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Bachelor of Technology

Special Topic- 1 Report



Under the supervision of


Now-a-days two wheelers are the most preferred mode of transport. It is highly desirable for

bike riders and the pilots to use helmets. This paper uses image processing techniques by

which motorcyclists without helmets will be detected. If in case a motorcyclist is detected

without a helmet, the vehicle details with the person(s) on the vehicle and the number plate is

captured in the form of an image. An algorithm is designed to recognize number plates of

motor cyclists using images or videos taken by camera. The recognition of number plate

algorithms has different steps like Vehicle Classification, Pre-processing, choosing the

ROI(Region of Interest), Recognition of number plates characters using image processing

algorithms, storing in the database with the image as the proof with date and time recorded .

A database will be designed with the proof stored with the offense to identify every offender

accurately and arrest the suspect’s vehicle and hence imposing violation fines, the system

uses pure machine learning in order to identify different types of helmet that it comes across

with minimum cost.

1.1 SCOPE:
A helmet aims to scale back the impact of a force or collision to the head by an accident, that
reduces a chance of great head and brain injuries by dissipa ng the force and energy of the
impact, motorcyclists must take extra precau ons to guard their bodies.

🠶 As the law mandatorily tells that, every motorcyclist must wear a helmet while riding a

🠶 Wearing a helmet over non helmet wearer increase their possibility of survival.

Problem: Many bike riders used to ignores their safety and thus leading to the viola on of RTO
helmet rule as they drive vehicle without defence apparatus like a helmet. The policeman tried to
manage this problem manually but it is inadequate for the real situa ons.

🠶 Solu on: To unravel this problem a more sophis cated computer vision model that
encompasses image processing, CNN, Faster-RNN, OCR (Op cal character
recogni on), SSD (Single Shot mul -box Detector), YOLO (You Only Look Once) using



[1] Romuere R.V.e Silva, Kelson R.T. Aires, Rodrigo de M. S. Veras

“Detection of Helmet on MotorCyclists”

In this paper, the process of classification and descriptors are used to detect the vehicles and

then detect the persons with 2 wheelers and detect if they are wearing the helmet or not.

The processes used in this projects are:

Vehicle segmentation and classification: Detection of the backgroundA reference of the

road as background is considered so that the motion of the vehicle can be detected with

respect to the stable object (road). Segmentation of moving objectsUsing background

subtraction, the moving objects(vehicles) are differentiated with the background which gives

only an image of the vehicles and the background will be eliminated. Vehicle classificationThe

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No

vehicles are classified as motorcycles or non-motorcycles and a feature vector is obtained for

each generated image and passed on to random forest classifier to categorize vehicle as

motorcycle or a non motorcycle.

Detection of helmet: Determining RoIThis step is performed so that only the region of
interest is chosen which reduces the processing time and increases processing time.

Extracting the features - A sub window is formed in the above generated RoI and the main

part of the image(head in this case) is extracted and passed as input for the classifier to check

if the biker has put on his helmet or not.

This project/paper does mainly deal with helmet detection. For it to be used in a surveillance

system, it should be able to detect the number plate of the vehicle to impose fines on the

rider which is lacking in this project.

[2] Lokesh Allamki, Manjunath Panchakshari, Ashish Sateesha, K S Pratheek

“Helmet detection using machine learning and Automatic Number Plate recognition”

This paper does the process of extracting the objects from the image using YOLO object

detection and has 3 3segments in the entire process

1. Helmet detection - Annotated images are given to the YOLOv3 model for training and the

actual input for detection is given after training the model.

● This paper does not deal with the ability to detect the difference between motorcycle

and a non motorcycle and this project cannot be implemented for input as videos since

the input given through OCR is images only.

[3] Felix Wilhelm Sieberta, Hanhe Limb

“Detecting motorcycle helmet use with deep learning”

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No

There are 3 divisions in this project in which the data is collected in the form of videos,

preprocessed and used in detecting the riders of motorcycles with and without helmets.

1.Dataset creation and annotation - Random data in the form of videos is collected from

Myanmar and is preprocessed to each video of 100 frames each and object detection is done

through YOLO9000 algorithm with pre trained weights and the recognized vehicle with person

is bounded using boxes.

2.Helmet use detection algorithm - For object detection, the single stage approach of

RetinaNet is used to detect the helmets. ResNet50 as backbone initialized with pre-trained

weights from ImageNet. The models were implemented using python keras library with tensor

flow as backend .

3.Results - The helmet use detection results of the algorithm on the test set, using the optimal

model developed on the validation set (where it obtained 72.8% weighted mAP).

● The limitation for this project is that in many instances there will be 2 persons

traveling in the motor-cycle and this model does not recognize if the pillion is wearing

the helmet or not. This can detect only one person with a helmet or not and the

accuracy is low for a CNN network.

[4] M. Swapna, Tahniyath Wajeeh, Shaziya Jabeen

“A Hybrid Approach for Helmet Detection for Riders Safety”

In this model various previous methods related to automatic helmet detection has

been taken into consideration and the new model has been given. This is a technique

of automatic helmet detection , where the input is either the video which has been

recorded or it might be a video through a web camera. This method includes 4

different steps in it.

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No

1.Image procurement - This is the very first step of any vision system , where cameras

are used to capture images of riders on the road.

2.Preliminary processing technique - This step is mainly focused on elimination of

background noise , enhancement of contrast and image binarization.

3.Vehicle classification - This step is mainly focused on vehicle classification based on

two main parameters i.e aspect ratio and size of the particular vehicle and then the

vehicle is classified. 4.Helmet detection - This step includes extraction of the head part

from the classified image and providing it to ROI where the matching of ROI and

trained features happen to determine whether the helmet is there or not.

This model gives an idea of the number of people who violate the traffic rules. It is also

cost effective as we use open source technology like OpenCV , etc. for development

purposes. Further this model can be used to detect people talking on phone while

driving and to identify people driving at a high speed.

[4] C. Vishnu, Dinesh Singh, C. Krishna Mohan and Sobhan Babu

“Detection of Motorcyclists without Helmet in Videos using Convolutional Neural


This model tells us that since motorcycles are affordable, people use them for daily

transportation. Due to this increased use the occurrence of accidents are high . Major

of the accidents include head injury, which is due to helmet violation by the

motorcycle users. As many cities have surveillance systems for safety purposes , we

can use it for detecting non helmet riders which would be a cost effective approach.

This approach uses a machine learning technique , CNN(Convolution Neural Network)

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No

for getting good images in spite of various problems like illumination, climate changes

, etc. There are four different steps included in the process of this model:

1. Background modeling and object detection: This step is basically used for applying

adaptive background subtraction to get the images properly and of same quality no

matter whatever the conditions might be whether it's day time, night or rainy , etc. To

separate various factors not needed we use the Gaussian mixture model.

2. Object detection using Convolution neural network: This technique is basically a

type of feed forward neural network using back propagation network. The idea of

using this technique was due to the ability to extract interdependent data from the

images. This technique involves various levels for detecting the object , where in each

level we get the data and in the final level the entire image is finally formed.

3. Recognizing motorcycles from moving objects: We use bounding boxes technique

for the identification of the motorcycle from other objects. These boxes are evaluated

by providing them as an input to the CNN model , which in reference to the various

data in the test model gets to know motorcycle and other .

4. Recognizing motorcyclists with helmet: To identify motorcyclists we apply cropping

for the top one fourth of the image, cause that’s the position where the head of the

motorcyclists would always be. Then we find the subtraction of the binary image of

the same. Then CNN is applied to get the output.

● This model gives a well defined way of dealing with helmet detection and

various ways of getting rid from the problem. Thus this is a new approach using

machine learning apart from the previous approach which used image

processing and other old technologY.

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No


The first step to create a helmet detection classifier model will have to train our model with
a lot of images. We will have to select a large number of images which will help us to get
more accuracy. It is suggested to find real-world images as it is quite difficult to find a
dataset for this specific purpose. You can look on Google to find images of people wearing
helmets but make sure not to download very high-quality images because the larger the
data the more time it’s going to take to train your model.

Also, we can create our model from scratch using Convolutional Neural Network but for
detection purposes, and also we can use bigger models like YOLO.



1. YOLOV3,


3. SSD-MIN 256GB

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No


🠶 Deep Networks for Object Detection. The R-CNN method trains CNN
end-to-end to classify the proposal regions into object

🠶 categories or backgrounds. R-CNN mainly plays as a classifier which helps in

classification of vehicle, and it may not forecast

🠶 object bounds (except for refining by bounding box regression).

🠶 Detection of images is achieved through the concept of bounding boxes.

Using the arrogance score of every bounding box

🠶 will gives the knowledge that the box contains an object. PASCALVOC 2007 is
a dataset which incorporates nearly 20

🠶 different classes of images. The CNN model as compared to RCNN and Faster
RCNN is proved efficient because the number

🠶 of bounding boxes produced by RCNN is almost 1800–1900 which is incredibly

large compared to the CNN model which

🠶 produces about 100 bounding boxes. Thus, this model enables detecting
multiple objects. Henceforth, the Easynet model is

🠶 easy to create and implement which may even be extended for detecting
moving objects

🠶 A fully convolutional network, Region Proposal Network (RPN) predicts object

bounds and therefore the several objectiveness at every position.

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No


🠶 YOLO (You Only Look Once) is an algorithm that uses neural networks to
provide real-time object detection and location of the object.

🠶 This algorithm is famous because of its speed as well as accuracy. YOLO

algorithm has used by many professionals in many platform to detect traffic
signals, human, parking meters, and animals

🠶 In The YOLO Detection System. Processing images with YOLO is


🠶 System Firstly, resizes to 448 × 448 as input picture, Secondly, runs a single

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No

convolutional network on the picture, and Thirdly By the model's confidence
the resulting detections is being threshold.

SSD (Single Shot multibox Detector) is a mainstream algorithm in object detection.

It is a deep neural network model to

accomplish both image segmentation and image classification at the exact time
in precisely one execution. An objective of

SSD is to observe a proper bounding box in every image that ought to be

considered to detect an object and then use that area

of the bounding box to organize the type of object. Additionally, the best part is
that it can detect numerous objects in the

image executing only once and is significantly quicker and giving high accuracy.
SSD object detection algorithm summarises

out of 2 sections: Extraction of the feature maps and applying convolution filters for
the detection of objects. SSD generally

uses VGG16 to extract feature maps. SSD is more reliable than YOLO.

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No


The first step to create a helmet detection classifier model will have to train our model with
a lot of images. We will have to select a large number of images which will help us to get
more accuracy.

It is suggested to find real-world images as it is quite difficult to find a dataset for this
specific purpose.

You can look on Google to find images of people wearing helmets but make sure not to
download very high-quality images because the larger the data the more time it’s going to
take to train your model.

Also, we can create our model from scratch using Convolutional Neural Network but for
detection purposes, and also we can use bigger models like YOLO.

1. Objects are detected by a combination of object locator and an object recognizer.

2. YOLO approaches the object detection problem in a completely different way. It

forwards the whole image only once through the network.

3. First, it divides the image into a 13×13 grid of cells. The size of these 169 cells vary
depending on the size of the input.

4. For each bounding box, the network also predicts the confidence that the bounding
box actually encloses an object, and the probability of the enclosed object being a
particular class.

5. Most of these bounding boxes are eliminated because their confidence is low or
because they are enclosing the same object as another bounding box with a very high
confidence score. This technique is called non-maximum suppression.

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No



8.1 Determining the RoI:

Determining the RoI is an important step of the proposed system. The use of this region
enables the reduction of the area in which the search will be performed, which implies less
processing time and a greater precision of the results compared with the complete image. The RoI is
a region of the captured image in the vehicle segmentation stage. As the proposed system is
interested in the detection of motorcyclists without helmets, the head region of the motorcyclist
must be located completely inside the RoI.

The size of the RoI was tested across the image database. In all images of motorcyclists, the head
region is located within the selected RoI. Other sizes were tested but did not produce satisfactory
results. Figure 6 shows some RoIs that were identified using the image database.

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No

8.2 Extraction of features:

Prior to calculating the descriptor, pre-processing is performed to obtain a sub-window that

corresponds to the head region of the motorcyclist. First, a grayscale image was calculated. Second,
an average filter with a 5 × 5 neighborhood was applied to reduce the noise of the image. Third, the
Otsu threshold is calculated.

A search for the circle with the largest CHT accumulator (circle with the most points) is performed
based on the obtained circles. Figure 7e shows the best circle in the RoI. A strategy that uses only
geometric information, such as the use of the CHT, will not return acceptable results, as the shape of
the helmet resembles the shape of the head. Thus, more information is necessary to distinguish
heads from helmets.

A sub-window of the RoI is computed to reduce the detection area of the helmet. The use of a
sub-window enables the calculated descriptors to better detail the helmet region, as only that region
will be processed. A sub-window will correspond to the square that circumscribes the obtained
circumference . This sub-window will be employed in the extraction of features. After the
sub-window is computed, the HOG descriptor is calculated. Figure shows the steps for the
calculation of the sub-window.

A hybrid descriptor that combines the CHT and the HOG descriptors was employed for the
extraction of features. The hybrid approach incorporates different information from more than one

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No

descriptor. After the sub-window computation, the HOG descriptor is calculated. Figure shows the
steps for the calculation of the sub-window.

8.3 Classification of sub-windows:

The MLP classifier was employed in this stage. The image classification task consists of
differentiating the segmented objects into two classes: with helmet and without helmet.

A feature vector is obtained for each generated sub-window. Figure 8 shows examples of the
sub-windows that are used in the image classification stage. The HOG descriptor was employed for
the extraction of features, which were arranged in nine blocks; each block was partitioned into nine
cells. Each cell generated a feature.

Thus, a vector was generated with 81 features. An extensive variation of blocks and cells was used.
Based on the obtained results, the selected combination was determined to be the best selection. The
MLP classifier was utilized with a hidden layer. Other values of hidden layers and a model without
this layer were tested.

The results obtained with the remaining configurations were not better than the results obtained with
one layer. Another parameter that is very sensitive in the MLP classifier is the number of neurons.
In this study, 50 neurons were employed. Although other values were also tested, this value returned
the best results.

Department of Computer Science and Technology, SoE, DSUPage No

8.4 Results

In this section, the results are presented and discussed. In addition, a comparative analysis is
performed with other algorithms to describe and classify the images.

The results are divided into two groups: – results of the vehicle classifier, and – results of the
helmet detector. Information about the image databases, generated from the segmentation of
vehicles and the methodology employed for the classification of the results, are also presented in
this section.

8.4.1 Image database:

All results were performed on a machine with AMD Phenom II processor at 2.8 GHz with 8 GB
RAM. Regarding to the computational time of the vehicle segmentation, we were capable of
executing this task in real-time using 15 frames/s (half of the original video).

The generated databases showed that this frame ratio is suitable for the proposed system. Database1
was obtained from 110 minutes of video and is composed of a total of 3,245 images, which are
divided as follows:

– 2,576 images of non-motorcycles, and

– 669 images of motorcycles.

The images of database1 were employed in the vehicle classification stage, as these images were
captured from a location farther from the road compared with database2.

Therefore, the quality of the images after segmentation were not sufficient to be used in the
detection of helmet use. In some images, helmet use was not distinct. Figure shows examples of
images from database1. Database2 was obtained from 40 minutes of video. These videos were
captured at a location in which the number of motorcyclists without helmets was balanced relative
to the number of motorcyclists with helmets.

The images were captured at a shorter distance from the road compared with database1. Figure
shows examples of images from database2. Database2 is distributed as follows:

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– 151 images of motorcyclists with helmets, and

– 104 images of motorcyclists without helmets.

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🠶 1. Gonzales R, Woods R (1992) Digital image processing. Addison-Wesley Publishing

Company, Boston, pp 81–125
h p://sdeuoc.ac.in/sites/default/files/sde_videos/Digital%20Image%20Processing%203rd%2

🠶 2. Friedman N, Russell S (1997) Image segmenta on in video sequences: a probabilis c

approach. In: Proceedings of the thirteenth conference on uncertainty in ar ficial
intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
h ps://arxiv.org/ p/arxiv/papers/1302/1302.1539.pdf

🠶 3. Culjak I, Abram D, Pribanic T, Dzapo H, Cifrek M (2012) A brief introduc on to OpenCV. In:
2012 proceedings of the 35th interna onal conven on MIPRO, Opa ja, pp 1725–1730

🠶 4. Krizhevsky A, Sutskever I, Hinton GE (2012) Imagenet classifica on with deep convolu onal
neural networks. pp 1097–1105
h ps://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2012/file/c399862d3b9d6b76c8436e924a68c45b-Pape

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