Comparison of The Impact of Various
Comparison of The Impact of Various
Comparison of The Impact of Various
Over the last .5 years. maintenance management systems for of data collected from a number of countries. The Road
unpaved roads. such as the Maintennnce and Design System and Transport Investment Model. RTIM2 (4). was developed hy
Highway Design and Maintenance System. have become increas- the Transport and Road Research Laboratory (United King-
ingly avail<1ble. Detailed data requirements have. however. deterred
dom) and is based on deterioration models developed mainly
many potential users from implementing these systems. especially
for low-volume roads. Furthermore. these systems are based on in east and west Africa.
deterioration relationships obtained from a study in Brazil. and The impact of a previously presented set of models (5)
the applicability to other areas has not been confirmed. There- developed in southern Africa has been evaluated. These models
fore . local relationships with good predictability and low data predict roughness deterioration and gravel loss over time. The
requirements needed to be developed . During a recent study in input requirements of the different sets of models were com-
southern Africa . a new set of relationships was developed for the pared. The impact that replacing the Brazilian models in the
prediction of roughness deterioration and gravel loss for low-
volume unpnved roads over time. These relationships are much MDS with the new models would have on management deci-
simpler than the previous ones. thus fulfilling local needs. The sions such as budget requirements for regraveling. routine
new relationships were compared with the existing models. The grader blading. and upgrading. was determined.
effects of the different models on management decisions about
annual gravel replacement were examined by comparing the results
of each model as it evaluated a typical unpaved road network.
The blading frequency was evaluated by the blading cost and total DESCRIPTION OF NEW MODELS
cost. including vehicle operating costs. On the basis of these
findings. conclusions about the potential necessity for upgrading
The new models were developed from data collected during
can be drawn. Road authorities worldwide must consider the
applicability of models developed in one environment to other the monitoring of 110 sections of road in the Transvaal prov-
environments and the potential impact on management decisions . ince of South Africa and Namibia over a period of more than
3 years. A factorial experiment, including a wide range of
traffic, climatic. and material properties. has been described
The necessity for improved management of road maintenance fully by Paige-Green (6). The background and methods were
is becoming increasingly important as road networks become summarized at the 4th International Conference on Low-
larger and funding is reduced in real terms. Although this is Volume Roads ( 7). The development of the set of models has
a worldwide problem. it is probably more significant in devel- been discussed previously (5). but subsequent analysis indi-
oping areas. where unacceptably rough unpaved roads result cated that particle size distribution and its method of calcu-
in very high vehicle operating costs. Major drains on the lation affected the regression model. The particle size distribu-
economy often result from increased consumption of fuel. tions were standardized. assuming a maximum size of 37.5
tires , and spare parts. which are generally imported. Valuable mm (8), and the models were reevaluated. Although the sta-
foreign exchange can be saved by providing adequate roads . tistics and variables in the model did not change significantly.
In many developing countries. spare parts are often almost minor changes to the coefficients were necessary.
impossible to obtain. and failure of an essential component
that cannot readily be replaced may render an important vehi-
cle inoperable for an indefinite period.
During the past decade, a number of maintenance man- Gravel Loss Prediction
agement systems have been developed. The Maintenance and
Design System, MDS (J,2). was developed from data obtained The best model for the prediction of gravel loss developed
in Brazil, and the Highway Design and Maintenance System. during the southern African unpaved roads study (6) was as
HDM-III, (3) was developed by the World Bank on the basis follows:
average roughness was even further out. being 96.1 and 66 .2 be selected. One of the criteria for this network was that all
QI counts/km for the Brazil and HDM-III models. respec- the information required for the old and the new performance
tively . Tpe actual average measured value was 80.0 counts/ models had to be available . In many instances. when perfor-
km . The new model predicted values of 13.1 mm and 77 .4 mance models are applied to a network of roads. estimates
QI counts/km for the average annual gravel loss and average of properties that are not very sensitive to the outcomes are
roughness. The Brazilian model predicts the annual gravel made. Consequently. no readily available network of roads
loss accurately but differs from the roughness prediction con- contained all the required information. A fictitious network
siderably. because the maximum size is not taken into ac- was developed. This network consisted of all the test sections
count (10). used to develop the new southern African performance models.
The Brazilian and HDM-III models are fairly complicated. A random number generator assigned a length to each link .
necessitating the determination of a number of geotechnical In this way. a network of 2662 .3 km comprising 77 links was
properties. identification of the material types . and estimation developed . Traffic ranged from 20 to 333 vpd. The material.
of the average vertical grade (rise and fall) and average degree traffic . and environmental characteristics used in the anal ysis
of road curvature. over the total length of the link. Because were those pertaining to the actual roads studied during the
these models were developed mainly for use in developing development of the models .
countries. where computing facilities are often rudimentary
(even at regional or head offices) and the skill levels of the
road personnel may be low. the usefulness of the models. EVALUATION OF THE MODELS' EFFECTS ON
especially in remote areas. is questionable. MANAGEMENT DECISIONS
A significant aspect of the new models is their simplicity.
The data required can be obtained quickly and cheaply using The effects of the old and new performance models on man-
relatively unskilled labor. The models developed in this study agement decisions were compared . Gravel loss . maintenance
eliminated the necessity to identify the material type and to budget, equipment requirements , overall network condition.
estimate the average grade and curvature for the road link . and upgrading requirements were studied . Analyses were car-
Simple indicator tests requiring minimal equipment and only ried out on the original MDS using the Brazilian models (old
basic operator training are required for the input parameters MDS) and the new southern African models (new MDS) .
for the model. The predictive capability, however, has not
been diminished through this process. In fact. it has generally
been improved for local conditions. Gravel Loss
lower for the new model. which means that the network is in weighted average network roughness for the new MDS was
a better condition with less maintenance . Hence. the OMC 63 .2 QI counts/km. whereas the prediction for the old MDS
and road-user cost are lower for the new model. was 81.5 QI counts/km . Besides the lower predicted budget
The aim of maintenance scheduling is to ensure that main- and equipment requirements and better road conditio n of the
tenance is applied in such a manner that the economic advan- new MDS. significantly lower road-user costs would be incurred
tage is the same on all links . For a few links this can be done by the traveling public .
manually. but as soon as a network of roads is considered.
mathematical optimization techniques have to be applied . In
the MOS . dynamic programming techniques were used . The Upgrading Requirements
economic advantage. expressed as the marginal BfC ratio.
was computed for a range of maintenance budgets. The plots The MDS has the capability of determining when it is eco-
for the old and new models are shown in Figure 1. At the nomically justifiable . in terms of total costs. to upgrade an
OMC. the marginal BfC ratio is l. unpaved road to paved standard . For a given road under
Public authorities do not normally obtain sufficient funds consideration, the output is the year when paving is justified.
for maintenance to be applied at economic optimality. Public for a range of construction costs . This permits evaluation of
expenditure on maintenance generally lies between marginal the sensitivity of the construction cost.
BfC rati os of 3 and 5. For the purpose of this comparison. a The same 16 roads were selected for paving by both sets
marginal BfC ratio of 4.0 was selected. The required budgets of models during the following IO-year period for the con-
for blading were R3.521 million for the old MOS and R2 .898 struction costs used . Because of the slower deterioration of
million for the new MOS (i.e .. a 20 percent savings). In both the road predicted by the new models. however. the time of
instances. the inability to supply this budget would result in paving was generally set a few years later than that of the old
additional road-user costs of at least R4 for every Rl in main- models for the higher construction-cost scenarios. This time
tenance funds not provided. Again, the new MDS resulted schedule again represented savings to the road authority.
in a 20-percent reduction of the predicted budget require-
ments over those of the old MDS.
Discussion of Results
Equipment Requirements and Network Condition The economic advantages of maintenance management have
been shown in a number of countries. However. the economic
Because of the lower budget requirements of the new model. advantages of using the new models in the MOS for so uthern
fewer motor graders were required . Using the old MOS . 15 African roads are clear. On the network under discussion .
graders were necessary to maintain the network optimally: annual savings of Rl. l million. made up of R0 .5 million for
only 12 we re necessary on the basis of the prediction of the regraveling and R0.6 million for blading. are possible.
new MDS. Even though fewer graders were required . the Because this savings is on a network of only 2660 km. the
overall condition predicted by the new MDS was better. The potential savings on the numbered unpaved road network of
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