Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
Physical growth and development deals with the program and set of activities
that builds physical power and strength in an individual through the
development of the various organic systems of the body.
Engaging in physical activities offers great opportunities for individuals to
express themselves, arousing qualities and attributes needed for emotional
Mental development objective pertains to the accumulation of knowledge and
the ability to think and to interpret this knowledge.
Social development objective deals with making an individual able to make
personal adjustments, peer and group adaptation, and being open to changes
as a member of society.
Spiritual development promotes deep thinking about the way in which the
body works. Learners are expected to analyze and seek ways to improve
What is health?
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity (world heath organization)
Health is the optimal well-being that contributes to one’s quality of life. It is more
than freedom from disease and illness, though freedom from disease is important to
good health.
(Corbin & welk et al Concepts of physical fitness)
Health is a condition of being sound and body, mind or spirit, especially freedom
from physical disease or pain. ( Meriam-Webster)
Health is the ability to live your dreams. It is not about the absence of pain,
discomfort or disease but points more toward a quality of life and way of being in
the world. (Moshe Feldenkrais)
Healthful lifestyle is the only way to maintain and preserve heath, rather than
waiting until one sick and then trying to get well. This state of enhanced well-being
is referred to as wellness.
What is wellness?
Wellness is the integration of many different components (social, emotional,
mental, spiritual and physical) that expands one’s potential to live (quality life) and
work effectively and to make a significant contribution to society. (Charles Corbin
et al Concepts of physical fitness)
Wellness is satisfying your needs regarding mental and emotional stability, social
consciousness and adaptability, spiritual and moral fiber, and physical health
consistent with your heredity. (William Prentice get fit stay fit)
Good health is no longer viewed as simply the absence of illness. The notion of
good health has evolved notably in the last few years and continues to change, as
scientists learn more about lifestyle factors that bring on illness and affect
wellness. Wellness living requires implementing positive programs to change
behavior in order to improve health and quality of life, prolong life and achieve a
total well-being.
Cardiovascular/Aerobic Conditioning
Cardiovascular system literally means “cardio” or heart and “vascular” or a system
or network of blood vessels. Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular
conditioning. Aerobic conditioning is a process whereby the heart and lungs are
trained to pump blood more efficiently, allowing more oxygen to be delivered to
muscles and organs. Aerobic conditioning is the use of continuous, rhythmic
movement of large muscle groups to strengthen the heart and lungs
Strength Training and Muscular Development
Strength training is a musculoskeletal exercise type that progressively increases the
resistance muscles can overcome. Over time, this enlarges and strengthens the
muscle themselves. Strength training improves your health in several ways. More
muscle mass increases your metabolism, helping you burn more calories. This
makes it easier to control your weight.
Stronger muscles reduce the risk of injury during daily activities or other exercise.
The basic principles of strength training involve a manipulation of the number of
repetitions, sets, tempo, exercises and force to cause desired changes in strength,
endurance or size by overloading of a group of muscle.
A strength exercise is any activity that makes your muscles work harder than usual.
This increases your muscles' strength, size, power and endurance. The activities
involve using your body weight or working against a resistance.