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CC Internship Guidebook For Student

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Prepared for Cosmopoint College

© 2017 CosmopointSdnBhd
1. Student Information 2
2. Term of Reference 3
3. What is Internship? 4
4. Objectives of Internship 5
5. Evaluation of Internship Component 5
6. Important Links during Your Internship 6
7. Registration of the Course 8
8. Obtaining a Host Organisation 8
9. Approvals on Internship 9
10. What Students Have to Do and When? 10
11. General Rules and Policies Governing Removal from Internship 14
12. Important Contact Details 15
13. Assessment Component 16
14. Internship Report Writing Guidelines 18
15. Appendices
Appendix A-Internship Request Form 24
Appendix B-Internship Acceptance Form (Host Supervisor) 25
Appendix C - Internship Confirmation Form 26
Appendix D – Sample of Internship Logbook 27
Appendix E- Internship Completion Form 31
Appendix F- Internship Presentation Evaluation Form 34
Appendix G -Sample of Front Page and Spine for Internship Report 36
Appendix H- Sample of Declaration Page and Lecturer’s Approval 37
Appendix I - Sample of the Abstract Page 38
Appendix J- Sample of Dedication Page 39
Appendix K- Sample of Acknowledgement Page 40
Appendix L- Format of List of Table 41
Appendix M- Format of List of Figures 42
Appendix N- Format of Introduction to a Chapter 43
Appendix O- Content of the Body of Report 44

Student Information

A recent passport
sized photo with a
blue background


Student ID

NRIC/Passport Number


Mobile Number (Student)

Emergency Contact Number

Residential Address

Home (Permanent) Address

(if different with Residential
Name of Host Organisation

Host Organisation Address

Name of Host Supervisor

(On-site Supervisor)
Telephone Number (Office)

Supervisor’s Mobile No.

Supervisor’s Email

1. Term of Reference

CC Cosmopoint College
PLACEMENT Process/activity of locating a student in a training organisation.
ACADEMIC OFFICE The personnel at the AcademicOffice will manage and develop the
internship activity for students on programmes at each School.
COURSE Academic Staff member who is a representative one of the
COORDINATOR programmes in the school (e.g. Head of Academics)
INTERNSHIP TUTOR Academic Staff (Lecturer) who advises, monitors, communicates
with the students during the internship period and assign the final
mark. Normally assigned by the Course Coordinator.
HOST Workplace that provides training opportunities to students. These
ORGANISATION include public agencies, private sector and non-governmental
organisations, or other local and international institutions that are
recognized by the college.
HOST SUPERVISOR A person who will guide and monitor the students in their work
FIVE (5) DIPLOMA Diploma in E-Business, Diploma in Business Management,
PROGRAMMES Diploma in Accounting, Diploma in Multimedia Application and
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

2. What is Internship?

Internship provides the impetus for students to comprehend and appreciate real-life
working experiences. Students may realize their ambition and ascertain their career
path from the experience gained during internship. The attachment provides students
the opportunity to meet and network with people in the industry, and the industry the
opportunity to identify talents and potential skilled workers. Students may also get the
opportunity to specialize in niche areas.

The course intends to expose the students to the relations industry in order to prepare
them for the working world. Students will receive industrial experience working in
either the public or private sectors. This industrial experience is expected to motivate
the students, give them opportunities to translate their theoretical knowledge into
practical real-life scenarios, and enhance their professionalism and employability.
Continuous assessment will be given based on the students’ performance at their
respective training location.

All undergraduate students who are currently enrolling in five (5) Diploma
programmesMUST complete at least ten (10) weeks of Internship (on-site)as one of
the requirements to be awarded a diploma Cosmopoint College.Students shall proceed
to the Internship course during the final year after he/she has completed all pre-
requisite subjects or obtained approval from the Course Coordinator and School.

However, in the event of a student requesting (through a written letter) to undergo the
internship beyond the minimum 10 weeks or receiving a specific offer letter from the
organisation to do so, he/she must submit a request (together with the offer letter from
the organisation) to the Course Coordinator, for a consideration. The decision to grant
an approval is subject to the discretion of the Head of Academic and normally offered to
a student within a period of no longer than, or an equivalent duration to one semester.
It is the student’s primary responsibility to communicate with the Academic Office,
Cosmopoint College in order to ensure the registration of his/her internship (with the
right code of the course) is completed and appears in the student’s academic record, the
online system. Failure to register properly or to obtain the approval to register for
‘Internship course’ prior to the commencement of the internship placement shall be
considered the student’s fault. Any student who fail ‘Internship course’ must repeat
said course in the next semester or next academic session.

This Internship Guidebook is prepared by the School and can be used as a reference for
the Host Organisation in monitoring the students. Additionally, it must be read in
conjunction with the College General Student Handbook. Together these documents
provide the necessary information concerning who are the relevant stakeholders and
what procedures are involved in the process – providing briefing/training in preparation
for the actual internship placement, processing the students’ applications, exit
protocols for the placement, the proper conduct of supervision and communication with
the Internship Tutor during the placement period.

3. Objectives of Internship

The general objective of the Internship course allows the students to obtain practical
professional experience in the broadly related fields of politics, international relations,
security studies, strategic analysis and other related sub-fields in the social sciences.
Through the industrial experience, students will be able to fulfil the overall objectives of
the Internship as explicitly defined by the Malaysian Qualification Framework (MQF)
for our diploma programme:

i. To provide students with an opportunity to apply skills and knowledge acquired

to practical problems in "real-life" situations.
ii. Provides students with an opportunity to gain work experience that will enhance
and complement their academic learning.
iii. The course requirements are designed to provide a structure that will enable
students to make connections between what they learn in the classroom and on
the job, to further develop analytical and interpersonal skills, and to practice
business writing skills.

4. Evaluation of Internship Component

Assessments of the internship are made on the basis of the following main areas:

No Component Percentage
1 Continuous Assessment
(E.g. logbook, attendance, etc.)
2 Final Assessment
(E.g. report, presentation, etc.)
* Note: A total marks of a maximum 30% (will account from 60%) from the evaluation of
on-site supervisor

As all internships are individual and the setting of objective criteria would be difficult to
monitor, assessments are not formally marked. The assessment of the individual
internships will be by formative feedback, providing the individual intern with both
useful feedbacks from their industry supervisor and the Course Coordinator/internship

You may refer the details of evaluation of 13. Assessment Component at page (16).

5. Important Links during Your Internship
a. Course Coordinator
Course Coordinator allocation will be confirmed to you early in the academic year.
Make sure that you have communicated with your lecturer and College from time to

What does the Course Coordinator do?

i. Placement for students

 To investigate and approve the internship site sourced by the student.
 Or connect students with internship sites that match as closely as
possible to their learning expectations and make the necessary
arrangements with the host company on the proceedings of the
internship to include: application, confirmation and evaluation.
 Establish a working relationship and maintain effective communications
with the internship host companies.
 Inform the host supervisor on the requirements of the internship and the
evaluation system practiced by the programme.

ii. Academic contact point and monitoring of interns

 Support the intern during the work experience through periodic contact
with both theintern and host supervisor.

b. Internship Tutor
Internship tutor allocation will also be confirmed to you early in the academic year.
It is possible that the Course Coordinator and the Internship Tutor are the same

What does the internship tutor do?

i. Support the activities of Course Coordinator

 Supports the activities of the Course Coordinator and the academic
office, including undertaking employer liaison and providing advice and
information to interns and organisations, which host the interns.
 Assesses the intern’s performance against the requirement of the course.
 Communicates host organisation’s feedback and issues to the Course
 Monitor and assess the performance of individual interns against the
requirements of the internship course.
 Assess the required submissions from interns.
 Undertake a visit to the workplace, if necessary.

ii. Preparation of students for internship

 Hold meetings with students for a briefing on the internship prior to their
placement to assist them with course registration and the selection of
their internship site.
 Train and prepare students for the internship, submission of the
internship report and internship presentation. A minimum of 6 hours
should be clocked in for these meetings.

c. Academic Office
The personnel (Head of Academics) at the academic office will manage and develop
the internship activity for students on programmes at each School. They will also
support the students in the other schools as required during the period of pre-
internship preparation and the internship. The office also undertakes support visits
to students on internship to facilitate student development and work based
learning, and to maintain good employer relations.

6. Registration of the Course
The formal process begins with the registration of the internship course. To fulfil
this requirement, students are advised to contact the Course Coordinator(Head of
Academic or Programme Coordinator) for details on the registration of internship
process, at least 2 months before the internship starts.

The procedure for registration is also outlined under the section on What Students
Have to Do and When?

When do you register?

Internship Period Registration Internship

January – April November of the preceding year
May - Aug March
September - December July

7. Obtaining a Host Organisation

Once the registration is completed, students shouldcontact the Internship Tutor to
determine a suitable option to finding a host company for internship.

Students should fill in the InternshipRequest Form (CC-AcademicHQ-FRM006;

Rev 00) and submit it to the Internship Tutor of your school.

There are two options available for students:

OPTION 1: Internship sourced by the student

Students who wish to directly approach companies in Malaysia, or overseas for

internshipopportunities are strongly encouraged to do so. But students are given a
limited period tofind one. Failing which, students are advised to follow Option 2.

OPTION 2: Internship sourced by the AcademicOffice

The academic office of the College will assist students with a list of contacts within
theindustry in Malaysia, or overseas.

8. Approvals on Internship
(a) The internship sourced by students (Option 1) must be approved by the School
through the respective Internship Tutor prior to the commencement of the
internship. Students should fill in the Internship Confirmation Form(CC-
AcademicHQ-FRM008; Rev 00) and submit it to the Internship Tutor of your
School with the internship offer letter.

Once the Course Coordinator has approved the Internship, the student’s internship
particulars will be registered to the Academic Office’s Database. Only an officially
recorded internshipis to be considered valid.

Internships sourced by the Academic Office do not require approval by theSchool.

However, students should also fill in the Internship Confirmation Form(CC-
AcademicHQ-FRM008; Rev 00) to confirmtheir acceptance of the internship.

Students are not allowed to change a host organisation during the internship period
unless writtenpermission from the Course Coordinator has been obtained.

(b) Switching host organisations if the fit is not right

We understand that sometimes, despite the best intentions, things just don’t work
out. It is possible to move from one host organisation to another if this happens.
However, please note that this type of change is granted only in very rare cases.
This can happen after a full evaluation concludes that the students and host
organisation cannot continue together.

It is very important that students not leave their host organisation without approval,
and they should contact Course Coordinator if they’re considering leaving.

While extremely rare, there are valid reasons for requesting a change of host
organisation. These include:

i. Financial difficulties at the host organisation

ii. Unwillingness or inability of the host organisation to follow the training plan
or provide appropriate support and supervision
iii. Conflict between the student and host organisation that cannot be resolved
iv. Physical or emotional abuse, or harassment by colleagues or management

Nevertheless, please note that Course Coordinator is not allowed to change a host
organisation for students who have less than 25% of their programme duration

If a serious problem arises, contact Academic Office. They will work with the host
organisation to address the issue and, hopefully, resolve it. If a change is still
desired after this is done, the student will be asked to submit a personal statement
describing why the change is being requested and whether a new host organisation
has been identified.

If a change is granted, the Course Coordinator provides a written permission to the


9. What Students Have to Do and When?

It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet deadlines - put important dates in
your diary.

Before Internship Period

Registration of Internship Starts : March 2018
Final Year Semester Starts : May 2018

Week To Do Form to Use and Where to Remarks

2  Register Internship  Course registration form  Schedule an
Course available from appointment with
 Fill-up request form Internship Tutor of your Internship
school. Tutor to complete
 Internship Request this requirement.
Form(CC-AcademicHQ-  Indicate
FRM006; Rev preferences for
00)available from Course internship and
Coordinator and option for obtaining
Internship of school. Host Organisation.
 Submit the
completed form to
Internship Tutor of
3  Attend first Pre-  Schedule and venue of  Topic 1:
Internship the briefing sessions Introduction to
briefingsession by available from Internship Internship
the Internship Tutor of school.  Topic 2: The
Tutor. Resume
 Topic 3: Resume
and Selection of
 Topic 4:
Preparation for
Interview With
Internship Host
 Topic 5: Interview
4  Prepare CV and  Endorsement letter  Option 1: You are
application letters. available from the free toapproach
 Send applications Course Coordinator for organisations
tocompanies with Option 1. directlyfor
CV and internship
endorsement letters, opportunities.
if you choose Option  But you are given
1; only amaximum of
 Or submit CV to the two months from
Course Coordinator this week, to find
and Academic Office one. Failingwhich,
if you choose Option you are advised
2. tofollow Option 2.

 Option 2: The
Academic Officewill
arrange your
internshipwith its
11  For internship  InternshipConfirmation  Submit the form
sourced bystudents: Form(CC-AcademicHQ- with the offer letter
Get approval FRM008; Rev to the Course
ofinternship from 00)available from Coordinator of
yourCourse Internship Tutor and school.
Coordinator. Course Coordinator of  Academic Office will
school. arrangeyour
internship with
itscontacts if you
are unable toget an
internship offer.
13-14  Confirm acceptance  Internship  Submit the form to
of internship and Confirmation Form(CC- the Course
notify your Course AcademicHQ-FRM008; Coordinator of
Coordinator. Rev 00) available from school.
InternshipTutor and
Course Coordinator of

During Internship Period

Internship Semester Starts : May 2018
Week To Do Form to Use and Where Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 to7Get 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Internship
Pre-  Attend second Pre-  Internship
Schedule and venue of
Period  Topic 6:Post-
Start Internship briefing the briefing sessions CourseGuide End
session by the available from  Topic 7: Internship
Internship Tutor. Internship Tutor of PresentationGuidelines
school.  Topic 8: Internship
Report Guidelines
2  Hand in the  InternshipCompletion  Schedule an
assessmentforms to Form (CC- appointment withyour
organisationsupervi AcademicHQ- host supervisor
sor. FRM009; Rev tocomplete this
 Discuss 00)available requirement.
internshipobjective fromCourse  Show your logbook to
s with Coordinator andin yourorganisation
organisationsupervi your Internship supervisor and
sor. courseguidebook. requestfor his/her
 Start to record your  Internship initials/signature
dailyactivities in Logbookavailable atthe end of each
your fromCourse week.
internshiplogbook. Coordinator andin
your Internship

6-8  Arrange a visit by  Contact your

your Internship Internship Tutor to
Tutor. arrange a suitable time
and date for the visit.
10-  Prepare  Check the course guide  Request your host
11 presentation and/ for the format of the supervisor to put the
or internship presentation and InternshipCompletio
report. report. n Form (CC-
 Request your  Internship Supervisor AcademicHQ-
organisation Report available from FRM009; Rev 00) in
supervisor to fill-in Course Coordinator sealed envelope,
the Internship and in your course signed across the seal
Supervisor guidebook. and hand-in to you on
Report. your last working day.
 Your host supervisor
can also post the form
to the Course
Internship Tutor.
Ensure that you have
given the correct

After Internship Period

Week To Do Form to Use and Remarks
Where to Get
12-14  Hand in your  You will give a
internship report, presentation of your
logbook and experience on a date
organisation supervisor arranged by your
report to your Internship Tutor.
Internship Tutor.  Your Internship
Tutor will advise you of
the last day of
 The presentation may be
arranged either in the
College or the company
 Your Internship Tutor
may require you to
submit a soft copy of your

1. It is not our role to remind you of your responsibilities or to chase you for
required paperwork or assignments (by the submission deadline).

2. Failure to submit work and comply with the entire course requirements within
stipulated dates will result in an INCOMPLETE GRADE for the course. In such
a case, you will be required to register for the course again by completing the
course registration procedures.

10. General Rules and Policies Governing Removal from Internship

i. Students have to undergo internship course minimum ten (10) weeks(on-site) to

obtain a Diploma. Should any students seek for Internship Course beyond above
duration may do so by applying to the Course Coordinator (subject approval).
Internship hours MUST total a minimum of 400 hours (8 hours x 5 days x 10

ii. Student shall be covered by insurance prior to commencement of the Internship
Course (to be discussed with Course Coordinator/ Internship Tutor during
internship briefing.) The insurance will be cancelled after the internship

iii. The student are required to abide the House Rules of the host organisation in
which he/she is undergoing the Internship Course and rules by Cosmopoint

iv. The student should behave and wear proper attire during the training period, in
line with the host organisation’s standard.

v. The student is required to be in full attendance during assigned working hours

unless due to illness, accident or unfortunate incidents with valid reasons
approved by “HostSupervisor”.

vi. It is COMPULSORY to report the matter to the “HostSupervisor” and need to be

accompanied with documents as evidence. Only Medical Certificates (by
government or Panel doctors are valid) and Certificate of Death should there be
such an occurrence, be accepted. Other evidences are considered void.

vii. The student must practice good judgment and prudence in handling the
organisation’s business affairs obtained during the attachment and after. Any
organisation’s private information should be treated as confidential.

viii. The student cannot/should not deliberately, or (need to constraint oneself) from
damaging or misusing the organisation’s properties.

ix. Students MUST submit the Internship Report stipulated by the Internship

x. The student is NOT ALLOWED to request or change the organisation after

placement has been confirmed by the Course Coordinator unless you have
obtain approval from Course Coordinator.

xi. All rules and regulations which apply to the student while in CC will also apply
during the internship period.

An intern may be removed from an internship site if the intern:

i. Fails to demonstrate reliability in terms of attendance or completion of

ii. Fails to demonstrate adequate capacity for functioning as a member of a
work team; or
iii. Fails to demonstrate capacity for ethical practice.
iv. Commits an offence deemed crime that is liable for a lawsuit.
v. Does not comply with policies and regulations at the internship site.
vi. Has been found to incite unrest or mutiny at the internship site.
vii. Participates in the active grapevine contributing to uneasiness and
discomfort among staff or the supervisor in charge.

viii. Fails to report on day one at the stipulated time and is frequently unable to
perform up to the set standards in the industry.

Upon receiving any negative feedback pertaining to the above from the designated
host supervisor, the coursecoordinator/internship tutor and personnel from the
academic office will consult with the host supervisor to determine the reason for the
request. If it is found that the intern cannot complete the internship requirement,
the intern will be removed from the internship site. The decision to remove an intern
from an internship may not be appealed.

11. Important Contact Details

Students who need to contact CC during training must contact their Course
Coordinator/Internship Tutor at the following address:

College’s Address
Cosmopoint College Pulau Pinang
Unit 72-1-46, Arena Curve,
Jalan Mahsuri,
11950 Bayan Lepas,
Pulau Pinang

Contact Details
Telephone : 04-6110658
Fax : 04-6115340
Email : norishah.saad@cosmopoint.com.my

12. Assessment Component

i. Work Performance and Logbook

Ensure that your host supervisor has completed the Internship Completion
Form (CC-AcademicHQ-FRM009; Rev 00). Pleasenote that you will be
assessed by your host supervisor based on:

 The duties/tasks required to be completed and/or
 The logbook which contains details of the work done on your internship
 Your contribution to the company and your colleagues at work as well as
evidence of your personal development and
 The Internship Completion Form (CC-AcademicHQ-FRM009; Rev 00),it
is your responsibility to ensure that your course coordinator/internship
tutor is given this form already completed by your industry supervisor in
time for the end of your internship.

ii. Internship Presentation

Students shall be required to present their internship work to an audience of
their peers, thecourse coordinator/ internship tutor, host supervisor, and
other academic members of theirprogramme. It will typically be scheduled at
the end of the academic semester upon completionof the internship.

The internship presentation should be similar to the work presented in the

internship report. It isdesigned to help improve oral communication and IT
skills. Students will also be required toanswer questions posed by the
audience on field-related topics.

Students should prepare a 10-15 minutes PowerPoint presentation and allow

about 5-10 minutesfor audience questions. A slide show should be presented
using a laptop computer, LCD, andPowerPoint Software. The slide show may
include a variety of different images, including photos,text, tables, figures, and

The well-prepared student will begin work on the presentation during the
internship periodthrough seeking needed information from the professionals
and resources available on site at theinternship host company. Nevertheless,
the oral presentation should not simply be a series ofimages, but instead
include different types of images as needed to best communicate
lessonslearned during the internship experience.

Your course coordinator/ internship tutor will advise you if you are required to
submit a soft copy ofyour presentation.

The Internship Presentation Evaluation Form(CC-AcademicHQ-

FRM010; Rev 00)will be used to assess your presentation by yourpeers,
course coordinator/ internship tutors and other academic members of your

iii. Internship Reports

The submission of your internship report is one of the last steps in the
program leading to thecompletion of your diploma programmes. The report is a
scholarly statement of theresults of the student's internship. To ensure
uniformity in the format of the report,guidelines have been established. These
guidelines are designed to ensure that all papers arehigh in quality and
consistent in the arrangement of the contents.

The internship report must be a professionally finished work in format, style,
spelling and appearance, as the finished document reflects on both the
student and the university. Theformat of the report should be consistent with
the guidelines presented herein. Failure to follow these instructions may result
in an instruction to revise it.

You are required to submit the internship report within two weeks of the
completion of yourInternship experience. To avoid delay, every student should
begin work on the report during the internship period.

Please refer to the Internship Report Preparation Guidelines when preparing

your report.

13. Internship Report Writing Guidelines

14.1 Purpose

 The guidelines serve as giving the basic for writing neat and good reports.
 The entire guidelines aim to guide the students in preparing a more distinctive
report to achieve the objective of the training.
 The guidelines are divided into two areas, which are general and overall content.

14.2General (Format)

PAPER A4 (80 gm), White

MARGIN LEFT = 1.5”, TOP = 1.5”, BOTTOM = 1”, RIGHT = 1”

FONT / SIZE Times New Roman (12)

PARAGRAPH 1.5 spacing

CHAPTER NUMBERING Bold and must be spelled (refer Appendix N)



ALIGN: Right

FOOTER : Page number (Page 1) ALIGN: Right

BINDING SET 1: Ring binding

SET 2: Hard cover ( prepare after approval of Course


COLOR OF HARD COVER Dark Blue with Gold colour font

PAGES Page contain not less than 50 pages (exclusive of


OTHERS One-sided printing only

Front Page – HARD COVER(refer attachment G)

Details of Declaration &Lecturer Approval (refer

attachment H)

Table of Content must be placed in correct sequence

Report must be categorized according to chapters

14.3Overall Content
The report should have three different areas: Introductory Content, Body of the
Report and End of the Report. All of the above contain standard procedures that
need to be followed by student. The paper must be almost entirely free from
grammatical errors of misspellings

In general, the overall content is shown as follows:

Cover Page
Declaration Page
Abstract Page

Dedication Page
Acknowledgement Page Introductory Content

Table of Content
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Appendices

Background of Organisation Body of the Report
Internship Experience
Assessment and Recommendations

End of the Report

If you wish, you may include a page with a brief note of dedication or
acknowledgment of help received from particular persons. The pages of this section
should be assigned a place in the small roman number sequence for the preliminary
pages, and the numbers should be displayed at the center of the bottom margin of
the page.

14.3.1. Cover Page

Refer to the illustration of the cover page in APPENDIX G. This format should not be
changed or amended at all. The size of the cover page is A4. Any other size is not

14.3.2. Declaration Page

This page contains the declaration of the student on the originality of his/her work.
This page must be endorsed and signed by the student. Refer to the illustration of
declaration page in APPENDIX H.

14.3.3. Abstract Page

This page contains the objectives of the report. Refer to the illustration of abstract
page in APPENDIX I.

14.3.4. Dedication Page

This page can be excluded if it is not necessary. It should not exceed five lines and
should not contain figures, tables, pictures and etc. Refer to the illustration of
dedication page in APPENDIX J.

14.3.5. Acknowledgement Page

This page is also not compulsory and should not exceed one page. Refer to the
illustration of acknowledgement page in APPENDIX K.

14.3.6. Table of Content

This page lists all content of the report that consists of the Introductory Content,
Body of the Report, and End of the Report in a systematic order. The purpose is to
assist readers in finding any part of the report easily. The pages must tally with the
respective titles in the report. Refer to the illustration of table of page content in

14.3.7. List of Tables

All tables must be listed sequentially. The list should contain page number, and title
of the tables. Refer to the illustration of list of table in APPENDIX L.

14.3.8. List of Figures

Figures should be listed chronologically. Figure’s number, figure’s title and page
number should be included. Refer to APPENDIX M.

14.3.9. List of Appendices

The list of the appendices should include the alphabet of each appendix, the title of
the appendix, and the page number.

14.3.10. Text

This section contains the information on the Internship. Students need to explain
in detail to what they want to present. The section below describes the suggested
format that can be used by the students. Students need to follow the format closely
as marks are given for following the format. Refer to Appendix K for further detail
on 14.3.11 to 14.3.13.

14.3.11. Introduction

It is recommended that the INTRODUCTION presents a brief overview of the

internship date, company, supervisors, tasks done, lessons learned, and
arrangement of report. It should also cover the objective of internship. In brief, the
INTRODUCTION is to assist reader to get an overall view of the student’s internship

14.3.12. Background of the Organisation

In this chapter, a student may include the background on the school/organisation’s

set up, ownership, shareholders, administration system, and organisation. Students
are advised to discuss with the respective officer/host supervisor to ensure that the
information presented is not confidential.

14.3.13. Internship Experience

Here, students need to describe the internship tasks or assignment given by the
organisation. Do not repeat what you have written in the log book (while the log
book requires you to list detailed description of everyday duties, the report must be
presented in a general manner as to the skills and knowledge acquired during
the training).
Students also need to describe how they achieve the assigned tasks or assignments
i.e., methodology and tools used. A student must describe any problems
encountered when completing tasks or assignments and ways to overcome the
problems. If there are ways to improve tasks, it should be added at this part of
report. Lastly, students need to describe the skills developed and knowledge gained
from the internship.

14.3.14. Training Assessment and Recommendations

In this section, the student needs to assess whether the experience gained has
fulfilled the objectives set for the internship. If not, recommend how those objectives
could have been achieved. A student needs to comment on the suitability of the
organisation and/or tasks given to their academic knowledge and/or personality.
Students may also comment on weaknesses related to the overall conduct of the
training and make any recommendations.

14.3.15. Conclusion

Students briefly state the experience gained during the internship and
improvements to be made to prepare the students for actual work environment.

14.3.16. References

List of references or books must be attached at the back of the report, after the
section of suggestions and recommendations. The name of author, title, and
publisher, place of publication and year of publication should be included.
References should be placed in alphabetical order (according to the name of author).

The title of the source should follow the author’s name. Depending upon the type of
source, it should be listed in italics or quotation marks.

A book should be in italics;

Henley, Patricia. The Hummingbird House. MacMurray, 1999.  

A website should be in italics:

Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian

Chili." eHow, www.ehow.com/how_10727_make-vegetarian-chili.html.*

A periodical (journal, magazine, newspaper) article should be in quotation marks:

Bagchi, Alaknanda. "Conflicting Nationalisms: The Voice of the Subaltern in

Mahasweta Devi's BashaiTudu." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, vol. 15,
no. 1, 1996, pp. 41-50.

A song or piece of music on an album should be in quotation marks:

Beyoncé. "Pray You Catch Me." Lemonade, Parkwood Entertainment, 2016,


14.3.17 Appendices
The purpose of the Appendices is to provide additional information that is
related to the report. However, each appendix has to be referred to in the Body of
the Report. Appendix that is not referred in the text should not be included.

Listed below are among the materials that may be included in the Appendix:

• Log book
• Examples of calculation
• Diagrams
• Tables, charts, and other related materials
• Program listing.

Sample of Internship Logbook (First Page)

Student’s Details:
Student name Student ID

Gender Position offered

Contact Details (work):

Mobile Number :

Email :

(other than email college)
Start date of internship
End date of internship

Organisation details:
Company Name :
Address :

Telephone number :
Fax number :

Contact person :
Job Title :
Address :
(if different from above)

Mobile number :
Email :



Table 1: The Planner

Week Date Type of Task Location Notes/Remarks

1 3/10/2017- Given a task to create a simple ABC Sdn. Bhd Deadline: to present on:
7/10/2017 online advertisement to promote 9/10/2017
online product; hijab’s promotion.


Student’s Signature : Supervisor’s Signature :

Name : Name :
Student ID : Position & Stamp :
Date : Date :
Note :
1. Please refer to your Host Supervisor regarding the activity planned for your internship.
2. Please include attachment whenever necessary.



Day :Monday
Date :2/10/2017
Time Daily Activity Remarks
In(am) Out(pm)

9.00 9.00 am -Report duty to HR Department.

9.30 am- Ice breaking session.
9.45am - HR made a tour to each department and introductory to

10.30 am – Meet and get briefing from the supervisor. Being
explained the niche of company and set the planning for internship

12.00 pm – etc.

6.15 Clock-out

Note: Please include attachment whenever necessary

Declaration :
I hereby declare that the above information provided is true.

Student’s Signature :
Date :



Date Task Summary Remarks
From To

2/10/17 6/10/17 Create an advertisement for online shopping website Presented on



Instruction to the Host Supervisor:

Please refer to the intern’s report according to the Section B: Daily Activity Report before
evaluating and commenting. Tick (/) in the suitable box.


Intern work performance and report:
Supervisor’s Signature :
Moderate Good Name :
Fair Excellent
Position & Stamp :
Date :

Internship Report Marking Scheme for Examiners

1st 2nd
Criteria Excellent Examiner Examiner Nil Remarks
10 (a) (b) 0
Presentation Excellent appearance, Untidy appearance,
andOrganisation nospelling mistakes, good careless spelling, poor
syntax,well-paragraphed grammar, fragmentary
with clear structure, lacking in
indication of structure, sequence, no
smoothflow, illustrations, illustrations or
andappropriate appendices, does not
appendices conform to
Objectives and Objectives clearly stated Objectives unclear and
Methodology and translated by an unstated.
appropriate investigation No reference to
methodology. methodology employed,

Excellent self-evaluation little or no evidence that
of methodology. objectives have been
Conclusive evidence of attained. Little
objective attainment. evaluation of
Depth of Conclusions developed Uncritical acceptance of
Analysis from an appropriate range data at face value from
and Logical of data, discussion limited range of sources.
Development logically developed from Confusion between fact
sequentially established and opinion.
facts with evidence of Generalizations made
critical analysis. and lacking in logical
Convincing argument from development.
a substantial range of
Originality Novel subject for Lacking in originality,
investigation, innovative chiefly reproduction of
approach, creative existing material with
methodology and little discriminatory
presentation, selection.
recommendations and
conclusions representing
an original perspective.
Use of Wide range of Few references, poor
References references,comprehensive coverage ofthe subject.
coverage of thesubject Little use of
utilizing both academictexts to
academicand other texts. interpret subject.
Referencescited Weakreferencing.
according to
Conclusion/ Demonstrates a No synthesis. Omits
Application clearunderstanding of reference topractical
potential applications situations,
and/or limitations. totallytheoretical in
The theoretical and treatment.
practicalareas integrated Pedestrian and
whereverappropriate. simplisticconclusions
Original andcreative and/orrecommendations.
Marks Total Marks (a) + (b)

Sample of Front Page and Spine for Internship Report (Hardcover)


1.5 cm
Gold Stamping
(Uppercase, Bold, Times New Roman 20-point gold-coloured font)

(Uppercase, centered, bold, Times New Roman 18-point gold-coloured font)

(Uppercase, centered, bold, 18-point gold-coloured font)

(Uppercase, centered, bold, 18-point gold-coloured font)

Note: The left, right, top and bottom margins should be at least 4 cm.


(Sample of Declaration Page)

(Required Page)

I hereby declare that this Internship Title is the result of my own work,except for quotations
and summaries which have been duly acknowledged.


(Student’s Name)




(Course Coordinator’s name)



(Sample of the Abstract Page)


This report describes the internship attachment that took place done at ABC Sdn. Bhd. Tasks
that were given include development of business plan and project management. Training on
development of business plan was given. A workshop on Microsoft Project was also held to give
basic exposure and training on the use of the tool for project management. Presentations given
include a business plan team presentation to management of ABC Sdn Bhd. Trainee
participated in project management activities including weekly project management review
meetings. Practical training stint gave trainee exposure on real life working environment and
allowed the acquisition of new competencies such as project management.


(Sample of Dedication Page)

(Optional Page)

This Final Report is dedicated to:

My caring father, _______________________, who showed me the importance of continuing

education for the betterment of life;

My loving mother, ___________________, who taught me the very essence of a strong family
institution; and

My lecturer, _______________________, who taught me usefulknowledge and skills.


(Sample of Acknowledgement Page)

(Optional Page)

I would like to express my utmost gratitude to __________________ of ________________ who had

given his guidance throughout the practical training period.

I would also like to express my appreciation to all lecturers and especially to my supervisor
_______________ from the School of ______________, for their support and guidance in assisting
me in report writing.


(Format of List of Table)

(Compulsory Segment)


(Format of List of Figures)

(Compulsory Segment)


(Format of Introduction to a Chapter)

(Compulsory Segment)


Content of the Body of Report


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………..…………… 1 - 8

1.1 Training date…………………………………………………………………………………….. 1

1.2 Company………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
1.3 Supervisors…………………………………………………………………………………...….. 3
1.4 Responsibilities and tasks…………………………………………………………………….. 4-6
1.5 Lessons learned……………………………………………………………………………….…. 6-7
1.6 Arrangement of report………………………………………………………………………..… 8

CHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND OF COMPANY………………………………………………………. 9 - 15

2.1 School/Company’s setup…………………………………………………………………………… 9
2.2 Ownership…………………………………………………………………………………………....
2.3 Shareholders………………………………………………………………………………..……….
2.4 Administration System…………………………………………………………………………….
2.5 Organisation Chart………………………………………………………………………………...
2.6 Customers………………………………………………………………………………………..….
2.7 Main Competitors…………………………………………………………………………….…….
2.8 Products………………………………………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER 3: TRAINING EXPERIENCE …………………………………………………..……….

3.1 Responsibilities
3.1.1 Daily work Description of tasks………………………………………….. Problem encountered………………………………………... Ways to overcome problems……………………………….. Ways to improve tasks………………………………………

3.1.2 Special assignments/projects Planning – Time frames, objectives, etc…………………… Organizing – Methods and tools used, etc………………… Leading – Responsible people, etc………………………… Controlling – Problem encountered, ways to solve
problems, evaluate success of project, etc………………..

3.2 Lessons Learned

3.2.1 Skills Developed – technical, communication, human, etc…………
3.2.2 Knowledge Gained……………………………………………………..


4.1 Training Assessment………………………………………………………….
4.2 Suitability of Organisation…………………………………………………….
4.3 Weaknesses of Recommendations…………………………………………

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………..……


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