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Scsu Coeld Edtpa Lesson Plan Turn in

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COELD Lesson Plan Template


Name: Ellanna Pomplun
SCSU Course: Art 394/96
Date: 12-7-22
Lesson Title: Seven Elements of Art in a Cube
Grade Level: Third grade
Subject Area: Visual art
Unit of Study: Elements of Art

How does this lesson connect with and build on previous lessons and how will it connect to
subsequent lesson(s)? (What came before and what will come next?)

This lesson will follow the introduction to the class. It will be taught after students look at different
art pieces. Students will walk through an art gallery and visualize. This lesson will help students
learn about how artists create unique pieces. The students will then apply the elements of art on
their cube. The subsequent lessons that will follow this one are going to involve different drawings.
This will allow the students to use their cube to guide them.

Language Function (Highlight one or both):
 Syntax OR  Discourse
Student support tool (notes outline, graphic organizer, pneumonic, etc…):
 A PowerPoint will be presented, notebook for students to write, paper list of materials,
Content Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):
 Word – kid friendly, grade level appropriate definition (repeat for all vocabulary terms)
Space, color, shape, texture, value, line, form.

Supporting Vocabulary (word/term and grade level appropriate definition):

 Word – kid friendly, grade level appropriate definition (repeat for all vocabulary terms)
Space, color, shape, texture, value, line, form.
Content & Language Standard Content Objective Assessment
(Code and Benchmark) (What skill will the student demonstrate and (How will you measure the skill, determine
how will you assess it?) proficiency, and give feedback to students?)

MN Content Standard: Students will be able to…by… Measurement Tool(s): Teacher will present a
Students will be able to apply the
Apply knowledge of available elements of art on a cube by
resources, tools, and following along with a PowerPoint. Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
technologies to
Students will have a full
investigate ideas through the
artmaking process. completion of cube with each
element filled out.
Means of Feedback to Student:
Teacher will walk around and
observe and answer any
Common Core or MN ELA Students will be able to…by… Measurement Tool(s):
Standard for Academic Lang.: Teacher will ask whole group Students will be able to verbally questions about specific details
Create an individual or shared describe the elements of art by of the elements of art.
multimedia work or digital text for
engaging in a whole group Indicator/Criteria for Proficiency:
a specific purpose (e.g., to create
or integrate knowledge, to share discussion. Students will respond in a whole
experiences or information, to
group setting about the details
persuade, to entertain, or as
artistic expression.) in specific elements.
(Thick line, thin line, curved line,
small space, large space etc.)
Means of Feedback to Student:
Students will respond in a
positive manner that makes
 Straight edge
 Pencil
 Scissors
 Colored pencils
 Tape
 Paper handouts
 PowerPoint
 Sample cube


Time Instructional Strategy/Learning Task Differentiation
(Estimate in (Break-up each task into easy-to-follow steps that include what (How will you serve SPED/EL/Gifted
Minutes) you would say, directions, examples of possible student students? Students with varying
responses, key notes or information, etc… A substitute should reading/math abilities?)
be able to replicate your lesson successfully using this
5 minutes Before the lesson begins, gather materials on a table. For SPED students the teacher
The students will need the handouts of cubes and a list of will have some cubes cut out
materials they need to grab which are scissors, pencil, already to help them. This will
straight edge, and colored pencils. Be sure that there are allow for more time to take notes
extra materials for trial and error. and follow along instead of
worrying about cutting.
5 minutes Explain to students that they are going to learn about the For SPED students, I will have
Seven elements of art and apply the elements to a cube some stuff laid out on the table
to carry with them for future projects. Pull up a piece of they may be at so it will be less of
paper and ask students to describe the picture they see. a hassle to grab certain materials.
Students will take multiple guesses until they realize that I will also have a list of supplies to
a picture can be made without an element of art. Ask give to each student so they can
students how we can make the paper look more realistic. mark off the material when
One of the potential answers is by adding color. Color grabbed.
can help our picture pop out more. Another answer is
adding shape. After students come up with more ideas,
they will grab one of each material needed for the project.
Hand out a list of the materials on paper each student will
need to grab.
5 minutes Present the PowerPoint that is created and have students Teacher will go through the
leave their hands off the desk. Start with discussing lines. examples as a class slowly and
Students will listen and take notes in a notebook or walk around if anyone needs
scratch paper and practice different lines. The students assistance on creating their lines.
may choose which types of lines to add to their cube at
the end. Students are able to choose more than one line
to apply onto their cube. As a class, review what types of
lines students can come up with. The answers will be
curved, horizontal, diagonal, straight, thick, thin, long,
short, zigzag etc.
6 minutes Talk to the students about shapes in visual art and The gifted students can work
practice creating certain shapes for the students’ cubes. ahead and make their shapes
Follow the PowerPoint and allow the students to describe more colorful or creative. The
shapes into two categories. This element will be done in sped students will get assistance
an I do; we do you do form for representation. The and can take their time on creating
students will use their straight edge to help with drawing shapes.
shapes to practice on their notes. Students can choose
which shapes to use and can color the shapes if they
would like. Students are practicing shapes on their
scratch paper or notebook.
5 minutes Explain to students what the word space in art means. Teacher will allow for gifted
Discuss different types of space in an art piece. Students students to start applying their
will listen carefully to the meaning of space. Guide the things to the square if they have
students on how to create different dimensional spaces practiced different spaces.
that include overlapping, variation, and continuation. Hold Teacher will review and guide
up the sample cube and ask students if the teacher those who may not understand.
sample looks far away or closeup. Students respond with
their thoughts on the question asked and apply the
different spaces that were discussed to their scratch
Do a walk around to be sure that each student feels on Teacher will answer any questions
track and caught up. If there needs to be assistance have that students may have and allow
students wait until the end of the lesson to review while for the gifted students to keep
we apply. When walking around, the students raise their drawing ideas on scratch paper to
hands and see if they know what the next elements could practice.
be. Students are raising hands with any questions and
guesses on what the next elements are.
5 minutes Click on the next slide and teach students about Value. Guide the SPED students with a
Demonstrate different ways to hold a pencil or utensil to walkaround to be sure that
create the value of a piece. Allow students to listen to everything is understood. Allow for
how the direction of pencil movement is taught. Have the the gifted students to practice with
students demonstrate with partners and apply their as many colors as they want while
learning to scratch paper before they apply it to the cube. giving the opportunity for the
When we push down harder it adds more value rather SPED students to be challenged
than drawing lightly with no pressure. Students are to create value using colors other
applying what is learned onto their paper and showing the than black and white.
students at their table what they came up with.
5 minutes Explain the meaning of texture after looking through the Hand out stencils for everyone’s
PowerPoint with students. Ask students to think of advantage if they don’t feel they
examples of textures they know or have seen around can follow along with the patterns
them. Apply examples on the board. Guide students to taught. This can also allow for any
draw wood, brick, glass, and stone and go through each student to be creative.
one as a class. Students are following along and
practicing different textures to apply to their scratch paper
to prepare for the cube.
5 minutes Guide the students to the next slide which is color. Read Have a color wheel handy if the
off the definition of color and challenge students to guess students have to use it to guess
the primary and secondary colors. Allow for students to the colors. For any color-blind
collaborate as a group to get the answer. Students are students have labels on the color
collaborating with table and sharing what they know as a wheel.
whole group. Demonstrate different ways that colors can
be put next to eachother or be blended to create cool
5 minutes Ask students what they know about form. Guide the The gifted students can start
students through the PowerPoint and through the working on their 3D shape without
element of form. The students will follow step by step to assistance while the SPED
learn how to create a 2D dimensional shape. Ask students may have a portion
students if they know how to make a shape look realistic. already drawn out for them on
The form in this project will be the cube they create at the their cube.
end. They may be confused on this because there will be
no more room to draw but the form will be the cube.
Students are guessing where form is shown on this
(Check for understanding, wrap-up, reminders, connections to tomorrow’s lesson)
Ask students what they know about each element.
Ask the students to label each element they applied. Walk around and be sure to see that they understand
which elements are which.
Guide the students to create the cube. Ask them to cut on the solid lines and fold on the dotted lines.
Have the students label the teacher sample as a whole group to review their own cube.
The students will connect to the next days lesson by reviewing in order to apply what was learned for
another project.
Students will make a cube and notice that it is missing an element. The students will see that the element is
form which is the cube. The color the students add will connect to color. The designs students make will
connect to texture. The lines students make will connect to lines. The configurations that the students make
will connect to shape. The light and darkness the students shade in will connect to value. The pictures the
students create will connect to shape.
“A To Z Teacher Stuff: Downloads, Printables, Lesson Plans, Teaching Themes, Forums, Worksheet
Makers.” A To Z Teacher Stuff Downloads Printables Lesson Plans Teaching Themes Forums Worksheet
Makers, http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/.

“Art School.” KQED, 16 June 2015, https://www.kqed.org/arts/art-school.

(Complete after teaching)

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