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Slopes Stability Analysis Using The Plaxis 2D Program and Taylor's Stability Equation

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Slopes Stability Analysis Using the Plaxis 2D Program and Taylor's Stability

Article · March 2020


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Shivananda Puppanna Vinod B R

Reva University BMS Institute of Technology


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January - February 2020
ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2907 - 2910

Slopes Stability Analysis Using the Plaxis 2D

Program and Taylor’s Stability Equation
Vinod B R1, Dr. P Shivananda2, A B Ragavendra3, RakeshM3 ,Pallavi S3
Research scholar, School of Civil Engineering, REVA University and Assistant Professor , Department of civil
engineering ,BMSIT&M, Bangalore District, Karnataka, India.
Professor,School of civil engineering , REVA University ,Bangalore District, Karnataka, India.
UG Student, Department of Civil Engineering ,BMSIT&M, Bangalore District, Karnataka, India.

Article Info Abstract:

Volume 82 Slopes Stability Analysis of regular and artificial slopes is a testing soil mechanics
Page Number: 2907 - 2910 issue. Regularly, unique experts breaking down a similar issue will evaluate a
Publication Issue: extensive variety in estimated execution. The main objective of this paper is to
January-February 2020
compare the difference between the Plaxis 2D Program and Taylor's Stability
Equation technique for estimation of factor of safety (FOS) of slopes under various
states of soil profile.Plaxis is a fit programming and simple to utilize limited finite
element package for 2D and 3D assessment of deformation and stability in
geotechnical stream .The Taylor’s stability condition is utilized for finding the FOS
of undrained and depleted soil slope. At last, it was discovered that the
Plaxisprogram was more preservationist when contrasted with Taylor's technique.
The FOS is found by utilizing finite element (FE), limit equilibrium (LE),
Morgenston – Price ,quality decrease and other technique accessible in the utilized
programming. For basic homogenous soil slopes, it was discovered that the
outcomes from these strategies are for the most part in great assention. This
examination additionally explored the influence of embankment height and its
Article History slopes (geometry) on strength. Three illustrations are giving to assessment FOS.
Article Received: 14 March 2019 Fluctuation of soils cohesion and angle of internal friction influencing element of
Revised: 27 May 2019
Accepted: 16 October 2019 FOS have been considered for slopes.
Publication: 18 January 2020
Keywords:Slopes Stability , Plaxis2D , Taylor’s stability , factor of safety ,Slope.

INTRODUCTION parameters are lessened utilizing the uniform

Regardless of the advance made in understanding coefficient in the customary quality diminishment
the conduct of embankment raised on soft clay as of strategy (Cheng and Huang 2005; Sun et al. 2017),
late, the ideal plan of such embankment remain which is to state that the strength parameters have a
difficult . similar commitment on keeping up slope stability
The failure of earth structures, for example, natural Slope dependability investigations have gotten a lot
slopes or earth embankments and dams has brought of concentrates by different analysts and a wide
about substantial death toll and property assortment of expository strategies have been
incommunities' around the world, where the produced throughout the years.
comprehension of the instrument of incline They incorporate LEM and FEM .There are
disappointment and its examination have for the quantities of significant focal points by utilizing the
most part been in – adequate to counteract mishaps FEM.
which happened. At exhibit, this issue remain not In investigation of slope stability over the ordinary
entirely settled (Espinoza, Bourdeau and LEM in dissecting the stability of slopes. The
MuhunthanB1994). As of now, the strength fundamental advantages incorporate the
accompanying (Zou et al 1995).

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2907

January - February 2020
ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2907 - 2910

1. Stability to show strain solidifying or

relaxing and dynamic disappointment. In LM BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PLAXIS METHOD
investigation it accepted that the soil is AND TAYLOR’S STABILITY EQUATION
isotropic and impeccably plastic while this The finite element is a technique for solving
may dependably anticipate the underlying differential equations problems in engineering and
disappointment, the all out degree of science.
disappointment can be finished or under Plaxis 2D investigation of misshapening and
assessed. stability in geotechnical designing. The software
2. A capacity to demonstrate the stresses and can break down issues in manmade and natural
strains created inside slope under given inclines.
situations. Field investigation would then be The factor of safety is determined by the Ø/c
able to be orientated towards searching for reduction approach where the strength parameters
zones of nearby yielding or pressure breaks and cohesion of soil are successively reduced until
anticipated by the going-over. failure of structure occurs. Taylor’s charts and
mathematical equation can be used to find the
3. A capacity to show the organized development of overall factor of safety with respect to shear strength
Slope, which is a period and strain subordinate of slope of given height and inclination having soil
consolidation issue. properties Ø, c and γ
LE is increasingly attainable in presenting the issue
information, and is a lot simpler to be done utilizing THE SIMPLE PROBLEM
PC. In order to carry out a systematic or formal enquiry
FINITE ELEMENT METHOD of FOS due to different cohesion value and angle of
FEM is best comprehended from its handy internal friction using Taylor’s stability equation
application, known as FEA. FEA is a computational andPlaxis 2D . The geometric and profiles of soils
device in designing for performing engineering will be ranged from simple to complex
analysis. It incorporates the utilization of mesh
generation methods for separating a perplexing ILLUSTRATION NUMBER.1
issue into little components, just as the utilization of The Congruent soil slope which has a slope height
programming program coded with FEM calculation. equal to 5 m and slope angle equal to 30degree,
The key theories in the FEM are: Shear Strength parameters cohesion and angle of
1. Discretization of the area being examined into FE. internal friction differs from 1, 5 ,10kPa & 0,10 ,20.
These discrete components are thought to be Unit weight of layer of soil was kept 17kN/m3 ,
interconnected uniquely at the joints which are Taylors stability equation and plaxis 2D are shown
called nodes. in Table-1, the associated researchers have the
2. The use of introducing polynomials to define the comparative results between the FEM and LEM they
dissimilarity of a field variable within an element. found that commonly the FOS were similar , FOS is
For the most part, there are two ways to deal with determined from Table-1 by Plaxis 2D &taylors
break down Slope stability utilizing FEM technique. stability equation .
One methodology is to build the gravity load and the
subsequent methodology is to lessen the quality Table 1- Comparison between Taylor stability factor
attributes of the soil mass. The subsequent of safety results Verse Plaxis 2D factor of safety
methodology is received in this investigation by results for 300slope .
utilizing an amazing programming FEM called C Ø FOS FOS (Plaxis 2D)

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2908

January - February 2020
ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2907 - 2910

(kPa) (Taylor’s
equation )
1 0 0.075 0.064
5 0 0.38 0.32
10 0 0.75 0.78
1 10 0.16 0.191
5 10 0.78 0.83
10 10 1.57 1.451 C FOS
Ø (Taylor’s stability
1 20 0.47 0.51 (kPa) (Plaxis 2D)
equation )
5 20 2.35 2.41 1 0 0.06 0.06
10 20 4.71 4.69 5 0 0.31 0.303
10 0 0.62 0.608
1 10 0.09 0.087
5 10 0.43 0.5
10 10 0.85 0.9
1 20 0.12 0.19
5 20 0.61 0.59
10 20 1.21 1.36
Table 2- Comparison between Taylor stability
factor of safety results Verse Plaxis 2D factor of
safety results for 600 slope
Plate 1- Graphical representation between Taylor
stability factor of safety results Verse Plaxis 2D
factor of safety results for 300slope .
The Congruent soil slope which has a slope height
equal to 5 m and slope angle equal to 60degree,
Shear Strength parameters cohesion and angle of
internal friction differs from 1, 5, 10kPa & 0,10 ,20
unit weight of layer of soil was kept 17kN/m3 ,
taylors stability equation and plaxis 2D are shown in
Plate 3- Graphical representation between Taylor
Table-2, The associated researchers have the
stability factor of safety results Verse Plaxis2D
comparative results between the FEM and LEM they
factor of safety results for 600slope .
found that commonly the FOS were similar ,FOS
determined from Table-1 by Plaxis 2D & Taylors
The Congruent soil slope which has a slope height
stability equation .
equal to 5 m and slope angle equal to 90 degree,
Shear Strength parameters cohesion and angle of
internal friction differs from 1, 5,10kPa & 0,10 ,20
unit weight of layer of soil was kept 17kN/m3 ,
Taylors stability equation and plaxis 2D are shown
in table 3, the associated researchers have the
comparative results between the FEM and LEM they

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2909

January - February 2020
ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 2907 - 2910

found that commonly the FOS were similar, FOS is REFERENCES

determined from Table -1 by Plaxis 2D &taylors [1]. Hird, Pyrah et.al (1995) Modeling the Effect of
stability equation . Vertical Drains in Two Dimensional F.E.A. of
Embankments on Soft Ground , Canadian Geotechnical
FOS (Taylor’s FOS Journal; 32, pp.795-807.
C(kPa) Ø [2].Espinoza et.al ( 1994) .Unified Formulation for
stability equation ) (Plaxis 2D)
Analysis of Slopes with General Slip Surface .Journal of
1 0 0.045 0.044
Geotechnical Engineering , ASCE, 120.pp. 1185-1189.
5 0 0.22 0.21 [3].Chang YL et.al (2005) Slope stability analysis using
10 0 0.45 0.43 strength reduction technique. Journal of Chinese Institute
1 10 0.05 0.04 of Engineers 28: 231-240.
5 10 0.27 0.22 https://doi.org/10.1080/02533839.
10 10 0.54 0.52 2005.9670990
1 20 0.06 0.04 [4]. Sun CW et.al (2017) 3D stability charts for convex
and concave slopes in plan view with homogeneous soil
5 20 0.32 0.35
based on the strength-reduction method. International
10 20 0.65 0.69
Journal of Geomechanics 17: 1-11.
Table 3- Comparison between Taylor stability factor https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000809.
of safety results Verse Plaxis2D factor of safety [5].Zou et.al ( 1995) Search for critical slip surface
results for 900 slope. based on finite element method, Conadian Geotechnical
Journal, 32.pp. 233-246.

Plate 4- Graphical representation between Taylor

stability factor of safety results Verse Plaxis2D
factor of safety results for 900slope .

1. The vast majority of FOS got from Plaxis 2D,
program are somewhat bigger than those acquired
from Taylor's stability equation with just barely any
2.The FOS acquired from the two programs
increasing shear parameters. These outcomes are
sensible and are normal. The contrasts between the
two projects results are, be that as it may, little.
3.The FOS got from the two tools increments with
diminishing inclination point from 90degree to 30
degree .

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. 2910

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