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Is 191.2007

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5 15 191 : 2007 saree aT ‘treat — fafarite ( ater gerferar ) Indian Standard COPPER — SPECIFICATION (Fourth Revision ) ewisa007 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS. MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG New DEL Ho ore 2007 Price Groups Conran Copp Alloy Seatinal Conmttes, MEDS FOREWORD ‘Thisndon Standard (Fourth Revision) mas depo8 by he Buen of lodian Stands, afer the dea fail by the Coperand Copper ley Sectional Commiterad btn approved bye Mealurgial Engineting Division Coe ‘Theses vision ois sand was pushed in 1967, wich wa sabsequetly vise i 1080, The Commie tesporsble forte Krstlton af thst el th ier type of eopper ela the eae esi he ‘onal soul be eeiewed and merged line wi nears Overseas Standards. the fonnuaion ofthis Sanind,consierion hasbeen geno the manufacturing and rae pracises Followed ia the county. While ‘evuingiS 9) Bena odes to merges he lowing pts ‘tasfiation eon Dimension and mess of opp efinery shapes Peril) Methods of smpling of copper einer shaes Gr chemicals Past Cathode conse Pus Y lett oushoie copee(EYP) PV Fineretined high condi copper PRC) unVil—Flereinestoughptehipper —weowpht pou: nd alloys (FR! and FRTP 2) uv Phosphorize opper(D1P) PatIX Arsenal ough pitch copper (ATP) aX Phosphor deoitined seit opper(DPA) ‘nthiseviso the flloing modifstions have heen made: 1) 180 éesgnatons have Been aopied: 1) High purty grade Co-CATHA tas own aed ©) Consation of ld ess 4) Anew clus on references hs bee noreratd: ©) New terms ave been aed 1) Tolerances on mas ne dinerson of varios ener shapes have been given in tabul Frm )- Chemist composition nave ben gen inte bul Fos yams oxygen cantent hve Bee ede in some fhe rads: 2) Clase on sampling and err fr confomiy hs beeo modified: and 1 formation omelet rexisiviy ad conductivity rebionship aed ons wih designations as Bee given fr information (Annex A ‘hile eviing the sandr ssnanes as been derived fom he flowing ISOWTLIOE Copper and eoppesllys — Terms an defaions — Part |: Meri TSO19221988 Copper and copperatns — Teme an defnton,— Pat 2-Uneraugh prousefiney shapes) 504211981 Copper sens shapes 8011901882 Copper and coperalloys — Cade ofesignation — Pat |: Ossgntion o materia BCANDAINRS-01)Resixace for copper 1291076: 1998 Cast unweouph copper produts 60751981 Copper reer saps (Cominved om third cover) 1s 198 2007 Indian Standard COPPER — SPECIFICATION (Fourth Revision ) 1. Thisstand spelt the chem composition at rips nerieswaraus yer of epper nth os 1.2 The cline saps incu rion. veil and camino wires, eke. ila ngs Wire has ces an ils ede ar abet ‘stor regret eat The fllowing indards contain provisions. which ‘hough reference nthe constte roision oF 5 "ant, Athenee pablo deine iad ‘etal Alsat ser oesson amd paris ts acres Ose or ti sandra ae emcee "hve the posi of plying the mont resea ‘Son the sands ested bela Ise Tate HOME Mths of hemieaemlyssof om verned 158721993 Genera equeemens ore supply setlist materia econ) ve asa feos relsing io copper ant (01951986 Matrs Ud revision) (6393951984 Wr ers 505:1966 tos oft forrest ne Slee esetanee ster TERMINOLOGY 2.4 Forte pup ofthis sand the defistins iven 74 3288 Par tan ane lowing hala: 212 Cathade Copper —Catroe copper isa naught Fa rics pease by siectrorefinmyleenowteng ‘Fults cade er cathodec tose maybe sopled as ge up beveen he sppie a he pease, 133 Copper — Forte purpose ofthis clio those Cae nan Speen of hc abe 234 Casting Copper — Fire refine tuah ph copper. ‘hal eit rom mete secondary neal ington ing bcs only ad wed forking Tou cs. 4 GRADESIDESIGNATIONS. 44. The gradeiesgations of copper al Be 3 en tte! 4.2 Mais of Cusieation ‘he iteren refinery shapes cuenly produced or Shown in Tale In ench ype the sped eppes ate tovnecesaryavailele na complete range of 2250 {tonne show or fan ay ne ptr hall os 5 DIMENSIONS, MASSES AND TOLERANCES. 1 Moriootaly Cast Wie rial ast ie barrows nomial nase sal ton fo the appropriate dapnsions and tleroces renin ig Fad Tobe 2 Lies shal be a pind hae witha ees a “hems dameter and eat and th asinum Sevion ‘hom aaighmes sal eanfr th lence ven ‘aes 53 Other Shapes ‘Tee wans dimensions ans sighs of elitr Siilly oe coins) cst wie bre, verily wd Frranlly et ekes and gos, sa caf tthe Iseranes given in Table 3 5 Tolerance for Mase ad Dimensions "The tolerances on ass and dimensions rloery Hepes ahr than borontly es wie tars ar vein (6 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL, (Gane quremet for sippy ara shal ono feist 1 CHEMICAL.COMPOSETION “14 The copper of al designations sal conto to 1S 112007 ‘Table Grad/Desigaton of Copper and Ther Reiaery Shapes ‘Ciaueré nd 42), ype er For of meine Saapes Avie Cram Reiners ase w 2 eo» em corerrs | reacted wns pe 2 I : ‘ = const | mamhenet n 5 5 - Se cube Per wel = * Ss Ss so “Tle? Masserand Dineosionsot Horiontally Catt Wire Bars ‘Clase 51) ataue es boom me 2) = om ee 172. The chemical composion sal be dering ether ty themathod peed nS 440 or ay ter exible ‘tsmetacerial metiod, In sae of dispute te rocedue pein 440 for chemi anal, shal Fete referee method. However when he method nt piven nS 40 the referee method tal bea ogee 0 teiweentbepurchaser andthe manta The method forceerniravon of oxygen stall te asagresdto between "Be sper andthe purchase, 12. Aemtvely the test metho specif relevant ISOC Send maybe we, {5 FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS 81 Cathaes sal be reasonably fe trom nals nd alifereignmaterals, such copper sulphate, dt ease nd and shall withtand rama nding whoo Uweakage Fa. Snare or Honzowsatty Cast Wie BAS TaBuc a om MASS mAb Deans) “able3 Tolerances on Mass and Dimensions for Reinery Shapes Other than Horizontally Cast Wite Bars (Chaser $2,53nd58) smi, ee ng " ‘ete rah ~ 18191: 2007 Sosa Lenses, Sia ‘yma rms viou ges a orm = ((8)1 BS 3 rrororig a 8 meen fel-h ob) 8 on ON eho ot g 2 az i ci 822222 8 8 23 omen ~—(eleh ot) 888) 8 8 i t $33 53 3 cmwmm ein 228 ep 892 8 8 3 wm womy felek | | 1B 2 3 myrmmy (Soh bt 8 gE 43 woo fale ra g Mtenvaisnadas |?) ! 1 tt BRL ree hroetrt oad vnevmgy? (e/§ FF F 11k 2 3 ef i: $ ibs wma [j/E Fe € EES 5 $33 2 G33 23 £2 Cake, billets and wie bare shal be sbsaily re fiom svink ols, ack, col es, pits sloppy eds, cone lop nd ter star defect in se oF eas olmak 9 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES 91 Copper shal have zesty ata temperate of 20°C Cannel) act exceeding he values given Table 8 91 Information o rlaonship of lectica essing (ras and vale and conducts given in Arex B, nich i based sards ned by the Internatons Eleooteinal Commision. 9.2 Resistivity Test 19.21 Samples fr the esi et shal be pepe ie ‘he erm of wire of pproxinately 20m dames, which soll beamnsled at aterperatze of 55 0 580°C for no Iesthan 30min, The measurement fret shal be ‘ie out an ascrey ofa ketone prin hotand Porth tes method, refsrenes may be mde to 182535 ‘Thelen ofaple selected fore text bal be sien to vet scary requred and halle sible forte method of teing employed. Ite sample alsa Kesh "ple maybe taken and he resi checked. 10. HYDROGEN EMBRITTLEMENT TEST FOR (CuDHE,CoDPAand CATR 1041 The edges ofthe tes pecesmay be careful rounded 15191: 2007 nd mooted longudinally. Aer being exposed to staumospiereofiyarogen for 30 mia 00 10875°Cand Susequel eoold Inthe connie self! f contac ‘witha te test pices sal be subjected to nclse bend (toto Sesribd in OLA 1043 1041 The test piece AB is bent by stay eplied pressure, ofa suetesion of blows. aig ales to he Tength aC and Pattened clore anita assumes the postion inetd by D ee Fig 2) 10.2 The convex surice ofthe bond pr sal on reveal ary eacks, openings ox posi 10.1.3 Forte purpose ofthis ts, one poe of copper shale slected tom each hse, o pat theron the ‘onsigament or ore, andthe est pee ake om the plese 0 seecte, 11 SAMPLINGAND CRITERIA FOR CONFORMITY tet Ht For the determination ofthe cappet cotten, consignment up to afta mass of bout 300 should be ‘considered as single le, provided tat the whole ofthe ‘onsigamentisofthe sane carpe and consissof vores Shapes, Consignments exceeding 30 tl ae shols be dived nol of approxinaely ua sie, 1.12 Is consignment cons of sever charges and or dierent shapes, the consignment shouldbe divided ino los acordingio changes and shapes. The siz ofthe “ables Pysicl Properties (Clacer end 21) wet, | emimt | eintcoisvn [chet | te] ean ‘an gm | oom amin ve Ta ‘ue Wor” Tin [rece acs w o a o 0 “ a a cnr . zl "RGTE ~The aerial alae ey an tit snap ae en rol 5 Fe? Cuneo Tst los depen onthe charges and shapes forming the

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