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Cam IGCSE German 2e Scheme of Work

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Scheme of work

 Course length: a course length of 2 years has been assumed.
 Staffing: it is expected that most teaching centres will have one member of staff teaching the class 4 hours per week.
 Skills: all skills are exemplified in the sub-units of the textbook. Students will get exposure to the skills needed in the various parts of their exam by
completing the skills tasks in each sub-unit, and also by using the exam corners at the end of each unit.
 Strategies and phonic focus: strategies are exemplified in the Teacher notes for each unit. Phonic focus areas are exemplified in the study section
of the units. You will find at least one strategy and/or a phonic focus for each unit.
 Homework: it would be expected that teachers will set some of the textbook activities for independent work in order to ensure full coverage of the
content. Vocabulary learning using the vocabulary lists at the end of each section will also support students. In order to ensure differentiation when
setting homework, students should always also be encouraged to develop their own strategies if they think that the strategies suggested by the book
are not ideal for their learning style.
 Extra resources: grammar reference section on pages 224–47 of the Student Book; online: teacher notes and answers, audio transcripts,
vocabulary lists

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 1

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work

Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty content phonics
Section 1: I
introduce myself
Unit 1.1
House and home
1–3 1.1a Wo ich 12 Einsteigen Describing Nouns with the indefinite äu and au
wohne where you live article
(country, region,
type of area,
type of house)
1–3 1.1b Mein 14 Abfliegen Describing your Definite articles (singular Compile your own Skills task:
Zuhause house (rooms, and plural); bilingual vocab lists Speaking (Conversation)
design, colours) undeclined adjectives and learn the words
on them.
1–3 1.1c Was ich zu 16 Abfliegen Describing Present tense regular Learn the patterns of Skills tasks:
Hause mache activities in each verbs; nominative regular verbs and Listening
room pronouns (including apply them whenever Speaking (Conversation)
man) you see a verb that Writing (80–90 words)
looks like one of the
regular conjugations.
1–3 1.1d Eine 18 Unterwegs Describing Dative case; dative Skills tasks:
Beschreibung von various rooms in prepositions Reading ER6
meinem Zuhause greater detail Speaking (Role play)
Unit 1.2
My school
4–6 1.2a Mein 20 Einsteigen Describing Ordinal numbers (times); ie and ei
Stundenplan school days of the week
timetable, with

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 2

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty content phonics
4–6 1.2b Ein typischer 22 Abfliegen Describing a Present tense irregular Get used to using the Skills tasks:
Schultag typical school verbs (haben and sein) grammar section at Reading ER3
day the back / own Speaking (Conversation)
reference and read
the explanation
before you do the
grammar task.
4–6 1.2c Meine 24 Abfliegen Describing Accusative case Plan vocabulary Skills tasks:
Schulgebäude school buildings prepositions e.g. durch, learning into your Listening EL4
and facilities  gegen, entlang regular routine and Speaking (Role play)
find which learning
methods suit you
4–6 1.2d Das 26 Unterwegs Life in a school Forming questions, Skills task: speaking
Schulleben in den in Germany / G- (interrogative adverbs (Conversation)
deutschsprachige speaking which don't change) Writing (130–40 words)
n Ländern country

Unit 1.3
My eating habits
7–8 1.3a Essen und 28 Einsteigen Describing Plural nouns; kein a as in Katze, ä as in
trinken typical meals Bär and a as in Rat 
(food and drink)
7–8 1.3b Meinungen 30 Abfliegen Comparing food Comparative adjectives Give your opinion Skills tasks:
zum Essen rund from different (including irregulars whenever you get an Reading ER4
um die Welt countries and e.g. besser, höher, näher) opportunity and then Skills task: speaking
giving opinions give the reason for (Conversation)
the opinion with, if Writing (80–90 words)
possible, a
7–8 1.3c Eine 32 Unterwegs Discussing a Superlative adjectives Skills tasks:
ausgewogene balanced diet (including irregulars Listening EL6
Ernährung e.g. am besten) Speaking (Role play)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 3

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty content phonics
Unit 1.4
My body and my
9 1.4a Körperteile 34 Einsteigen Naming parts of Impersonal verbs, es j as in Jugend
und Krankheit the body and gibt, es geht, es tut weh)
saying how well
you are (or not)
10 1.4b Der Körper 36 Abfliegen Going to the Adjectives used as Get used to using a Skills tasks:
und die chemist or adverbs bilingual dictionary Reading ER3
Krankheiten doctor and from German to your Skills task: speaking
explaining own language — no (Conversation)
symptoms glossary at the back. 
11 1.4c Wie man sich 38 Abfliegen Describing Modal verbs present (1) Build up a bank of Skills tasks:
fit hält different ways (mögen, müssen, wollen, frequently-used Speaking (Role play)
of keeping fit können)   words and phrases, Writing (80–90 WORDS)
learn them and use
them regularly.

12 1.4d Gesund 40 Unterwegs Discussing Separable verbs present Skills tasks:

leben healthy lifestyles Listening EL5
Skills task: speaking
Magazin 46 Abfliegen Stuttgart
Magazin 48 Abfliegen Basel
Prüfungsecke A1 50 Abfliegen Listening
Prüfungsecke A2 52 Abfliegen Reading (1)
Prüfungsecke A3 54 Abfliegen Reading (2)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 4

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty content phonics
Section 2:
My family and
my friends, at
home and
Unit 2.1
Self, family, pets,
13 2.1a Familie und 56 Einsteigen Introducing self, Singular possessive f and v
Haustiere family and pets  adjectives
14 2.1b 58 Abfliegen Describing Declined adjectives after Produce material Skills tasks:
Beschreibungen people indefinite articles from each topic to Listening EL4
physically – self, keep for revision e.g. Skills task: speaking
family, others paragraph containing (Conversation)
main points, mini- Writing (80–90 words)
essay, filled-in
information grid. 
15 2.1c 60 Abfliegen Describing Relative pronouns Join short sentences Skills task:
Charaktereigensch people's (nom.); co-ordinating together to make Speaking (Role play)
aften beschreiben characteristics conjunctions longer more
sophisticated ones.
16 2.1d Beziehungen 62 Unterwegs Describing who Plural possessive Skills tasks:
zu Familie und you (do not) get adjectives Reading ER6
Freunden on with Skills task: speaking
Unit 2.2
Life at home
17 2.2a Der 64 Einsteigen Describing your Reflexive verbs (including ss as in dass and ß as
Tagesablauf zu daily routine at dative for hair and teeth) in Fußball 
Hause home

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 5

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty content phonics
18 2.2b Die 66 Abfliegen Describing how Informal imperative Improve your spelling Skills tasks:
Hausarbeit you can help at e.g. dictate words to Listening EL3
home your partner, learn Speaking (Role play)
how to spell the
19 2.2c Ich helfe 68 Unterwegs Describing how Dative verbs; Skills tasks:
meiner Familie you help your interrogative adjectives Reading ER6
family at home (e.g. welcher) Skills task: speaking
Writing (130–40 words)

Unit 2.3 Leisure,

20 2.3a Hobbys – 70 Einsteigen Discussing gern and  nicht gern; ch as in Mittwoch
Lass uns leisure activities adverbs and adverbial
ausgehen! outside the expressions of frequency
21 2.3b Wann treffen 72 Abfliegen Making plans – Future tense  Correct your written Skills tasks:
wir uns? inviting and work. Reading ER3
being invited  Skills task: speaking
Writing (80–90 words)
22 2.3c Was für eine 74 Unterwegs Describing a Perfect tense with Skills tasks:
Woche! week full of haben; irregular past Listening EL6
activities participles  Speaking (Role play)
2.4 Eating out
23 2.4a Im Imbiss 76 Einsteigen Ordering drinks ich möchte and ich hatte u as in Bus and ü as in
and snacks gern Lücken

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Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty content phonics
24 2.4b Guten 78 Abfliegen Describing a visit Adverbs and adverbial Study role plays in Skills tasks:
Appetit! to a restaurant  expressions of time; textbook, practise Listening EL3
perfect tense with haben them aloud with Speaking (Role play)
partner and adapt
them, taking the
examiner as well as
the student role.
25 2.4c Essen wir 80 Unterwegs Comparing weil and other Skills tasks:
heute Chinesisch different types subordinating Reading ER5
oder Indisch? of food in conjunctions Skills task: speaking
restaurants (Conversation)
Writing (130–40 words)
Unit 2.5 Special
26 2.5a Besondere 82 Einsteigen Learning about Ordinal numbers (dates) qu as in Quelle
Anlässe in special
meinem Kalender occasions

27 2.5b Eine Party 84 Abfliegen Understanding Perfect tense with sein; Find examples of the Skills tasks:
party revise and extend grammar point you Listening EL3
preparations with haben are learning in the Speaking (Role play)
reading and listening
passages, translate
them into your own
language and adapt
28 2.5c Wir feiern 86 Unterwegs Learning about Imperfect of geben, Skills tasks:
special haben and sein Reading ER6
occasions in a Skills task: speaking
German- (Conversation)
speaking Writing (130–40 words)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 7

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty content phonics
Unit 2.6
Going on holiday
29 2.6a 88 Einsteigen Learning about ich möchte + infinitive ai as in Mai
Ferienunterkünfte countries and
und Ferienziele types of holiday
30 2.6b Meine Ferien 90 Abfliegen Understanding Perfect tense: separable Skills tasks:
and writing and inseparable verbs Reading ER3
about holiday Speaking (Role play)
31 2.6c Reisepläne 92 Unterwegs Discussing Word order – main and Include examples of Skills tasks:
future holiday subordinate clauses (1) present, past and Listening EL6
plans future tenses Skills task: speaking
wherever possible, if (Conversation)
relevant. Writing (130–40 words)
Unit 2.7 Family
and friends
32 2.7a 5000 94 Einsteigen Discussing Nationalities, countries er as in Herz, Berlin
Kilometer … aber secure and languages
auch nahe communication
with contacts in
other countries
33 2.7b Schön, dass 96 Abfliegen Discussing visits Formal and informal Understand when to Speaking (Role play)
du da bist! to family and register use formal and
friends abroad informal register.
34 2.7c Das war ein 98 Unterwegs Describing past Imperfect (regular forms Make sure you Skills tasks:
toller Besuch! visits abroad and revision of geben, understand when you Reading ER6
haben, sein) need the imperfect Listening EL5
tense and when you Skills task: speaking
need the perfect (Conversation)
tense. Writing (130–40 words)
Magazin 104 Abfliegen Freiburg

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© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty content phonics
Magazin 106 Unterwegs Deutsch in
Prüfungsecke B1 108 Abfliegen Writing (80–90
Prüfungsecke B2 110 Unterwegs Role play (ES1)

Unit 3.1 Home

town and
35 3.1a Was gibt es 112 Einsteigen Learning about Adverbs and adverbial sch as in Schule
in deiner Stadt? the buildings in expressions of time
a town
36 3.1b Mein 114 Abfliegen Describing town Indefinite Skills tasks:
Wohnort and country pronouns (etwas, man, Reading ER3
locations nichts, jemand, Speaking (Role play)
37 3.1c Stadt oder 116 Unterwegs Advantages and Genitive prepositions; Formulate and learn Skills tasks:
Land – wo wohnst disadvantages of seit with the present your own responses Listening EL5
du lieber? different places tense to the most likely Skills task: speaking
to live  questions to come (Conversation)
up in each topic.  Writing (130–40 words)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 9

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work

Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject content Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty phonics
1–3 3.2a Wie viel 118 Einsteigen Learning about Quantities z as in zwanzig
kostet das? shops and prices
1–3 3.2b 120 Abfliegen Describing Declined adjectives Make notes as you Skills task: speaking
Einkaufszentrum shopping habits after definite article listen, but remember (Conversation)
oder Tante-Emma- to cross them out
Laden? afterwards.
1–3 3.2c Das perfekte 122 Abfliegen Describing Demonstrative Skills tasks:
Geschenk presents (shape, adjectives (dieser, Reading ER4
size, material) jener) Skills task: speaking
bought for (Conversation)
friends and
1–3 3.2d Das passt dir 124 Unterwegs Shopping for Accusative object Circumlocution – Skills tasks:
perfekt! clothes and pronouns finding ways around Listening EL5
changing bought words you cannot Speaking (Role play)
items remember or do not Writing (130–40 words)
know, particular
useful in role play
Unit 3.3
Public services
4 3.3a Bank und 126 Einsteigen Discussing Cardinal numbers  eu as in Deutschland
Geldwechsel money exchange

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 10

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject content Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty phonics

5 3.3b 128 Abfliegen Discussing Relative pronouns (all Listen to native Skills tasks:
Kommunikationsm communicating cases) speakers regularly Reading ER3
ittel im Alltag via the post e.g. access audio and Skills task: speaking
office, internet listen again. (Conversation)
and phone Writing (80–90 words)
6 3.3c Verloren und 130 Unterwegs Talking about Accusative object Skills tasks:
gefunden items which have pronouns with the Listening EL6
been lost and perfect tense Speaking (Role play)
Unit 3.4

7–8 3.4a Die Umwelt 132 Einsteigen Describing what Negative: nicht(s), st as in Stadt and sp
schützen you do to protect neimand, nie, kein) as in Sport
the environment 
7–8 3.4b Nationalparks 134 Abfliegen Discussing Indefinite pronouns: When you give a Skills tasks:
– wie wichtig sind national parks jemand, etwas, nichts, piece of information, Reading ER4
sie? and their man back it up with extra Skills task: speaking
importance  details whenever (Conversation)

7–8 3.4c 136 Unterwegs Discussing Genitive singular Skills tasks:

Umweltprobleme environmental Listening EL6
problems and Speaking (Role play)
possible Writing (130–40 words)

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© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject content Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty phonics

Unit 3.5 Weather

9–10 3.5a Wie ist das 138 Einsteigen Describing Compass directions w as in Wasser,
Wetter? weather in a Wand
speaking country
9–10 3.5b Eine 140 Abfliegen Understanding Weak nouns Get the general gist Skills tasks:
Wettervorhersage and making first (R & L), then sift Listening EL4
weather out the details you Skills task: speaking
forecasts need, watching (Conversation)
carefully for

9–10 3.5c Trockenheit 142 Unterwegs Learning about Imperfect (revision) Skills tasks:
und Tornados – weather Reading ER6
der Klimawandel problems and Speaking (Role play)
climate change Writing (130–40 words)

Unit 3.6 Finding

the way

11–12 3.6a Wo ist der 144 Einsteigen Saying where Prepositions for where ä as in Bär, ü as in
Bahnhof? places are in things are (dat.); Lücken, ö as in Löwe
town adverbs of place (hier,
dort, links, rechts, etc.)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 12

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject content Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty phonics

11–12 3.6b Wohin 146 Abfliegen Understanding Formal imperative Adapt phrases you Skills tasks:
geht’s? and giving already know by Listening EL3
directions in heart to help you Speaking (Role play)
town deliver accurate and
authentic language.
11–12 3.6c 148 Unterwegs Understanding Dual-case prepositions Skills tasks:
Wegbeschreibung and giving longer Reading ER5
en and more Skills task: speaking
complex (Conversation)
directions Writing (130–40 words)

Unit 3.7 Travel

and transport

13 3.7a Wie kommst 150 Einsteigen Learning about Modal adverbs (sehr, o as in groß and ö as
du dahin? different types of ziemlich, viel, wenig, in Löwe 
transport ein bisschen)
14 3.7b Einsteigen, 152 Abfliegen Travelling on Prepositions round-up Practise asking Skills tasks:
bitte! foot and by bus (all) questions as well as Reading ER5
answering them. Speaking (Role play)
Make sure you know
all the question
forms. Learn to
predict questions
that might occur.

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 13

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject content Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty phonics

15 3.7c Unterwegs in 154 Unterwegs Describing a Interrogative Skills tasks:

der Stadt route in town pronouns wer, wen, Listening EL5
wem; contractions of Skills task: speaking
prepositions e.g. zum, (Conversation)
zur, ins, vom Writing (130–40 words)
Magazin 160 Abfliegen Bayern

Magazin 162 Unterwegs Wien

Prüfungsecke C1 164 Unterwegs Higher level
Prüfungsecke C2 166 Unterwegs Higher level
Units/ First Level of Subject content Grammar Strategies/
sections page difficulty phonics

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© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work

Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject content Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty phonics

Section 4:
Studying and
Unit 4.1
German schools
16 4.1a Das deutsche 170 Abfliegen Learning about Demonstrative In conversations, Skills tasks:
Schulsystem the German pronouns (dieser, remember to include Listening EL4
school system jener etc.); opinions and extra Skills task: speaking
prepositions with da, details. Also make (Conversation)
e.g. damit, darauf comparisons with Writing (80–90 words)
your own experience
where possible.

17 4.1b Als ich in der 172 Unterwegs Discussing Imperfect (irregulars) Skills tasks:
Grundschule war… primary school with seit Reading ER6
experiences Speaking (Role play)
Unit 4.2 Further
education and

18 4.2a Möglichkeiten 174 Abfliegen Talking about Verbs with zu Study the questions Skills tasks:
nach der Schule training places first (R & L) – they Listening EL4
and career paths will give you an idea Speaking (Role play)
after school about what is Writing (80–90 words)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 15

© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
Scheme of work
Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject content Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty phonics

19 4.2b Zukunftspläne 176 Unterwegs Talking about Subjunctive Skills tasks:

nach der future plans after with möchte Reading ER6
Oberstufe school Skills task: speaking

Unit 4.3 Future

career plans

20 4.3a Berufe und 178 Abfliegen Describing Masculine and Whenever you get Skills tasks:
Karrieremöglichkei different types of feminine jobs an opportunity (W & Reading ER4
ten job and career S), look at issues Speaking (Role play)
possibilities from two angles, e.g. Writing (80–90 words)
advantages /
positive / negative.
21 4.3b 180 Unterwegs Talking about job Subjunctive Skills tasks:
Berufswünsche wishes and with würde Listening EL5
career Skills task: speaking
possibilities (Conversation)
Unit 4.4 Do not leave gaps —
Employment make an educated

22 4.4a 182 Abfliegen Talking about Dative pronouns and Skills tasks:
Gelegenheitsjobs part time jobs their position Reading ER4
und das and a gap year Skills task: speaking
Auszeitjahr (Conversation)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 16

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Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject content Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty phonics

23 4.4b Die Arbeit 184 Unterwegs Understanding Adjective endings Make sure you Skills tasks:
job adverts and after etwas, nichts, include all of the Listening EL6
applications viel, wenig, alles information you are Speaking (Role play)
asked to give (W). Writing (130–40 words)

Unit 4.5
and technology at

24 4.5a 186 Abfliegen Communicating Telephone numbers; Circumlocution – Skills tasks:

Kommunikation by telephone at formal imperative (2) different ways of Reading ER3
bei der Arbeit work  saying things. Speaking (Role play)

25 4.5b 188 Abfliegen Talking about Infinitive constructions Skills tasks:

Informationstechn information (ohne … zu, um … zu) Listening EL4
ologie bei der technology at Skills task: speaking
Arbeit work (Conversation)
Writing (80–90 words)

26 4.5c Vorstellungs- 190 Unterwegs Talking about job Subjunctive of sein and Practise different Skills tasks:
gespräche für interviews haben, forms of writing you Reading ER4
Gelegenheitsjobs might need in exam Speaking (Role play)
e.g. email, postcard,
letter, essay.

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© Hodder & Stoughton 2019
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week page difficulty phonics

Section 5:
The international
Unit 5.1
International travel
27 5.1a Ins Ausland 192 Abfliegen Describing Word order in main, Skills tasks:
fahren journeys abroad subordinate and Listening EL3
by plane, car and relative clauses Skills task: speaking
train (Conversation)
28 5.1b Gute Reise! 194 Unterwegs Learning about Pronouns selbst, Always check your Skills tasks:
travel plans with selber work for accuracy – Reading ER5
different modes check verb tenses Speaking (Role play)
of transport and agreements Writing (130–40 words)

Unit 5.2 Weather

on holiday

29–30 5.2a Hier ist es nicht 196 Abfliegen Comparing Recognising the Skills tasks:
so kalt! weather in passive and avoiding Speaking (Role play)
different holiday it with man Writing (130–40 words)

Cambridge IGCSE™ and IGCSE (9–1) German Second Edition 18

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week page difficulty phonics

29–30 5.2b Wie war das 198 Unterwegs Describing Pluperfect Learn to infer Skills tasks:
Wetter im Urlaub? weather in past meaning – Reading ER6
holidays  sometimes the EL5
answer needs a bit Skills task: speaking
of working out. (Conversation)
Unit 5.3 Festivals
and faiths
31 5.3a Religionen 200 Abfliegen Faiths and Revision of adjectives Use the grammar Skills tasks:
und Feste weltweit festivals in and comparatives clues to help you Reading ER4
different parts of work out meaning. Skills task: speaking
the world (Conversation)
Writing (80–90 words)

32 5.3b Wie feiert man 202 Unterwegs Describing Imperfect (revision) Skills tasks:
hier? religious festivals Listening EL6
in Germany and Speaking (Role play)
around the world

Unit 5.4
33 5.4a Speisen rund 204 Abfliegen Talking about Modal verbs present Use the grammar Skills tasks:
um die Welt dishes from (revision dürfen, clues to help you Listening EL4
around the world sollen) work out meaning. Skills task: speaking
Writing (130–40 words)

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Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject content Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty phonics

34 5.4b Wie isst man 206 Unterwegs Describing and Independent possessi Skills tasks:
weltweit? comparing meals ve pronouns Reading ER4
from around the Speaking (Role play)
world with those
in Germany
Unit 5.5

35 5.5a Wie können wir 208 Abfliegen Describing Subjunctive Work with a partner Skills tasks:
die Umwelt retten? environmental of mögen, können, and use peer review Reading ER4
problems and sollen on a regular basis. Skills task: speaking
their solutions Test each other and (Conversation)
criticise each other’s
36 5.5b Fallstudie: 210 Unterwegs Learning about Modal verbs in the Skills tasks:
Umweltlösungen in measures to imperfect; seit + the Listening EL5
der Schweiz combat imperfect Speaking (Role play)
environmental Writing (130–40 words)
Magazin 216 Abfliegen Berlin

Magazin 218 Unterwegs Südtirol

Prüfungsecke D1 220 Higher level
Writing (130–40

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Teaching Sections/units First Level of Subject content Grammar Strategies/ Notes
week page difficulty phonics

Prüfungsecke D2 222 Conversation


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