The document is an exam for a course on green building design. It contains 3 parts: Part A has 10 short answer questions defining key green building terms; Part B has longer answer questions about green building features, materials, and systems; Part C has 2 essay questions about environmental impacts and sustainable water usage in buildings.
The document is an exam for a course on green building design. It contains 3 parts: Part A has 10 short answer questions defining key green building terms; Part B has longer answer questions about green building features, materials, and systems; Part C has 2 essay questions about environmental impacts and sustainable water usage in buildings.
The document is an exam for a course on green building design. It contains 3 parts: Part A has 10 short answer questions defining key green building terms; Part B has longer answer questions about green building features, materials, and systems; Part C has 2 essay questions about environmental impacts and sustainable water usage in buildings.
The document is an exam for a course on green building design. It contains 3 parts: Part A has 10 short answer questions defining key green building terms; Part B has longer answer questions about green building features, materials, and systems; Part C has 2 essay questions about environmental impacts and sustainable water usage in buildings.
Date : Session : Duration: 3.00Hours Max. Marks :100
1. What are green buildings? 2 2. Explain the steps involved in manufacturing bricks 2 3. Define Biomass 2 4. Distinguish between reuse and recycle. 2 5. Define Thermal comfort 2 6. What is natural ventilation? 2 7. What is meant by Passive solar? 2 8. What is meant by in ‘Control’ in passive heating system? 2 9. Define sewage. 2 10. What is grey water treatment? 2 PART – B (ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS) 11. a i What is a green building? Write down its benefits. 6 ii What is the environmental impact of brick manufacturing? 7 or b i List down the features of green building. 13 ii Explain the process of brick Manufacturing.
a i Explain the embodied energy breakup of a RRC framed
13 structure or b i Write in detail about the masonry materials used. 6 ii What are the uses of recycled concrete? 7 13. a What are the shading devices used in a building for the thermal 13 comfort of a building? or b i Discuss the types of Natural Ventilation 6 ii Which are Sources of Solar Radiation that Require Shading? 7
14. a i Why we use Solar Energy Technologies for Buildings? 13
or b i Discuss the types of ventilation 13
15. a i Explain any two methods of sewage management. 13
or i Write notes on green technology for water treatment. 7 b ii What are the five principles to achieve sustainable planning 6 of housing? PART – C (ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS) 16. a i What are the environmental impacts of building? 15 or b ii Show the water usage in buildings with an example. 15