
- Wound Rotor Induction Motor
Power Connections
\ Squirrel-Cage Rotor
Laminated Stator
Figure 10-1 (a) Cutaway of a three-phase induction motor; (b) large three-phase
induction motor; (c) cutaway of a small three-phase ac motor; (d) cutaway of a three-
phase ac motor with parts labeled; (e) cutaway of a high-efficiencythree-phase induc-
tion motor; (f) large integral-horsepower three-phase ac motor. [(a) courtesy of
Marathon Electric; (b), (e), courtesy of Siemens-Allis, Inc.; (c), courtesy of Century
Electric, Inc.; (d)courtesy of General Electric Co. Industrial Motor Div.; (9, courtesy of
Lima Electric Co., Inc.]
Three-Phase Alternatlng-Current Motors 281
NOTE: Stator windings may be wnneded in either a wye or a dena configuration (a)
VL = V p X 1.73
I, * 1P
L P, = I , x vp
P, = 3 x P,
P, = 1.73 X I , X VL
Wye connection
v, = VP
I, =I, X 1.73
L PP * I P X " P
P, = 3 x P,
P, 1.73 X 1, X VL
Delta connection
Line 3 ? I
Stator poles
(connected in wye or delta)
1 source
means must be used to start the motor initially. Synchronous motors are
constructed so that they will rotate at the same speed as the revolving
stator field. At synchronous speed, rotor speed equals stator speed and
the synchronous motor has zero slip. Thus the speed of a synchronous
motor may be determined by using the following formula:
s = f-
x 120
Note that this is the same as the formula used to determine the sta-
tor speed of a single-phase motor except that the number of poles must
be divided by 3 (the number of phases). A three-phase motor with 12
actual poles would have four poles per phase. Therefore, its stator speed
would be 1800 r/ min. Synchronous motors have operating speeds that
are based on the number of stator poles they have.
Synchronous motors are usually employed in very large horsepower
ratings. One method of starting a large synchronous motor is to use a
smaller auxiliary dc machine connected to the shaft of the synchronous
motor, as illustrated in Figure 10-4. The method of starting would be as
Step I : Dc power is applied to the auxiliary motor, causing it to
increase in speed. Three-phase ac power is applied to the
Step 2: When the speed of rotation reaches a value near the syn-
chronous speed of the motor, the dc power circuit is opened
and, at the same time, the terminals of the auxiliary
machine are connected across the commutatorhsh assem-
bly of the rotor.
Step 3: The auxiliary machine now converts to generator operation
and supplies exciter current to the rotor of the synchronous
motor, using the motor as its prime mover.
Step 4: Once the rotor is magnetized, it will "lock" in step or syn-
chronize with the revolving stator field.
Step 5: The speed of rotation will remain constant under changes in
load condition.
Dc voitage
Switch (to rotor)
Dc voltage I
Dc motor/ . Threephase ac
synchronous -I
Damper wlndings
PF= -
%PF= - P~ 1 0 0
Three-Phase Alternatlng-Current Motors 291
Since most industries use a large number of electric motors, the
industrial plant represents a highly inductive load. This means that
industrial power systems operate at a power factor of less than unity
(1.0). It is undesirable for an industry to operate at a low power factor,
since the utility company would have to supply more electrical power to
the industry than is actually used.
A given value of voltamperes (voltage x current) is supplied to an
industry. If the power factor of the industry is low, the current must be
higher since power converted by the total industrial load equals VA x PF.
292 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machines and Power Systems
The value of power factor decreases as the reactive power drawn by the
industry increases. This is illustrated in Figure 10-6. Assume a constant
value of true power to see the effect of increases in reactive power
drawn by an inductive load. The smallest reactive power shown (var,)
results in the voltampere value of VA,. As reactive power is increased,
as shown by the var2 and vat, values, more voltamperes (VA2 and VA,)
must be drawn from the source. This is true since the voltage compo-
nent of the supplied voltamperes remains constant. This example repre-
sents the same effect as a decrease in power factor, since PF WNA, and
as VA increases, PF will decrease if W remains constant.
Utility companies usually charge industries for operating at power
factors below a specified level. It is desirable for industries to “correct”
their power factor to avoid such charges and to make more economical
use of electrical energy. N o methods can be used to increase the power
factor: (1) power factor-corrective capacitors and (2) three-phase syn-
chronous motors. Since the effect of capacitive reactance is opposite to
that of inductive reactance, the reactive effects will counteract one
another. Either power-factor-corrective capacitors or three-phase syn-
chronous motors can be used to add the effect of capacitance to an ac
power line.
In the example shown in Figure 10-7, assume that both true power
and inductive reactive power remain constant at values of 10 kW and 10
Three-Phase Alternating-Current Motors 293
kVA =
= m+-M)'
= m m
= 14.14
= - lOkW
14.14 kVA
= 0.7 170%1
hVA =
= JlOoT-25
= 475
= 11 I8
\ INDUCTIVE -- - l O k W
I I I I8 kVA
= 0 89 ( 8 9 x 1
kVA = (c)
= 4iiKi
= 10
Figure 10-7 Effect of capacitive reactance on an inductive load: (a) reactive power =
10-kvar inductive; (b) reactive power = 10-kvar inductive, 5-kvar capacitive;
(c) reactive power = 10-kvar inductive, 10-kvar capacitive.
294 Rotatlng Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
kvar. In Figure 10-7(a), the power factor equals 70%. If 5-kvar capacitive
reactive power is introduced into the ac power line, the net reactive
power becomes 5 kvar (10-kvar inductive minus 5-kvar capacitive), as
shown in Figure 10-7(b). With the addition of 5-kvar capacitive, the
power factor is increased to 89%. Now, in Figure 10-7(c), if 10-bar
capacitive is added to the ac power line, the total reactive power
becomes zero. The true power is now equal to the apparent power; there-
fore, the power factor is 1.0, or loo%, which is characteristic of a purely
resistive circuit. The effect of the increased capacitive reactive power is
to increase or “correct” the power factor and thus reduce the current
drawn from the ac power lines that supply the industrial loads. It may be
beneficial for industries to invest in either power factor-correctivecapaci-
tors or three-phase synchronous motors to correct their power factor.
Utility companies also attempt to correct the power factor of their
systems. A certain quantity of inductance is present in most of the
power distribution system, including the generator windings, the trans-
former windings, and the power lines. To counteract the inductive
effects, utility companies use power factor-corrective capacitors, such as
the pole-mounted units shown in Figure 10-8. This type of capacitor
unit, plus larger banks of capacitors located at substations, can be used
to correct the power factor of ac power systems.
I pl -
/-r rll = 1.0
10.1. What are the three basic types of three-phase motors?
10.2. Discuss the construction and operation of a three-phase induction
10.3. How can the direction of rotation of a three-phase induction
motor be reversed?
10.4. Discuss the construction and operation of a three-phase synchro-
nous motor.
10.5. Discuss the two methods of starting three-phase synchronous
10.6. What is meant by power-factor correction?
10.7. Why is power-factor correction important for industries?
10.8. What is meant by the following terms: (a) normal excitation, (b)
underexcitation, and (c) overexcitation?
10.9. What is the relationship of rotor current and stator current in a
three-phase synchronous motor at unity power factor?
10.10. What is the relationship between rotor current and power factor
of a three-phase synchronous motor at full-load?
10.11. Discuss the construction and operation of a three-phase wound-
rotor induction motor.
10.12. What are some advantages of wound-rotor induction motors?
298 Rotatlng Electrical Machines and Power Systems
10-1. Calculate the synchronous speeds of the following three-phase
motors. (a) 6-pole, 60 Hz (b) 12-pole, 60 Hz (c) 18-pole, 60 Hz
(d) 24-pole, 60 Hz
10.2. A 2000-kVA power system operates at a power factor of 0.6
lagging. Calculate the following:
(a) True power of the system
(b) Total reactive power - kvar
(c) kvar required to obtain unity power factor
(d) kvar required to obtain 0.8 power factor
(e) Capacitance required to obtain unity power factor
10.3. An industry has an average load of 4500 kVA at a power factor
of 0.6 lagging. An 800-hp three-phase synchronous motor with
an efficiency of 80% is added to improve system power factor to
0.9 lagging. Calculate:
(a) Power factor of the synchronous motor
(b) kVA rating of the synchronous motor
10.4. A three-phase synchronous motor rated at a 0.8 power factor
(leading) is connected across a 240-V three-phase power line.
The power factor of the system prior to connection of the syn-
chronous machine was 0.7 (lagging). What effect (increase or
decrease) will the addition of the synchronous capacitor have on
the following factors of the three-phase system:
(a) Power factor (b) Line current
(c) Apparent power (d) Reactive power?
Discuss why each factor changes as it does from a mathematical
point of view.
10.5. When the mechanical load applied to the shaft of a three-phase
induction motor increases, what effect on the following opera-
tional factors can be expected:
(a) Speed (b) Line current
(c) Power factor (d) Efficiency
(e) Torque ( f ) Horsepower?
Discuss why each factor changes as it does from a mathematical
point of view.
Chapter I I
Within the last ten years, some new and unique types of electrical
machines have been developed. Particular emphasis is now being placed
on the design of machines controlled by computer systems and used for
automated manufacturing systems. New developments in industry have
led to the use of several servo systems and special purpose motors.
Upon completion of Chapter 11, Servo Systems and Special Purpose
Motors, you should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Automated Manufacturing System
- Synchro System
- Servo Mechanism
- Synchro Generator (Transmitter)
- Synchro Motor (Receiver)
- Slip RmgDrush Assembly
- Wound Rotor
- Distributive Wound Stator
- Synchro Differential Unit
- Servo Motor
- AC Synchronous Motor
- DC Stepping Motor
- Bifalar Windings
300 Rotatlng Electrical Machlner and Power System8
- Step Sequence
- Step Angle
- Step Accuracy
- Step Response Time
- Torque-to-Inertia Ratio
- Driven Linear Actuator
- Feedback Signal
- Frequency Converter
- Single Phase-to-Three Phase Converter
- Gear-Reduction Motor
- Adjustable Speed Motor
- Robotic System
- Rectification System
- Rotary Actuators
Electrical Power Supply
Hydraulic Power Supply
Pneumatic Power Supply
Stator 5,
Motor symbol
Generator symbol
motor unit. If calibrated dials are attached to the shaft of each unit, they
would show the same angular displacement.
The stator coils of a synchro are wound inside a cylindrical laminat-
ed metal housing. The coils are uniformly placed in slots and connected
to provide three poles spaced 120" apart. These coils serve functionally
like the secondary windings of a transformer.
The rotor coil of the synchro unit is also wound on a laminated
core. This type of construction causes north and south magnetic poles to
extend from the laminated area of the rotor. Insulated slip rings on the
shaft are used to supply ac power to the rotor. The rotor coil responds
functionally like the primary windings of a transformer.
When ac is applied to the rotor coil of the synchro unit, it produces
an alternating magnetic field. By transformer action, this field cuts
across the stator coils and induces a voltage in each winding. The physi-
cal position of the rotor coil determines the amount of voltage induced
in each stator coil. If the rotor coil is parallel with a stator coil, maxi-
mum voltage is induced. The induced voltage is minimum when the
rotor coil is at right angles to a stator coil set.
The stator coils of the generator and motor of a synchro system are
connected as indicated in the circuit diagram of Figure 11-2. Voltage
induced in the stator coils of the generator therefore causes a resulting
current flow in the stator coils of the motor. This in turn causes a corre-
sponding magnetic field to be established in the motor stator. Line volt-
age applied to the rotor of the motor unit wall causes it to align itself
with the magnetic field of the stator coils.
Any change in rotor position of the generator unit is translated into
an induced voltage and applied to the motor stator coils. Through this
action, linear displacement changes can be effectively transmitted to the
To single-phase
ac voltage
motor through three rather small stator coil wires. Systems of this type
are becoming very important in industrial automatic process control
Servo systems. Servo systems are rotating machines that accom-
plish such functions as changing the mechanical position or speed of a
machine. Mechanical position applications include computer-controlled
machinery and process control equipment. Speed applications are found
in conveyor-belt control units, spindle speed control in machine tool
operations, and disk or magnetic-tape drives for computers. A servo sys-
tem is usually a rather complex unit that follows the commands of a
closed loop control path. Figure 11-3 shows the components of a typical
servo system.
The input of a servo system serves as the reference element to
which the controlled device responds. By changing the input, a com-
mand is applied to the error detector. This device receives data from
both the input source and from the controlled output device. If a correc-
tion is needed with reference to the input command, it is amplified and
applied to the actuator. The actuator is normally a servomotor that pro-
duces controlled shaft displacements. The controlled output device is
sometimes a synchro system that relays information back to the error
detector for position comparison.
command output device
Ampinier activator
(reference (synchm
source) system)
The servomotor is primarily responsible for producing mechanical
changes from an electromagnetic actuating device. A device of this type
is normally coupled to the controlled device by a gear train or some
mechanical linkage. Both ac and dc servomotors, such as those shown
in Figure 11-4, are used to achieve this operation.
Figure 11-4 (a) ac servo motors; (b) dc servo motors. [(a) courtesy Bodine Electric
Co.; (b) courtesy H. K. Porter Co., lnc.]
Servo Systems and Speclal Purpose Motors 305
DC Stepping Motors
Dc stepping motors are specialized electrical machines that are used
to control automatic industrial equipment. Dc motors of this type are
used in many high-power servomechanisms. They are typically more
efficient and develop significantly more torque than the synchronous
308 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Figure 11-10 Types of dc stepping motors. [(a),(b), courtesy of Superior Electric Co.;
(d), (e), courtesy of Airpax Cop.]
310 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
1 1 I 5
2 1 4
3 3 I 1
4 I 3 I 5
1 1 5
To revers8 dlrechon, reod Chon up Corn bOHorn
Courfmsy The Superior Elecfrlc Co.
/ISwitch 1
Figure 11-12 Circuit diagram and switching sequence of an eight-step dc stepping
motor. Courtesy of Superior Electric Co.
Servo Systems and Speclal Purpose Motors 313
0.72 500
1.8 200
2.0 180
2.5 144 Figure 11-3 Some step
angles available.
5.0 72
- +
i-- - n
Figure 11-17 Gear-reduction motor (ac induction type). Courtesy Bodine Electric Co.
Figure 11-20 Servo motors for industrial robots. Courtesy Superior Electric Co.
322 Rotating Electrlcai Machlnes and Power Systems
11.1. What is a synchro system?
11.2. What is a servomechanism?
11.3. Discuss the operation of a synchro system.
11.4. Discuss the operation of an ac synchronous motor.
11.5. Discuss the operation of a dc stepping motor.
11.6. Describe the construction of a dc stepping motor.
11.7. What is meant by “half-stepping” of a dc stepping motor?
11.8. Define the following terms: (a) step angle, (b) steps per second,
(c) step accuracy, (d) step response time, and
(e) torque-to-inertia ratio.
11.9. What is a linear actuator?
11.10. Discuss the operation of a frequency-conversion system.
11.11. What are two types of single-phase to three-phase conversion
11.12. What is the purpose of using a gear-reduction motor?
324 Ratatlng Electrloal Machines and Power Systems
Machinery - Generating
Power Power Power Machinery
-Distribution -Conversion -Control and
Machinery Equipment Machinery Testing
Electrical Machinery
Control Systems
The previous chapters have dealt primarily with the types and char-
acteristics of electrical machines. Various types of circuits and equip-
ment are used to control these machines. This chapter provides an
overview of several power control systems which are used with electri-
cal machines.
Upon completion of Chapter 12, Electrical Machinery Control
Systems, you should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Toggle Switch
- Pushbutton Switch
- Normally Open (NO)
- Normally Closed (NC)
- Rotary Switch
- Limit Switch
- Temperature Switch
- Float Switch
- Pressure Switch
- Foot Switch
- Magnetic Starter
- ON/OFF Control
- Acceleration Control
- Overload Protection
326 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
- Direction Reversal
- Motor Contactor
- Holding Contact
- Contactor Coil
- National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
- Manual Starter
- Starter Classes
- Combination Starter
- Starter Enclosure
- Relay
- Pickup Current
- Dropout Current
- Solenoid
- General Purpose Relay
- Latching Relay
- Timing Relay
- Solid State Relay
- Start-Stop Control
- Multiple-Location Start-Stop Control
- Start-Stop-Jog Control
- Jogging
- Forward-Reverse-Stop Control
- Full Voltage Starting
- Primary Resistance Starting
- Primary Reactance Starting
- Autotransformer Starting
- Wye-Delta Starting
- Part Winding Starting
- DC Starting Systems
- Motor Reversal Control
DC Motors
Single Phase AC Motors
Three Phase AC Motors
- Dynamic Braking
- Speed Control
- Overloads
It is necessary to become familiar with the electrical symbols which
are commonly used with machine control systems. Some common
machine control symbols are shown in Figure 12-1.
Electrlcal Machlnery Control Systems 327
Normallv open Nornwllv clored Thermsl Normallv open Normally c l o d Normally open Normallv closed
-+I- + 4 0 T
Held closed Held open
Contacts Circuit Breaker Liquid level
Normally Open Normally closed Normally open Normally closed Normally open Normally closed
Normelly open Normally c l o d Double circuit Maintained Normally open Normallv closed
0 0
* **
Normally open Normally open Normally closed Normallv Closed
d+ Ti+
mx, y0.
01 Or or or
%e;? y “r” T
Magnet Coil Trmstormer Lamp Tim.Delay Contsn
Figure 12-2 Toggle switches: (a) single pole, single throw; 9b) three-way, or single
pole, double throw; (c) double pole, single throw; (d) double pole, double throw;
(e) three pole, single throw; (9 three pole, double throw.
Figure 12-4
Rotary switch.
switch usually has a set of normally open and normally closed contacts
which are controlled by the position of the operating lever. The contacts
are often connected to a pump-motor circuit. In operation, the normally
open contacts could be connected in series with a pump-motor control cir-
cuit. When the liquid level is reduced, the float switch would be lowered
to a point where the operating lever would be moved far enough that the
contacts would be caused to change to a closed state. The closing of the
contacts would cause the pump motor to turn on. More liquid would then
be pumped into the tank until the liquid level had risen high enough to
cause the float switch to turn the pump motor off.
Pressure switches. Another type of electrical control device is
called a pressure switch. A pressure switch has a set of electrical con-
tacts which change states due to a variation in the pressure of air,
hydraulic fluid, water, or some other medium. Some pressure switches
are diaphragm operated and rely on the intake or expelling of a medium
such as air. This action takes place in a diaphragm assembler within the
pressure-switch enclosure. Another type of pressure switch uses a piston
mechanism to initiate the action of opening or closing the switch con-
tacts. In this type, the movement of a piston is controlled by the pres-
sure of the medium (air, water, etc.).
Foot switches. A foot switch is a switch that is controlled by a
foot pedal. This type of switch is used for applications where a machine
332 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
operator has to use both hands during the operation of the machine. The
foot switch provides an additional control position for the operation of a
machine for such times as when the hands cannot be used.
Figure 12-7 Motor starter controls: (a) across-the-linestarter with thermal overload
protection shown; (b) starter mounted in an enclosure; (c) starter with three sets of con-
tact lugs; (d) 100-hp ac motor starter; (e) solid-state motor starter. [(a), (b), courtesy of
Eaton Corp., Cutler-HammerProducts; (c), courtesy of Allen-Bradley Co.; (d), courtesy
of Robicon Corp.; (e), courtesy of Westinghouse Electric Corp.]
Electrlcal Machlnery Control Systems 333
Starter mounted in
an enclosure.
Starter with three sets of
contact lugs.
Figure 12-7 ( a n t . )
Electrlcal Machlnety Control System6 335
pontactor c o i
I Phot point
daql pushbutton
To motor
power line
Contactor coii
source line
Figure 12-9 Motor contactor circuit.
the power line and the motor through a set of contact points. When this
action takes place, the motor starts its operational cycle.
The coil contact points on the left side of the armature are pulled
together by the same armature action. As a result, release of the start
button at this time will not deenergize the contactor coil. A path to the
coil source is now completed through the stop pushbutton switch and
the coil contact points on the armature. The motor therefore continues to
operate as long as electric power is applied. The contact used for this
function is called a holding contact.
Stopping the operation of a contactor-controlled motor is achieved
by pushing the stop button. This action opens the contactor coil power
source, which deenergizes the coil and causes the armature to drop out
of position. The contactor points in series with the motor also break
Electrlcal Machlnery Control Systems 337
contact, which deenergizes the power to the motor. This path then
becomes incomplete and motor operation stops immediately.
The relay action of a motor contactor is designed to have a latching
characteristic that holds it into operation once it is energized. This con-
dition is a necessity in motor control applications. In addition to this,
contactors may also be used to actuate a series of operations in a partic-
ular sequence. A circuit diagram and brief explanation of the operation
of a motor contactor are provided in Figure 12-10.
The contactors used with motor starters are rated according to their
current-handling capacity. The National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) has developed standard sizes for magnetic contac-
tors according to current capacity. Table 12-1 lists the NEMA standard
sizes for magnetic contactors. By looking at this chart, you can see that
a NEMA size 2 contactor has a 50-A current capacity if it is open (not
mounted in a metal enclosure) and a 45-A capacity it is enclosed. The
corresponding maximum horsepower ratings of loads for each of the
contactor sizes are also shown in Table 12-1.
9 2500 2250 - --.
- -- - 800 1600
338 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Ac voltage
(1) Press start pushbutton. Circuit is completed when the normally open pushbutton (PB) Is rnomen-
tarily closed. Current flows from voltage source, through normally closed stop PB,through start
PB, through the contactor coil, to the other side of the vokage source. This energizes the coil and
causes ail contacts to close.
(2) Contacts close. Motor will start since ac voltage is applied through thecontacts directly to the
motor. The holding contact causes the current path through the coil to be complete after the start
PB is released.
(3) Motor will run.
(4) Press stop pushbutton. The current path Is opened by momentarily opening the normally closed
stop PB. The coil deenergizes, causing the contacts to open.
(5) Motor will stop.
I Enclosure
I Line Terminals
Line Fuse
Magnetic Contactor
Load Terminals
Relays are widely used control devices. They have an electromagnet
which contains a stationary core. Mounted close to one end of the core
is a movable piece of magnetic material called the armature. When the
342 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
(Inslde housing)
A solenoid, shown in Figure 12-13, is an electromagnetic coil with
a movable core that is constructed of a magnetic material. The core, or
plunger, is sometimes attached to an external spring. This spring causes
the plunger to remain in a fixed position until moved by the electromag-
netic field that is created by current through the coil. This external
spring also causes the core or plunger to return to its original position
when the coil is deenergized.
Solenoids are used for a variety of control applications. Many gas
and fuel-oil furnaces use solenoid valves to turn the fuel supply on or
off automatically upon demand. Most dishwashers use one or more sole-
noids to control the flow of water.
Special-Purpose Relays
There are many special-purpose relays used for electrical machine
control General-purpose relays are the type used for low-power applica-
tions, They are relatively inexpensive and small in size. Many small
general-purpose relays are mounted in octal-base (8-pin) plug-in sock-
ets. Latching relays are another type of relay which have a latching
mechanism which holds the contacts in position after the power has
been removed from the coil. Solid-state relays are electronically operat-
ed and used where improved reliability or a rapid rate of operation is
necessary. Electromagnetic relays will wear out after prolonged use and
have to be replaced periodically. Solid-state relays have a longer life
expectancy and are not sensitive to shock, vibration, dust, moisture, or
corrosion. 7 h i n g relays are used to turn a load device on or off after a
specific period of time. One popular type is a pneumatic timing relay.
The operation of a pneumatic timing relay is dependent on the move-
ment of air within a chamber. Air movement is controlled by an
344 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
adjustable orifice that regulates the rate of air movement through the
chamber. The airflow rate determines the rate of movement of a
diaphragm or piston assembly. This assembly is connected to the con-
tacts of the relay. Therefore, the orifice adjustment controls the airflow
rate, which determines the time from the activation of the relay until a
load connected to it is turned on or off. There are other types of timing
relays, such as solid-state, thermal, oil-filled, dashpot, and motor-driven
timers. Timing relays are useful for sequencing operations where a time
delay is required between operations. A typical application is as follows:
(1) a start pushbutton is pressed; (2) a timing relay is activated; (3) after
a 10-s time delay, a motor is turned on.
Start k2
lines of the system must connect, through a set of contacts, to the line ter-
minals of the machine being controlled. Since this operation is evident for
all machines, control diagrams omit this portion of the control system.
Multiple-location start-stop control. The circuit of Figure 12-
15 is a multiple-location start-stop control. In this circuit, the start-stop
control of a machine can be accomplished from three separate locations.
Notice that the start pushbuttons are connected in parallel and the stop
pushbuttons are connected in series. The control of one load from as
many locations as is desired can be accomplished with this type of con-
trol circuit.
Figure 12-16 Start-stop pushbutton control circuit with a jog-run selector switch.
346 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
I start I
Forward L?
I Reverse I
Figure 1249 Forward-reverse-stoppushbutton control circuit.
power lines
(wye connected)
be3-l Resistor
A k.
'Normally open
time delay
J power lines
To supply Autotransformers Three-phase
Figure 12-22 Autotransformer starter circuit with a three-phaseI motor.
Electrical Machlnery Control Systems 351
(lS), (2S), and (TR). The 1s and 2s contacts will then close. Voltage is
applied through the autotransformer windings to the three-phase motor.
One normally closed and one normally open contact are controlled by
timing relay TR. When the specified time period has elapsed, the nor-
mally closed TR contact will open and the normally open TR contact
will close. Coil (R) then energizes, causing the normally open R con-
tacts to close and apply full voltage to the motor. Normally closed R
contacts are connected in series with coils (lS), (2S), and (TR) to open
their circuits when coil (R) is energized. When the stop pushbutton is
pressed, the current to coil (R) is interrupted, thus opening the power-
line connections to the motor.
Notice that the 65% taps of the autotransformer are used in Figure
12-22. There are also taps for 50%, 80%, and loo%, to provide more
flexibility in reducing the motor-starting current.
Wye-delta startlng. It is possible to start three-phase motors
more economically by using the wye-delta starting method. Since in a
wye configuration, line current is equal to the phase current divided by
1.73 (or d3), it is possible to reduce the starting current by using a wye
connection rather than a delta connection. This method, shown in Figure
12-23, employs a switching arrangement which places the motor stator
in a wye configuration during starting and a delta arrangement for run-
ning. In this way, starting current is reduced. Although starting torque is
reduced, running torque is still high since full voltage appears across
each winding when the motor is connected in a delta configuration.
When the start pushbutton in Figure 12-23 is pressed, coil (S) is
energized. The normally open S contacts then close. This action con-
nects the motor windings in a wye configuration and also activates tim-
ing relay (TR) and coil (1M). The normally open 1M contacts then
close to apply voltage to the wye-connected motor windings. After the
time-delay period has elapsed, the TR contacts change state. Coil (S)
deenergizes and coil (2M) energizes. The S contacts which hold the
motor windings in a wye arrangement then open. The 2M contacts then
close and cause the motor windings to be connected in a delta configu-
ration. The motor will then continue to run with the stator windings
connected in a delta arrangement.
352 Rotating Electrlcal Machines and Power Systems
power lines
To supply
L, L2 L,
== 1M
Timing relay
t, II
Pushbutton start
control Stop
windings T1, T2, and 7 3 . After the timedelay period has elapsed, the
normally open contact located below coil (Ml) closes. This action ener-
gizes coil (M2) and causes its normally open contacts to close. The M2
contacts then connect the T7, T8, and T9 windings in parallel with the
T1, T2, and T 3 windings. When the stop pushbutton is pressed, coils
(Ml) and (M2) are deenergized.
Dc starting systems. Since dc motors have no counterelectro-
motive force (CEMF) when they are not rotating, they have tremendous-
ly high starting currents. Therefore, they must use some lype of control
system to reduce the initial starting current, such as a series resistance.
354 Rotating Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
I Forward
Figure 12-25 Control circuit for the forward and reverse operation of a dc shunt motor.
Figure 12-26 Control circuit for the forward and reverse operation of a
three-phase induction motor.
button is pressed, the reverse coil is energized and the R contacts will
close. The voltage is then applied from L1 to T3, L2 to T2, and L3 to
T1. This action reverses the L1 and L3 connections to the motor and
causes the motor to rotate in the reverse direction.
When a motor is turned off, its shaft continues to rotate for a short
period of time. This continued rotation is undesirable for many applica-
tions. Dynamic braking is a method used to bring a motor to a quick
stop whenever power is turned off. Motors with wound armatures utilize
a resistance connected across the armature as a dynamic braking
method. When power is turned off, the resistance is connected across
the armature. This causes the armature to act as a loaded generator,
making the motor slow down immediately. This dynamic braking
method is shown in Figure 12-27.
Electrlcal Machinery Control Systems 357
Figure 12-27 Dynamic braking circuit for a dc shunt motor.
6) 120 V AC R2 R4 U
c1: c2 z:
12.1. List some types of toggle switches.
12.2. What are some styles of pushbutton switches?
12.3. What is a limit switch?
12.4. Discuss the operation of a temperature switch.
12.5. Discuss the operation of a float switch.
12.6. Discuss the operation of a pressure switch.
12.7. What is a magnetic motor contactor?
12.8. What is a holding contact?
12.9. What is a manual starter?
12.10. What is a combination starter?
12.11. What are the categories of motor starter enclosures?
12.12. What is a relay?
12.13. What is meant by pickup current? Dropout current?
12.14. What is a solenoid?
12.15. What is a jog control?
12.16. How is reverse control of a three-phase motor accomplished?
12.17. What is meant by the following control terms: (a) full-voltage
starting, (b) primary resistance starting, (c) primary reactor start-
ing, (d) autotransformer starting, (e) wye-delta starting, and
(f) pat-winding Stating?
12.18. Why must dc motors use resistance-starting circuits?
12.19. How is reversal of direction of rotation of a single-phase ac
induction motor accomplished?
12.20. What is meant by dynamic braking?
12.21. How is universal motor speed control accomplished?
12.22. What is the function of a motor overload protective device?
324 Ratatlng Electrloal Machines and Power Systems
Machinery - Generating
Power Power Power Machinery
-Distribution -Conversion -Control and
Machinery Equipment Machinery Testing
Electrical Machinery
Control Systems
The previous chapters have dealt primarily with the types and char-
acteristics of electrical machines. Various types of circuits and equip-
ment are used to control these machines. This chapter provides an
overview of several power control systems which are used with electri-
cal machines.
Upon completion of Chapter 12, Electrical Machinery Control
Systems, you should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Toggle Switch
- Pushbutton Switch
- Normally Open (NO)
- Normally Closed (NC)
- Rotary Switch
- Limit Switch
- Temperature Switch
- Float Switch
- Pressure Switch
- Foot Switch
- Magnetic Starter
- ON/OFF Control
- Acceleration Control
- Overload Protection
326 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
- Direction Reversal
- Motor Contactor
- Holding Contact
- Contactor Coil
- National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
- Manual Starter
- Starter Classes
- Combination Starter
- Starter Enclosure
- Relay
- Pickup Current
- Dropout Current
- Solenoid
- General Purpose Relay
- Latching Relay
- Timing Relay
- Solid State Relay
- Start-Stop Control
- Multiple-Location Start-Stop Control
- Start-Stop-Jog Control
- Jogging
- Forward-Reverse-Stop Control
- Full Voltage Starting
- Primary Resistance Starting
- Primary Reactance Starting
- Autotransformer Starting
- Wye-Delta Starting
- Part Winding Starting
- DC Starting Systems
- Motor Reversal Control
DC Motors
Single Phase AC Motors
Three Phase AC Motors
- Dynamic Braking
- Speed Control
- Overloads
It is necessary to become familiar with the electrical symbols which
are commonly used with machine control systems. Some common
machine control symbols are shown in Figure 12-1.
Electrlcal Machlnery Control Systems 327
Normallv open Nornwllv clored Thermsl Normallv open Normally c l o d Normally open Normallv closed
-+I- + 4 0 T
Held closed Held open
Contacts Circuit Breaker Liquid level
Normally Open Normally closed Normally open Normally closed Normally open Normally closed
Normelly open Normally c l o d Double circuit Maintained Normally open Normallv closed
0 0
* **
Normally open Normally open Normally closed Normallv Closed
d+ Ti+
mx, y0.
01 Or or or
%e;? y “r” T
Magnet Coil Trmstormer Lamp Tim.Delay Contsn
Figure 12-2 Toggle switches: (a) single pole, single throw; 9b) three-way, or single
pole, double throw; (c) double pole, single throw; (d) double pole, double throw;
(e) three pole, single throw; (9 three pole, double throw.
Figure 12-4
Rotary switch.
switch usually has a set of normally open and normally closed contacts
which are controlled by the position of the operating lever. The contacts
are often connected to a pump-motor circuit. In operation, the normally
open contacts could be connected in series with a pump-motor control cir-
cuit. When the liquid level is reduced, the float switch would be lowered
to a point where the operating lever would be moved far enough that the
contacts would be caused to change to a closed state. The closing of the
contacts would cause the pump motor to turn on. More liquid would then
be pumped into the tank until the liquid level had risen high enough to
cause the float switch to turn the pump motor off.
Pressure switches. Another type of electrical control device is
called a pressure switch. A pressure switch has a set of electrical con-
tacts which change states due to a variation in the pressure of air,
hydraulic fluid, water, or some other medium. Some pressure switches
are diaphragm operated and rely on the intake or expelling of a medium
such as air. This action takes place in a diaphragm assembler within the
pressure-switch enclosure. Another type of pressure switch uses a piston
mechanism to initiate the action of opening or closing the switch con-
tacts. In this type, the movement of a piston is controlled by the pres-
sure of the medium (air, water, etc.).
Foot switches. A foot switch is a switch that is controlled by a
foot pedal. This type of switch is used for applications where a machine
332 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
operator has to use both hands during the operation of the machine. The
foot switch provides an additional control position for the operation of a
machine for such times as when the hands cannot be used.
Figure 12-7 Motor starter controls: (a) across-the-linestarter with thermal overload
protection shown; (b) starter mounted in an enclosure; (c) starter with three sets of con-
tact lugs; (d) 100-hp ac motor starter; (e) solid-state motor starter. [(a), (b), courtesy of
Eaton Corp., Cutler-HammerProducts; (c), courtesy of Allen-Bradley Co.; (d), courtesy
of Robicon Corp.; (e), courtesy of Westinghouse Electric Corp.]
Electrlcal Machlnery Control Systems 333
Starter mounted in
an enclosure.
Starter with three sets of
contact lugs.
Figure 12-7 ( a n t . )
Electrlcal Machlnety Control System6 335
pontactor c o i
I Phot point
daql pushbutton
To motor
power line
Contactor coii
source line
Figure 12-9 Motor contactor circuit.
the power line and the motor through a set of contact points. When this
action takes place, the motor starts its operational cycle.
The coil contact points on the left side of the armature are pulled
together by the same armature action. As a result, release of the start
button at this time will not deenergize the contactor coil. A path to the
coil source is now completed through the stop pushbutton switch and
the coil contact points on the armature. The motor therefore continues to
operate as long as electric power is applied. The contact used for this
function is called a holding contact.
Stopping the operation of a contactor-controlled motor is achieved
by pushing the stop button. This action opens the contactor coil power
source, which deenergizes the coil and causes the armature to drop out
of position. The contactor points in series with the motor also break
Electrlcal Machlnery Control Systems 337
contact, which deenergizes the power to the motor. This path then
becomes incomplete and motor operation stops immediately.
The relay action of a motor contactor is designed to have a latching
characteristic that holds it into operation once it is energized. This con-
dition is a necessity in motor control applications. In addition to this,
contactors may also be used to actuate a series of operations in a partic-
ular sequence. A circuit diagram and brief explanation of the operation
of a motor contactor are provided in Figure 12-10.
The contactors used with motor starters are rated according to their
current-handling capacity. The National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) has developed standard sizes for magnetic contac-
tors according to current capacity. Table 12-1 lists the NEMA standard
sizes for magnetic contactors. By looking at this chart, you can see that
a NEMA size 2 contactor has a 50-A current capacity if it is open (not
mounted in a metal enclosure) and a 45-A capacity it is enclosed. The
corresponding maximum horsepower ratings of loads for each of the
contactor sizes are also shown in Table 12-1.
9 2500 2250 - --.
- -- - 800 1600
338 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
Ac voltage
(1) Press start pushbutton. Circuit is completed when the normally open pushbutton (PB) Is rnomen-
tarily closed. Current flows from voltage source, through normally closed stop PB,through start
PB, through the contactor coil, to the other side of the vokage source. This energizes the coil and
causes ail contacts to close.
(2) Contacts close. Motor will start since ac voltage is applied through thecontacts directly to the
motor. The holding contact causes the current path through the coil to be complete after the start
PB is released.
(3) Motor will run.
(4) Press stop pushbutton. The current path Is opened by momentarily opening the normally closed
stop PB. The coil deenergizes, causing the contacts to open.
(5) Motor will stop.
I Enclosure
I Line Terminals
Line Fuse
Magnetic Contactor
Load Terminals
Relays are widely used control devices. They have an electromagnet
which contains a stationary core. Mounted close to one end of the core
is a movable piece of magnetic material called the armature. When the
342 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
(Inslde housing)
A solenoid, shown in Figure 12-13, is an electromagnetic coil with
a movable core that is constructed of a magnetic material. The core, or
plunger, is sometimes attached to an external spring. This spring causes
the plunger to remain in a fixed position until moved by the electromag-
netic field that is created by current through the coil. This external
spring also causes the core or plunger to return to its original position
when the coil is deenergized.
Solenoids are used for a variety of control applications. Many gas
and fuel-oil furnaces use solenoid valves to turn the fuel supply on or
off automatically upon demand. Most dishwashers use one or more sole-
noids to control the flow of water.
Special-Purpose Relays
There are many special-purpose relays used for electrical machine
control General-purpose relays are the type used for low-power applica-
tions, They are relatively inexpensive and small in size. Many small
general-purpose relays are mounted in octal-base (8-pin) plug-in sock-
ets. Latching relays are another type of relay which have a latching
mechanism which holds the contacts in position after the power has
been removed from the coil. Solid-state relays are electronically operat-
ed and used where improved reliability or a rapid rate of operation is
necessary. Electromagnetic relays will wear out after prolonged use and
have to be replaced periodically. Solid-state relays have a longer life
expectancy and are not sensitive to shock, vibration, dust, moisture, or
corrosion. 7 h i n g relays are used to turn a load device on or off after a
specific period of time. One popular type is a pneumatic timing relay.
The operation of a pneumatic timing relay is dependent on the move-
ment of air within a chamber. Air movement is controlled by an
344 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
adjustable orifice that regulates the rate of air movement through the
chamber. The airflow rate determines the rate of movement of a
diaphragm or piston assembly. This assembly is connected to the con-
tacts of the relay. Therefore, the orifice adjustment controls the airflow
rate, which determines the time from the activation of the relay until a
load connected to it is turned on or off. There are other types of timing
relays, such as solid-state, thermal, oil-filled, dashpot, and motor-driven
timers. Timing relays are useful for sequencing operations where a time
delay is required between operations. A typical application is as follows:
(1) a start pushbutton is pressed; (2) a timing relay is activated; (3) after
a 10-s time delay, a motor is turned on.
Start k2
lines of the system must connect, through a set of contacts, to the line ter-
minals of the machine being controlled. Since this operation is evident for
all machines, control diagrams omit this portion of the control system.
Multiple-location start-stop control. The circuit of Figure 12-
15 is a multiple-location start-stop control. In this circuit, the start-stop
control of a machine can be accomplished from three separate locations.
Notice that the start pushbuttons are connected in parallel and the stop
pushbuttons are connected in series. The control of one load from as
many locations as is desired can be accomplished with this type of con-
trol circuit.
Figure 12-16 Start-stop pushbutton control circuit with a jog-run selector switch.
346 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
I start I
Forward L?
I Reverse I
Figure 1249 Forward-reverse-stoppushbutton control circuit.
power lines
(wye connected)
be3-l Resistor
A k.
'Normally open
time delay
J power lines
To supply Autotransformers Three-phase
Figure 12-22 Autotransformer starter circuit with a three-phaseI motor.
Electrical Machlnery Control Systems 351
(lS), (2S), and (TR). The 1s and 2s contacts will then close. Voltage is
applied through the autotransformer windings to the three-phase motor.
One normally closed and one normally open contact are controlled by
timing relay TR. When the specified time period has elapsed, the nor-
mally closed TR contact will open and the normally open TR contact
will close. Coil (R) then energizes, causing the normally open R con-
tacts to close and apply full voltage to the motor. Normally closed R
contacts are connected in series with coils (lS), (2S), and (TR) to open
their circuits when coil (R) is energized. When the stop pushbutton is
pressed, the current to coil (R) is interrupted, thus opening the power-
line connections to the motor.
Notice that the 65% taps of the autotransformer are used in Figure
12-22. There are also taps for 50%, 80%, and loo%, to provide more
flexibility in reducing the motor-starting current.
Wye-delta startlng. It is possible to start three-phase motors
more economically by using the wye-delta starting method. Since in a
wye configuration, line current is equal to the phase current divided by
1.73 (or d3), it is possible to reduce the starting current by using a wye
connection rather than a delta connection. This method, shown in Figure
12-23, employs a switching arrangement which places the motor stator
in a wye configuration during starting and a delta arrangement for run-
ning. In this way, starting current is reduced. Although starting torque is
reduced, running torque is still high since full voltage appears across
each winding when the motor is connected in a delta configuration.
When the start pushbutton in Figure 12-23 is pressed, coil (S) is
energized. The normally open S contacts then close. This action con-
nects the motor windings in a wye configuration and also activates tim-
ing relay (TR) and coil (1M). The normally open 1M contacts then
close to apply voltage to the wye-connected motor windings. After the
time-delay period has elapsed, the TR contacts change state. Coil (S)
deenergizes and coil (2M) energizes. The S contacts which hold the
motor windings in a wye arrangement then open. The 2M contacts then
close and cause the motor windings to be connected in a delta configu-
ration. The motor will then continue to run with the stator windings
connected in a delta arrangement.
352 Rotating Electrlcal Machines and Power Systems
power lines
To supply
L, L2 L,
== 1M
Timing relay
t, II
Pushbutton start
control Stop
windings T1, T2, and 7 3 . After the timedelay period has elapsed, the
normally open contact located below coil (Ml) closes. This action ener-
gizes coil (M2) and causes its normally open contacts to close. The M2
contacts then connect the T7, T8, and T9 windings in parallel with the
T1, T2, and T 3 windings. When the stop pushbutton is pressed, coils
(Ml) and (M2) are deenergized.
Dc starting systems. Since dc motors have no counterelectro-
motive force (CEMF) when they are not rotating, they have tremendous-
ly high starting currents. Therefore, they must use some lype of control
system to reduce the initial starting current, such as a series resistance.
354 Rotating Electrical Machlnes and Power Systems
I Forward
Figure 12-25 Control circuit for the forward and reverse operation of a dc shunt motor.
Figure 12-26 Control circuit for the forward and reverse operation of a
three-phase induction motor.
button is pressed, the reverse coil is energized and the R contacts will
close. The voltage is then applied from L1 to T3, L2 to T2, and L3 to
T1. This action reverses the L1 and L3 connections to the motor and
causes the motor to rotate in the reverse direction.
When a motor is turned off, its shaft continues to rotate for a short
period of time. This continued rotation is undesirable for many applica-
tions. Dynamic braking is a method used to bring a motor to a quick
stop whenever power is turned off. Motors with wound armatures utilize
a resistance connected across the armature as a dynamic braking
method. When power is turned off, the resistance is connected across
the armature. This causes the armature to act as a loaded generator,
making the motor slow down immediately. This dynamic braking
method is shown in Figure 12-27.
Electrlcal Machinery Control Systems 357
Figure 12-27 Dynamic braking circuit for a dc shunt motor.
6) 120 V AC R2 R4 U
c1: c2 z:
12.1. List some types of toggle switches.
12.2. What are some styles of pushbutton switches?
12.3. What is a limit switch?
12.4. Discuss the operation of a temperature switch.
12.5. Discuss the operation of a float switch.
12.6. Discuss the operation of a pressure switch.
12.7. What is a magnetic motor contactor?
12.8. What is a holding contact?
12.9. What is a manual starter?
12.10. What is a combination starter?
12.11. What are the categories of motor starter enclosures?
12.12. What is a relay?
12.13. What is meant by pickup current? Dropout current?
12.14. What is a solenoid?
12.15. What is a jog control?
12.16. How is reverse control of a three-phase motor accomplished?
12.17. What is meant by the following control terms: (a) full-voltage
starting, (b) primary resistance starting, (c) primary reactor start-
ing, (d) autotransformer starting, (e) wye-delta starting, and
(f) pat-winding Stating?
12.18. Why must dc motors use resistance-starting circuits?
12.19. How is reversal of direction of rotation of a single-phase ac
induction motor accomplished?
12.20. What is meant by dynamic braking?
12.21. How is universal motor speed control accomplished?
12.22. What is the function of a motor overload protective device?
Chapter 13
Measurement and
Testing Systems
Upon completion of Chapter 13, Measurement and Testing Systems,
you should have an understanding of the following terms:
- Multimeter
- Wattmeter
- Power Analyzer
- Kilowatt-Hour Meter
- True Power
- Apparent Power
- Reactive Power
- Power Factor Meter
- Frequency Meter
- Synchroscope
- Megohmmeter
- Clamp-On Meter
- Tachometer
- Vibration Measurement
362 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
- Motor Efficiency
- Prony Brake
- Dynamometer
- Phase Sequence Meter
@) Multimeter.
Figure 13-1 (cont.)
Figure 13-2 (a) clamp-on multimeter to measure voltage, current, and resistance;
(b) power analyzer. [(a) courtesy TIF Instruments, Inc.; (b) courtesy Magtrol, Inc.]
Measurementand Testing Systems 365
Power line
Aluminum To load
delta or wya
c conneded
Figure 13-5 Power analyzers: (a) electrical power analyzer with lap-top personal com-
puter and clamp-on monitors; (b) three phase power monitors. [(a) courtesy Electro
Industries; (b) courtesy Time Mark Corp.]
Measurementand Testlng Systems 369
If a unity (1.0) power factor load is connected to the meter, the cur-
rent in the resistive path through coil A should develop full torque.
Since there is no out-of-phase component, no torque would be devel-
oped through the inductive path. The meter movement would now indi-
cate full-scale, or unity power factor. As power factor decreases below
1.0, the torque developed by the inductive path through coil B would
become greater. This torque would be in opposition to the torque devel-
oped by the resistive path. Therefore, a power factor of less than 1.0
would be indicated. The scale must be calibrated to measure power-fac-
tor ranges from zero to unity. A three-phase power factor meter is
shown in Figure 13-7.
370 Rotating Electrlcal Machines and Power Systems
Figure 13-7 Power factor meter: clamp-on type. Courtesy TIF instruments, Inc.
Another important measurement is frequency. The frequency of the
power source must remain stable or the operation of many types of
machines will be affected. Frequency refers to the number of cycles of
voltage or current that occur in a given period of time. The international
Measurement and Testlng Systems 371
The major application of a synchroscope is for generator synchroniza-
tion at power plants. Most power plants have more than one generator
(alternator). In order to connect two or more alternators onto the same ac
line, the following conditions must be met: (1) their voltage outputs must
be equal, (2) their frequencies must be equal, (3) their voltages must be in
phase, and (4)the phase sequence of the voltages must be the same.
Voltage output levels can be checked easily with a voltmeter of the
step-down transformer type used to monitor high voltages. Frequency is
adjusted by varying the speed of the alternator and is also easy to moni-
tor. The phase sequence is established on each alternator when it is
installed and connected to the power system. The additional factor,
which must also be monitored before paralleling alternators, is to assure
that the voltages of the alternator to be paralleled with the other alterna-
tors is in phase. This is done with a synchroscope (see Figure 13-9).
372 Rotatlng Electrlcal Machlnes and Power Systems
i IG
A megohmmeter, such as the one shown in Figure 13-10, is used to
measure high resistances which extend beyond the range of a typical
ohmmeter. These indicators are used primarily for checking the quality
of insulation on electrical machines. The quality of insulation of equip-
ment varies with age, moisture content, and applied voltage. The
megohmmeter is similar to a typical ohmmeter except that it uses a
hand-crank, permanent-magnet dc generator as a voltage source rather
than a battery. The dc generator is cranked by the operator while mak-
ing an insulation test. Figure 13-10 shows a diagram of a megohmmeter
circuit. This circuit is essentially the same as any series ohmmeter with
the exception of the dc generator used as a voltage source.
Periodic insulation tests should be made on rotating electrical
machines and transformers. As insulation breaks down with age, the
equipment becomes malfunctional. A good method is to develop a peri-
odic schedule for checking and recording insulation resistance so that it
can be predicted when a piece of equipment needs to be replaced or
repaired. A resistance versus time graph can be made and the trend on
the graph noted. A downward trend (decrease in insulation resistance)
over a time period indicates that a problem in insulation exists.
Clamp-type meters, such as the ones shown in Figure 13-11, are
popular for measuring current in power lines. These indicators can be
used for periodic checks of current by clamping them around power
lines. They are easy-to-use and convenient maintenance and test instru-
ments. The simplified circuit of a clamp-type current meter is shown in
Figure 13-11(c). Current flow through a conductor creates a magnetic
field around the conductor. The varying magnetic field induces a current
into the iron core of the clamp portion of the meter. The meter scale is
calibrated so that when a specific value of current flows in a power line,
it will be indicated on the scale. Of course, the current flow in the
power line is proportional to the current induced into the iron core of
the clamp-type meter. Ordinarily, the clamp-type meter also has a volt-
age and resistance function which utilizes external test leads.
Measurement and Testlng Systems 375
A common type of electrical machine measurement is the measure-
ment of speed. Usually, speed is measured as a rotary movement with a
tachometer (see Figure 13-12). Several different principles can be used
for measuring speed. One method is referred to as a dc tachometer sys-
tem and is illustrated in Figure 13-13. This tachometer is connected
directly to a rotating machine or piece of equipment. The principle
involved in this system is that as the shaft of the small permanent-mag-
net dc generator rotates faster, the voltage output increases in proportion
to the speed of rotation. Voltage output increases can then be translated
into speed changes and indicated on a calibrated tachometer scale.
Electronic tachometers, such as the photoelectric tachometer shown
in Figure 13-14, are now used extensively due to their increased preci-
sion and ease of usage. In the photoelectric tachometer, movement is
measured by providing a reflective material on the surface of the equip-
ment or machine subject to measurement. The tachometer has a light
source that is interrupted by the passage of the reflective material. A
photocell converts the changes of light energy into electrical impulses.
The electrical impulses control the movement of an indicator calibrated
in revolutions per minute (dmin), or the pulse rate of a digital counter
that provides a direct numerical readout of revolutions per minute.
Measurement and Testlng Systems 377
External shaft
I J of tachometer
Vibration is a factor that must be controlled in electrical machines.
In order to measure vibration in a piece of equipment, a vibration meter
with a special transducer can be used. The reduction of vibration will
improve the operating characteristics of machinery. The transducer used
to measure vibration has an output that is proportional to the amplitude
of the vibrations, sensed while a machine is in operation.
3 78 Rotatlng Electrical Machines and Power Systems
Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.
The efficiency of this energy conversion is critical in terms of motor
operation. Recall that efficiency is calculated as the ratio of power out-
put to power input of a machine. For electric motors,
The principle of the prony brake is used for commercial units called
dynamometers, which are used extensively for motor testing. Dynamo-
meter testing has become very important with increased awareness of
energy consumption and rising power costs. A dynamometer is used to
load a motor and measure its power output directly. A load cell is com-
monly used to provide an accurate measure of force exerted by a motor
on the dynamometer.
Measurement of input power, current, and voltage of a motor may be
accomplished by using a wattmeter, ammeter, and voltmeter as shown in
Figure 13-16. The wattmeter measures the true power converted by the
motor. The power factor of a motor can be calculated as follows:
1 2 0 4 ac
Figure 13-16 Wattmeter, ammeter, and voltmeter used to measure motor input values.
Figure 13-17 (a) motor and phase rotation tester; (b) motor rotation indicator.
[(a) courtesy James G. Biddle Co.; (b) Courtesy Syntel, Inc.
Measurement and Testlng Systems 381
13.1. What types of measurements may a VOM be used to perform?
13.2. What type of meter is used to measure electrical power?
13.3. What type of meter is used to measure electrical energy?
13.4. Discuss the operation of a watthour meter.
13.5. What are some methods used to measure three-phase power?
13.6. Discuss the operation of a power-factor meter.
13.7. What is a power analyzer?
13.8. How may frequency be measured?
13.9. What is the purpose of a synchroscope?
13.10. What are some applications of a megohmmeter?
13.11. Why is it often advantageous to use a clamp-on meter?
13.12. What are some methods of speed measurement?
13.13. How is machine vibration measured?
13.14. What is a prony brake?
13.15. How is a dynamometer used for motor testing?
13.16. How is the power factor of a motor determined by using a
wattmeter, an ammeter, and a voltmeter?
13.17. Why is motor phase sequence important for three-phase systems?
Appendix I
Metric Conversions
"C = - (Of- 32") or - 32"
"c= "F 1.8
O F = - ("C + 32") or OF = 1.8 ("C) + 32"
"C = K - 273.16'
K = "C + 273.16"
384 Rotating Electrical Machines and Power Systems
OF = OR - 459.7'
OR = O F + 459.7'
By using a combination of the formulas listed above, temperature
values given for any scale can be changed to a temperature on one of
the three other scales. Figure Al-1 gives a comparison of the various
temperature scales.
Tables Al-1 through A1-6 list the multiplying factors for conver-
sion of units for length, area, mass, volume, cubic measure, and electri-
cal units.
I decigrams (do) 1 I
hectogram (hg) 100 I grams (g)
kilograms (kg) 10 hectograms (hg)
kilograms (kg) 1000 grams (9)
metric tons (I) 1000 kilograms (kg)
Known Quantity
cublc meter8 (ma)
I Mulllpll by
I aUrnlIty To Flnd
AC generator 8 111
AC sine-wave values 117
AC synchronous motors 305
active power 52
actuator 330
Advantages of three-phase power 128
Alternative method of voltage drop cal-
culation 212
(see ac generator)
Ampacity of conductors 92
ampere-turns 15
apparent power 52 290
armatures 69
Armature reaction 160
Armature Winding Design 73
Autotransformers 179
Autotransformer starting 350
DC generators 7 145
DC Generator Operation 147
DC generator ratings 164
DC motors 8 229
DC Motor Characteristics 236
DC motor reversing 354
DC Motor Rotation Reversal 244
dynameter 379
Dynamotor 248
Edison, Thomas 7
efficiency 378
Electrical Conductors 89
electrical conversion machinery 79
electrical distribution 79
Electrical inspections 210
electrical machinery control 79
Electrical Measurement 21
Electrical metallic tubing (MT) 224
electrical power generation 79
Electrical Power Production System 81
Electrical service entrances and distrib-
ution 98
Electrical Systems 25
Electrical Power Control 102
Electrical Power Conversion (Loads)
Electrical Wiring 101
electromagnet 12
Electromagnetic induction 18 111
Electromagnetic Induction in AC
Generators 120
electrostatic field 39
energy sources 25 26
Equipment grounding 208
Examples of AC Generators 136
exciting current 150
Faraday’s law 18
feeder lines 98
Feeder circuit Design Considerations 217
Feeder lines and branch circuits 98 207
Foot switches 331
Forward-reverse-stop control 346
field coils 60 64
Field poles and windings 60
field poles 60 114
concentrated 60
distributed 60
field windings 60
flat-compounded DC generator 155
Float switches 330
flux density (B) 15 20
Forward-Reverse Control 354
fractional-horsepower motors 273
fractional-pitch coil 73
frame 58
Frequency Conversion Systems 314
gauss 20
Gear-Reduction and Adjustable-Speed
Motors 317
general-purpose relays 343
generating units 81
Generated voltage calculation 74
Generation of three-phase voltage 125
Generating AC voltage 115
Generator construction 114
Generator Efficiency 135
Generator frequency calculation 134
Generator Voltage Regulation 134
geothermal systems 84
ground 99
Ground-fault protection 208
half-stepping 312
High-speed and Low-Speed
Generators 133
impedance (Z) 39
impedence triangle 44
induced current 18
in series 163
inching 345
(see also jogging)
Induced voltage 72
inductance (L) 37
Induction Motors 257
Inductive circuits 37
inductive reactance (XL) 43
Industrial and Commercial Buildings 205
instantaneous voltage (Vi) 121
Insulation 94
Insulators and conductors 202
International System of Units (SI) 21
International System of Derived Units 21
Interpoles and Compensating
Windings 162
jogging 345
(see also inching)
kilowatt-hours 33
lap windings 73
Lap-winding design 75
latching relays 343
law of conservation of energy 122
leads 37
Leading and lagging currents in ac
circuits 40
Left-hand rule of current flow 113
left hand rule of magnetic flux 10
left-hand rule for polarity 13
Lenz’s law in AC generation 122
Lightning arresters 202
Limit switches 329
line currents (IL) 129
line loss (I2R) 181
lines of force 9
load 25 26 30
load center unit substation 205
Load characteristics 102
Parallel AC circuits 49
parallel connection 71
Parallel Operation of Alternators 136
Parallel operations of power systems 197
Part-winding starting 352
Parts of Interior Electrical Distribution
systems 223
raceways 98 206
radial systems 198
reactance (XT) 46
reactive power 42 52 291
rectification 319
Rigid conduit 224
Relays 341
relative permeability 20
reluctance 16
Repulsion motors 269
residual magnetism 16 20 152
resistance (R) 39 53
seals 64
Selection of motor starters 341
seimen 49
Self-excited compound-
wound DC generator 155
Self-excited series-wound DC generator 151
Self-excited shunt-wound DC
generator 153
Self-induction 161
Separately excited dc generator
Series AC circuits 43
Series RC circuits 45
Series RL circuits 43
Series RLC circuits 46
series-wound DC generators 158
Series-wound DC motors 241 245 247
service entrance 98
Servomotors 304
Servo systems 303
servomechanisms 300
Shaded-pole induction motors 268
shaft 64
shunt-wound DC generators 158
Shunt-wound DC motors. 242 246 247
simplex winding 73
Single-Phase AC Generators 114
Single-phase branch circuits 216
Single-phase induction phase reversing 355
Single-Phase Power Tranformers 188
Single-Phase Synchronous Motors 272
Single-phase of three-phase converters 316
sliding brushes 6
Vector diagrams 41
Vectorally 43
Voltage and current relationships 129
Voltage Buildup in Self-Excited DC
Generators 157
Voltage development in generators 114
Voltage drop calculations using a con-
ductor table 211
Voltage drop in a branch circuit 214
Voltage drop calculation for a feeder
circuit 219
Voltage drop in electrical distribution
systems 210
voltage regulation 134
voltage triangle 43
watts 52
watthour meter 365
watt-second 33
wave windings 73
Wave-winding design 75
Weber, Wilhelm 16
wild phase 185
wind energy system 86
Winding polarities 65
wind-powered systems 84
Wound-Rotor Induction Motors 296
Wye-delta starting 351
yoke 58