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Team 5


Project: Tablet PC

Final Report
Table of Contents

PROJECT DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................... 3
PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE ............................................................................................................................ 3
PRODUCT FUNCTIONALITY/FEATURES .................................................................................................... 3
QUALITY ATTRIBUTES .............................................................................................................................. 4
CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Hardware Platform, Operating System, and COTS............................................................................ 4
Business Constraints ............................................................................................................................. 4
Network and Bandwidth Limitation ..................................................................................................... 4
ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES......................................................................................................... 4
POTENTIAL EXTENSIONS .......................................................................................................................... 4
REDX SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ...................................................................................................... 5
DRIVING FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 5
Future Extensions.................................................................................................................................. 5
CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................................................................................ 5
DRIVING QUALITY ATTRIBUTES .............................................................................................................. 5
Utility Tree............................................................................................................................................. 8
PROPOSED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................................ 9
Components and Connectors.............................................................................................................. 10
RedX.com Infrastructure Components............................................................................................... 11
Application Components..................................................................................................................... 12
ATAM Analysis.................................................................................................................................... 14
APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................................I
DETAILED SCENARIOS ............................................................................................................................... I
Security ................................................................................................................................................... i
Usability................................................................................................................................................ iii
Performance ...........................................................................................................................................v
Modifiability & Extensibility.................................................................................................................vi
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. IX

Project Description

RedX is a new high-tech startup company that promises to enhance the experience
of patients waiting in a dentist’s waiting room. Currently, patients are being asked to
complete lengthy medical forms before an appointment. RedX and FRED
a.k.a. Cupola will develop a hand-held (tablet pc) wireless solution that allows
patients to complete these forms on-line. The product will be a complete infotainment
system that entertains patients while they wait and at the same time serves them with
targeted advertisements. The ensuing sections identify the most important features,
functions, and requirements for the system.

Product Perspective

The following “cartoon” shows at a high level the general topology of the system. Several
(2 to 3 estimated) tablet PCs will be used in each dentist’s office. These tablet PCs will
communicate with the central RedX server through the office’s Internet Gateway where
patient forms will be stored and also from where targeted advertisements will be

Product Functionality/Features

This product has two principal functions:

1) To replace paper insurance forms that need to be filled out or updated each time a
patient enters a waiting room of a dentist or a doctor.
2) To attract users to watch Internet advertisements while also providing an infotainment
service to the user.

The tablet pc will be the device that is used to interface with the patient in the waiting
room. The patient will use this tablet to update personal information. Once the information
is recorded, the user will be able to use the tablet as an ‘infotainment’ device where the
user can browse the internet, check out information about the doctor they are visiting,
play games etc. While in use, the tablet will also display advertisements targeted to the
particular user, based on the information that the user entered when filling out the medical
form. RedX’s web site will be the default home page for the tablet and will also serve as
the Internet portal for the user.

Quality Attributes

The client is especially concerned with security, since the system will be handling
potentially sensitive personal information. Performance is also a major driving
requirement: the end user should not experience noticeable delays when using the
system. Finally, the system should be able to scale as the number of dentist offices using
the system increases.


The following constraints have been identified for this project:

Hardware Platform, Operating System, and COTS

All components of the system will run under the Windows 98SE, 2000 or XP operating
systems except hand-held computers (tablet PCs), which will either run Windows CE or
Windows XP. Commercial off the shelf (COTS) software will be used to construct the

Business Constraints

System cost should not exceed $5,000 for each dental office. This includes a package of
three hand-held clients, networking hardware, server (if required), software, and
installation charges.

Network and Bandwidth Limitation

Network is limited to connect via the Internet. System bandwidth limitations will be
restricted by DSL or a DSL comparable Internet connection. The connection shall be
capable of download rates of at least 500Kbps. This assumes streaming video takes
200Kbps of the bandwidth, and each office is capable of supporting 2 tablets.

Assumptions and Dependencies

The creation/generation of advertisements is out of the scope of this project. Backup and
typical system administrative information is also outside our scope. And it has been
decided that the system will not interface with third party dental software, such as Dentrix
and SoftDent.

Potential Extensions

Future releases of the system could incorporate a mechanism for even more targeted
advertisements. This could be achieved primarily through integration with consumer
information databases.

RedX System Architecture

This section describes the functional requirements that drive the RedX architectural design. In some
cases, references for detained requirements and constraints are made to [FRED-SRS].

Before presenting a high-level architectural design for the system, the project’s driving quality
attributes are described, followed by the Utility tree. Descriptions of the specific scenarios addressed
by the system are provided in the Appendix.

Driving Functional Requirements

Detailed descriptions of the functional requirements that the RedX system must
implement can be found in the Software Requirements Specification document [FRED-

Future Extensions

The FRED Software Requirements Specification document [FRED-SRS] also contains

descriptions of possible future extensions for the system.


Both technical and business constraints can be found in the FRED Software
Requirements Specification document [FRED-SRS] and are therefore not repeated here.

Driving Quality Attributes

Software quality can be defined as “the degree to which software posses a desired
combination of attributes (e.g., reliability, interoperability).” [IEEE 1061] Identifying the
system’s most important quality attributes is crucial to success. For the RedX system, the
following attributes were found to be the primary driving quality attributes. Concepts from
the Architectural Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) were used to identify and prioritize
these attributes. [K+98]. These Quality attributes are listed in the order of importance
from highest priority, too least.

Quality Description Metric


Usability There are two types of users considered: Average time to
maintenance staff (including administrators) complete medical
and patients in the waiting room. form, per page.

Usable maintenance software increases Average time to

efficiency of maintenance staff. complete standardized
maintenance task(s).
Usable client software for presenting the
medical form decreases time to complete Number of user-
the form and thereby increases available initiated corrections
time to view advertisements. per medical form
The system will help users complete the
medical form with usability principles, such
as error prevention, recovery, and
leveraging human knowledge.

Security Due to the sensitive nature of the recorded Mean time to system
medical information, security is important. break-in.

User authentication and encrypted data Mean time to

storage and transmission (HTTPS, SSL, unauthorized use.
etc.) procedures will be used.
Number of
accesses per month.

Reliability The system should perform its functions as Number of

intended or not perform them at all. For inconsistent system
instance, the system should display ads states per month.
according to the ad-matching algorithm
provided that the remote RedX component Mean time to failure.
is available.
Mean time to safe
Reliable exchange of information is central recovery.
to the system. Information from the users in
the waiting room should be able to reach
the central server reliably and visa versa.
The system should support atomicity,
consistency, isolation and durability for each

The system will operate in a fail-safe mode

and contain redundant components where
necessary. Error reporting/handling
mechanisms will be put in place to allow for
traceability and safe recovery.

Modifiability & Modifiability is important to allow for this first Mean time to add
Extensibility prototype to be turned into a production single function to
system. This will also allow for the system component or modify
to be easily extended for use in other a component’s
waiting rooms (e.g. car dealerships, etc.). functionality.
And the system may also end up interfacing
with commercial off-the-shelf products. It Mean time to develop
should be modular enough to connection with new
accommodate such integrations. component.

Our plan is to develop the system using an Number of conflicts

incremental prototype. Modular, object- introduced per new
oriented design and a tiered architecture will component.
be used to conceal the implementation
details of one component from another.

Performance Performance is important when service Mean time to

content to end-users with limited browsing complete one user-
time and patience. Every component of the session (single start-
system could be a potential performance to-finish user
bottleneck. interaction).

The system will be designed with Min, Max, Average

performance in mind, optimizing actions and Mean time to
such as database accesses, deliver ads for a single
encryption/decryption, use of caching, etc. page to a single user.
The system will also be designed with
scalability in mind (see Scalability).

The following remaining attributes are important to the project, but not as critical as the
driving quality attributes.

Quality Description Metric

Scalability Rapid growth is important for the system to Scalability tests.
reach the business goals of the client.
Bottleneck components will be modifiable to development time per
operate in parallel without conflict, thus user.
allowing the system to scale as close to
linearly as possible. Number of users in
concurrent operation.

Testability Testability is important to our process and Time to complete test
our approach of using an iterative prototype. certification per test,
per component.
Components will be coded to be able to
certify with an automated test suite. Number of defects
found during testing /
Component interfaces will allow for testing, number of total
while the details of the implementation are defects found.
concealed in order to modularize the
component test suite. Mean time to locate
defect after insertion.

Utility Tree

Following is the system’s utility tree, which is an ATAM output used to prioritize quality
attributes based on specific usage scenarios that system might face. Leaf nodes are
specific enough to be prioritized relative to each other along two dimensions: importance
of each node to the success of the system and the degree of difficulty to implement.

Shown are leafs that are of high importance. Leafs that are of high importance and high
difficulty represent risks to the project that should be explored in depth. Detail scenarios
are presented in this document’s appendix.

The process used by this team to identify the key scenarios was to rank them in order of
importance. This ranking activity was accomplished by allowing all 5 team members to
cast a vote on a scale of 0-5. 5 identify a scenario that a team member viewed as very
important to the success of this project. 0 represented a scenario that could be left out,
and not impact the project. Once all team members had an opportunity to vote, the votes
were totaled (this is identified as the “Ranking score” for each scenario). It was
determined that 42 scenarios would be too many to analyze by the entire team. The team
chooses to choose the top 20 scenarios for creating a utility tree, and eventually for an
ATAM activity.

Incomplete Data S3. User is filling out a form. When he hits the submit button, mandatory
Usability fields are blank. User will be prompted to complete the required blank

S4. User is filling out a form. When he hits the submit button, fields that are
not mandatory are left blank. User will be notified that the fields are blank and
will have the option to either update those blank fields or continue.(H,L)

S18. A patient completes filling out his information form and a confirmation
page appears, prompting the user to review his information before it gets
submitted to the system.(H,L)

Easiness of Data S17. Patient enters, is given a tablet to fill out information. Time elapsed
Input from when they enter until they are viewing ads is <= 10min.(M,M)

S19. A user should not be able to log in to the system without the
Security Authentication administrator's password.(H,M)

S6. The tablet is setup and another user (unauthenticated) gets the tablet.
Authorization The user is unable to modify or view the other user's medical info.(H,M)

Data S28. Hacker intercepts system communication. He should not be able to

Utility gain access to MI.(M,H)
S31. The data base of medical information can't be compromised.(M,H)

S25. A user shall be able to surf web sites that comply with the surfing policy
Policy Control of the dentist office only.(L,H)

S16. The user attemps to exit the RedX client. User is not able to exit out of
the RedX system.(M,H)

Performance Latency S13. The system can show the advertisement to the user with in 20 s. (H,H)

Correctness and S2. A user logs into the tablet and views ads according to the ad-matching
Reliability algorithm provided that the remote RedX component is available.(H,M)
S20. The dentist's connection to the ISP fails. Medical information can only
be sent to the printer.(H,M)

S26. A failure occurs. The integrity of the remote data store must remain

Concurrency S7. The system can support concurrent usage.(H,L)

Modifiability / Resilient to S12. When modifying the profiling information of an advertisement. This
modification is restricted to the available fields that already exist, and
Extensibility Changes involves selecting new valid range for these fields. This modification should
take a developer no longer than 4 hours to complete.(M,H)

S5. RedX is adding a new advertisement to the system. This must be

completed in 5 minutes.(M,M)

S9. Add a new selection criterion to the advertisement profile within 2


S22. RedX wishes to use Double-Click as its advertisement provider.

System can be enhanced in 80 man-hours.(M,H)

S12. RedX wishes to add a new type of advertisement media. This can be
done in 12 Man-hours(H,M)

S24. RedX developers wish to modify the ad-matching algorithm. This can be
done in 40 man hours. (L,M)

Proposed System Architecture

In order to present the system’s overall architecture, several views will be presented,
starting at the most abstract level. When a component is subject to risks exposed by the
scenarios, analysis of alternatives, specific risks, and trade-offs will be presented so the
reader can gain an understanding of why particular design decisions were made. Figure
1 represents a view of the system level architecture that identifies the major components
that, and their interaction with one another.

Components and Connectors

The system’s major components include those within the dentist offices, the RedX.com
site, and external web sites that provide marketing content. Within the dentist office are
wireless hand-held TabletPCs that gain access to the Internet through a small office
firewall/router to a broad band Internet connection. The TabletPC software is a thin-client
running a customized web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer MSIE) which will display
streaming video in Windows Media Player (WMP).

The RedX.com application infrastructure, which will be decomposed later, is hosted by an

Internet Service Provider who maintains a firewall to restrict entry to named TCP ports.
The connectors shown depict pervasive Internet standard protocols, such as HTTP and
SMTP. Note that an e-mail server is included in the RedX.com infrastructure, but the
tablets do not connect to this server, which is to be used for outbound e-mail. (See
Figure 2, RedX Major Components)

Figure 1 - RedX Major Components

The following components represent a client-server style of computing, not only from the
high level view of Internet browser clients communicating with RedX, but also from the
view of services provided inside the system.

Figure 2 - RedX Major Components

RedX.com Infrastructure Components

The RedX application is composed from the following COTS components. The details of
the RedX.com components, and connectors are represented in Figure 3.

Web Server – This component handles all http[s] requests from clients, communicating
with the application server through Inter-Process Communication (IPC).

Application Server – This component is the “brains” of the application, handling

requests from the web server and generating dynamic web pages based upon data in the
RDBMS and business rules.

RDBMS – The Relational Database Management System (Oracle 9i) will store subscriber
and medical information.

Authentication Server – Running an open protocol such as LDAP and/or Kerberos, the
authentication server will authenticate every transaction, talking to the application server.
In addition, this server logs each transaction.

Streaming Video Server – Microsoft Streaming Video Server will be used to buffer
streaming video files from the file system (not shown). TabletPCs will connect to the
server on TCP ports 7000 and 7001, the default for the Windows Media Player used on
the tablet.

SMTP Server– Used for marketing e-mails; mostly outbound.

Figure 3, RedX Infrastructure Components

Application Components

Residing inside the J2EE application server are the components responsible for most of
the application’s functionality. These components are shown in Figure 4, and described
below. Generally, components communicate within the application’s EJB container via
inter-process communication. Some application servers run multiple beans in the same
process space with different threads.

The component’s purpose is as follows:

o Ad Matching Service – Determine which ad to show to a user.

o Data Services – Retrieve from and save data to RDBMS via JDBC. - Part
of EJB container

o Java Server Pages – Render dynamic web pages.

o Authentication Service – Interface with the LDAP server to provide

authentication and authorization services for each transaction.

o Request Manager – Remote and/or Local interfaces (beans) that route
request to and from the EJBs.

Figure 4, Application Components

ATAM Analysis

The approach of this analysis was to identify a scenario, which supported a specific
quality attribute. Then identify the architectural decisions (or possible decisions) that
would support this quality attribute. With these architectural decisions, we would then
identify the potential risk, the tradeoffs, and sensitivity points. Other possible solutions we
also considered, and their impacts we assessed.

Analysis #1 – Modifiability

The first analysis focused on Modifiability as a quality attribute. The following scenario
was used to analyze the architectural tradeoffs, risk, and identify sensitivity points.

RedX client could be tablet pc, standard pc, windows CE and even palm. There
are many different TabletPC in the future market. Redx software can run on all
these platforms.
Quality Attribute Modifiability & Extensibility
Source System User
Stimulus Support multiple platforms
Context We do not know which Tablet PC the RedX will choose
and Redx may have to accept the existing platform in the
dental office.
Artifact Application and User interface Design
Response Software can run on multiple platforms.
Response The number of platform that RedX client support.

The main architectural component that is involved in this analysis is the Redx client. The
user interface options were to create own client or use a browser. If we create our own
client we would ultimately have can have more control over the user interactions on the
tablet. We can cache the video and reduce the bandwidth requirement, we can cache
user information when network down, and resend it after network up. The major
challenge with this approach was the lack of resources to develop this fat client. This also
would affect other quality attributes like maintainability of the client software. On the other
hand, if we choose a browser as our client, then any operating system supporting HTTP
could be our client. So based on the resource limitations, and the customer’s request for
low maintenance cost for the system, we opted for the thin client approach.

ATAM Discussion item 1

Quality Attribute Modifiability
Key factor Resilient to change
Architectural decisions:
• Uses a thin client as opposed to a fat client.

• Server loading is a concern
• The tablet is required to run specific applications to support streaming video,
and other types of media
• User interface cannot be as rich. Limited to using HTML for user interface
• Performance
• Use of beans allows the separation from business logic, and GUI
Sensitivity point:
• Number of clients accessing the web site simultaneously

Analysis #2 – Security, Authorization of access to confidential data.

This analysis evaluates the scenario that pertains to making sure the personal
information of a user is secure. Unauthorized users cannot have the ability to view or
modify any of the confidential user information stored in the RDBMS. Unauthorized users
could be in the form of hackers, or just casual web users browsing the RedX.com
website. The most likely “casual web user” that would be a threat to security would be
someone in the dentist office that picks up a tablet that another patient has set down
instead of returning it to the clerk. Because of this distinction of unauthorized users it was
discussed weather to discuss them separately or together. We agreed to analyze them
together. This decision was based on the thought that decisions made to disallow access
of the one hacker, would enhance the ability to disallow access of the casual web user.
And the reverse would also be true.

The scenarios for this analysis include the following 2:

Hacker intercepts system communication. He should not be able to gain access

to MI.
Quality Attribute Security
Source Hacker.
Stimulus Hacker manages to intercept transmission of data.
Context The robustness of the transmission protocol.
Artifact RedX system components.
Response The hacker receives encrypted data that is extremely hard
to decrypt.
Response Data is transmitted over secure channels.

The tablet is setup and another user (unauthenticated) gets the tablet. The user
is unable to modify or view the other user's medical info.
Quality Attribute Security
Source Unauthenticated user
Stimulus Acquires tablet
Context In the waiting room, Person #1 picks up the tablet after
Person#2 is done. Person#1 has completed the
information sheet, and their information has been
Artifact User information (general, and medical information)
Response Person #1 information not available to
Response Person #2 cannot see the personal/medical information for
Measure Person #1

The level of encryption was discussed in great detail. Encryption was identified to have a
tradeoff with performance. As the level of encryption was increased, the performance of
the system would be negatively impacted. The other architectural decision to support
security was to expire web pages after the medical information of the authenticated user
has been accepted. This would essentially make the system useable by anyone after the
personal information is saved in the RDBMS, and the security of the information of the
authenticated user would be greatly enhanced. From this point of view we discussed the
various ways to do this, and the final decision was to not just expire a web page, but to
expire a session bean that is used to connect an authenticated user to the RDBMS. The
idea of expiring this session bean was to mitigate the scenario where an authenticated
user places the tablet down prior to submitting their information. If the session bean did
not expire, then this connection could theoretically be open for an infinite amount of time.
During this time the confidential information for an authenticated user is vulnerable to
unauthorized access. Expiring a session bean will set a finite amount of time for which
this connection can be open. The session bean timeout become another sensitivity point
in this level of security. The discussions and decisions around this topic can be
summarized in the following table.

ATAM Discussion item 3

Quality Attribute Security
Key factor Authorization:
Architectural decisions:
• Use 128 bit encryption
• Expire data pages after data is submitted. –Restricts the use of the browsers
back button
• Can expire a session bean during data entry, if session is too long
• Have screen saver lock after 10 minutes of inactivity
• Encryption negatively impacts performance
• Level of encryption will impact performance (56,128, or 256 bit encryption
• Restrict encryption to only those pages where medical and personal information
is collected.
• Screen lock effects all operations, not just the web pages where security is a
Sensitivity point:
• Encryption level
• Identify specific web pages that need encryption
• Session bean timeout duration

This analysis also identified an area that would also need a specific security analysis. The
discussion was focused around whether to use a customized EJB, or LDAP to
authenticate users. The use of EJB would utilize the user information that exist in the
RDBMS, and would eliminate the duplication of user information that would be needed for
a LDAP. LDAP is a standard method used to authenticate web site users. At the time of
creating this document, the analysis of between these two methods is continuing. The
result of this analysis has caused someone on the team to produce a small prototype that
uses both methods. No concrete decision has been made at this point in time.

ATAM Discussion item 4

Quality Attribute Security
Key factor Authentication
Architectural decisions:
• Use LDAP, EJB services, database security, or a custom component to store
information and control access of authorized users
• The authentication services provided by EJB or the web server could not be
strong enough – may require development
• A custom component has to be developed, needs to be maintained, and may
have security flaws
• The database could become a bottleneck, requires creation of users, requires
maintenance and is another “hole” into the system. LDAP is standard, EJB needs
to be developed
• LDAP is a standard, included in Microsoft Server 2000, provides scalability
because it can be used by several web servers, but it cannot be customized and
requires an additional DB for authentication
• EJB containers may provide the needed authentication services but the EJB needs
to be defined and developed, there is an increased development cost, future
developers must know hold EJB knowledge, deployment offers more challenges
then simply using LDAP.
• With the database there is a concern with scalability. Must interface with the RedX
serve, and add additional field(s) to the RedX DB. Would add another Database
connection to RedX DB that would allow another access point for potential
• A custom component has to be developed, needs to be maintained, and may have
security flaws, but it provides more control.
Sensitivity point:
• Desired level of control

Analysis #3 – More Security. Authentication of access to confidential data.

This analysis also supports the scenario of someone trying that is trying to hack into the
system from the Internet. The intention of the hacker would be to steal, corrupt, or
somehow disrupt the integrity of the data in the RDBMS. This analysis has been
separated from the other security analysis because the tradeoffs of using browser
certificates are contained within how the certificates are used. The high-level tradeoff view
would be “use browser certificates, or don’t use browser certificates”. The use of
certificates has not yet been decided. This analysis will offer some insight into if
certificates are used how they will impact the architecture, and what are ways to use

ATAM Discussion item 5
Quality Attribute Security
Key factor Authentication
Architectural decisions:
• Use browser certificates
• Hacking:
o By not using certificates, RedX.com is available for everyone on the
Internet to access. This allows hackers the ability to see the front door of
the web site, and possible entice them to try and hack into the system.
o By using certificates, only those browsers that have valid certificates will
be able to see the front door of the web site.

• RedX would have to become a certificate authority.
• Certificates expire, and need to be renewed
• Certificates associated with user profile when users log into windows. This could
annoy the dental office, but add a level of security to the tablet
• Common browsing of the RedX site from a ‘home pc’ would not be allowed
• Updating certificate is a manual process, and involves user intervention. This
would require a limited amount of PC knowledge by the office administrators.
• Improves security, because browsers that do not have certificates will not even be
able to see the main web site page.
Sensitivity point:

ATAM Evaluation

The ATAM process offered insight into potential problem areas that would not normally
be caught during in normal design inspection. The biggest challenge that confronted our
team was identifying how to capture and record the information that was being discussed.
The ATAM was broken into “ATAM discussion points”. These discussion points would
evaluate a scenario, and the architectural sensitive decision that were necessary to
realize this scenario. After we got into the second ATAM discussion point we realized a
structured approach to this evaluation would help the flow of the meeting. This structured
approach helped in the creation, and understanding of the notes from the meeting.
Identifying the sensitivity point was a little confusing in this process. During the ATAM
meeting we thought the sensitivity point was the ‘part’ of the product that could be
adjusted to achieve various degrees of conformance to the quality attribute. Later we
discovered that the sensitivity point should identify the other quality attributes that are
sensitive to changes in this ATAM discussion.


This team found it difficult to identify the first scenarios and how to properly describe a
scenario. Initially, we would state a scenario and try to justify its validity. Once we
realized that scenario identification is basically a brainstorming session, the scenarios
sessions were more effective. After identifying a significant number of scenarios we
ranked them, and then clarified the top 20 to conform to the general scenario template.
We found this activity was best conducted in a group setting rather than individuals
creating scenarios and then merging all of the individual work. The group setting fostered
learning about architectural sensitive issues and what is important when trying to reason
about the architecture.

We found the ATAM analysis to be helpful in identifying parts of the system that may
have potential interface problems. It provided a perspective to evaluate the ‘glue’ of a
system rather than focusing on the individual components in isolation. This is a major
problem with most software systems, so identifying the interface problems early in the life
cycle greatly increases the probability of success.


Detailed Scenarios

Scenarios are used to determine whether the architecture meets specific quality goals. A
scenario is a short statement describing interaction of one stakeholder with the system.
They represent specific examples of current and future uses of a system, and are useful
to convey an understand run-time qualities. The target audience for scenarios includes
users, maintainers, developers, and clients.

Based on the business goals, requirements and the quality needs, a utility tree is derived.
Here we are using the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) to generate the
utility tree. Since we are using the utility tree as an aid to converge to an architectural
design, the major driving forces for generation of the utility tree are the business goals
and the requirements. Based on the high priority quality attributes extracted from the
utility tree, system architecture will be accomplished. Each one of these scenarios has
been ranked on a scale of 0-25 on their level of importance. Their score is included for


A user should not be able to log in to the system without the administrator’s
Quality Attribute Security
Source Customer, secretary, end user.
Stimulus An end user in waiting room obtains a tablet and tries to
log in without the administrator's password.
Context The robustness of the authorization algorithm and
encryption method for administrator password.
Artifact The profiling database for the administrator password, the
encryption method for data in database, and the
authorization algorithm such as number failure allowed.
Response The end user shall receive the warning that he does not
have right to log in to the system and can’t log in to the
Response Number of unauthorized accesses to the system per
Measure month.
Ranking score 16

Hacker intercepts system communication. He should not be able to gain access
to MI.
Quality Attribute Security
Source Hacker.

Stimulus Hacker manages to intercept transmission of data.
Context The robustness of the transmission protocol.
Artifact RedX system components.
Response The hacker receives encrypted data that is extremely hard
to decrypt.
Response Data is transmitted over secure channels.
Ranking score 13

A user shall be able to surf web sites that comply with the surfing policy of the
dentist office only.
Quality Attribute Security
Source The customer, dentist.
Stimulus A user attempts to surf to a web site that does not comply
with the surfing policy of the dentist office.
Context The user is informed about the dentist office policy. The
system has monitoring process to monitor usage of the
Artifact The dentist office policy, monitoring process.
Response The user gets warning message and is not able to visit that
web site. The user will be forced to go back to REDX
Response Number of accesses to the web site that is not complies
Measure with the dentist office policy and the mean time between
surfing that web site.
Ranking score 14

The data base of medical information can’t be compromised.

Quality Attribute Security

Source Customer, user, dentist.
Stimulus User hacks the ISP hosting RedX.com. The user tries to
compromise the database of medical information.
Context The database authenticate the user before allow him to
access the data. The Data in database is encrypted.
Artifact The database authorization process and encryption
Response The user can’t access the data in the database.
Response Number of unauthorized accesses per month. Number of
Measure records that are compromised.
Ranking score 11

The tablet is setup and another user (unauthenticated) gets the tablet. The user
is unable to modify or view the other user's medical info.
Quality Attribute Security
Source Unauthenticated user
Stimulus Acquires tablet
Context In the waiting room, Person #1 picks up the tablet after
Person#2 is done. Person#1 has completed the
information sheet, and their information has been
Artifact User information (general, and medical information)
Response Person #1 information not available to
Response Person #2 cannot see the personal/medical information for
Measure Person #1
Ranking score 20

The user attempts to exit the RedX client. User is not able to exit out of the RedX
Quality Attribute Security
Source Users (Patients)
Stimulus User attempts to exit the RedX front-end and access the
tablet’s operating system.
Artifact Tablet, RedX client.
Response User should not be able to exit out of the RedX client.
Response Testing of this scenario should reveal no way to exit out of
Measure the RedX client without proper permission/privileges.
Ranking score 18


User is filling out a form. When he hits the submit button, fields that are not
mandatory are left blank. User will be notified that the fields are blank and will
have the option to either update those blank fields or continue.
Quality Attribute Usability
Source Users (Patients)
Stimulus User hits the submit button on the form that is being filled
Context RedX system determines which fields are mandatory and
which are not. It also verifies the submitted data.
Artifact Thin client, RedX system.
Response User is notified that fields are blank and has option to either
fill out blank fields or continue without filling them out.
Response System checks submitted data again.

Ranking score 21

User is filling out a form. When he hits the submit button, mandatory fields are
blank. User will be prompted to complete the required blank fields.
Quality Attribute Usability
Source Users (Patients)
Stimulus User hits the submit button on the form that is being filled
Context RedX system determines which fields are mandatory and
which are not. It also verifies the submitted data.
Artifact Thin client, RedX system.
Response User is notified that fields are blank and MUST fill out blank
fields before continuing.
Response User will receive feedback within 3 seconds
Ranking score 21

A patient completes filling out his information form and a confirmation page
appears, prompting the user to review his information before it gets submitted to
the system.
Quality Attribute Usability
Source Authenticated user
Stimulus User Providing information to the Tablet PC system
Context Some of the ‘mandatory’ information is left blank when the
user submits their information on the tablet
Artifact User information repository
Response Person should not be able to progress further until the
mandatory information is provided
Response No other screens or options available to the user, other
Measure than the option to complete the mandatory fields.
Ranking score 16

Patient enters, is given a tablet to fill out information. Time elapsed from when
they enter until they are viewing ads is <= 10min.
Quality Attribute Usability
Source Users (Patients)
Stimulus too many ads will annoy users
Context Show advertisement
Artifact Show ads JSP
Response Calculate the time required by each advertisements
Response Maximal time required by advertisement

Ranking score 17


The system can show the advertisement to the user within 20 s.
Quality Attribute Performance
Source Customer, user.
Stimulus A patient completes forms and submits the form. The
patient will not wait more than more than 20 sec to see the
Context Network latency between a user and the advertising
server. The performance of the database machine.
Artifact Advertisement server, database server, type of the
Response An advertisement should appear to patient in < 20S.
Response The mean time before the advertisement appears.
Ranking score 18


The system can support concurrent usage.
Quality Attribute Performance
Source Customer, end user.
Stimulus Three patients are filling MI on separate PCs and posting
at the same time.
Context The ability to receive concurrent transaction of the
database server.
Artifact Database engine, advertisement server.
Response Correct ads will be displayed on all 3 tablets at the same
Response Number of the concurrent user.
Ranking score 20

A user logs into the tablet and views ads according to the ad-matching algorithm
provided that the remote RedX component is available.
Quality Attribute Reliability
Source Users (Patients)
Stimulus User reaches a page where one or more ads are meant to

Context Availability of the remote RedX component.
Artifact Thin client, remote RedX component and network.
Response Proper ad is displayed, according to ad-matching
Response Review of usage logs does not reveal improper system
Measure behavior.
Ranking score 21

The dentist's connection to the ISP fails. Medical information can only be sent to
the printer.
Quality Attribute Reliability
Source Authenticated user
Context User is logged into the system, and is actively entering
information in the Tablet. The screen the user is interfacing
with is the screen that contains their medical information.
Artifact Medical information in the RedX repository, and medical
information the user sees on the tablet screen
Response Medical information cannot be sent to the remote RedX
server. User can only send them to the printer.
Response Data can be printed.
Ranking score 16

A failure occurs. The integrity of the remote data store must remain intact.
Quality Attribute Reliability
Source Database, locally cached information.
Stimulus A failure occurs in the system.
Artifact Network, individual system components.
Response Upon recovering from failure, database is in a consistent
state and holds the latest, correct information.
Response Reviews of the data and log audits should not reveal any
Measure inconsistencies. Proper data is always displayed to the
Ranking score 13
Modifiability & Extensibility


When modifying the profiling information of an advertisement. This modification
is restricted to the available fields that already exist, and involves selecting new
valid range for these fields. This modification should take a developer no longer
than 4 hours to complete.
Quality Attribute Modifiability & Extensibility
Source Developer, customer, REDX system administrator
Stimulus A request to change existing selection criteria for an
Context A developer familiar with the system, and familiar with
oracle will make the modification
Artifact The profiling database. The database structure will not
change, only some of the field information.
Response The scenario can be implemented and tested.
Response The time frame to complete the scenario is 4 hours.
Ranking score 18

RedX is adding a new advertisement to the system. This must be completed in
5 minutes.
Quality Attribute Modifiability & Extensibility
Source System administrator
Stimulus Save the time for administrator
Context Administrator will add many new advertisements into the
system everyday.
Artifact DB design and User interface Design
Response It is easy to add new advertisement, new advertisement
vendor and the profiles
Response Average time to add new advertisement based on different
Measure scenarios
Ranking score 20

Add a new selection criterion to the advertisement profile within 2 weeks.
Quality Attribute Modifiability & Extensibility
Source System administrator
Stimulus The customer requests a change to the advertisement
profiling schema.
Context The new selection criterion is similar to the profiling
information already being used.
Artifact The database, and server software will be modified
Response The scenario can be implemented and tested.
Response The time frame to complete the scenario is 2 weeks.
Ranking score 19

RedX wishes to use Double-Click as its advertisement provider. System can be
enhanced in 80 man-hours.
Quality Attribute Modifiability & Extensibility
Source System administrator
Stimulus Double-Click is a major player in online advertisement
Context Double-Click may provide us some new methods for
Artifact DB design, middle ware design, Interface design
Response System should be more loosely coupled
Response Time we spend to integrate Double Click
Ranking score 15

RedX wishes to add a new type of advertisement media. This can be done in 12
Quality Attribute Modifiability & Extensibility
Source RedX Administrator
Stimulus A request to add a new type of advertisement (streaming
video, banner…)
Context A developer familiar with the system. Information on the
advertisement type can be found at www.iab.net
Artifact The database that contains the advertisement information.
Response A new advertisement type can be added
Response The time frame to complete the scenario is 12 Man-hours.
Ranking score 18

RedX developers wish to modify the ad-matching algorithm. This can be done in
40 man-hours.
Quality Attribute Modifiability & Extensibility
Source Redx owners, or developers
Stimulus New and improved ad matching algorithm is thought of.
Context A developer familiar with the system. Advertisement
matching algorithm is base lined.
Artifact Ad-matching algorithm definition, and software that
implements the definition
Response A new ad-matching algorithm exist
Response The task can be completed in 40 man hours
Ranking score 14


[FRED-SRS] Software Requirements Specification, MSE Studio, FRED – 2002


[IEEE-1061] IEEE STD 1061-1992. Standard for a Software Quality Metrics

Methodology. New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, 1992.

[GR93] Jim Gray, Andreas Reuter. Transaction Processing: Concepts and

Technologies. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 1993. pp. 7-18.

[K+98] Kazman, Klein, Barbacci, Longstaff, Lipson, Carriere. The Architecture

Tradeoff Analysis Method. Software Engineering Institute Technical
Report, CMU/SEI-98-TR-008, July 1998.


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