Formulation, Characterization and Release Behaviour of Metformin Hydrochloride Modified Release Tablet by Using Hydrophilic Polymers
Formulation, Characterization and Release Behaviour of Metformin Hydrochloride Modified Release Tablet by Using Hydrophilic Polymers
Formulation, Characterization and Release Behaviour of Metformin Hydrochloride Modified Release Tablet by Using Hydrophilic Polymers
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/JPRI/2021/v33i59B34395
Amongst the many public health problems, the diabetes mellitus is considered as a chronic life-
style related disease which is now growing as an epidemic in both developed as well as developing
countries. The current study is about formulation of metformin hydrochloride tablet to confirm their
sustained release property by using various polymers. The tablets are prepared by granulation
techniques using binding solution containing polyvinyl pyrolline K30. The possible interaction
between the pure metformin hydrochloride and polymers are identified by Fourier transform-
infrared spectroscopy. Tablets were formulated with different polymers like Hydroxy propyl methyl
cellulose K100 and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose. Matrix prepared with high concentration of
HPMC K100 polymer retards the drug release up to 6 h at 59 %, but the formulation 2 (F2) showed
72.72% of drug release in 6 h. The release of drug from the F2 formulation was found to be
prolonged drug release when compared to other formulations. Hence our study conclude that the
HPMC K100 polymer containing formulation showed good sustained release property owing to the
high gel strength and well high viscosity nature of the polymer.
Keywords: Metformin hydrochloride; HPMC K 100; PVP K 30; CMC; sustained release tablet.
Thirumaran et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 397-405, 2021; Article no.JPRI.80157
Where, h is the height of the granular heap and r thickness, tablet friability and dissolution rate of
is the radius of the granular circle. the compressed tablet were evaluated [17-20].
Hausner ratio = Dt/ Db The compressed tablets are checked for quality
control parameters (weight variation, thickness,
2.6.1 Drug excipients compatibility studies hardness, friability, drug content, and in-vitro
drug release behavior).
The drug-excipient compatibility is determined
using FT-IR. The drug and excipients are mixed 2.7.2 Hardness
with KBr pellets and scanned at a speed of 400-
-1 The hardness of the tablet is measured by tablet
4000 cm [12-16]. The peak values, spectra and
the functional groups of the mixture are crushing load using the tablet hardness tester
compared with standard values. (Pfizer hardness tester). The tablet crushing load
is the load required to break the tablet.
2.6.2 Fabrication of sustained release tablet
containing metformin 2.7.3 Weight variation test
The sustained release formulation of metformin Tablets are randomly selected from each
was prepared by wet granulation method by formulations and weighed separately. The
mixing with various ingredients and various average weight of tablet is determined from the
batches listed in the Table 1. measured values.
Ingredients F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7
Metformin 500 mg 500 mg 500 mg 500 mg 500 mg 500 mg 500 mg
HPMC K100 120 mg 115 mg - - - - -
Sodium CMC - - 105 mg 110 mg 115 mg 120 mg 125 mg
Lactose 42 mg 42 mg 42 mg 42 mg 42 mg 42 mg 42 mg
PVP K30 15 mg 20 mg 30 mg 35 mg 40 mg 45 mg 50 mg
Magnesium Stearate 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg
Talc 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg
Aerosil 3 mg 3 mg 3 mg 3 mg 3 mg 3 mg 3 mg
Distilled Water q.s q.s q.s q.s q.s q.s q.s
Thirumaran et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 397-405, 2021; Article no.JPRI.80157
Thirumaran et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 397-405, 2021; Article no.JPRI.80157
3.5 Drug Release Kinetic Profile The release rate kinetic data of F2 formulation
was found to be the best when compared to
The kinetic data of the drug formulation was other formulation as represented in Fig. 3. As
checked in zero order, first order, Higuchi and shown in drug release data, the drug release of
Korsemeyer and peppas model, respectively. F2 formulation is best formulation suitable for first
The results were showed in the histogram graph order kinetic equation with highest linearity
Fig. 2. (r =0.988).
Thirumaran et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 397-405, 2021; Article no.JPRI.80157
Thirumaran et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 397-405, 2021; Article no.JPRI.80157
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7
As shown in Fig. 3, the plot for Korsmeyer- These formulations showed good flow properties
Peppas equation indicated a respectable linearity with better release of drugs and kinetics. In the
(r = 0.982). The diffusion exponent “n” fitted in-vitro drug release formulation F2 showed
0.982 that indicated the diffusion mechanism is 72.72% of drug release in 6 hrs. The release of
Class II transport. This indicated that the drug drug from the F2formulation was prolonged
release is better for diffusion and dissolution. compared to that of other formulations. It would
be desirable to study that formulation containing
4. CONCLUSION optimum concentration of polymer will release
the drug after prolonged time interval compared
In this current study, Metformin hydrochloride with high concentration polymers. Compared to
sustained release tablet was successfully all formulation from F1 to F7, only F2 has found
designed by wet granulation technique. Tablets to be ideal concentration of the sustained release
were formulated with different polymers with behavior. In previous study the HPMC K100 had
different composition to achieve, the target. higher viscosity shows that the formulated tablet
Thirumaran et al.; JPRI, 33(59B): 397-405, 2021; Article no.JPRI.80157
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area of research and country. There is absolutely Manasak J, Srinivasa BP. Formulation and
no conflict of interest between the authors and evaluation of sustained release matrix
producers of the products because we do not tablet of Metformin Hydrochloride. Ind J
intend to use these products as an avenue for Res Pharm and Biotec. 2013;1(2):197-200.
any litigation but for the advancement of 9. Ganesh G, Sureshkumar R, Jawahar N,
knowledge. Also, the research was not funded by Senthil V, NagasamyVenkatesh D,
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10. Bhupendra P, Rakesh P, Dhaval P, Payal
ETHICAL APPROVAL S. Metformin Hydrochloride sustained
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